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Congratulations on choosing a SUBARU vehicle. This Owners
Manual has all the information necessary to keep your SUBARU in
excellent condition and to properly maintain the emission control
system for minimizing emission pollutants. We urge you to read
this manual carefully so that you may understand your vehicle and
its operation. For information not found in this Owners Manual,
such as details concerning repairs or adjustments, please contact
the SUBARU dealer from whom you purchased your SUBARU or
the nearest SUBARU dealer.
The information, specifi cations and illustrations found in this
manual are those in effect at the time of printing. FUJI HEAVY
INDUSTRIES LTD. reserves the right to change specifications and
designs at any time without prior notice and without incurring any
obligation to make the same or similar changes on vehicles
previously sold. This Owners Manual applies to all models and
covers all equipment, including factory installed options. Some
explanations, therefore may be for equipment not installed in your
Please leave this manual in the vehicle at the time of resale. The
next owner will need the information found herein.
is a registered trademark of FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES LTD.
This manual describes the following vehicle types.
1) Legacy
2) Outback
& Warranties for U.S.A.
SUBARU vehicles distributed by Subaru
of America, Inc. and sold at retail by an
authorized SUBARU dealer in the United
States come with the following warranties:
. SUBARU Limited Warranties
. Federal Emission Control Systems
. California Emissions Control Systems
All warranty information, including applic-
ability, details of coverage and exclusions,
is in the Warranty and Maintenance
Booklet. Please read these warranties
& Warranties for Canada
SUBARU vehicles distributed by Subaru
Canada, Inc. and sold at retail by an
authorized SUBARU dealer in Canada
come with the following warranties:
. SUBARU Limited Warranty
. Emission Control System Warranty
All warranty information, including applic-
ability, details of coverage and exclusions,
is in the Warranty and Service Booklet.
Please read these warranties carefully.
How to use this Owners
& Using your Owners Manual
Before you operate your vehicle, carefully
read this manual. To protect yourself and
extend the service life of your vehicle,
follow the instructions in this manual.
Failure to observe these instructions may
result in serious injury and damage to your
This manual is composed of fourteen
chapters. Each chapter begins with a brief
table of contents, so you can usually tell at
a glance if that chapter conta ins the
information you want.
Chapter 1: Seat, seatbelt and SRS
This chapter informs you how to use the
seat and seatbelt and contains precau-
tions for the SRS airbags.
Chapter 2: Keys and doors
This chapter informs you how to operate
the keys, locks and windows.
Chapter 3: Instruments and controls
This chapter informs you about the opera-
tion of instrument panel indicators and
how to use the instruments and other
Chapter 4: Climate control
This chapter informs you how to operate
the climate control.
Chapter 5: Audio
This chapter informs you how to operate
your audio system.
Chapter 6: Interior equipment
This chapter informs you how to operate
interior equipment.
Chapter 7: Starting and operating
This chapter informs you how to start and
operate your SUBARU.
Chapter 8: Driving tips
This chapter informs you how to drive your
SUBARU in various conditions and ex-
plains some safety tips on driving.
Chapter 9: In case of emergency
This chapter informs you what to do if you
have a problem, such as a flat tire or
engine overheating.
Chapter 10: Appearance care
This chapter informs you how to keep your
SUBARU looking good.
Chapter 11: Maintenance and service
This chapter informs you when you need
to take your SUBARU to the dealer for
scheduled maintenance and informs you
how to keep you r SUBARU running
Chapter 12: Specifications
This chapter informs you about the dimen-
sions and capacities of your SUBARU.
Chapter 13: Consumer information and
Reporting safety defects
This chapter informs you about Tire
information, Uniform tire quality grading
standards and Reporting safety defects.
Chapter 14: Index
This is an alphabetical listing of all thatsin
this manual. You can use it to quickly find
something you want to read.
& Safety warnings
You will find a number of WARNINGs,
CAUTIONs and NOTEs in this manual.
These safety warnings alert you to poten-
tial hazards that could result in injury to
you or others.
Please read these safety warnings as well
as all other portions of this manual care-
fully in order to gain a better understand-
ing of how to use your SUBARU vehicle
A WARNING indicates a situation in
which serious injury or death could
result if the warning is ignored.
A CAUTION indicates a situation in
which injury or damage to your
vehicle, or both, could result if the
caution is ignored.
A NOTE gives information or sugges-
tions how to make better use of your
& Safety symbol
You will find a circle with a slash through it
in this manual. This symbol means Do
not, Do not do this,orDo not let this
happen, depending upon the context.
& Abbreviation list
You may find several abbreviations in this
manual. The meanings of the abbrevia-
tions are shown in the following list.
Abbreviation Meaning
A/C Air conditioner
Automatic locking retractor/
Emergency locking retractor
ABS Anti-lock brake system
AKI Anti knock index
ALR Automatic locking retractor
AWD All-wheel drive
BSD Blind spot detection
Continuously variable trans-
DRL Daytime running light
Electronic brake force distri-
ELR Emergency locking retractor
FWD Front-wheel drive
GAW Gross axle weight
GAWR Gross axle weight rating
GPS Global positioning system
GVW Gross vehicle weight
GVWR Gross vehicle weight rating
HID High intensity discharge
Abbreviation Meaning
INT Intermittent
Lower anchors and tethers for
LCA Lane change assist
LED Light emitting diode
LSD Limited slip differential
MIL Malfunction indicator light
Methylcyclopentadienyl man-
ganese tricarbonyl
MT Manual transmission
OBD On-board diagnostics
RON Research octane number
RCTA Rear cross traffic alert
Steering responsive fog lights
Supplemental restraint sys-
SUBARU Rear Vehicle De-
TIN Tire identification number
Tire pressure monitoring sys-
Vehicle symbols
There are some of the symbols you may
see on your vehicle.
For warning and indicator lights, refer to
Warning and indicator lights F21.
Mark Name
Read these instructions care-
Wear eye protection
Battery fluid contains sulfuric
Keep children away
Keep flames away
Prevent explosions
Safety precautions when
& Seatbelt and SRS airbag
. All persons in the vehicle should
fast en their seatbelts BEFORE
the vehicle starts to move. Other-
wise, the possibility of serious
injury becomes greater in the
event of a sudden stop or acci-
. To obtain maximum protection in
the event of an accident, the
driver and all passengers in the
vehicle should always wear seat-
belts when the vehicle is moving.
The SRS (Supplemental Restraint
System) airbag does not do away
with the need to fasten seatbelts.
In combination with the seat-
belts, it offers the best combined
protection in case of a serious
Not wearing a seatbelt increases
the chance of severe injury or
death in a crash even when the
vehicle has the SRS airbag.
. The SRS a irbags deploy with
considerable speed and force.
Occupants who are out of proper
position when the SRS airbag
deploys could suffer very serious
injuries. Because the SRS airbag
needs enough space for deploy-
ment, the driver should always
sit upright and well back in the
seat as far from the steering
wheel as practical while still
maintaining full vehicle control
and the front passenger should
move the seat as far back as
possible and sit upright and well
back in the seat.
For instructions and precautions, carefully
read the following sections.
. For the seatbelt system, refer to Seat-
belts F1-16.
. For the SRS airbag system, refer to
*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint
System airbag) F1-41.
& Child safety
. Never hold a child on your lap or
in your arms while the vehicle is
moving. The passenger cannot
protect the child from injury in a
collision, because the child will
be caught between the passen-
ger and objects inside the vehi-
. While riding in the vehicle, in-
fants and small children should
always be placed in the REAR
seat in an infant or child restraint
system which is appropriate for
the childs age, height and
weight. If a child is too big for a
child restraint system, the child
should sit in the REAR seat and
be restrained using the seatbelts.
According to accident statistics,
children are safer when properly
restrained in the rear seating
positions than in the front seat-
ing positions. Never allow a child
to stand up or kneel on the seat.
. Put children in the REAR seat
properly restrained at all times in
a child restraint device or in a
seatbelt. The SRS airbag deploys
with considerable speed and
force and can injure or even kill
children, especially if they are
not restrained or improperly re-
strained. Because children are
lighter and weaker than adults,
their risk of being injured from
deployment is greater.
. Always turn the child safety locks
to the LOCK position whenever
a child rides in the rear seat.
Serious injury could result if a
child accidentally opened the
door and fell out. Refer to Child
safety locks F2-32.
. Always lock the passengers win-
dows using the lock switch when
children are riding in the vehicle.
Failure to follow this procedure
could result in injury to a child
operating the power window. Re-
fer to Windows F2-32.
. Never leave unattended children,
adults or animals in the vehicle.
They could accidentally injure
themselves or others through
inadvertent operation of the ve-
hicle. Also, on hot or sunny days,
the temperature in a closed ve-
hicle could quickly become high
enough to cause severe or pos-
sibly fatal injuries.
. Help prevent children, adults or
animals from locking themselves
in the trunk. On hot or sunny
days, the temperature in the
trunk could quickly become high
enough to cause death or serious
heat-related injuries including
brain damage to anyone locked
inside, particularly for small chil-
. When leaving the vehicle, close
all windows and lock all doors.
Also make certain that the trunk
is closed.
For instructions and precautions, carefully
read the following sections.
. For the seatbelt system, refer to Seat-
belts F1-16.
. For the child restraint system, refer to
Child restraint systems F1-27.
. For the SRS airbag system, refer to
*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint
System airbag) F1-41.
& Engine exhaust gas (carbon
. Never inhale engine exhaust gas.
Engine exhaust gas contains
carbon monoxide, a colorless
and odorless gas which is dan-
gerous, or even lethal, if inhaled.
. Always properly maintain the en-
gine exhaust system to prevent
engine exhaust gas from enter-
ing the vehicle.
. Never run the engine in a closed
space, such as a garage, except
for the brief time needed to drive
the vehicle in or out of it.
. Avoid remaining in a parked
vehicle for a long time while the
engine i s running. If that is
unavoidable, then use the venti-
lation fan to force fresh air into
the vehicle.
. Always keep the front ventilator
inlet grille free from snow, leaves
or other obstructions to ensure
that the ventilation system al-
ways works properly.
. If at any time you suspect that
exhaust fumes are entering the
vehicle, have the problem
checked and corrected as soon
as possible. If you must drive
under these conditions, drive
only with all windows fully open.
. Keep the trunk lid or rear gate
closed while driving to prevent
exhaust gas from entering the
& Drinking and driving
Drinking and then driving is very
dangerous. Alcohol in the blood-
stream delays your reaction and
impairs your perception, judgment
and attentiveness. If you drive after
drinking even if you drink just a
little it will increase the risk of
being involved in a serious or fatal
accident, injuring or killing yourself,
your passengers and others. In
addition, if you are injured in the
accident, alcohol may increase the
severity of that injury.
Please dont drink and drive.
Drunken dr iving is one of the mo st
frequent causes of accidents. Since alco-
hol affects all people differently, you may
have consumed too much alcohol to drive
safely even if the level of alcohol in your
blood is below the legal limit. The safest
thing you can do is never drink and drive.
However if you have no choice but to
drive, stop drinking and sober up comple-
tely before getting behind the wheel.
& Drugs and driving
There are some d rugs (over the
counter and prescription) that can
delay your reaction time and impair
your perception, judgment and at-
tentiveness. If you drive after taking
them, it may increase your, your
passengers and other persons risk
of being involved in a serious or
fatal accident.
If you are taking any drugs, check with
your doctor or pharmacist or read the
literature that accompanies the medication
to determine if the drug you are taking can
impair your driving ability. Do not drive
after taking any medications that can
make you drowsy or otherwise affect your
ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. If
you have a medical condition that requires
you to take drugs, please consult with
your doctor.
Never drive if you are under the influence
of any illicit mind-altering drugs. For your
own health and well-being, we urge you
not to take illegal drugs in the first place
and to seek treatment if you are addicted
to those drugs.
& Driving when tired or sleepy
When you are tired or sleepy, your
reaction will be delayed and your
perception, judgment and attentive-
ness will be impaired. If you drive
when tired or sleepy, your, your
passengers and other persons
chances of being involved in a
serious accident may increase.
Please do not continue to drive but
instead find a safe place to rest if you
are tired or sleepy. On long trips, you
should make periodic rest stops to refresh
yourself before continuing on your journey.
When possible, you should share the
driving with others.
& Car phone/cell phone and
Do not use a car phone/cell phone
while driving; it may distract your
attention from driving and can lead
to an accident. If you use a car
phone/cell phone, pull off the road
and p ark in a safe place before
using your phone. In some States/
Provinces, only hands-free phones
may legally be used while driving.
& Modification of your vehicle
Your vehicle should not be modified
other than with genuine SUBARU
parts and accessories. Other types
of modifications could affect its
performance, safety or durability,
and may even violate governmental
regulations. In addition, damage or
performance problems resulting
from modification may not be cov-
ered under warranties.
& Driving with pets
Unrestrained pets can interfere with your
driving and distract your attention from
driving. In a collision or sudden stop,
unrestrained pets or cages can be thrown
around inside the vehicle and hurt you or
your passengers. Besides, the pets can
be hurt under these situations. It is also for
their own safety that pets should be
properly restrained in your vehicle. Re-
strain a pet with a special traveling
harness which can be secured to the rear
seat with a seatbelt or use a pet carrier
which can be secured to the rear seat by
routing a seatbelt through the carriers
handle. Never restrain pets or pet carriers
in the front passengers seat. For further
information, consult your veterinarian,
local animal protection society or pet
& Tire pressures
Driving at high speeds with exces-
sively low tire pressures can cause
the tires to deform severely and to
rapidly become hot. A sharp in-
crease in temperature could cause
tread separation, and destruction of
the tires. The resulting loss of
vehicle control could l ead to an
Check and, if n ecessary, adjus t the
pressure of each tire (including the spare)
at least once a month and before any long
Check the tire pressure when the tires are
cold. Use a pressure gauge to adjust the
tire pressures to the values shown on the
tire placard. For detailed information, refer
to Tires and wheels F11-24.
General information
& California proposition 65
Engine exhaust, some of its consti-
tuents, and certain vehicle compo-
nents contain or emit chemicals
known to the State of California to
cause cancer and birth defects or
other reproductive harm. In addi-
tion, certain fluids in vehicles and
certain components of product wear
contain or emit chemicals known to
the State of California to cause
cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
& California Perchlorate Advi-
Certain vehicle components such as air-
bag modules, seatbelt pretensioners and
keyless entry transmitter batteries may
contain perchlorate material. Special
handling may apply for service or vehicle
end of life disposal. See www.dtsc.ca.gov/
& Noise from under the vehicle
You may hear a noise from under the
vehicle approximately 5 to 10 hours
after the engine is turned off. However,
this does not indicate a malfunction.
This noise is caused by the operation
of the fuel evaporation leakage check-
ing system and the operation is normal.
The noise will stop after approximately
15 minutes.
& Event data recorder
This vehicle is equipped with an event
data recorder (EDR). The main purpose of
an EDR is to record, in certain crash or
near crash-like situations, such as an air
bag deployment or hitting a road obstacle,
data that will assist in understanding how
a vehicles systems performed. The EDR
is designed to record data related to
vehicle dynamics and safety systems for
a short period of time, typically 30 seconds
or less. The EDR in this vehicle is
designed to record such data as:
. How various systems in your vehicle
were operating;
. Whether or not the driver and passen-
ger safety belts were buckled/fastened;
. Howfar(ifatall)thedriverwas
depressing the accelerator and/or brake
pedal; and,
. How fast the vehicle was traveling.
These data can help provide a better
understandin g of the circumstances in
which crashes and injuries occur. NOTE:
EDR data are recorded by your vehicle
only if a non-trivial crash situation occurs;
no data are recorded by the EDR under
normal driving conditions and no personal
data (e.g., name, gender, age, and crash
location) are recorded. However, other
parties, such as law enforcement, could
combine the EDR data with the type of
personally identifying data routinely ac-
quired during a crash investigation.
To read data recorded by an EDR, special
equipment is required, and access to the
vehicle or the EDR is needed. In addition
to the vehicle manufacturer, other parties,
such as law enforcement, that have the
special equipment, can read the informa-
tion if they have access to the vehicle or
the EDR.
Table of contents
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags
Keys and doors
Instruments and controls
Climate control
Interior equipment
Starting and operating
Driving tips
In case of emergency
Appearance care
Maintenance and service
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects
Illustrated index
& Exterior
1) Engine hood (page 11-7)
2) Headlight switch (page 3-42)
3) Bulb replacement (page 11-39)
4) Wiper switch (page 3-50)
5) Moonroof (page 2-46)
6) Roof rail with integrated crossbars and
rope hook (page 8-14)
7) Door locks (page 2-6)
8) Tire pressure (page 11-26)
9) Flat tires (page 9-5)
10) Fog light switch (page 3-47)
11) Tie-down hooks (page 9-14)
12) Towing hook (Outback) (page 9-14)
1) Rear window defogger switch
(page 3-52)
2) Fuel filler lid and cap (page 7-4)
3) Child safety locks (page 2-32)
4) Towing hook (page 9-14)
5) Trunk lid (page 2-37)
6) Rear wiper switch (page 3-51)
7) Rear gate (page 2-39)
8) Bulb replacement (page 11-42)
9) Tie-down holes (page 9-14)
& Interior
! Passenger compartment area
1) Lower anchorages for chil d restraint
system (page 1-35)
2) Seatbelt (page 1-16)
3) Center console (page 6-6)
4) Front seat (page 1-2)
5) Rear seat (page 1-11)
1) Shift lever (MT) (page 7-23)/Select lever
(CVT) (page 7-26)
2) Climate control (page 4-1)
3) Audio (page 5-1)/Navigation system (Re-
fer to the Owners Manual supplement for
the navigation system)
4) Glove box (page 6-6)
5) Accessory power outlet (page 6-9)
6) Cup holder (page 6-7)
7) Electronic parking brake switch
(page 7-42)
8) X-mode switch (page 7-39)
9) Hill Holder switch (page 7-45)
& Instrument panel
1) Power windows (page 2-32)
2) Remote control mirror switch (page 3-66)
3) Combination meter (page 3-7)
4) Audio (page 5-1/Navigation system (Re-
fer to the Owners Manual supplement for
the navigation system)
5) Hazard warning flasher switch (page 3-7)
6) Seat heater switch (page 1-9)
7) Climate control (page 4-1)
8) Memory switch (page 2-44)
9) Illumination brightness control dial
(page 3-46)
10) Power rear gate switch (page 2-40)
11) SRVD OFF switch (page 7-58)
12) Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF switch
(page 7-37)
13) Steering responsive fog light off switch
(page 3-47)
A: Models without EyeSight system
B: Models with EyeSight system
For models with EyeSight system:
Refer to the Owners Manual supple-
ment for the EyeSight system.
& Steering wheel
1) Audio control buttons (page 5-18)
2) Cruise control (page 7-49)
3) Shift paddle (page 7-29)
4) Hands-free switches (page 5-84)
5) Multi information display control switches
(page 3-33)
6) SRS airbag (page 1-41)
7) Horn (page 3-67)
& Light control and wiper control levers/switches
1) Windshield wiper (page 3-49)
2) Mist (page 3-50)
3) Windshield washer (page 3-51)
4) Rear window wiper and washer switch
(page 3-51)
5) Wiper intermittent time control switch
(page 3-50)
6) Wiper control lever (page 3-50)
7) Light control switch (page 3-42)
8) Front fog light switch (page 3-47)
9) Headlight ON/OFF/AUTO (page 3-42)
10) Headlight flasher High/Low beam
change (page 3-44)
11) Turn signal lever (page 3-46)
& Combination meter
! U.S. spec. models (type A)
1) Tachometer (page 3-9)
2) ECO gauge (page 3-11)
3) Speedometer (page 3-8)
4) Temperature gauge (page 3-11)
5) Select lever/gear position indicator
(page 3-29)
6) Trip meter and odometer (page 3-8)
7) Fuel gauge (page 3-10)
! U.S. spec. models (type B)
1) Tachometer (page 3-9)
2) ECO gauge (page 3-11)
3) Speedometer (page 3-8)
4) Temperature gauge (page 3-11)
5) Select lever/gear position indicator
(page 3-29)
6) Trip meter and odometer (page 3-8)
7) Fuel gauge (page 3-10)
! Except U.S. spec. models (type A)
1) Tachometer (page 3-9)
2) ECO gauge (page 3-11)
3) Speedometer (page 3-8)
4) Temperature gauge (page 3-11)
5) Select lever/gear position indicator
(page 3-29)
6) Trip meter and odometer (page 3-8)
7) Fuel gauge (page 3-10)
! Except U.S. spec. models (type B)
1) Tachometer (page 3-9)
2) ECO gauge (page 3-11)
3) Speedometer (page 3-8)
4) Temperature gauge (page 3-11)
5) Select lever/gear position indicator
(page 3-29)
6) Trip meter and odometer (page 3-8)
7) Fuel gauge (page 3-10)
& Warning and indicator lights
Mark Name Page
Seatbelt warning light 3-12
Front passengers
seatbelt warning light
SRS airbag system
warning light
ing light/Malfunction in-
dicator light
Charge warning light 3-15
Oil pressure warning
Engine low oil level
warning indicator
AT OIL TEMP warning
light (CVT models)
/ ABS warning light 3-18
Brake system warning
Mark Name Page
Hill Holder indicator
Door open indicator 3-21
Low fuel warning light 3-21
All-Wheel Drive warn-
ing light (CVT models)
Power steering warning
Vehicle Dynamics Con-
trol warning light/Vehi-
cle Dynamics Control
operation indicator light
Vehicle Dynamics Con-
trol OFF indicator light
Access key warning in-
dicator (if equipped)
Security indicator light 3-28
Turn signal indicator
High beam indicator
Mark Name Page
Automatic headlight
beam leveler warning
light (if equipped)
Front fog light indicator
light (if equipped)
Cruise control indicator 3-29
Cruise control set indi-
X-mode indicator (if
Hill descent control in-
dicator (if equipped)
Headlight indicator light 3-30
Low tire pressure
warning light (U.S.
spec. models)
Front passengers fron-
tal airbag ON indicator
Front passengers fron-
tal airbag OFF indicator
Windshield washer fluid
warning indicator
Mark Name Page
Steering responsive fog
lights OFF indicator (if
SUBARU Rear Vehicle
Detection warning indi-
cator (if equipped)/
SUBARU Rear Vehicle
Detection OFF indicator
(if equipped)
Icy road surface warn-
ing screen
Function settings
A SUBARU dealer can change the settings of the functions shown in the following table to meet your personal requirements. Contact
the nearest SUBARU dealer for details.
Item Function Possible settings Default setting
Alarm system Alarm system Operation/Non-operation Operation
Monitoring start delay time (after closing
0 seconds/30 seconds 30 seconds
Impact sensor operation (only models with
shock sensors (dealer option))
Operation/Non-operation Non-operation
Map light/Dome light/Cargo area light illu-
Keyless access with push-but-
ton start system
Hazard warning flasher Operation/Non-operation Operation
Audible signal
Operation/Non-operation Operation
Audible signal volume Level 1 to 7 Level 5
Door unlock selection (drivers door unlock) Drivers door only/All doors Drivers door only
Door unlock selection (rear gate unlock) Rear gate/trunk only/All doors Rear gate/trunk only
Remote keyless entry system Hazard warning flasher Operation/Non-operation Operation
Key lock-in prevention Key lock-in prevention Operation/Non-operation Operation
Defogger and deicer system Rear window defogger, outside mirror de-
fogger and windshield wiper deicer
Operation for 15 minutes/Contin-
uous operation
Operation for 15 minutes
Map light/Dome light/Cargo
area light
Operation of map light/dome light/cargo area
light OFF delay timer
OFF/Short/Normal/Long Long
Battery drainage prevention
Battery drainage prevention function Operation/Non-operation Operation
Seatbelt warning Sounds a chime while driving Operation/Non-operation Operation
Item Function Possible settings Default setting
Auto on/off headlights Sensitivity of the operation of the auto on/off
Min/Low/Mid/Max Mid
Auto dimmer cancel Sensitivity of the operation of the auto
dimmer cancel
OFF/Min/Low/Mid/Hi/Max Mid
Welcome lighting function Welcome lighting function (when approach-
OFF/30 seconds/60 seconds/90
30 seconds
Welcome lighting function (when exiting) OFF/30 seconds/60 seconds/90
30 seconds
Reverse gear interlocked rear
Reverse gear interlocked rear wiper opera-
Operation/Non-operation Canada-spec. models: Operation
Other models: Non-operation
One-touch lane changer Operation of the one-touch lane changer Operation/Non-operation Operation
*1: If equipped
*2: This setting also works as the ON/OFF setting of the power rear gate buzzer for starting operation. However, you cannot change the warning buzzer
setting for a detecting jam, etc.
Front seats........................................................... 1-2
Manual seat (if equipped) .................................... 1-4
Power seat (if equipped)...................................... 1-5
Head restraint adjustment.................................... 1-8
Seat heater (if equipped) .................................... 1-9
Front seat heater (if equipped) ............................ 1-10
Rear seat heater (if equipped) ............................. 1-10
Rear seats........................................................... 1-11
Reclining the seatback (Outback)........................ 1-11
Folding down the rear seatback .......................... 1-12
Head restraint adjustment................................... 1-14
Armrest ............................................................. 1-15
Seatbelts ............................................................. 1-16
Seatbelt safety tips............................................. 1-16
Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) ................... 1-17
Automatic Locking Retractor/Emergency Locking
Retractor (ALR/ELR) ......................................... 1-17
Seatbelt warning light and chime ........................ 1-17
Fastening the seatbelt ........................................ 1-17
Seatbelt maintenance ......................................... 1-24
Front seatbelt pretensioners ............................. 1-24
System monitors ................................................ 1-26
System servicing................................................ 1-26
Precautions against vehicle modification............ 1-27
Child restraint systems ..................................... 1-27
Where to place a child restraint system.............. 1-28
Choosing a child restraint system ...................... 1-30
Installing child restraint systems with ALR/ELR
seatbelt ........................................................... 1-30
Installing a booster seat..................................... 1-34
Installation of child restraint systems by use of
lower and tether anchorages (LATCH) .............. 1-35
Top tether anchorages ....................................... 1-38
*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint
System airbag)................................................ 1-41
General precautions regarding SRS airbag
system ............................................................ 1-41
Components...................................................... 1-48
SUBARU advanced frontal airbag system, SRS
seat cushion airbag, SRS side airbag and SRS
curtain airbag .................................................. 1-51
System operation............................................... 1-56
SRS airbag system monitors.............................. 1-68
SRS airbag system servicing ............................. 1-69
Precautions against vehicle modification............ 1-70
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats
Front seats
. Never adjust the seat while driv-
ing to avoid loss of vehicle con-
trol and personal injury.
. Before adjusting the seat, make
sure the hands and feet of rear
seat passengers or cargo are
clear of the adjusting mechan-
. After adjusting the seat, push it
slightly to make sure it is se-
curely locked. If the seat is not
securely locked, it may move or
the seatbelt may not operate
. Do not put objects under the front
seats. They may interfere with
front seat locking and cause an
. Seatbelts provide maximum re-
straint when the occupant sits
well back and upright in the seat.
To reduce the risk of sliding
under the seatbelt in a collision,
the front seatbacks should be
always used in the upright posi-
tion while the vehicle is running.
If the fr ont seatbacks are not
used in the upright position in a
collision, the risk of sliding under
the lap belt and of the lap belt
sliding up over the abdomen will
increase, and both can result in
serious internal injury or death.
. The SRS airbags deploy wit h
considerable speed and force.
Occupants who are not in the
proper position when the SRS
airbag deploys could suffer very
serious inj uries. B ecause the
SRS airbag needs enough space
for deployment, the driver should
always sit upright and well back
in the seat as far from the steer-
ing wheel as practical while still
maintaining full vehicle control
and the front passenger should
move the seat as far back as
possible and sit upright and well
back in the seat.
Put children in the rear seat properly
restrained at all times. The SRS
airbag deploys with considerable
speed and force and can injure or
even kill children, especially if they
are not restrained or improperly
restrained. Because c hildren are
lighter and weaker than adults, their
risk of being injured from deploy-
ment is greater. Consequently, we
strongly recommend that ALL chil-
dren (including those in child seats
and those that have outgrown child
restraint devices) sit in the REAR
seat properly restrained at all times
in a child restraint device or in a
seatbelt, whichever is appropriate
for the childs age, heigh t a nd
Secure ALL types of child restraint
devices (including forward facing
child seats) in the REAR seats at
all times.
According to accident statistics,
children are safer when properly
restrained in the rear seating posi-
tions than in the front seating posi-
tions. For instructions and precau-
tions concerning child restraint sys-
tems, refer to Child restraint sys-
tems F1-27.
To prevent the passenger from slid-
ing under the seatbelt in the event of
a collision, always put the seatback
in the upright position while the
vehicle is in motion. Also, do not
place objects such as cushions
between the passenger and the
seatback. If you do so, the risk of
sliding under the lap belt and of the
lap belt sliding up over the abdomen
will increase, and both can result in
serious internal injury or death.
Do not let rear passengers rest their
feet between the front seatback and
seat cushion. Doing so may lead to
improper operation of the following
systems and could result in serious
. Occupant detection system
. SRS side airbag
. SRS seat cushion airbag
. Front seat heater (if equipped)
. Power seat (if equipped)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats
& Manual seat (if equipped)
! Forward and backward adjustment
1. Sit in the seat to adjust.
2. Pull the lever upward, slide the seat to
the desired position, and then release the
3. Try to move the seat back and forth to
make sure that it is securely locked into
! Reclining the seatback
1. Pull up the reclining lever, adjust the
seatback to the desired position, and then
release the lever.
2. Make sure the seatback is securely
locked into place.
The seatback placed in a reclined position
can spring back upward with force when
pulling up the lever. While operating the
lever to return the seatback, hold the
seatback lightly so that it may be raised
back gradually.
! Seat cushion height adjustment
(drivers seat)
1) Push the lever down to lower the seat.
2) Pull the lever up to raise the seat.
You can adjust the height of the seat by
moving the seat cushion adjustment lever
up or down.
& Power seat (if equipped)
! Drivers seat
1) Seat position forward/backward con-
trol switch
To adjust the seat forward or backward,
move the control switch forward or
backward. During forward/backward ad-
justment of the seat, you cannot adjust
the seat cushion angle or seat cushion
2) Seat cushion angle control switch
To adjust the seat cushion angle, pull up
or push down the front end of the control
3) Seat height control switch
To adjust the seat height, pull up or push
down the rear end of the control switch.
4) Seatback angle (reclining) control
To adjust the angle of the seatback,
move the control switch.
5) Lumbar support control switch
To increase lower back support, push the
front side of the switch. To decrease
lower back support, push the rear side of
the switch.
! Front passengers seat (if
1) Seat position forward/backward con-
trol switch
To adjust the seat forward or backward,
move the control switch forward or
2) Seatback angle (reclining) control
To adjust the angle of the seatback,
move the control switch.
! Memory function (drivers seat if
. Never adjust the seat while driv-
ing to avoid loss of vehicle con-
trol and personal injury.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats
. Before adjusting the seat, make
sure that cargo or the hands and
feet of rear seat passengers are
clear of the adjusting mechan-
. Never retrieve the seat position
while driving to avoid loss o f
vehicle control and personal in-
. Perform the seat position retrie-
val before driving. Be sure to
confirm that the select lever is
in the P position, and the
parking brake is applied, when
adjusting the seat position. Do
not drive until the retrieval of the
seat position is complete.
. When retrieving a registered seat
position, make sure the hands,
feet and possessions of rear seat
passengers are clear of the seat
adjusting mechanism.
. When any unusual conditions or
malfunctions occur during the
retrieval of the seat position, stop
the retrieval of the seat position
by performing any of the follow-
ing procedures.
Operate any of the power seat
Press the SET button
Press button 1 or 2
Some of your desired seat positions can
be registered. Register the seat position
with button 1 or 2 or each of the access
keys and retrieve the seat position.
The foll owing seat positions can be
. Forward/backward position of the seat
. Angle of seatback
. Angle of seat cushion
. Height of seat
! Registration of seat position with
button 1 or 2
1. Adjust the seat position under the
following conditions.
. The parking brake is applied.
. The select lever is in the P posi-
2. While pressing the SET button, press
and hold the desired button 1 or 2.
A chirp sounds once, and the seat position
is registered.
! Registration of seat position with
each access key
1. Adjust the seat position und er the
following conditions.
. The parking brake is applied.
. The ignition switch is in the LOCK/
OFF position.
. The select lever is in the P posi-
2. While holding the access key and
pressing the SET button, press the
button of the access key.
A chirp sounds once, and the seat position
is registered.
! Retrieval of seat position regis-
tered with button 1 or 2
Be sure to press the correct button
to retrieve your registered seat
position. If the seat position is not
optimum for you, it may adversely
affect your driving and may reduce
the effectiveness of the seatbelt.
That could result in an accident
involving serious injury or death.
1. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
2. While the select lever is in the P
position and the parking brake is applied,
press button 1 or 2.
A chirp sounds and the seat moves to the
registered position. When the seat moves
to the registered position, a chirp will
. If a new position is registered for the
same button, the previously registered
seat position is deleted.
. If the vehicle battery is removed, the
registered seat position is not deleted.
. When the button 1 or 2 is
pressed within 45 seconds after the
drivers door is opened, the registered
seat position can be retrieved even if
the ignition switch is in the LOCK or
OFF position.
! Retrieval of the seat position
registered with access key
1. Hold the registered access key.
2. Unlock the drivers door by pressing
button or gripping the door handle.
3. Open the drivers door.
A chirp sounds and the seat moves to the
registered position. When the seat moves
to the registered position, a chirp will
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seats
. If the registered seat position cannot
be retrieved after performing the pre-
vious procedures, try the following
(1) Press the SET button on the
drivers door.
(2) Press the
button on the
access key or touch the door lock
sensor to lock the doors.
(3) Perform the prior procedures
. If the keyless access func tion is
disabled, the seat position cannot be
retrieved by gripping the drivers door
handle. However, the seat position can
still be retrieved by pressing the
button on the access key. For informa-
tion about how to enable/disable the
keyless access function, refer to Dis-
abling keyless access function F2-18.
. If a new position is registered for the
same access key, the previously regis-
tered seat position is deleted.
! Clearing the registered seat
position with access key
1. Close the drivers door.
2. While holding the access key and
pressing the SET button, press the
button on the access key.
A chirp will sound, and the registered seat
position will be cleared.
& Head restraint adjustment
. Never drive the vehicle with the
head restraints removed because
they are designed to reduce the
risk of serious neck injury in the
event that the vehicle is struck
from the rear. Also, never install
the head restraints the opposite
way around. Doing so will pre-
vent the head restraints from
functioning as intended. There-
fore, when you remove the head
restraints, you must reinstall all
head restraints correctly to pro-
tect vehicle occupants.
. All occupants, including the dri-
ver, should not operate a vehicle
or sit in a vehicles seat until the
head restraints are placed in their
proper positions in order to mini-
mize the risk of neck injury in the
event of a crash.
Both the drivers seat and front passen-
ger s seat are equipped with head re-
straints. Both head restraints are adjusta-
ble in the following ways.
! Head restraint height adjustment
1) Head restraint
2) Release button
Each head restraint should be adjusted so
that the center of the head restraint is
closest to the top of the occupants ears.
To raise:
Pull the head restraint up.
To lower:
Push the head restraint down while
pressing the release button on the top of
the seatback.
To remove:
While pressing the release button, pull out
the head restraint.
To install:
Install the head restraint into the holes that
are located on the top of the seatback until
the head restraint locks. Press and hold
the release button to lower the head
! Head restraint angle adjustment
The angle of the head restraint can be
adjusted in several steps. While maintain-
ing a suitable driving posture, adjust the
head restraint to a position where the back
of your head is as close to the head
restraint as possible.
To tilt:
Tilt the head restraint by hand to the
preferred position. A click will be audible
when the head restraint is locked.
To return:
Tilt the head restraint once as far forward
as it can go. The head restraint will
automatically return to the fully upright
position. Then, adjust the head restraint
again to the preferred angle.
Seat heater (if equipped)
The seat heater operates when the igni-
tion switch is either in the ACC or ON
. People with delicate skin may
suffer slight burns even at low
temperatures if they use the seat
heater for a long period of time.
When using the heater, always be
sure to warn the persons con-
. Do not put anything on the seat
which insulates against heat,
such as a blanket, cushion, or
similar items. This may cause the
seat heater to overheat.
. When the vehiclesinterioris
warmed enough or before you
leave the vehicle, be sure to turn
off the seat heater.
Use of the seat heater for a long period
of time while the engine is not running
can cause battery discharge.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seat heater
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seat heater
& Front seat heater (if
Front seat heater switch
1) HIGH mode indicator
2) MID mode indicator
3) LOW mode indicator
A) Drivers side
B) Front passengers side
Press the front seat heater switch. Each
time you press the switch, the mode will
change as follows.
When LOW mode is selected, the LOW
mode indicator on the front seat heater
switch illuminates. When MID mode is
selected, both the LOW and MID mode
indicators illuminate. When HIGH mode is
selected, all 3 LOW, MID and HIGH mode
indicators illuminate. When the OFF mode
is selected, all the indicators turn off.
Selecting HIGH mode will cause the seat
to heat up quicker.
& Rear seat heater (if equipped)
Rear seat heater switch
1) HIGH mode indicator
2) LOW mode indicator
A) Drivers side
B) Front passengers side
Press the rear seat heater switch. Each
time you press the switch, the mode will
change as follows.
When LOW mode is selected, the LOW
mode indicator on the rear seat heater
switch illuminates. When HIGH mode is
selected, both the LOW and HIGH mode
indicators illuminate. When the OFF mode
is selected, all the indicators turn off.
Selecting HIGH mode will cause the seat
to heat up quicker.
Only the front seat heater switches
even if the vehicle has restarted. The
rear seat switch will reset.
Rear seats
Seatbelts provide maximum re-
straint when the occupant sits well
back and upright in the seat. Do not
put cushions or any other materials
between occupants and seatbacks
or seat cushions. If you do so, the
risk of sliding under the lap belt and
of the lap belt sliding up over the
abdomen will increase, and both can
result in serious internal injury or
Never stack luggage or other cargo
higher than the top of the seatback
because it could tumble forward and
injure passengers in the event of a
sudden stop or accident.
& Reclining the seatback
To prevent the passenger from slid-
ing under the seatbelt in the event of
a collision, always put the seatback
in the upright position while the
vehicle is in motion.
If the vehicle is equipped with a
cargo area cover, observe the fol-
lowing precautions.
. Be careful not to pinch your hand
between the headrest and the
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats
cargo area cover when you re-
cline the rear seat.
. Move the front cover of the cargo
area cover backward so that the
cover is not damaged by the
reclined seatback. Refer to Car-
go are a cover (Outback if
equipped) F6-15.
Adjust the seatback to the desired position
while pulling the lever.
After adjusting the seatback, release the
lever and mak e sure the seatback is
securely locked into place.
& Folding down the rear seat-
. When you fold down the seat-
back, check that the re are no
passengers or obj ects on the
rear seat. Not doing so creates
a risk of injury or property da-
mage if the seatback suddenly
folds down.
. Never allow passengers to ride
on the folded rear seatback or in
the cargo area or trunk. Doing so
may result in serious injury or
. Secure all objects and especially
long items properly to prevent
them from being thrown around
inside the vehicle and causing
serious injury during a sudden
stop, a sudden steering maneu-
ver or a rapid acceleration.
. When you return the seatback to
its original position, shake the
seatback slightly to confirm that
it is securely fixed in place. If the
seatback is not securely fixed in
place, the seatback may s ud-
denly fold down in the event of
sudden braking, or objects may
move out from the cargo area,
which could cause serious injury
or death.
. After returning the rear seat to its
original position, be certain to
place all of the seatbelts and the
tab attached to the seat cushion
above the seat cushion. Also,
make certain that the shoulder
belts are fully visible.
The rear seatback may fold down
quickly due to the internal spring.
Hold the seatback while pulling the
release lever to slow it down.
! Legacy
To fold down the seatback, perform the
following procedure.
1. Open the trunk lid. Refer to Opening
the trunk lid (Legacy) F2-24, Opening
the trunk lid (Legacy) F2-25 or To open
the trunk lid from inside F2-37.
1) Release lever
2. Pull the release lever on the side that
you want to fold down.
3. Fold the seatback down.
To return the seatback to its original
position, raise the seatback until it locks
into place and make sure that it is securely
! Outback
Release button
Release lever on both sides of the cargo
Unlock the seatback by performing either
of the following procedures and then fold
the seatback down.
. Push the release button
. Pull the release lever
To return the seatback to its original
position, raise the seatback until it locks
into place. Make sure that it is securely
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats
& Head restraint adjustment
Both the rear window side seats and the
rear center seat are equipped with head
. Never drive the vehicle with the
head restraints removed because
they are designed to reduce the
risk of serious neck injury in the
event that the vehicle is struck
from the rear. Therefore, when
you remove the head restraints,
you must reinstall all head re-
straints to protect vehicle occu-
. All occupants, including the dri-
ver, should not operate a vehicle
or sit in a vehicles seat until the
head restraints are placed in their
proper positions in order to mini-
mize the risk of neck injury in the
event of a crash.
! Rear window side seating position
1) Head restraint
2) Release button
To raise:
Pull the head restraint up.
To lower:
Push the head restraint down while
pressing the release button on the top of
the seatback.
To remove:
While pressing the release button, pull out
the head restraint.
To install:
Install the head restraint into the holes that
are located on the top of the seatback until
the head restraint locks.
The head restraint should be adjusted so
that the center of the head restraint is
closest to the top of the occupants ears.
When the seats are not occupied, lower
the head restraints to improve rearward
For Legacy, it is not possible to remove
or install the head restraint without
folding down the rear seatback. Fold
down the rear seatback and then
remove or install the head restraint.
! Rear center seating position
The head restraint is not intended to
be used in the retracted position.
Before sitting on the seat, raise the
head restraint to the extended posi-
A) When not used (retracted position)
B) When used (extended position)
1) Head restraint
2) Release button
To raise:
Pull the head restraint up.
To lower:
Push the head restraint down while
pressing the release button on the top of
the seatback.
To remove:
While pressing the release button, pull out
the head restraint.
To install:
Install the head restraint into the holes that
are located on the top of the seatback until
the head restraint locks.
When the rear-center seating position is
occupied, raise the head restraint to the
extended position. When the rear center
seating position is not occupied, lower the
head restraint to improve rearward visibi-
& Armrest
To lower the armrest, pull on the armrests
top edge.
To avoid serious injury, passengers
must never be allowed to sit on the
center armrest while the vehicle is in
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Rear seats
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts
& Seatbelt safety tips
. All persons in the vehicle should
fasten their se atbelts BEFORE
the vehicle starts to move. Other-
wise, the possibility of serious
injury becomes greater in the
event of a sudden stop or acci-
. All belts should fit snugly in order
to provide full restraint. Loose
fitting belts are not as effective in
preventing or reducing injury.
. Each seatbelt is designed to
support only one person. Never
use a single belt for two or more
persons even children. Other-
wise, in an accident, serious
injury or death could result.
. Replace all seatbelt assemblies
including retractors and attach-
ing hardware worn by occupants
of a vehicle that has been in a
serious accident. The entire as-
sembly should be replaced even
if damage is not obvious.
. Putchildrenintherearseat
properly restrained at all times.
The SRS airbag deploys with
considerable speed and force
and can injure or even kill chil-
dren, especially if they are not
restrained or improperly re-
strained . Because children are
lighter and weaker than adults,
their risk of being injured from
deployment is greater. Conse-
quently, we strongly recommend
that ALL ch ildren (includ ing
those in child seats and those
that have outgrown child re-
straint devices) sit in the REAR
seat properly restrained at all
times in a child restraint device
or in a seatbelt, whichever is
appropriate for the childs height
and weight.
Secure ALL types of child re-
straint devices (including for-
ward facing child seats) in the
REAR seats at all times.
According to accident statistics,
children are safer when properly
restrained in the rear seating
positions than in the front seat-
ing positions. For instructions
and precautions concerning the
child restraint system, refer to
Child restraint systems F1-27.
Your vehicle is equipped with a crash
sensing and diagnostic module, which will
record the use of the seatbelt by the front
passenger when any of the SRS frontal,
side and curtain airbags deploys.
! Infants or small children
Use a child restraint system that is
suitable for your vehicle. Refer to Child
restraint systems F1-27.
! Children
If a child is too big for a child restraint
system, the child should sit in the rear seat
and be restrained using the seatbelts.
According to accident statistics, children
are safer when properly restrained in the
rear seating positions than in the front
seating positions. Never allow a child to
stand up or kneel on the seat.
If the shoulder portion of the belt crosses
the face or neck, move the child closer to
the belt buckle to help provide a good
shoulder belt fit. Care must be taken to
securely place the lap belt as low as
possible on the hips and not on the childs
waist. If the shoulder portion of the belt
cannot be properly positioned, a child
restraint system should be used. Never
place the shoulder belt under the childs
arm or behind the childs back.
! Expectant mothers
Expectant mothers also need to use the
seatbelts. They should consult their doctor
for specific recommendations. The lap belt
should be worn securely and as low as
possible over the hips, not over the waist.
& Emergency Locking Retrac-
tor (ELR)
The drivers seatbelt has an Emergency
Locking Retractor (ELR).
The emergency locking retractor allows
normal body movement but the retractor
locks automatically during a sudden stop,
impact or if you pull the belt very quickly
out of the retractor.
& Automatic Locking Retractor/
Emergency Locking Retrac-
tor (ALR/ELR)
Each passengers seatbelt has an Auto-
matic Locking Retractor/Emergency Lock-
ing Retractor (ALR/ELR). The Automatic
Locking Retractor/Emer gency Locking
Retractor normally functions as an Emer-
gency Locking Retractor (ELR). The ALR/
ELR has an additional locking mode,
Automatic L ocking Retractor (ALR)
mode, intended to secure a child restraint
The ALR mode functions as follows.
When the seatbelt is once drawn out
completely and is then retracted even
slightly, the retractor locks the seatbelt in
that position and the seatbelt cannot be
extended. As the belt is rewinding, clicks
will be heard which indicate the retractor
functions as an ALR. When the seatbelt is
retracted fully, the ALR mode is canceled
and the ELR mode is restored.
When securing a child restraint system on
the rear seats by using a seatbelt, the
seatbelt must be changed over to the
Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR) mode.
For instructions on how to install the child
restraint system using a seatbelt, refer to
Installing child restraint systems with
ALR/ELR seatbelt F1-30.
When the child restraint system is re-
moved, make sure that the retractor is
restored to the Emergency Locking Re-
tractor (ELR) mode by allowing the seat-
belt to retract fully.
& Seatbelt warning light
and chime
Refer to Seatbelt warning light and
chime F3-12.
& Fastening the seatbelt
. Never use a belt that is twisted or
reversed. In an accident, this can
increase the risk or severity of
. Keep the lap belt as low as
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts
possible on your hips. In a colli-
sion, this spreads the force of the
lap belt over stronger hip bones
instead of across the weaker
. Seatbelts provide maximum re-
straint when the occupant sits
well back and upright in the seat.
To reduce the risk of sliding
under the seatbelt in a collision,
the front seatbacks should be
always used in the upright posi-
tion while the vehicle is running.
If the fr ont seatbacks are not
used in the upright position in a
collision, the risk of sliding under
the lap belt and of the lap belt
sliding up over the abdomen will
increase, and both can result in
serious internal injury or death.
. Do not put cushions or any other
materials between occupants
and seatbacks or seat cushions.
If you do so, the risk of sliding
under the lap belt and of the lap
belt sliding up over the abdomen
will increase, and both can result
in serious internal injury or
Never place the shoulder belt under
the arm or behind the back. If an
accident occurs, this can increase
the risk or severity of injury.
Metallic parts of the seatbelt can
become very hot in a vehicle that
has been closed up in sunny weath-
er; they could burn an occupant. Do
not touch such hot parts until they
! Front seatbelts
1. Adjust the seat position:
Drivers seat: Adjust the seatback to the
upright position. Move the seat as far from
the steering wheel as practical while still
maintaining full vehicle control.
Front passengers seat: Adjust the seat-
back to the upright position. Move the seat
as far back as possible.
2. Sit well back in the seat.
3. Pick up the tongue plate and pull the
belt out slowly. Do not let it get twisted.
. If the belt stops before reaching the
buckle, return the belt slightly and pull
it out more slowly.
. If the belt still cannot be unlocked,
let the belt retract slightly after giving it
a strong pull, then pull it out slowly
4. Insert the tongue plate into the buckle
until you hear a click.
5. To make the lap part tight, pull up on
the shoulder belt.
6. Place the lap belt as low as possible
on your hips, not on your waist.
! Adjusting the front seat shoulder
belt anchor height
The shoulder belt anchor height should be
adjusted to the position best suited for the
driver/front passenger. Always adjust the
anchor height so that the shoulder belt
passes over the middle of the shoulder
without touching the neck.
To raise:
Slide the anchor up.
To lower:
Push the upper part of the anchor and
slide the anchor down.
Pull down the anchor to make sure that it
is locked in place.
When wearing the seatbelts, make
sure the shoulder portion of the
webbing does not pass over your
neck. If it does, adjust the seatbelt
anchor to a lower position. Placing
the shoulder belt over the neck may
result in neck injury during sudden
braking or in a collision.
! Unfastening the seatbelt
1. Push the button on the buckle.
2. Have the seatbelt retracted slowly to
avoid the seatbelt being tangled or
Before closing the door, make sure that
the belts are retracted properly to avoid
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts
catching the belt webbing in the door.
! Rear seatbelts (except rear center
seatbelt on Outback)
1. Sit well back in the seat.
2. Pick up the tongue plate and pull the
belt out slowly. Do not let it get twisted.
. If the belt stops before reaching the
buckle, return the belt slightly and pull
it out more slowly.
. If the belt still cannot be unlocked,
let the belt retract slightly after giving a
strong pull on it, then pull it out slowly
3. Insert the tongue plate into the buckle
until you hear a click.
4. To make the lap part tight, pull up on
the shoulder belt.
5. Place the lap belt as low as possible
on your hips, not on your waist.
! Unfastening the seatbelt
1. Push the button on the buckle.
2. Have the seatbelt retracted slowly to
avoid the seatbelt being tangled or
Before closing the door, make sure that
the belts are retracted properly to avoid
catching the belt webbing in the door.
! Rear center seatbelt on Outback
1) Center seatbelt tongue plate
2) Connector (tongue)
3) Connector (buckle)
4) Center seatbelt buckle
Fastening the seatbelt with the web-
bing twisted can increase the risk or
severity of injury in an accident.
When fastening the belt after it is
pulled out from the retractor, espe-
cially when inserting the connec-
tors tongue plate into the mating
buckle (on right-hand side), always
check that the webbing is not
Be sure to fasten both tongue plates
to the respective buckles. If the
seatbelt is used only as a shoulder
belt (with the connectors tongue
plate not fastened to the connec-
tors buckle on the right-hand side),
it cannot properly restrain the wear-
er in position in an accident, possi-
bly resulting in serious injury or
Rear center seatbelt is stowed in the
recess of the ceiling.
1. Retrieve the connector (tongue) plate
from the slot in the recess by pulling the
connector (tongue) plate.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts
2. Pull out the seatbelt slowly from the
3. After confirming that the webbing is not
twisted, insert the connector (tongue)
attached at the webbing end into the
buckle on the right-hand side until a click
is heard.
. If the belt stops before reaching the
buckle, return the belt slightly and pull
it out more slowly.
. If the belt still cannot be unlocked,
let the belt retract slightly after giving it
a strong pull, then pull it out slowly
4. After fastening the seatbelt, make sure
that the
mark on the conn ector
(tongue) and the
mark on the buckle
face outwards.
5. Insert the center seatbelt tongue plate
into the center seatbelt buckle until it
6. To make the lap part tight, pull up on
the shoulder belt. And place the lap belt as
low as possible on your hips, not on your
! Unfastening the seatbelt
1. Push the release button of the center
seatbelt buckle (on the left-hand side) to
unfasten the seatbelt.
2. Insert a tongue plate or other hard
pointed object into the slot in the con-
nector (buckle) on the right-hand side and
push it in. The connector (tongue) plate
will then disconnect from the buckle.
3. Allow the retractor to roll up the belt.
You should hold the webbing end and
guide it back into the retractor while it is
rolling up. Neatly store the tongue plate in
the recess and then insert the connector
(tongue) plate into the slot.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Seatbelts
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seatbelt pretensioners
. Do not allow the retractor to roll
up the seatbelt too quickly.
Otherwise, the metal tongue
plates may hit against the trim,
resulting in damaged trim.
. Have the seatbelt fully rolled up
so that the tongue plates are
neatly stored. A hanging tongue
plate can swing and hit against
the trim during driving, causing
damage to the trim.
& Seatbelt maintenance
To clean the seatbelts, use a mild soap
and lukewarm water. Never bleach or dye
the belts because this could seriously
affect their strength.
Inspect the seatbelts and attachments
including the webbing and all hardware
periodically for cracks, cuts, gashes,
tears, damage, loose bolts or worn areas.
Replace the seatbelts even if only minor
damage is found.
. Keep the belts free of polishes,
oils, chemicals and particularly
battery acid.
. Never attempt to make modifica-
tions or changes that will prevent
the seatbelt from operating prop-
Front seatbelt pretensioners
The drivers and front passengers seat-
belts have a seatbelt pretensioner. The
seatbelt pretensioners are designed to be
activat ed in the event of an acci dent
involving moderate to severe frontal and
side collisions and rollover accidents.
The pretensioner sensor also serves as
. SRS frontal airbag sensor
. Side impact sensor
. Rollover sensor
If the sensor detects a certain predeter-
mined amount of force during frontal or
side collisions or rollover accidents, the
front seatbelt is quickly drawn back in by
the retractor to take up the slack so that
the belt more effectively restrains the
When a seatbelt pretensioner is activated,
an operating noise will be heard and a
small amount of smoke will be released.
These occurrences are normal and not
harmful. This smoke does not indicate a
fire in the vehicle.
Once the seatbelt pretensioner has been
activated, the seatbelt retractor remains
locked. Consequently, the seatbelt cannot
be pulled out and retracted and therefore
must be replaced.
. Seatbelt pretensioners are not de-
signed to activate in minor impacts.
. In cases of rollover accidents, as the
SRS curtain airbags deploy, the seat-
belt pretensioners are activated simul-
. In cases of frontal collisions, the
following components will operate si-
Seatbelt pretensioner for driver
Seatbelt pretensioner for front
SRS frontal airbag for driver
SRS frontal airbag for front pas-
SRS seat cushion airbag for
SRS seat cushion airbag for front
SRS curtain airbags (both sides)
(if an offset frontal collision occurs)
*: This does not operate if the occupant
detection system deactivates airbag op-
eration. For details, refer to Front
passengers SRS frontal airbag F1-52.
. In cases of side collisions, the
following components will operate si-
SRS curtain airbag (impacted
SRS side airbag (impacted side)
(when any of the center pillar im-
pact sensors/front door impact sen-
sors senses an impact force)
Seatbelt pretensioner for driver
(when the drivers side front door
impact sensor senses an impact
Seatbelt pretensioner for front
passenger (when the front passen-
gers side front door impact sensor
senses an impact force)
. Pretensioners are designed to func-
tion on a one-time-only basis. In the
event that a pretensioner is activated,
both the drivers and front passengers
seatbelt retractor assemblies should
be replaced only by an authorized
SUBARU dealer. When replacing seat-
belt retractor assemblies, use only
genuine SUBARU parts.
. If either fr ont seatbe lt doe s not
retract or cannot be pulled out due to
a malfunction or activatio n of the
pretensioner, contact your SUBARU
dealer as soon as possible.
. If the front seatbelt retractor assem-
bly or surrounding area has been
damaged, contact your SUBARU dealer
as soon as possible.
. When you sell your vehicle, we urge
you to explain to the buyer that it has
seatbelt pretensioners by alerting the
buyer to the contents of this section.
. To obtain maximum protection,
the occupants should sit in an
upright position with their seat-
belts properly fastened. Refer to
Seatbelts F1-16.
. Do not modify, remove or strike
the front seatbelt retractor as-
semblies or surrounding area.
This could result in accidental
activation of the seatbelt preten-
sioners or could make the sys-
tem inoperative, possibly result-
ing in serious injury. Seatbelt
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seatbelt pretensioners
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Front seatbelt pretensioners
pretensioners have no user-ser-
viceable parts. For required ser-
vicing of front seatbelt retractors
equipped with seatbelt preten-
sioners, consult your SUBARU
. When discarding front seatbelt
retractor assemblies or scrap-
ping the entire vehicle due to
collision damage or for other
reasons, consult your SUBARU
& System monitors
A diagnostic system continually monitors
the readiness of the seatbelt pretensioner
while the vehicle is being driven. The
seatbelt pretensioners share the control
Therefore, if any malfunction occurs in a
seatbelt pretensioner, the SRS airbag
system warning light will illuminate. For
details, refer to SRS airbag system
monitors F1-68.
& System servicing
. When discarding a seatbelt re-
tractor assembly or scrapping
the entire vehicle damaged by a
collision, consult your SUBARU
. Tampering with or disconnecting
the systems wiring could result
in accidental activati on of the
seatbelt pretensioner and/or
SRS airbag or could make the
system inoperative, which may
result in serious injury. Do not
use electrical test equipment on
any circuit related to the seatbelt
pretensioner and SRS airbag
systems. For required servicing
of the seatbelt pretensioner, con-
sult your nearest SUBARU deal-
The sensors and SRS airbag control
modules are located in the following
. Front sub sensors: on both sides
of the radiator panel
. Front door impact sensors: on
both front doors
. SRS airbag control module (in-
cluding the impact sensors and
rollover sensor): under the cen-
ter console
If you need service or repair in those
areas or near the front seatbelt
retractors, have the work performed
by your authorized SUBARU dealer.
If the front part of the vehicle is
damaged in an accident to the extent
that the seatbelt pretensioner does not
operate, contact your SUBARU dealer
as soon as possible.
