1.12.5 Time Zone
Adjust time zone and clock settings here. Provided a network is congured, you can
also set up a Network Time Protocol (NTP) client that automatically synchronizes your
computer with a time server. This is the same conguration as shown earlier in Sec-
tion 1.8, “Clock and Time Zone” (page 16).
1.12.6 User Settings
Change the current User settings and change or set the Root Password here. This is the
same conguration as shown earlier in Section 1.11, “Create New User” (page 21).
1.12.7 Default Runlevel
openSUSE can boot to different runlevels. Normally, there should be no need to change
anything here, but if necessary set the default runlevel with this dialog.
1.12.8 System
This dialog presents all the hardware information YaST could obtain about your com-
puter. When called, the hardware detection routine is started. Depending on your system,
this may take some time. Select any item in the list and click Details to see detailed
information about the selected item. Use Save to File to save a detailed list to either the
local le system or a oppy. Advanced users can also change the PCI ID setup and
Kernel Settings by choosing Kernel Settings.
1.12.9 Installation from Images
Installing from images considerably speeds up the installation. Images contain com-
pressed snapshots of installed systems matching your selection of patterns. Packages
not contained in the images deployed will be installed conventionally.
Unless your custom software selection does not match any of the available images, this
feature is Enabled by default. In case of problems, Disable it for debugging purposes.
28 Reference