A: Wrong key codes can be substituted by using learning method to re-learned the key codes.
Q: “Power” or “Signal Input” function inoperable
A: The power and signal input codes are inconsistent on some remote controls; however these special key codes can be learned by using learning
Q: After learning from original A/C device, RKM-520 can not remote A/C accordingly.
A: A/C remote control’s signals are transmitting based on combining the operation setting and codes together then transmit the signal at once to A/C.
Although the codes are the same with A/V systems, how it transmits the signals are different from the A/V systems.
A: You can learn the following functions on an A/C remote control: High, Med, Low, dehumidify and power off.
Q: Can all remote control codes be downloaded or learned?
A: No 100% guarantee on the codes can be downloaded or learned, the code servering through Internet is the best way to share the codes