& Precautions against vehicle
Always consult your SUBARU dealer if
you want to install any accessory parts to
your vehicle.
Do not perform any of the following
modifications. Such modifications
can interfere with proper operation
of the seatbelt pretensioners.
. Attachment of any equipment
(bush bar, winches, snow plow,
skid plate, etc.) other than genu-
ine SUBARU accessory parts to
the front end.
. Modification of the suspension
system or front end structure.
. Installation of a tire of different
size and construction from the
tires specified on the vehicle
placard attached to the door
pillar or specified for individual
vehicle models in this Owners
Child restraint systems
Infants and small children should always
be placed in an infant or child restraint
system in the rear seat while riding in the
You should use an infant or child restraint
system that meets Federal Motor Vehicle
Safety Standards or Canada Motor Vehi-
cle Safety Standards, is compatible with
your vehicle and is appropriate for the
childs age and size.
All child restraint systems are designed to
be secured in vehicle seats by lap belts or
the lap belt portion of a lap/shoulder belt
(except those covered under the section in
this manual, entitled Installation of child
restraint systems by use of lower and
tether anchorages (LATCH) F1-35).
Children could be endangered in an
accident if their child restraints are not
properly secured in the vehicle. When
installing the child restraint system, care-
fully follow the manufacturers instructions.
According to accident statistics, children
are safer when properly restrained in the
rear seating positions than in the front
seating positions.
All U.S. states and Canadian provinces
require that infants and small children be
restrained in an approved child restraint
system at all times while the vehicle is
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
Never let a passenger hold a child
on his or her lap while the vehicle is
moving. The passenger cannot pro-
tect the child from injury in a colli-
sion, because the child will be
caught between the passenger and
objects inside the vehicle. Addition-
ally, holding a child in your lap or
arms in the front seat exposes that
child to another serious danger.
Since the SRS airbag deploys with
considerable speed and force, the
child could be injured or even killed.
Children s hould b e properl y re-
strained at all times. Never allow a
child to stand up, or to kneel on any
seat. Unrestrained children will be
thrown forward during sudden stop
or in an accident and can be injured
Additionally, children standing up or
kneeling on or in front of the front
seat are exposed another serious
danger. Since the SRS airbag de-
ploys with considerable speed and
force, the child could be injured or
even killed.
& Where to place a child re-
straint system
The following descriptions are SUBARUs
recommendations on where to place a
child restraint system in your vehicle.
A: Front passengers seat
You should not install a child restraint
system (including a booster seat) due to
the hazard to children posed by the
passengers airbag.
B: Rear seat, window-side seating
Recommended positions for all types of
child restraint systems.
In these positio ns, A utomati c Locki ng
Ret ractor/Emergency Locking Retractor
(ALR/ELR) seatbelts and lower an-
chorages (bars) are provided for installing
a child restraint system.
Some types of child restraints might not be
able to be secured firmly due to projection
of the seat cushion.
In this seating position, you should use
only a child restraint system that has a
bottom base that fits snugly against the
contours of the seat cushion and can be
securely retained using the seatbelt.
C: Rear seat, center seating position
The ALR/ELR seatbelt and an upper
anchorage (tether anchorage, if equipped)
are provided in this position.
Some types of child restraints might not be
able to be secured firmly due to projection
of the seat cushion.
In this seating position, you should use
only a child restraint system that has a
bottom base that fits snugly against the
contours of the seat cushion and can be
securely retained using the seatbelt.
When you install a child restraint system in
the rear seats center seating position,
raise the center head restraint.
Lower anchorages (bars) for window-side
seating positions may be used for a seat
in the center seating position if a child
restraint system manufacturers instruc-
tions permit and specify using anchors as
far apart as those in this vehicle.
If a child restraint system is not correctly
fixed in place (for example, if a child
restraint system can be moved more than
1 inch (2.5 cm) from side to side), you
should install the child restraint system in
a rear seat, window-side seating position.
. Even with advanced airbags, chil-
dren can be seriously injured by
the airbag. Put children in the
rear seat properly restrained at
all times. The SRS airbag de-
ploys with considerable speed
and force and can injure or even
kill children, especially if they are
not restrained or improperly re-
strained . Because children are
lighter and weaker than adults,
their risk of being injured from
deployment is greater.
For that reason, be sure to se-
cure ALL types of child restraint
devices (including forward facing
child seats) in the REAR seats at
all times. You should choose a
restraint device which is appro-
priate for the childs age, height
and weight. According to acci-
dent statistics, children are safer
when properly restrained in the
rear seating positions than in the
front seating positions.
. Do not use lower anchorages
(bars) for a seat in the center
seating position unless a child
restraint system manufacturers
instructions permit and specify
using anchors spaced as far
apart as those in this vehicle.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
& Choosing a child restraint
Choose a child restraint system that is
appropriate for the childs age and size
(weight and height) in order to provide the
child with proper protecti on. The child
restraint system should meet all applic-
able requirements of Federal Motor Vehi-
cle Safety Standards for United States or
Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
for Canada. It can be identified by looking
for the label on the child restraint system
or the manufactures statement of com-
pliance in the document attached to the
system. Also it is important for you to
make sure that the child restraint system
is compatible with the vehicle in which it
will be used.
& Installing child restraint sys-
tems with ALR/ELR seatbelt
. Child restraint systems and seat-
belts can become hot in a vehicle
that has been closed up in sunny
weather; they could burn a small
child. Check the child restraint
system before you place a child
in it.
. Do not leave an unsecured child
restraint system in your vehicle.
Unsecured child restraint sys-
tems can be thrown around in-
side of the vehicle in a sudden
stop, turn or accident; they can
strike and injure vehicle occu-
pants as well as result in serious
injuries or death to the child.
. When you install a child restraint
system, follow the manufac-
turers instructions supplied with
it. After installing the child re-
straint system, check to ensure
that it is held securely in posi-
tion. If it is not held tight and
secure, the danger of your child
suffering personal injury in the
event of an accident may be
. When installing a child restraint
system in the rear center seating
position, adjust both seatbacks
at the same angle. Otherwise, the
child restraint system cannot be
securely restrained, causing
death or serious injuries in the
event of sudden stop, sudden
steering maneuver or an acc i-
! Installing a rearward facing child
1. Place the child restraint system in the
rear seating position.
2. Run the lap and shoulder belt through
or around the child restraint system
following the instructions provided by its
3. Insert the tongue plate into the buckle
until you hear a click.
4. Take up the slack in the lap belt.
5. If using the seatbelt in the ALR mode
is recommended by the manufacturers
instructions supplied with the child re-
straint system, perform the following pro-
(1) Pull out the seatbelt fully from the
retractor to change the retractor over from
the Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR)
to the Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR)
(2) Allow the belt to r ewind into the
retractor. As the belt is rewinding, clicks
will be heard which indicate the retractor
functions as ALR.
6. Push and pull the child restraint
system forward and side to side to check
that it is firmly secured in the center of the
seat. Sometimes a child restraint can be
more firmly secured by pushing it down
into the seat cushion and then tightening
the seatbelt.
7. If the seatbelt has been set to the ALR
mode in step 5, pull at the shoulder portion
of the belt to confirm that it cannot be
pulled out (ALR properly functioning).
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
8. To remove the child restraint system,
press the release button on the seatbelt
buckle and allow the belt to retract
completely. The belt will return to the
ELR mode.
When the child restraint system is no
longer in use, remove it and restore the
ELR function of the retractor. That
function is restored by retracting the
seatbelt fully.
! Installing forward facing child re-
Before installing a child res traint
system, be sure to confirm that the
seatback is securely locked into
place. Otherwise, in an accident,
serious injury or death could result.
1. Shake the seatback slightly to confirm
that it is securely locked into place.
2. If the child restraint system makes
contact with the head restraint of the rear
seating position where the child restraint
system is to be installed, raise the head
restraint to the extended position. If the
child restraint system still makes contact,
remove the head restraint. For details,
refer to Head restraint adjustment F1-
Store the head restraint that has
been removed in the trunk or cargo
area. Avoid placing the head re-
straint in the passenger compart-
ment to prevent it from being thrown
around in the passenger compart-
ment in a sudden stop or a sharp
3. For the Outback, adjust the seatback
to the upright position.
4. Place the child restraint system in the
rear seating position.
When you intend to install a child
restraint system on the rear center
seating position, if the child restraint
system does not fit snugly against
the contours of the rear center seat
cushion, install the child restraint
system on the window-side seating
position to be safe. For details, refer
to Where to place a child restraint
system F1-28.
5. Run the lap and shoulder belt through
or around the child restraint system
following the instructions provided by its
6. Insert the tongue plate into the buckle
until you hear a click.
7. Take up the slack in the lap belt.
8. Pull out the seatbelt fully from the
retractor to change the retractor over from
the Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR)
to the Automatic Locking Retractor (ALR)
function. Then, allow the belt to rewind
into the retractor. As the belt is rewinding,
clicks will be heard which indicate the
retractor functions as ALR.
9. Before seating a child in the child
restraint system, try to move it back and
forth and left and right to verify that it is
firmly secured in the center of the seat.
Sometimes a child restraint can be more
firmly secured by pushing it down into the
seat cushion and then tightening the
10. Pull at the shoulder portion of the belt
to confirm that it cannot be pulled out (ALR
properly functioning).
11. If the child restraint system requires a
top tether, latch the hook onto the top
tether anchor and tighten the top tether.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
For additional instructions, refer to To p
tether anchorages F1-38.
12. To remove the child restraint system,
press the release button on the seatbelt
buckle and allow the belt to retract
completely. The belt will return to the
ELR mode.
When the child restraint system is no
longer in use, remove it and restore the
ELR function of the retractor. That
function is restored by allowing the
seatbelt to retract fully.
& Installing a booster seat
. Child restraint systems and seat-
belts can become hot in a vehicle
that has been closed up in sunny
weather; they could burn a small
child. Check the child restraint
system before you place a child
in it.
. Do not leave an unsecured child
restraint system in your vehicle.
Unsecured child restraint sys-
tems can be thrown around in-
side of the vehicle in a sudden
stop, turn or accident; they can
strike and injure vehicle occu-
pants as well as result in serious
injuries or death to the child.
When you install a child restraint
system, follow the manufacturers
instructions supplied with it. After
installing the child restraint system,
check to e nsure that it is held
securely in position. If it is not held
tight and secure, the danger of your
child suffering personal injury in the
event of an accident may be in-
1. Place the booster seat in the rear
seating position and sit the child on it. The
child should sit well back on the booster
2. Run the lap and shoulder belt through
or around the booster seat and the child
following the instructions provided by its
3. Insert the tongue plate into the buckle
until you hear a click. Take care not to
twist the seatbelt.
Make sure the shoulder belt is positioned
across the center of childs shoulder and
that the lap belt is positioned as low as
possible on the childs hips.
4. To remove the booster seat, press the
release button on the seatbelt buckle and
allow the belt to retract.
. Never use a belt that is twisted or
reversed. In an accident, this can
increase the risk or severity of
injury to the child.
. Never plac e the shoul der be lt
under the childs arm or behind
the childs back. If an accident
occurs, this can increase the risk
or severity of injury to the child.
. The seatbelt should fit snugly in
order to provide full restraint.
Loose fitting belts are not as
effective in preventing or redu-
cing injury.
. Place the lap belt as low as
possible on the childs hips. A
high-positioned lap belt will in-
crease the risk of sliding under
the lap belt and of the lap belt
sliding up over the abdomen, and
both can result in serious inter-
nal injury or death.
. Make sure the shoulder belt is
positioned across the center of
childs shoulder. Placing the
shoulder belt over the neck may
result in neck injury during sud-
den braking or in a collision.
& Installation of child restraint
systems by use of lower and
tether anchorages (LATCH)
. Child restraint systems and seat-
belts can become hot in a vehicle
that has been closed up in sunny
weather; they could burn a small
child. Check the child restraint
system before you place a child
in it.
. Do not leave an unsecured child
restraint system in your vehicle.
Unsecured child restraint sys-
tems can be thrown around in-
side of the vehicle in a sudden
stop, turn or accident; they can
strike and injure vehicle occu-
pants as well as result in serious
injuries or death to the child.
When you install a child restraint
system, follow the manufacturers
instructions supplied with it. After
installing the child restraint system,
check to e nsure that it is held
securely in position. If it is not held
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
tight and secure, the danger of your
child suffering personal injury in the
event of an accident may be in-
Some types of child restraint systems can
be installed on the rear seat of your
vehicle without use of the seatbelts. Such
child restraint systems are secured to the
dedicated anchorages provided on the
vehicle body.
The lower and tether anchorages are
sometimes referred to as the LATCH
system (Lower Anchors and Tethers for
Your vehicle is equipped with four lower
anchorages (bars) and three upper an-
chorages (tether anchorages) for accom-
modating such child restraint systems.
The lower anchorages (bars) are used for
installing a child restraint system only on
the rear seat window-side seating posi-
tions. For each window-side seating posi-
tion, two lower anchorages are provided.
Each lower anchorage is located behind
the cover of seatback bottom.
1) For left seat
2) For center seat
3) For right seat
The tether anchorages (upper an-
chorages) are provided for all the seating
positions (center and both window-side
ones) of the rear seat.
You will find marks at the bottom of the
rear seat seatbacks. These marks indicate
the positions of the lower anchorages
Each lower anchorage is located behind
the cover of seatback bottom.
When you install a child restraint
system, follow the manufacturers
instructions supplied with it. After
installing the child restraint system,
check to ensure that it is held
securely in position. If it is not held
tight and secure, the danger of your
child suffering personal injury in the
event of an accident may be in-
Peel off the anchorage cover from the
selected side of the rear seatba ck to
expose the anchorages (bars) to be used
for installation of the child restraint system.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
1. While following the instructions sup-
plied by the child restraint system manu-
facturer, connect the lower hooks onto the
lower anchorages located at
marks on
the bottom of the rear seatback. When the
hooks are connected, make sure the
adjacent seatbelts are not caught.
2. If your child restraint system is of a
flexible attachment type (which uses
tether belts to connect the child restraint
system properly to the lower anchorages),
while pushing the child restraint into the
seat cushion, pull both left and right lower
tether belts up to secure the child restraint
system firmly by taking up the slack in the
3. Connect the top tether hook to the
tether anchorage and firmly tighten the
tether. For information on how to set the
top tether, refer to Top tether anchorages
4. Before seating a child in the child
restraint system, try to move it back and
forth and left and right to verify that it is
firmly secured in the center of the seat.
5. To remove the child restraint system,
follow the reverse procedures of installa-
If you have any question concerning this
type of child restraint system, ask your
SUBARU dealer.
& Top tether anchorages
Your vehicle is equipped with three top
tether anchorages so that a child restraint
system having a top tether can be
installed in the rear seat. When installing
a child restraint system using top tether,
proceed as follows, while observing the
instructions by the child restraint system
Since a top tether can provide additional
stability by offering another connection
between a child restraint system and the
vehicle, we recommend that you use a top
tether whenever one is required or avail-
! Tether anchorage location
! Legacy
Three tether anchorages are installed on
the rear shelf behind the rear seat head
restraint. Open the cover flap to use each
! Outback
1) For left seat
2) For center seat
3) For right seat
Three tether anchorages, i.e., ones for the
right, center and left positions, are already
installed on the back side of the rear
! To hook the top tether
Always raise the head restraint
when mounting a child restra int
system with a top tether. Failure to
do so may prevent the top tether
from being fastened tightly.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/Child restraint systems
! Legacy
1) When install ing on the window-side
seating position
2) When installing on the rear center seat-
ing position
1. Raise the head restraint at the seating
position where the child restraint system is
to be installed with the seatbelt or lower
2. Open the cover flaps to use the
3. Pass the top tether between the head
restraint and seatback.
4. Fasten the top tether hook of the child
restraint system to the appropriate upper
5. Tighten the top tether securely.
! Outback
1) When instal ling on t he window-side
seating position
2) When installing on the rear center seat-
ing position
1. Raise the head restraint at the seating
position where the child restraint system is
to be installed with the seatbelt or lower
2. Adjust the seatback to the upright
3. Pass the top tether between the head
restraint and seatback.
4. Attach the top tether hook to the
appropriate upper anchorage.
5. Tighten the top tether securely.
*SRS airbag (Supplemental
Restraint System airbag)
*SRS: This stands for Supplemental Re-
straint System. This name is used be-
cause the airbag system supplements the
vehicles seatbelts.
Your vehicle is equipped with a supple-
mental restraint system in addition to a
lap/shoulder belt at each front seating
position and each rear window-side seat-
ing position. The supplemental restraint
system (SRS) consists of the following
. Drivers and front passengers frontal
. Drivers and front passengers side
. Drivers and front passengers seat
cushion airbags
. Curtain airbags (for driver, front pas-
senger, and window-side rear passen-
These SRS airbags are designed only
to be a supplement to the primary
protection provided by the seatbelt.
The system also controls front seatbelt
pretensioners. For operation instructions
and precautions concerning the seatbelt
pretensioner, refer to Front seatbelt pre-
tensioners F1-24.
& General precautions regard-
ing SRS airbag system
. To obtain maximum protection in
the event of an accident, the
driver and all passengers in the
vehicle should always wear seat-
belts when the vehicle is moving.
The SRS airbag is designed only
to be a supplement to the primary
protection provided by the seat-
belt. It does not eliminate the
need to fasten seatbelts. In com-
bination with the seatbelts, it
offers the best combined protec-
tion in case of a serious accident.
Not wearing a seatbelt increases
the chance of severe injury or
death in a crash even when the
vehicle has the SRS airbag.
For instructions and precautions
concerning the seatbelt system,
refer to Seatbelts F1-16.
. The SRS side airbag and SRS
curtain airbag are designed only
to be a supplement to the primary
protection provided by the seat-
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
belt. They do not eliminate the
need to fasten seatbelts. It is also
important to wear your seatbelt
to help avoid injuries that can
result when an occupant is not
seated in a proper upright posi-
. The SRS a irbags deploy with
considerable speed and force.
Occupants who are out of proper
position when the SRS airbag
deploys could suffer very serious
injuries. Because the SRS airbag
needs enough space for deploy-
ment, the driver should always
sit upright and well back in the
seat as far from the steering
wheel as practical while still
maintaining full vehicle control
and the front passenger should
move the seat as far back as
possible and sit upright and well
back in the seat.
. Do not sit or lean unnecessarily
close to either front door. The
SRS side airbags are stored in
both front seat seatbacks next to
the door, and they provide pro-
tection by deploying rapidly (fas-
ter than the blink of an eye) in the
event of a side impact collision.
However, the force of SRS side
airbag deployment may cause
injuries if your head or other
parts of the body are too close
to the SRS side airbag.
. Since your vehicle is equipped
with SRS curtain airbags, do not
sit or lean unnecessarily close to
the front or rear door on either
side. Also, do not put your head,
arms or hands out of the window.
The SRS curtain airbags on both
sides of the cabin are stored in
the roof side (between the front
pillar and a point over the rear
seat), and they provide protec-
tion by deploying rapidly (faster
than the blink of an eye) in the
event of a side impact, a rollover
or also a frontal collision depend-
ing on circumstances. However,
the force of its deployment may
cause injuries if your head is too
close to it.
. Do not sit or lean unnecessarily
close to the SRS airbag. Because
the SRS airbag deploys with
considerable speed (faster than
the blink of an eye) and force to
protect in high speed collisions,
the force of an airbag can injure
an occupant whose body is too
close to SRS airbag.
It is also important to wear your
seatbelt to help avoid injuries
that can result when the SRS
airbag contacts an occupant not
in proper position such as one
thrown forward during pre-acci-
dent braking.
Even when properly positioned,
there remains a possibility that
an occupant may suffer minor
injury such as abrasions and
bruises to the face or arms
because of the SRS airbag de-
ployment force.
. Do not rest your arm on either
front door or its internal trim. You
could be injured in the event of
SRS side airbag deployment.
. Do not place any objects over or
near the SRS airbag cover or
between you and the SRS airbag.
If the SRS airbag deploys, these
objects could interfere with its
proper operation and could be
propelled insi de the vehicle,
causing injury.
Do not put any objects over the
steering wheel pad and dashboard.
If the SRS frontal airbag deploys,
these objects could interfere with its
proper operation and could be pro-
pelled inside the vehicle, causing
Do not attach accessories to the
windshield, or fit an extra-wide mir-
ror over the rear view mirror. If the
SRS airbag deploys, those objects
could become projectiles that could
seriously injure vehicle occupants.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
. Do not attach accessories to the
door trim or near either SRS side
airbags and do not place objects
near the SRS side airbags. In the
event of SRS side airbag deploy-
ment, they could be propelled
dangerously toward the vehicles
occupants and cause injuries.
. Do not attach a hands-free micro-
phone or any other accessory to
a front pillar, a center pillar, a rear
pillar, the windshield, a side win-
dow, an assist grip, or any other
cabin surface that would be near
a deploying SRS curtain airbag.
A hands-free microphone o r
other accessory in such a loca-
tion could be propelled through
the cabin with great force by the
curtain airbag, or it could prevent
correct deployment of the curtain
airbag. In either case, the result
could be serious injuries.
Do not place hangers or other hard
objects on the coat hooks. If such
items were hanging on the coat
hooks during deployment of the
SRS curtain airbags, they could
cause serious injuries by coming
off the coat hooks and being thrown
through the cabin or by preventing
deployment of the curtain airbags.
Before hanging clothing on the coat
hooks, make sure there are no sharp
objects in the pockets. Hang cloth-
ing directly on the coat hooks with-
out using hangers.
Do not put any kind of cover or
clothes or other objects over either
front seatback/seat cushion and do
not attach labels or stickers to the
front seat surface on or near the
SRS side airbag/SRS seat cushion
airbag. They could prevent proper
deployment of the SRS side airbag/
SRS seat cushion airbag, reducing
protection available to the front
seats occupant.
Put children in the rear seat properly
restrained at all times. The SRS
airbag deploys with considerable
speed and force and can injure or
even kill children, especially if they
are not restrained or improperly
restrained. Beca use children are
lighter and weaker than adults, their
risk of being injured from deploy-
ment is greater.
Consequently, we strongly recom-
mend that ALL children (including
those in child seats and those that
have outgrown child restraint de-
vices) sit in the REAR seat properly
restrained at all times in a child
restraint device or in a seatbelt,
whichever is appropriate for the
childs age, height and weight.
Secure ALL types of child restraint
devices (incl uding forward fa cing
child seats) in the REAR seats at
all times.
According to accident statistics,
children are safer when properly
restrained in the rear seating posi-
tions than in the front seating posi-
For instructions and precautions
concerning the child restraint sys-
tem, refer to Child restraint sys-
tems F1-27.
Never allow a child to stand up or
kneel on the front passengers seat.
The SRS airbag deploys with con-
siderable force and can injure or
even kill the child.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Never hold a child on your lap or in
your arms. The SRS airbag deploys
with considerable force and can
injure or even kill the child.
. Never allow a child to do the
Kneel on any passenger s
seat facing the side window
Wrap his/her arms around the
front seat seatback
Put his /her head, arms or
other parts of the body out of
the window
In the event of an accident, the
force of SRS side airbag and/or
SRS curtain airbag deployment
could injure the child seriously
because his/her head, arms or
other parts of the body are too
close to the SRS side airbag and/
or SRS curtain airbag.
. Since your vehicle is also
equipped with a front passen-
gers SRS frontal airbag, children
should be placed in the rear seat
anyway and should be properly
restrained at all times.
. When the SRS airbag deploys,
some smoke will be released.
This smoke could cause breath-
ing problems for people with a
history of asthma or other
breathing trouble. If you or your
passengers have breathing pro-
blems after SRS airbag deploys,
get fresh air promptly.
. A deploying SRS airbag releases
hot gas. Occupants could get
burned if they come into direct
contact with the hot gas.
. When you sell your vehicle, we urge
you to explain to the buyer that it is
equipped with SRS airbags by alerting
the buyer to the applicable section in
this Owners Manual.
. If the SRS airbag deploys, fuel
supply will be cut off to reduce the risk
of fire caused by leaking fuel. For
details about restarting of the engine,
refer to If your vehicle is involved in
an accident F9-22.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
& Components
1) SRS frontal airbag
2) SRS side airbag
3) SRS curtain airbag
4) SRS seat cushion airbag
The SRS airbags are stowed in the
following locations.
Drivers SRS frontal airbag: in the center
portion of the steering wheel
Front passengers SRS frontal airbag:
near the top of the dashboard under an
SRS side airbag: in the trim cover on the
door side of each front seat cushion that
bears an SRS AIRBAG mark
SRS curtain airbag: in the roof side
(between the front pillar and a point over
the rear seat)
An SRS AIRBAG mark is located at the
top of each center pillar.
SRS seat cushion airbag: in the center
console side of the front seat cushion that
bears an SRS AIRBAG label
1) Front sub sensor (right-hand side)
2) Front sub sensor (left-hand side)
3) Frontal airbag module (drivers side)
4) Front passengers frontal airbag ON and
OFF indicator
5) SRS airbag system warning light
6) Frontal airbag module (front passengers
7) Airbag control module (including impact
sensor and rollover sensor)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
1) Curtain airbag sensor (rear wheel house
left-hand side)
2) Curtain airbag module (left-hand side)
3) Front door impact sensor (left-hand side)
4) Seatcushionairbagmodule(drivers
5) Curtain airbag module (right-hand side)
6) Seat cushion airbag module (front pas-
sengers side)
7) Side airbag sensor (center pillar left-hand
8) Seatbelt pretensioner (left-hand side)
9) Side airbag module (left-hand side)
10) Seatbelt buckle switch (left-hand side)
11) Seatbelt buckle switch (right-hand side)
12) Curtain airbag sensor (rear wheel house
right-hand side)
13) Side airbag module (right-hand side)
14) Seatbelt pretensioner (right-hand side)
15) Side airbag sensor (center pillar right-
hand side)
16) Front passengers occupant detection
system sensor and control module
17) Front door impact sensor (right-hand
18) Front passengers seatbelt tension sen-
& SUBARU advanced frontal
airbag system, SRS seat
cushion airbag, SRS side
airbag and SRS curtain air-
Your vehicle is equipped with a SUBARU
advanced frontal airbag system that com-
plies with the new advanced frontal airbag
requirements in the amended Federal
Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS)
No. 208.
The SUBARU advanced frontal airbag
system automatically determines the de-
ployment force of the drivers SRS frontal
airbag at the time of deployment as well as
whether or not to activate the front
passengers SRS frontal airbag and, if
activated, the deployment force of the
SRS frontal airbag at the time of deploy-
Your vehicle has warning labels on the
drivers and front passengers sun visors
beginning with the phrase EVEN WITH
attached to the glove box lid beginning
with the phrase Even with Advanced Air
Bags. Make sure that you carefully read
the instructions on the warning labels and
Always wear your seatbelt. The SUBARU
advanced frontal airbag system is a
supplemental restraint system and must
be used in combination with a seatbelt. All
occupants should wear a seatbelt or be
seated in an appropriate child restraint
Your vehicle is equipped with a SUBARU
SRS curtain airbag system that complies
with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standard (FMVSS) No. 226.
For the locations of the SRS airbags, refer
to Components F1-48.
In a moderate to severe frontal collision,
the following components deploy.
. SRS frontal airbag for driver
. SRS frontal airbag for front passenger
. SRS seat cushion airbags
. SRS curtain airbag*
*1: When an offset frontal collision that is severe
enough to deploy the front airbag occurs.
These components supplement the seat-
belts by reducing the impact to the
occupants head and chest.
collision, the SRS si de airbag on the
impacted side of the vehicle deploys
between the occupant and the door panel
and supplements the seatbelt by reducing
the impact to the occupants chest and
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
In a moderate to severe side impact
collision, the SRS curtain airbag on the
impacted side of the vehicle deploys
between the occupant and the side
window and supplements the seatbelt by
reducing the impact to the occupants
The SRS s ide airbag and seatbelt
pretensioner are not controlled by the
SUBARU advanced frontal airbag sys-
! Drivers SRS frontal airbag
The drivers SRS frontal airbag uses a
dual stage inflator. The inflator operates in
different ways depending on the severity
of impact.
Have the system inspected by your
SUBARU dealer immediately if the SRS
airbag system warning light illuminates.
! Front passengers SRS frontal air-
The front passengers SRS frontal airbag
uses a dual stage inflator. The inflator
operates in different ways depending on
the severity of impact.
The total load on the seat is monitored by
the passengers occupant detection sys-
tem sensor located under the seat.
The system has another sensor that
monitors the tension of the front passen-
ger s seatbelt. Using the total seat load
and seatbelt tension data from the sen-
sors, the occupant detection system de-
termines whether the front passengers
SRS frontal airbag should or should not be
The occupant detection system may not
inflate the front passengers SRS frontal
airbag even when the drivers SRS frontal
airbag deploys. This is normal.
Observe the following precautions.
Failure to do so may prevent the
SUBARU advanced frontal airbag
system from functioning correctly
or cause the system to fail.
. Do not apply any strong impact
to the front passenger sseat
such as by kicking.
. Do not let rear passengers rest
their feet between the front seat-
back and seat cushion.
. Do not spill liquid on the front
passenger s seat. If liquid is
spilled, wipe it off immediately.
. Do not remove or disassemble
the front passengers seat.
. Do not install any accessory
(such as an audio amplifier) other
than a genuine SUBARU acces-
sory under the front passengers
. Do not place anything (shoes,
umbrella, etc.) under the front
passengers seat.
. Do not use the front passengers
seat with the head restraint re-
. Do not leave any articles on the
front passenger s seat or the
seatbelt tongue and buckle en-
gaged when you leave your ve-
. Do not place a magnet near the
seatbelt buckle and the seatbelt
. Do not use front seats with their
backward-forward position and
seatback not being locked into
place securely. If any of them are
not locked securely, adjust them
again. For adjusting procedure,
refer to Manual seat F 1-4
(models equipped with manual
seats only).
If the seatbelt buckle switch and/or front
passengers occupant detection system
have failed, the SRS airbag system
warning light will illuminate. Have the
system inspected by your SUBARU deal-
er immediately if the SRS airbag system
warning light illuminates.
If your vehicle has sustained impact, this
may affect the proper fu nction of the
SUBARU advanced frontal airbag system.
Have your vehicle inspected at your
SUBARU dealer. Do not let anyone use
the front passengers seat while you are
driving the vehicle to your SUBARU deal-
! Passengers frontal airbag ON and
OFF indicators
Refer to Front passengers frontal airbag
ON and OFF indicators F3-14.
! Occupant detection system
The occupant detection system sensor is
installed under the seat and monitors the
total load on the front passengers seat.
The system has anothe r sen sor tha t
monitors the tension of the front passen-
gers seatbelt. Using the total seat load
and seatbelt tension data from the sen-
sors, the occupant detection system de-
termines whether the following airbags
should be deployed or not.
. Front passengers SRS frontal airbag
. Front passengers SRS seat cushion
ON / : Front passengers frontal airbag ON
/ : Front passengers frontal airbag OFF
If the front passengers frontal airbag ON
and OFF indicators do not work properly
even when the front passengers seat is
dry, do not allow anyone to sit on the front
passengers seat and have the occupant
detection system checked by your
SUBARU dealer.
! Conditions in which front passen-
gers SRS frontal airbag is not
The front passengers SRS frontal airbag
will not be activated when any of the
following conditions are met regarding the
front passengers seat:
. The seat is empty.
. The seat is equipped with an appro-
priate child restraint system and an infant
is restrained in it. (See WARNING that
. The front passengers occupant detec-
tion system is malfunctioning.
sure to install it in the REAR seat in
a correct manner. Also, it is strongly
recommended that any forward fa-
cing child seat or booster seat be
installed in the REAR seat, and that
even children who have outgrown a
child restraint system be also
seated in the REAR seat. This is
because children sitting in the front
passengers seat may be killed or
severely injured shou ld the front
passengers SRS frontal airbag de-
ploy. REAR seats are the safest
place for children.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
When the front passengers seat is
occupied by an infant in an appro-
priate child restraint system, ob-
serve the following precautions.
Failure to do so may increase the
load on the front passengers seat,
activating the front passengers
SRS frontal airbag even though that
seat is occupied by an infant.
. Do not place any article on the
seat other than the infant in the
child restraint system.
. Do not place more t han one
infant in the child restraint sys-
. Do not install any accessory
such as a table or TV onto the
. Do not store a heavy load in the
seatback pocket.
. Do not allow the rear seat occu-
pant to place his/her hands or
legs on the front passengers
seatback, or allow him/her to pull
the seatback.
! If the front passengers frontal
airbag ON indicator illuminates
and the OFF indicator turns off
even when an infant or a small
child is in a child restraint sys-
tem (including booster seat)
1. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK/
OFF position.
2. Remove the chil d re straint system
from the seat.
3. By referring to the child restraint
manufacturers recommendations as well
as the child restraint system installation
procedures in Child restraint systems
F1-27, correctly install the child restraint
4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
position and make sure that the front
passengers frontal airbag ON indicator
turns off and the OFF indicator illuminates.
If still the ON indicator remains illuminated
while the OFF indicator turns off, take the
following actions.
. Ensure that no article is placed on the
seat other than the child restraint system
and the child occupant.
. Ensure that there is no article left in the
seatback pocket.
. Ensure that the backward-forward po-
sition and seatback of front passengers
seat are locked into place securely by
moving the seat back and forth. (Models
equipped with manual seats only)
If the ON indicator still remains illuminated
while the OFF indicator turns off after
taking relevant corrective actions de-
scribed above, relocate the child restraint
system to the rear seat and immediately
contact your SUBARU d ealer for an
When a child who has outgrown a child
restraint system or a small adult is
seated in the front passengers seat,
the SUBARU advanced frontal airbag
system may or may not activate the
front passengers SRS frontal airbag
depending on the occupants seating
posture. Children should always wear a
seatbelt when sitting in the seat irre-
spective of whether the airbag is
deactivated or activated. If the front
passengers SRS frontal airbag is acti-
vated (the ON indicator remains illumi-
nated while the OFF indicator turns off),
take the following actions.
. Ensure that no article is placed on
the seat other than the occupant.
. Ensure that there is no article left in
the seatback pocket.
If the ON indicator still remains illumi-
nated while the OFF indicator turns off
despite the fact that the actions noted
above have been taken, seat the child/
small adult in the rear seat and im-
mediately contact your SUBARU dealer
for an inspection. Even if the system
has passed the dealer inspection, it is
recommended that on subsequent trips
the child/small adult always take the
rear seat.
Children who have outgrown a child
restraint system should always wear the
seatbelt irrespective of whether the airbag
is deactivated or activated.
! Conditions in which front passen-
gers SRS frontal airbag is activated
The front passengers SRS frontal airbag
will be activated for deployment upon
impact when any of the following condi-
tions is met regarding the front passen-
gers seat.
. When the seat is occupied by an adult.
. When a heavy article is placed on the
When the front passengers seat is
occupied by an adult, observe the
following precautions. Failure to do
so may lessen the load on the front
passengers seat, deactivating the
front passengers SRS frontal airbag
despite the fact that the seat is
occupied by an adult. This may
result in personal injury.
. Do not allow the rear seat occu-
pant to lift the front passengers
seat cushion using his/her feet.
. Do not place any article under the
front passenger s seat, or
squeeze any article from behind
and under the seat. This may lift
the seat cushion.
. Do not squeeze any article be-
tween the front passengers seat
and side trim/pillar, door or cen-
ter console box. This may lift the
seat cushion.
! If the passengers frontal airbag
OFF indicator illuminates and
the ON indicator turns off even
when the front passengers seat
is occupied by an adult
This can be caused by the adult incor-
rectly sitting in the front passengers seat.
1. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK/
OFF position.
2. Ask the front passenger to set the
seatback to the upright position, sit up
straight in the center of the seat cushion,
correctly fasten the seatbelt, position his/
her legs out forward, and adjust the seat to
the rearmost position.
3. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
If the OFF indicator remains illuminated
while the ON indicator remains off, take
the following actions.
1. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK/
OFF position.
2. Ensure that there is no article, book,
shoe, or other object trapped under the
seat, at the rear of the seat, or on the side
of the seat.
3. Ensure that the backward-forward
position and seatback of front passengers
seat are locked into place securely by
moving the seat back and forth. (Models
equipped with manual seats only)
4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
position and wait 6 seconds to allow the
system to complete self-checking. Follow-
ing the system check, both indicators turn
off for 2 seconds. Now, the ON indicator
should illuminate while the OFF indicator
remains off.
If the OFF indicator still remains illumi-
nated while the ON indicator remains off,
ask the occupant to move to the rear seat
and immediately contact your SUBARU
dealer for an inspection.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
! How to contact the vehicle manu-
facturer concerning modifications
for persons with disabilities that
may affect the advanced airbag
Changing or moving any parts of the front
seats, seatbelts, front bumper, front side
frame, instrument panel, combination me-
ter, steering wheel, steering column, tire,
suspension or floor panel can affect the
operation of the SUBARU advanced air-
bag system. If you have any questions,
you may contact the following SUBARU
<Continental U.S., Alaska and the District
of Columbia>
Subaru of America, Inc.
Customer Dealer Services Department
P.O. Box 6000
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-6000
1-800-SUBARU3 (1-800-782-2783)
Subaru Hawaii
2850 Pukoloa Street, Suite 202,
Honolulu, HI 96819-4467
Shens Corporation dba Prestige Automo-
491, East Marine Corps Drive, Route 1
Dededo, Guam 96921-6255
<Puerto Rico>
Trebol Motors
P.O. Box 11204, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Subaru Canada, Inc.
Consumer Support Department
560 Suffork Court, Mississauga, Ontario
L5R 4J7
There are currently no SUBARU distribu-
tors in any other U.S. territories. If you are
in such an area, please contact the
SUBARU distributor or dealer from which
you bought your vehicle.
& System operation
Do not touch the SRS airbag system
components with bare hands right
after deployment. Doing so can
cause burns because the compo-
nents can be very hot as a result of
The SRS airbags can function only when
the ignition switch is in the ON position.
When the SRS airbag(s ) deploy(s), a
sudden, fairly loud inflation noise will be
heard and some smoke will be released.
These occurrences are a normal result of
the deployment. This smoke does not
indicate a fire in the vehicle.
! SUBARU advanced frontal airbag
1) Drivers side
2) Passengers side
The SUBARU advanced frontal airbag
system is designed to determine the
activation or deactivation condition of the
front passenge r s SRS frontal airbag
depending on the total load on the front
passengers seat monitored by the front
passengers occupant detection system
weight sensor. For this reason, only the
drivers SRS frontal airbag may deploy in
the event of a collision, but this does not
mean failure of the system.
If the front sub sensors inside both front
fenders and the impact sensors in the
airbag control module detect a predeter-
mined amount of force during a frontal
collision, the control module sends signals
to the airbag module(s) (only drivers
module or both drivers and front passen-
ger s modules) instructing the module(s)
to inflate the SRS frontal airbag(s). The
drivers and front passengers SRS frontal
airbags use dual stage inflators. The two
inflators of each airbag are triggered either
sequentially or simultaneously, depending
on the severity of impact in the case of the
drivers SRS frontal airbag and depending
on the severity of impact and the total load
on the seat in the case of the front
passengers SRS frontal airbag.
After deployment, the SRS airbag imme-
diately starts to deflate so that the drivers
vision is not obstructed and the drivers
ability to maintain control of the vehicle is
not impaired. The time required from
detecting impact to the deflation of the
SRS airbag after deployment is shorter
than the blink of an eye.
The drivers and front passengers seat-
belt pretensioners operate at the same
time in both of the following cases.
. When only the drivers SRS frontal
airbag deploys
. When drivers and front passengers
SRS frontal airbags deploy
The drivers SRS frontal airbag and front
passengers SRS frontal airbag are de-
signed to deploy in the event of an
accident involving a moderate to severe
frontal collision. They are not designed to
deploy in most lesser frontal imp acts
because the necessary protection can be
achieved by the seatbelt alone. Also, they
are not designed to deploy in most side or
rear impacts or in most rollover accidents
because deployment of these airbags
would not help the occupant in those
situations. The drivers and front passen-
gers SRS frontal airbags are designed to
function on a one-time-only basis.
SRS airbag deployment depends on the
level of force experienced in the passen-
ger compartment during a collision. That
level differs from one type of collision to
another, and it may have no bearing on
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
the visible damage done to the vehicle
! Examples of accident in which
the drivers/drivers and front
passengers SRS frontal
airbag(s) will most likely deploy
A head-on collision against a thick con-
crete wall at a vehicle speed of 12 to 19
mph (20 to 30 km/h) or higher activates
only the drivers SRS frontal airbag or both
drivers and front passengers SRS frontal
airbags. The airbag(s) will also be acti-
vated when the vehicle is exposed to a
frontal impact similar in fashion and
magnitude to the collision describ ed
! Examples of the types of acci-
dents in which it is possible that
the drivers/drivers and front
passengers SRS frontal
airbag(s) will deploy
Only the drivers SRS frontal airbag or
both drivers and front passengers SRS
frontal airbags may be activated when the
vehicle sustains a hard impact in the
undercarriage area from the road surface
(such as when the vehicle plunges into a
deep ditch, is severely impacted or
knocked hard against an obstacle on the
road such as a curb).
! Examples of the types of accidents in which deployment of the drivers/
drivers and front passengers SRS frontal airbag(s) is unlikely to occur
1) The vehicle strikes an object, such as a
telephone pole or sign pole.
2) The vehicle slides under the load bed of
a truck.
3) The vehicle sustains an oblique offset
frontal impact.
4) The vehicle sustains an offset frontal
5) The vehicle strikes an object that can
move or deform, such as a parked
There are many types of collisions which
might not necessarily require deployment
of drivers/drivers and front passengers
SRS frontal airbag(s). In the event of
accidents like those illustrated, the dri-
vers/driver s and front passengers SRS
frontal airbag(s) may not deploy depend-
ing on the level of accident forces in-
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
! Examples of the types of acci-
dents in which the drivers/dri-
ver s and front passengers SRS
frontal airbag(s) is not designed
to deploy in most cases
The drivers and front passengers SRS
frontal airbags are designed not to deploy
in most cases if the vehicle is struck from
the side or from behind, or if it rolls onto its
side or roof, or if it is involved in a low-
speed frontal collision.
1) First impact
2) Second impact
In an accident where the vehicle is
impacted more than once, the drivers
and/or front passengers SRS frontal
airbag(s) will deploy only once on the first
Example: In the case of a double collision,
first with another vehicle, then against a
concrete wall in immediate succession,
once either or both of the drivers and front
passengers SRS frontal airbags is/are
activated on the first impact, it/they will not
be activated on the second impact.
If the vehicle is damaged in an
accident but the SRS frontal airbag
does not deploy, contact your
SUBARU dealer as soon as possi-
! SRS seat cushion airbag operation
1) Drivers side
2) Passengers side
The SRS seat cushion airbag is
designed not to deploy when the
seatbelt for the corresponding seat
is not fastened. For safety, all per-
sons in the vehicle should fasten
their seatbelts.
The SRS seat cushion airbags are de-
signed to deploy simultaneously when the
SRS frontal airbags deploy. For details
about the operating conditions, refer to
SUBARU advanced frontal airbag opera-
tion F1-57.
The front passengers SRS seat cushion
airbag is designed not to deploy in either
of the following conditions.
. The front passengers seatbelt is not
fastened (even when the front passen-
ger s frontal airbag ON indicator illumi-
nates while the OFF indicator remains off).
. The front passengers frontal airbag
ON indicator is off while the OFF indicator
When the front passengers SRS fron-
tal airbag is deactivated by the occu-
pant detection system, the front pas-
sengers SRS seat cushion airbag is
also deactivated.
! SRS side airbag and SRS curtain
airbag operation
The drivers and front passengers SRS
side airbags and SRS curtain airbags
deploy independently of each other be-
cause each has its own impact sensor.
Therefore, they may not both deploy in the
same accident. Also, the SRS side airbag
deploys independently of the drivers and
front passengers SRS frontal airbags in
the steering wheel and instrument panel.
An impact sensor, which senses impact
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
force, is located in each of the following
. In the left and right front doors
. In the left and right center pillars
. In the left and right rear wheel houses
. In the airbag control module
. In the left and right front fenders (only
SRS curtain airbags are designed to
deploy when the front sub sensors sense
a severe impact.)
A rollover sensor is also located inside the
airbag control module.
If the impact sensor that is located in the
airbag control module and one of the
center pillar impact sensors or front door
impact sensors together sense an impact
force above a predetermined level in a
side collision, the control module causes
both the SRS side airbag and curtain
airbag on the impacted side to inflate
regardless of whether the rear wheel
house impact sensor on the same side
senses an impact.
If the impact sensor that is located in the
airbag control module and one of the rear
wheel house impac t senso rs to gethe r
sense an impact force above a predeter-
mined level in a side collision, the control
module causes only the SRS curtain
airbag on the impacted side to inflate.
Even if a frontal collision occurs, both right
and left SRS curtain airbags will deploy
when the front sensor and the control unit
determine that the impact results from an
offset frontal collision.
The SRS curtain airbags are designed to
deploy when the driversSRSfrontal
airbag deploys or the drivers and pas-
sengers SRS frontal airbags deploy in a
frontal collision, and also when the system
determines that the collision is an offset
frontal collision. The SRS curtain airbags
are basically designed not to deploy in a
frontal collision when the SRS frontal
airbags do not deploy or the system
determines that the collision is other than
an offset frontal collision.
If the rollover sensor detects rollover of the
vehicle, the control module inflates the
SRS curtain airbags. At this time, the
drivers and front passengers seatbelt
pretensioners also operate at the same
After the deployment, the SRS side airbag
immediately starts to deflate. The time
required from detection of an impact to
deflation of an SRS side airbag after
deployment is shorter than the blink of
an eye.
The SRS curtain airbag remains inflated
for a while following dep loyment then
slowly deflates.
The SRS side airbag and SRS curtain
airbag deploy even when no one occupies
the seat on the side on which an impact is
The SRS side airbag and SRS curtain
airbag are designed to deploy in the event
of an accident involving a moderate to
severe side impact collision. They are not
designed to deploy in most lesser side
impact. Also, they are not designed to
deploy in most rear impacts because SRS
side airbag and SRS curtain airbag
deployment would not help the occupant
in those situations.
The SRS side airbag and SRS curtain
airbag deployment depend on the level of
force experienced in the passenger com-
partment during a side impact collision.
That level differs from one type of collision
to another, and it may have no bearing on
the visible damage done to the vehicle
The SRS curtain airbags are also de-
signed to deploy when the vehicle is in an
extremely inclined state such as during a
rollover. They are not designed to deploy
in most lesser inclined state.
Each SRS side airbag and SRS curtain
airbag are designed to function on a one-
time-only basis.
! Example of the type of accident
in which the SRS side airbag will
most likely deploy
A severe side impact near the front seat or
the rear seat.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
! Examples of the types of accidents in which the SRS curtain airbag will most
likely deploy
1) The vehicle is involved in a severe side
impact near the front seat or the rear
2) The vehicle rolls onto its side or the roof.
3) The angle of vehicle tip-up is marginal or
the skidding vehicles tires hit a curb-
stone laterally.
4) An offset frontal collision that is severe
enough to deploy the front airbag.
! Examples of the types of accidents in which it is possible that the SRS
curtain airbag will deploy
1) Hitting a curb, edge of pavement or hard
2) Falling into or jumping over a deep hole
3) Landing hard or vehicle falling
It is possible that the SRS curtain airbags
will deploy if a serious impact occurs to
the undersi de of your vehicle . Som e
examples are shown in the illustration.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
! Examples of the types of accidents in which the SRS side airbag is unlikely
to deploy
1) The vehicle is involved in an oblique
side-on impact.
2) The vehicle is involved in a side-on
impact in an area outside the vicinity of
the passenger compartment.
3) The vehicle strikes a telephone pole or
similar object.
4) The vehicle is involved in a side-on
impact from a motorcycle.
5) The vehicle rolls onto its side or the roof.
There are many types of collisions which
might not necessarily require SRS side
airbag deployment. In the event of acci-
dents like those illustrated, the SRS side
airbag may not deploy depending on the
level of accident forces involved.
! Examples of the types of accidents in which the SRS curtain airbag is
unlikely to deploy
1) The vehicle is involved in an oblique
side-on impact.
2) The vehicle is involved in a side-on
impact in an area outside the vicinity of
the passenger compartment.
3) The vehicle strikes a telephone pole or
similar object.
4) The vehicle is involved in a side-on
impact from a motorcycle.
There are many types of collisions which
might not necessarily require SRS curtain
airbag deployment. In the event of acci-
dents like those illustrated, the SRS
curtain airbag may not deploy depending
on the level of accident forces involved.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
! Examples of the types of acci-
dents in which the SRS side
airbag and SRS curtain airbag is
not designed to deploy in most
1) The vehicle is involved in frontal collision
with another vehicle (moving or station-
ary). (Only the SRS side airbag is
designed not to deploy in most cases)
2) The vehicle is struck from behind.
3) The vehicle pitches end over end.
In the event of accidents li ke those
illustrated, the SRS side airbag and SRS
curtain airbag are not designed to deploy
in most cases.
1) First impact
2) Second impact
A) SRS curtain airbag
B) SRS side airbag
In an accident where the vehicle is struck
from the side more than once, the SRS
side airbag and SRS curtain airbag deploy
only once on the first impact.
Example: In the case of a double side
impact collision, first with one vehicle and
immediately followed by another from the
same direction, once the SRS side airbag
and SRS curtain airbag are activated on
the first impact, they will not be activated
on the second.
& SRS airbag system monitors
SRS airbag system warning light
A diagnostic system continually monitors
the readiness of the SRS airbag system
(including front seatbelt pretensioners)
while the vehicle is being driven. The
SRS airbag system warning light will show
normal system operation by illuminating
for approximately 6 seconds when the
ignition switch is turned to the ON
The following components are monitored
by the indicator.
. Front sub sensor
Right-hand side
Left-hand side
. Airbag control module (including im-
pact sensors and rollover sensors)
. Frontal airbag module
Drivers side
Front passengers side
. Center pillar impact sensor
Right-hand side
Left-hand side
. Front door impact sensor
Right-hand side
Left-hand side
. Side airbag module
Drivers side
Front passengers side
. Rear wheel house impact sensor
Right-hand side
Left-hand side
. Curtain airbag module
Right-hand side
Left-hand side
. Seat cushion airbag module
Drivers side
Front passengers side
. Seatbelt pretensioner
Drivers side
Front passengers side
. Seatbelt buckle switch
Drivers side
Front passengers side
. Front passengers occupant detection
system sensor and control module
. Front passengers seatbelt tension
. Front passengers frontal airbag ON
and OFF indicator
. All related wiring
If the warning light exhibits any of
the following conditions, there may
be a malfunction in the seatbelt
pretensioners and/or SRS airbag
. Flashing or flickering of the warn-
ing light
. No illumination of the warning
light when the ignition switch is
first turned to the ON position
. Continuous illumination of the
warning light
. Illumination of the warning light
while driving
your nearest SUBARU dealer to
have the system checked. Unless
checked and properly repaired, the
seatbelt pretensioners and/or SRS
airbags will operate improperly (e.g.
SRS airbags may inflate in a very
minor collision or not inflate in a
severe collision), which may in-
crease the risk of injury.
& SRS airbag system servicing
. When discarding an airbag mod-
ule or scrapping the entire vehi-
cle damaged by a collision, con-
sult your SUBARU dealer.
. The SRS airbag has no user-
serviceable parts. Do not use
electrical test equipment on any
circuit related to the SRS airbag
system. For required servicing of
the SRS airbag, consult y our
nearest SUBARU dealer. Tamper-
ing with or disconnecting the
systems wiring could result in
accidental inflation of the SRS
airbag or could make the system
inoperative, which may result in
serious injury.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
If you need service or repair in areas
indicated in the following list, have
the work performed by an author-
ized SUBARU dealer. The SRS air-
bag control module, impact sensors
and airbag modules are stored in
these areas.
. Under the center console
. Inside each front fender
. Steering wheel and column and
nearby areas
. Top of the dashboard on front
. Each front seat and nearby area
. Inside each center pillar
. Inside each front door
. In each roof side (from the front
pillar to a point over the rear seat)
. Between the rear seat cushion
and rear wheel house on each
. Under the rear center seat
In the event that the SRS airbag is
deployed, replacement of the system
should be performed only by an author-
ized SUBARU dealer. When the compo-
nents of the SRS airbag system are
replaced, use only genuine SUBARU
In the following cases, contact your
SUBARU dealer as soon as possible.
. The front part of the vehicle was
involved in an accident in which only
the drivers SRS frontal airbag or both
driver s and front passengersSRS
frontal airbags did not deploy.
. The pad of the steering wheel, the
cover over the front passengers SRS
frontal airbag, or either roof side (from
the front pillar to a point over the rear
seat) is scratched, cracked, or other-
wise damaged.
. The center pillar, front door, rear
wheel house or rear sub frame, or an
area near these parts, was involved in
an accident in which the SRS side
airbag and SRS curtain airbag did not
. The fabric or leather of either front
seatback and seat cushion is cut,
frayed, or otherwise damaged.
. The rear part of the vehicle was
involved in an accident.
& Precautions against vehicle
. To avoid accidental activation of
the system or rendering the sys-
tem inoperative, which may re-
sult in serious injury, no modifi-
cations should be made to any
components or wiring of the SRS
airbag system.
This includes the following mod-
Installation of custom steering
Attachment of additional trim
materials to the dashboard
Installation of custom seats
Replacement of seat fabric or
Installation of additional fabric
or leather on the front seat
Attachment of a hands-free
microphone or any other ac-
cessory to a front pillar, a
center pillar, a rear pillar, the
windshield, a side window, an
assist grip, or any other cabin
surface that would be near a
deploying SRS curtain airbag
Installation of additional elec-
trical/electronic equipment
such as a mobile two-way
radio on or near the SRS
airbag syste m components
and/or wiring
Modifications on or inside the
front door panels for the pur-
pose of a speaker replace-
ment or sound insulation
. The impact sensors, which detect
the pressure of an impact, are
located in the doors. Do not
modify any components of the
doors or door trims, such as the
addition of door speakers for
example. Any modifications to
the doors create a risk of the
airbag system becoming inop-
erative or unintended airbag de-
Do not perform any of the following
modifications. Such modifications
can interfere with proper operation
of the SRS airbag system.
. Attachment of any equipment
(bush bar, bullbar, winches, snow
plow, skid/sump plate, etc.) other
than genuine SUBARU acces-
sory parts.
. Modification of the suspension
system or front end structure.
. Installation of a tire of different
size and construction from the
tires specified on the vehicle
placard attached to the drivers
door pillar or specified for indivi-
dual vehicle models in this Own-
ers Manual.
. Attachment of any equipment
(side steps or side sill protectors,
etc.) other than genuine SUBARU
accessory parts to the side body.
Always consult your SUBARU dealer if
you want to install any accessory parts on
your vehicle.
Seat, seatbelt and SRS airbags/*SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)
Keys ..................................................................... 2-3
Key number plate................................................ 2-3
Immobilizer .......................................................... 2-4
Certification for immobilizer system..................... 2-4
Security indicator light ........................................ 2-5
Key replacement ................................................. 2-5
Door locks ........................................................... 2-6
Locking and unlocking from the outside .............. 2-6
Locking and unlocking from the inside ................ 2-7
Battery drainage prevention function ................... 2-8
Power door locking switches............................. 2-9
Key lock-in prevention function ........................... 2-9
Keyless access with push-button start
system (if equipped) ....................................... 2-10
Safety precautions ............................................. 2-10
Locking and unlocking with keyless access
entry function................................................... 2-13
Selecting audible signal operation ...................... 2-18
Warning chimes and warning indicator ............... 2-18
Disabling keyless access function ...................... 2-18
When access key does not operate properly ....... 2-20
Replacing battery of access key ......................... 2-20
Replacing access key......................................... 2-20
Certification for keyless access with push-button
start system ..................................................... 2-20
PIN Code Access (mo dels with keyless
access with push-button start system)........ 2-21
Registering a PIN code....................................... 2-21
Unlocking .......................................................... 2-22
Remote keyless entry system........................... 2-23
Operating the access key................................... 2-24
Operating the transmitter ................................... 2-25
Replacing the battery......................................... 2-26
Replacing lost transmitters ................................ 2-26
Certification for remote keyless entry system ..... 2-26
Alarm system ..................................................... 2-27
System alarm operation ..................................... 2-27
Activating and deactivating the alarm system ..... 2-27
If you have accidentally triggered the alarm
system ............................................................ 2-28
Arming the system ............................................ 2-28
Disarming the system ........................................ 2-31
Valet mode ........................................................ 2-31
Tripped sensor identification .............................. 2-31
Shock sensors (dealer option)............................ 2-31
Child safety locks .............................................. 2-32
Windows............................................................. 2-32
Power window operation by driver ..................... 2-33
Power window operation by passengers............. 2-35
Initialization of power window ............................ 2-36
Trunk lid (Legacy).............................................. 2-37
To open and close the trunk lid from outside...... 2-37
To open the trunk lid from inside........................ 2-37
Internal trunk lid release handle ......................... 2-38
Rear gate (Outback)........................................... 2-39
Manual rear gate (if equipped) ............................ 2-39
Power rear gate (if equipped) ............................. 2-40
Keys and doors
Keys and doors
Moonroof (if equipped) ...................................... 2-46
Moonroof switches ............................................. 2-47
Sun shade ......................................................... 2-48
For models with keyless access with
push-button start system, refer to
Keyless access with push-button start
system F2-10.
1) Master key
2) Submaster key
3) Valet key
4) Key number plate
Three types of keys are provided for your
Master key, submaster key and valet key.
The master key and submaster key fit all
locks on your vehicle.
. Ignition switch
. Drivers door
. Glove box
. Trunk lid (Legacy)
The valet key fits only the ignition switch
and door locks. You can keep the glove
box locked when you leave your vehicle
and valet key at a parking facility.
Do not attach a large key holder or
key case to either key. If it bangs
against your knees while you are
driving, it could turn the ignition
switch from the ON position to the
ACC or LOCK position, thereby
stopping the engine.
& Key number plate
The key number is stamped on the key
number plate attached to the key set.
Write down the key number and keep it in
another safe place, not in the vehicle. This
number is needed to make a replacement
key if you lose your key or lock it inside the
Keys and doors/Keys
Keys and doors/Immobilizer
The immobilizer system is designed to
prevent an unau thorized person from
starting the engine. Only keys registered
with your vehicles immobilizer system can
be used to operate your vehicle. This
system, however, is not a 100% anti-theft
For models with keyless access with
push-button start system:
If you press the push-button igniti on
switch when carrying an unregistered
access key, the switch will not turn to the
ON position and the engine will not start.
For models without keyless access
with push-button start system:
Even if an unregistered key fits into the
ignition switch and can be turned to the
START position, the engine will auto-
matically stop after several seconds.
If the engine does not start, perform either
of the following procedures.
. Perform the procedure described in
Starting engine F9-19 (models with
keyless access with push-button start
. Pull out the key once before trying
again (models without keyless access
with push-button start system). Refer to
Ignition switch (models without push-
button start system) F3-3.
. Do not place the key under direct
sunlight or anywhere it may
become hot.
. Do not get the key wet. If the key
gets wet, wipe it dry with a cloth
. Do not modify or remove the
system. If modified or removed,
the proper operation of the sys-
tem cannot be guaranteed.
. To protect your vehicle from theft,
please pay close attention to the fol-
lowing security precautions:
Never leave your vehicle unat-
tended with its keys inside.
Before leaving your vehicle,
close all windows and the moon-
roof, and lock the doors (all models)
and rear gate (Outback).
Do not leave spare keys or any
record of your key number in the
. The vehicle has a maintenance-free
type immobilizer system.
& Certification for immobilizer
. For models with keyless access
with push-button start system:
Refer to Certification for keyless access
with push-button start system F2-20.
. For models without keyless access
with push-button start system:
U.S.-spec. models
Changes or modifications not ex-
pressly approved by the party re-
sponsible for compliance could void
the users authority to operate the
This device complies with part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This de-
vice may not cause harmful interfer-
ence, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, includi ng
interference that may cause undesired
Canada-spec. models
This device complies with Industry
Canada licence-exempt RSS standard
(s). Operation is subject to the follow-
ing two conditions: (1) this device may
not cause interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference,
including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux
CNR dIndustrie Canada applicables
aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
Lexploitation est autorisée aux deux
conditions suivantes: (1) lappareil ne
doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2)
lutilisateur de l appareil doit accepter
tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
même si le brouillage est susceptible
den compromettre le fonctionnement.
Mexico-spec. models
& Security indicator light
Refer to Security indicator light F3-28.
& Key replacement
Your key number plate will be required if
you ever need a replacement key made.
Any new key must be registered for use
with your vehicles immobilizer system
before it can be used. The maximum
number of keys that can be registered
for use with one vehicle is as follows.
. Four (models without keyless access
with push-button start system)
. Seven (models with keyless access
with push-button start system)
One key that has already been registered
is required in order to register a new key.
If you lose a key, the lost keys ID code still
remains in the memory of the vehicles
immobilizer system. For security reasons,
the lost keys ID code should be erased
from the memory. To erase the lost keys
ID code, all keys that will be used are
For details about new key registration and
erasing the lost keys ID code, contact
your SUBARU dealer.
Keys and doors/Immobilizer
Keys and doors/Door locks
Door locks
& Locking and unlocking from
the outside
If you unlock the drivers door with a
key (including a mechanical key) and
open the door while the alarm system
is armed, the alarm system is triggered
and the vehicle s horn sounds. In this
case, perform any of the following
Models with keyless acc ess w ith
push-button start system:
. Press any button on the access key
(except when the access key battery is
. Turn the push-button ignition switch
to the ACC position.
. Carry the access key and perform
either of the following procedures.
Grip the front door handle
Press the rear gate opener button
Models without keyless access with
push-button start system:
. Press any button on the remote
transmitter (except when the transmit-
ter battery is discharged).
. Insert the key into the i gnition
switch and turn the ignition switch to
the ON position.
For details about the alarm system,
refer to Alarm system F2-27.
To lock the drivers door from the outside
with the key, turn the key toward the front.
To unlock the door, turn the key toward the
rear. Pull the outside door handle to open
an unlocked door.
The mechanical key is directional. If the
key cannot be inserted, change the
direction that the grooved side i s
facing and insert it again.
Locking without the key
1) Rotate the lock lever forward.
2) Close the door.
To lock the door from the outside without
the key, rotate the lock lever forward and
then close the door.
Locking without the key
1) Press the front side of the power door
locking switch.
2) Close the door.
To lock the door from the outside using the
power door locking switch, press the front
side of the switch (LOCK side) and then
close the door. In this case, all closed
doors and the rear gate (Outback) are
locked at the same time.
Always make sure that all doors and the
rear gate are locked before leaving your
Make sure that you do not leave the key
inside the vehicle before locking the
doors from the outside without the key.
& Locking and unlocking from
the inside
Keep all doors locked when you
drive, especially when small chil-
dren are in your vehicle.
Along with the proper use of seat-
belts and child restraints, locking
the doors reduces the chance of
being thrown out of the vehicle in an
It also helps preven t passengers
from falling out by preventing a door
from being accidentally opened, and
intruders from unexpectedly open-
ing doors and entering your vehicle.
Keys and doors/Door locks
Keys and doors/Door locks
1) Unlock
2) Lock
To lock the door from the inside, rotate the
lock lever forward. To unlock the door from
the inside, rotate the lock lever rearward.
The red mark on the lock lever appears
when the door is unlocked.
Pull the inside door handle to open an
unlocked door.
Always make sure that all doors and the
rear gate (Outback) are closed before
starting to drive.
& Battery drainage prevention
If a door or the rear gate (Outback) is not
completely closed, the interior lights will
remain illuminated as a result. However,
several lights are automatically turned off
by the battery drainage prevention func-
tion to prevent the battery from going
dead. The following interior lights are
affected by this function.
Automatically turning
Map lights OFF
Approximately 20
minutes later
Dome light DOOR
Approximately 20
minutes later
switch light
Approximately 20
minutes later
Door step
Cargo area
Approximately 20
minutes later
*1: The map lights can be controlled by the
battery drainage prevention function only when
the map light switches are in the OFF position
and the door interlock switch is in the DOOR
position. For the switch positions, refer to Map
light F6-2
*2: The door step lights are not affected by the
battery drainage prevention function, so the
lights do not turn off automatically. To turn off
the lights, it is necessary that each door is
completely closed.
The operational/non-operational setting of
this function can be c hanged by a
SUBARU dealer. Contact the nearest
SUBARU dealer if you would like to
change the setting.
. The factory setting (default setting)
for this function is set as operational.
. When lea ving the vehicle, ple ase
make sure that all doors and the rear
gate (Outback) are completely closed.
. The battery drainage prevention
function does not operate while the
key is in the ignition switch.
Power door locking switches
1) Lock
2) Unlock
All doors and the rear gate (Outback) can
be locked and unlocked by the power door
locking switches located at the drivers
side and the front passengers side doors.
To lock the doors, press the front side of
the switch.
To unlock the doors, press the rear side of
the switch.
When you close the doors after you set
the door locks, the doors remain locked.
Make sure that you do not leave the key
inside the vehicle before locking the
doors from the outside using the power
door locking switches.
& Key lock-in prevention func-
This function prevents the doors from
being locked under the following condi-
. The key is still in the ignition switch
(models without keyless access with
push-button start system)
. TheignitionswitchisintheON
position (models with keyless access with
push-button start system)
This functions operational/non-opera-
tional setting ca n be changed by a
SUBARU dealer. Contact a SUBARU
dealer for details.
. The factory setting (default setting)
for this function is set as operational.
. When leaving the vehicle, make sure
you are holding the key before locking
the doors.
! Behavior with key lock-in preven-
tion function operational
With the drivers door open, the doors are
automatically kept unlocked even if the
front side of the power door locking switch
is pressed.
! Behavior with key lock-in preven-
tion function non-operational
. If the lock lever is turned to the rear
(LOCK) position with the drivers door
open and the driver s door is then closed
with the lock lever in that position, the
drivers door is locked.
. If the spare key is used to lock the
drivers door from the outside of the
vehicle, the door is locked.
Keys and doors/Power door locking switches
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
Keyless access with push-
button start system (if
1) Access key (main)
2) Access key (sub)
3) Key number plate
The vehicle has two access keys and a
key number plate. For details about the
key number plate, refer to Key number
plate F2-3.
The keyless access with push-button start
system allows you to perform the following
functions when you are carrying the
access key.
. Locking and unlocking of the doors and
rear gate (Outback)
. Opening the trunk (Legacy)
. Starting and stopping the engine. For
detailed information, refer to Starting and
stopping engine (models with push-button
start system) F7-12.
. Arming and disarming the alarm sys-
tem. For detailed information, refer to
Alarm system F2-27.
Locking and unlocking by the remote
keyless entry system can also be con-
trolled with the buttons on the access key.
For detailed information, refer to Remote
keyless entry system F2-23.
A mechanical key is attached to each
access key. The mechanical key is used
for the following operations.
. Locking and unlocking the drivers door
. Locking and unlocking the glove box
. Unlocking the trunk lid (Legacy)
You cannot unlock the glove box without
using the mechanical key. You can keep
the glove box locked when you leave your
vehicle and the ac cess key (with the
mechanical key removed) at a parking
1) Release button
2) Mechanical key
While pressing the release button of the
access key, take out the mechanical key.
& Safety precautions
If you wear an implanted pacemaker
or an implanted defibrillator, stay at
least 8.7 in (22 cm) away from the
transmitting antennas installed on
the vehicle.
The radio waves from the transmit-
ting antennas on the vehicle could
adversely affect the operation of
implanted p acemakers and im-
planted defibrillators.
If you wear electric medical equip-
ment other than an implanted pace-
maker or an implanted defibrillator,
before using the keyless access
with push-button start system, refer
to Radio waves used for the key-
less access with push-button start
system mentioned later, and con-
tact the electric medical equipment
manufacturer for more information.
The radio waves from the transmit-
ting antennas on the vehicle could
adversely affect the operation of the
electric medical equipment.
Radio waves used for the keyless
access with push-button start sys-
. The keyless access with push-
button start system uses radio
waves of the following fre-
quency* in addition to the radio
waves used for the remote key-
less entry system. The radio
waves are periodically output
from the antennas installed on
the vehicle as shown in the
following illustrations.
* Radio frequency: 134 kHz
1) Antenna
1) Antenna
. Never leave or store the access
key inside the vehicle or within
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
6.6 ft (2 m) around the vehicle (e.
g., in the garage). The access key
may be locked inside the vehicle,
or the battery may discharge
. The access key contains electro-
nic components. Observe the
following precautions to prevent
Although you can replace the
battery of the access key
yourself, it is recommended
that the battery be replaced by
a SUBARU dealer to avoid the
risk of damage at the time of
Do not get the access key wet.
If the access key gets wet,
wipe it off immediately and let
it dry completely.
Do not apply strong impacts
to the access key.
Keep the access key away
from magnetic sources.
Never leave the access key in
direct sunlight or anywhere
that may become hot, such
as on the dashboard. It may
damage the battery or cause
circuit malfunctions.
Do not wash the access key in
an ultrasonic washer.
Do not leave the access key in
humid or dusty locations.
Doing so may cause malfunc-
Do not leave the access key
near personal computers or
home electric appliances.
Doing so may cause the ac-
cess key to malfunction, re-
sulting in battery discharge.
. If the access key is dropped, the
integrated mechanical key inside
may become loose. Be careful
not to lose the mechanical key.
. When you carry the access key
on an airplane, do not press the
button of the access key while in
the airplane. When any button of
the access key is pressed, radio
waves are sent and may affect
the operation of the airplane.
When you carry the access key
in a bag on an airplane, take
measures to prevent the buttons
of the access key from being
. The operational/non-operational
setting for the keyless access function
can be changed. For the setting proce-
dure, refer to Disabling keyless ac-
cess function F2-18. The setting can
also be changed by a SUBARU dealer.
For more details, contact a SUBARU
. For detailed information about the
operation method for the push-button
ignition switch while the keyless ac-
cess function is switched to the non-
operational mode, refer to Access key
if access key does not operate
properly F9-18.
. The keyless access with push-but-
ton start system uses weak radio
waves. The status of the access key
and environmental conditions may in-
terfere with the communication be-
tween the access key and the vehicle
under the following conditions, and it
may not be possible to lock or unlock
the doors or start the engine.
When operating near a facility
where strong radio waves are trans-
mitted, such as a broadcast station
and power transmission lines
When products that transmit
radio waves are used, such as an
access key or a remote transmitter
key of another vehicle
When carrying more than one
access key
When the access key is placed
near wireless communication
equipment such as a cell phone
When the access key is placed
near a metallic object
When metallic accessories are
attached to the access key
When carrying the access key
with electronic appliances such as
a laptop computer
When the battery of the access
key is discharged
. The access key is always commu-
nicating with the vehicle and is con-
tinuously using the battery. Although
the life of the battery varies depending
on the operating conditions, it is ap-
proximately 1 to 2 years. If the battery
becomes fully discharged, replace it
with a new one.
. If an access key is lost, it is
recommended that the access key be
reregistered. For reregistration of an
access key, contact a SUBARU dealer.
. For a spare access key, contact a
SUBARU dealer.
. Up to 7 access keys can be regis-
tered for one vehicle.
. Carefully store the key number plate
supplied with the access key. It is
necessary for vehicle repair.
. Do not leave the access key in the
storage spaces inside the vehicle, such
as the door pocket, dashboard and the
corner of the cargo area. Vibrations
may damage the key or turn on the
switch, possibly resulting in a lockout.
. After the vehicle battery is dis-
charged or replaced, initialization of
the steering lock system may be re-
quired to start the engine. In this case,
perform t he f ol low ing procedu re t o
initialize the steering lock.
(1) Turn t he push-button ignition
switch to the OFF position. For
details, refer to Switching power
(2) Open and close the driver s
(3) Wait for approximately 10 sec-
When the steering is locked, the initi-
alization is completed.
& Locking and unlocking with
keyless access entry func-
! Operating ranges
1) Antenna
2) Operating range
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
1) Antenna
2) Operating range
. The operating range of the door lock-
ing/unlocking function is approximately 16
to 32 in (40 to 80 cm) from the respective
door handle.
. For Legacy, the operating range of the
trunk opening function is approximately 16
to 32 in (40 to 80 cm) from the trunk
opener button.
. For Outback, the operating range of
the rear gate locking/unlocking function is
approximately 16 to 32 in (40 to 80 cm)
from the rear gate ornament.
1) LED indicator
When the access key is within either of the
operating ranges of the front doors, the
LED indicator on the access key flashes.
When the keyless access functions are
disabled, the LED indicator does not flash
unless a button on the access key is
! Operating range tips
. Locking by using the keyless access
function can be operated only by the door
lock sensor in the operating range in
which the access key is detected.
. Unlocking by using the keyless access
function can be operated only by the door
handle in the operating range in which the
access key is detected.
. If the access key is placed too close to
the vehicle body, the keyless access
functions may not operate properly. If they
do not operate properly, repeat the opera-
tion from further away.
. If the access key is placed near the
ground or in an elevated location from the
ground, even if it i s in the in dicate d
operating range, the keyless access func-
tion may not operate properly.
. When the access key is within the
operating range, it is possible for anyone,
even someone who is not carrying the
access key, to operate the keyless access
function. Note that the keyless access
function can be operated only by the door
handle, door lock sensor, rear gate opener
button, trunk opener button or rear lock
button in the operating range in which the
access key is detected.
. It is not possible to lock the doors and
rear gate using the keyless access func-
tion when the access key is inside the
vehicle. However, depending on the status
of the access key and the environmental
conditions, the access key may be locked
inside the vehicle. Before locking, make
sure that you have the access key.
. When the battery of the access key is
dischar ged, or when operating it in a
location with strong radio waves or noise
(e.g., near a radio tower, power plant,
broadcast station or an area where wire-
less equipment is used), or while talking
on a cell phone, the operating ranges may
be reduced, or the keyless access func-
tion may not operate.
In such a case, perform the procedure
described in Locking and unlocking F9-
. When an access key is in the operating
range, if the door handle becomes wet
due to exposure to a significant amount of
water when the vehicle is washed or
dur ing heavy rain, the doors may be
locked or unlocked.
. The keyless access function may not
operate properly depending on the status
of the access key and the radio wave
conditions around the vehicle. In such a
case, perform the procedure described in
Locking and unlocking F9-18.
! How to use keyless access func-
! Keyless access function tips
. When you lock the doors and rear gate
using the keyless access function, turn the
push-button ignition switch off. It is not
possible to lock the doors and rear gate
using the keyless access function when
the push-button ignition switch is on the
ACC or ON position. Refer to Switch-
ing power F3-6.
. If the door handle is gripped with a
gloved hand, the door lock may not be
. If the door lock sensor is touched three
times or more repeatedly, the system will
ignore the sensor operation.
. When performing the locking proce-
dure too quickly, locking may not have
been completed. After locking the doors, it
is recommended to pull the REAR door
handles to confirm that the doors have
been locked.
. It is possible to lock the doors even
when one of the doors is open. After
performing the locking procedure, close
the opened door or rear gate to lock it.
. Within 3 seconds after locking the
doors and the rear gate by using the
keyless access function, it is not possible
to unlock doors and/or the rear gate by
using the keyless access function.
. When locking, be sure to carry the
access key to prevent locking the access
key in the vehicle.
! Unlocking
Carry the access key, and grip the door
. When the driver s door handle is
gripped, only the drivers door will be
. When the front passengers door han-
dle is gripped, all doors (for Outback,
including the rear gate) will be unlocked.
Also, an electronic chirp will sound twice
and the hazard warning flashers will flash
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
! Opening rear gate (Outback)
1) Rear gate opener button
Carry the access key, and press the rear
gate opener button. Only the rear gate will
be unlocked and opened. Also, an elec-
tronic chirp will sound twice and the
hazard warning flashers will flash twice.
! Opening trunk (Legacy)
1) Trunk opener button
Carry the access key, and press the trunk
opener button. The trunk will open.
An electronic chirp will sound twice and
the hazard warning flashers w ill flash
! Locking with the door lock
1) Door lock sensor
Carry the access key, close all doors (for
Outback, including the rear gate) and
touch the door lock sensor on the door
handle. All doors including the rear gate
will be locked. Also, an electronic chirp will
sound once and the hazard warning
flashers will flash once.
After touching the door lock sensor to
lock all of the doors (including the rear
gate), if you touch the door lock sensor
once more to attempt the lock opera-
tion without first unlocking the doors,
nothing will happen, even if the door
lock sensor is touched. In this case,
perform the unlocking operation once
first. You can then touch the door lock
sensor to lock the doors.
! Locking with the rear lock button
1) Rear lock button
Carry the access key, close all doors
including the rear gate and press the rear
lock button. The rear gate and all doors
will be locked. Also, an electronic chirp will
sound once and the hazard warning
flashers will flash once.
! Power saving function
To protect the access key battery and the
vehicle battery, the keyless access func-
tion will be disabled as follows.
. When the keyless access function and
the remote keyless entry system have not
been used:
(1) 5 days after the push-button igni-
tion switch has been turned off, com-
munication between the antennas and
the access key will be stopped.
(2) 9 days after step 1, the sensors
(both lock sensor and unlock sensor)
on the front passengers door will be
. When the access key has been left in
the operating range for 10 minutes or
longer while all doors are locked, the
keyless access function will be disabled.
! Recovery from power saving
When one of the following is operated, the
keyless access function will be recovered.
. Unlock by gripping the door handle
(only when the sensors on the front
passengers door are not disabled) or
pressing the rear gate opener button on
the rear gate (Outback)/trunk opener
button on the trunk lid (Legacy)
. Lock or unlock by the remote keyless
entry system
. Open a door and then close it
. Turn the push-button ignition switch to
the ON position
! Door unlock selection function
The door unlock selection function makes
the following operations possible.
. Unlocking the drivers door without
unlocking any other doors (including the
rear gate) when gripping the drivers door
. Opening the rear gate without unlock-
ing any doors when pressing the rear gate
opener button (Outback)
The operational/non-operational settin g
for this function can be changed by a
SUBARU dealer.
. Only the drivers door will be unlocked
when the drivers door handle is gripped.
. The rear gate will open, but the other
doors will remain locked when the rear
gate opener button is pressed. (Outback)
. All doors and the rear gate will be
unlocked when the drivers door handle is
. The rear gate will open and all doors
will be unlocked when the rear gate
opener button is pressed. (Outback)
The factory setting (default setting) is set
as operational.
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
For further details, consult a SUBARU
& Selecting audible signal op-
Using an electronic chirp, the system will
give you an audible signal when the doors
lock and unlock. If desired, you can turn
the audible signal off by operating the
multi information display. For details, refer
to Keyless Entry System F3-41.
& Warning chimes and warning
The keyless access with push-button start
system sounds a warning chime a nd
flashes the access key warning indicator
on the co mbination meter in order to
minimize improper operations and help
protect your vehicle from theft.
For details, refer to Warning chimes and
warning indicator of the keyless access
with push-button start system F3-24.
& Disabling keyless access
If you wear an implanted pacemaker
or an implanted defibrillator, operate
the driver s door to disable the
keyless access function. Otherwise,
the operation of an implanted pace-
maker or implanted defibrillator may
be affected by the radio waves from
the transmitter antenna.
When the vehicle is not going to be used
for a long time, or when you choose not to
use the keyless access function, the
keyless access function can be disabled.
. The locking and unlocking function
by the remote keyless entry system is
not disabled.
. The setting can also be changed at
SUBARU dealers. For more details,
contact a SUBARU dealer.
. To start the engine while the func-
tions are disabled, perform the proce-
dure described in Starting engine
. We recommend that you disable the
keyless access functions under the
following conditions.
When the vehicle is not going to
be used for an extended period of
When the keyless access func-
tions are not going to be used
! Disabling functions
! By operating the access key
If you have registered a PIN code for PIN
Code Access, you can disable the keyless
access function by operating the access
key. For details about registering a PIN
code, refer to Registering a PIN code
1. Open the drivers door.
2. Rotate the lock lever forward.
3. Press and hold the button and
button on the access key simulta-
neously for more than 5 seconds.
A chirp sound will be heard, and the
function will be disabled.
! By operating the drivers door
1. Sit in the drivers seat, and close the
2. Push the rear side (unlock side) of the
power door locking switch.
3. Within 5 seconds after step 2 is
performed, open the drivers door.
4. Within 5 seconds after step 3 is
performed, push the rear side (unlock
side) of the power door locking switch
twice while the door is open.
5. Within 10 seconds after step 4 is
performed, close and open the drivers
door twice.
6. Within 10 seconds after step 5 is
performed, push the rear side (unlock
side) of the power door locking switch
twice while the door is open.
7. Within 10 seconds after step 6 is
performed, close and open the drivers
door once.
8. Within 5 seconds after step 7 is
performed, close the door.
A chirp sound will be heard, and the
functions will be disabled.
In steps 4 and 6, press the power door
locking switch slowly. If the switch is
pressed quickly, the functions may not
be disabled.
! Enabling functions
When the procedure to disable the func-
tions is performed again, a chirp sound will
be heard, and the functions are enabled.
. The keyless access function will be
enabled only if you perform the proce-
dure in the same manner you disabled
the function (for example, when dis-
abling by operating the drivers door,
the function will not be enabled even if
you operate the access key).
. Press the push-button ignition
switch if you do not know the proce-
dure in which the keyless access
function was disabled.
When disabling by operating the
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
Keys and doors/Keyless access with pushbutton start system
drivers door: a chirp will not be
When disabling by operating the
access key: a chirp will be heard
& When access key does not
operate properly
Refer to Access key if access key does
not operate properly F9-18.
& Replacing battery of access
Refer to Replacing battery of access key
& Replacing access key
Access keys can be replaced at SUBARU
dealers. For more details, contact a
SUBARU dealer.
& Certification for keyless ac-
cess with push-button start
. U.S.-spec. models
Changes or modifications not ex-
pressly approved by the party re-
sponsible for compliance could void
the users authority to operate the
This device complies with part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device
may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interfer-
ence received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
. Canada-spec. models
This device complies with Industry
Canada licence-exempt RSS standard
(s). Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux
CNR dIndustrie Canada applicables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence. Lex-
ploitation est autorisée aux deux condi-
tions suivantes: (1) lappareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) lutilisateur
de lappareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage
est susceptible den comp romet tre l e
. Mexico-spec. models
PIN Code Access (models
with keyless access with
push-button start system)
1) Trunk opener button (Legacy)
1) Rear lock button (Outback)
While all doors (for Outback, including the
rear gate) are locked, you can unlock the
doors (including rear gate) without a key
by performing the following procedure.
. Legacy: press the trunk opener button
. Outback: press the rear lock button
PIN Code Access will be helpful if the
key is accidentally left in the vehicle. It
is recommended that a 5-digit security
code (PIN code) is registered.
& Registering a PIN code
! Preparation
1. Turn off the ignition switch.
2. Close all doors (including trunk/rear
3. Press and hold the
button on the
access key. Then all doors (including rear
gate) will be locked.
4. Keep the
butt on pressed, and
press the following button within 5 sec-
onds after step 3.
. Legacy: the trunk opener button
. Outback: the rear lock button
5. Press and hold the above button for
more than 5 seconds. Then a chirp will
6. Press the
button on the access key
while the chirp sounds.
Then the chirp will stop and the prepara-
tion is complete.
If you do not press the
button on
the access key, the chirp will sound for
30 seconds. In this case, the prepara-
tion for registering a PIN code does not
complete even if the chirp stops.
Keys and doors/PIN Code Access (models with keyless access with pushbutton start system)
Keys and doors/PIN Code Access (models with keyless access with pushbutton start system)
! Registration
For example, to register 32468 as the
PIN code, perform the following proce-
1. Press the trunk opener button three
2. After a buzzer (ding) sounds once,
press the trunk opener button twice.
3. After a buzzer (ding) sounds once,
press the trunk opener button four times.
4. After a buzzer (ding) sounds once,
press the trunk opener button six times.
5. After a buzzer (ding) sounds once,
press the trunk opener button eight times.
6. Perform steps 1 to 5 again within
approximately 30 seconds after the buz-
zer starts sounding intermittently.
7. All doors will be unlocked and locked.
Then the PIN code will be registered.
1. Press the rear lock button three times.
2. After a buzzer (ding) sounds once,
press the rear lock button twice.
3. After a buzzer (ding) sounds once,
press the rear lock button four times.
4. After a buzzer (ding) sounds once,
press the rear lock button six times.
5. After a buzzer (ding) sounds once,
press the rear lock button eight times.
6. Perform steps 1 to 5 again within
approximately 30 seconds after the buz-
zer starts sounding intermittently.
7. All doors (including rear gate) will be
unlocked and locked. Then the PIN code
will be registered.
. Press the trunk opener button/rear
lock button ten times to enter 0.
. Change the PIN code frequently to
protect your vehicle from theft.
. If you have lent your vehicle to
another person, confirm that the PIN
code has not been changed or deleted.
If the PIN code has been changed or
deleted, reregister a new PIN code.
. If you make an error during the
registration procedure, press the
button on the access key.
Then, start over from the procedure
described in Preparation.
. To protect your vehicle from theft,
you cannot register 00000 to 99999
or 12345 as a PIN code.
. Do not register your vehicle license
plate number or simple numbers such
as 11122 or 12121 as a PIN code.
Doing so will incr ease the risk of
vehicle theft.
. When you try to register 22222,
the registered PIN code will be deleted.
You cannot unlock the doors by PIN
Code Access until a new code is
. After registering a new PIN code,
make sure that you can unlock the
doors using the PIN code.
. The PIN code cannot be deleted
while the keyless access function is
disabled by operating the access key.
. Reregister the PIN code in the
following case.
when you forget the PIN code
when you want to change the PIN
& Unlocking
Perform steps 1 to 5 described in Regis-
. You cannot unlock by P IN Code
Access in the following cases.
when the access key is within the
operating ranges
when the ignition switch is in the
ACC or ON position
. If you make an operation error
during the unlocking procedure, start
over with the unlocking procedure after
waiting for 5 seconds or longer.
. To protect your vehicle from theft, a
buzzer will sound if incorrect PIN codes
are entered five times continuously. If
this occurs, you cannot unlock the
doors by PIN Code Access for 5
Remote keyless entry system
. Do not expose the remote trans-
mitter to severe shocks, such as
those experienced as a result of
dropping or throwing.
. Do not take the remote transmit-
ter apart except when replacing
the battery.
. Do not get the remote transmitter
wet. If it gets wet, wipe it dry with
a cloth immediately.
. When you carry the remote trans-
press the button of the remote
transmitter while in the airplane.
When any button of the remote
transmitter is pressed, radio
waves are sent and may affect
the operation of the airplane.
When you carry the remote trans-
mitter in a bag on an airplane,
take measures to prevent the
buttons of the remote transmitter
from being pressed.
For models with keyless access with
push-button start system, the access
key is used as the transmitter for the
remote keyless entry system. For models
without keyless access with push-button
start system, the tra nsmitter for the
remote keyless entry system is located
inside the key head.
The remote keyless entry system has the
following functions.
. Locking and unlocking the doors (and
rear gate (Outback)) without a key
. Opening the trunk lid (Legacy) without
. Sounding a panic alarm
. Arming and disarming the alarm sys-
tem. For detailed information, refer to
Alarm system F2-27.
The operable distance of the remote
keyless entry system is approximately 30
feet (10 meters). However, this distance
will vary depending on environmental
conditions. The systems operable dis-
tance will be shorter in areas near a
facility or electronic equipment emitting
strong radio waves such as a power plant,
broadcast station, TV tower, or remote
controller of home electronic appliances.
Keys and doors/Remote keyless entry system
Keys and doors/Remote keyless entry system
& Operating the access key
The remote keyless entry system will
not be activated when the push-button
ignition switch is in any position other
than the OFF position.
Access key
1) Lock/arm button
2) Unlock/disarm button
3) Trunk lid opener/rear gate unlock button
4) PANIC button
! Locking the doors
Press the lock/arm button to lock all doors
and rear gate (Outback). When the doors
(including the rear gate) are locked, the
hazard warning flashers will flash once.
If any of the doors (or the rear gate/trunk
lid) is not fully closed, the following will
occur to alert you that the doors (or the
rear gate/trunk lid) are not properly closed.
. the hazard warning flashers flash five
. an electronic chirp sounds five times.
When you close the door, it will automa-
tically lock and then the following will
. the hazard warning flashers flash once.
. an electronic chirp sounds once.
! Unlocking the doors
Press the unlock/disarm button to unlock
the drivers door. An electronic chirp will
sound twice and the hazard warning
flashers will flash twice. To unlock all
doors and the rear gate (Outback), briefly
press the unlock/disarm button a second
time within 5 seconds.
If the interval between the first and
second presses of the unlock/disarm
button (for unlocking of all of the doors
and the rear gate) is extremely short,
the system may not respond.
! Opening the trunk lid (Legacy)
Press and hold the trunk lid opener button
to open the trunk lid. An electronic chirp
will sound twice and the hazard warning
flashers will flash twice.
! Unlocking the rear gate (Outback)
Press the rear gate unlock button to
unlock the rear gate.
An electronic chirp will sound twice and
the hazard warning flashers w ill flash
! Vehicle finder function
Use this function to find your vehicle
parked among many vehicles in a large
parking lot. Provided you are within 30 feet
(10 meters) of the vehicle, pressing the
lock/arm button three times in a 5-second
period will cause your vehicles horn to
sound once and its hazard warning
flashers to flash three times.
If the interval between presses is too
short when you press the lock/ar m
button three times, the system may
not respond to the signals from the
remote transmitter.
! Sounding a panic alarm
To activate the alarm, press the PANIC
button once.
The horn will sou nd and the hazard
warning flashers will flash.
To deactivate the panic alarm, press any
button on the remote transmitter. If a
button on the remote transmitter is not
pressed, the alarm will be deactivated
after approximately 30 seconds.
& Operating the transmitter
The remote keyless entry system will
not be activated when the key is
inserted in the ignition switch.
1) Lock/arm button
2) Unlock/disarm button
3) Trunk lid opener/rear gate unlock button
4) PANIC button
! Locking the doors
Press the lock/arm button to lock all doors
and rear gate (Outback). When the doors
(including the rear gate) are locked, the
hazard warning flashers will flash once.
If any of the doors (or the rear gate/trunk
lid) is not fully closed, the following will
occur to alert you that the doors (or the
rear gate/trunk lid) are not properly closed.
. the hazard warning flashers flash five
. a horn sounds twice.
When you close the door, it will automa-
tically lock and then the following will
. the hazard warning flashers flash once.
. a horn sounds once.
! Unlocking the doors
Press the unlock/disarm button to unlock
the drivers door. The hazard warning
flashers will flash twice. To unlock all
doors and the rear gate (Outback), briefly
press the unlock/disarm button a second
time within 5 seconds.
If the interval between the first and
second presses of the unlock/disarm
button (for unlocking of all of the doors
and the rear gate) is extremely short,
the system may not respond.
! Opening the trunk lid (Legacy)
Press and hold the trunk lid opener button
to open the trunk lid. The hazard warning
flashers will flash twice.
! Unlocking the rear gate (Outback)
Press the rear gate unlock button to
unlock the rear gate.
The hazard warning flashers will flash
! Vehicle finder function
Use this function to find your vehicle
parked among many vehicles in a large
parking lot. Provided you are within 30 feet
(10 meters) of the vehicle, pressing the
lock/arm button three times in a 5-second
period will cause your vehicles horn to
sound once and its hazard warning
flashers to flash three times.
If the interval between presses is too
short when you press the lock/ar m
button three times, the system may
not respond to the signals from the
remote transmitter.
! Sounding a panic alarm
To activate the alarm, press the PANIC
button once.
The horn will sou nd and the hazard
warning flashers will flash.
Keys and doors/Remote keyless entry system
Keys and doors/Remote keyless entry system
To deactivate the panic alarm, press any
button on the remote transmitter. If a
button on the remote transmitter is not
pressed, the alarm will be deactivated
after approximately 30 seconds.
& Replacing the battery
Refer to Replacing battery F11-48.
& Replacing lost transmitters
If you lose a transmitter or want to
purchase additional transmitters (up to
four can be programmed), you should re-
program all of your transmitters for secur-
ity reasons. For details, contact your
SUBARU dealer and have the transmitters
programmed into the remote keyless entry
& Certification for remote key-
less entry system
. U.S.-spec. models
Changes or modifications not ex-
pressly approved by the party re-
sponsible for compliance could void
the users authority to operate the
This device complies with Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device
may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interfer-
ence received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
. Canada-spec. models
This device complies with Industry
Canada licence-exempt RSS standard
(s). Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux
CNR dIndustrie Canada applicables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence. Lex-
ploitation est autorisée aux deux condi-
tions suivantes: (1) lappareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) lutilisateur
de lappareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage
est susceptible den compromettre le
. Mexico-spec. models
Alarm system
The alarm system helps to protect your
vehicle and valuables from theft. The horn
sounds and the hazard warning flashers
flash if someone attempts to break into
your vehicle.
For models with keyless access with
push-button start system:
The system can be armed or disarmed
with the keyless access function or access
The system will not be activated when the
push-button ignition switch is in the ACC
or ON position.
For models without keyless access
with push-button start system:
The system can be armed and disarmed
with the remote transmitter.
The system will not be activated when the
key is inserted into the ignition switch.
Your vehicles alarm system has been set
for activation at the time of shipment from
the factory. You can set the system for
deactivation yourself or have it done by
your SUBARU dealer.
& System alarm operation
The alarm system will give the following
alarms when triggered.
. The vehicles horn will sound for 30
. The hazard warning flashers will flash
for 30 seconds.
If any of the doors (or the rear gate/trunk
lid) remains open after the 30-second
period, the horn will continue to sound
for a maximum of 3 minutes. If the door (or
the rear gate/trunk lid) is closed while the
horn is sounding, the horn will stop
sounding with a delay of up to 30 seconds.
The alarm is triggered by:
. Opening any of the doors, rear gate or
the trunk lid
. Physical impact to the vehicle, such as
forced entry (only models wi th shock
sensors (dealer option))
The alarm system can be set to trigger
the illumination of the following interior
. Map lights
. Dome light (illuminates only when
the dome light switch is in the DOOR
. Cargo area light (Outback)
The notificati ons regarding the map
lights, dome light and cargo area light
(Outback) are deactivated as the fac-
tory setting. A SUBARU dealer can
activate the system. Contact your
SUBARU dealer for details.
& Activating and deactivating
the alarm system
To change the setting of your vehicles
alarm system for activation or deactiva-
tion, do the following.
1. Disarm the alarm system. Refer to
Disarming the system F2-31.
2. Sit in the drivers seat and shut all
doors (and the rear gate (Outback)).
3. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
4. Hold down the REAR (UNLOCK) side
of the drivers power door locking switch,
open the drivers door within the following
1 second, and wait 10 seconds without
releasing the switch. The setting will then
be changed as follows:
If the system was previously activated:
The odometer screen displays ALOF
and the horn sounds twice, indicating that
the system is now deactivated.
Keys and doors/Alarm system
Keys and doors/Alarm system
If the system was previously deacti-
The odometer screen displays ALON
and the horn sounds once, indicating that
the system is now activated.
You may hav e the a bove sett ing
change done by your SUBARU dealer.
& If you have accidentally trig-
gered the alarm system
! To stop the alarm
Perform any of the following operations.
. Press any button on the access key/
remote transmitter.
. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
position (models without keyless access
with push-button start system).
. Turn the push-button ignition switch to
the ACC position (models with keyless
access with push-button start system).
Only registered keys will stop the
alarm. If the key is not registered, the
alarm will not stop.
& Arming the system
. The system can be armed even if the
engine hood, the windows and/or
moonroof are open. Always make sure
that they are fully closed before arming
the system.
. When arming the system, if any of
the doors or the rear gate/trunk lid is
not fully closed, an electronic chirp
sounds five times, the hazard warning
flashers flash five times to alert you
that the doors (or the rear gate/trunk
lid) are not properly closed. When you
close the door, doors will automatically
lock and the system will automatically
arm in 30 seconds.
. The 30-second standby time can be
eliminated if you prefer. Have it per-
formed by your SUBARU dealer.
. For Legacy, if you open the trunk
using the access key/remote transmit-
button in the surveillance
state (or the standby state), the system
will be temporarily placed in a standby
state. The system will go back to the
surveillance state in 30 seconds upon
locking the trunk.
. The system is in the standby state
for a 30-second period before arming
the system. The security indicator light
will flash at short intervals during this
. If any of the following actions is
done during the standby period, the
system will not switch to the surveil-
lance state.
Doors (including the rear gate/
trunk lid) are unlocked using the
access key/remote transmitter.
Doors (including the rear gate/
trunk lid) are unlocked using the
keyless access function (models
with keyless access with push-
button start system).
Any door (including the rear gate/
trunk lid) is opened.
The ignition switch is turned to
the ON position (models without
keyless access with push-button
start system).
Push-button ignition switch is
turned to the ACC position (mod-
els with keyless access with push-
button start system).
! To arm the system using the access
key/remote transmitter
1. Close all windows and the moonroof (if
2. Remove the key from the ignition
switch (models without keyless access
with push-button start system)/turn the
push-button ignition switch to the OFF
position (models with keyless access with
push-button start system).
3. Open the doors and get out of the
4. Make sure that the engine hood is
5. Close all doors and the rear gate/trunk
Access key
1) Arm button: Press to arm the system
2) Disarm button: Press to disarm the
1) Arm button: Press to arm the system
2) Disarm button: Press to disarm the
Security indicator light
6. Briefly press the arm button (for less
than 2 seconds). All doors (and the rear
gate (Outback)) will lock, an electronic
chirp will sound once, the hazard warning
flashers will flash once, and the security
indicator light will start flashing rapidly.
After rapid flashing for 30 seconds (stand-
by time), the security indicator light will
then flash slowly (twice approximately
every 2 seconds), indicating that the
system has been armed for surveillance.
If any of the doors (rear gate or trunk lid) is
not fully closed, an electronic chirp sounds
five times, the hazard warning flashers
flash five times to alert you that the doors
(or the rear gate/trunk lid) are not properly
closed. When you close the door, the
system will automatically arm and doors
will automatically lock.
! To arm the system using power
door locking switch
1. Close all windows and the moonroof (if
2. Remove the key from the ignition
switch (models without keyless access
function)/make sure the push-button igni-
tion switch is turned off (models with
keyless access function).
3. Open the doors and get out of the
4. Make sure that the engine hood (and
the trunk lid (Legacy)) are locked.
Keys and doors/Alarm system
Keys and doors/Alarm system
5. Close the doors (and the rear gate
(Outback)) but leave only the drivers door
or the front passengers door open.
6. Press the front side (LOCK side) of
the power door locking switch to set the
door locks.
7. Close the door. An electronic chirp will
sound once, the hazard warning flashers
will flash once and the security indicator
light will start flashing rapidly. After rapid
flashing for 30 seconds (standby time), the
security indicator l ight will then flash
slowly (twice approximately every 2 sec-
onds), indicating that the system has been
armed for surveillance.
! To arm the system using the key-
less access function (if equipped)
1. Close all windows and the moonroof (if
2. Turn the push-button ignition switch to
the OFF position.
3. Open the doors and get out of the
4. Make sure that the engine hood is
5. Close all doors and the rear gate/trunk
1) Door lock sensor
Security indicator light
6. Carry the access key and touch the
door lock sensor. All doors (for Outback,
including the rear gate) will lock, an
electronic chirp wil l sound once, the
hazard warning flashers will flash once,
and the security indicator light will start
flashing rapidly. After rapid flashing for 30
seconds (standby time), the security in-
dicator light will then flash slowly (twice
approximately every 2 seconds), indicat-
ing that the system has been armed for
If any of the doors or the rear gate is not
fully closed, an electronic chirp sounds
five times, the hazard warning flashers
flash five times to alert you that the doors
(or the rear gate/trunk lid) are not properly
closed. When you close the door, the
system will automatically arm and doors
will automatically lock.
& Disarming the system
Perform either of the following procedures.
. Briefly press the disarm button (for less
than 2 seconds) on the access key/remote
. Carry the access key and perform
either of the following procedures (models
with keyless access with push-button
start system).
Grip the front door handle.
Press the rear gate opener button.
The flashing of the security indicator light
will then change slowly (once approxi-
mately every 3 seconds from twice ap-
proximately every 2 seconds), indicating
that the alarm system has been disarmed.
! Emergency disarming
If you cannot disarm the system using the
transmitter (i.e. the transmitter is lost,
broken or the transmitter battery is too
weak), you can disarm the system without
using the transmitter.
The system can be disarmed if you turn
the ignition switch from the LOCK/OFF
to the ON position with a registered key/
access key.
For models with keyless access with
push-button start system, if the ac-
cess key battery is discharged, perform
the procedure described in Switching
power F9-18. In such a case, replace
the battery immediately. Refer to Re-
placing battery of access key F11-49.
& Valet mode
When you choose the valet mode, the
alarm system does not operate. In valet
mode, the access key/remote transmitter
is used only for locking and unlocking the
doors and rear gate (Outback) and panic
To enter the valet mode, change the
setting of your vehicles alarm system for
deactivation mode. Refer to Activating
and deactivating the alarm system F2-
27. The security indicator light will con-
tinue to flash once every 3 seconds
indicating that the system is in the valet
To exit valet mode, change the setting of
your vehicles alarm system for activation
mode. Refer to Activating and deactivat-
ing the alarm system F2-27.
& Tripped sensor identification
The security indicator light flashes when
the alarm system has been triggered.
Also, the number of flashes indicates the
location of unauthorized intrusion or the
severity of impact on the vehicle.
When the ignition switch is turned to the
ON position, the indicator light will
illuminate for 1 second and then flash as
. When a door or rear gate (Outback)
was opened: 5 times
. When the trunk (Legacy) was opened:
4 times
. When a strong impact or multiple
impacts were sensed: twice (only models
with shock sensors (dealer option))
. When a light impact was sensed: once
(only models with shock sensors (dealer
& Shock sensors (dealer op-
The shock se nsors tri gger the alarm
system when they sense impacts applied
to the vehicle and when any of their
electric wires is cut. The alarm system
causes the horn to sound and the hazard
warning flashers to flash for a short time
when the sensed impact is weak, but it
warns of a strong impact or multiple
Keys and doors/Alarm system
Keys and doors/Child safety locks
impacts by sounding the horn and flashing
the hazard warning flashers, both lasting
approximately 30 seconds.
If you desire, your SUBARU dealer can
connect them and set them for activation
or deactivation.
. The shock sensors are not always
able to sense impacts caused by break-
ing in, and cannot sense an impact that
does not cause vibration (such as
breaking the gl ass us ing a res cue
. The shock sensors may sense vi-
bration like those shown in the follow-
ing examples and trigger the alarm
system. Select the settings of the alarm
system and shock sensors appropri-
ately depending on where you usually
park your vehicle.
Vibration from construction site
Vibration in multistory car park
Vibration from trains
. You can have the sensitivity of the
shock sensors adjusted to your pre-
ference by your SUBARU dealer.
Child safety locks
Always turn the child safety locks to
the LOCK position when children
sit on the rear seat. Serious injury
could result if a child accidentally
opens the door and falls out.
Each rear door has a child safety lock.
When the child safety lock lever is in the
LOCK positio n, the door cannot be
opened from inside. The door can only
be opened from the outside.
To avoid serious personal injury
caused by entrapment, always con-
form to the following instructions
without exception.
. When operating the power win-
dows, be extremely careful to
prevent anyones fingers, arms,
neck, head or other objects from
being caught in the window.
. Always lock the passengers win-
dows using the lock switch when
children are riding in the vehicle.
. Before leaving the vehicle, al-
ways remove the key from the
ignition switch for safety and
never allow an unattended child
to remain in the vehicle. Failure
to follow this procedure could
result in injury to a child operat-
ing the power window.
The power windows operate only when
the ignition switch is in the ON position.
& Power window operation by
! Drivers side power window
1) Lock switch
2) For drivers window
3) For front passengers window
4) For rear left passengers window
5) For rear right passengers window
All door windows can be controlled by the
power window switch cluster at the driver
side door.
! Operating the drivers/front pas-
sengers window
1) Automatically open/close
2) Open/close
To open:
Press the switch down lightly and hold it.
The window will open as long as the
switch is held.
If you continue to hold the AUTO
switch in the down position after the
wind ow has been fully opened, the
circuit breaker may activate for a short
time and the window may not operate.
Allow several seconds for the system
to reset without touching the switch,
and the window will begin to operate
normally on its own.
This switch also has a one-touch auto
down function that allows the window to
be opened fully without holding the switch.
Press the switch down until it clicks and
release it, and the window will fully open.
To stop the window halfway, pull the
switch up lightly.
To close:
Pull the switch up lightly and hold it. The
window will close as long as the switch is
If you continue to hold the AUTO
switch in the up position after the
window has fully closed, the circuit
breaker may open and the system may
not operate. After several seconds, the
window will be able to be opened by
holding the switch down until it is fully
opened. The AUTO function will not
Keys and doors/Windows
Keys and doors/Windows
operate. The window can be raised by
pulling up on the switch several times
until the window is fully closed.
To reset to normal operation, initialize
the power window to reactivate the
one-touch auto up/down function. Re-
fer to Initialization of power window
This switch also has a one-touch auto up
function that allows the window to be
closed fully without holding the switch.
Pull the switch up until it clicks and release
it, and the window will fully close. To stop
the window halfway, press the switch
down lightly.
If the vehicles battery is disconnected
due to situations such as battery or
fuse replacement, the one-touch auto
up/down function is deactivated. Initi-
alize the power window to reactivate
the one-touch auto up/down function.
Refer to Initialization of power win-
dow F2-36.
! Anti-entrapment function
. Never attempt to test this func-
tion using fingers, hands or other
parts of your body.
. The anti-entrapment function
may not operate properly if some
object gets trapped just before
the window fully closes.
. If a window detects an impact simi-
lar to that caused by trapping an object
(for example, when the vehicle encoun-
ters a deep pothole), the anti-entrap-
ment function may operate.
. The window cannot be operated for
a few seconds after the anti-entrap-
ment function operates.
. If the vehicles battery is discon-
nected due to situatio ns such as
battery or fuse replacement, the anti-
entrapment function is deactivated.
Initialize the power window to reacti-
vate the anti-entrapment function. Re-
fer to Initialization of power window
While closing with the one-touch auto up
function, if the window senses a substan-
tial enough object trapped between the
window and the window frame, it auto-
matically moves down slightly and stops.
! Operating the rear passengers
To open:
Press the appropriate switch down and
hold it unti l the window reaches the
desired position.
To close:
Pull the switch up and hold it until the
window reaches the desired position.
! Locking the passengers windows
1) Lock
2) Unlock
To lock:
Press the lock switch. When the lock
switch is in the lock position, the passen-
gers windows cannot be opened or
To unlock:
Press the lock switch again.
& Power window operation by
! Passengers side power window
Each passenger window can be controlled
by the power window switch located on
the door.
! Operating the front passengers
1) Automatically open/close
2) Open/close
To open:
Press the switch down lightly and hold it.
The window will open as long as the
switch is held.
This switch also has a one-touch auto
down function that allows the window to
be opened fully without holding the switch.
Press the switch down until it clicks and
release it, and the window will fully open.
To stop the window halfway, pull the
switch up lightly.
To close:
Pull the switch up lightly and hold it. The
window will close as long as the switch is
Keys and doors/Windows
Keys and doors/Windows
This switch also has a one-touch auto up
function that allows the window to be
closed fully without holding the switch.
Pull the switch up until it clicks and release
it, and the window will fully close. To stop
the window halfway, press the switch
down lightly.
If the vehicles battery is disconnected
due to situations such as battery or
fuse replacement, the one-touch auto
up/down function is deactivated. Initi-
alize the power window to reactivate
the one-touch auto up/down function.
Refer to Initialization of power win-
dow F2-36.
! Anti-entrapment function
Refer to Anti-entrapment function F2-
! Operating the rear passengers
To open:
Press the switch down and hold it until the
window reaches the desired position.
To close:
Pull the switch up and hold it until the
window reaches the desired position.
When the lock switch on the power
window switch cluster, located on the
drivers side door, is in the lock position,
the passengers windows cannot be oper-
ated with the passengers switches.
& Initialization of power win-
If the vehicles battery is disconnected due
to situations such as battery or fuse
replacement, the following functions are
. One-touch auto up/down function
. Anti-entrapment function (drivers and
front passengers windows)
Initialize the power window in the following
procedure to reactivate such functions.
1. Close the drivers door.
2. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
3. Open the drivers side window halfway
by pushing down the power window
4. Pull up the power window switch and
close the window completely. Continue
pulling up the switch for approximately 1
second after the window is closed com-
If the front passenger s window is
equipped with the auto-up/down function,
it is necessary to repeat the same
initialization procedure on that window
Trunk lid (Legacy)
. To prevent dangerous exhaust
gas from entering the vehicle,
always keep the trunk lid closed
while driving.
. Help prevent children, adults or
animals from locking themselves
in the trunk. On hot or sunny
days, the temperature in the
trunk could quickly become high
enough to cause death or serious
heat-related injuries including
brain damage to anyone locked
inside, particularly for small chil-
. When leaving the vehicle, close
all windows and lock all doors.
Also make certain that the trunk
is closed.
& To open and close the trunk
lid from outside
The trunk lid can be opened using the
keyless access function or remote keyless
entry system. For details, refer to the
following section.
. For models with keyless access with
push-button start system, refer to Open-
ing trunk (Legacy) F2-16, Opening the
trunk lid (Legacy) F2-24 or Opening the
trunk lid (Legacy) F2-25.
. For models without keyless access
with push-button start system, refer to
Opening the trunk lid (Legacy) F2-24 or
Opening the trunk lid (Legacy) F2-25.
To close the trunk lid, lightly press the
trunk lid down until the latch engages.
. Do not leave your valuables in the
trunk when you leave your vehicle.
. Even when the trunk lid cannot be
opened using the remote keyless entry
system, you can open the trunk lid by
using th e k ey. R efer to Trunk lid
(Legacy) if the trunk lid cannot be
opened F9-19.
& To open the trunk lid from
Press and hold the trunk lid opener switch
for more than 1 second.
Keys and doors/Trunk lid (Legacy)
Keys and doors/Trunk lid (Legacy)
& Internal trunk lid release
The internal trunk lid release handle is a
device designed to open the trunk lid from
inside the trunk. In the event children or
adults become locked inside the trunk, the
handle allows them to open the lid. The
handle is located on the inside of the trunk
To open the trunk lid from inside the trunk,
pull the yellow handle as indicated by the
arrow on the handle. This operation
unlocks the trunk lid. Then, push up the
The handle is made of material that
remains luminescent for approximately
an hour in the dark trunk space after it is
exposed to ambient light even for a short
Never allow any child to get in the
trunk and play with the release
handle. If the driver starts the vehi-
cle without knowing that a child is
inside the trunk and the child opens
the lid using the release handle, the
child could fall out and be killed or
seriously injured.
. Do not close the lid while grip-
ping the release handle. The
handle may be damaged.
. Do not use the handle as a hook
to fasten straps or ropes t o
secure your cargo in the trunk.
Such use may result in damage
of the handle.
. Load the trunk so that cargo
cannot strike the release handle.
If the cargo hits the handle while
the vehicle is being driven, the
handle may be pulled and the
trunk lid may open. That may
cause cargo to fall out of the
trunk, which could create a traffic
safety hazard.
! Inspection
Perform the following steps at least twice
a year to check the release handle for
correct operation.
1. Open the trunk lid.
2. Use a flat-head screwdriver with a thin
blade. Slide the flat-head screwdriver
blade from the slit aperture of the lock
assembly fully to the end until you hear a
This places the latch in the locked posi-
3. Move the release handle, from outside
the vehicle, in the direction of the arrow to
check if the latch is released.
If the latch is not released, contact your
SUBARU dealer.
In that case, use the key to release the
latch, then close the trunk lid.
Also, if the movement of the release
handle feels restricted or not entirely
smooth during operation, or the handle
and/or handle base is cracked, contact
your SUBARU dealer.
Rear gate (Outback)
& Manual rear gate (if
The rear gate can be locked and unlocked
using any of the following systems.
. Power door locking switch: Refer to
Power door locking switches F2-9.
. Keyless access with the push-button
start system (if equipped): Refer to Key-
less access with push-button start system
. Remote keyless entry system: Refer to
Remote keyless entry system F2-23.
To open:
Rear gate opener button
1. Unlock the rear gate.
Keys and doors/Rear gate (Outback)
Keys and doors/Rear gate (Outback)
2. Press and hold the rear gate opener
button. The rear gate will open slightly.
3. Hold the rear gate and lift it up slowly.
If the rear gate cannot be opened due
to a discharged vehicle battery, a
malfunction in the door locking/unlock-
ing system or other causes, you can
unlock it by manually operating the
rear gate lock release lever. For the
procedure, refer to Rear gate
(Outback) if the rear gate cannot be
opened F9-20.
To close:
Lower the rear gate slowly and push down
firmly until the latch engages.
The rear gate can be lowered easily if you
pull it down holding the handle.
. To prevent dangerous exhaust
gas from entering the vehicle,
always keep the rear gate closed
while driving.
. Do not attempt to shut the rear
gate while holding the recessed
grip. Also do not close the rear
gate by pulling the handle from
inside the cargo space. There is a
danger of your hand being
caught and injured.
. Do not jam a plastic bag in or
place cellophane tape on the rear
gate stays or scratch the stays
while loading or unloading cargo.
That could cause leakage of gas
from the stays, which may result
in their inability to hold the rear
gate open.
. Be careful not to hit your head or
face on the rear gate when open-
ing or closing the rear gate and
when loading or unloading car-
& Power rear gate (if equipped)
. When opening the rear ga te,
make sure there are no people
around it. If the rear gate, by any
chance, should hit a part of the
body, this may result in an injury.
. When closing the rear gate, be
extremely careful to prevent any-
ones fingers, arms, neck, head
or other objects from being
caught in the rear gate. Other-
wise, serious personal injury
may be caused by entrapment.
. If either of the operating condi-
tions has not been satisfied while
operating the power rear gate, an
electronic chirp will sound and
the power rear gate will be deac-
tivated. In this case, the rear gate
may stop opening or closing
suddenly. Be careful to prevent
anyones body or an y objects
from being hit against the rear
gate or being caught in the rear
. After opening the rear gate on a
slope by using the power rear
gate feature, the rear gate may
close. Make sure that the rear
gate has stopped completely
after opening it.
. Before leav ing the veh icle, al-
ways remove the key from the
ignition switch for safety (models
without keyless access with
push-button start system) and
never allow an unattended child
to remain in the vehicle. Failure
to follow this procedure could
result in injury to a child operat-
ing the power rear gate.
. The driver should be aware of
and pay careful attention to his/
her responsibilities.
. The power rear gate button
should only be used to open
and close the rear gate when
the area around the rear gate is
clearly visible and when you
have checked that there is no
danger of people being caught in
the gate.
. When closing the rear gate after
opening it, make sure to use the
power rear gate. If you close the
rear gate manually with extra
force, the power rear gate may
be damaged.
. Do not install any accessories
other than genuine SUBARU
parts on the rear gate. If the
weight of rear gate increases
excessively, the rear gate stay
cannot support the rear gate
sufficiently when opening the
rear gate. Also, the power rear
gate may not function properly or
may malfunction.
. Do not tou ch the dri ving rod
while the power rear gate oper-
ates or stops. Doing so may
result in injury or damage.
The power rear gate operates only when
all of the following conditions are satisfied.
. The vehicle is stopped completely.
. The outside temperature is within a
range from 228F to 1408F (from 308Cto
. The ignition switch is in the LOCK/
OFF or ACC position. Or, the ignition
switch is in the ON position and the
parking brake is applied (MT models)/the
select lever is in the P position (CVT
We recommend using the power rear gate
function in most circumstances instead of
manual operation.
. If the power rear gate button i s
pressed repeatedly while the power
rear gate is operating, the system may
ignore the button operation in order to
avoid being damaged. Do not press the
button unnecessarily.
. It is not possible to stop the rear
gate temporarily while opening be-
tween the completely closed position
and approximately 12 in (30 cm) open.
If you press one of the power rear gate
buttons briefly during this range, the
rear gate will be closed.
. If the vehicle starts to move while
the power rear gate is operating, the
system sounds a buzzer and closes the
rear gate automatically. At this time, if
the system d etects jamming, it will
deactivate the power rear gate and the
rear gate will not be closed. If this
occurs, close the rear gate manually.
. If you try to open the rear gate using
the power rear gate function immedi-
ately after closing the rear gate using
the power rear gate function, an elec-
tronic chirp will sound and the rear
gate will not open. Wait for a while
before trying to open the rear gate via
the power rear gate function.
Keys and doors/Rear gate (Outback)
Keys and doors/Rear gate (Outback)
! Operation by the button on the
instrument panel
Power rear gate button
To open the rear gate:
Press and hold the power rear gate button
when the rear gate is closed. Then an
electronic chirp will sound twice and the
hazard warning flashers will flash twice.
The rear gate will open automatically.
To stop the rear gate midway:
Briefly press the power rear gate button
while the rear gate is being opened. Then
an electronic chirp will sound twice and
the hazard warning flas hers will flash
twice. If the button is pressed and held
again, the rear gate will close. If the button
is briefly pressed while the gate is closed,
the rear gate can be opened.
To close the rear gate:
Press and hold the power rear gate
button. Then an electronic chirp will sound
twice and the hazard warning flashers will
flash twice. If the button is briefly pressed
again, the rear gate will open.
If the rear gate cannot be open ed/
closed by performing the operation
described above, a short electronic
chirp will sound three times.
! Operation by the button on the
access key/transmitter
Powerreargatebutton (models with
access key)
Power rear gate button (models wi th
To open the rear gate:
Press and hold the power rear gate button
when the rear gate is closed. Then an
electronic chirp will sound and the hazard
warning flashers will flash. The rear gate
will open automatically.
. For models with keyless access
with push-button start system,an
electronic chirp will sound four times
and the hazard warning flashers will
flash four times.
. For models without keyless access
with push-button start system,an
electronic chirp will sound twice and
the hazard warning flashers will flash
To stop the rear gate midway:
Briefly press the power rear gate button
while the rear gate is being opened. Then
an electronic chirp will sound twice and
the hazard warning flas hers will flash
twice. If the button is pressed again, the
rear gate will close. If the button is briefly
pressed while the gate is closed, the rear
gate can be opened.
To close the rear gate:
Press and hold the power rear gate
button. Then an electronic chirp will sound
twice and the hazard warning flashers will
flash twice. If the button is briefly pressed
again, the rear gate will open.
. The rear gate remains unlocked
even after closing it. Always lock the
rear gate when leaving the vehicle.
. If the rear gate cannot be opened/
closed by performing the operation
described above, a short electronic
chirp will sound three times (beep,
beep, beep).
! Operation by the buttons on the
rear gate
To open the rear gate:
Rear gate opener button
1. For models with keyless access with
push-button start system, carry the ac-
cess key. For models without keyless
access with push-button start system,
unlock the rear gate.
2. Briefly press the rear gate opene r
button when the rear gate is closed.
Then an electronic chirp will sound twice
and the hazard warning flashers will flash
twice. The rear gate will open automati-
To stop the rear gate midway:
Briefly press the rear gate opener button/
power rear gate button on the inside edge
of the rear gate while the rear gate is being
opened. Then an electronic chirp will
sound twice and the hazard warnin g
flashers will flash twice. If the button is
pressed again, the rear gate will close. If
the button is briefly pressed while the gate
is closed, the rear gate can be opened.
To close the rear gate:
Power rear gate button on the inside edge
of the rear gate
Briefly press the rear gate opener button/
power rear gate button on the inside edge
of the rear gate. Then an electronic chirp
will sound twice and the hazard warning
flashers will flash twice. If the button is
briefly pressed again, the rear gate will
Keys and doors/Rear gate (Outback)
Keys and doors/Rear gate (Outback)
. The rear gate remains unlocked
even after closing it. Always lock the
rear gate when leaving the vehicle.
. If the rear gate cannot be opened/
closed by performing the operation
described above, a short electronic
chirp will sound three times (beep,
beep, beep).
! Manual operation
Using the power rear gate operation is
recommended. Manual operation will
require physical effort.
The power rear gate can open and close
manually. Refer to Manual rear gate F2-
! Memory function
Memory switch
Memory switch status
1) ON status
2) OFF status
Your desired rear gate height can be
Registration of the rear gate height:
To register the rear gate height, perform
the following procedures while the ignition
switch is in the LOCK/OFF position.
1. Open the rear gate by using the power
rear gate function.
2. Wi th the rear gate at the desire d
height, stop it by using the power rear
gate function.
3. Press the memory switch to select the
ON status.
Power rear gate button on the inside edge
of the rear gate
4. Wi th the rear gate at the desire d
height, press and hold the power rear
gate button on the inside edge of the rear
gate until an electronic chirp is heard and
the hazard warning flashers flash three
times. The electronic chirp and the flash-
ing hazard warning flashers confirm the
selected rear gate height has been regis-
. To change the registered height,
press the memory switch to select the
OFF status and perform the register-
ing procedure again.
. It is possible to register the height
from approximately 12 in (30 cm) or
more from the completely closed posi-
Retrieval of the rear gate height:
To open the rear gate and stop it at the
registered height, perform the following
1. Press the memory switch to select the
ON status.
2. Press and hold any of the power rear
gate switches.
Even if any of the p ower rear gate
switches are pressed and held while the
memory switch is in the OFF status, you
can stop it at the registered height by
pressing the memory switch to select the
ON status before the rear gate reaches
the registered height.
The rear gate will open to the position
that is stored in the memory function
even if the rear gate is opened by the
reverse function.
! Reverse function
. Do not let parts of your body get
caught when operating the re-
verse function. If the reverse
function does not operate for
some reason, this may lead to
serious injury or accidents.
. The reverse fu nction may not
operate if foreign objects are
caught in the rear gate just
before it closes completely. Be
careful not to catch your fingers
and other body parts.
. The reverse fu nction may not
operate depending on the object
shape and the manner in which it
was caught. Be careful not to
catch your fingers and other
body parts.
. If the reverse function is operated
3 times consecutively, automatic
opening and closing of the power
rear gate function will be can-
celed and the rear gate will stop
opening or closing suddenly.
Whether the rear gate opens or
closes depends on the rear gate
height when automatic operation
is ceased. Be careful that the rear
gate does not hit anyones head
or face, etc. and that fingers and
baggage, etc. are not caught in it.
. Take care not to damage the
touch sensors. Otherwise, the
reverse function may cease to
If, while opening or closing using power
rear gate, the rear gate catches persons
or baggage or hits an obstacle, an
electronic chirp will sound 3 times and
the rear gate will operate as follows.
When opening the rear gate: The rear
gate will automatically close.
When closing the rear gate: The rear
gate will automatically open.
Keys and doors/Rear gate (Outback)
Keys and doors/Moonroof
1) Touch sensor
Touch sensors are attached on the left
and right edges of the rear gate. If the
touch sensors detect fingers, baggage,
etc. while closing by the power rear gate
function, an electronic chirp will sounds 3
times and the rear gate will open auto-
When the rear gate is opened using the
reverse function, it will be opened fully
or to the height registered in the
memory function.
! Rear gate drop prevention function
If, while fully opened via the power rear
gate function, the rear gate is lowered by
the weight of snow and such, an electronic
chirp will sound and the rear gate drop
prevention function will apply braking to
the rear gate so that it prevents a rapid
closure of the rear gate.
. If there is snow on the rear gate,
only use the power rear gate function
after removing the snow.
. If you close the rear gate manually
just after the rear gate is fully opened
using the power rear gate function, the
rear gate drop prevention function will
detect a rapid closure of the rear gate
and apply braking to the rear gate. In
this case, this is not a malfunction.
Moonroof (if equipped)
Never let anyoneshands,arms,
head or any objects protrude from
the moonroof. A person could be
seriously injured if the vehicle stops
suddenly or turns sharply or if the
vehicle is involved in an accident.
To avoid serious personal injury
caused by entrapment, you must
conform to the following instruc-
tions without exception.
. Before closing t he moonroof,
make sure that no ones hands,
arms, head or other objects will
be accidentally caught in the
. Before leaving the vehicle, al-
ways remove the key from the
ignition switch for safety (models
without keyless access w ith
push-button start system) and
never allow an unattended child
to remain in the vehicle. Failure
to follow this procedure could
result in injury to a child operat-
ing the moonroof.
. Never try to check the anti-en-
trapment function by deliberately
placing part of your body in the
. Do not sit on the edge of the open
. Do not operate the moonroof if
falling snow or extremely cold
conditions have caused it to
freeze shut.
. The anti-entrapment function
does not operate when the moon-
roof is being tilted down. Be sure
to confirm that it is safe to do so
before tilting the moonroof down.
. If the moonroof does not close,
we recommend that you have the
system checked by a SUBARU
The moonroof has both tilting and sliding
The moonroof operates only when the
ignition switch is in the ON position.
& Moonroof switches
! Tilting moonroof
UP/DOWN switch
1) Tilting up
2) Laying down
The tilting up function will only operate
when the moonroof is fully closed. The
laying down function will only operate
when the moonroof is tilted.
Press the rear side of the UP/DOWN
switch to tilt up the moonroof.
Press the front side of the UP/DOWN
switch to lay down the moonroof.
Release the switch after the moonroof has
been tilted or has been laid down com-
pletely. Pressing the switch continuously
may cause damage to the moonroof.
One-touch operation does not take
place when the moonroof is lowered.
Press the switch continuously to lower
the moonroof.
! Sliding moonroof
1) Open
2) Close
Press the rear side of the OPEN/CLOSE
switch to open the moonroof. The sun
shade will also be opened together with
the moonroof. For Outback, the moonroof
will stop at a position approximately 0.8 in
(2 cm) away from the fully opened posi-
tion. Press the switch again to open the
moonroof completely.
Press the front side of the OPEN/CLOSE
Keys and doors/Moonroof
Keys and doors/Moonroof
switch to close the moonroof.
To stop the moonroof at a selected mid-
way position while opening or closing it,
momentarily press the front side or rear
side of the switch.
After washing the vehicle or after it rains,
wipe away water on the roof prior to
opening the moonroof to prevent drops
of water from falling into the passenger
For the sake of safety, it is recom-
mended that you avoid driving with the
moonroof fully opened.
! Anti-entrapment function
When the moonroof senses a substantial
enough object trapped between its glass
and the vehicles roof during closure, it
automatically moves back to the fully open
position and stops there. The anti-entrap-
ment function may also be activated by a
strong shock on the moonroof even when
there is nothing trapped.
Never attempt to test this function
using fingers, hands or other parts
of your body.
& Sun shade
The sun shade can be slid forward or
backward by hand while the moonroof is
If the moonroof is opened, the sun shade
also moves back.
Ignition switch (models without push-
button start system)......................................... 3-3
LOCK.................................................................. 3-3
ACC.................................................................... 3-4
ON ...................................................................... 3-4
START ................................................................ 3-4
Key reminder chime ............................................ 3-4
Ignition switch light ............................................. 3-4
Push-button ignition switch (models with
push-button start system) ............................... 3-5
Safety precautions .............................................. 3-5
Operating range for push-button start system ...... 3-5
Switching power ................................................. 3-6
When access key does not operate properly ........ 3-7
Hazard warning flasher....................................... 3-7
Meters and gauges.............................................. 3-7
Combination meter illumination ........................... 3-7
Canceling the function for meter/gauge needle
movement upon turning on the ignition
switch............................................................... 3-8
Speedometer....................................................... 3-8
Odometer............................................................ 3-8
Double trip meter ................................................ 3-9
Tachometer ......................................................... 3-9
Fuel gauge......................................................... 3-10
Temperature gauge ............................................ 3-11
ECO gauge ........................................................ 3-11
Warning and indicator lights ............................. 3-12
Seatbelt warning light and chime ........................ 3-12
SRS airbag system warning light ........................ 3-14
Front passengers frontal airbag ON and OFF
indicators ........................................................ 3-14
CHECK ENGINE warning light/Malfunction
indicator light .................................................. 3-15
Charge warning light.......................................... 3-15
Oil pressure warning light .................................. 3-16
Engine low oil level warning indicator ................ 3-16
AT OIL TEMP warning light (CVT models) ........... 3-16
Low tire pressure warning light (U.S. spec.
models) ........................................................... 3-17
ABS warning light.............................................. 3-18
Brake system warning light................................ 3-19
Hill Holder indicator light ................................... 3-21
Low fuel warning light ....................................... 3-21
Door open indicator ........................................... 3-21
Windshield washer fluid warning indicator.......... 3-21
All-Wheel Drive warning light (CVT models)........ 3-21
Power steering warning light.............................. 3-22
Vehicle Dynamics Control warning light/Vehicle
Dynamics Control operation indicator light ....... 3-22
Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF indicator light ..... 3-23
Warning chimes and warning indicator of the
keyless access with push-button start system (if
equipped) ........................................................ 3-24
Security indicator light....................................... 3-28
Select lever/gear position indicator..................... 3-29
Turn signal indicator lights................................. 3-29
High beam indicator light ................................... 3-29
Cruise control indicator ..................................... 3-29
Cruise control set indicator................................ 3-29
Automatic headlight beam leveler warning light
(models with HID headlights)............................ 3-29
Instruments and controls
Instruments and controls
Headlight indicator light ..................................... 3-30
Front fog light indicator light (if equipped) .......... 3-30
X-mode indicator (if equipped) ............................ 3-30
Hill descent control indicator (if equipped) .......... 3-30
Steering responsive fog lights OFF indicator
(models with EyeSight system) ......................... 3-30
SUBARU Rear Vehicle Detection warning
indicator (if equipped)/SUBARU Rear Vehicle
Detection OFF indicator (if equipped) ................ 3-30
Icy road surface warning .................................... 3-30
Information display ............................................ 3-31
Clock ................................................................. 3-31
Climate control mode indicators ......................... 3-32
Outside temperature indicator ............................ 3-32
Multi information display ................................... 3-33
Basic operation .................................................. 3-33
Welcome screen and Good-bye screen ............... 3-34
Warning screen .................................................. 3-34
Basic screens .................................................... 3-35
Telltale screen.................................................... 3-37
Menu screens .................................................... 3-37
Light control switch ........................................... 3-42
Headlights.......................................................... 3-42
High/low beam change (dimmer)......................... 3-44
Headlight flasher ................................................ 3-44
Daytime running light system ............................. 3-45
Headlight beam leveler (models with HID
headlights) ...................................................... 3-45
Turn signal lever ................................................ 3-46
One-touch lane changer..................................... 3-46
Illumination brightness control......................... 3-46
Auto dimmer cancel function ............................. 3-47
Front fog light switch (if equipped).................. 3-47
Steering responsive fog lights system (models
with EyeSight system) ..................................... 3-47
Wiper and washer.............................................. 3-49
Windshield wiper and washer switches .............. 3-50
Rear window wiper and washer switch
(Outback) ........................................................ 3-51
Defogger and deicer .......................................... 3-52
Mirrors ................................................................ 3-54
Inside mirror (without auto-dimming function) (if
equipped) ........................................................ 3-54
Auto-dimming mirror with HomeLink
equipped) ........................................................ 3-54
Auto-dimming mirror/compass with HomeLink
equipped) ........................................................ 3-60
Outside mirrors ................................................. 3-66
Tilt/telescopic steering wheel ........................... 3-66
Horn.................................................................... 3-67
Ignition switch (models with-
out push-button start sys-
. Never turn the ignition switch to
LOCK while the vehicle is
being driven or towed because
that will lock the steering wheel,
preventing steering control. And
when the engine is turned off, it
takes a much greater effort than
usual to steer.
. Before leav ing the veh icle, al-
ways remove the key from the
ignition switch for safety and
never allow an unattended child
to remain in the vehicle. Failure
to follow this procedure could
result in injury to a child or
others. Children could operate
the power windows, the moon-
roof or other controls or even
make the vehicle move.
Do not attach a large key holder or
key case to either key. If it banged
against your knees or hands while
you are driving, it could turn the
ignition switch from the ON posi-
tion to the ACC or LOCK posi-
tion, thereby stopping the engine.
Also, if the key is attached to a
keyholder or to a large bunch of
other keys, centrifugal force may act
on it as the vehicle moves, resulting
in unwanted turning of the ignition
The ignition switch has four positions:
. Keep the ignition switch in the
LOCK position when the engine is
not running.
. Using electrical accessories for a
long time with the ignition switch in the
ON or ACC position can cause the
battery to go dead.
. If the ignition switch will not move
from the LOCK position to the ACC
position, turn the steering wheel
slightly to the left and right as you turn
the ignition switch.
The key can only be inserted or removed
in this position. The ignition switch will lock
the steering wheel when you remove the
If turning the key is difficult, turn the
steering wheel slightly to the right and left
as you turn the key.
The key can be turned from ACC to
LOCK only when the key is pushed in
Instruments and controls/Ignition switch (models without pushbutton start system)
Instruments and controls/Ignition switch (models without pushbutton start system)
while turning it (all models) and the select
lever is in the P position (CVT models).
In this position the electrical accessories
(radio, accessory power outlet, etc.) can
be used.
& ON
This is the normal operating position after
the engine is started.
Do not turn the ignition switch to the
START position while the engine
is running.
The engine is started in this position. The
starter cranks the engine to start it. When
the key is released (after the engine has
started), the key automatically returns to
the ON position.
If the engine does not start with your
registered key, pull out the key once (at
this time, the security indicator light will
blink), reinsert the key in the ignition
switch and then try to start the engine
The engine may not start in the follow-
ing cases:
. The key grip is touching another key
or a metallic key holder.
. The key is near another key that
contains an immobilizer transponder.
. The key is near or touching another
& Key reminder chime
The reminder chime sounds when the
drivers door opens and the key is in the
LOCK or ACC positions. The chime
stops when the ignition switch is turned to
the ON position or the key is removed
from the ignition switch.
& Ignition switch light
For easy access to the ignition switch in
the dark, the ignition switch light illumi-
nates when drivers door is opened or
when the drivers door is unlocked using
the remote keyless entry transmitter.
The light remains illuminated for approxi-
mately 30 seconds and gradually turns off
under the following conditions.
. When the drivers door is closed
. When the doors are unlocked using the
remote keyless entry transmitter
The light gradually turns off under the
following conditions.
. When the ignition switch is turned to
the ON position
. When the doors are locked using the
remote keyless entry transmitter
Push-button ignition switch
(models with push-button
start system)
& Safety precautions
Refer to Safety precautions F2-10.
& Operating range for push-
button start system
1) Antenna
2) Operating range
1) Antenna
2) Operating range
. If the access key is not detected
within the operating range of the an-
tennas inside the vehicle, the push-
button ignition switch and the engine
start cannot be operated.
. Even when the access key is outside
the vehicle, if it is placed too close to
the glass, it may be possible to switch
the power or to start the engine.
. Do not leave the access key in the
following places. It may become im-
possible to operate the push-button
ignition switch and the engine start.
On the instrument panel
On the floor
Inside the glove box
Inside the door trim pocket
On the rear seat
On the rear shelf (Legacy)
Inside the trunk (Legacy)
At the corner of the cargo area
. When operating the push-button
ignition switch or starting the engine,
if the access key battery is discharged,
perform the procedure described in
Access key if access key does not
operate properly F9-18. In such a
case, replace the battery immediately.
Refer to Replacing battery of access
key F11-49.
Instruments and controls/Pushbutton ignition switch (models with pushbutton start system)
Instruments and controls/Pushbutton ignition switch (models with pushbutton start system)
& Switching power
1) Operation indicator
2) Push-button ignition switch
The power is switched every time the
push-button ignition switch is pressed.
1. Carry the access key, and sit in the
drivers seat.
2. Shift the select lever into the P
3. Press the push-button ignition switch
without depressing the brake pedal. Every
time the button is pressed, the power is
switched in th e seque nce of OFF,
ACC, ON and OFF. When the engine
is stopped and the push-button ignition
switch is in ACC or ON, the operation
indicator on the push-button ignition
switch illuminates in orange.
Indicator color Operation
OFF Turned off
Power is turned
ACC Orange
The following
systems can be
audio and ac-
cessory power
(while engine is
All electrical
systems can be
Turned off
(while engine is
. When the push-button ignition
switch is left in ON or ACC
for a long time, it may result in
vehicle battery discharge.
. Do not spill drinks or other
liquids on the push-button igni-
tion switch. It may cause a mal-
. Do not touch the push-button
ignition switch with a hand soiled
with oil or other contaminants. It
may cause a malfunction.
. If the push-button ignition switch
does not operate smoothly, stop
the operation. Contact a
SUBARU dealer immediately.
. If the push-button ignition switch
does not illuminate even when
the instrument panel illumination
is turned on, have the vehicle
inspected at a SUBARU dealer.
. If the vehicle was left in the hot
sun for a long time, the surface of
the push-button ignition switch
may get hot. Be careful not to
burn yourself.
. The push-button ignition switch can-
not be switched to OFF when the
select lever is in a position other than
. When operating the push-button
ignition switch, firmly press it all the
. If the push-button ignition switch is
pressed quickly, the power may not
turn on or off.
. If the indicator light on the push-
button ignition switch flashes in green
when the push-button ignition switch is
pressed, steering is locked. When this
occurs, press the push-button ignition
switch while turning the steering wheel
left and right.
! Battery drainage prevention func-
When the push-button ignition switch is
left in the ACC or ON position for
approximately 1 hour, the pus h-button
ignition switch will be automatically
switched to OFF to prevent the battery
from going dead. This function is activated
when the select lever is in the P position.
& When access key does not
operate properly
Refer to Access key if access key does
not operate properly F9-18.
Hazard warning flasher
The hazard warning flasher is used to
warn other drivers when you have to park
your vehicle under emergency conditions.
The hazard warning flasher works with the
ignition switch in any position.
To turn on the hazard warning flasher,
press the hazard warning button on the
instrument panel. To turn off the flasher,
press the button again.
When the hazard warning flasher is on,
the turn signals do not work.
Meters and gauges
Liquid crystal displays are used in
some of the meters and gauges in the
combination meter. You will find their
indications hard to see if you wear
polarized glasses.
& Combination meter illumina-
When the ignition switch is turned to the
ON position, the various parts of the
combination meter are illuminated in the
following sequence.
1. Warning lights, indicator lights, meter
needles, gauge needles and liquid crystal
display illuminate.
2. The meter and gauge needles sweep
one time.
3. Dials and indicators in meters and
gauges light up.
4. Regular illumination (for driving) be-
Instruments and controls/Hazard warning flasher
Instruments and controls/Meters and gauges
This sequence of operations may not
take place if you quickly turn the
ignition switch to start the engine. This
is not a malfunction.
& Canceling the function for
meter/gauge needle move-
ment upon turning on the
ignition switch
It is possible to activate or deactivate the
movement of the met er need les and
gauge needles that takes place when the
ignition switch is turned to the ON
position. For details, perform the proce-
dures described in Gauge Initial Move-
ment F3-40.
& Speedometer
The speedome ter shows the vehicle
& Odometer
1) U.S. spec. models
2) Except U.S. spec. models
This meter displays the odometer when
the ignition switch is in the ON position.
The odometer shows the total distance
that the vehicle has been driven.
Trip reset switch
If you press the trip reset switch when the
ignition switch is in the LOCK/OFF or
ACC position, the odometer/trip meter
will light up. If you do not press the trip
reset switch within 10 seconds of illumina-
tion of the odometer/trip meter, the od-
ometer/trip meter will turn off.
Also, if you open and close the drivers
door within 10 seconds of illumination of
the odometer/trip meter, the odometer/trip
meter will turn off.
& Double trip meter
This meter displays the two trip meters
when the ignition switch is in the ON
The trip meter shows the distance that the
vehicle has been driven since you last set
it to zero.
Trip reset switch
If you press the trip reset switch when the
ignition switch is in the LOCK/OFF or
ACC position, the odometer/trip meter
will light up. It is possible to switch
between the A trip meter and B trip meter
indications while the odometer/trip meter
is lit up. If you do not press the trip reset
switch within 10 seconds of illumination of
the odometer/trip meter, the odometer/trip
meter will turn off.
Also, if you open and close the drivers
door within 10 seconds of illumination of
the odometer/trip meter, the odometer/trip
meter will turn off.
The display can be switched as shown in
the following illustration by pressing the
trip reset switch.
To set the trip meter to zero, select the A
trip or B trip meter by pressing the trip
reset switch and keep the switch pressed
for more than 2 seconds.
To ensure safety, do not attempt to
change the function of the indicator
during driving, as an accident could
If the connection between the combina-
tion meter and battery is broken for any
reason such as vehicle maintenance or
fuse replacement, the data recorded on
the trip meter will be lost.
& Tachometer
The tachometer shows the engine speed
in thousands of revolutions per minute.
Do not operate the engine with the
pointer of the tachometer in the red
zone. In this range, fuel injection will
be cut by the engine control module
Instruments and controls/Meters and gauges
Instruments and controls/Meters and gauges
to protect the engine from overrev-
ving. The engine will resume run-
ning normally after the engine speed
is reduced below the red zone.
To protect the engine while the select
lever is in the P or N position (for
CVT models) or the shift lever is in the
neutral position (for MT models), the
engine is controlled so that the engine
speed may not become too high even if
the accelerator pedal is pressed hard.
& Fuel gauge
The fuel gauge shows the approximate
amount of fuel remaining in the tank.
When the ignition switch is in the LOCK/
OFF or ACC position, the fuel gauge
shows E even if the fuel tank contains
The gauge may move slightly during
braking, turning or acceleration due to fuel
level movement in the tank.
If you press the trip reset switch while the
ignition switch is in the LOCK/OFF or
ACC position, the fuel gauges dial will
light up and the needle will indicate the
amount of fuel remaining in the tank.
If, while the fuel gauge needle is indicating
the amount of fuel remaining in the tank,
you (a) do not press the trip reset switch
for 10 seconds or (b) open and close the
drivers door, the fuel gauge needle will
drop to the E position and the dial and
needle will turn off.
You will see the sign in the fuel
This indicates that the fuel filler door
(lid) is located on the right side of the
& Temperature gauge
1) Normal operating range
The temperature gauge shows engine
coolant temperature when the ignition
switch is in the ON position.
The coolant temperature will va ry in
accordance with the outside temperature
and driving conditions.
We recommend that you drive moderately
until the pointer of the temperature gauge
reaches near the middle of the range.
Engi ne operation is optimum with the
engine coolant at this temperature range
and high revving operation when the
engine is not warmed up enough should
be avoided.
If the pointer exceeds the normal
operating range, safely stop the
vehicle as soon as possible.
Refer to Engine overheating F9-
& ECO gauge
1) U.S. spec. models
2) Except U.S. spec. models
The ECO gauge shows the difference
between the average rate of fuel con-
sumption since the trip meter was last
reset and the current rate of fuel con-
The ECO gauge indicates the current fuel
efficiency as shown in the following chart.
Displayed unit
Needle position
+ side - side
MPG Better Poorer
l/100km Poorer
. T he ECO gauge shows only an
approximate indication.
. After resetting the trip meter, the
average rate of fuel consumption is not
shown until driving 0.6 mile (1 km).
Until that time, the ECO gauge does not
Instruments and controls/Meters and gauges
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Warning and indicator lights
Several of the warning and indicator lights
illuminate momentarily and then go out
when the ignition switch is initially turned
to the ON position. This permits check-
ing the operation of the bulbs.
Apply the parking brake and turn the
ignition switch to the ON position. For
the system check, the following lights
illuminate and turn off after several sec-
onds or after the engine has started:
: Seatbelt warning light
(The seatbelt warning light turns off
only when the driver fastens the
: Front passengers seatbelt warning
(The seatbelt warning light turns off
only when the front seat passenger
fastens the seatbelt.)
: SRS airbag system warning light
ON /
: Front passengers frontal airbag
ON indicator light
/ : Front passengers frontal airbag
OFF indicator light
: CHECK ENGINE warning light/Mal-
function indicator light
: Charge warning light
: Oil pressure warning light
: AT OIL TEMP warning light
(CVT models)
/ : ABS warning light
: Vehicle Dynamics Control warning
light/Vehicle Dynamics Control opera-
tion indicator light
: Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF indica-
tor light
/ : Brake system warning light
: Hill Holder indicator light
: All-Wheel Drive warning light (CVT
: Power steering warning light
: Low tire pressure warning light
(U.S. spec. models)
: Low fuel warning light
: Hill descent co ntrol indicator (if
If any lights fail to illuminate, it indicates a
burned-out bulb or a malfunction of the
corresponding system.
Consult your authorized SUBARU dealer
for repair.
& Seatbelt warning light
and chime
Your vehicle is equipped with a seatbelt
warning device at the drivers and front
passengers seat, as required by current
safety standards.
With the ignition switch turned to the ON
position, this device reminds the driver
and front passenger to fasten their seat-
belts by the warning lights in the locations
indicated in the following illustration and a
Drivers warning light
Front passengers warning light
! Operation
If the driver and/or front passenger have/
has not yet fastened the seatbelt(s) when
the ignition switch is turned to the ON
position, the seatbelt warning light(s) will
flash for 6 seconds, to warn that the
seatbelt(s) is/are unfastened. If the dri-
vers seatbelt is not fastened, a chime will
also sound simultaneously.
. If the drivers and/or front passen-
gers seatbelt(s) are/is still not fastened
6 seconds later, the seatbelt warning
device operates as follows according
to the vehicle speed.
At speeds lower than approxi-
mately 9 mph (15 km/h)
The warning light(s) for unfastened
seatbelt(s) will alternate between
steady illumination and flashing at
15-second intervals. The chime will
not sound.
At speeds higher than approxi-
mately 9 mph (15 km/h)
The warning light(s) for unfastened
seatbelt(s) will alternate between
flashing and steady illumination at
15-second intervals and the chime
will sound while the warning light(s)
is/are flashing.
. It is possible to cancel the warning
operation that foll ows the 6-second
warning after turning ON the ignition
switch . When the ignition switch is
turned ON next time, however, the
complete sequence of the warning
operation resumes. For further details
about canceling the warning operation,
please contact your SUBARU dealer.
If there is no pa ssenger on the front
passengers seat, the seatbelt warning
device for the front passengers seat will
be deactivated. The front passengers
occupant detection system monitors
whether or not there is a passenger on
the front passengers seat.
Observe the following precautions. Failure
to do so may prevent the device from
functioning correctly or cause the device
to fail.
. Do not install any accessory such as a
table or TV onto the seatback.
. Do not store a heavy load in the
seatback pocket.
. Do not allow the rear seat occupant to
place his/her hands or legs on the front
passengers seatback, or allow him/her to
pull the seatback.
. Do not use front seats with their back-
ward-forward position and seatback not
being locked into place securely. If any of
them are not locked securely, adjust them
again. For adjusting procedure, refer to
Manual seat F1-4 (models equipped
with manual seats only).
If the seatbelt warning device for the front
passengers seat does not function cor-
rectly (e.g., it is activated even when the
front passengers seat is empty or it is
deactivated even when the front passen-
ger has not fastened his/her seatbelt),
take the following actions.
. Ensure that no article is placed on the
seat other than a child restraint system
and its child occupant.
. Ensure that there is no article left in the
seatback pocket.
. Ensure that the backward-forward po-
sition and seatback of front passengers
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
seat are locked into place securely by
moving the seat back and forth. (Models
equipped with manual seats only)
If still the seatbelt warning device for front
passengers seat does not function cor-
rectly after taking relevant corrective ac-
tions described above, immediately con-
tact your SUBARU dealer for an inspec-
& SRS airbag system
warning light
If the warning light exhibits any of
the following conditions, there may
be a malfunction in the seatbelt
pretensioners and/or SRS airbag
. Flashing or flickering of the warn-
ing light
. No illumination of the warning
light when the ignition switch is
first turned to the ON position
. Continuous illumination of the
warning light
. Illumination of the warning light
while driving
Immediately take your vehi cle to
your nearest SUBARU dealer to
have the system checked. Unless
checked and properly repaired, the
seatbelt pretensioners and/or SRS
airbags will operate improperly (e.g.
SRS airbags may inflate in a very
minor collision or not inflate in a
severe collision), which may in-
crease the risk of injury.
For details about the components mon-
itored by the warning light, refer to SRS
airbag system monitors F1-68.
& Front passengers frontal
airbag ON and OFF indica-
For details about the operating condi-
tions of SRS seat cushion airbag, refer
to SRS seat cushion airbag operation
ON / : Front passengers frontal airbag ON
/ : Front passengers frontal airbag OFF
The front passengers frontal airbag ON
and OFF indicators show you the status of
the front passengers SRS frontal airbag.
The indicators are located as shown in the
When the ignition switch is turned to the
ON position, both the ON and OFF
indicators illuminate for 6 seconds during
which time the system is checked. Follow-
ing the system check, both indicators turn
off for 2 seconds. After that, one of the
indicators illuminates depending on the
status of the front passengers SRS frontal
airbag determined by the SUBARU ad-
vanced frontal airbag system monitoring.
If the front passengers SRS frontal airbag
is activated, the passengers frontal airbag
ON indicator will illuminate while the OFF
indicator will remain off.
If the front passengers SRS frontal airbag
is deactivated, the passengers frontal
airbag ON indicator will remain off while
the OFF indicator will illuminate.
With the ignition switch turned to the ON
position, if both the ON and OFF indica-
tors remain illumi nated or off simul ta-
neously even after the system check
period, the system is malfunctioning.
Contact your SUBARU dealer immedi-
ately for an inspection.
ing light/Malfunction in-
dicator light
If the CHECK ENGINE warning light/
malfunction indicator l ight illumi-
nates while you are driving, have
your vehicle checked/repaired by
your SUBARU dealer as soon as
possible. Continued vehicle opera-
tion without having the emission
control system checked and re-
paired as necessary could cause
serious damage, which may not be
covered by your vehicles warranty.
If this light illuminates steadily or blinks
while the engine is running, it may indicate
that there is a pro blem or potential
problem somewhere in the emission con-
trol system.
! If the light illuminates constantly
If the light illuminates constantly while
driving or does not turn off after the engine
starts, an emission control system mal-
function has been detected.
You should have your vehicle checked by
an authorized SUBARU dealer immedi-
This light also illuminates when the fuel
filler cap is not tightened until it clicks.
If you have recently refueled your vehicle,
the cause of the CHECK ENGINE warning
light/malfunction indicator light coming on
could be a loose or missing fuel filler cap.
Remove the cap and retighten it until it
clicks. Make sure nothing is interfering
with the sealing of the cap. Tightening the
cap will not make the CHECK ENGINE
warning light/malfunction indicator light
turn off immediately. It may take several
driving trips. If the light does not turn off,
take your vehicle to your authorized
SUBARU dealer immediately.
! If the light is blinking
If the light is blinking while driving, an
engine misfire condition has been de-
tected which may damage the emission
control system.
To prevent serious damage to the emis-
sion control system, you should conform
to the following instructions.
. Reduce vehicle speed.
. Avoid hard acceleration.
. Avoid steep uphill grades.
. Reduce the amount of cargo, if possi-
. Stop towing a trailer as soon as
The CHECK ENGINE warning light/mal-
function indicator light may stop blinking
and illuminate steadily after several driv-
ing trips. You should have your vehicle
checked by an authorized SUBARU deal-
er immediately.
& Charge warning light
If this light illuminates when the engine is
running, it may indicate that the charging
system is not working properly.
If the light illuminates while driving or does
not turn off after the engine starts, stop the
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
engine at the first safe opportunity and
check the alternator belt. If the belt is
loose, broken or if the belt is in good
condition but the light remains illuminated,
contact your nearest SUBA RU deale r
& Oil pressure warning
Do not operate the engine with the
oil pressure warning light on. This
may cause serious engine damage.
If this light illuminates when the engine is
running, it may indicate that the engine oil
pressure is low and the lubricating system
is not working properly.
If the light illuminates while driving or does
not turn off after the engine starts, stop the
engine at the first safe opportunity and
check the engine oil level. If the oil level is
low, add oil immediately. If the engine oil is
at the proper level but the light remains
illuminated, contact your nearest
SUBARU dealer immediately.
& Engine low oil level
warning indicator
This indicator appears when the engine oil
level decreases to the lower limit.
If the engine low oil level warning indicator
appears while driving, park the vehicle at a
safe and level location, and then check
the engine oil level. When the engine oil
level is not within the normal range, refill
with engine oil. Refer to Engine oil F11-
If the warning indicator does not disappear
after refilling with engine oil or the warning
indicator appears even though the engine
oil level is within the normal range, have
the system checked by a SUBARU dealer.
. After replacing or adding the engine
oil, if the engine oil level is within the
normal range when restarting the en-
gine on a level surface, the warning
indicator will be off.
. The warning indicator may appear
temporarily in the following conditions
because a low oil level may be detected
as a result of significant oil movement
in the engine.
when the vehicle is considerably
inclined on an uphill or steep slope
when the vehicle has continu-
ously accelerated and decelerated
when the vehicle is continuously
when the vehicle is driven on a
road that alternates continuously
between uphill and downhill
& AT OIL TEMP warning
light (CVT models)
If this light illuminates when the engine is
running, it may indicate that the transmis-
sion fluid temperature is too hot.
If the light illuminates while driving, im-
mediately stop the vehicle in a safe place
and let the engine idle until the warning
light turns off.
! Transmission control system warn-
If the AT OIL TEMP warning light flashes
after the engine has started, it may
indicate that the transmission control
system is not working properly. Contact
your nearest SUBARU dealer for service
& Low tire pressure
warning light (U.S. spec.
When the ignition switch is turned to the
ON position, the low tire pressure warn-
ing light will illuminate for approximately 2
seconds to check that the tire pressure
monitoring system (TPMS) is functioning
properly. If there is no problem and all tires
are properly inflated, the light will go out.
Each tire, including the spare (if provided),
should be checked monthly when cold
and inflated to the inflation pressure
recommended by the vehicle manufac-
turer on the vehicle placard or tire inflation
pressure label. (If your vehicle has tires of
a different size than the size indicated on
the vehicle placard or tire inflation pres-
sure label, you should determine the
proper tire inflation pressure for those
As an added safety feature, your vehicle
has been equipped with a tire pressure
monitoring system (TPMS) that illuminates
a low tire pressure telltale when one or
more of your tires is significantly under-
inflated. Accordingly, when the low tire
pressure telltale illuminates, you should
stop and check your tires as soon as
possible, and inflate them to the proper
pressure. Driving on a significantly under-
inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and
can lead to tire failure. Under-inflation also
reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life,
and may affect the vehicles handling and
stopping ability.
Please note that the TPMS is not a
subst itute for proper tire maintenance,
and it is the drivers responsibili ty to
maintain correct tire pressure, even if
under-inflation has not reached the level
to trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire
pressure telltale.
Your vehicle has also been equipped with
a TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate
when the system is not operating properly.
The TPMS malfunction indicator is com-
bined with the low tire pressure telltale.
When the system detects a malfunction,
the telltale will flash for approximately one
minute and then remain continuously
illuminated. This sequence will continue
upon subsequent vehicle start-ups as long
as the malfun ction exists. When the
malfunction indicator is illuminated, the
system may not be able to detect or signal
low tire pressure as intended. TPMS
malfunctions may occur for a variety of
reasons, including the installation of re-
placement or alternate tires or wheels on
the vehicle that prevent the TPMS from
functioning properly. Always check the
TPMS malfunction telltale after replacing
one or more tires or wh eels on your
vehicle to ensure that the replacement or
alternate tires and wheels allow the TPMS
to continue to function properly.
Should the warning light illuminate stea-
dily after blinking for approximately one
minute, have the system inspected by
your nearest SUBARU dealer as soon as
If this light does not illuminate
briefly after the ignition switch is
turned ON or the light illuminates
steadily after blinking for approxi-
mately one minute, you should have
your Tire Pressure Monitoring Sys-
tem checked at a SUBARU dealer as
soon as possible.
If this light illuminates while driving,
never brake suddenly and keep
driving straight ahead while gradu-
ally reducing speed. Then slowly
pull off the road to a safe place.
Otherwise an accident involving
serious vehicle damage and serious
personal injury could occur.
If this light still illuminates while
driving after adjusting the tire pres-
sure, a tire may have significant
damage and a fast leak that causes
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
the tire to lose air rapidly. If you have
a flat tire, replace it with a spare tire
as soon as possible.
When a spare tire is mounted or a
wheel rim is replaced without the
original pressure sensor/transmitter
being transferred, the Low tire pres-
sure warning light will illuminate
steadily after blinking for approxi-
mately one minute. This indicates
the TPMS is unable to monitor all
four road wheels. Contact your
SUBARU dealer as soon as possible
for tire and sensor replacement and/
or system resetting. If the light
illuminates steadily after blinking
for approximately one minute,
promptly contact a SUBARU dealer
to have the system inspected.
The tire pressure monitoring system
is NOT a substitute for manually
checking tire pressure. The tire
pressure should be checked peri-
odically (at least monthly) using a
tire gauge. After any change to tire
pressure(s), the tire pressure mon-
itoring system will not re-check tire
inflation pressures until the vehicle
is first driven more than 20 mph (32
km/h). After adjusting the tire pres-
sures, increase the vehicle speed to
at least 20 mph (32 km/h) to start the
TPMS re-checking of the tire infla-
tion pressures. If the tire pressures
are now above the severe low
pressure threshol d, the low tire
pressure warning light should turn
off a few minutes later. Therefore, be
sure to install the specified size for
the front and rear tires.
& ABS warning light
. If any of the following conditions
occur, we recommend that you
have the ABS repaired at the first
available opportunity by your
SUBARU dealer.
The warning light does not
illuminate when the ignition
switch is turned to the ON
The warning light illuminates
when the ignition switch is
turned to the ON position,
but it does not turn off even
after starting the vehicle.
The warning light illuminates
during driving.
. When the warning light is on (and
brake system warning light is
off), the ABS function shuts
down; however, the conventional
brake system continues to oper-
ate normally.
The ABS warning light illuminates to-
gether with the brake system warning light
if the EBD system malfunctions. For
further details of the EBD system mal-
function warning, refer to Brake system
warning light F3-19.
If the warning light behavior is as
described in the following conditions,
the ABS may be considered normal.
. The warning light illuminates right
after the engine is started but turns off
immediately, remaining off.
. The warning light remains illumi-
nated after the engine has been started,
but it turns off while driving.
. The warning light illuminates during
driving, but it turns off immediately and
remains off.
When driving with an insufficient battery
voltage such as when the engine is jump
started, the ABS warning light may illumi-
nate. This is due to the low battery voltage
and does not indicate a malfunction.
When the battery becomes fully charged,
the light will turn off.
& Brake system
warning light
. Driving with the brake system
warning light on is dangerous.
This indicates your brake system
may not be working properly. If
the light remains illuminated,
have the brakes inspected by a
SUBARU dealer immediately.
. If at all in doubt about whether
the brakes are operating prop-
erly, do not drive the vehicle.
Have your vehicle towed to the
nearest SUBARU dealer for re-
. If the brake system warning light
flashes, the electronic parking
brake system may be malfunc-
tioning. Immediately stop your
vehicle in a safe location, use
tire stops under the tires to
prevent the vehicle from moving
and contact your SUBARU deal-
er. For details, refer to Electro-
nic parking brake F7-42.
. When the ignition switch is turned to
the LOCK/OFF position with the
electronic parking brake applied, the
brake system warning light remains
illuminated for approximately 30 sec-
onds and then turns off.
. When the electronic parking brake
switch is pressed to apply the electro-
nic parking brake while the ignition
switch is in the LOCK/OFF posi-
tion, the brake system warning light
illuminates, remains illuminated for
approximately 30 seconds and then
turns off.
. Even if the brake system warning
light flashes, if the warning light beha-
vior is as described in the following
examples, the electronic parking brake
system is not malfunctioning.
The warning light turns off when
the electronic parking brake is ap-
plied or released.
The warning light turns off when
the ignition switch is turned to the
ON position again.
. When you start the engine while the
electronic parking brake is being either
applied or released, the brake system
may determine that an abnormality has
occurred and the brake system warn-
ing light may illuminate. If the warning
light illuminates, turn the ignition
switch to the LOCK/OFF position
and restart the engine. When you then
operate the electronic parking brake
again, the warning light will turn off and
the system will recover to the normal
state. If the warning light still does not
turn off, contact your nearest SUBARU
dealer for an inspection.
. The brake system warning light may
flash immediately after the engine is
started. However, it is not malfunction-
ing if the warning light turns off after
the electronic parking brake is re-
. The brake system warning light may
flash after the electronic parking brake
is frequently applied and released.
However, the electronic parking brake
system is not malfunctioning if the light
turns off for a short period of time.
This light has the following functions:
! Parking brake warning
The light illuminates with the parking
brake applied while the ignition switch is
in the ON position. It turns off when the
parking brake is released.
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
! Brake fluid level warning
This light illuminates when the brake fluid
level has dropped to near the MIN level
of the brake fluid reservoir with the ignition
switch in the ON position and with the
parking brake released.
If the light should illuminate while driving
(with the parking brake released and with
the ignition switch positioned in ON), it
could be an indication of leaking of brake
fluid or worn brake pads. If this occurs,
immediately stop the vehicle at the near-
est safe place and check the brake fluid
level. If the fluid level is below the MIN
mark in the reservoir, do not drive the
vehicle. Have the vehicle towed to the
nearest SUBARU dealer for repair. For
details, refer to Towing F9-13.
! Electronic Brake Force Distribution
(EBD) system warning
The brake system warning li ght also
illuminates if a malfunction occurs in the
EBD system. In that event, it illuminates
together with the ABS warning light.
The EBD system may be malfunctioning if
the brake system warning light and ABS
warning light illuminate simultaneously
during driving.
Even if the EBD system fails, the conven-
tional braking system will still function.
However, the rear wheels will be more
prone to locking when the brakes are
applied harder than usual and the vehi-
cles motion may therefore become some-
what harder to control.
If the brake system warning light and ABS
warning light illuminate si multaneously,
take the following steps:
1. Stop the vehicle in the nearest safe,
flat place.
2. Shut down the engine, then restart it.
3. Release the parking brake. If both
warning lights turn off, the EBD system
may be malfunctioning.
Drive carefully to the nearest SUBARU
dealer and have the system inspected.
4. If both warning lights illuminate again
and remain illuminated after the engine
has been restarted, shut down the engine
again, apply the parking brake, and check
the brake fluid level. Refer to Brake fluid
5. If the brake fluid level is not below the
MIN mark, the EBD system may be
malfunctioning. Drive carefully to the
nearest SUBARU dealer and have the
system inspected.
6. If the brake fluid level is below the
MIN mark, DO NOT drive the vehicle.
Instead, have the vehicle towed to the
nearest SUBARU dealer for repair. For
details, refer to Towing F9-13.
! Electronic parking brake system
The brake system warning light flashes
when the electronic parking brake system
is malfunctioning. If the warning light
flashes, promptly park in a safe location
as soon as possible and contact your
SUBARU dealer.
The brake system warning light remains
illuminated when the parking brake cannot
be released even if the parking brake
switch is pulled. For details, refer to
Electronic parking brake F7-42.
! Parking brake apply inhibit warn-
The brake system warning light flashes for
10 seconds and a chirp sound will be
heard if the parking brake switch i s
operated when the parking brake cannot
be applied.
! Frequent operation warning
The brake system warning light flashes for
20 seconds and a chirp sound will be
heard if the parking brake switch i s
operated too frequently. In this case, the
operation of the parking brake switch is
restricted to protect the electronic parking
brake system.
Wait until the warning light turns off.
& Hill Holder indicator
If the Hill Holder indicator light does
not illuminate even when the Hill
Holder switch is pressed to activate
the Hill Holder function, the electro-
nic parking brake system may be
malfunctioning. Immediately stop
the vehicle in a safe location and
contact your SUBARU dealer.
The light illuminates when the Hill Holder
switch is pressed to activate the Hill
Holder function. For details about the Hill
Holder function, Hill Holder function F7-
& Low fuel warning
The low fuel warning light illuminates
when the tank is nearly empty approxi-
mately 2.6 US gal (10.0 liters, or 2.2 Imp
gal). It only operates when the ignition
switch is in the ON position.
This light does not turn off unless the
tank is replenished up to an internal
fuel quantity of approximately 3.7 US
gal (14 liters, 3.1 Imp gal).
Promptly put fuel in the tank when-
ever the low fuel warning light
illuminates. Engine misfires as a
result of an empty tank could cause
damage to the engine.
& Door open indicator
When any of the doors, the rear gate
(Outback) or the trunk lid (Legacy) is not
fully closed , the door ope n indicator
appears. This function is effective even if
the ignition switch is in the LOCK/OFF
or ACC position (all models) or the key is
removed from the ignition switch (models
without keyless access with push-button
start system).
The open door is indicated by the corre-
sponding part of the door open indicator.
Always make sure this indicator does not
appear before you start to drive.
& Windshield washer
fluid warning indicator
This indicator appears when the fluid level
in the windshield washer fluid tank de-
creases to the lower limit (approximately
0.6 US qt, 0.6 liter, 0.5 Imp qt).
& All-Wheel Drive warn-
ing light (CVT models)
Continued driving with the AWD
warning light flashing can lead to
powertrain damage. If the AWD
warning light flashes, promptly park
in a safe place then check whether
all four tires are the same diameter
and whether any of the tires has a
puncture or has lost air pressure for
some other reason.
If the temporary spare tire is used, the
AWD warning light may flash. Use of
the temporary spare tire should there-
fore be restricted to the minimum time
necessary. Replace the temporary
spare tire with a conventional tire as
soon as possible.
This light flashes if the vehicle is driven
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
with tires of different diameters fitted on its
wheels or with the air pressure exces-
sively low in any of its tires.
& Power steering warn-
ing light
While the engine is running, this warning
light illuminates when a malfunction has
been detected in the electric power steer-
ing system.
When the power steering warning
light is illuminated, there may be
more resistance when the steering
wheel is operated. Drive carefully to
the nearest SUBARU deale r and
have the vehicle inspected immedi-
If the steering wheel is operated in the
following ways, the power steering
control system may temporarily limit
the power assist in order to prevent the
system components, such as the con-
trol computer and drive motor, from
. The steering wheel is operated fre-
quently and turned sharply while the
vehicle is maneuvered at extremely low
speeds, such as while frequently turn-
ing the steering wheel during parallel
. The steering wheel remains in the
fully turned position for a long period
of time.
At this time, there will be more resis-
tance when steering. However this is
not a malfunction. Normal steering
force will be restored after the steering
wheel is not operated for a while and
the power steering control system has
an opportunity to cool down. However,
if the power steering is operated in a
non-standard way which causes power
assist limitation to occur too fre-
quently, that may result in a malfunc-
tion of the power steering control
& Vehicle Dynamics
Control warning light/
Vehicle Dynamics Con-
trol operation indicator
! Vehicle Dynamics Control warning
The Vehicle Dynamics Control sys-
tem provides its ABS control
through the electrical circuit of the
ABS. A cc ordingly, if the A BS is
inoperative, the Vehicle Dynamics
Control system becomes unable to
provide ABS control. As a result, the
Vehicle Dynamics Control system
becomes inoperative, causing the
warning light to illuminate. Although
both the Vehicle Dynamics Control
and ABS are inoperative in this
case, the ordinary functions of the
brake system are still available. You
will be safe while driving in this
condition, but drive carefully and
have your vehicle checked at a
SUBARU dealer as soon as possi-
. If the electrical circuit of the Vehicle
Dynamics Control system itself mal-
functions, the warning light only illumi-
nates. At this time, the ABS (Anti-lock
Brake System) r emains fully opera-
. The warning light illuminates when
the electronic control system of the
ABS/Vehicle Dynamics Control system
The Vehicle Dynamics Control system is
probably inoperative under any of the
following conditions. Have your vehicle
checked at a SUBARU dealer immedi-
. The warning light does not illuminate
when the ignition switch is turned to the
ON position.
. The warning light illuminates while the
vehicle is running.
If the warning light behavior is as
described in the following examples,
the Vehicle Dynamics Control system
may be considered normal.
. The warning light illuminates right
after the engine is started but turns off
immediately and remains off.
. The warning light illuminates after
the engine has started and turns off
while the vehicle is subsequently being
. The warning light illuminates during
driving, but turns off immediately and
remains off.
! Vehicle Dynamics Control opera-
tion indicator light
The indicator light flashes during activa-
tion of the skid suppression function and
during activation of the traction control
. The light may remain illuminated for
a short period of time after the engine
has been started, especially in cold
weather. This does not indicate the
existence of a problem. The light
should turn off as soon as the engine
has warmed up.
. The indicator light illuminates when
the engine has developed a problem
and the CHECK ENGINE warning light/
malfunction indicator light is on.
The Vehicle Dynamics Control system is
probably malfunctioning under the follow-
ing condition. Have your vehicle checked
at a SUBARU dealer as soon as possible.
. The light does not turn off even after
the lapse of several minutes (the engine
has warmed up) after the engine has
& Vehicle Dynamics
Control OFF indicator
The light illuminates when the Vehicle
Dynamics Control OFF switch is pressed
to deactivate the Vehicle Dynamics Con-
trol system.
The Vehicle Dynamics Control system is
probably malfunctioning under any of the
following conditions. Have your vehicle
checked at a SUBARU dealer immedi-
. The light does not illuminate when the
ignition switch is turned to the ON
. The light does not turn off even after a
period of approximately 2 seconds after
the ignition switch has been turned to the
ON position.
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
& Warning chimes and warning
indicator of the keyless ac-
cess with push-button start
system (if equipped)
Access key warning indicator
The keyless access with push-button start
system sounds a warning chime and the
access key warning indicator appears on
the combination meter in order to minimize
improper operations and help protect your
vehicle from theft.
When the warning chime sounds and/or
the warning indicator appears, take the
appropriate action.
Never drive the vehicle if the indi-
cator on the push-button ignition
switch is flashing in green when
starting the engine. This indicates
the status that the steering wheel is
not released and could result in an
accident involving serious injury or
. When starting the engine again
after the operation indicator on
the push-button ignition switch
flashes in green, if the operation
indicator is still flashing in green,
there could be a steering lock
malfunction. Contact your
SUBARU dealer as soon as pos-
. When the operation indicator on
the push-button ignition switch
flashes in orange, contact a
SUBARU dealer immediately.
. Even when the access key is within
the operating ranges inside the vehicle,
the access key warning for engine start
may be provided depending on the
status of the access key and the
environmental conditions.
. When the access key is taken out of
the vehicle through an open window,
the access key takeout warning or
passenger access key takeout warning
will not be provided.
! List of warnings
When any of the following warnings
occurs even if the access key warn-
ing indicator does not appear, take
the appropriate action.
Inside warning
Outside warning
Operation indicator
on push-button
ignition switch
Status Action
ding ...
The drivers door was opened while the
push-button ignition switch is ACC and the
select lever is in the P position.
Switch the push-button ignition switch to
OFF, or close the drivers door.
*When exiting the vehicle, be sure to switch
the push-button ignition switch to OFF.
The push-button ignition switch was
switched to OFF while the drivers door is
Close the drivers door.
Short beep
(2 seconds)
Lockout warning:
An attempt was made to lock all doors while
the access key is left inside the vehicle.
Take out the access key from the vehicle,
and lock the doors.
*The doors cannot be locked while the
access key is inside the vehicle.
*A chirp sound will be heard, and all doors
will be unlocked.
Short beep
(2 seconds)
Access key lock-in warning:
The door lock sensor was touched while the
push-button ignition switch is OFF and the
access key is inside the vehicle.
Take out the access key from the vehicle,
and lock the doors.
*If the access key is inside the vehicle, the
doors cannot be locked.
Beep, beep,
beep, beep,
(5 times)
Door ajar warning:
The door lock sensor is touched while the
ignition switch is in the OFF position and
one of the doors including the rear gate is
Close the doors securely and lock them.
*If one of the doors including the rear gate is
opened, the doors cannot be locked.
Long beep (60
seconds max.)
Power warning:
The door lock sensor was touched while
carrying the access key, the push-button
ignition switch is in a position other than
OFF and the select lever is in the P
Return the access key inside the vehicle, or
switch the push-button ignition switch to
*If the push-button ignition switch is not
switched to OFF, the doors cannot be
ding ...
(7 seconds)
Access key warning:
The vehicle was driven while the access key
is not inside the vehicle.
Carry the access key, and drive the vehicle.
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Inside warning
Outside warning
Operation indicator
on push-button
ignition switch
Status Action
Ding ——
Access key warning for engine start:
The push-button ignition switch was pressed
while the access key is not inside the
Carry the access key, and press the push-
button ignition switch.
Beep, beep,
beep (3 times)
Access key takeout warning:
The driver exited the vehicle with the access
key and closed the drivers door while the
push-button ignition switch is in a position
other than OFF and the select lever is in
the P position.
Switch the push-button ignition switch to
OFF, and get out of the vehicle.
Beep, beep,
beep (3 times)
Passenger access key takeout warning:
A fellow passenger exited the vehicle with
the access key and closed a door other than
the drivers door while the push-button
ignition switch is in a position other than
Return the access key to inside the vehicle,
or switch the push-button ignition switch to
Long beep
Long beep
The driver exited the vehicle with the access
key and closed the drivers door while the
push-button ignition switch is in a position
other than OFF and the select lever is in a
position other than the P position.
Shift the select lever to the P position,
switch the push-button ignition switch to
OFF and exit the vehicle.
Long beep
Select lever position warning:
The drivers door was opened while the
push-button ignition switch is in a position
other than OFF and the select lever is in a
position other than the P position.
Shift the select lever to the P position,
switch the push-button ignition switch to
OFF and exit the vehicle.
Ding ——The battery of the access key is low. Replace the battery of the access key.
Flashes in green
(15 seconds max.)
Steering lock warning:
The engine start procedure was performed,
but the steering is still locked.
While turning the steering wheel right and left
lightly, depress the brake pedal and press
the push-button ignition switch.
Inside warning
Outside warning
Operation indicator
on push-button
ignition switch
Status Action
Ding Flashes in orange
System malfunction warning:
A malfunction was detected in the power
system or steering lock.
Contact a SUBARU dealer immediately and
have the vehicle inspected.
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
& Security indicator light
This indicator light shows the status of the
alarm system. It also indicates operation
of the immobilizer system.
! Alarm system
It blinks to show the driver the operational
status of the alarm system. For detailed
information, refer to Alarm system F2-
! Immobilizer system
The security indicator light starts blinking
in the following conditions.
For models with keyless access with
push-button start system:
. Immediately after the push-button igni-
tion switch is turned to the OFF position.
. Immediately after the drivers door is
opened or closed when all of the following
conditions are met.
The push-button ignition switch is in
the ON or ACC position.
The access key is outside the
The engine is not running.
In the event that an unauthorized
key is used (for example, the key is
unregistered or the ID code does not
match), the power is not switched to
ON and the security indicator light
continues blinking.
For models without keyless access
with push-button start system:
. Approximately 60 seconds after the
ignition switch is turned from the ON
position to the ACC or LOCK position.
. Immediately after the key is pulled out.
If the indicator light does not blink in the
above conditions, it may indicate that
immobilizer system may be malfunction-
ing. Contact your nearest SUBARU dealer
In the event that an unauthorized key (for
example, an unauthorized duplicate) is
used, the security indicator light illumi-
nates. For details about the immobilizer
system, refer to Immobilizer F2-4.
. The security indicator light remains
off in the following conditions. It means
that the matching of the ID code is
completed and the immobilizer system
is deactivated, and it does not indicate
a malfunction.
Models with keyless access with
push-button start system:
while the engine is running
the push-button ignition switch
has been turned to the ON or
ACC position and the driver s
door has not been opened or closed
Models witho ut keyless access
with push-button start system:
while the engine is running
for approximately 60 seconds
after the ignition switch is turned
from the ON position to the
ACC or LOCK position
when the ignition switch is in the
ON position.
. Even if a malfunction occurs, such
as the security indicator light flashes
irregularly, it will not affect the func-
tionality of the immobilizer system.
& Select lever/gear position in-
1) Upshift indicator
2) Downshift indicator
3) Select lever/gear position indicator
This indicator shows the position of the
shift lever (MT models) or select lever
(CVT models).
! Upshift/downshift indicator (CVT
When the manual mode is selected, the
gear position indicator (which shows the
current gear selection) and the upshift/
downshift indicator light up. Refer to
Selection of manual mode F7-29.
! Gear position indicator setting (MT
The gear position indicator light can be
activated or deactivated. For details about
the setting p rocedur e, refer to Gear
Position Indicator Settings (MT models)
& Turn signal indicator
These lights show the operation of the turn
signal or lane change signal.
If the indicator lights do not blink or blink
rapidly, the turn signal bulb may be burned
out. Replace the bulb as soon as possible.
Refer to Replacing bulbs F11-39.
& High beam indicator
This light shows that the headlights are in
the high beam mode.
This indicator light also illuminates when
operating the headlight flasher.
& Cruise control indica-
This indicator appears when the cruise
control main button is pressed to activate
the cruise control function. For details,
refer to To set cruise control F7-49.
If the CHECK ENGINE warning light/
malfunction indicator light illumi-
nates, the cruise control indicator
flashes at the same time. At this
time, do not drive at high speed and
have your vehicle inspected at a
SUBARU dealer as soon as possi-
& Cruise control set in-
This indicator appears when vehicle
speed has been set to use the cruise
control function.
& Automatic headlight
beam leveler warning
light (models with HID
This light illuminates when the automatic
headlight beam leveler does not operate
If this light illuminates while driving or does
not turn off approximately 3 seconds after
turning the ignition switch to the ON
position, have your vehicle inspected at
your SUBARU dealer.
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights
& Headlight indicator
This indicator light illuminates under the
following conditions.
. when the light switch is turned to the
or position
. when the light switch is in the AUTO
position and the headlights illuminate
& Front fog light indicator
light (if equipped)
This indicator light illuminates while the
front fog lights are illuminated.
& X-mode indicator (if
This indicator appears while the X-mode is
activated. It will disappear when the X-
mode is deactivated.
& Hill descent control
indicator (if equipped)
This indicator appears whil e the hill
descent control function is in standby. It
will flash while the hill descent control
function is operating. It will disappear
when the hill descent control function is
not available.
& Steering responsive
fog lights OFF indicator
(models with EyeSight
This indicator appears when the steering
responsive fog lights system is deacti-
vated. This indicator disappears when the
system is activated.
For details about the steering responsive
fog lights system, refer to Steering
responsive fog lights system (models with
EyeSight system) F3-47.
& SUBARU Rear Vehicle
Detection warning indi-
cator (if equipped)/
SUBARU Rear Vehicle
Detection OFF indicator
(if equipped)
! SUBARU Rear Vehicle Detection
warning indicator
This warning indicator appears when the
SUBARU Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)
is malfunctioning. When this indicator
appears, have your vehicle inspected by
your SUBARU dealer as soon as possible.
! SUBARU Rear Vehicle Detection
OFF indicator
The indicator appears when the SRVD
OFF switch is pressed to deactivate the
SUBARU Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD).
In this case SRVD Off will be shown on
the multi information display. For details,
refer to SRVD OFF switch F7-58.
& Icy road surface warn-
When the outside temperature is 378F
(38C) or less, the icy road surface warning
will illuminate to inform the driver that the
road surface may be frozen.
. The outside temperature indicator
shows the temperature in the area
around the sensor. Therefore, the tem-
perature indication may differ from the
actual outside air temperature.
. The icy road surface warning screen
should be treated only as a guide. Be
sure to check the condition of the road
surface before driving.
. Once the icy road surface warning
screen appears, it will not disappear
unless the outside temp erature has
increased to 418F(58C) or higher.
Information display
1) Clock
2) Climate control mode indicators
3) Outside temperature indicator
With the ignition switch in the ON
position, the following items are shown
on the information display.
. Clock
. Climate control mode indicators
. Outside temperature indicator
& Clock
Your SUBARU dealer can change the
settings of activating/deactivating the
automatic adjustment of the clock by
the GPS (Global Positioning System)
(for models with the genuine SUBARU
navigation system). While the auto-
matic adjustment is activated, you
cannot adjust the time shown on the
clock manually. If you press the +
button or - button, the --- indication
will be displayed to inform you that you
cannot adjust it manually. Contact your
SUBARU dealer for details.
The clock shows the time whi le the
ignition switch is in the ACC or ON
To adjust the time shown by the clock,
press the + button or the button. If
you press the + button, the indicated
time will change in one-minute incre-
ments. If you press the button, the
indicated time will change in one-minute
decrements. If you keep the button
pressed, the rate at which the indicated
time changes will speed up.
Instruments and controls/Information display
Instruments and controls/Information display
& Climate control mode indica-
Models with manual climate control sys-
1) Maximum air conditioner ON indicator
2) Air conditioner ON indicator
3) Airflow mode indicator
4) Air inlet selection ON indicator
Models with automatic climate control
1) Set temperature indicator (drivers side)
2) Set temperature indicator (front passen-
gers side)
3) Maximum air conditioner ON indicator
4) Air conditioner ON indicator
5) FULL AUTO indicator
6) Airflow mode indicator
7) Fan speed indicator
& Outside temperature indica-
1) U.S. spec. models
2) Except U.S. spec. models
The outside temperature indicator shows
the outside temperature in a range from
22 to 1228F(30 to 508C).
The indicator can give a false reading
under any of the following conditions:
. When there is too much sun.
. During idli ng; while ru nning at low
speeds in a traffic jam; when the engine
is restarted immediately following a shut-
. When the actual outside temperature
falls outside the specified indicator range.
Multi information display
Always pay adequate attention to
safe driving when operating the
multi information display while the
vehicle is in motion. When operation
of the multi information display
interferes with your ability to con-
centrate on driving, stop the vehicle
before performing operations on the
screen. Also, do not concentrate on
the display while driving. Doing so
may cause you to look away from
the road and could result in an
Various information will be shown on the
multi information display. Also, a warning
message will appear on the display if a
malfunction, etc. is detected. In addition,
several settings for the displayed content
can be performed.
Multi information display
1) ECO gauge (refer to ECO gauge F3-
2) Basic screen/Warning screen (refer to
Basic screens F3-35 and Warning
screen F3-34.)
3) Cruise control information display
4) Select lever/gear position indicator (refer
to Select lever/gear position indicator
5) Telltale screen (refer to Telltale screen
6) Odometer (refer to Odometer F3-8.)/
double trip meter (refer to Double trip
meter F3-9.)
Control switch
1) Up (select)
2) Set (enter)
3) Down (select)
& Basic operation
By operating
or of the control
switch, the screens and selection items
can be switched. When the
switch is pulled toward you, the item can
be selected and set.
If there are some useful messages, such
Instruments and controls/Multi information display
Instruments and controls/Multi information display
as vehicle information, warning informa-
tion, etc., they will interrupt the current
screen, and appear on the display accom-
panied by a beep. If such a screen is
displayed, take proper action according to
the message shown on the screen.
The warning screen will return to the
original screen after a few seconds. While
information reminder is shown on
the display, it may be possible to display
the warning screen again. To recall the
message marked with
on the display,
pull the
/SET switch on the steering
wheel toward you.
& Welcome screen and Good-
bye screen
When the drivers door is opened and
closed after unlock ing the door, the
welcome screen will appear on the multi
information display for approximately 20
When the ignition switch is turned to the
LOCK/OFF position, the multi informa-
tion display gradually turns off (Good-bye
. The basic screen will be shown
when the ignition switch is turned to
the ON position while the welcome
screen is displayed.
. Once the welcome screen appears,
it takes a certain period of time to
display it again.
. If the ignition switch is operated
after unlocking the drivers door, the
welcome screen will not appear even
when the drivers door is opened and
. The welcome screen will disappear
when you lock the drivers door by
using the remote keyless entry system
(all models) or the keyless access
function (if equipped) while the wel-
come screen is displayed.
. If any of the doors (including the
rear gate) is opened while the welcome
screen is display ed, the door ajar
warning will appear.
. The welcome screen can be set to
on or off. For details, refer to Welcome
Screen F3-40.
. The Good-bye screen can be set to
on or off. For details, refer to Good-
bye Screen F3-40.
& Warning screen
Example of warning
If there is a warning message o r a
maintenance notification, it will appear for
approximately 5 seconds. Take the appro-
priate actions based on the messages
& Basic screens
By operating the
or switch on the
steering wheel, you can change the
screen that is always displayed.
Default screen:
Average fuel consumption screen:
: Fuel consumption
: Driving range on remaining fuel
This screen displays the average rate of fuel
consumption since the trip meter was last
Current fuel consumption screen:
: Fuel consumption
: Driving range on remaining fuel
This screen displays the rate of fuel con-
sumption at the present moment.
Instruments and controls/Multi information display
Instruments and controls/Multi information display
Driving information screen:
: Journey time
: Journey distance
This screen displays the journey time (the
time that has elapsed since the ignition switch
was turned to the ON position) and journey
distance (the distance that has been driven
since the ignition switch was turned to the
ON position).
Digital speed screen:
This screen displays the current vehicle
Multi Media Link screen (while not selecting
the destination) (models with genuine
SUBARU navigation system):
Multi Media Link screen (while selecting the
destination) (models with genuine SUBARU
navigation system):
Menu screen entering screen:
While this screen is selected, pull and hold the
/SET switch to enter the menu screen.
& Telltale screen
1) Telltale screen
When the corresponding situation occurs,
the following telltales will be displayed on
the telltale screen.
Mark Name Page
Door open indicator 3-21
Engine low oil level
warning indicator
SUBARU Rear Vehicle
Detection warning indi-
cator (if equipped)/
SUBARU Rear Vehicle
Detection OFF indicator
(if equipped)
Steering responsive fog
lights OFF indicator (if
Windshield washer fluid
warning indicator
Hill descent control in-
dicator (if equipped)
Icy road surface warn-
ing screen
& Menu screens
Pull and hold the
/SET switch to enter
the menu screens when all of the following
conditions are satisfied.
. The vehicle has been completely
. The select lever is in the P position.
. The menu screen entering screen is
By operating the
or switch on the
steering wheel, you can select the menu.
Pull the
/SET switch to enter the
selected menu.
If you enter the Go Back menu, the
system will return to the previous
Instruments and controls/Multi information display
Instruments and controls/Multi information display
The menu list is as follows.
First menu
Second menu
Third menu Settings
Screen Settings Welcome Screen
. ON (with sound)
. ON (without sound)
Good-bye Screen
Gauge Initial Movement
Gear Position Indicator Settings
(MT models)
. Km, km/h, Liter
. miles, MPH, Gallon
. English
. Spanish
. French
. Japanese
Combination Meter Illumination (if
Meter Ring Illumination
EyeSight (models with EyeSight
Warning Volume
Lead Vehicle Acquisition Sound
Lead Vehicle Moving Monitor
Vehicle Icon
SRVD (if equipped) Warning Volume
First menu
Second menu
Third menu Settings
Vehicle Setting Keyless Entry System
Audible Signal
Hazard Warning Flasher
Driver Door Unlock
Driver Door Only/All
Rear Gate Unlock
*1 *2
Rear Gate/All
15 minutes/Continuous
Interior Light
10 seconds 30 seconds, OFF
Auto Light Sensor
Welcome Lighting
Approaching Time Set
30 seconds 90 seconds, OFF
Leaving Time Set
30 seconds 90 seconds, OFF
Default Settings OK To Reset?
: Keyless access with push-button start system only.
: Outback only.
Instruments and controls/Multi information display
Instruments and controls/Multi information display
! Screen Settings
After entering the Screen Settings menu,
select one of the following menus.
! Welcome Screen
The welcome screen can be activated or
deactivated. Select On (with Sound) to
activate the screen and sound. Select On
(without Sound) to activate the screen
and deactivate the sound. Select Off to
deactivate the screen.
! Good-bye Screen
The Good-bye screen can be activated or
deactivated. Select On to activate the
screen. Select Off to deactivate the
! Gauge Initial Movement
The movement of the meter needles and
gauge needles that occurs when the
ignition switch is turned to the ON
position can be activated or deactivated.
Select On to activate. Select Off to
! Gear Position Indicator Settings
(MT models)
The gear position indicator light can be
activated or deactivated. Select On to
activate. Select Off to deactivate.
! Units
You can select the displayed units of the
distance, vehicle sp eed and volume.
Operate the
or switch on the
steering wheel to display the preferred
units. Then pull the
/SET switch to
select the displayed units.
! Languages
Operate the
or switch on the
steering wheel to display the preferred
language. Then pull the
/SET switch to
select the displayed language.
! Combination Meter Illumination (if
After entering t he Combination Meter
Illumination menu, select the following
! Meter Ring Illumination
The illumination of the combination meter
rings can be activated or deactivated.
Select On to activate the illumination.
Select Off to deactivate the illumination.
! EyeSight (models with EyeSight
For models with the EyeSight system,
refer to the Owners Manual supple-
ment for the EyeSight system.
After entering the EyeSight menu, select
one of the following menus.
! Warning Volume
The volume of the warning buzzer that
sounds when the EyeSight system is in
use can be set in 3 stages (Max, Mid
and Min).
! Lead Vehicle Acquisition Sound
When adaptive cruise control is used, the
buzzer that sounds under any of the
following conditions can be activated or
. A vehicle is detected in front
. Detection is not possible
Select On to activate the buzzer. Select
Off to deactivate the buzzer.
! Lead Vehicle Moving Monitor
When adaptive cruise control is used, the
buzzer that sounds if a vehicle in front has
started can be activated or deactivated.
Select On to activate the buzzer. Select
Off to deactivate the buzzer.
! Vehicle Icon
The vehicle icon indication can be acti-
vated or deactivated. Select On to
activate. Select Off to deactivate.
! SRVD (Subaru Rear Vehicle Detec-
tion) (if equipped)
After entering the SRVD menu, select
the Warning Volume menu. You can set
the volume of the warning buzzer that
sounds when the SRVD is in use. You can
select Max, Mid, Min or Off.
! Vehicle Setting
After entering the Vehicle Setting menu,
select one of the following menus.
! Keyless Entry System
After entering the Keyless Entry System
menu, select one of the following menus.
. Audible Signal (models with key-
less access with push -button st art
The audible signal can be activated or
deactivated. Select On to activate. Se-
lect Off to deactivate.
. Hazard Warning Flasher (all mod-
The hazard warning flasher operation can
be activated or deactivated. Select On to
activate. Select Off to deactivate.
. Driver Door Unlock (models with
keyless access with push-button start
The door unlock selection function for the
drivers door can be activated or deacti-
vated. Select On to activate. Select Off
to deactivate.
. Rear Gate Unlock (Outback with
keyless access with push-button start
The door unlock selection function of the
rear gate unlock button of the key can be
changed. Select All to unlock all doors
and the rear gate. Select Rear Gate to
unlock only the rear gate.
! Defogger
The defogger and deicer system can be
set for the continuous operation mode or
automatic shut-off mode. Select Contin-
uous to select the continuous operation
mode. Select 15 minutes to select the
automatic shut-off mode.
! Interior Light
The setting for the period of time in which
the interior lights remain on (OFF delay
timer) after closing the doors and/or the
rear gate can be set or customized. Select
the preferred seconds to customize the
operation period. Select Off to deactivate
the OFF delay timer.
! Auto Light Sensor
The operational sensitivity of the auto on/
off headlights can be set. You can select
Max, Mid, Low or Min.
! Welcome Lighting
After entering the Welcome L ighting
menu, select either of the following me-
! Approaching Time Set
The setting for the period of time in which
the low beam headlights remain on when
approaching the vehicle can be set or
customized. Select the preferred seconds
to customize the operation period. Select
Off to deactivate the welcome lighting
function when approaching.
! Leaving Time Set
The setting for the period of time in which
the low beam headlights remain on when
exiting the vehicle can be set or custo-
mized. Select the preferred seconds to
customize the operation period. Select
Off to deactivate the welcome lighting
function when exiting.
! Default Settings
Select Yes to use the menu screen to
restore customized settings to the factory
default settings. Select No to return to
the previous screen without restoring to
the factory default settings.
Instruments and controls/Multi information display
Instruments and controls/Light control switch
Light control switch
. Use of any lights for a long period
of time while the engine is not
running can cause the battery to
. Before leaving the vehicle, make
sure that the light control switch
is turned to the off position. If the
vehicle is left unattended for a
long time with the light control
switch set to a position other
than the off position, the battery
may be discharged.
Models with keyless acc ess w ith
push-button start system:
The light control switch operates when the
push-button ignition switch is in the ACC
or ON position.
Regardless of the position of the light
control switch, the illuminated lights are
turned off when the push-button ignition
switch is turned off.
Models without keyless access with
push-button start system:
The light control switch operates when the
key is inserted in the ignition switch.
Regardless of the position of the light
control switch, the illuminated lights are
turned off when the key is removed from
the ignition switch.
The light control switch can be oper-
ated (except auto on/off headlights),
even under the following conditions.
. when the key is not inserted into the
ignition switch (models without key-
less access with push-button start
. when the push-button ignition
switch is turned off (models with key-
less access with push-button start
If the drivers door is opened while the
headlights are illuminated under such
conditions, a chirp sound will inform
the driver that the lights are illumi-
& Headlights
To turn on the headlights, turn the knob on
the end of the turn signal lever.
Instrument panel illumination, headlights,
parking lights, front side marker lights, rear
side marker lights, tail lights and license
plate lights are on.
Instrument panel il lumination, pa rking
lights, front side marker lights, rear side
marker lights, tail lights and license plate
lights are on.
position: auto on/off headlights
When the ignition switch is in the ON
position, the instrument panel illumination,
headlights, parking lights, front side mar-
ker lights, rear side marker lights, tail lights
and license plate lights are automatically
on or off depending on the level of the
ambient light.
The headlights are all off.
The sensitivity of the auto on/off head-
lights can be changed by your
SUBARU dealer. Contact your SUBARU
dealer for details. Also, the sensitivity
can be changed using the multi infor-
mation display. For details, refer to
Auto Light Sensor F3-41.
! Welcome lighting function
The welcome lighting function turns on the
low beam headlight for smooth approach-
ing to or exiting from the vehicle at night or
in a dark place.
The function is activated while all of the
following conditions are met.
. The light control switch is in the
AUTO position
. It is dark enough to turn on the auto on/
off headlights
When approaching:
While the welcome lighting function is
activated, the low beam headlights will
automatically illuminate when unlocking
the doors (for Outback, including the rear
gate) by using the remote keyless entry
The low beam headlights will remain
illuminated for 30 seconds
and then turn
off. However, if any of the following
operations is done, the low beam head-
lights will turn off.
. The doors are locked.
. The light control switch is turned to a
position other than AUTO.
. The ignition switch is turned to the ON
When exiting:
While the welcome lighting function is
activated, the low beam headlights will
remain illuminated even when either of the
following operation is done.
. Thepush-buttonignitionswitchis
turned to the OFF status (models with
keyless access with push-button start
. The key is pulled out from the ignition
switch (models without keyless access
with push-button start system)
The low beam headlights will turn off
under any of the following conditions.
. 3 minutes have passed since the low
beam headlights were illuminated by the
welcome lighting function.
. 30 seconds have passed since the
door is opened and closed.
. The light control switch is turned to a
position other than AUTO.
. The locking procedure is performed
twice. When performing the unlocking
procedure after pe rforming the locking
procedure, perform the locking procedure
twice again.
*1: The setting for the period of time in which
the low beam headlights remain on by the
welcome lighting function can be changed by a
SUBARU dealer. Contact your SUBARU dealer
for details. Also, you can change the setting by
operating the multi information display. For
details, refer to Vehicle Setting F3-41. For
models with the genuine SUBARU navigation
system, you can change the setting by using
the navigation system. For details, refer to the
Owners Manual supplement for the navigation
Instruments and controls/Light control switch
Instruments and controls/Light control switch
! Sensor for the auto on/off head-
The sensor is on the instrument panel as
shown in the illustration.
If any object is placed on or near the
sensor, the sensor may not detect
the level of the ambient light cor-
rectly and the auto on/off headlights
may not operate properly.
& High/low beam change
To change from low beam to high beam,
push the turn signal lever forward. When
the headlights are on high beam, the high
beam indicator light
on the combina-
tion meter is also on.
To switch back to low beam, pull the lever
back to the center position.
& Headlight flasher
Do not hold the lever in the flashing
position for more than just a few
To flash the headlights, pull the lever
toward you and then release it. The high
beam will stay on for as long as you hold
the lever. The headlight flasher works
even though the lighting switch is in the
off position.
When the headlights are on high beam,
the high beam indicator light
on the
combination meter also illuminates.
& Daytime running light system
The brightness of the illumination of
the high beam headlights is reduced
by the daytime running light system.
The light switch must always be
turned to the
position when it
is dark outside.
The high beam headlights will automati-
cally illuminate at reduced brightness
when the engine has started, under the
following conditions.
. The parking brake is fully released.
. The light switch is in the off or
. The light sw itch is in the AUTO
position and the headlights do not turn
on automatically.
. The select lever is in a position other
than the P position (CVT models).
. When the light switch is in the
position, the front side marker lights,
tail lights and license plate lights are
. While the turn signal is flashing, the
high beam headlight on the side which
the turn signal is flashing turns off.
. While the hazard warning flasher is
on, the high beam headlights turn off.
Headlight beam leveler
(models with HID headlights)
The HID headlights generate more light
than conventional halogen headlights.
Therefore a driver of an oncoming vehicle
may experience too much glare when your
headlight beam height adjustment is high
due to the vehicle carrying heavy load.
The automatic headlight beam leveler
adjusts the headlight beam height auto-
matically and optimally according to the
load being carried by the vehicle.
Instruments and controls/Headlight beam leveler (models with HID headlights)
Instruments and controls/Turn signal lever
Turn signal lever
To activate the right turn signal, push the
turn signal lever up. To activate the left
turn signal, push the turn signal lever
down. When the turn is finished, the lever
will return automatically. If the lever does
not return after cornering, return the lever
to the neutral position by hand.
To signal a lane change, push the turn
signal lever up or down slightly and hold it
during the lane change. The turn signal
indicator lights will flash in the direction of
the turn or lane change. The lever will
return automatically to the neutral position
when you release it.
& One-touch lane changer
To flash the turn signal and turn signal
indicator light three times, push the turn
signal lever up or down sli ghtly and
immediately release it.
The operational/non-operational setting of
the one-touch lane changers can be
changed by a SUBARU dealer. Contact
the nearest SUBARU dealer for details.
Illumination brightness con-
The illumination brightness of the instru-
ment panel di ms under the following
. when the light switch is in the
. when the light switch is in the AUTO
position and the headlights illuminate
You can adjust the illumination brightness
for better visibility.
To brighten, turn the control dial upward.
To darken, turn the control dial downward.
. When the control dial is turned fully
upward, the illuminatio n brightness
becomes the maximum and the auto-
matic dimming function does not work
at all.
. The brightness setting is not can-
celed even when the ignition switch is
turned to the LOCK/OFF position.
& Auto dimmer cancel function
When the ambient light is bright, the
illumination brightness is set to the max-
imum regardless of the position of the
control dial. In this case, you cannot adjust
the illumination brightness by using the
control dial. When the ambient light is
dark, you can dim the illumination bright-
ness as described above.
The operational/non-operational setting
and sensitivity of the auto dimmer cancel
function can be changed by your
SUBARU dealer. Contact your SUBARU
dealer for details.
Front fog light switch
(if equipped)
1) Headlight switch
2) Fog light switch
To turn on the front fog lights:
Turn the fog light switch to the
position while the headlights are in either
of the following conditions.
. while the headlight switch is in the
position with the low beam mode selected
. while the headlight switch is in the
AUTO position and the low beam head-
lights turn on automatically
To turn off the front fog lights:
Turn the fog light switch back down to the
Indicator light
The indicator light located on the combi-
nation meter will illuminate when the front
fog lights are on.
& Steering responsive fog
lights system (models with
EyeSight system)
The steering responsive fog lights system
automatically turns the front fog light on
and off based on the steering angle and
vehicle speed when entering a curve or
driving on curved roads. The system is
intended to help prevent accidents by
enabling better visibility of curves ahead
and early r ecognition of any disabled
vehicles or other obstacles.
The front fog light on the inside of a curve
Instruments and controls/Front fog light switch
Instruments and controls/Front fog light switch
will turn on if all of the following conditions
are met.
. The light control switch is in the
. The light control switch is in the
AUTO position and the low beam head-
lights turn on automatically
. The fog light switch is in the
. The low beam mode is selected (the
turn signal lever is in the center position)
. The select lever is in a position other
than the R position
. The steering response fog lights sys-
tem has not been deactivated
. The operating conditions such as the
steering angle and vehicle speed are met
The front fog lights on both sides will turn
on as usual if all of the following conditions
are met.
. The light control switch is in the
. The light control switch is in the
AUTO position and the low beam head-
lights turn on automatically
. The fog light switch is in the
. The low beam mode is selected (the
turn signal lever is in the center position)
! Steering responsive fog lights OFF
Steering responsive fog lights OFF switch
Press this switch to deactivate the steer-
ing responsive fog lights system. Press
the switch again to activate the system.
! Steering responsive fog lights OFF
Steering responsive fog lights OFF indica-
This indicator appears when the steering
responsive fog lights system is deacti-
vated. This indicator disappears when the
system is activated.
Wiper and washer
In freezing weather, do not use the
windshield washer until the wind-
shield is sufficiently warmed by the
Otherwise the washer fluid can
freeze on the windshield, blocking
your view.
. Do not operate the washer con-
tinuously for more than 10 sec-
onds, or when the washer fluid
tank is empty. This may cause
overheating of the washer motor.
Check the washer fluid le vel
frequently, such as at fuel stops.
. Do not operate the wipers when
the windshield or rear window is
dry. This may scratch the glass,
damage the wiper blades and
might cause the wiper motor to
fail. Before operating the wiper
on a dry windshield or rear
window, always use the wind-
shield washer.
. In freezing weather, be sure that
the wiper blades are not frozen to
the windshield or rear window
before switching on the wipers.
Attempting to operate the wiper
with the blades frozen to the
window glass could cause not
only the wiper blades to be
damaged but also might cause
the wiper motor to fail. If the
wiper blades are frozen to the
window glass, be sure to operate
the defroster, windshield wiper
deicer (if equipped) or rear win-
dow defogger before turning on
the wiper.
. If the wipers stop during opera-
tion because of ice or some other
obstruction on the window, this
might cause the wiper motor to
fail even if the wiper switch is
turned off. If this occurs,
promptly stop the vehicle in a
safe place, turn the ignition
switch to the LOCK/OFF po-
sition an d clean the window
glass to allow proper wiper op-
. Use clean water if windshield
washer fluid is unavailab le. In
areas where water freezes in
winter, use SUBARU Windshield
Washer Fluid or the equivalent.
Refer to Windshield washer
fluid F11-31.
Also, when driving the vehicle
when there are freezing tempera-
tures, use non-freezing type wi-
per blades.
. Do not clean the wiper blades
with gasoline or a solvent, such
as paint thinner or benzine. This
will cause deterioration of the
wiper blades.
. The windshield wiper motor is pro-
tected against overloads by a circuit
breaker. If the motor operates continu-
ously under an unusually heavy load,
the circuit breaker may trip to stop the
motor temporarily. If this happens, park
your vehicle in a safe place, turn off the
wiper switch, and wait for approxi-
mately 10 minutes. The circuit breaker
will reset itself, and the wipers will
again operate normally.
. Clean your wiper blades and win-
dow glass periodically with a washer
solution to prevent streaking, and to
remove accumulations of road salt or
road film. Operate the windshield
washer for at least 1 second so that
Instruments and controls/Wiper and washer
Instruments and controls/Wiper and washer
washer solution will be sprinkled all
over the windshield or rear window.
. Grease, wax, insects or other mate-
rial on the windshield or the wiper
blades results in jerky wiper operation
and streaking on the glass. If you
cannot remove those streaks afte r
operating the washer or if the wiper
operation is jerky, clean the outer sur-
face of the windshield or rear window
and the wiper blades using a sponge or
soft cloth with a neutral detergent or
mild abrasive cleaner. After cleaning,
rinse the window glass and wiper
blades with clean water. The glass is
clean if no beads form on the glass
when you rinse with water.
. If you cannot eliminate the streaking
even after following this procedure,
replace the wiper blades with new
ones. For replacement instructions,
refer to Replacement of wiper blades
& Windshield wiper and washer
The wiper operates only when the ignition
switch is in the ON position.
! Windshield wipers
: Mist (for a single wipe)
: Intermittent
: Low speed
High speed
To turn the wipers on, push the wiper
control lever down.
To turn the wipers off, return the lever to
For a single wipe of the wipers, push the
lever up. The wipers operate until you
release the lever.
! Wiper intermittent time control
When the wiper switch is in the
position, turn the dial to adjust the operat-
ing interval of the wiper. The operating
interval can be adjusted in several steps
from the shortest interval to the longest.
! Windshield washer
To wash the windshield, pull the wiper
control lever toward you. The washer fluid
sprays until you release the lever. The
wipers operate while you pull the lever.
Windshield washer fluid warning indicator
The windshield washer fluid warning
indicator appears when the washer
fluid level in the tank has dropped to
the lower limit. If the warning indicator
appears, refill the tank with fluid. For
the tank refilling method, refer to
Windshield washer fluid F11-31.
& Rear window wiper and
washer switch (Outback)
Washer (accompanied by wiper op-
: Continuous
: Intermittent
Washer (accompanied by wiper op-
! Rear wiper
To turn the rear wiper on, turn the knob
switch upward.
To turn the wiper off, return the knob
switch to the
With the switch turned to the
Instruments and controls/Wiper and washer
Instruments and controls/Defogger and deicer
tion, the rear wiper will operate intermit-
tently at intervals corresponding to the
vehicle speed. In this position, when you
move the select lever to the R position
(CVT models) or the shift lever to the
reverse position (MT models), the rear
wiper will switch to continuous operation.
When you move the select lever/shift lever
from the R (reverse) position to another
position, the re ar wi per wi ll r eturn to
intermittent operation.
. Even if the rear wiper switch is in the
position, while the shift lever/
select lever is in the R position with
the front windshield wiper operating
continuously, the rear wiper will oper-
ate intermittently (reverse gear inter-
locked rear wiper).
. If a cargo carrier or other object that
disturbs rear wiper operation is at-
tached, the rear wipers may be da-
maged when they operate. In cases like
this, set the reverse gear interlocked
rear wiper to non-operational. For
more details, we recommend that you
contact a SUBARU dealer.
! Washer
To wash the rear window while the rear
wiper is operating, turn the knob switch
upward to the
position. The washer
fluid sprays until you release the knob.
To wash the rear window when the rear
wiper is not in use, turn the knob switch
downward to the
position. The washer
fluid sprays and the wiper operates until
you release the knob.
Defogger and deicer
1) Rear window defogger
2) Outside mirror defogger (if equipped)
3) Windshield wiper deicer (if equipped)
The defogger and deicer system is acti-
vated only when the ignition switch is in
the ON position.
Control switch (type A)
1) Models without outside mirror defogger
2) Models with outside mirror defogger
Control switch (type B)
1) Models without outside mirror defogger
2) Models with outside mirror defogger
To activate the defogger and dei cer
system, press the control switch. The rear
window defogger, outside mirror defogger
and windshield wiper deicer are activated
simultaneously. The indicator light on the
control switch illuminates while the defog-
ger and deicer system is activated.
To turn them off, press the control switch
again. They also turn off when the ignition
switch is turned to the ACC or LOCK/
OFF position.
The defogger and deicer system will
automatically shut off after approximately
15 minutes. If the rear window and outside
mirrors have been cleared and the wind-
shield wiper blades have been deiced
completely before that time, press the
control switch to turn them off. If defrost-
ing, defogging or deicing is not complete,
you have to press the control switch to
turn them on again.
It is possible for a SUBARU dealer to set
the defogger and deicer system for the
continuous operation mode by operating
the multi information display. For details,
refer to Defogger F3-41.
. To prevent the battery from being
discharged, do not operate the
defogger and deicer system con-
tinuously for any longer than
. Do not use sharp instruments or
window cleaner containing abra-
sives to clean the inner surface
of the rear window. They may
damage the conductors printed
on the window.
. Turn on the defogger and deicer
system if the wipers are frozen to the
. If the windshield is covered with
Instruments and controls/Defogger and deicer
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
snow, remove the snow so that the
windshield wiper deicer works effec-
. While the defogger and deicer sys-
tem is in the continuous operation
mode, if the vehicle speed remains at
minutes, the windshield wiper deicer
automatically stops operating, though
the rear window defogger and outside
mirror defogger maintain continuous
operation in this condition.
. While the defogger and deicer sys-
tem is in the continuous operation
mode, if the battery volta ge drops
below the permissible level, continu-
ous operation of the defogger and
deicer system is canceled and the
system stops operating.
Always check that the inside and outside
mirrors are properly adjusted before you
start driving.
& Inside mirror (without auto-
dimming function) (if
The mirror has a day and night position.
Pull the tab at the bottom of the mirror
toward you for the night position. Push it
away for the day position . The night
position reduces glare from headlights.
& Auto-dimming mirror with
(if equipped)
1) HomeLink
button 1
2) HomeLink
button 2
3) LED
4) HomeLink
button 3
5) Sensor
6) Automatic dimming on button
7) Automatic dimming off button
The auto-dimming mirror has an anti-glare
feature which automatically reduces glare
coming from headlights of vehicles behind
you. It also contains a HomeLink
control system.
By pressing the automatic dimming on/off
button, the automatic dimming function is
turned on or off. When the automatic
dimming function is on, the LED indicator
will illuminate.
Even with the mirror in the automatic
dimming mode, the mirror surface turns
bright if the shift lever/select l ever is
shifted into the R (reverse) position. This
is to ensure good rearward visibility during
When cleaning the mirror, use a paper
towel or similar material dampened with
glass cleaner. Do not spray glass cleaner
directly on the mirror as that may cause
housing and damage the mirror.
! Photosensors
The mirror has a photosensor attached on
both the front and back sides. During
nighttime driving, these sensors detect
distracting glare from vehicle headlights
behind you and automa tically dim the
mirror to eliminate glare and preserve
your vision. For this reason, use care not
to cover the sensors with stickers, or other
similar items. Periodically wipe the sen-
sors clean using a piece of dry soft cotton
cloth or an applicator.
! HomeLink
Wireless Control Sys-
The HomeLink
Wireless Control System
can be used to activate remote control
devices such as gate operators, garage
door openers, door locks, home lighting
and security systems.
There are three HomeLink
buttons on the
mirror, each of which can be programmed
for operation of one desired device. For
details on the device types which can be
operated by this system, consult the
website at:
www.homelink.com or call 1-800-355-
. U.S.-spec. models
Changes or modifications not ex-
pressly approved by the party re-
sponsible for compliance could void
the users authority to operate the
This device complies with part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This de-
vice may not cause harmful interfer-
ence, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, includi ng
interference that may cause undesired
. Canada-spec. models
This device complies with Industry
Canada licence-exempt RSS standard
(s). Operation is subject to the follow-
ing two conditions: (1) this device may
not cause interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference,
including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux
CNR dIndustrie Canada applicables
aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
Lexploitation est autorisée aux deux
conditions suivantes: (1) lappareil ne
doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2)
lutilisateur de l appareil doit accepter
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
même si le brouillage est susceptible
den compromettre le fonctionnement.
and the HomeLink
house are
registered trademarks of Johnson Con-
trols, Inc.
. When programming the
Wireless Control Sys-
tem, you may be operatin g a
garage door opener or other
device. Make sure that people
and objects are out of the way
of the garage door o r other
device to prevent potential harm
or damage.
. Do not use the HomeLink
less Control System with a gar-
age door opener that lacks the
safety stop and reverse feature
as required by applicable safety
standards. A garage door opener
which cannot detect an object,
signaling the door to stop and
reverse, does not meet these
safety standards. Using a garage
door opener without these fea-
tures increases risk of serious
injury or death. For more infor-
mation, consult the HomeLink
website at www.homelink.com or
call 1-800-355-3515.
When programming the HomeLink
Wireless Control System to operate
a garage door opener or an entrance
gate, unplug the devices motor
from the outlet during programming
to prevent motor burnout.
. After programming your HomeLink
Wireless Control System for the de-
sired devices, retain the hand-held
transmitters for further programming
or device testing in the event of a
. It is recommended that you insert a
new battery in the hand-held transmit-
ter of a device to ensure correct
! Garage door opener program-
ming in the U.S.A.
When programming the Home Link
Wireless Control System for a garage
door opener, it is suggested that you
park the vehicle outside the garage.
1. Unplug the motor of the garage door
opener from the outlet.
If any of the HomeLink
buttons are
already programmed for other devices,
skip step 2 because it clears the
memory of all three buttons.
1) HomeLink
button 1
2) HomeLink
button 2
3) HomeLink
button 3
2. Press and hold the two outer
buttons (button 1 and button
3) until the indicator light begins to flash
(after approximately 20 seconds). Then
release both buttons.
3. Hold the end of the garage door
openers hand-held transmitter between 1
and 3 inches (25 and 76 mm) away from
the HomeLink
button you wish to pro-
4. Simultaneously press and hold both
the hand-held transmitter button and the
desired HomeLink
button. DO NOT re-
lease the buttons until step 5 has been
Some gate operators and garage door
openers may require you to replace
this programming step 4 with proce-
dures in Programming for entrance
gates and garage door openers in
Canada F3-58.
5. Hold down both buttons until the
indicator light flashes, first
slowly then rapidly. When the indicator
light flashes rapidly, both buttons may be
released. (The rapidly flashing light indi-
cates successful programming of the new
frequency signal.)
6. Press and hold the programmed but-
ton and check the HomeLink
light. If the indicator light stays on con-
tinuously, your garage door should acti-
vate and the programming is completed.
If the indicator light flashes rapidly for 2
seconds and then stays on continuously,
your garage door opener may be pro-
tected by a rolling code feature. In this
case you need to perform the additional
steps that are described in Programming
rolling-code-protected garage door open-
ers in the U.S.A. F3-57.
! Programming rolling-code-pro-
tected garage door openers in
the U.S.A.
If your garage door opener has a rolling
code feature, program the HomeLink
Wireless Control System for it by following
steps 1 through 5 in Garage door opener
programming in the U.S.A. F3-56. Then
continue with the following steps.
The assistance of a second person
may make the programming quicker
and easier.
1. Locate the training button on the
garage door opener motor head unit.
The exact location and color of the button
may vary by brand of garage door opener.
If it is difficult to locate the training button,
refer to your garage door openers instruc-
tion manual.
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
1) Training button
2. Press the training button on the
garage door opener motor head unit
(which activates the training light on the
unit). Proceed to step 3 within 30 seconds.
3. Inside the vehicle, firmly press, hold for
2 seconds and release the HomeLink
button that was programmed in the pre-
vious section. Press and release the
button a second time to complete the
programming procedure.
Some garage door openers may re-
quire you to do the above press-hold-
release sequence a third time to com-
plete the programming.
4. The garage door opener should now
recognize the HomeLink
Wireless Control
System and your garage door opener
should activate when the HomeLink
button is pressed.
! Programming for entrance gates
and garage door openers in
1. Unplug the motor of the entrance gate
or garage door opener from the outlet.
If any of the HomeLink
buttons are
already programmed for other devices,
skip step 2 because it clears the
memory of all three buttons.
1) HomeLink
button 1
2) HomeLink
button 2
3) HomeLink
button 3
2. Press and hold the two outer
buttons (button 1 and button
3) until the Home Link
indicator light
begins to flash (after approximately 20
seconds). Then release both buttons.
3. Hold the end of the entrance gates/
garage door openers hand-held transmit-
ter between 1 and 3 inches (25 and 76
mm) away from the HomeLink
button you
wish to program.
4. Press and hold the desired HomeLink
5. Press and release (cycle) the hand-
held transmitter button every 2 seconds
until step 6 is complete.
6. When the indicator light flashes slowly
and then rapidly after several seconds,
release both buttons.
7. Plug the motor of the entrance gate/
garage door opener to the outlet.
8. Test your entrance gate/garage door
opener by pressing the programmed
! Operating the HomeLink
less Control System
Once programmed, the HomeLink
less Control System can be used to
remote-control the devices to which its
buttons are programmed. To activate a
device, simply press the appropriate but-
ton. The indicator light illuminates, indicat-
ing that the signal is being transmitted.
! Programming other devices
To program other devices such as door
locks, home lighting and security systems,
contact HomeLink
at www.homelink.com
or call 1-800-355-3515.
! Reprogramming a single
1. Press and hold the HomeLink
you wish to reprogram. DO NOT release
the button until step 4 has been com-
2. When the HomeLink
indicator light
begins to flash slowly (after approximately
20 seconds), position the hand-held trans-
mitter of the device between 1 to 3 inches
(25 to 76 mm) away from the HomeLink
button you wish to program.
3. Press and hold the hand-held trans-
mitter button. The HomeLink
light will flash, first slowly and then rapidly.
4. When the indicator light begins to flash
rapidly, release both buttons.
The programming for the previous device
is now erased and the new device can be
operated by pres sing the HomeL ink
! Erasing HomeLink
button mem-
. Performi ng this procedure erases
the memory of all the preprogrammed
buttons simultaneously. The memory
of individual buttons cannot be erased.
. It is recommended that upon the
sale of the vehicle, the memory of all
programmed HomeLink
buttons be
erased for security purposes.
1) HomeLink
button 1
2) HomeLink
button 2
3) HomeLink
button 3
1. Press and hold the two outer buttons
(button 1 and button 3) until the indicator
light begins to flash (after approximately
20 seconds).
2. Release both buttons.
! In case a problem occurs
If you cannot activate a device using the
corresponding HomeLink
button after
programming, contact HomeLink
www.homelink.com or call 1-800-355-
3515 for assistance.
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
& Auto-dimming mirror/com-
pass with HomeLink
1) HomeLink
button 1
2) HomeLink
button 2
3) LED
4) HomeLink
button 3
5) Sensor
6) Automatic dimming on/off button
7) Compass display button
8) Compass display
The auto-dimming mirror has an anti-glare
feature which automatically reduces glare
coming from headlights of vehicles behind
you. It also contains a built-in compass
and HomeLink
wireless control system.
. By pressing the automatic dimming on/
off button, the automatic dimming function
is toggled on or off. When the automatic
dimming function is on, the LED indicator
will illuminate.
Even with the mirror in the automatic
dimming mode, the mirror surface turns
bright if the transmission is shifted into
reverse. This is to ensure good rearward
visibility during reversing.
. By pressing the compass display but-
ton, the compass display is toggled on or
off. When the compass is on, an illumi-
nated compass reading will appear in the
upper right corner of the mirror.
When cleaning the mirror, use a paper
towel or similar material dampened with
glass cleaner. Do not spray glass cleaner
directly on the mirror as that may cause
the liquid cleaner to enter the mir ror
housing and damage the mirror.
! Photosensors
The mirror has a photosensor attached on
both the front and back sides. During
nighttime driving, these sensors detect
distracting glare from vehicle headlights
behind you and automatically dim the
mirror to eliminate glare and preserve
your vision. For this reason, use care not
to cover the sensors with stickers, or other
similar items. Periodically wipe the sen-
sors clean using a piece of dry soft cotton
cloth or an applicator.
! Compass zone adjustment
Compass calibration zones
1. Refer to t he Compass c alibration
zones map shown above to verify that
the compass zone setting is correct for
your geographical location.
2. Press and hold the compass display
button for 3 seconds until the zone
selection comes up (a number will be
displayed in the mirror compass window).
3. Press the compass display button
repeatedly until the correct zone setting
for your location is displayed.
4. Releasing the button for 5 seconds will
exit the zone setting mode.
! Compass calibration
1. If a C is displayed in the compass
window, the compass needs to be cali-
2. Drive the vehicle in a circle at 5 mph (8
km/h) or less until the display reads a
3. You can also calibrate the compass by
driving your vehicle on your everyday
routine. The compass will be calibrated
once it has tracked a complete circle.
4. To recalibrate your compass, push and
hold the compass display button for 9
seconds until a C appe ars in the
compass window.
5. Calibrate the compass according to
step 2 or step 3.
! HomeLink
Wireless Control Sys-
The HomeLink
Wireless Control System
can be used to activate remote control
devices such as gate operators, garage
door openers, door locks, home lighting
and security systems.
There are three HomeLink
buttons on the
mirror, each of which can be programmed
for operation of one desired device. For
details on the device types which can be
operated by this system, consult the
website at:
www.homelink.com or call 1-800-355-
. U.S.-spec. models
Changes or modifications not ex-
pressly approved by the party re-
sponsible for compliance could void
the users authority to operate the
This device complies with part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This de-
vice may not cause harmful interfer-
ence, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, includi ng
interference that may cause undesired
. Canada-spec. models
This device complies with Industry
Canada licence-exempt RSS standard
(s). Operation is subject to the follow-
ing two conditions: (1) this device may
not cause interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference,
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux
CNR dIndustrie Canada applicables
aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
Lexploitation est autorisée aux deux
conditions suivantes: (1) lappareil ne
doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2)
lutilisateur de l appareil doit accepter
tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
même si le brouillage est susceptible
den compromettre le fonctionnement.
and the HomeLink
house are
registered trademarks of Johnson Con-
trols, Inc.
. When programming the
Wireless Control Sys-
tem, you may be operatin g a
garage door opener or other
device. Make sure that people
and objects are out of the way
of the garage door o r other
device to prevent potential harm
or damage.
. Do not use the HomeLink
less Control System with a gar-
age door opener that lacks the
safety stop and reverse feature
as required by applicable safety
standards. A garage door opener
which cannot detect an object,
signaling the door to stop and
reverse, does not meet these
safety standards. Using a garage
door opener without these fea-
tures increases risk of serious
injury or death. For more infor-
mation, consult the HomeLink
website at www.homelink.com or
call 1-800-355-3515.
When programming the HomeLink
Wireless Control System to operate
a garage door opener or an entrance
gate, unplug the devices motor
from the outlet during programming
to prevent motor burnout.
. After programming your HomeLink
Wireless Control System for the de-
sired devices, retain the hand-held
transmitters for further programming
or device testing in the event of a
. It is recommended that you insert a
new battery in the hand-held transmit-
ter of a device to ensure correct
! Garage door opener program-
ming in the U.S.A.
When programming the HomeLink
Wireless Control System for a garage
door opener, it is suggested that you
park the vehicle outside the garage.
1. Unplug the motor of the garage door
opener from the outlet.
If any of the HomeLink
buttons are
already programmed for other devices,
skip step 2 because it clears the
memory of all three buttons.
1) HomeLink
button 1
2) HomeLink
button 2
3) HomeLink
button 3
2. Press and hold the two outer
buttons (button 1 and button
3) until the indicator light begins to flash
(after approximately 10 seconds). Then
release both buttons.
3. Hold the end of the garage doo r
openers hand-held transmitter between
1 and 3 inches (25 and 76 mm) away from
the HomeLink
button you wish to pro-
4. Simultaneously press and hold both
the hand-held transmitter button and the
desired HomeLink
button. DO NOT re-
lease the buttons until step 5 has been
Some gate operators and garage door
openers may require you to replace
this programming step 4 with proce-
dures in Programming for entrance
gates and g arage do or op eners in
Canada F3-64.
5. Hold down both bu ttons until the
indicator light flashes, first
slowly then rapidly. When the indicator
light flashes rapidly, both buttons may be
released. (The rapidly flashing light indi-
cates successful programming of the new
frequency signal.)
6. Press and hold the programmed but-
ton and check the HomeLink
light. If the indicator light stays on con-
tinuously, your garage door should acti-
vate and the programming is completed.
If the indicator light flashes rapidly for 2
seconds and then stays on continuously,
your garage door opener may be pro-
tected by a rolling code feature. In this
case you need to perform the additional
steps that are described in Programming
rolling-code-protected garage door open-
ers in the U.S.A. F3-63.
! Programming rolling-code-pro-
tected garage door openers in
the U.S.A.
If your garage door opener has a rolling
code feature, program the HomeLink
Wireless Control System for it by following
steps 1 through 5 in Garage door opener
programming in the U.S.A. F3-62. Then
continue with the following steps.
The assistance of a second person
may make the programming quicker
and easier.
1. Locate the training button on the
garage door opener motor head unit.
The exact location and color of the button
may vary by brand of garage door opener.
If it is difficult to locate the training button,
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
refer to your garage door openers instruc-
tion manual.
1) Training button
2. Press the training button on the
garage door opener motor head unit
(which activates the training light on the
unit). Proceed to step 3 within 30 seconds.
3. Inside the vehicle, firmly press, hold for
2 seconds and release the HomeLink
button that was programmed in the pre-
vious section. Press and release the
button a second time to complete the
programming procedure.
Some garage door openers may re-
quire you to do the above press-hold-
release sequence a third time to com-
plete the programming.
4. The garage door opener should now
recognize the HomeLink
Wireless Control
System and your garage door opener
should activate when the HomeLink
button is pressed.
! Programming for entrance gates
and garage door openers in
1. Unplug the motor of the entrance gate
or garage door opener from the outlet.
If any of the HomeLink
buttons are
already programmed for other devices,
skip step 2 because it clears the
memory of all three buttons.
1) HomeLink
button 1
2) HomeLink
button 2
3) HomeLink
button 3
2. Press and hold the two outer
buttons (button 1 and button
3) until the Home Link
indicator light
begins to flash (after approximately 10
seconds). Then release both buttons.
3. Hold the end of the entrance gates/
garage door openers hand-held transmit-
ter between 1 and 3 inches (25 and 76
mm) away from the HomeLink
button you
wish to program.
4. Press and hold the desired HomeLink
5. Press and release (cycle) the hand-
held transmitter button every 2 seconds
until step 6 is complete.
6. When the indicator light flashes slowly
and then rapidly after several seconds,
release both buttons.
7. Plug the motor of the entrance gate/
garage door opener to the outlet.
8. Test your entrance gate/garage door
opener by pressing the programmed
! Operating the HomeLink
less Control System
Once programmed, the HomeLink
less Control System can be used to
remote-control the devices to which its
buttons are programmed. To activate a
device, simply press the appropriate but-
ton. The indicator light illuminates, indicat-
ing that the signal is being transmitted.
! Programming other devices
To program other devices such as door
locks, home lighting and security systems,
contact HomeLink
at www.homelink.com
or call 1-800-355-3515.
! Reprogramming a single
1. Press and hold the HomeLink
you wish to reprogram. DO NOT release
the button until step 4 has been com-
2. When the HomeLink
indicator light
begins to flash slowly (after approximately
20 seconds), position the hand-held trans-
mitter of the device between 1 to 3 inches
(25 to 76 mm) away from the HomeLink
button you wish to program.
3. Press and hold the hand-held trans-
mitter button. The HomeLink
light will flash, first slowly and then rapidly.
4. When the indicator light begins to flash
rapidly, release both buttons.
The programming for the previous device
is now erased and the new device can be
operated by pressin g the HomeLink
! Erasing HomeLink
button mem-
. Performi ng this procedure erases
the memory of all the preprogrammed
buttons simultaneously. The memory
of individual buttons cannot be erased.
. It is recommended that upon the
sale of the vehicle, the memory of all
programmed HomeLink
buttons be
erased for security purposes.
1) HomeLink
button 1
2) HomeLink
button 2
3) HomeLink
button 3
1. Press and hold the two outer buttons
(button 1 and button 3) until the indicator
light begins to flash (after approximately
20 seconds).
2. Release both buttons.
! In case a problem occurs
If you cannot activate a device using the
corresponding HomeLink
button after
programming, contact HomeLink
www.homelink.com or call 1-800-355-
3515 for assistance.
Instruments and controls/Mirrors
Instruments and controls/Tilt/telescopic steering wheel
& Outside mirrors
! Convex mirror (passenger side)
Objects look smaller in a convex
mirror and farther away than when
viewed in a flat mirror. Do not use
the convex mirror to judge the
distance of vehicles behind you
when changing lanes. Use the inside
mirror (or glance backwards) to
determine the actual size and dis-
tance of objects that you view in
convex mirror.
! Remote control mirror switch
: Select side to adjust
: Direction control
The remote control mirrors operate only
when the ignition switch is in the ON or
ACC position.
1. Turn the control switch to the side that
you want to adjust. L is for the left mirror,
R is for the right mirror.
2. Move the control switch in the direction
you want to move the mirror.
3. Return the control switch to the neutral
position to prevent unintentional opera-
The mirrors can also be adjusted manu-
Tilt/telescopic steering wheel
. Do not adjust the steering wheel
tilt/telescopic position while driv-
ing. This may cause loss of
vehicle control and result in
personal injury.
. If the lever cannot be raised to
the fixed position, adjust the
steering wheel again. It is dan-
gerous to drive without locking
the steering wheel. This may
cause loss of vehicle control
and result in personal injury.
1) Tilt adjustment
2) Telescopic adjustment
1. Adjust th e seat posi tion. Refer to
Front seats F1-2.
2. Pull the tilt/telescopic lock lever down.
3. Move the steering wheel to the desired
4. Pull the lever up to lock the steering
wheel in place.
5. Make sure that the steering wheel is
securely locked by moving it up and down,
and forward and backward.
To sound the horn, push the horn pad.
Instruments and controls/Horn
Ventilator control................................................. 4-2
Center ventilators................................................ 4-2
Side ventilators ................................................... 4-2
Rear ventilators (if equipped)............................... 4-2
Climate control panel.......................................... 4-3
Type A ................................................................ 4-3
Type B ................................................................ 4-4
Automatic climate control system (type B)....... 4-5
Temperature sensors........................................... 4-5
Manual climate control ....................................... 4-6
Airflow mode selection ........................................ 4-6
Temperature control ............................................ 4-7
Fan speed control ............................................... 4-8
Air conditioner control ........................................ 4-8
Air inlet selection ................................................ 4-8
Defrosting ............................................................ 4-9
Operating tips for heater and air
conditioner ........................................................ 4-9
Cleaning ventilator grille ...................................... 4-9
Efficient cooling after parking in direct
sunlight ............................................................. 4-9
Lubrication oil circulation in the refrigerant
circuit.............................................................. 4-10
Checking air conditioning system before summer
season ............................................................ 4-10
Cooling and dehumidifying in high humidity and
low temperature weather condition................... 4-10
Air conditioner compressor shut-off when engine
is heavily loaded.............................................. 4-10
Refrigerant for your climate control system ........ 4-10
Air filtration system (if equipped)..................... 4-10
Replacing an air filter......................................... 4-11
Climate control
Climate control/Ventilator control
Ventilator control
& Center ventilators
1) Open
2) Close
Move the tab to adjust the flow direction.
To open the ventilator, turn the center grille
open/close wheel to the
To close it, turn the wheel to the
& Side ventilators
1) Open
2) Close
Move the tab to adjust the flow direction.
To open the ventilator, turn the side grille
open/close wheel upward to the
To close it, turn the wheel downward to the
& Rear ventilators (if equipped)
1) Open
2) Close
Move the tab to adjust the flow direction.
To open the ventilator, turn the rear grille
open/close wheel upward to the
To close it, turn the wheel downward to the
Climate control panel
& Type A
1) Fan speed control dial (Refer to Fan
speed control F4-8.)
2) A/C button (Refer to Air conditioner
control F4-8.)
3) Airflow mode selection button (Refer to
Airflow mode selection F4-6.)
4) Air inlet selection button (Refer to Air
inlet selection F4-8.)
5) Temperature control dial (Refer to Tem-
perature control F4-7 and MAX A/C
mode F4-7.)
6) Defroster button (Refer to Airflow mode
selection F4-6 and Defrosting F4-9.)
7) Rear window defogger button (models
without outside mirror defogger) (Refer to
Defogger and deicer F3-52.)
8) Rear window and outside mirror defogger
button (models with outside mirror de-
fogger) (Refer to Defogger and deicer
Climate control/Climate control panel
Climate control/Climate control panel
& Type B
1) Temperature control dial (Refer to Tem-
perature control F4-7.)
2) AUTO button (Refer to Automatic
climate control system (type B) F4-5.)
3) OFF button (Refer to Automatic cli-
mate control system (type B) F4-5.)
4) A/C button (Refer to Air conditioner
control F4-8.)
5) Airflow mode selection button (Refer to
Airflow mode selection F4-6.)
6) Fan speed control button (for decreasing
the fan speed) (Refer to Fan speed
control F4-8.)
7) Fan speed control button (for increasing
the fan speed) (Refer to Fan speed
control F4-8.)
8) Temperature control dial (Refer to Tem-
perature control F4-7.)
9) MAX A/C button (Refer to MAX A/C
mode F4-7.)
10) Air inlet selection button (Refer to Air
inlet selection F4-8.)
11) DUAL button (Refer to Automatic
climate control system (type B) F4-5
and ““DUAL mode (type B) F4-8.)
12) Defroster button (Refer to Airflow mode
selection F4-6 and Defrosting F4-9.)
13) Rear window defogger button (models
without outside mirror defogger) (Refer to
Defogger and deicer F3-52.)
14) Rear window and outside mirror defogger
button (models with outside mirror de-
fogger) (Refer to Defogger and deicer
Automatic climate control
system (type B)
. Operate the automatic climate con-
trol system when the engine is running.
. The blower fan rotates at a low
speed when the engine coolant tem-
perature is low.
. For efficient defogging or dehumidi-
fying in cold weather, press the A/C
When the automatic climate control mode
is selected, the following items are auto-
matically controlled.
. Outlet air temperature
. Fan speed
. Airflow distribution
. Air inlet control
. Air conditioner compressor operation
To activate this mode, perform the follow-
ing procedure.
1. Set the preferred temperature using
the temperature control button.
2. Press the AUTO button. The FULL
AUTO mode is selected and the FULL
AUTO indic ator li ght on the di splay
If you operate any of the buttons on the
control panel other than the OFF
button, rear window defogger button
and temperature control buttons during
FULL AUTO mode operation, the
FULL indicator light on the control
panel will turn off and the AUTO
indicator light will remain illuminated.
You can then manually control the
system as desired. To change the
system back to the FULL AUTO mode,
press the AUTO button.
To turn off the climate control system,
press the OFF button. The air inlet
selection is then automatically switched
to the outside air mode.
& Temperature sensors
1) Solar sensor
2) Interior air temperature sensor
The automatic climate control system
employs several sensors. These sensors
are delicate. If they are treated incorrectly
Climate control/Automatic climate control system (type B)
Climate control/Manual climate control
and become damaged, the system may
not be able to control the interior tempera-
ture correctly. To avoid damaging the
sensors, observe the following precau-
Do not subject the sensors to impact.
Keep water away from the sensors.
Do not cover the sensors.
The sensors are located as follows:
Solar sensor: beside the speaker grille
on the dashboard
Interior air temperature sensor: on the
side of the driver-side part of the center
Outside temperatur e sensor: behind
front grille.
Manual climate control
& Airflow mode selection
Select the preferred airflow mode by
pressing the airflow mode selection button
or defroster button.
Airflow modes are as follows.
A) Models with rear ventilators
(Ventilation): Instrument panel outlets
A) Models with rear ventilators
(Bi-level): Instrument panel outlets and the
foot outlets
A) Models with rear ventilators
(Heat): Foot outlets, both side outlets of
the instrument panel and some through
windshield defroster outlets (A small
amount of air flows to the windshield and
both side windows to prevent fogging.)
A) Models with rear ventilators
(Heat-def): Windshield defroster outlets,
foot outlets and both side outlets of the
instrument panel
A) Models with rear ventilators
(Defrost): Windshield defroster outlets and
both side outlets of the instrument panel
. When the
mode or mode
is selected, the air conditioner com-
pressor automatically operates to more
quickly defog the windshield. At the
same time, the air inlet selection is
automatically set to the outside air
In this state:
The air conditioner indicator light
does not illuminate.
You cannot stop the air condi-
tioner compressor by pressing the
air conditioner button.
& Temperature control
Turn the temperature control dial over a
range from the blue side (cool) to red side
(warm) to regulate the temperature of
airflow from the air outlets.
! MAX A/C mode
Perform the following operation to select
the MAX A/C mode.
. Turn the temperature control dial to the
MAX A/C position (models with type A
climate control system).
. Press the MAX A/C button (models
with type B climate control system).
When this mode is selected, some of the
settings will be changed as follows.
Type A climate control system:
. The air inlet selection mode will be
changed to the ON position (recirculation).
. The air conditioner will turn on.
Type B climate control system:
. The temperature setting will be chan-
ged to the maximum cooling mode.
. The fan speed setting will be changed
to the maximum speed.
. The airflow mode setting will be chan-
ged to the
(ventilation) mode.
. The air inlet selection mode will be
changed to the ON position (recirculation).
Climate control/Manual climate control
Climate control/Manual climate control
. The air conditioner will turn on.
While the MAX A/C mode is selected,
performing the following operation returns
the system to the setting that had been
selected before the MAX A/C mode is
. Turn the temperature control dial to a
position other than MAX A/C position
(models with type A climate control sys-
. Press the MAX A/C button again
(models with type B climate control sys-
! DUAL mode (type B)
You can change the setting of the drivers
side and front passengers side tempera-
ture independ ently by selecting the
DUAL mode.
You can select the DUAL mode by
performing either of the following proce-
. Press the DUAL button
. Turn the passengers side temperature
control dial
The DUAL mode can be canceled by
pressing the DUAL button.
When the DUAL mode is selected:
Turn the driverssidedialtosetthe
drivers side temperature. Turn the front
passengers si de dial to set the front
passengers side temperature.
When the DUAL mode is canceled:
Set the desired temperature by turning the
drivers side dial.
& Fan speed control
The fan operates only when the ignition
switch is in the ON position. Select the
preferred fan speed by turning the fan
speed control dial (type A), or by pressing
the fan speed control buttons (type B).
& Air conditioner control
The air conditioner operates only when
the engine is running.
Press the air conditioner button while the
fan is in operation to turn on the air
conditioner. When the air conditioner is
on, the A/C indicator light illuminates.
To turn off the air conditioner, press the
button again. The indicator light will turn
For efficient defogging or dehumidify-
ing in cold weather, turn on the air
conditioner. However, if the ambient
temperature decreases to approxi-
mately 328F(08C), the air conditioner
and dehumidification system may not
work properly.
& Air inlet selection
Select the air inlet by pressing the air inlet
selection button.
ON position (recirculation): Interior air is
recirculated inside the vehicle. Press the
air inlet selection button to the ON position
for fast cooling with the air conditioner or
when driving on a dusty road. When the
ON position is selected, the
light on the information display (type A)/
the indicator light on the air inlet selection
button (type B) illuminates.
OFF position (outside air): Outside air is
drawn into the passenger compartment.
Press the air inlet selection button to the
OFF position when the interior has cooled
to a comfortable temperature and the road
is no longer dusty. The indicator light will
turn off.
Continued operation in the ON posi-
tion may fog up the windows. Switch
to the OFF position as soon as the
outside dusty condition clears.
Select the desired
mode or mode
to defrost or dehumidify the windshield
and front door windows by performing the
following procedures.
. To select the
mode, press the
defroster button.
. To select the
mode, press the
airflow mode selection button and select
. When the
mode or mode
is selected, the air conditioner com-
pressor automatically operates to more
quickly defog the windshield. (The air
conditioner indicator light does not
illuminate in this case.) At the same
time, the air inlet selection is automa-
tically set to the outside air mode. For
details, refer to Airflow mode selec-
tion F4-6.
. If the defroster button is pressed
while the
mode is selected, it will
return to the previous mode before
selecting the
Operating tips for heater and
air conditioner
& Cleaning ventilator grille
1) Front ventilator inlet grille
Always keep the front ventilator inlet grille
free of snow, leaves, or other obstructions
to ensure efficient heating and defrosting.
Since the condenser is located in front of
the radiator, this area should be kept clean
because cooling performance is impaired
by any accumulation of insects and leaves
on the condenser.
& Efficient cooling after parking
in direct sunlight
After parking in direct sunlight, drive with
the windows open for a few minutes to
Climate control/Defrosting
Climate control/Air filtration system
allow outside air to circulate into the
heated interior. This results in quicker
cooling by the air conditioner. Keep the
windows closed during the operation of
the air conditioner for maximum cooling
& Lubrication oil circulation in
the refrigerant circuit
Operate the air conditioner compressor at
a low engine speed (at idle or low driving
speeds) a few minutes each month during
the off-season to circulate its oil.
& Checking air conditioning
system before summer sea-
Check the air conditioner unit for refriger-
ant leaks, hose conditions, and proper
operation each spring. Have the air con-
ditioning system checked by your
SUBARU dealer.
& Cooling and dehumidifying in
high humidity and low tem-
perature weather condition
Under certain weather conditions (high
relative humidity, low temperatures, etc.) a
small amount of water vapor emission
from the air outlets may be noticed. This
condition is normal and does not indicate
any problem with the air conditioning
& Air conditioner compressor
shut-off when engine is
heavily loaded
To improve acceleration and gas mileage,
the air conditioner compressor is designed
to temporarily shut off during air condi-
tioner operation whenever the accelerator
is fully depressed such as during rapid
acceleration or when driving on a steep
& Refrigerant for your climate
control system
Your air conditioner uses ozone friendly
refrigerant HFC134a. Therefore, the meth-
od of adding, changing or checking the
refrigerant is different from the method for
CFC12 (freon). Consult your SUBARU
dealer for service. Repairs needed as a
result of using the wrong refrigerant are
not covered under warranty.
Air filtration system (if
Your vehicles air conditioning system is
equipped with an air filtration system.
Replace the air filter element according
to the replacement schedule shown in the
following table. This schedule should be
followed to maintain the filter sdust
collection ability. Under extremely dusty
conditions, the filter should be replaced
more frequently. Have your filter checked
or replaced by your SUBARU dealer. For
replacement, use only a genuine
SUBARU air filter kit. For the replacement
schedule, refer to the Warranty and
Maintenance Booklet.
Contact your SUBARU dealer if the
following occurs, even if it is not yet
time to change the filter.
. Reduction of the airflow through
the vents.
. Windshield gets easily fogged or
The filter can influence the air condi-
tioning, heating and defroster perfor-
mance if not properly maintained.
& Replacing an air filter
1. Remove the glove box.
(1) Open the glove box.
(2) Remove the damper shaft from the
glove box.
(3) Pull out the glove box.
2. Remove the cover of the air filter.
1) Pull the air filter approximately 3.9 inches
(10 cm) first.
2) Gently push the near side of the air filter
3) Pull out the air filter.
3. Remove the air filter.
Climate control/Air filtration system
Climate control/Air filtration system
4. Replace the air filter element with a
new one.
5. Reinstall the cover of the air filter.
The arrow mark on the filter must
point UP.
6. Reinstall the glove box, and connect
the damper shaft.
7. Close the glove box.
Antenna system .................................................. 5-2
Printed antenna................................................... 5-2
FM reception ....................................................... 5-2
Installation of accessories.................................. 5-2
Audio set ............................................................. 5-3
Base display audio set (if equipped) .................... 5-4
Multimedia Plus audio set
(U.S. spec. models only, if equipped) ................. 5-5
Basic info rmation before use ............................. 5-6
Initial screen ....................................................... 5-6
Loading and unloading a disc.............................. 5-6
Connecting and disconnecting a USB memory/
portable device ................................................. 5-7
Touch screen gestures ........................................ 5-8
Touch screen operation ....................................... 5-8
Entering letters and numbers/list screen
operation .......................................................... 5-9
Screen adjustment ............................................. 5-10
Other settings..................................................... 5-11
Basic operation .................................................. 5-13
Some basics ...................................................... 5-13
Audio/visual remote controls ............................ 5-18
Steering switches............................................... 5-18
Tips for operating the audio/visual system...... 5-21
Operating information......................................... 5-21
Useful information.............................................. 5-28
SiriusXM Data Service*....................................... 5-28
STARLINK.......................................................... 5-30
Radio operation.................................................. 5-32
AM/FM radio....................................................... 5-32
SiriusXM Satellite Radio..................................... 5-43
Media operation ................................................. 5-48
CD .................................................................... 5-48
USB memory ..................................................... 5-51
iPod .................................................................. 5-54
Bluetooth audio ................................................. 5-58
by HARMAN ............................................ 5-62
AUX .................................................................. 5-70
........................................................... 5-73
settings ........................................... 5-78
Registering/connecting Bluetooth
device .......... 5-78
Setting Bluetooth details.................................... 5-81
Phone operation (Hands-free system for
cellular phones) .............................................. 5-84
Quick reference ................................................. 5-84
Some basics...................................................... 5-85
Calling on the Bluetooth phone .......................... 5-88
Receiving on the Bluetooth phone...................... 5-94
Talking on the Bluetooth phone.......................... 5-95
Setup .................................................................. 5-97
Phone settings .................................................. 5-97
What to do if..................................................... 5-100
Troubleshooting............................................... 5-100
Voice command system operatio n ................. 5-104
Voice command system ................................... 5-104
Command list................................................... 5-107
Appendix .......................................................... 5-111
Certification...................................................... 5-111
Certification for the Hands-free system............. 5-112
Certification for Mexico models ........................ 5-112
Audio/Antenna system
Antenna system
& Printed antenna
Do not use sharp instruments or
window cleaner containing abra-
sives to clean the inner surface of
the window on which the antenna is
printed. Doing so may damage the
antenna printed on the window.
The antenna is printed on the inner
surface of the rear window glass.
Antenna performance will deteriorate
significantly if you apply tinting film or
any other material over the antenna
portion of the rear window glass.
& FM reception
Although FM is normally static free,
reception can be affected by the surround-
ing area, atmospheric conditions, station
strength and transmitter distance. Build-
ings or other obstr uctions may cause
momentary static, flutter or station inter-
ference. If reception continues to be
unsatisfactory, switch to a stronger station.
Installation of accessories
Always consu lt you r SUBAR U dea ler
before installing a citizen band radio or
other transmitting device in your vehicle.
Such devices may cause the electronic
control system to malfunction if they are
incorrectly installed or if they are not
suited for the vehicle.
Audio set
Your SUBARU may be equipped with one
of the following audio sets. Refer to the
pages indicated in this section for operat-
ing details.
If a cell phone is placed near the audio
set, it may cause the audio set to emit
noise when the phone receives calls.
This noise does not indicate an audio
set malfunction. Note that a cell phone
should be placed as far as possible
from the audio set.
Audio/Audio set
Audio/Audio set
& Base display audio set (if equipped)
The audio set will operate only when the
ignition switch is in the ACC or ON
HD Radio Technology should be in-
cluded as feature in the base display
audio set.
This display audio set is referred to as
Canada: 6.2-inch infotainment system
Multimedia Plus audio set (U.S. spec.
models only, if equipped)
The audio set will operate only when the
ignition switch is in the ACC or ON
For details about how to use the SUBARU
Multimedia Plus audio set,
refer to the 2015 Legacy/Outback
Multimedia Plus
Navigation Owners Manual.
HD Radio Technology should be in-
cluded as a feature in the SUBARU
Multimedia Plus audio
Audio/Audio set
Audio/Basic information before use
Basic information before use
& Initial screen
! Initial screen
1. When the ignition switch is in the
ACC or ON position, the initial screen
will be displayed and the system will begin
. When using the STARLINK function,
the display screen may be different
from the screen above.
. After a few seconds, the Caution
(Caution) screen will be displayed.
. After about 5 seconds, the Caution
(Caution) screen automatically
switches to the next screen.
When the vehicle is stopped with the
engine running, always apply the
parking brake for safety.
& Loading and unloading a disc
! Loading a disc
Never try to disassemble the audio
kit or lubricate any part of the CD
player. Do not insert anything other
than a disc into the slot.
1. Insert a disc into the disc slot.
. After insertion, the disc is automati-
cally loaded.
. For compatible discs, refer to CD
player and disc F5-22.
. When inserting a disc, gently insert
it with the label facing up.
! Unloading a disc
1. Press
and remove the disc.
& Connecting and disconnect-
ing a USB memory/portable
! Connecting a device
1. Open the cover and connect a device.
. Turn on the power of the device
when it is not turned on.
. This device has a USB port for USB
memory/portable device.
. For compatible USB memor y de-
vices, refer to USB memory device
. For compatible iPod models, refer to
iPod F5-24.
. If a USB hub is plugged-in, up to two
devices can be connected at a time.
. Even if a USB hub is used to
connect more than two USB devices,
only the first two connected devices
will be recognized.
Audio/Basic information before use
Audio/Basic information before use
& Touch screen gestures
Operations are performed by touching the touch screen directly with your finger.
Operation method Outline Main use
Quickly touch and release
Changing and selecting various
Touch the screen with your
finger, and move the screen
to the desired position.
Scrolling the lists
Quickly move the screen by
flicking with your finger.
Scrolling the main screen page
*: The above operations may not be performed on all screens.
There may be a delayed response to
flick operation that are performed at
high altitudes.
& Touch screen operation
This system is operated mainly by the
buttons on the screen. (These are referred
to as screen buttons in this manual.)
. When a screen button is touched, a
beep sounds. (You can set the beep
sound.) Refer to Other settings F5-11.
. To prevent damaging the screen,
touch the screen buttons with
your finger lightly.
. Do not use objects other than
your finger to touch the screen.
. W ipe off f ingerprin ts u sing a
glass cleaning cloth. Do not use
chemical cleaners to clean the
screen, as they may damage the
touch screen.
. If the system does not respond to
touching a screen button, move your
finger away from the screen and touch
it again.
. Grayed-out screen buttons cannot
be operated.
. The displayed image may become
darker and moving images may be
slightly distorted when the screen is
. In extremely cold conditions, the
map may not be displayed and the data
input by a user may be deleted. Also,
the screen buttons may be harder than
usual to press.
. When you look at the screen
through polarized material such as
polarized sunglasses, the screen may
be dark and hard to see. If so, look at
the screen from different angles, adjust
the screen settings on the Display
Settings (Display Settings) screen or
take off your sunglasses.
& Entering letters and num-
bers/list screen operation
! Entering letters and numbers
When entering the Bluetooth device name
or PIN-code, or the phone number, letters
and numbers can be entered via the
In-Car-Device setting
No. Function
Enter the desired characters (alpha-
bet key mode).
Display the number keys (change to
number key mode).
Enter a space.
Confirm the characters/numbers en-
tered into the window.
Delete a character/number entered
into the window.
No. Function
Enter the desired numbers.
Delete a number entered into the
Audio/Basic information before use
Audio/Basic information before use
! List screen
Two types of list are available on this
. Multimedia playlists
. Contacts list
Multimedia playlists (Example: iPod play-
No. Function
Graphic tab: Select a category that
wants to play back.
Return to the playback display of
each mode.
Select to skip to the next or previous
Contacts list (Example: phone book)
No. Function
Alphabet button: Jump to list entries
that begin with the same letter.
Return to the playback display of
each mode.
Select to skip to the next or previous
& Screen adjustment
The contrast and brightness of the screen
display and the image of the camera
display can be adjusted.
1. Select
2. Select
3. Select the items to be set.
In setting display, the Day/Night Mode and
the Brightness can be changed.
SETTINGS display
No. Function
Select Day/Night Mode.
Auto, Day,orNight can be se-
lected on the pop-up screen.
When Auto is selected, the screen
changes to day or night mode de-
pending on the position of the head-
light switch.
Select Brightness.
Press + or - to adjust the bright-
. When the screen is viewed through
polarized sunglasses, a rainbow pat-
tern may appear on the screen due to
optical characteristics of the screen. If
this is disruptive, please operate the
screen without polarized sunglasses.
. If the screen is set to Day mode
with the headlight switch turned on,
this condition is memorized even with
the engine turned off.
In Camera display, the brightness, tint,
color, and black level of the screen can be
1. Set the selector lever in the R range.
2. Touch the items to be set after the rear
camera monitor is displayed.
The Camera display can be accessed
when the rear camera monitor is dis-
Camera display
Other settings
1. Select
2. Select
3. Select the items to be set.
Audio/Other settings
Audio/Other settings
Gear wheel symbol tab
Item Function
Select to change the language.
Select to set the sound beeps
Select to update software ver-
sions. This menu is not used in
usual operation.
Reset to
Select to reset the device to
factory settings. This menu is not
used in usual operation.
When reset to factory setting,
turn ignition off and on again.
Bluetooth symbol tab
Item Function
BT De-
vices Con-
Select to pair/connect the Blue-
tooth devices.
vice setting
Select to enter the Bluetooth
device name or PIN-code.
Note symbol tab
Item Function
Select to adjust speaker volume
balance (right/left and front/rear).
Speed Vo-
lume Con-
Select to adjust speaker volume
coupled to vehicle speed.
Select to adjust sound quality in
each frequency band.
Sound Re-
Select to add high-pitched tone
to the compressed audio file.
Select to adjust volume differ-
ence between audio sources.
Select to add harmonic tone so
that low-pitched tone is
Item Function
Vocal Im-
age Con-
Select to pick-up vocal sound
signal from the sound data, and
adjust it to right/left or front/rear.
Monitor symbol tab
Item Function
Select Day/Night Mode.
Auto, Day,orNight can be
selected on the pop-up screen.
When Auto is selected, the
screen changes to day or night
mode depending on the position
of the headlight switch.
Select Brightness.
Spanner symbol tab
Item Function
Select to initialize cache files
that the browser stores.
Basic operation
& Some basics
This section describes some of the basic
features of the audio/visual system. Some
information may not pertain to your sys-
Your audio/visual system works when the
ignition switch is turned to the ACC or
ON position.
To prevent the battery from being
discharged, do not leave the audio/
visual system on longer than neces-
sary when the engine is not running.
Audio/Basic operation
Audio/Basic operation
! Turning the system on and off
POWER/VOLUME knob: Press to turn
the audio/visual system on and off. When
the system turns on, the last mode is
displayed. Press and hold the knob
approx. 1.5 seconds or more, turn the
display to off.
Turn this knob to adjust the volume.
AUDIO/TUNE knob: Press to display
screen buttons for the audio/visual sys-
! Selecting an audio source
1. Press the AUDIO/TUNE knob.
. If the audio control screen appears,
(Source) on the audio
screen or press the AUDIO/TUNE
knob again.
. Press the AUDIO/TUNE knob dur-
ing lists are displayed, the audio play
back screen appears. Press and hold
the AUDIO/TUNE knob approx. 1.5
seconds or more, the graphic equal-
izer screen is displayed.
2. Select the desired source.
Source select display (for USA)
Source select display (for CANADA)
! Audio settings
1. Select
2. Select
3. Select the note symbol tab.
4. Select the desired item to be adjusted.
Setting ranges
Item Step Default
Audio volume 0-40 15
Balance L9-R9 0 (Center)
Fader F9-R9 0 (Center)
Vocal Image Control
Left/Right: R9-L9
Front/Rear: R9-F9
Left/Right: L3
Front/Rear: 0 (Center)
Speed Volume Control OFF, Low, High Low
Graphic Equalizer, SET1-3 6-+6 0 (Flat)
Sound Restorer ON, OFF ON
Volume Smoother OFF, Low, Mid, High Mid
Virtual Bass OFF, Low, Mid, High
Audio/Basic operation
Audio/Basic operation
! Balance/Fader
A good balance of the left and right stereo
channels and of the front and rear sound
levels is important for good quality audio
program listening.
Keep in mind that when listening to a
stereo recording or broadcast, changing
the right/left balance will increas e the
volume of 1 group of sounds while
decreasing the volume of another.
1. Touch the Set button of the Balance/
Fader function.
2. Select the Volume Balance Control
3. Adjust the balance by pressing
4. Adjust the fader by pressing
5. Select the Vocal Image Control
6. Adjust the balance by pressing
7. Adjust the fader by pressing
! Speed Volume Control
The system adj usts to the optimum
volume and tone quality according to
vehicle speed to compensa te for in-
creased vehicle noise.
1. Touch the right side button of the
Speed Volume Control function, and se-
lect OFF, Low,orHigh menu. High
comes to have a bigger effect.
2. When select OFF, speed volume
control function is cancelled.
! Graphic Equalizer
1. Touch the Set button of the Graphic
Equalizer function.
2. In this mode, 6 preset equalizer
patterns and 3 customized patterns are
6 preset patterns: Bass , Treb le ,
Acoustic, Impact, Smooth, Flat
3 customized patterns: SET 1 - SET 3
3. When customizing the equalizer pat-
tern, press one of SET button and then
press Adjust button.
4. Adjust the le vel of each frequency
band by pressing
or button.
! Sound Restorer
Select ON or OFF by the right side
button of the Sound Restorer function.
! Volume Smoother
1. Touch the right side button of the
Volume Smoother f unction, and select
OFF, Low, Mid or High menu. High
comes to have a bigger effect.
Audio/Basic operation
Audio/Audio/visual remote controls
2. When select OFF, volume smoother
function is cancelled.
! Virtual Bass
1. Touch the right side button of the
Virtual Bass function, and select OFF,
Low, Mid or High menu. High comes
to have a bigger effect.
2. When select OFF, virtual bass func-
tion is cancelled.
! Voice command system
1. Press this switch to operate the voice
command system.
. The voice command system and its
list of commands can be operated.
Refer to Voice c ommand system
operation F5-104.
Audio/visual remote controls
& Steering switches
Some parts of the audio/visual system can
be adjusted using the switches on the
steering wheel.
No. Switch
+- switch
<> switch
Mute/Enter switch
Back switch
List switch
Source switch
+/- switch
Mode Operation Function
Except list screen
Press Volume up/down
Press and hold Volume up/down continuously
List screen Press
Move cursor up/down
<> switch
Mode Operation Function
AM/FM Radio, SiriusXM
Press Preset channel up/down
Press and hold
Seek up/down continuously
while the switch is being
Press Content up/down
Press and hold
Reverse the current content
item for 15 seconds/Fast for-
ward the current content item
for 30 seconds
disc, USB, iPod, BT audio
Press Select a track/file
Press and hold Fast forward/rewind
Pandora Press and hold Thumbs up
List screen Press
Move cursor left/right
Audio/Audio/visual remote controls
Audio/Audio/visual remote controls
Mute/Enter switch
Mode Operation Function
Except list screen Press Audio ON/OFF
List screen Press
Select cursor entry
Back switch
Mode Operation Function
All (except STARLINK) Press Return to the previous screen
All Press and hold
Return to the HOME screen
List switch
Mode Operation Function
All (except STARLINK) Press
Show list screen
Source switch
Mode Operation Function
All Press
Change audio modes
In the aha, Pandora and STARLINK mode, some operation may be done on the
screen depend on the selected APPS.
Tips for operating the audio/
visual system
& Operating information
. To avoid damage to the audio/
visual system:
Be careful not to spill bev-
erages over the audio/visual
Do not put anything other than
an appropriate disc into the
disc slot.
The use of a cellular phone inside or
near the vehicle may cause a noise
from the speakers of the audio/visual
system which you are listening to.
However, this does not indicate a
! Radio
Usually, a problem with radio reception
does not mean there is a problem with the
radio it is just the normal result of
conditions outside the vehicle.
For example, nearby buildings and terrain
can interfere with FM reception. Power
lines or phone wires can interfere with AM
signals. And of course, radio signals have
a limited range. The farther the vehicle is
from a station, the weaker its signal will
be. In addition, reception conditions
change constantly as the vehicle moves.
Here, some common reception problems
that probably do not indicate a problem
with the radio are described.
! FM
Fading and drifting stations: Generally, the
effective range of FM is about 25 miles (40
km). Once outside this range, you may
notice fading and drifting, which increase
with the distance from the radio transmit-
ter. They are often accompanied by
Multi-path: FM signals are reflective,
making it possible for 2 signals to reach
the vehicles antenna at the same time. If
this happens, the signals will cancel each
other out, causing a momentary flutter or
loss of reception.
Static and fluttering: These occur when
signals are blocked by buildings, trees or
other large objects. Increasing the bass
level may reduce static and fluttering.
Station swapping: If the FM signal being
listened to is interrupted or weakened, and
there is another strong station nearby on
the FM band, the radio may tune in the
second station until the original signal can
be picked up again.
! AM
Fading: AM broadcasts are reflected by
the upper atmosphere especially at
night. These reflected signals can inter-
fere with those received directly from the
radio station, causing the radio station to
sound alternately strong and weak.
Station interference: When a reflected
signal and a signal received directly from
a radio station are very nearly the same
frequency, they can interfere with each
other, making it difficult to hear the broad-
Static: AM is easily affected by external
sources of electrical noise, such as high
tension power lines, lightening or electrical
motors. This results in static.
! SiriusXM
. Cargo loaded on th e roof lu ggage
carrier, especially metal objects, may
adversely affect the reception of SiriusXM
Satellite Radio.
. Alternation or modifications carried out
without appropriate authorization may in-
validate the users right to operate the
Audio/Tips for operating the audio/visual system
Audio/Tips for operating the audio/visual system
! CD player and disc
. This CD player is intended for use with
4.7 in. (12 cm) discs only.
. Extremely high temperatures can keep
the CD player from working. On hot days,
use the air conditioning system to cool the
inside of the vehicle before using the
. Bumpy roads or other vibrations may
make the CD player skip.
. If moisture gets into the CD player, the
discs may not be able to be played .
Remove the discs from the player and
wait until it dries.
CD players use an invisible laser
beam which could cause hazardous
radiation exposure if directed out-
side the unit. Be sure to operate the
player correctly.
Audio CDs
. Use only discs marked as shown
above. The following products may not
be playable on your player:
dts CD
Copy-protected CD
Video CD
Special shaped discs
Transparent/translucent discs
Low quality discs
Labeled discs
. Do not use special shaped, trans-
parent/translucent, low quality or
labeled discs such as those
shown in the illustrations. The
use of such discs may damage
the player, or it may be impossi-
ble to eject the disc.
. This system is not designed for
use of Dual Discs. Do not use
Dual Discs because they may
cause damage to the player.
. Do not use discs with a protec-
tion ring. The use of such discs
may damage the player, or it may
be impossible to eject the disc.
. Do not use printable discs. The
use of such discs may damage
the player, or it may be impossi-
ble to eject the disc.
. Handle discs carefully, especially when
inserting them. Hold them on the edge and
do not bend them. Avoid getting finger-
prints on them, particularly on the shiny
. Dirt, scratches, warping, pin holes or
other disc damage could cause the player
to skip or to repeat a section of a track. (To
see a pin hole, hold the disc up to the
. Remove discs from the players when
not in use. Store them in their plastic
cases away from moisture, heat and direct
To clean a disc: Wipe it with a soft, lint-
free cloth that has been dampened with
water. Wipe in a straight line from the
center to the edge of the disc (not in
circles). Dry it with another soft, lint-free
cloth. Do not use a conventional record
cleaner or anti-static device.
! CD-R/RW discs
. CD-R/CD-RW discs that have not been
subject to the finalizing process (a
process that allows discs to be played
on a conventional CD player) cannot be
. It may not be possible to play CD-R/
CD-RW discs recorded on a music CD
recorder or a personal computer because
of disc characteristics, scratches or dirt on
the disc, or dirt, condensation, etc. on the
Audio/Tips for operating the audio/visual system
Audio/Tips for operating the audio/visual system
lens of the unit.
. It may not be possible to play discs
recorded on a personal computer depend-
ing on the application settings and the
environment . Record with th e corre ct
format. (For details, contact the appropri-
ate application manufacturers of the ap-
. CD-R/CD-RW discs may be damaged
by direct exposure to sunlight, high tem-
peratures or other storage conditions. The
unit may be unable to play some damaged
. If you insert a CD-RW disc into the
player, playback will begin more slowly
than with a conventional CD or CD-R disc.
. Recordings on CD-R/CD-RW cannot
be playe d using the DDCD (Doub le
Density CD) system.
! USB memory device
. USB communication formats: USB
1.1/2.0 HS (480 Mbps) and FS (12 Mbps)
. File formats: FAT 16/32
. Correspondence class: Mass storage
! iPod
The following iPod
, iPod nano
, iPod
, iPod touch
and iPhone
vices can be used with this system.
Made for
. iPod touch (5th generation)*
. iPod touch (4th generation)
. iPod touch (3rd generation)
. iPod touch (2nd generation)
. iPod touch (1st generation)
. iPod classic
. iPod with video
. iPod nano (7th generation)*
. iPod nano (6th generation)*
. iPod nano (5th generation)
. iPod nano (4th generation)
. iPod nano (3rd generation)
. iPod nano (2nd generation)*
. iPod nano (1st generation)*
. iPhone 5*
. iPhone 4S
. iPhone 4
. iPhone 3GS
. iPhone 3G
. iPhone
*: iPod video not supported
Depending on differences between mod-
els or software versions etc., some mod-
els might be incompatible with this sys-
! File information
Compatible compressed files (Audio)
file format
Folders in the
Files in the
Files per
Corresponding sampling frequency
File type Frequency (kHz)
MP3 files:
MP3 files:
WMA files:
Ver. 7, 8, 9 (9.1/9.2)
AAC files:
Corresponding bit rates (Audio)
File type Bit rate (kbps)
MP3 files:
32 - 320
MP3 files:
8 - 160
WMA files: Ver. 7, 8 CBR 48 - 192
WMA files:
Ver. 9 (9.1/9.2)
CBR 32 - 192
AAC files:
16 - 320
(Variable Bit Rate (VBR) compatible)
. MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3), WMA
(Windows Media Audio) and AAC (Ad-
vanced Audio Coding) are audio compres-
sion standards.
. This system can play MP3/WMA/AAC
files on CD-R, CD-RW discs, USB mem-
ory, and Bluetooth device.
. This system can play disc recordings
compatible with ISO 9660 level 1 and level
2 and with the Romeo and Joliet file
. When naming an MP3/WMA/AAC file,
add an appropriate file extension (.mp3/
. This system plays back files with .mp3/
.wma/.m4a file extensions as MP3/WMA/
AAC files respectively. To prevent noise
and playback errors, use the appropriate
file extension.
. This system can play only the first
session when using multi-session compa-
tible CDs.
. MP3 files are compatible with the ID3
Tag Ver. 1.0, Ver. 1.1, Ver. 2.2 and Ver. 2.3
formats. This system cannot display disc
title, track title and artist name in other
. WMA/AAC files can contain a WMA/
AAC tag that is used in the same way as
an ID3 tag. WMA/AAC tags carry informa-
tion such as track title and artist name.
. The emphasis function is available only
when playing MP3/WMA files recorded at
32, 44.1 and 48 kHz.
. This system can play back AAC files
encoded by iTunes.
. The sound quality of MP3/WMA files
generally improves with higher bit rates. In
order to achieve a reasonable level of
sound quality, discs recorded with a bit
rate of at least 128 kbps are recom-
. The MP3/WMA player does not play
back MP3/WMA files from discs recorded
using packet write data transfer (UDF
format). Discs should be recorded using
pre-mastering software rather than pack-
etwrite software.
. M3u playlists are not compatible with
the audio device.
. MP3i (MP3 interactive) and MP3PRO
formats are not compatible with the audio
. The player is compatible with VBR
(Variable Bit Rate).
. When playing back files recorded as
VBR (Variable Bit Rate) files, the play time
will not be correctly displayed if the fast
forward or reverse operations are used.
. It is not possible to check folders that
do not include MP3/WMA/AAC files.
. MP3/WMA/AAC files in folders up to 8
levels deep can be played. However, the
start of playback may be delayed when
using discs containing numerous levels of
folders. For this reason, we recommend
creating discs with no more than 2 levels
of folders.
Audio/Tips for operating the audio/visual system
Audio/Tips for operating the audio/visual system
. The play order of the compact disc with
the structure shown above is as follows:
. The order changes depending on the
personal computer and MP3/WMA/AAC
encoding software you use.
! Terms
! Packet write
. This is a general term that describes
the process of writing data on-demand to
CD-R, etc., in the same way that data is
written to floppy or hard discs.
! ID3 tag
. This is a method of embedding track-
related information in an MP3 file. This
embedded information can include the
track number, track title, the artists name,
the album title, the music genre, the year
of production, comments, cover art and
other data. The contents can be freely
edited using software with ID3 tag editing
functions. Although the tags are restricted
to a number of characters, the information
can be viewed when the track is played
! WMA tag
. WMA files can contain a WMA tag that
is used in the same way as an ID3 tag.
WMA tags carry information such as track
title and artist name.
! ISO 9660 format
. This is the international standard for
the formatting of CD-ROM folders and
files. For the ISO 9660 format, there are 2
levels of regulations.
. Level 1: The file name is in 8.3 format
(8 character file names, with a 3 character
file extension. File names must be com-
posed of one-b yte ca pital l etter s and
numbers. The _ symbol may also be
. Level 2: The file name can have up to
31 characters (including the separation
mark . and file extension). Each folder
must contain fewer than 8 hierarchies.
! MP3
. MP3 is an audio compression standard
determined by a working group (MPEG) of
the ISO (International Standard Organiza-
tion). MP3 compresses audio data to
about 1/10 the size of that on conventional
. WMA (Windows Media Audio) is an
audio compression format developed by
. It compresses files into a size
smaller than that of MP3 files. The
decoding formats for WMA files are Ver.
7, 8 and 9.
. This product is protected by certain
intellectual property rights of Microsof t
Corporation and thir d partie s. Use or
distribution of such technology outside of
this product is prohibited without a license
from Microsoft or an authorized Microsoft
subsidiary and third parties.
. AAC is short for Advanced Audio
Coding and refers to an audio compres-
sion technology standard used with
MPEG2 and MPEG4.
! Error messages
Mode Message Explanation
Disc read error.
. This indicates that no MP3/WMA/AAC files
are included in the disc.
. This indicates that the disc is dirty, damaged,
or it was inserted upside down. Clean the
disc or insert it correctly. It indicates a disc
which is not playable is inserted.
Please eject disc.
There is a trouble inside the system.
Eject the disc.
Media not connected. Press
AUDIO/TUNE knob to exit.
This indicates a problem in the USB memory or
its connection. Refer to Connecting and dis-
connecting a USB memory/portable device
No audio file.
This indicates that no MP3/WMA/AAC files are
included in the USB memory.
Unplayable file
This indicates that the accessed file cannot play
Media not connected
This indicates that a USB device/iPod is not
connected to the system.
No audio file
This indicates that there is no audio file in the
connected iPod.
Unplayable file
This indicates that the accessed file cannot play
If the malfunction is not rectified: Take your vehicle to your SUBARU dealer.
Audio/Tips for operating the audio/visual system
Audio/Useful information
Useful information
& SiriusXM Data Service*
Data service information, which is com-
prised of traffic information and weather
information, can be received via the
SiriusXM Radio.
To receive the data service information in
the vehicle, a subscription to the SiriusXM
Satellite Radio service is necessary. Refer
to SiriusXM Satellite Radio F5-43.
Content set to use the SiriusXM data
service is reset when personal information
is initialized.
No. Function
Option key: Perform the SXM
setting. See below.
Scan key: Search for a channel
which the direction of higher fre-
quency from current frequency. Re-
produce the channel that can re-
ceive by five seconds.
List key: A list is displayed. There
are three types of lists (Presets,
Categories,orAll Channels) are
Presets: Preset channels are dis-
played in a list.
Categories: The channels of the
selected category are displayed in a
All Channels: All selectable chan-
nels are displayed in a list.
Info key: Display the contents in-
formation of a channel receiving.
No. Function
Presets tab: Presets list (30 chan-
nels max.) is displayed.
Categories tab: Categories list is
All Channels tab: All channels list is
Direct Tune tab: Change to the
Direct Tune display. See below.
Return to the previous display.
Return to the playback display.
! SXM setting option
1. A option menu screen is displayed
when touch the Option key.
Option menu screen
No. Function
Channel Lock: Set the lock function
of each channel. Input the password
is necessary for operation.
Channel Lock Password: Set the
password of the lock function.
2. A password input screen is displayed
when touch the Set button of the
Channel Lock function.
Password input screen
3. When the input password is approved,
change to the lock channel selection
Lock channel selection screen
4. In the channel list, touch the channel
that should be locked.
Audio/Useful information
Audio/Useful information
! Direct Tune
1. A channel input screen is displayed
when touch the Direct Tune tab.
2. Input an y numb er and press OK,
receive the channel which input.
The STARLINK function allows the system
to link with a smartphone using Bluetooth.
! Displaying STARLINK information
1. Press APPS key on the home screen,
or press APPS button, the APPS screen is
2. If you press STARLINK on the APPS
screen, the STARLINK disclaimer screen
or the error screen is displayed.
No. Function
Check: Go to APPS screen.
Cancel: STARLINK disclaimer
screen is disappeared and return to
the previous screen.
STARLINK disclaimer error screen
The error screen will be displayed due to
one of the following possible reasons.
. Your smartphone and the system
has not been connected via USB (for
iPhone) or Bluetooth (for Android).
. STARLINK APPS has not been
3. If you press
(Check) on the
STARLINK disclaimer screen, the APPS
main screen will be displayed.
No. Function
Select to go to the Music APPS
Select to go to the News APPS
Select to go to the Calender APPS
Select to go to the Weather APPS
Select to go to the iHeartRadio
APPS screen.
Error screen that is displayed while using
The error screen will be displayed while
using STARLINK due to one of the
following possible reasons.
. When your smartphone has no service
or the Bluetooth communication is not
. When your smartphone is turned off.
. When the STARLINK APPS is quit.
. When connection to the STARLINK
server is not possible.
. When a problem occurs other than a
server error.
When using the STARLINK function, a
disclaimer screen will be displayed. Be
sure to fully read the contents before
Audio/Useful information
Audio/Radio operation
using the function.
Connection method
iPhone: USB
Android: Bluetooth
Supported devices
iPhone: iPhone 4/iPhone 4S/iPhone 5
(iOS Ver. 5.1 or later)
Android: (OS Ver. 4.0 or later)
Radio operation
& AM/FM radio
! Overview
(AM) or
(FM) on the
Select Audio Source (Select Audio
Source) screen. Refer to Selecting an
audio source F5-14.
Control screen
Control panel
Audio/Radio operation
Audio/Radio operation
No. Function
Select to display the audio source
selection screen.
Select to change the FM band.
HD Radio indicator.
The indicator on the top right of the
screen changes according to the
reception condition of HD Radio.
Select to display a station list.
Select to scan radio channels.
This function enables searching for
receivable stations automatically,
and tunes in to a frequency for 5
seconds if a station is found. When
the 5-second period has elapsed, the
system searches for the next recei-
vable station again, and tunes in to
the frequency for 5 seconds.
Option key. Select to open the
Option screen.
If you press a key for less than 1.5
seconds, the system tunes to the
stored frequency.
If you press a key for more than 1.5
seconds, the system stores the
frequency to the selected preset
channel. Refer to Presetting a sta-
tion F5-36.
Select to display the sound setting
screen. Refer to Basic operation
Turn to adjust volume.
Press to turn the audio system on/
No. Function
Turn to step up/down frequencies.
Turn to move up/down the list. Also,
the knob can be used to enter
selections on the list screens by
Press to select an audio mode.
Select to seek for a station/channel.
Select and hold for continuous seek.
. The radio automatically changes to
stereo reception when a stereo broad-
cast is received.
. The radio automatically blends to an
HD Radio signal in AM or FM where
. Digital, CD-quality sound. HD Radio
Technology enables local radio stations to
broadcast a clean digital signal. A M
sounds like todays FM and FM sounds
like a CD.
! HD caution list
The following caution messages appear.
The message Acquiring appears in the following situations.
Caution Contents Case
Conditions when caution
This caution message appears
when the system tries the
digital reception.
When acquiring digital data
while receiving a digital broad-
cast and SPS station.
. When the reception in digital
of the SPS station is con-
. When the system deter-
mined that the SPS station
could not be received.
. When the SPS broadcast is
ended (stopped) by the
radio station while receiv-
ing SPS.
Audio/Radio operation
Audio/Radio operation
The message HD Channel is unavailable appears in the following situations.
Caution Contents Case
Conditions when caution
This caution message appears
when the digital reception is not
. When the system
determined that the SPS
station could not be re-
ceived while receiving a
digital broadcast and SPS
. When the SPS broadcast
is ended (stopped) by the
radio station while receiv-
ing SPS.
. When the status is changed
to acquiring digital data
because the reception
condition of SPS station
has improved.
. When the received station is
! Presetting a station
Radio mode has a mix preset function,
which can store up to 36 stations from any
of the AM, FM or SAT bands.
1. Tune in the desired station.
2. If you press a key for more than 1.5
seconds, the system stores the frequency
to the selected preset channel.
. To change the preset station to a
different one, select and hold the
preset station.
! Selecting a station from the list
A station list can be displayed.
1. Select
2. Select the desired station and then
(Back) or
! Update the station list
1. Select
Update Station List
Station List) on the station list screen and
the following screen will be displayed.
(Cancel): Select to cancel
the manual update.
(OK): Select to execute the
manual update.
. The audio system sound is muted
during refresh operation.
. In some situations, it may take some
time to update the station list.
! Bookmark the list
1. Select
(Bookmark) on the
station list screen and the following screen
will be displayed.
2. If you select an item from the book-
mark list, the following image will be
3. When you call up bookmark informa-
tion, a QR code converted from the
bookmark information will be displayed
Audio/Radio operation
Audio/Radio operation
on the screen. You can access a URL by
reading the QR code using a smartphone,
! Delete bookmark the list
1. Select
Delete Bookmark
Bookmark) on the station list screen and
the following screen will be displayed.
2. If you select an item from the book-
mark list, the item will be deleted from the
bookmark list.
3. If you select
Delete All
(Delete All), all
bookmark items in the bookmark list will
be deleted.
. FM stations can provide additional
digital-only audio programming on HD2/
HD3 Channels.
! About HD Radio
HD Radio Technology manufactured un-
der license from iBiquity Digital Corpora-
tion. Foreign Patents. HD Radio
and the
HD, HD Radio, and Arc logos are
proprietary trademarks of iBiquity Digital
HD Radio
Technology is the digital
evolution of analog AM/FM radio. Your
radio product has a special receiver which
allows it to receive digital broadcasts
(where available) in addition to the analog
broadcasts it already rece ives. Digital
broadcasts have better sound quality than
analog broadcasts as digital broadcasts
provide free, crystal clear audio with no
static or distortion. For more information,
and a guide to available radio stations and
programming, refer to www.hdradio.com.
! Available HD Radio
! Multicast
On the FM radio frequency most digital
stations have multiple or supplemental
programs on one FM station.
1. Select
Sub CH
(Sub CH) on the
control screen and the following screen
will be displayed.
2. The indication that shows whether the
current broadcast is digital or analog is
displayed on the top right of the control
3. Select the desired channel.
. Turning the AUDIO/TUNE knob
can also select the desired multicast
! Preserving a music information
Tag information in the music broadcasting
is preserved in the system and transmits
to an iPod.
1. If you select a tag in the control screen
while receiving HD Radio, the tag setting
screen will be displayed.
Audio/Radio operation
Audio/Radio operation
2. Connect an iPod. Refer to Connecting
and disconnecting a USB memory/porta-
ble device F5-7.
. Turn on the power of the iPod if it is
not turned on.
. Onc e an iPod is connected, the
music tag moves from the radio into
the iPod.
. When the iPod is connected to
iTunes, the tagged information of
the songs which were tagged while
listening to the radio can be viewed.
Then a user may decide to purchase
the song or CD/Album which had been
listened to on their radio.
In addition, the following caution messages appear.
Caution Contents Display Message
If there is not enough memory in the digital audio Tag storage full
If the same information is stored in the digital
Already Stored
If the store process in the digital audio failed Storing Failed
If there is not enough memory in the iPod iPod full Tags cannot be stored
If the system starts to transmit music information
to an iPod
Starting to transfer the Tag files.
If the transmitting process of music information
to an iPod failed
Transferring Failed
If the transmitting process of music information
to an iPod is successful
X Tag(s) Sent (X = number of transmitted
information) will be displayed.
. The tag informati on can n ot be
preserved while scanning or caching
the radio station.
. If tagging the music information
fails, Saving the HD Radio tag was
unsuccessful. (Saving the HD Radio
tag was unsuccessful.) will be dis-
played on the screen. If this occurs, tag
the information again.
. HD Radio
stations can be preset.
. An orange
(HD)) will be dis-
played on the screen when in digital.
(HD)) will first appear in a gray
color indicating the station is indeed
(an analog and) a digital station. Once
the digital signal is acquired, the logo
will change to a bright orange color.
. The song title and artist name will
appear on the screen when available by
the radio station. The radio station can
send album pictures when available.
. As a user works through the analog
radio stations, (where applicable) the
radio receiver will automatically tune
from an analog signal to a digital signal
within 5 seconds.
. Program Service Data: Presents song
name, artist, station IDs, and other rele-
vant data streams.
. iTunes Tagging provides you the op-
portu nity to discover a wide range of
content and the means to tag that
content for later review and purchase from
the iTunes Store. Also refer to the Apple
Automotive specifications for implement-
ing iTunes Tagging.
. Visual information related to content
being played on your HD Radio receiver,
such as Album Art, historical photographs,
still art from live broadcasts, among other
related content.
Audio/Radio operation
Audio/Radio operation
! Troubleshooting guide
Experience Cause Action
Mismatch of time alignment - a user may hear
a short period of programming replayed or an
echo, stutter or skip.
The radio stations analog and digital volume is
not properly aligned or the station is in ballgame
None, radio broadcast issue. A user can contact
the radio station.
Sound fades, blending in and out.
Radio is shifting between analog and digital
Reception issue, may clear-up as the vehicle
continues to be driven. Turning the indicator of the
HD Radio
button off can force radio in an
analog audio.
Audio mute condition when an HD2/HD3
multicast channel had been playing.
The radio does not have access to digital
signals at the moment.
This is normal behavior, wait until the digital signal
returns. If out of the coverage area, seek a new
Audio mute delay when selecting an HD2/
HD3 multicast channel preset.
The digital multicast content is not available until
HD Radio
broadcast can be decoded and
make the audio available. This takes up to 7
This is normal behavior, wait for the audio to
become available.
Text information does not match the present
song audio.
Data service issue by the radio broadcaster.
Broadcaster should be notified. Complete the form;
No text information shown for the present
selected frequency.
Data service issue by the radio broadcaster.
Broadcaster should be notified. Complete the form;
& SiriusXM Satellite Radio
! Overview
(SiriusXM) on the Select
Audio Sou rce (Sel ect Audi o Sou rce)
screen. Refer to Selecting an audio
source F5-14.
Control screen
Control panel
Audio/Radio operation
Audio/Radio operation
No. Function
Select to display the audio source
selection screen.
Display the contents information of a
channel receiving.
Select to display each list.
Search for a channel from the
direction of a higher frequency than
the current frequency and play each
channel that can be received for five
Option key. Select to open the
Option screen.
Return to the control screen.
Select to display the sound setting
screen. Refer to Basic operation
Turn to adjust volume.
Press to turn the audio system on/
Turn right to step up channels and
turn left to step down channels.
Select to step up/down channels.
Select and hold to step up/down
channels fast.
No. Function
Return to the All channels list.
Return to the control screen.
Press each tab key to switch the list
Presets tab: Presets list is displayed.
Categories tab: Categories list is
All Channels tab: All channels list is
Direct Tune tab: Change to the
Direct Tune display.
! How to subscribe to SiriusXM Sa-
tellite Radio
To listen to a satellite radio broadcast in
the vehicle, a subscription to the SiriusXM
Satellite Radio service is necessary.
A SiriusXM Satel lite Radio is a tuner
designed exclusively to receive broad-
casts provided under a separate subscrip-
! How to subscribe
It is necessary to enter into a separate
service agreement with SiriusXM Satellite
Radio in order to receive satellite broad-
cast programming in the vehicle. Addi-
tional activation and service subscription
fees apply that are not included in the
purchase price of the vehicle and digital
satellite tuner.
. For complete information on subscrip-
tion rates and terms, or to subscribe to
SiriusXM Satellite Radio:
Refer to www.siriusxm.ca or call
. SiriusXM Satellite Radio Services
Legal Disclaimers and Warn-
Fees and Taxes Subscrip-
tion fee, taxes, one time acti-
vation fee, and other fees may
apply. Subscription fee is con-
sumer only. All fees and pro-
gramming subject to change.
Subscriptions subject to Cus-
tomer Agreement available at
www.siriusxm.ca XM service
only available in Canada.
Explicit Language Notice
Channels with frequent expli-
cit l anguage are indicated
with an XL preceding the
channel name. Channel block-
ing is available for SiriusXM
Satellite Radio receivers by
notifying XM at;
Visit www.siriusxm.ca or call-
. It is prohibited to copy, decom-
pile, disassemble, reverse engi-
neer, hack, manipulate, or other-
wise make available any technol-
ogy or software incorporated in
receivers compatible with the
SiriusXM Satellite Radio System
or that support the XM website,
the Online Service or any of its
content. Furthermore, the
voice compression soft-
ware included in this product is
protected by intellectual property
rights includ ing patent rights,
copyrights, and trade secrets of
Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
. Note: this applies to SiriusXM
Satellite Radio receivers only
and not XM Ready devices.
. SiriusXM Satellite Services De-
Only SiriusXM Satellite Radio
brings you more of what you love,
all in one place. Get ove r 175
channels, including commercial-
free music, plus the best sports,
news, talk, comedy and entertain-
ment. Welcome to the world of
satellite radio. More information
about SiriusXM Satellite Radio is
available online at www.siriusxm.
. SiriusXM Satellite Services Sub-
scription Instructions
For SiriusXM Services requiring
a subscription (such as SiriusXM
Satellite Radio, and some Infotain-
ment & data services), the following
paragraph shall be included.
Required SiriusXM Satellite Radio
and some Infotainment & data ser-
vices monthly subscriptions sold
separately after trial period. Sub-
scription fee is consumer only. All
fees and programming subject to
change. Subscriptions are subject
to the Customer Agreement avail-
able at www.siriusxm.ca. Sirius, XM
and all related marks and logos are
trademarks of Sirius XM Radio Inc.
All other marks, channel names and
logos are the property of their
respective owners.
For more information, program
schedules, and to subscribe or
extend subscription after compli-
mentary trial period; more informa-
tion is available at:
Visit www.siriusxm.ca or calling
Audio/Radio operation
Audio/Radio operation
. SiriusXM Satellite Radio is solely
responsible for the quality, availability
and content of the satellite radio ser-
vices provided, which are subject to
the terms and conditions of the
SiriusXM Satellite Radio customer ser-
vice agreement.
. Customers should have their radio
ID ready; the radio ID can be found by
tuning to Ch 000 on the radio. For
ID below.
. All fees and programming are the
responsibility of SiriusXM Satellite
Radio and are subject to change.
! Displaying the Radio ID
Each SiriusXM tuner is identified with a
unique radio ID. The radio ID is required
when activating an SiriusXM Satellite
Services or when reporting a problem.
1. If Ch 000 is sele cted using the
AUDIO/TUNE knob, the ID code, will
be displayed.
2. If you touch the Option key, the Radio
ID will be displayed on the Option screen.
! Presetting a channel
1. The Presets list is displayed via either
of the following procedures.
. When you press the List key in the
SiriusXM main screen (if the list that
was displayed the last time is Presets).
. When you select the Categories tab
(star icon) in each list screen.
2. The current channel is stored if you
press and hold the Preset list key for 1.5
seconds. You can store up to 30 channels
(A beep sounds when a channel stored).
. The Playing icon is displayed for
the currently selected channel.
! Selecting a channel from the list
1. The Categories list is displayed via
either of the following procedures.
. When you press the List key in the
SiriusXM main screen (if the list that
was displayed the last time is Cate-
. When you select the Categories tab
(folder icon) in each list screen.
2. Each channel list is displayed when
you select each category item.
In addition, the following caution messages appear.
Caution Contents Display Message
An update to your SiriusXM subscription has
been received by the SiriusXM tuner. Press any
button to continue.
Subscription Update
Press OK to Continue
This channel is not a valid SiriusXM channel.
The channel number has been entered incor-
rectly, or the channel was removed from the
SiriusXM channel lineup.
Channel XXX Not Available
(XXX refers to the selected channel number.)
This channel is not included in your SiriusXM
subscription plan.
Channel XXX not subscribed.
Call SiriusXM to subscribe.
(XXX refers to the selected channel number.)
The selected channel has been locked by the
parental controls.
A prompt to enter the unlock code will appear.
Ch Locked
Lock Code?
Ensure the SiriusXM antenna cable is connected
to the SiriusXM tuner correctly.
Check the SiriusXM antenna wire for breaks or
sharp bends.
Replace the antenna if necessary.
Check Antenna
The vehicle must be outside, and the antenna
must have a clear view of the southern sky.
No Signal
Contact the SiriusXM Listener Care Center at 1-877-209-0079 (Canada).
Audio/Radio operation
Audio/Media operation
Media operation
& CD
! Overview
The CD operation screen can be reached
by the following methods:
. Insert a disc. Refer to Loading and
unloading a disc F5-6.
. Select
(CD) on the Select Audio
Source (Select Audio Source) screen.
Refer to Selecting an audio source F5-
Control screen
Left: Audio CD, Right: MP3/WMA/AAC disc
Control panel
No. Function
Select to display the audio source
selection screen.
Select to display Trick Play Settings
Audio CD
Select to display a track list.
MP3/WMA/AAC disc
Select to display a folder list
Shows progress.
The tracks in the disc are played
back for ten seconds each from the
beginning of the track.
MP3/WMA/AAC disc
Select to choose a folder.
Select to display the sound setting
screen. Refer to Basic operation
Turn to adjust volume.
Press to turn the audio system on/
Press to eject a disc.
Disc slot
Turn to select a track/file.
Press to select an audio mode.
Select to select a track/file.
Select and hold to fast forward/
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
Control screen (Trick Play)
Left: Audio CD, Right: MP3/WMA/AAC disc
No. Function
Select to start 1 Track Repeat.
Select to start Repeat All.
Select to start Shuffle All.
Return to the control screen.
Select to start Folder Repeat.
Select to start Shuffle Folder.
. If a disc contains CD-DA files and
MP3/WMA/AAC files, only the CD-DA
files can be played back.
. If a CD-TEXT disc is inserted, the
title of the disc and track will be
displayed. Up to 32 characters can be
. If the disc contains no CD-TEXT,
only the track number would be dis-
played on the screen.
. If you press the Mute switch on
the steering wheel during playback, the
track pauses. If you press the Mute
switch once again, the playback will
& USB memory
Audio files on the USB memory can be
played back.
! Overview
The USB Audio playback screen can be
reached by the following methods:
. Connect a USB memory. Refer to
Connect ing and disconnectin g a USB
memory/portable device F5-7.
. Select
(USB) on the Select
Audio Sou rce (Sel ect Audi o Sou rce)
screen. Refer to Selecting an audio
source F5-14.
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
Control screen
Control panel
No. Function
Select to display the audio source
selection screen.
Select to display Trick Play Settings
Select to display Folders List.
Shows progress.
The tracks in the disc are played back
ten seconds each from the beginning
of the track.
Select to choose a folder.
Select to display the sound setting
screen. Refer to Basic operation
Turn to adjust volume.
Press to turn the audio system on/off.
Turn to select a file/track.
Press to select an audio mode.
Select to select a file/track.
Select and hold to fast forward/re-
Control screen (Trick Play)
No. Function
Select to start 1 Track Repeat.
Select to start Folder Repeat.
Select to start Repeat All.
Return to the control screen.
Select to start Shuffle All.
Select to start Shuffle Folder.
Do not operate the players controls
or connect the USB memory while
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
. Do not leave your portable player
in the car. In particular, high
temperatures inside the vehicle
may damage the portable player.
. Do not push down on or apply
unnecessary pressure to the por-
table player while it is connected
as this may damage the portable
player or its terminal.
. Do not insert foreign objects into
the port as this may damage the
portable player or its terminal.
If you press the Mute switch on the
steering wheel during playback, the
track pauses. If you press the Mute
switch once again, the playback will
& iPod
! Overview
reached by the following methods:
. Connect an iPod. Refer to Connecting
and disconnecting a USB memory/porta-
ble device F5-7.
. Select
(iPod) on the Select
Audio Sourc e (Sel ect Au dio So urce)
screen. Refer to Sele cting an audio
source F5-14.
Control screen
Control panel
No. Function
Select to display the audio source
selection screen.
Select to display Trick Play Settings
Select to display iPod List.
Shows progress.
Select to display the sound setting
screen. Refer to Basic operation F5-
Turn to adjust volume.
Press to turn the audio system on/off.
Turn to select a track/file.
Press to select an audio mode.
Select to select a track/file.
Select and hold to fast forward/rewind.
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
Control screen (Trick Play)
No. Function
Select to start 1 Track Repeat.
Select to start Repeat All.
Return to the control screen.
Select to start Shuffle Track.
Select to start Shuffle Album.
Select to turn off Shuffle.
Control screen (Play List)
No. Function
Select to display the Playlist.
Select to display Song List.
Select to display Artists List.
Select to display Albums List.
Select to open Others List.
Select to open Genres List.
Select to open Composers List.
Select to open Audiobooks List.
Select to open Podcasts List.
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
Do not operate the players controls
or connect the iPod while driving.
. Do not leave your portable player
in the car. In particular, high
temperatures inside the vehicle
may damage the portable player.
. Do not push down on or apply
unnecessary pressure to the por-
table player while it is connected
as this may damage the portable
player or its terminal.
. Do not insert foreign objects into
the port as this may damage the
portable player or its terminal.
. When an iPod is connected using a
genuine iPod cable, the iPod starts
charging its battery.
. When an iPod is connected and the
audio source is changed to iPod mode,
the iPod will resume playing from the
same point it was last used.
. Depending on the iPod that is con-
nected to the system, certain functions
may not be available.
. Files/tracks selected by operating a
connected iPod may not be recognized
or displayed properly.
. If you press the Mute switch on
the steering wheel during playback, the
track pauses. If you press the Mute
switch once again, the playback will
& Bluetooth audio
The Bluetooth audio system enables
users to enjoy listening to music that is
played on a portable player on the vehicle
speakers via wireless communication.
This audio system supports Bluetooth, a
wireless data system capable of playing
portable audio music without cables. If
your device does not support Bluetooth,
the Bluetooth audio system will not func-
! Overview
Bluetooth Audio
(Bluetooth Audio)
on the Select Audio Source (Select Audio
Source) screen. Refer to Selecting an
audio source F5-14.
Depending on the type of portable player
connected, some functions may not be
available and/or the screen may look
differently than shown in this manual.
Control screen
Control panel
No. Function
Select to display the audio source
selection screen.
Select to display Trick Play Settings
Select to display as a list (for the
models with AVRCP Ver. 1.4 or high-
Select to play back or pause a track.
The track pauses when pressed dur-
ing playback and plays back when
pressed during pause.
Select to open Bluetooth Settings.
Select to display the sound setting
screen. Refer to Basic operation F5-
Turn to adjust volume.
Press to turn the audio system on/off.
Turn to select a track.
Press to select an audio mode
Select to select a track.
Select and hold to fast forward/rewind.
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
Control screen (Play List)
No. Function
Select to start 1 Track Repeat.
Select to start Repeat All.
Return to the control screen.
Select to start Shuffle Track.
Select to start Group Shuffle.
Select to turn off Shuffle.
. Do not operate the players con-
trols or connect to the Bluetooth
audio system while driving.
. Your audio unit is fitted with
Bluetooth antennas. People with
implantable cardiac pacemakers,
cardiac resynchronization ther-
apy-pacemakers or implantable
cardioverter defibrillators should
maintain a reasonable distance
between themselves and the
Bluetooth antennas. The radio
waves may affect the operation
of such devices.
. Before using Bluetooth devices,
users of any electrical medical
device other than implantable
cardiac pacemakers, cardiac re-
synchronizatio n thera py-pace-
makers or implantable cardiover-
ter defibrillators should consult
the manufacturer of the device
for information about its opera-
tion under the influence of radio
waves. Radio waves could have
unexpected effects on the opera-
tion of such medical devices.
Do not leave your portable player in
the vehicle. In particular, high tem-
peratures inside the vehicle may
damage the portable player.
. Depending on the Bluetooth device
that is connected to the system, the
music may start playing when selecting
while it is paused. Conversely, the
music may pause when selecting
while it is playing.
. In the following conditions, the sys-
tem may not function:
The Bluetooth device is turned
The Bluetooth device is not con-
The Bluetooth device has a low
. Itmaytaketimetoconnectthe
phone when Bluetooth audio is being
. For operating the portable player,
see the instruction manual that comes
with it.
. If the Bluetooth device is discon-
nected due to poor reception from the
Bluetooth network when the ignition
switch is in the ACC or ON posi-
tion, the system will automatically
reconnect to the portable player.
. If the Bluetooth device is discon-
nected on purpose, such as it was
turned off, this does not happen.
Reconnect the portable player manu-
. Bluetooth device information is re-
gistered when the Bluetooth device is
connected to the Bluetooth audio sys-
tem. When selling or disposing of the
vehicle, remove the Bluetooth audio
information from the system. Refer to
Other settings F5-11.
! Connecting a Bluetooth device
To use the Bluetooth audio system, it is
necessary to register a Bluetooth device
with the system.
Registering an additional device
1. Select
Select Add
(Select Add) on the
Bluetooth audio control screen.
2. For more information: Refer to Regis-
tering a Bluetooth device F5-81.
Selecting a registered device
1. Select
Select Device
(Select Device)
on the Bluetooth audio control screen.
2. For more information: Refer to Con-
necting a Bluetooth device F5-82.
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
& aha
aha is a cloud-based application that
connects to the system and gives you
access to your favorite web content safely
and easily. There are over 30,000 stations
spanning internet radio, personalized mu-
sic, audiobooks, Facebook, Twitter, res-
taurant and hotel searches, weather and
more. For more about aha, go to the aha
site (http://www.aharadio.com).
When connecting iPhone and iPod touch
or Android devices with the aha applica-
tion installed, you can control, view, and
hear aha content through the system.
In order to connect to this system, use a
USB port for an iPhone or iPod touch and
Bluetooth for Android devices.
In this chapter, iPhone and iPod touch or
Android devices will be referred to as a
! Overview
Control screen
Control panel
No. Function
Select to display the audio source
selection screen.
Select to open Station List.
Select to fast forward the current con-
tent item by 30 seconds.
Select to display the Contents List of
the selected station.
Select to make a phone call to the
current content item.
A phone number is distributed depend-
ing on content items.
This feature is available only in these
Select to play back or pause a track.
The track pauses when pressed during
playback and plays back when pressed
during pause.
Select to set Thumbs Up.
Select to set Thumbs Down.
Select to start the playback from the
beginning of the content in the target
Select to rewind the current content
item by 15 seconds.
Select to display the station operation
Press to select an audio mode.
Select to display the sound setting
screen. Refer to Basic operation F5-
No. Function
Turn to adjust volume.
Press to turn the audio system on/off.
Turn to display the next/previous con-
tent item.
Press to select an audio mode
Select to display the next/previous
content item.
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
Control screen (Station Display)
No. Function
Select to display Preset List.
Return to the control screen.
Select to display Nearby List.
. Do not connect or operate the
smartphone while driving.
. Be sure to park the vehicle in a
safe location before connecting
or operating the smartphone.
. Do not leave your smartphone in
the car. In particular, high tem-
peratures inside the vehicle may
damage the smartphone.
. Do not push down on or apply
unnecessary pressure to the
smartphone while it is connected
as this may damage the smart-
phone or its terminal.
. Do not insert foreign objects into
the port as this may damage the
smartphone or its terminal.
. For safety reasons, certain func-
tions are not avail able while your
vehicle is in motion.
. In order to maximize signal recep-
tion, performance and precision of the
smartphone, please ensure the smart-
phone is placed as close to the system
as possible, while ensuring it is stowed
and secure while driving.
. Use USB cables of iPhone/iPod
touch accessories.
. When the ignition switch is in the
ACC or ON position, the battery of
the connected iPhone/iPod touch is
. iPhone/iPod touch may not be re-
cognized when the ignition switch is in
the ACC or ON position. In this
case, remove the iPhone/iPod touch
and reconnect it.
. The accuracy of the displayed in-
formation or the signal reception per-
formance depends on the smartphone
or the connected device, and its wire-
less connection.
. Since the aha application uses sig-
nals from GPS satellites and wireless
communication lines, it may not work
properly in the following locations.
In a tunnel
In underground parking lots
Outside wireless communication
range, such as some countryside
Where the wireless communica-
tion network is congested, or where
communications are restricted
. Depending on the circumstances
and environment, the signal may be
weak or not be received. In such cases,
an error may occur.
. Top 35 entries in the preset station
list on the smartphone are displayed.
When there are more than 35 entries in
the preset station list, change the order
of the entries in the list on the smart-
phone. You can change the priority of
your preset stations within the aha
application (after disconnected from
this system) to modify the station list
shown on the screen. Please see your
smartphone aha application Edit Pre-
sets (in Main menu) to modify this list.
. For operating the smartphone, see
the instruction manual that comes with
. If there are multiple music files
stored on your iPhone or iPod touch,
it may take some time until playback
. Playback may be intermittent when
audio from aha on your smartphone
. When conne cting the device via
Bluetooth, the communication speed
may become slower than via USB.
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
! Before using aha application
In order to use the aha application on this
system, the application must be installed
on the smartphone.
! Settings required to use aha
. Search and download the aha applica-
tion from your smartphone app store.
iPhone and iPod touch: Apple App
Store via iTunes
Android device: Google Play Store
. Create an account and login to the aha
application on the smartphone.
Please use the latest version of the aha
! About app-based connected con-
Requirements for using the connected
content services of the aha application
on this system.
. Latest version of the system is compa-
tible with connected content application(s)
for the smartphone, available from aha,
downloaded to your smartphone.
. A c urrent account with a wireless
content service provider.
. A smartphone data plan: If the data
plan for your smartphone does not provide
for unlimited da ta usage , additi onal
charges from your carrier may apply for
accessing app-based connected content
via 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, or 4G LTE wireless
. Connection to the internet via 3G, 4G,
Wi-Fi, or 4G LTE networks.
. Changes to product specifications
may result in differences between the
content of the manual and features of
the product.
. Be careful not to exceed the data
usage limits for your smartphone.
Doing so will result in additional data
usage charges from your phone car-
. Access to app-based connected
content will depend on the availability
of wireless cellular and/or Wi-Fi net-
work coverage for the purpose of
allowing your smartphone to connect
to the internet.
. Service availability may be geogra-
phically limited by region. Consult the
wireless connected content service
provider for additional information.
. Ability of this product to access
connected content is subject to change
without notice and could be affected by
any of the following: compatibili ty
issues with future firmware versions
of the smartphone; co mpatibility is-
sues with future versions of the con-
nected content application(s) for the
smartphone; changes to or disconti-
nuation of the connected content ap-
plication(s) or service by its provider.
. Communi cation and phone c all
charges for smartphones should be
paid by the wireless subscriber.
. If you lose the data in a smartphone
or other device while using it with the
system, no compensation will be given
for the lost data.
. Fuji Heavy Industries makes no
guarantee regarding the content pro-
vided by aha.
. aha may not work due to factors on
smartphones, smartphone applications
or stations. Fuji Heavy Industries is not
responsible for it.
! About the supported devices
This system supports the following devices.
For iPhone/iPod touch users
Type Generation Firmware version or OS
iPhone 3G iOS 4.2.x
iPhone 3GS iOS 6.1.x
iPhone 4 iOS 7.0.x
iPhone 4S iOS 7.0.x
iPhone 5 iOS 7.0.x
iPhone 5C iOS 7.0.x
iPhone 5S iOS 7.0.x
iPod touch
iPod touch iOS 3.1.x
iPod touch 2 iOS 4.2.x
iPod touch 3 iOS 5.1.x
iPod touch 4 iOS 6.1.x
iPod touch 5
iOS 7.0.x
Note that the warranty does not apply if an unsupported iPhone/iPod touch is connected.
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
For Android device users
Android OS Specification Profile
Android Ver. 2.2 or Ver. 2.3
Bluetooth Specification Ver. 1.1 or higher
(Ver. 2.0 + EDR or higher is recommended)
. aha Connect Binary API over SPP
. Digital audio by A2DP
The available functions may vary depending on the type of Android device.
! Using aha application
system after startin g a supported aha
application on the smartphone, you can
display and operate the aha application
displayed on the smartphone on the
system screen.
1. Run the aha application on you r
2. Connect the iPhone/iPod touch to the
USB port or connect the Android device
by utilizing the Bluetooth connection (SPP
and A2DP profile).
. For details about connecting an
iPhone/iPod touch: Refer to Connect-
ing and disconnecting a USB memory/
portable device F5-7.
. For details about registering or con-
necting an Android device: Refer to
Registering/connecting Bluetooth
device F5-78.
Press AUDIO/TUNE knob twice to switch
between iPhone and Android.
3. Select aha on the Select Audio
Source (Select Audio Source) screen.
Refer to Basic operation F5-13.
Select aha on the Apps (APPS) screen.
Refer to STARLINK F5-30.
4. Check that the top screen is displayed.
5. Select the desired station.
6. Check that the station operation
screen is displayed.
. Main functions of the station opera-
tion screen button: Refer to Station
operation screen buttons F5-70.
. For details on the services or the
operations, check the aha site
(http://www.aharadio.com) on the in-
. When iPhone/iPod touch and An-
droid devices are connec ted at the
same time, iPhone/iPod touch is prior-
. The following operations are not
available on this system. Perform these
operations on the smartphone.
Add/Reorder/Delete stations
Login to Facebook/Twitter
. For the aha function, the following
touch screen gestures are not avail-
Multi-touch operation
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
! Station operation screen buttons
Button Function
Select to start playback.
Select to pause playback.
Select to stop playback.
Select to upload Like informa-
tion to the application server. To
cancel Like information that is
being uploaded to the server,
select this button again.
Select to upload Dislike infor-
mation to the application server.
To cancel Dislike information
that is being uploaded to the
server, select this button again.
Select to make a phone call to
the current content item.
Select to start the playback from
the beginning of the content in
the target station.
Select to rewind the current
content item by 15 seconds.
Select to fast forward the current
content item by 30 seconds.
The button display will vary depending
on each station or content item.
! Overview
The AUX operation screen can be
reached by the following methods:
. Connect a portable audio device. Refer
to Connecting and disconnecting a USB
memory/portable device F5-7.
. Select
(AUX) on the Select
Audio Sourc e (Sel ect Au dio So urce)
screen. Refer to Sele cting an audio
source F5-14.
Control screen
Control panel
No. Function
Select to display the audio source
selection screen.
Select to adjust the audio gain level.
Select to display the sound setting
screen. Refer to Basic operation
Turn to adjust volume.
Press to turn the audio system on/off.
Press to select an audio mode.
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
Control screen (Option Display)
No. Function
Select to adjust the audio gain level.
Select High, Mid, or Low for the audio
gain level.
The High setting has greater effect.
Select to close the list.
Do not operate the players controls
or connect the portable audio device
while driving.
. Do not leave portable audio de-
vice in the vehicle. The tempera-
ture inside the vehicle may be-
come high, resulting in damage
to the player.
. Do not push down on or apply
unnecessary pressure to the por-
table audio device while it is
connected as this may damage
the portable audio device or its
. Do not insert foreign objects into
the port as this may damage the
portable audio device or its term-
& Pandora
Pandora is an application for a smart-
phone. This can automatically select and
play recommended tracks.
By rating the track currently playing, tracks
that better match your preference will be
In order to connect to this system, use a
USB port for an iPhone or iPod touch and
Bluetooth for Android devices.
Depending on differences between mod-
els or software version etc., some models
might be incompatible with this system.
This function is not available if the
Pandora application has not been in-
stalled on the smartphone.
! Overview
The Pandora operation screen can be
reached by the following methods:
. Connecting a Pandora device. Refer to
Connecting a Bluetooth device F5-82 or
Connecting and di sconnectin g a USB
memory/portable device F5-7.
. Sele ct
(Pandora) on the
Select Audio Source (Select Audio
Source) screen. Refer to Selecting an
audio source F5-14.
. Sele ct
(Pandora) on the
APPS (APPS) screen. Refer to
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
Control screen
Control panel
No. Function
Select to display the audio source
selection screen.
Select to open Station List.
Select to skip the current track.
Select to play back or pause a track.
The Pause icon is displayed in the
Play/Pause key during playback and
the Playback icon is displayed in the
Play/Pause key during pause.
Select to set Thumbs Up.
This gives a high rating to the current
All other similar songs will be played
back more frequently.
Select to set Thumbs Down.
This gives a low rating to the current
All other similar songs will be played
back less frequently.
When you select Thumbs Down, the
current track is skipped.
During playback of a station, you can
use the Bookmark Key to bookmark a
song or artist.
The Bookmark Type Selection screen is
Select to display the sound setting
screen. Refer to Basic operation F5-
Turn to adjust volume.
Press to turn the audio system on/off.
No. Function
Turn clockwise to skip to the next track.
to skip to the next track/
cover art.
Control screen (Bookmark Display)
No. Function
When selected after the Bookmark key
is pressed, the current track is book-
When selected after the Bookmark key
is pressed, the current artist is book-
Select to cancel the bookmark opera-
Audio/Media operation
Audio/Media operation
Control screen (Station list)
Control screen (New station)
No. Function
Select to sort the list in the chronologi-
cal order of when the Station List was
Select to create a station.
The station can be created using track
names or artist names.
Select to delete a station.
Return to the control screen.
Select to sort the list based on the
alphabetical order of the station names.
Select to create a station using a track
Select to create a station using an artist
Select to cancel the operation to add a
Control screen (Delete Station)
No. Function
Select to delete the selected item from
the list.
Select to cancel the operation to delete
a station.
Do not operate the players controls
or connect the smartphone while
Do not leave your smartphone in the
car. In particular, high temperatures
inside the vehicle may damage the
Follow the specific operation proce-
dures for the smartphone application.
Audio/Media operation
& Registering/connecting
The Bluetooth
word mark and logos are
registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth
SIG, Inc.
! Registering a Bluetooth phone for
the first time
To use the hands-free system, it i s
necessary to register a Bluetooth phone
with the system.
Once the phone has been registered, it is
possible to use the hands-free system.
This operation cannot be performed while
For details about registering a Bluetooth
device: Refer to Registering a Bluetooth
device F5-81.
1. Turn the Bluetooth connection setting
of your cellular phone on.
. This function is not available when
Bluetooth connection setting of your
cellular phone is set to off.
2. Select
and select
(SETTINGS) to display the SETTINGS
Settings (When selecting the BT tab)
. Operations up to this point can also
be performed by pressing the
switch on the steering wheel.
3. To register a device, select Set on
BT Devices Connection .
BT Devices Connection screen (At the
initial startup and when no device is
4. When this screen is displayed, search
for the device name displayed on this
screen on the screen of your Bluetooth
When Add is selected (Waiting for the
connection request from a device).
. For details about operating the Blue-
tooth device, see the manual that
comes with it.
. To cancel the registration, select
5. Register the Bluetooth device using
your Bluetooth device.
. A PIN-code is not required for SSP
(Secure Simple Pairing) compatible
Bluetooth devices. Depending on the
type of Bluetooth device being con-
nected, a message confirming regis-
tration may be displayed on the Blue-
tooth device s screen. Respond and
operate the Bluetooth device accord-
ing to the confirmation message.
6. Check that the screen is displayed
when registration is complete.
. The system waits for connection
requests coming from the registered
. At this stage, the Bluetooth func-
tions are not yet available.
! Registering a Bluetooth Audio de-
vice for the first time
To use the Bluetooth Audio, it is necessary
to register an audio devi ce with the
Once the player has been registered, it is
possible to use the Bluetooth Audio.
This operation cannot be performed while
For details about registering a Bluetooth
device: Refer to Registering a Bluetooth
device F5-81.
The device registration procedure is the
same for both the hands-free system and
Bluetooth audio.
! Profiles
This system supports the following services.
Bluetooth Device Spec. Function Requirements Recommendations
Bluetooth Phone/Bluetooth
Audio Device
Bluetooth Specification
Registering a Bluetooth de-
Ver. 1.1
Ver. 2.1 + EDR
Bluetooth Device Profile Function Requirements Recommendations
Bluetooth Phone
HFP (Hands-Free Profile) Hands-free system Ver. 1.0 Ver. 1.5
OPP (Object Push Profile)
Transferring the contacts
Ver. 1.1 Ver. 1.1
PBAP (Phone Book Access
Ver. 1.0 Ver. 1.0
MAP (Message Access
Bluetooth phone message Ver. 1.0
SPP (Serial Port Profile)
Connecting a Bluetooth
Ver. 1.1
Bluetooth Audio Device
A2DP (Advanced Audio
Distribution Profile)
Bluetooth audio system
Ver. 1.0 Ver. 1.2
AVRCP (Audio/Video Re-
mote Control Profile)
Ver. 1.0
Ver. 1.4
. If your cellular phone does not support HFP, registering the Bluetooth phone or using OPP, PBAP, MAP or SPP profiles
individually will not be possible.
. If the connected Bluetooth device version is older than recommended or incompatible, the Bluetooth device function may
not work properly.
. For USA customers, please visit www.subaru.com for details. Outside of the USA customers, contact your local dealer to
arrange a demonstration in order to confirm whether or not the device can be paired with the vehicle.
& Setting Bluetooth details
1. Select .
2. Select
3. To register a device, select Add on
BT Devices Connection .
! BT Devices Connection screen
BT Devices Connection screen (One
device is registered.)
No. Function
Add key: Registers the device.
Select key: Makes the connection to
the registered device.
This shows the status of the device
connection profile. (The icon illuminates
while connected.)
Delete (Trash box) key: Deletes the
registered device.
Bluetooth ON/OFF key: Switches to
connect/disconnect the Bluetooth com-
Function Page
Registering a Bluetooth device 5-81
Deleting a Bluetooth device 5-82
Connecting a Bluetooth device
! Registering a Bluetooth device
You can register up to five devices,
regardless of whether they are Bluetooth
phones or audio devices.
This operation cannot be performed while
1. Display the BT Devices Connection
screen. Refer to Registering a Bluetooth
phone for the first time F5-78.
2. Select
The Add button is not displayed when
five devices are already registered.
To add another device, you need to delete
one of the registered devices.
Press and hold the Trash box icon for the
device to be deleted, and then select
3. Register the Bluetooth device using
your Bluetooth device.
. A PIN-code is not required for SSP
(Secure Simple Pairing) compat ible
Bluetooth devices. Depending on the
type of Bluetooth device being con-
nected, a message confirming regis-
tration may be displayed on the Blue-
tooth device s screen. Respond and
operate the Bluetooth device accord-
ing to the confirmation message.
4. Check that the screen is displayed
when registration is complete.
. The system waits for connection
requests coming from the registered
. At this stage, the Bluetooth func-
tions are not yet available.
! Deleting a Bluetooth device
1. Display the BT Devices Connection
screen. Refer to Registering a Bluetooth
phone for the first time F5-78.
2. Select the desired device.
Press and hold the Trash box icon for the
device to be deleted, and then select
When deleting a Bluetooth phone, the
contact data will be deleted at the same
! Connecting a Bluetooth device
Up to 5 Bluetooth devices (Phones (HFP)
and audio devices (AVP)) can be regis-
If more than 1 Bluetooth device has been
registered, select which device to connect
1. Display the BT Devices Connection
screen. Refer to Registering a Bluetooth
phone for the first time F5-78.
2. Select the device to be connected.
. Supported profile icons will be dis-
: Phone
: Audio device
: Smartphone Application
. Supported profile icons for currently
connected devices will illuminate.
. The Audio icon illuminates only
when in the Bluetooth audio mode.
. All icons are dimmed when Blue-
tooth is set to OFF or when the
connection cannot be made with the
. It may take time if the device con-
nection is carried out during Bluetooth
audio playback.
. Depending on the type of Bluetooth
device being connecte d, it may be
necessary to perform additional steps
on the device.
. It is not possible to establish a
Bluetooth connection with iOS devices
currently connected with a USB cable.
! Bluetooth ON/OFF
1. Display the BT Devices Connection
screen. Refer to Registering a Bluetooth
phone for the first time F5-78.
2. Select the Bluetooth ON/OFF key.
. Select ON or OFF to connect/
disconnect the Bluetooth communica-
tion. ON establishes a connection,
and OFF disconnects the connec-
. The setting is fixed as OFF when
no device is registered.
! In-Car-Device setting screen
The Bluetooth settings can be confirmed
and changed.
1. Display the SETTINGS screen. Refer
to Registering a Bluetooth phone for the
first time F5-78.
2. On the SETTINGS for In-Car-Device
setting select set key.
No. Function
BT device address: Displays the
Bluetooth device address of the in-
vehicle equipment.
BT device name: Displays the Blue-
tooth device name of the in-vehicle
equipment. The default name is
SUBARU BT, which can be changed
by selecting it and entering alphanu-
meric characters.
PIN code: Displays the PIN code of
the in-vehicle equipment. The default
code is 1234, which can be changed
by selecting it and entering numbers.
ABC key: Switches the screen to
input alphabet characters. This key
cannot be selected when entering the
PIN code.
Set key: Saves the current BT
device name and PIN code.
No. Function
123 key: Switches the screen to
input numbers.
Numeric input keys.
Alphabet input keys. The up arrow
key toggles the input between upper
case and lower case characters.
Delete key: Deletes one character
from the currently selected item (BT
device name of the PIN code).
! Editing the Bluetooth Name
1. Select System Name.
2. Enter a name and then select Set.
! Editing the PIN-Code
1. Select PIN-Code.
2. Enter a PIN-code and then select
! Common operations
. Press the Alphabet key or Number
key to make the changes.
. Press the Set key to set the entered
value. The screen changes to the Set-
tings Bluetooth screen.
. Press the Back key to discard the
entered value. The screen returns to the
Settings Bluetooth screen.
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
! When the cursor is at the Device
Name Display Area
. Thedevicenamecanbesetor
. Press the PIN key to enter a pass-
. If the PIN key is already selected, the
Alphabet key is cross-hatched and dis-
! When the cursor is at the Pass-
code Display Area
. The passcode can be set/changed.
. Press the Name key to enter a device
Phone operation (Hands-free
system for cellular phones)
& Quick reference
The phone top screen can be used to
make a phone call. To display the hands-
free operation screen, select
and then
(PHONE), or press the
switch on the steering wheel.
Several functions are available to operate
on each screen that is displayed by
selecting the 4 tabs.
PHONE (Menu) screen
PHONE (Dialpad) screen
No. Function
Incoming Calls key: Opens the
Incoming Calls screen.
Outgoing Calls key: Opens the Out-
going Calls screen.
Contacts key: Opens the Contacts
Dialpad key: Changes the screen
from the Menu screen to the Dialpad
Option key: Opens the phone vo-
lume setting screen.
OFF Hook key: Use to make a
phone call. You cannot press this key
until you open the Dialpad screen and
enter a phone number.
Bluetooth Setting key: Opens the BT
Devices Connection screen.
Enter the phone number that you
want to call.
Switch Screen key: Switches the
screen to the Phone (Menu) screen.
If no device is registered, a message
is displayed instead of menu items.
& Some basics
The hands-free system enables calls to be
made and received without having to take
your hands off the steering wheel.
This system supports Bluetooth. Bluetooth
is a wireless data system that enables
cellular phones to be used without being
connected by a cable or placed in a
The operating procedure of the phone is
explained here.
. While driving, do not use a cel-
lular phone or connect the Blue-
tooth phone.
. Your audio u nit i s fi tted wi th
Bluetooth antennas. People with
implantable cardiac pacemakers,
cardiac resynchro nization ther-
apy-pacemakers or implantable
cardioverter defibrillators should
maintain a reasonable distance
between themselves and the
Bluetooth antennas. The radio
waves may affect the operation
of such devices.
. Before using Bluetooth devices,
users of any electrical medical
device other than implantable
cardiac pacemakers, cardiac re-
synchronization therapy-pace-
makers or implantable cardiover-
ter defibrillators should consult
the manufacturer of the device
for information about its opera-
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
tion under the influence of radio
waves. Radio waves could have
unexpected effects on the opera-
tion of such medical devices.
Do not leave your cellular phone in
the vehicle. The temperature inside
damage the phone.
. If your cellular phone does no t
support Bluetooth, this system cannot
. In the following conditions, the sys-
tem may not function:
The cellular phone is turned off.
The current position is outside
the communication area.
The cellular phone is not con-
The cellular phone has a low
. When using the hands free function
and other Bluetooth functions at the
same time, the following problems may
The Bluetooth connection may
be cut.
Noise may be heard when play-
ing back voice with the Bluetooth
! Registering/connecting a Bluetooth
To use the hands-free system for cellular
phones, it is necessary to regi ster a
cellular phone with the system. Refer to
Registering/connecting Bluetooth
vice F5-78.
! Bluetooth phone condition dis-
The condition of the Bluetooth phone
appears on the upper right side of the
screen. Refer to Bluetooth phone condi-
tion display F5-86.
! Using the phone switch/micro-
Steering switch
By pressing the phone switch, a call can
be received or ended without taking your
hands off the steering wheel.
Volume control switch
. Pre ss the + side to increase th e
. Press the - side to decrease the
Off hook switch
On hook switch
The microphone is used when talking on
the phone.
! Voice command system
Press this switch to operate the voice
command system.
. The voice command system and its list
of commands can be operated. Refer to
Voice command system operation F5-
. The other partys voice will be heard
from the front speakers. The audio/
visual system will be muted during
phone calls or when hands-free voice
commands are used.
. Talk alternately with the other party
on the phone. If both parties speak at
the same time, the other party may not
hear what has been said. (This is not a
. Keep call volume down. Otherwise,
the other partys voice may be audible
outside the vehicle and voice echo may
increase. When talking on the phone,
speak clearly towards the microphone.
. The other party may not hear you
clearly when:
Driving on an unpaved road.
(Making excessive traffic noise.)
Driving at high speeds.
The roof or windows are open.
The air conditioning vents are
pointed towards the microphone.
The sound of the air conditioning
fan is loud.
There is a negative effect on
sound quality due to the phone
and/or network being used.
! About the contacts in the contact
. The following data is stored for every
registered phone. When another phone is
connected, the following registered data
cannot be read:
Contact data
Call history data
All phone settings
When a phones registration is deleted,
the above-mentioned data is also de-
! When selling or disposing of the
A lot of personal data is registered when
the hands-free system is used. When
selling or disposing of the vehicle, initialize
the data. Refer to Other settings F5-11.
. The following data in the system can
be initialized:
Contact data
Call history data
All phone settings
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Once initialized, the data and settings
will be erased. Pay much attention
when initializing the data.
& Calling on the Bluetooth
After a Bluetooth phone has been regis-
tered, a call can be made using the hands-
free system. There are several methods
by which a call can be made, as described
1. Select
2. Select
3. Select the desired tab to call from.
. On the PHONE screen, select Incom-
ing Calls to open the Incoming Calls
screen. Refer to Quick reference F5-84.
Incoming Calls screen
. On the PHONE screen, select Out-
going Calls to open the Outgoing Calls
screen. Refer to Quick reference F5-84.
Outgoing Calls screen
. On the PHONE screen, select Con-
tacts to open the Contacts screen. Refer
to Quick reference F5-84.
Contacts screen
. On the PHONE screen, select Dia-
lpad to open the Dialpad screen. Refer to
Quick reference F5-84.
PHONE (Dialpad) screen
How to make a call list Page
By call history 5-89
By contacts list 5-91
By dialpad
By off hook switch 5-94
By voice command system
: The operation cannot be performed while
! By call history
! Incoming Calls
. On the PHONE screen, select Incom-
ing Calls to open the Incoming Calls
. Up to ten items in the incoming call
history are listed. Scroll the screen to see
items that are not on the screen.
. You can make a call by selecting an
item in the incoming call history list.
Incoming Calls screen
. If there is no incoming call history, a
message appears to indicate that there is
no incoming call history data.
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Incoming Calls screen (No incoming call
Incoming Calls screen (Confirmation to
delete incoming call history)
No. Function
Outgoing Calls key: Opens the Out-
going Calls screen.
Contacts key: Opens the Contacts
Delete All key: Deletes all incoming
call history data. The Delete All key
is disabled when there is no incoming
call history.
OK key: Deletes incoming call his-
Cancel key: Cancels the deletion of
incoming call history. The screen
returns to the Incoming Calls screen.
. When making a call to the same
number continuously, only the most
recent call is listed in call history.
. When a phone number registered in
the contact list is received, the name is
. Number-withheld calls are also
memorized in the system.
. International phone calls may not be
made depending on the type of cellular
phone you have.
. The list should group together con-
secutive entries with the same phone
number and same call type.
! Outgoing Calls
. On the PHONE screen, select Out-
going Calls to open the Outgoing Calls
. Up to ten items in the outgoing call
history are listed. Scroll the screen to see
items that are not on the screen.
. You can make a call by selecting an
item in the outgoing call history list.
. If there is no outgoing call history, a
message appears to indicate that there is
no outgoing call history data.
Outgoing Calls screen
Outgoing Calls screen (No outgoing call
Outgoing Calls screen (Confirmation to
delete outgoing call history)
No. Function
Incoming Calls key: Opens the
Incoming Calls screen.
Contacts key: Opens the Contacts
Delete All key: Deletes all outgoing
call history data. The Delete All key
is disabled when there is no outgoing
call history.
OK key: Deletes outgoing call his-
Cancel key: Cancels to delete out-
going call history. The screen will go
back to the Outgoing Calls screen.
. When making a call to the same
number continuously, only the most
recent call is listed in call history.
. When a phone number registered in
the contact list is received, the name is
. Number-withheld calls are also
memorized in the system.
. International phone calls may not be
made depending on the type of cellular
phone you have.
. The list should group together con-
secutive entries with the same phone
number and same call type.
! By contacts list
. Up to 1000 items in the contact data
are listed. Scroll the screen to see items
that are not on the screen.
. Select an item in the contact list to
open the Phone Number List screen.
. You can make a call by selecting an
item in the phone number list (up to five
phone numbers are listed).
. If there is no contact data, a message
is displayed to indicate that there is no
contact data.
Contacts screen
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Phone Number List screen (Example when
Adam is selected)
Contacts screen (When there is no data)
No. Function
Incoming Calls key: Opens the
Incoming Calls screen.
Outgoing Calls key: Opens the Out-
going Calls screen.
Download Contacts key: Opens a
pop-up screen for starting the down-
load of contact data.
Delete All key: Deletes all contact
data. The Delete All key is disabled
when there is no contact data.
Search key: Opens a list of contacts
that starts with the selected character.
This key is cross-hatched and cannot
be selected if there is no contact data
that starts with the selected character,
Select the up/down arrow key to scroll the
Search key.
! When the contact is empty
For PBAP incompatible but OPP com-
patible Bluetooth phones
. On the Contacts screen, select Down-
load Contacts. A screen where you can
select how to download contacts opens.
. You can select to download all items or
download one item.
*: To download all items, you may need to
change the settings in your cellular phone
Contacts screen (Download selection)
Contacts screen (Download confirmation)
Contacts screen (Download confirmation)
Contacts screen (Download in progress)
No. Function
Download Contacts key: Opens the
Download Confirmation screen. Con-
firm whether or not to download. If the
downloaded contact(s) already
exist(s), confirm whether or not to
overwrite the existing data.
Download 1 Entry key: Downloads
one set of contact data. To download
the data, you need to operate from the
connected device.
OK key: Starts downloading all
Cancel key: Cancels the download.
The screen returns to the Contacts
screen. (The pop-up screen disap-
. All contact data downloaded into the in-
vehicle equipment will be deleted.
Contacts screen (Confirmation to delete
contact data)
No. Function
OK key: Deletes all downloaded
contact data.
Cancel key: Cancels the deletion.
The screen returns to the Contacts
. Manual transfer operation cannot be
performed while driving.
. If your cellular phone is neither
PBAP nor OPP compatible, the con-
tacts cannot be transferred.
. Depending on the type of Bluetooth
It may be necessary to perform
additional steps on the phone when
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
transferring contact data.
! By Dialpad
The Outgoing Call screen opens when
you perform the following operations.
. When you enter a phone number on
the PHONE (Dialpad) screen and select
the OFF_Hook key, the Outgoing Call
screen opens.
. When you select an item in the incom-
ing call history list on the Incoming Calls
screen, the Outgoing Call screen opens.
. When you select an item in the out-
going call history list on the Outgoing Call
screen, the Outgoing Call screen opens.
. When you select a phone number on
the Contacts (Phone Number List) screen,
the Outgoing Call screen opens.
Outgoing Call screen
No. Function
Option key: Opens the Options
(volume settings) screen.
ON_Hook key: Aborts the call. The
screen returns to the Phone (Menu)
screen. This is the same as pressing
the ON_Hook switch on the steering
Depending on the type of Bluetooth
phone being co nnecte d, it may be
necessary to perform additional steps
on the phone.
! By off hook switch
Calls can be made using the latest call
history item.
1. Press the
switch on the steering
wheel to display the phone top screen.
2. Check that the Call (Call) screen is
& Receiving on the Bluetooth
! Incoming calls
When a call is received, the incoming call
screen is displayed with a sound.
. When you are on the Outgoing Call
screen, the screen changes to the Call
screen when the other party answers the
. The Mute, Speaker, and Bluetooth
keys are disabled on the Outgoing Call
. When you receive a phone call while
the cellular phone is connec ted, th e
screen changes to th e Incom ing Call
Incoming Call screen
Unable to put call on hold screen
No. Function
Option key: Opens the Options
(volume settings) screen.
No. Function
Hold key: Puts the incoming call on
hold. This function may not work on
some cell phone models. This func-
tion is the same as pressing the
ON_Hook switch on the steering
wheel for a short period of time.
OFF_Hook key: Opens the Call
screen. This function is the same as
pressing the OFF_Hook switch on
the steering wheel.
ON_Hook key: Rejects the incoming
call. This function is the same as
pressing and holding the ON_Hook
switch on the steering wheel.
. During international phone calls, the
other partys name or number may not
be displayed correctly depending on
the type of cellular phone you have.
. The incoming call display mode can
be set. Refer to Incoming Calls F5-
. The ringtone that has been set in the
Sound Settings (Sound Settings)
screen sounds when there is an incom-
ing call. Depending on the type of
Bluetooth phone, both the system and
Bluetooth phone may sound simulta-
neously when there is an incoming call.
Refer to ““Sound Settings (Sound Set-
tings) screen F5-97.
& Talking on the Bluetooth
While talking on the phone, this screen is
displayed. The operations outlined below
can be performed on this screen.
. When the Incoming Call screen is
displayed and you accept the call, the
screen changes to the Call screen. The
screen stays on the Incoming Call screen
if you reject the call.
. The Dialpad and Bluetooth Setting
keys are disabled on the Incoming Call
The Call screen opens when you perform
the following operations.
. When you accept a call on the Incom-
ing Call screen (by selecting the
OFF_Hook key), the Call screen opens.
. When you are on the Outgoing Call
screen, the screen changes to the Call
screen when the other party answers the
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Audio/Phone operation (Handsfree system for cellular phones)
Call screen
Call screen (Your voice Mute ON)
Call screen (Private ON)
Call (Dialpad) screen (DTMF)
No. Function
Option key: Opens the Options
(volume settings) screen.
No. Function
Mute key: Mutes your voice to the
other party. Press the Mute key
again to deactivate the Mute mode.
This key is disabled in the Private
Speaker key: Changes the mode to
Private mode. The other partys voice
emits from the cell phone. Press the
Speaker key again to deactivate the
Private mode.
ON_Hook key: Ends the call. You
return to the Phone (Menu) screen
when ending outgoing calls and the
previous screen when ending incom-
ing calls. This function is the same as
pressing and holding the ON_Hook
switch on the steering wheel.
Dialpad key: Opens the Call (Dia-
lpad) screen.
Switch Screen key: Switches the
screen to the Phone (Menu) screen.
Dialpad key: Allows you to make
DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency)
calls. The numbers you enter are sent
as tone signals.
. When cellular phone call is changed
to hands-free call, the hands-free
screen will be displayed and its func-
tions can be operated on the screen.
. Changing bet ween cellular phone
call and hands-free call can be per-
formed by operating the cellular phone
. Transferring methods and opera-
tions will be different depending on
the type of cellular phone you have.
. For the operation of the cellular
phone, see the manual that comes with
. On the PHONE (Menu) screen, the
screen changes to the Phone (Dialpad)
screen when you select Dialpad.
. After entering the phone number on the
keypad, the call is made when you select
the OFF_Hook key.
Phone (Dialpad) screen
No. Function
Dialpad keys: Allows you to enter
numbers from 0 to 9 and *, #, and +.
To enter +, press and hold the 0
Delete key: Deletes one character
from the entered characters.
Switch Screen key: Switches the
screen to the Phone (Menu) screen.
OFF_Hook key: Opens the Outgoing
Calls screen and dials the entered
phone number. This is the same as
pressing the OFF_Hook switch on
the steering wheel. This key is cross-
hatched and cannot be selected until
the phone number is entered.
Option key: Opens the Options
(volume settings) screen.
Bluetooth Setting key: Opens the BT
Devices Connection screen.
The sound quality of the voice heard
from the other partys speaker may be
negatively impacted.
& Phone settings
! Sound Settings (Sound Settings)
The call and ringtone volume can be
adjusted. A ringtone can be selected.
1. Display the PHONE screen. Refer to
Quick reference F5-84.
2. Select
3. Select the desired item to be set.
. Select to adjust the volume of the
telephone function.
. On the PHONE screen, the screen
changes to the Options screen when you
select the Option key.
Options (volume settings) screen
No. Function
Phone Ringer Volume +/- keys: Ad-
justs the ringtone volume. The - key
lowers the volume, and the + key
increases the volume. (Default vo-
lume: 4 out of a total of 16 volume
Phone Incoming Volume +/- keys:
Adjusts the receive volume. The -
key lowers the volume, and the +
key increases the volume. (Default
volume: 4 out of a total of 16 volume
Phone Outgoing Volume +/- keys:
Adjusts the transmit volume. The -
key lowers the volume, and the +
key increases the volume. (Default
volume: 3 out of a total of 5 volume
. Depending on the type of phone,
certain functions may not be available.
. Contact data is managed indepen-
dently for every registered phone.
When one phone is connected, another
phones regis tered data cannot be
! Update contacts from phone
Operation methods differ between PBAP
compatible and PBAP incompatible but
OPP compatible Bluetooth phones.
If your cellular phone is neither PBAP nor
OPP compatible, the contacts cannot be
For PBAP compatible Bluetooth
1. Select
Download Contacts
load Contacts).
. Contacts are transferred automati-
2. Check that a confirmation screen is
displayed when the operation is complete.
. This operation may be unnecessary
depending on the t ype of cellular
. If another Bluetooth device is con-
nected when transferring contact data,
depending on the phone, the con-
nected Bluetooth device may need to
be disconnected.
. Depending on the type of Bluetooth
phone being connected, it may be
necessary to perform additional steps
on the phone.
For PBAP incompatible but OPP com-
patible Bluetooth phones
This operation cannot be performed while
1. Select
Download Contacts
load Contacts).
Select Download 1 Entry.
2. Transfer the contact data to the sys-
tem using a Bluetooth phone.
. This operation may be unnecessary
depending on the type of cellular
. To cancel this function, select
3. Check that a confirmation screen is
displayed when the operation is complete.
! Deleting the contact data
1. Select
Delete All
(Delete All).
2. Select
(OK) when the confirma-
tion screen appears.
Refer to By contacts list F5-91.
For deleting data, all items are deleted.
Audio/What to do if...
What to do if...
& Troubleshooting
If there is a problem with the hands-free system or a Bluetooth device, first check the table below.
When using the hands-free system with a Bluetooth device
Symptom Likely cause Solution
The hands-free system or Bluetooth
device does not work.
The connected device may not be a
compatible Bluetooth cellular phone.
For USA customers, please visit
www.subaru.com for details. Outside of the
USA customers, contact your local dealer to
arrange a demonstration in order to confirm
whether or not the device can be paired with
the vehicle.
The Bluetooth version of the connected
cellular phone may be older than the
specified version.
Use a cellular phone with Bluetooth version
1.1 or higher (recommended: Ver. 2.1 + EDR
or higher).
*: For details, refer to the owners manual that came with the cellular phone.
When registering/connecting a cellular phone
Symptom Likely cause Solution
A cellular phone cannot be regis-
An incorrect passcode was entered
on the cellular phone.
Enter the correct passcode on the cellular phone. *
The registration operation has not
been completed on the cellular phone
Complete the registration operation on the cellular
phone (approve registration on the phone).
Old registration information remains
on either this system or the cellular
Delete the existing registration information from
both this system and the cellular phone, then
register the cellular phone you wish to connect to
this system.
A Bluetooth connection cannot be
Another Bluetooth device is already
Manually connect the cellular phone you wish to
use to this system.
Bluetooth function is not enabled on
the cellular phone.
Enable the Bluetooth function on the cellular phone. *
Automatic Bluetooth connection on
this system is set to off.
Set automatic Bluetooth connection on this system
to on when the ignition switch is turned to the ACC
or ON position.
*: For details, refer to the owners manual that came with the cellular phone.
Audio/What to do if...
Audio/What to do if...
When using the phonebook
Symptom Likely cause Solution
Phonebook data cannot be trans-
ferred manually.
The profile version of the connected
cellular phone may not be compatible
with transferring phonebook data.
For USA customers, please visit
www.subaru.com for details. Outside of the
USA customers, contact your local dealer to
arrange a demonstration in order to confirm
whether or not the device can be paired with
the vehicle.
Transfer operation on the cellular phone
has not completed.
Complete transfer operation on the cellular
phone (approve transfer operation on the
Phonebook data cannot be edited.
Editing function is not available on this
*: For details, refer to the owners manual that came with the cellular phone.
In other situations
Symptom Likely cause Solution
Even though all conceivable mea-
sures have been taken, the symptom
status does not change.
The cellular phone is not close enough
to this system.
Bring the cellular phone closer to this system. ——
The cellular phone is the most likely
cause of the symptom.
Turn the cellular phone off, remove and
reinstall the battery pack, and then restart the
cellular phone.
Enable the cellular phones Bluetooth con-
Stop the cellular phones security software
and close all applications.
Before using an application installed on the
cellular phone, carefully check its source and
how its operation might affect this system.
*: For details, refer to the owners manual that came with the cellular phone.
Audio/What to do if...
Audio/Voice command system operation
Voice command system op-
& Voice command system
The voice command system enables the
audio, hands-free systems, etc. to be
operated using voice commands.
Refer to the Command list F5-107 for
samples of voice commands.
! Using the voice command system
! Steering switch
Talk switch
. Press the talk switch to start the voice
command system.
. To cancel voice recognition, press and
hold the talk switch.
! Microphone
. It is unnecessary to speak directly into
the microphone when giving a command.
. Wait for the confirmation beep be-
fore speaking a command.
. Voice commands may not be recog-
nized if:
Spoken too quickly.
Spoken at a low or high volume.
The roof or windows are open.
Passengers are talking while
voice commands are spoken.
The air conditioning speed is set
The air conditioning vents are
turned towards the microphone.
. In the following conditions, the sys-
tem may not recognize the command
properly and using voice commands
may not be possible:
The command is incorrect or
unclear. Note that certain words,
accents or speech patterns may be
difficult for the system to recognize.
There is excessive background
noise, such as wind noise.
! Voice command system operation
1. Press the talk switch.
. After the voice command top screen
has been displayed, speech guidance
will commence.
When the voice command mode is
audio mode, voice guidance for the
voice command system can be skipped
by pressing the talk switch.
2. Say the command.
. Say Help or Phone.
. Say Audio.
. Commands related with each func-
tion are displayed on the screen of the
each function tab. Some commonly
used commands are displayed on the
screen of the main tab. Even if any tab
is selected, all commands can be
. Saying
(Help) prompts gui-
dance to offer examples of commands
and operation methods.
. To cancel voice recognition, select
6, or press and hold the talk switch.
If the system does not respond or the
confirmation screen does not disap-
pear, press the talk swi tch and try
! Voice command example: Call
1. Press the talk switch.
2. Say
Call <contacts>
. A confirmation screen will be dis-
played show ing the recognition re-
sults. If multiple matching items are
found, a selec tion sc reen wil l be
displayed. Say
or select
the number.
. In the same manner as it is dis-
played on the screen, Call <con-
tacts> (Call <contacts>), after saying
Call a contact
say the name of a
contact. For example:
Call a contact
John Smith
Call a contact
Mary Davis
. Short or abbreviated names in the
contacts list may not be recognized.
Change names in the contacts list to
full names.
. Sometimes a voice recognition re-
sult confirmation screen will be dis-
played. After confirming the result, say
. When the system recognizes multi-
ple names from the contacts list, a
name candidate list will be displayed
Audio/Voice command system operation
Audio/Voice command system operation
on the screen. If the desired name is
not displayed on the top of the screen,
say or select the number of the name
from the candidate list (number 1,
number 2, etc.) to select a name from
the candidate list.
. When a contact has multiple phone
numbers registered in the contacts list,
a candidate list will be displayed. If the
desired phone number is not displayed
on the top of the screen, say or select
the number o f the desired phone
number from the candidate list (num-
ber 1, number 2, etc.) to select a phone
number from the candidate list.
! Voice command example: Dial
1. Press the talk switch.
2. Say the phone number.
. In the same manner as it is dis-
played on the screen, Dial <number>
(Dial <number>), after saying
Dial a
say the phone number.
. Say the phone number one digit at a
For example, if the phone number is
two three four five six seven
Do not say
twenty three forty five
sixty seven eight
Calling to the following phone numbers
3 digit numbers (911, 411, 611)
7 digit numbers (Local phone num-
10 digit numbers (Area co de +
Local phone number)
11 digit phone numbers (1 + Area
code + Local phone number)
. As the system cannot recognize
additional numbers, say the complete
number without stopping.
Calling to other phone numbers
3. Say
or press the switch on
the steering wheel.
. When the system recognizes multi-
ple phone numbers, a phone number
candidate list will be displayed on the
screen. Pressing the
switch on the
steering wheel makes a call to the top
entry on the list. If the desired phone
number is not displayed on the top of
the screen, say the number of the
desired phone number from the candi-
date list to select a phone number from
the candidate list.
! Casual speech recognization
Due to natural language speech recogni-
tion technology, this system enables re-
cognition of a command when spoken
naturally. H owever, the system cannot
recognize every variation of each com-
mand. In some situations, it is possible to
omit the command for the procedure and
directly state the desired operation. Not all
voice commands are displayed in the
function menu.
If the command cannot be recognized
completely, the command input screen
will be displayed. (Search results will
be shown based on the part of the
command that was recognized.)
! Expression examples for each
Command Expression examples
Dial <phone num-
Phone <phone num-
Command list
Recognizable voice commands and their
actions are shown below.
. Frequently used commands are listed
in the following tables.
. For devices that are not installed in the
vehicle, the related commands will not be
displayed in the screen. Also, according to
conditions, other commands may not be
displayed in the screen.
. The functions available may vary ac-
cording to the system installed.
. Voi ce recognition language can be
changed. Refer to Other settings F5-11.
. The no tations used in the com-
mands are as follows.
]: Commands that need not
to be spoken
>: Numbers, titles, or
names to be spoken
Basic command
Phrase Function
System back Back
Go back one
hierarchy or
cancel the
voice recogni-
tion (voice
command top
System help Help
Ask for help
with the cur-
rent task
System can-
cel (Close)
Cancel, Close
Cancel the
current task
Yes Yes
No No
Display OFF Display OFF
Turns the dis-
play off
Audio ON Audio ON
Turns the
audio system
Audio OFF Audio OFF
Turns the
audio system
mode change
Switch to
APPS mode
Audio/Command list
Audio/Command list
Commands for changing the radio mode
Phrase Function
AM mode
Change to
Switch to AM
Change to
Switch to AM
mode band 1
Change to
Switch to AM
mode band 2
FM mode
Change to
Switch to FM
Change to
Switch to FM
mode band 1
Change to
Switch to FM
mode band 2
Change to
Switch to FM
mode band 3
XM radio
mode change
Change to
Switch to XM
Audio mode
Change to BT
Switch to
Audio mode
CD mode
Change to
Switch to CD
USB mode
Change to
Switch to
USB mode
iPod mode
Change to
Switch to iPod
Aha radio
mode change
Change to
Switch to Aha
radio mode
Phrase Function
mode change
Change to
Switch to
AUX mode
Change to
Switch to
AUX mode
Commands for Hands Free
Phrase Function
Dial number
Dial Number
? <0-9, +, *,
#> ? Change
number, Dial
Places a call
to the said
phone num-
Dial <0-9, +,
*, #> ?
Change num-
ber, Dial
? <Name>
? <1-5> ?
Make a call
by using the
Call <Name>
Call <Name>
? <1-5> ?
Phrase Function
Recent calls
Call History
? Incoming
call, Outgoing
call ? Next
(page), Pre-
vious (page)
? <1-5> ?
Make a call
by using the
call history
Display the
call history
Display the
call history
Redial Redial
Places a call
to the phone
number of the
latest out-
going call
Callback Callback
Places a call
to the phone
number of the
latest incom-
ing call
Select phone
Select Phone
? <1-5>
Display the
phone select
Show phone
Phone Menu
Display the
hands free
top screen
Commands for Pandora
Phrase Function
Like Like
Mark Like
Dislike Dislike
Mark Dislike
Skip Skip, Next
Skip to the
next song
Commands for aha
Phrase Function
Thumbs up
Thumbs Up,
Heart, Like
Mark Like
Down, Ban,
Mark Dislike
Update Refresh
Refresh the
selected sta-
tion to get the
latest infor-
Content up Content Up
Playback next
Content down
Playback pre-
vious Content
Commands for AM control
Phrase Function
Seek up Seek Up
Tunes in the
higher fre-
quency direc-
Seek down Seek Down
Tunes in the
lower fre-
quency direc-
Scan Scan
Switch to the
scan mode
Direct fre-
quency tuning
Tune to <Fre-
Designate the
frequency to
switch to a
specific radio
Preset num-
ber tuning
Preset <pre-
set number>
Designate the
preset chan-
nel to switch
to specific
radio station
Tag Tag
iTunes Tag-
ging for HD
Commands for SiriusXM radio control
Phrase Function
Preset num-
ber tuning
Preset <pre-
set number>
Designate the
preset chan-
nel to switch
to specific
radio station
Scan Scan
Switch to the
scan mode
number tun-
Designate the
channel to
switch to spe-
cific radio sta-
Category Category
Displays the
category list
Audio/Command list
Audio/Command list
Commands for CD control
Phrase Function
Track up,
next track
Track Up
Select the
next track
Track down,
previous track
Track Down
Select the
current track
Scan Scan
Switch to the
scan mode
1 Track Re-
1 Track Re-
Repeat single
Repeat All Repeat All
Repeat all
Shuffle Shuffle
Plays ran-
Commands for MP3/WMA/AAC, USB
Phrase Function
Track up,
next track
Track Up
Select the
next track
Track down,
previous track
Track Down
Select the
current track
Folder up Folder Up
Plays from
the start of the
next folder
Phrase Function
Folder down Folder Down
Plays from
the start of the
Scan Scan
Switch to the
scan mode
1 track repeat
1 Track Re-
Repeat single
Repeat folder
Repeat of the
Repeat all Repeat All
Repeat all
Shuffle folder Shuffle Folder
Plays ran-
domly of the
Shuffle all Shuffle All
Plays ran-
Commands for HD Radio Control
Phrase Function
Track up,
next track
Track Up
Select the
next track
Track down,
previous track
Track Down
Select the
current track
Repeat one Repeat One
Repeat single
Repeat all Repeat All
Repeat all
Shuffle track Shuffle Track
Shuffle all
Shuffle album Shuffle Album
Shuffle all
Shuffle OFF Shuffle OFF
Turn off shuf-
Commands for Bluetooth audio control
Phrase Function
Pause Pause Pause play
Track up,
next track
Track Up
Select the
next track
Track down,
previous track
Track Down
Select the
current track
1 Track re-
1 Track Re-
Repeat single
Repeat all Repeat All
Repeat all
Group repeat
Group Re-
Repeat tracks
on group
Shuffle all Shuffle All
Shuffle all
Group shuffle Group Shuffle
Shuffle tracks
on group
Shuffle OFF Shuffle OFF
Turn off shuf-
& Certification
. Bluetooth
The Bluetooth word mark and logo are
registered trademarks of Bluetooth SIG,
Inc. and any use of such marks by Clarion
Co., Ltd. is under license.
. SiriusXM Satellite Radio
and all related marks and
logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio
Inc. All rights reserved.
. Pandora
Pandora, the Pandora logo, and other
Pandora marks are trademarks or regis-
tered trademarks of Pandora Media, Inc.,
or its subsidiaries worldwide.
If you have any issues with the Pandora
application on your mobile phone, please
direct them to
. iPod
Made for iPod and Made for iPhone
mean that an electronic accessory has
been designed to connect specifically to
iPod or iPhone respectively, and has been
certified by the developer to meet Apple
performance standards. Apple is not
responsible for the operation of this device
or its compliance with safety and regula-
tory standards. Please note that the use of
this accessory with iPod or iPhone may
affect wireless performance.
iPhone, iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano,
iPod touch, and iTunes are trademarks of
Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
. How to get the source code using
the open source
This system implements software using
the open source. For customers who
would like to get the source code of the
software, it is available by downloading it
from the web site of Clarion Co., Ltd.
For details, refer to the following web site.
& Certification for the Hands-
free system
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC
Rules and Industry Canada licence-ex-
empt RSS standard(s). Operation is sub-
ject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interfer-
ence, includi ng interfere nce that may
cause undesired operation of this device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux la
partie 15 des règles de la FCC et CNR
dIndustrie Canada applicables aux appa-
reils radio exempts de licence. Lexploita-
tion est autorisée aux deux conditions
suivantes : (1) lappareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) lutilisateur
de lappareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage
est sus cept ible den compromettre le
This equipment complies with FCC/IC
radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment and meets the
FCC radi o freque ncy (RF) Exposure
Guidelines in Supplement C to OET65
and RSS-102 of the IC radio frequency
(RF) Exposure rules. This equipment has
very low levels of RF energy that it
deemed to comply without maximum
permissive exposure evaluation (MPE).
Cet équipement est conforme aux limites
dexposition aux rayonnements énoncées
pour un environnement non contrôlé et
respecte les règles les radioélectriques
(RF) de la FCC lignes directrices dexpo-
sition dans le Supplément C à OET65 et
dexposition aux fréquences radioélectri-
ques (RF) CNR-102 de lIC. Cet équipe-
ment émet une énergie RF très faible qui
est considérée conforme sans évaluation
de lexposition maximale autorisée.
Changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the users authority
to operate the equipment.
This transmitter must not be co-located or
operated in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
& Certification for Mexico mod-
Clarion PF-3547
Clarion PF-3688
Interior light ......................................................... 6-2
Dome light .......................................................... 6-2
Map light............................................................. 6-2
Cargo area light (Outback)................................... 6-3
OFF delay timer .................................................. 6-3
Sun visors ........................................................... 6-4
Vanity mirror with light ........................................ 6-5
Storage compartment ......................................... 6-5
Glove box ........................................................... 6-6
Center console.................................................... 6-6
Overhead console ............................................... 6-7
Pocket ................................................................ 6-7
Cup holder ........................................................... 6-7
Front passengers cup holder .............................. 6-8
Rear passengers cup holder ............................... 6-8
Bottle holders ...................................................... 6-9
Accessory power outlets.................................... 6-9
Ashtray (if equipped) ......................................... 6-11
Coat hook ........................................................... 6-12
Shopping bag hook ........................................... 6-13
Legacy .............................................................. 6-13
Outback ............................................................ 6-13
Convenient grip (Outback) ................................ 6-14
Floor mat ............................................................ 6-14
Cargo area cover (Outback if equipped)....... 6-15
Using the cover ................................................. 6-15
To install the front cover .................................... 6-15
To remove the front cover .................................. 6-16
To remove the cover housing............................. 6-16
Stowage of the cargo area cover........................ 6-16
To take out the stowed cover housing ................ 6-17
To install the cover housing ............................... 6-18
Convenient tie-down hooks (Outback)............. 6-18
Under-floor storage compartment .................... 6-19
Rear view camera .............................................. 6-19
How to use the rear view camera ....................... 6-21
Viewing range on the screen.............................. 6-21
Help line............................................................ 6-22
Interior equipment
Interior equipment/Interior light
Interior light
When leaving your vehicle, make
sure the light s are turned off to
avoid battery discharge.
& Dome light
1) ON
3) OFF
The dome light switch has the following
ON: The light remains on continuously.
OFF: The light remains off.
DOOR: The dome light illuminates auto-
matically when an y of the doo rs (for
Outback, including the rear gate) is
opened. Several seconds after all of the
doors (including the rear gate) are closed,
the dome light gradually turns off. For
details, refer to OFF delay timer F6-3.
& Map light
To turn on the map light, press the switch.
To turn it off, press the switch again.
! Door interlock switch
1) Door interlock switch
The door interlock switch has the following
OFF: The map lights do not illuminate
automatically in conjunction with a door
opening. But, the lights can be turned on
manually by pressing the map light
DOOR: The map lights illuminate auto-
matically when any of the doors (other
than the rear gate or trunk lid) is opened
even while the map light switches are in
the OFF position. Several seconds after
all of the doors (other than the rear gate or
trunk lid) are closed, the map lights
gradually turn off. For details, refer to
OFF delay timer F6-3.
& Cargo area light (Outback)
2) OFF
3) ON
The cargo area light switch has the
following positions.
DOOR: The light illuminates only when
the rear gate is opened. The light gradu-
ally turns off several seconds after the rear
gate is closed. For derails, refer to OFF
delay timer F6-3.
OFF: The light remains off.
ON: The light remains on continuously.
& OFF delay timer
The following lights have an automatic
illumination function.
. dome light
. map light
. cargo area light (Outback)
After being illuminated automatically,
these lights remain on for several seconds
and then gradually turn off under the
following conditions.
. after the ignition switch is turned to the
LOCK/OFF position
. after any doors or the rear gate
(Outback) is closed (dome light)
. after all doors are closed (map light)
. after the rear gate is closed (cargo area
. after the doors are unlocked using the
keyless access function (if equipped)
(dome light and map light)
. after the doors are unlocked using the
remote keyless entry system (dome light
and map light)
. when approaching with the access key
(if equipped) (dome light and map light)
While the lights are illuminated, if any of
the following operations is performed, the
lights turn off immediately.
. The ignition switch is turned from the
Interior equipment/Interior light
Interior equipment/Sun visors
LOCK/OFF position to the ACC or
ON position.
. All doors and the rear gate (Outback)
are locked using the keyless access
function (if equipped).
. All doors and the rear gate (Outback)
are locked using the remote keyless entry
The setting for the period of time in which
the lights remain on (OFF delay timer) can
be changed by a SUBARU dealer. Con-
tact your SUBARU dealer for details. Also,
the setting can be changed by operating
the multi information display. For details,
refer toInterior Light F3-41.
Sun visors
To block out glare, swing down the visors.
To use the sun visor at a side window,
swing it down and move it sideways.
With the sun visor positioned over the side
window, you can slide the sun visor
toward the rear to prevent glare through
the gap between the sun visor and center
pillar. To slide the sun visor, pull it toward
the rear of the vehicle. When you have
finished sliding it, push it toward the front
of the vehicle.
Do not slide the sun visor over the
windshield. The sli ded sun visor
woul d obstruct your view of the
rearview mirror.
& Vanity mirror with light
Keep the vanity mirror cover closed
while the car is being driven to avoid
being blinded by glare.
To use the vanity mirror, swing down the
sun visor and open the vanity mirror cover.
The lights beside the vanity mirror illumi-
nate when the mirror cover is opened.
Use of the vanity mirror light for a long
period of time while the engine is not
running can cause battery discharge.
Storage compartment
. Always keep the storage com-
partment closed while driving to
reduce the risk of injury in the
event of sudden stops or an
. Do not store spray cans, contain-
ers with flammable or corrosive
liquids or any other dangerous
items in t he storage compart-
Interior equipment/Storage compartment
Interior equipment/Storage compartment
& Glove box
1) Lock
2) Unlock
To open the glove box, pull the handle. To
close it, push the lid firmly upward.
To lock the glove box, insert the key and
turn it clockwise. To unlock the glove box,
insert the key and turn it counterclockwise.
For models with keyless access with
push-button start system, use the me-
chanical key to lock or unlock the glove
The mechanical key is directional. If the
key cannot be inserted, change the
direction that the grooved side is
facing and insert it again.
& Center console
The center console box provides a sto-
rage space.
1) Coin tray
2) Accessory tray
The lid located inside the center console
can b e used as a coin tr ay or an
accessory tray for small items.
1) Pen holder
2) Card holder
When the lid inside the center console is
removed, you can use the center console
as a pen holder or a card holder.
The top of the console can be used as an
& Overhead console
To open the console, push on the lid lightly
and it will automatically open.
. Before operating this vehicle,
ensure that the overhead console
is closed.
. When your vehicle is parked in
the sun or on a warm day, the
inside of the overhead console
heats up. Avoid storing plastic or
other heat-vulnerable or flam-
mable articles such as a lighter
in the overhead console.
& Pocket
. Do not use the pocket as an
ashtray or leave a lighted cigar-
ette in the pocket. This could
cause a fire.
. When your vehicle is parked in
the sun or on a warm day, the
inside of the pocket heats up.
Avoid storing plastic or other
heat-vulnerable or flammable ar-
ticles such as a lighter in the
To use the pocket, push on the lid lightly
and it will automatically open.
Cup holder
. Take care to avoid spills. Bev-
erages, if hot, might burn you
and/or your passengers. Spilled
beverages may also damage up-
holstery or carpets.
. Take care not to spill a beverage
on the shift lever/select lever or
any switch(es) in the adjacent
area. If the beverage is spilled, it
may cause a malfunction of the
shift lever/select lever and/or
Interior equipment/Cup holder
Interior equipment/Cup holder
& Front passengers cup holder
The dual cup holder is built into the center
! Bottle stopper (CVT models)
The bottle stopper is equipped to stabilize
a small cup, bottle or can. Remove it if it is
not being used.
. Do not put a large size cup, bottle
or can against the bottle stopper.
Otherwise, the beverage could
spill while driving and, if the
beverage is hot, it could burn
you and/or your passengers.
. Do not pick up a cup from the cup
holder or put a cup in the holder
while you are driving, as this may
distract you and lead to a n
& Rear passengers cup holder
A dual cup holder is built into the armrest.
When a cup containing a beverage
is in the cup holder, do not fold
down or recline any seat. Otherwise,
the beverage could spill while driv-
ing and, if the beverage is hot, it
could burn you and/or your passen-
Bottle holders
. Do not pick up a bottle from the
bottle holder or put a bottle in the
holder while you are driving, as
this may distract you and lead to
an accident.
. When placing a beverage in a
bottle holder, make sure it is
capped. Otherwise, the beverage
could spill when opening/closing
the door or while driving and, if
the beverage is hot, it could burn
you and/or your passengers.
The bottle holder equipped on each door
trim can be used to hold beverage bottles
and other items.
Accessory power outlets
Power outlet below the climate control
Power ou tlet in the center console (if
Interior equipment/Bottle holders
Interior equipment/Accessory power outlets
Power outlet in the cargo area (Outback)
Accessory power outlets are provided
below the climate control, in the center
console and in the cargo area. Electrical
power (12V DC) from the battery is
available at any of the outlets when the
ignition switch is in either the ACC or
ON position.
appliance by connecting it to an outlet.
The maximum power rating of an appli-
ance that can be connected is 120W.Do
not use an appliance which exceeds the
indicated wattage for each outlet.
When using appliances connected to two
or more outlets simultaneously, the total
power consumed by them must not
exceed 120W.
. Do not attempt to use a cigarette
lighter in the accessory power
. Do not place any foreign objects,
especially metal ones such as
coins or aluminum foil, into the
accessory power outlet. That
could cause a short circuit. Al-
ways put the cap on the acces-
sory power outlet when it is not
in use.
. Use only electrical appliances
which are designed for 12V DC.
The maximum power rating of an
appliance that can be connected
is 120W. Do not use an appliance
which exceeds the indicated wat-
tage for each outlet.
When using appliances con-
nected to two or more outlets
simultaneously, the total power
consumed by them must not
exceed 120 W. Overloading the
accessory power outlet can
cause a short circuit. Do not use
double adapters or more than
one electrical appliance.
. If the plug on your electric appli-
ance is either too loose or too
tight for the accessory power
outlet, this can result in a poor
contact or cause the plug to get
stuck. Only use plug s that fi t
. Use of an electric appliance in the
accessory power outlet for a long
period of time while the engine is
not running can cause battery
. Before driving your vehicle, make
sure that the plug and the cord
on your electrical appliance will
not interfere with your shifting
gears and operating the accel-
erator and brake pedals. If they
do, do not use the electrical
appliance while driving.
Upper compartment
Lower compartment
When the lid of the center console is
closed, a g ap remains be tween the
center console and the lid to allow the
power outlet in the center console to be
used. Pass the cord of the electrical
appliance through this gap.
Ashtray (if equipped)
. Do not use ashtrays as waste
receptacles or leave a lighted
cigarette in an ashtray. This
could cause a fire.
. Always extinguish matches and
cigarettes before putting them
into the ashtray, and then close
the ashtray securely. If you keep
the ashtray open, the fire of the
cigarette may spread to another
cigarette butt and start a fire.
. Do not put flammable material in
the ashtray.
. Do not leave a lot of cigarette
butts in the ashtray.
Interior equipment/Ashtray
Interior equipment/Coat hook
The portable ashtray can be installed in
each cup holder. For the locations of the
cup holders, refer to Cup holder F6-7.
When using the ashtray, open the lid of the
ashtray. When removing the ashtray from
a cup holder, pull the ashtray upwards.
Fully close the lid after using the ashtray to
help reduce residual smoke.
Particles of ash and tobacco will accu-
mulate around the hinges of the ash-
trays inner lid. Clean them off using a
toothbrush or another narrow-ended
Coat hook
Do not place hangers or other hard
objects on the coat hooks. If such
items were hanging on the coat
hooks during deployment of the
SRS curtain airbags, they could
cause serious injuries by coming
off the coat hooks and being thrown
through the cabin or by preventing
correct airbag deployment. Before
hanging clothing on the coat hooks,
make sure there are no pointed
objects in the pockets. Hang cloth-
ing directly on the coat hooks with-
out using hangers.
Never hang anything on the coat
hook that might obstruct the drivers
view or that could cause injury in
sudden stops or in a collision. And
do not hang items on the coat hook
that weigh 11 lbs (5 kg) or more.
The coat hook is attached to each rear
passengers hand grip.
Shopping bag hook
Do not hang items on the shopping
bag hook that weigh 11 lbs (5 kg) or
& Legacy
A shopping bag hook is attached to each
inner side wall of the trunk near the trunk
lid opening.
& Outback
A shopping bag hook is attached to each
side of the cargo area.
To use the hook, push the upper portion
and the shopping bag hook will appear.
Store the hook after using it.
Interior equipment/Shopping bag hook
Interior equipment/Convenient grip (Outback)
Convenient grip (Outback)
. Do not hang items on the con-
venient grip that weigh 6 lbs (3
kg) or more. Depending on the
conditions of use (for example, in
low temperatures, etc.), the rear
gate may lower even with lighter
loads. However, this is not a
malfunction. Be careful not to
hit your head or other body parts.
. When using the convenient grip,
do not try to close the rear gate.
Doing so may cause the item on
the grip to be jammed in the rear
gate and damaged. Remove the
item from the grip before closing
the rear gate.
A convenient grip is attached to the rear
gate trim. When the rear gate is open, you
can hang a candle lantern, wet suit, etc.
on the grip.
Floor mat
If the floor mat slips forward and
interferes with the movement of the
pedals during driving, it could cause
an accident. Observe the following
precautions to prevent the floor mat
from slipping forward.
. Be sure to use a genuine
SUBARU floor mat designed with
grommets in the correct loca-
. Make sure that the drivers floor
mat is placed back in its proper
location and is correctly secured
on its retaining pins.
. Do not use more than one floor
Retaining pins are located on the drivers
side floor.
The floor mat should be properly secured
using the built-in grommets, by placing the
grommets over the pins and pushing them
Cargo area cover
(Outback if equipped)
The cargo area cove r is provided for
covering the cargo area and to protect its
contents from direct sunlight. This cover is
detachable to make room for additional
& Using the cover
To extend the cover, pull the end of the
cover out of the housing, then insert its
hooks into the ca tches as shown. To
rewind it, unhook it from the catches and
it will rewind automatically. You should
hold on to the cover and guide it back into
the cover housing while it is rewinding.
Do not place anything on the ex-
tended cover. Putting excessive
weight on the extended cover can
break it and an object on the cover
could tumble forward in the event of
a sudden stop or collision. This
could cause serious injury.
. Be careful not to scratch the rear
gate stays while extending and
rewinding the cover. Scratches
on the stays could cause leakage
of gas from the stays, which may
result in their inability to hold the
rear gate open.
. When reclining the rear seatback,
move the front cover backward
so that the cover is not damaged.
& To install the front cover
When reclining the rear seatback,
move the front cover backward so
that the cover is not damaged.
Interior equipment/Cargo area cover (Outback if equipped)
Interior equipment/Cargo area cover (Outback if equipped)
1. Align the right side of the front cover
with the triangle mark before fixing the
cover in place.
2. Push the front cover to the right side
and shorten the bar.
3. Align the left side of the front cover
with the triangle mark before fixing the
cover in place.
& To remove the front cover
1. Push the front cover to the right side
and shorten the bar.
2. Remove the front cover.
& To remove the cover housing
1. Rewind the cover.
2. Hold down the button on the right-
hand rear quarter panel and lift up the
right-hand cover housing.
3. Remove the cover housing.
& Stowage of the cargo area
The cargo area cover can be stowed in
under the cargo floor.
1. To open the lid, pull the handle up.
2. To keep the lid open, hang the hook
(provided on the back of the lid) on the
rear edge of the roof.
3. Remove the left and right parts of the
cargo floor lid.
4. Turn the cover housing 180 degrees
toward the front.
5. Insert the left end of the cover housing
into the retainer.
6. Stow the cover housing in the cargo
area end.
& To take out the stowed cover
1. Raise the ri ght side of the cover
2. Take out the cover housing by pulling it
toward you.
Interior equipment/Cargo area cover (Outback if equipped)
Interior equipment/Convenient tiedown hooks (Outback)
& To install the cover housing
1. Insert both ends of the cover housing
into the retainers.
2. Make sure to fix the front part of the
cargo area cover behind the rear seat.
Convenient tie-down hooks
The convenient tie-down hooks are
designed only for securing l ight
cargo. Never try to secure cargo
that exce eds the capacity of th e
hooks. The maximum load capacity
is 110 lbs (50 kg) per hook.
The cargo area is equipped with four tie-
down hooks so that cargo can be secured
with a luggage net or ropes.
When using the tie-down hooks, turn them
down out of the storing recesses. When
not in use, put the hooks up into the
storing recesses.
Under-floor storage compart-
The subfloor storage compartment is
located under the floor of the trunk or
cargo area and can be used to store small
items. To open the lid, pull the tab or
handle up.
When storing a flat tire, put the sub-
floor storage in the trunk or cargo area.
. Always keep the lid of the sub-
floor storage compartment
closed while driving to reduce
the risk of injury in the event of
sudden stop or an accident.
. Do not store spray cans, contain-
ers with flammable or corrosive
liquids or any other dangerous
items in the subfloor storage
For Outback, hang the hook provided on
the underside of the lid on the rear edge of
the roof to keep the lid open.
Rear view camera
Interior equipment/Underfloor storage compartment
Interior equipment/Rear view camera
A rear view camera is attached to the
trunk lid (Legacy) or rear gate (Outback).
When the ignition switch is ON and the
shift lever (MT models) or select lever
(CVT models) is set to R, the rear view
camera automatically displays the rear
view image behind the vehicle on the
audio/navigation monitor.
. Since the rear view camera uses
a wide-angle lens, the image on
the monitor is different from the
actual view in terms of distance.
. Since the range of the image on
the monitor is limited, you should
always check the rear view and
the surrounding area with your
eyes and mirrors, and move
backward at a slow speed. Mov-
ing backward only by checking
the rear view image from the
camera could cause an accident.
. Do not disassemble or modify the
camera, switch or wiring. If
smoke comes out or you smell
a strange odor, stop using the
rear view camera immediately.
Contact your S UBARU deale r
for an inspection. Continued use
may result in accident, fire or
electric shock.
. If your vehicle is washed with a
high-pressure washer, do not
allow water to contact the camera
directly. Entry of water in the
camera lens may result in con-
densation, malfunction, fire or
electric shock.
. Since the camera is a precision
device, do not subject it to strong
impacts. Otherwise, malfunction,
fire or electric shock may occur.
. If mud or snow sticks to or is
frozen on the camera, you must
be very careful removing it .
Otherwise, damage done to the
camera may cause a fire or
electric shock. Pour water or
lukewarm water over the camera
to remove mud and ice, and wipe
it with a soft, dry cloth.
. Do not put a flame close to the
camera or wiring. Otherwise, da-
mage or fire may occur.
. When replacing the fuse, be sure
to use a fuse with the specified
rating. Use of a fuse wit h a
different rating may result in a
. If the rear view camera is used for
a long time while the engine is
not operated, the battery may
become completely discharged.
. Do not wipe the camera with alcohol,
benzine or paint thinner. Otherwise,
discoloration may occur. To remove
contamination, wipe the camera with a
cloth moistened with a diluted neutral
detergent and then wipe it with a soft,
dry cloth.
. When waxing the vehicle, be careful
not to apply the wax to the camera. If it
comes in contact with the camera,
moisten a clean cloth with a diluted
neutral detergent to remove the wax.
. The camera lens has hard coating to
help prevent scratches. However, when
washing the vehicle or cleaning the
camera lens, be careful not to scratch
the camera lens. Do not use a washing
brush directly on the camera lens. The
monitor screen may be adversely af-
. Strong light shined on the camera
lens may develop white light stripes
around the light source. This is not a
. Under fluorescent lighting, the dis-
play may flicker. However, this is not a
. The image of the rear view camera
may be slightly different from the
actual color of the objects.
& How to use the rear view
When performing the following procedure,
the rear view camera automatically dis-
plays the rear view image from the
1. Set the ignition switch to ON.
2. Set the shift lever or select lever to R.
When any of the following conditions
occur, the image before setting to R will
be displayed.
. Several seconds have passed since
the shift lever is set to a position other than
R (MT models) (off delay function).
. Several seconds have passed since
the select lever is set to a position other
than P or R (CVT models) (off delay
. The vehicle speed is more than 5 mph
(8 km/h).
. The select lever is set to P (CVT
. For models with the genuine
SUBARU navigation system, the image
of the rear view camera has priority
over other screen displays. To operate
other screens, set the shift lever (MT
models) or select lever (CVT models) to
a position other than R.
. The image of the rear view camera is
horizontally reversed as is the case
with the vehicle rear view mirror or the
side view mirror.
. It may be difficult to see the image of
the rear view camera in the following
cases. This is not a malfunction of the
The vehicle is in a dark place (at
night, in a tunnel, etc.).
The vehicle is in an extremely hot
or cold place.
An object (such as raindrops,
snow, dirt, etc.) that disturbs the
view of the rear view camera sticks
to the lens of the camera.
Strong light shined directly on
the camera lens (occasionally, there
are vertical lines on the screen).
& Viewing range on the screen
Range of view
Range of view
Interior equipment/Rear view camera
Interior equipment/Rear view camera
Image from camera
The area from the rear end of the bumper
can be viewed. Areas at both ends of the
bumper and areas just under the bumper
cannot be viewed.
Also, the image from the rear view camera
looks shorter than the actual distance.
The range that can be viewed with
the rear view camera is limited.
Always be sure to check with your
eyes when moving backward and
proceed slowly.
Range of view
Image from camera
The area above the camera cannot be
viewed. If there is an object that has a
wide projection on its upper part such as a
sign pole behind the vehicle, the projec-
tion cannot be seen on the screen.
The range that can be viewed with
the rear view camera is limited.
Always be sure to check with your
eyes when moving backward and
proceed slowly.
& Help line
The help line (distance marker and vehicle
width line) is a guide to help you realize
the actual distance from the screen.
If you shift to the R range shortly
after turning on the ignition switch, the
help line and warning message may
not be d isplayed. Wait for several
seconds or more after turning on the
ignition switch before shifting to the
R range. Then help line and warning
message will be displayed.
Help lines
1) Vehicle width line (oblique vertical line)
2) Approx. 10 feet (3 m) from the bumper
(green horizontal line)
3) Approx. 6.5 feet (2 m) from the bumper
(green horizontal line)
4) Approx. 3 feet (1 m) from the bumper
(yellow horizontal line)
5) Approx. 1.5 feet (0.5 m) from the bumper
(red horizontal line)
6) Vehicle centerline
When the shift lever or select lever is set
to position R, the monitor screen dis-
plays the help lines together with the rear
view image.
. When moving backward, always
check the back with your eyes
without relying on the help lines.
. The actual position may be dif-
ferent from the indication of the
help lines.
. Differences may occur due to
number of passengers or loaded
. When the vehicle is on a slope or
when the vehicle is inclined
against the road, the indication
is different from the actual posi-
. Be sure to observe the displayed
warning message of Check Sur-
roundings Before Backing Up.
! Difference between screen and ac-
tual road
The distance markers show the distance
for a level road when the vehicle is not
loaded. It may be different from the actual
distance depending on the loading condi-
tions or road conditions.
! When there is an upward slope at
the back
1) 3 feet (1 m)
The distance on the screen looks farther
than the actual distance.
Interior equipment/Rear view camera
Interior equipment/Rear view camera
! When there is a downward slope
at the back
1) 3 feet (1 m)
The distance on the screen looks nearer
than the actual distance.
When cargo is loaded, the rear view
distance on the screen looks farther
than the actual distance as in an
upward slope.
! Feature of distance marker
1) 3 feet (1 m) line
2) 6.5 feet (2 m) line
3) 10 feet (3 m) line
The distance marker shows the distance
on the road. If there is a car or other object
close behind, distance cannot be correctly
Fuel ...................................................................... 7-3
Fuel requirements ............................................... 7-3
Fuel filler lid and cap........................................... 7-4
State emission testing (U.S. only)...................... 7-7
Preparing to drive ............................................... 7-8
Starting and stopping the engine (models
without push-button ignition switch) .............. 7-9
Starting engine.................................................... 7-9
Stopping the engine ........................................... 7-11
Steering lock (models without keyless access
with push-button start system) ........................ 7-11
Starting and stopping engine (models with
push-button start system) .............................. 7-12
Safety precautions ............................................. 7-12
Operating range for push-button start
system............................................................. 7-12
Starting engine................................................... 7-12
Stopping engine ................................................. 7-14
When access key does not operate properly ....... 7-14
Steering lock (models with keyless access with
push-button start system) ............................... 7-14
Remote engine start system (dealer
option).............................................................. 7-15
Models with keyless access with push-button
start system ................................................... 7-16
Models without keyless access with push-button
start system ................................................... 7-17
Entering the vehicle while it is running via remote
start................................................................. 7-20
Entering the vehicle following remote engine start
shutdown......................................................... 7-20
Pre-heating or pre-cooling the interior of the
vehicle ............................................................ 7-20
Service mode (models without keyless access
with push-button start system) ....................... 7-20
Remote transmitter program (models without
keyless access with push-button start
system).......................................................... 7-20
System maintenance.......................................... 7-21
Manual transmission ......................................... 7-23
Selecting reverse gear ....................................... 7-23
Shifting speeds.................................................. 7-23
Driving tips........................................................ 7-24
Continuously variable transmission ................. 7-25
Select lever ....................................................... 7-26
Shift lock function ............................................. 7-27
Selection of manual mode.................................. 7-29
Driving tips........................................................ 7-30
Power steering................................................... 7-31
Braking ............................................................... 7-32
Braking tips....................................................... 7-32
Brake system .................................................... 7-32
Disc brake pad wear warning indicators ............. 7-33
ABS (Ant i-lock Brake System).......................... 7-33
ABS self-check .................................................. 7-33
ABS warning light.............................................. 7-33
Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD)
system ............................................................. 7-34
Steps to take if EBD system malfunctions .......... 7-34
Vehicle Dynamics Control system.................... 7-35
Vehicle Dynamics Control system monitor.......... 7-36
Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF switch ................ 7-37
Starting and operating
Starting and operating
X-mode (Outback CVT models)......................... 7-38
To activate/deactivate the X-mode....................... 7-39
Hill descent control function............................... 7-39
Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) (if
equipped) ......................................................... 7-40
Parking your vehicle .......................................... 7-42
Electronic parking brake..................................... 7-42
Parking tips ....................................................... 7-46
Hill start assist system (MT models) ................ 7-47
To activate/deactivate the Hill start assist
system............................................................. 7-48
Cruise control..................................................... 7-49
To set cruise control .......................................... 7-49
To temporarily cancel the cruise control ............. 7-50
To turn off the cruise control .............................. 7-51
To change the cruising speed ............................ 7-51
Cruise control indicator ..................................... 7-52
Cruise control set indicator................................ 7-52
Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD) (if
equipped) ........................................................ 7-52
System features................................................. 7-53
System operation............................................... 7-54
SRVD approach indicator light/warning
buzzer ............................................................. 7-55
SRVD warning indicator ..................................... 7-57
SRVD OFF switch .............................................. 7-58
Certification for the Subaru Rear Vehicle
Detection (SRVD) ............................................. 7-59
Handling of radar sensors.................................. 7-59
Use of a fuel which is low in quality
or use of an inappropriate fuel
additive may cause engine damage.
& Fuel requirements
The engine is designed to operate using
unleaded gasoline with an octane rating
of 87 AKI (90 RON) or higher.
! Fuel octane rating
This octane rating is the average of the
Research Octane a nd Motor Octane
numbers and is commonly referred to as
the Anti Knock Index (AKI).
Using a gasoline with a lower octane
rating can cause persistent and heavy
knocking, which can damage the engine.
Do not be concerned if your vehicle
sometimes knocks lightly when you drive
up a hill or when you accelerate. See your
dealer or a qualified service technician if
you use a fuel with the specified octane
rating and your vehicle knocks heavily or
! Unleaded gasoline
The neck of the fuel filler pipe is designed
to accept only an unleaded gasoline filler
nozzle. Under no circumstances should
leaded gasoline be used because it will
damage the emission control system and
may impair driveability and fuel economy.
! California fuel
If your vehicle was certified to California
Emission Standards as indicated on the
underhood tune-up label, it is designed to
optimize engine and emission control
system performance with gasoline that
meets the clean burning low-sulfur Cali-
fornia gasoline specifications. If you live in
any other state than California, your
vehicle will operate on gasoline meeting
Federal specifications. Gasoline sold out-
side California is permitted to have higher
sulfur levels, which may affect the perfor-
mance of your vehicles catalytic converter
and may produce a sulfur exhaust odor or
smell. SUBARU recommends that you try
a different brand of unleaded gasoline
having lower sulfur to determine if the
problem is fuel related before returning
your vehicle to an authorized dealer for
service. The CHECK ENGINE warning
light/malfunction indicator light may also
turn on. If this occurs, return to your
authorized SUBARU dealer for diagnosis.
If it is determined that the condition is
caused by the type of fuel used, repairs
may not be covered by your warranty.
Some gasoline contains an octane-en-
hancing additive called MMT (Methylcy-
clopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl). If
you use such fuels, your emission control
system performance may deteriorate and
the CHECK ENGINE warning light/mal-
function indicator light may turn on. If this
happens, return to your authorized
SUBARU Dealer for service. If it is
determined that the condition is caused
by the type of fuel used, repairs may not
be covered by your warranty.
! Gasoline for cleaner air
Do not let fuel spill on the exterior
surfaces of the vehicle. Fuels con-
taining alcohol may cause paint
damage, which is not covered under
the SUBARU Limited Warranty.
Yo ur use of ga soline with detergent
additives will help prevent deposits from
forming in your engine and fuel system.
This helps keep your engine in tune and
your emission control system working
properly, and is a way of doing your part
for cleaner air. If you continuously use a
Starting and operating/Fuel
Starting and operating/Fuel
high quality fuel with the proper detergent
and other additives, you should never
need to add any fuel system cleaning
agents to your fuel tank.
Many gasolines are now blended with
materials called oxygenates. Use of these
fuels can also help keep the air cleaner.
Oxygenated blend fuels, such as MTBE
(Methyl Tertiary Butyl ether) or ethanol
(ethyl or grain alcohol) may be used in
your vehicle, but should contain no more
than 15% MTBE or 10% ethanol for the
proper operation of your SUBARU.
Do not use any gasoline that contains
more than 10% ethanol, including from
any pump labeled E15, E30, E50 or E85
(which are only some examples of fuel
containing more than 10% ethanol).
In addition, some gasoline suppliers are
now producing reformulated gaso lines,
which are designed to reduce vehicle
emissions. SUBARU approves the use of
reformulated gasoline.
If you are not sure what the fuel contains,
you should ask your service station
operators if their gasolines contain deter-
gents and oxygenates and if they have
been reformulated to reduce vehicle emis-
As additional guidance, only use fuels
suited for your vehicle as explained in the
. Fuel should be unleaded and have an
octane rating no lower than that specified
in this manual.
. Methanol (methyl or wood alcohol) is
sometimes mixed with unleaded gasoline.
Methanol can be used in your vehicle
ONLY if it does not exceed 5% of the fuel
mixture AND if it is accompanied by
sufficient quantities of the proper cosol-
vents and corrosion inhibitors required to
prevent damage to the fuel system. Do not
use fuel containing methanol EXCEPT
under these conditions.
. If undesirable driveability problems are
experienced and you suspect they may be
fuel related, try a different brand of gaso-
line b efore seeking service at your
SUBARU dealer.
. Fuel system dama ge or driveability
problems which result from the use of
improper fuel are not covered under the
SUBARU Limited Warranty.
& Fuel filler lid and cap
! Refueling
Only one person should be involved in
refueling. Do not allow others to approach
the area of the vehicle near the fuel filler
pipe while refueling is in progress.
Be sure to observe any other precautions
that are posted at the service station.
1. Stop the vehicle and turn off the
2. To open the fuel filler lid, pull the lid
release lever up. The lever is on the floor
at the left of the drivers seat.
1) Legacy
2) Outback
3. Open the fuel filler lid.
Before opening the fuel filler cap,
first touch the vehicle body or a
metal portion of the fuel pump or
similar o bject to discharge any
static electricity that may be present
on your body. If your body is carry-
ing an electrostatic charge, there is
a possibility that an electric spark
could ignite the fuel, which could
burn you. To avoid acquiring a new
static electric charge, do not get
back into the vehicle while refueling
is in progress.
1) Open
2) Close
4. Remove the fuel filler cap by turning it
slowly counterclockwise.
. Gasoline vapor is highly flam-
mable. Before refueling, always
first stop the engine and close all
vehicle doors and windows.
Make sure that there are no
lighted cigarettes, open flames
or electrical sparks in the adja-
cent area. Refueling must be
performed outside. Quickly wipe
up any spilled fuel.
. When opening the cap, grasp it
firmly and turn it slowly to the
left. Do n ot remove the cap
quickly. Fuel may be under pres-
sure and spray out of the fuel
filler neck, especially in hot
weather. If you hear a hissing
sound while you are removing
the cap, wait for the sound to
stop and then slowly open the
cap to prevent fuel from spraying
out and creating a fire hazard.
5. Set the fuel filler cap on the cap holder
inside the fuel filler lid.
. When refueling, insert the fuel
nozzle securely into the fuel filler
pipe. If the nozzle is lifted or not
fully inserted, its automatic stop-
Starting and operating/Fuel
Starting and operating/Fuel
ping mechanism may not func-
tion, causing fuel to overflow the
tank and creating a fire hazard.
. Stop refueling when the auto-
matic stop mechanism on the
fuel nozzle activates. If you con-
tinue to add fuel, temperature
changes or other conditions
may cause fuel to overflow from
the tank and create a fire hazard.
6. Stop filling the tank after the fuel filler
pump automatically stops. Do not add any
more fuel.
7. Put the cap back on, turn it clockwise
until you hear a clicking noise. Be certain
not to catch the tether under the cap while
Make sure that the cap is tightened
until it clicks to prevent fuel spillage
in the event of an accident.
8. Close the fuel filler lid completely.
If you spill any fuel on the painted
surface, rinse it off immediately.
Otherwise, the painted surface
could be damaged.
. You will see the sign in the fuel
gauge. This indicates that the fuel filler
door (lid) is located on the right side of
the vehicle.
. If the fuel filler cap is not tightened
until it clicks or if the tether is caught
under the cap, the CHECK ENGINE
warning li ght/malfunction indicator
light may illuminate. Refer to CHECK
ENGINE warning light/Malfunction in-
dicator light F3-15.
. Never add any cleaning agents to
the fuel tank. The addition of a
cleaning agent may cause da-
mage to the fuel system.
. After refueling, turn the cap to the
right until it clicks to ensure that
it is fully tightened. If the cap is
not securely tightened, fuel may
leak out while the vehicle is being
driven or fuel spillage could
occur in the event of an accident,
creating a fire hazard.
. Do not let fuel spill on the exterior
surfaces of the vehicle. Because
fuel may damage the paint, be
sure to wipe off any spilled fuel
quickly. Paint damage caused by
spilled fuel is not covered under
the SUBARU Limited Warranty.
. Always use a genuine SUBARU
fuel filler cap. If you use the
wrong cap, it may not fit, and
your fuel tank and emission con-
trol system may be damaged. It
could also lead to fuel spillage
and a fire.
. Immediately put fuel in the tank
whenever the low fuel warning
light illuminates. Engine misfires
as a result of an empty tank
could cause damage to the en-
State emission testing (U.S.
Testing of an All-Wheel Drive model
must NEVER be performed on a
single two-wheel dynamometer. At-
tempting to do so will result in
uncontrolled vehicle movement and
may cause an accident or injuries to
persons nearby.
. At state inspection time, remem-
ber to tell your inspection or
service station in advance not to
place your SUBARU AWD vehicle
on a two-wheel dynamometer.
Otherwise, serious transmission
damage will result.
. Resultant vehicle damage due to
improper testing is not covered
under the SUBARU Limited War-
ranty and is the responsibility of
the state inspection program or
its contractors or licensees.
California and a number of federal states
have Inspection/Maintenance programs to
inspect your vehicles emission control
system. If your vehicle does not pass this
test, some states may deny renewal of
your vehicles registration.
Your vehicle is equipped with a computer
that monitors the performance of the
engines emission control system. Certi-
fied emission inspectors will inspect the
On-Board Diagnostic (OBDII) system as
part of the state emission inspection
process. The OBDII system is designed
to detect engine and transmission pro-
blems that might cause the vehicle emis-
sions to exceed allowable limits. OBDII
inspections apply to all 1996 model year
and newer passenger cars and trucks.
Over 30 states plus the District of Colum-
bia have implemented emission inspec-
tion of the OBDII system.
. The inspection of the OBDII system
consists of a visual operational check of
the CHECK ENGINE warning light/mal-
function indicator light (MIL) and an
examination of the OBDII system with an
electronic scan tool.
. A vehicle
passes the OBDII system
inspection if proper operation of the
CHECK ENGINE warning light is ob-
served, there are no stored diagnostic
trouble codes, and the OBDII readiness
monitors are all complete.
Starting and operating/State emission testing (U.S. only)
Starting and operating/Preparing to drive
. A vehicle fails the OBDII inspection if
the CHECK ENGINE warning light is not
properly operating (light is illuminated or is
not working due to a burned out bulb) or
there is one or more diagnostic trouble
codes stored in the vehicles computer.
. A state emission inspection may reject
(not pass or fail) a vehicle if the number of
OBDII system readiness monitors NOT
READY is greater than on e. If the
vehicles battery has been recently re-
placed or disconnected, the OBDII system
inspection may indicate that the vehicle is
not ready for the emission test. Under this
condition, the vehicle driver should be
instructed to drive his/her vehicle for a few
days to reset the readiness monitors and
return for an emission re-inspection.
. Owners of rejected or failing vehicles
should contact their SUBARU Dealer for
Some states still use dynamometers in
their emission inspection p rogram. A
dynamometer is a treadmill or roller-like
testing device that allows your vehicles
wheels to turn while the vehicle remains in
one place. Prior to your vehicle being put
on a dynamometer, tell your emission
not to place your SUBARU
AWD vehicle on a two-wheel dynam-
ometer. Otherwise, serious transmis-
sion damage will result.
The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and states using two-wheel
dynamometers in their emission testing
program have EXEMP TED SUBARU
AWD vehicles from the portion of the
testing program that involves a two-wheel
dynamometer. There are some states that
use four-wheel dynamometers in their
testing program. When properly used, this
equipment should not damage a SUBARU
AWD vehicle.
Under no circumstances should the rear
wheels be jacked off the ground, nor
should the driveshaft be disconnected for
state emission testing.
Preparing to drive
You should perform the following checks
and adjustments every day before you
start driving.
1. Check that all windows, mirrors, and
lights are clean and unobstructed.
2. Check the appearance and condition
of the tires. Also check tires for proper
3. Look under the vehicle for any sign of
4. Check that the hood, trunk (Legacy)
and rear gate (Outback) are fully closed.
5. Check the adjustment of the seat.
6. Check the adjustment of the inside
and outside mirrors.
7. Fasten your seatbelt. Check that your
passengers have fastened their seatbelts.
8. Check the operation of the warning
and indicator lights when the ignition
switch is turned to the ON position.
9. Check the gauges, indicator and warn-
ing lights after starting the engine.
10. Check that no small animals enter the
engine compartment.
Trapping small animals in the cool-
ing fan and belts of the engine may
result in a malfunction. Check that
no small animal enters the engine
compartment and under the vehicle
before starting the engine.
Engine oil, engine coolant, brake fluid,
washer fluid and other fluid levels
should be checked daily, weekly or at
fuel stops.
Starting and stopping the
engine (models without
push-button ignition switch)
& Starting engine
Do not operate the starter motor
continuously for more than 10 sec-
onds. If the engine fails to start after
operating the st arter for 5 to 10
seconds, wait for 10 seconds or
more before trying again.
! General precautions when starting
. Never start the engine from out-
side the vehicle (except when
using the remote engine start
system). It may result in an
. Do not leave the engine running
in locations with poor ventilation,
such as a garage and indoors.
The exhaust gas may enter the
vehicle or indoors, and it may
result in carbon monoxide poi-
. Do not start the engine near dry
foliage, paper, or other flam-
mable substances. The exhaust
pipe and exhaust emissions can
create a f ire hazard at high
. If the engine is stopped during
driving, the catalyst may over-
heat and burn.
. When starting the engine, be sure
to sit in the drivers seat (except
when using the remote engine
start system).
. Avoid rapid racing and rapid accel-
eration immediately after the engine
has started.
. For a short time after the engine has
started, the engine speed is kept high.
When the warm-up is completed, the
engine speed lowers automatically.
. On rare occasions, it may be difficult
to start the engine depending on the
fuel and the usage condition (repeated
driving of a distance in which t he
Starting and operating/Starting and stopping the engine (models without pushbutton ignition switch)
Starting and operating/Starting and stopping the engine (models without pushbutton ignition switch)
engine has not warmed up sufficiently).
In such a case, it is recommended that
you change to a different brand of fuel.
. On rare occasions, transient knock-
ing may be heard from the engine when
the accelerator is operated rapidly
such as a rapid start-up and a rapid
acceleration. This is not a malfunction.
. The engine starts more easily when
the headlights, air conditioner and rear
window defogger are turned off.
. After the engine starts, the engine
speed will be kept high until the engine
has warmed up sufficiently.
! MT models
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Turn off unnecessary lights and ac-
3. Depress the clutch pedal to the floor
and shift the shift lever into neutral. Hold
the clutch pedal to the floor while starting
the engine. The starter motor will only
operate when the clutch pedal is de-
pressed fully to the floor.
4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
position and check the operation of the
warning and indicator lights. Refer to
Warning and indicator lights F3-12.
5. Turn the ignition switch to the START
position without depressing the accelera-
tor pedal. Release the key immediately
after the engine has started.
If the engine does not start, perform the
following procedure.
(1) Turn the ignition switch to the
LOCK position and wait for at least
10 seconds. After checking that the
parking brake is applied, turn the
ignition switch to the START position
while depressing the accelerator pedal
slightly (approximately a quarter of the
full stroke). Release the accelerator
pedal as soon as the engine starts.
(2) If this fails to start the engine, turn
the ignition switch back to the LOCK
position and w ait f or at leas t 10
seconds. Then fully depress the accel-
erator pedal and turn the ignition
switch to the START position. If the
engine sta rts, qui ckly re lease t he
accelerator pedal.
(3) If this does not start the engine,
turn the ignition switch again to the
LOCK position. After waiting for 10
seconds or longer, turn the ignition
switch to the START position without
depressing the accelerator pedal.
(4) If the engine still refuses to start,
contact your nearest SUBARU dealer
for assistance.
6. Confirm that all warning and indicator
lights have turned off after the engine has
started. The fuel injection system auto-
matically lowers the idle speed as the
engine warms up.
! CVT models
If you restart the engine while the
vehicle is moving, shift the select
lever into the N position. Do not
attempt to place the select lever of a
moving vehicle into the P posi-
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Turn off unnecessary lights and ac-
3. Shift the select lever to the P or N
position (preferably P posi tion). The
starter will only operate when the select
lever is at the P or N position.
4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
position and check the operation of the
warning and indicator lights. Refer to
Warning and indicator lights F3-12.
5. Turn the ignition switch to the START
position without depressing the accelera-
tor pedal. Release the key immediately
after the engine has started.
If the engine does not start, perform the
following procedure.
(1) Turn the ignition switch to the
LOCK position and wait for at least
10 seconds. After checking that the
parking brake is applied, turn the
ignition switch to the START position
while depressing the accelerator pedal
slightly (approximately a quarter of the
full stroke). Release the accelerator
pedal as soon as the engine starts.
(2) If this fails to start the engine, turn
the ignition switch back to the LOCK
position and wait for at least 10
seconds. Then fully depress the accel-
erator peda l and turn the igni tion
switch to the START position. If the
engine s tarts, qu ickly r elease the
accelerator pedal.
(3) If this fails to start the engine, turn
the ignition switch again to the LOCK
position. After waiting for 10 seconds
or longer, turn the ignition switch to the
START position without depressing
the accelerator pedal.
(4) If the engine still refuses to start,
contact your nearest SUBARU dealer
for assistance.
6. Confirm that all warning and indicator
lights have turned off after the engine has
started. The fuel injection system auto-
matically lowers the idle speed as the
engine warms up.
While the engine is warming up, make
sure that the select lever is at the P or
N position and that the parking brake is
& Stopping the engine
Do not stop the engine when the
vehicle is moving. This will cause
loss of power to the power steering
and the brake booster, making steer-
ing and braking more difficult. It
could also result in accidental acti-
vation of the LOCK position on the
ignition switch, causing the steering
wheel to lock.
The ignition switch should be turned off
only when the vehicle is stopped and the
engine is idling.
& Steering lock (models with-
out keyless access with
push-button start system)
After stopping the engine and the key is
removed from ignition switch, the steering
wheel will be locked due to the steering
lock function.
When the engine is restarted, the steering
lock will be automatically canceled.
! When the steering lock cannot be
When you cannot restart the engine due to
the steering lock, perform the following
! MT models
1. Check that the parking brake is ap-
2. Turn off unnecessary lights and ac-
3. Depress the clutch pedal to the floor
and shift the shift lever into neutral. Hold
the clutch pedal to the floor while starting
the engine.
4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
position while turning the steering wheel
left and right.
5. Check the operation of the warning
and indicator lights.
6. Turn the ignition switch to the START
position without depressing the accelera-
tor pedal.
7. Release the key immediately after the
engine has started.
If you cannot start the engine, there may
be a malfunction in the steering lock
function. Immediately contact your nearest
SUBARU dealer.
Starting and operating/Starting and stopping the engine (models without pushbutton ignition switch)
Starting and operating/Starting and stopping engine (models with pushbutton start system)
! CVT models
1. Check that the parking brake is ap-
2. Turn off unnecessary lights and ac-
3. Check that the select lever is set in the
P position.
4. Depress the brake pedal and keep it.
5. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
position while turning the steering wheel
left and right.
6. Check the operation of the warning
and indicator lights.
7. Turn the ignition switch to the START
position without depressing the accelera-
tor pedal.
8. Release the key immediately after the
engine has started.
If you cannot start the engine, there may
be a malfunction in the steering lock
function. Immediately contact your nearest
SUBARU dealer.
Starting and stopping engine
(models with push-button
start system)
& Safety precautions
Refer to Safety precautions F2-10.
& Operating range for push-
button start system
Refer to Operating range for push-button
start system F3-5.
& Starting engine
. There are some general precau-
tions when starting the engine.
Carefully read the precautions
described in General precau-
tions when starting engine F7-
. If the indicator on the push-
button ignition switch flashes in
green after the engine has
started, never drive the vehicle.
The steering is still locked, and it
may result in an accident.
. When the operation indicator on
the push-button ignition switch is
flashing in orange, there may be
a malfunction with the vehicle.
Contact a SUBARU dealer imme-
. If the indicator on the push-
button ignition switch is flashing
in green after the engine has
started, it means that the steering
is still locked. While moving the
steering wheel right and left,
depress the brake pedal, and
press the push-b utton ignition
. Do not conti nue pushing the
push-button ignition switch for
more than 10 seconds. Doing so
could cause a malfunction. If the
engine does not start, stop push-
ing the push-button ignition
switch and turn off the engine.
Wait 10 seconds, and then push
the push-button ignition switch
to start the engine.
. Whe n the push-button ig nition
switch is pressed while depressing
the brake pedal, the engine starter
operates for a maximum of 10 seconds
and after starting the engine, the starter
stops automatically.
. Whe n the push-button ig nition
switch is pressed while depressing
the brake pedal, the engine can be
started regardless of the power status.
. If the security indicator light illumi-
nates when you attempt to start the
engine but the engine does not start,
press the push-button ignition switch
to switch the power to OFF and then
try to start the engine again.
. If the engine does not start, press
the push-button ignition switch without
depressing the brake pedal to switch
the power to OFF. Then, while de-
pressing the brake pedal more force-
fully, press the push-button ignition
. The engine start procedures may
not function depending on the radio
wave conditions around the vehicle. In
such a case, refer to Starting engine
. If the vehicle battery is discharged,
the steering cannot be unlocked.
Charge the battery.
1) Operation indicator
2) Push-button ignition switch
When the push-button ignition switch is
pressed while depressing the brake pedal,
the engine will start. The starting proce-
dure for the engine is as follows.
1. Carry the access key, and sit in the
drivers seat.
2. Apply the parking brake.
3. Shift the select lever into the P
position. The engine can also start when
the select lever is in the N position,
however, for safety reasons, start in the
P position.
4. Depress t he brake pedal until the
operation ind icator on the push-button
ignition switch turns green. When starting
with the select lever in the N position, the
indicator does not turn green.
5. While depressing the brake pedal,
press the push-button ignition switch.
. While pressing the select lever but-
ton in, the indicator on the push-button
ignition switch will not turn green even
when the select lever is in the P
. In case the engine does not start by
the normal engine start procedure,
move the select lever to the P posi-
tion, and switch the power to ACC.
Depress the brake pedal, and press the
push-button ignition switch for at least
15 seconds. The engine may start. Only
use this engine start procedure in case
of emergency.
. When the engine is not started, the
brake pedal may feel stiff. In such a
case, depress the brake pedal more
forcefully than usual. Check that the
operation indicator on the push-button
ignition switch turns green, and press
the push-button ignition switch to start
the engine.
Starting and operating/Starting and stopping engine (models with pushbutton start system)
Starting and operating/Starting and stopping engine (models with pushbutton start system)
& Stopping engine
1. Stop the vehicle completely.
2. Mo ve the select lever to the P
3. Press the push-button ignition switch.
The engine will stop, and the power will be
switched off.
. Do not touch the push-button
ignition switch during driving.
When the push-button ignition
switch is operated as follows,
the engine will stop.
The switch is pressed and held
for 3 seconds or longer.
The switch is pressed briefly 3
times or more in succession.
When the engine stops, the brake
booster will not function. A great-
er foot pressure will be required
on the brake pedal.
The power steering system will
not operate either. A greater
force will be required to steer,
and it may result in an accident.
. If the engine stops during driving,
do not operate the push-button
ignition switch or open any of the
doors until the vehicle is stopped
in a safe location. It is dangerous
because the steering lock may be
activated. Stop the vehicle in a
safe place, and contact a
SUBARU dealer immediately.
. Do not stop the engine while the
select lever is in a position other
than the P position.
. If the engine is stopped while the
select lever is in a position other
than the P position, the power
will be in ACC. If the vehicle is
left in this condition, the battery
may be discharged.
Although you can stop the engine by
operating the push-button ignition
switch, do not stop the engine during
driving except in an emergency.
& When access key does not
operate properly
Refer to Access key if access key does
not operate properly F9-18.
& Steering lock (models with
keyless access with push-
button start system)
After stopping the engine and the drivers
door is open, the steering wheel will be
locked due to the steering lock function.
When the engine is restarted, the steering
lock will be automatically canceled.
! When the steering lock cannot be
1) Operation indicator
2) Push-button ignition switch
When you cannot restart the engine due to
the steering lock, check the status of
operation indicator and perform the follow-
ing steps.
! Operation indicator flashing in
1. Check that the select lever is set in the
P position.
2. Depress the brake pedal and keep it.
3. Press the push-button ignition switch
while turning the steering wheel left and
! Operation indicator flashing in
There may be a malfunction in the
steering lock function. Immediately con-
tact your nearest SUBARU dealer.
Remote engine start system
(dealer option)
. There are some general precau-
tions when starting the engine.
Carefully read the precautions
described in General precau-
tions when starting engine F7-
. Do not remote start a vehicle in
an enclosed environment (e.g.
closed garage). Prolonged opera-
tion of a motor vehicle in an
enclosed environment can cause
a harmful build-up of Carbon
Monoxide. Carbon Monoxide is
harmful to your health. Exposure
to high levels of Carbon Monox-
ide can cause headaches, dizzi-
ness or in extreme cases uncon-
sciousness and/or death.
. Before performing any servicing
of the vehicle, temporarily place
the remote engine start system in
service mode to prevent the
system from unexpectedly start-
ing the engine.
The remote engine start system allows
you to start the engine from outside the
vehicle. In addition, the remote engine
start system can activate the heater or air
conditioner, providing you with a comfor-
table cabin upon entry.
acceptable to allow the engine to
remain idling may be bound by local
laws and regulations. Check the local
rules when using the remote engine
start system.
Starting and operating/Remote engine start system (dealer option)
Starting and operating/Remote engine start system (dealer option)
& Models with keyless access
with push-button start sys-
For more details, refer to the Owners
Manual supplement for the remote
engine start system.
Access key
1) Lock button
An access key can be used as the remote
engine start transmitter. Operate the lock
button to start or stop the engine as
! Before starting the engine
Before using the remote engine start
system to start the engine, confirm the
following conditions.
. The select lever is in the P position.
. All doors including the rear gate are
. The engine hood is closed.
. The push-button ignition switch is in the
OFF position.
! When starting the engine
To start the engine with remote engine
start system, briefly press the lock button
twice within 2 seconds, then press and
hold the lock button for 3 seconds.
1. Press the lock button briefly. The
hazard warning flashers then flash once
and the keyless buzzer chirps once.
2. Within 2 seconds, press the lock
button briefly again. The hazard warning
flashers then flash once again, and the
keyless buzzer chirps once again.
3. After step 2, immediately press and
hold the lock button. The hazard warning
flashers then flash three times, and the
horn will honk once.
4. Approximately 3 seconds after step 3,
release the lock button. The engine will
then start successfully.
! When stopping the engine
Press and hold the lock button to stop the
engine with remote engine start system.
! Automatic engine shutdown
The remote engine start system will
automatically shut down or will not start
the engine under the following conditions.
. The total run-time has exceeded 20
. Any door or the rear gate is opened.
. The select lever is moved to any
position other than P.
. The engine hood is opened.
. Thepush-buttonignitionswitchis
. The brake pedal is depressed.
. The engine speed is 3,000 rpm or
The time until the engine automatically
stops differs according to the setting.
To change the time until the engine
automatically stops, contact your
SUBARU dealer. However, local laws
and regulations may prohibit changing
this time.
& Models without keyless ac-
cess with push-button start
Remote engine starter transceiver (fob)
1) Fob button
! Starting the engine
All vehicle doors (including rear gate/
trunk lid) and the engine hood must be
closed prior to activating the remote
engine start system. Any open entry
point will prevent starting or cause the
engine to stop.
The remote engine start system is acti-
vated by pressing the fob button on your
remote engine starter transceiver (fob)
twice within 3 seconds. If the fob is within
operating range of the system and the
start request is received, the following will
. The fob flashes and beeps once.
. The horn sounds once.
. The side marker lights, tail lights, and
parking lights flash once.
If the fob is not within range (the user is
too far away from the vehicle), the fob will
indicate two long flashes without beeping.
The system will check certain safety
preconditions before starting, and if all
conditions are met, the engine will start
within 5 seconds. After the engine starts,
the following will occur.
. The fob flashes and beeps twice.
. The horn sounds once.
. The side marker lights, tail lights, and
parking lights flash once.
While the engine is idling via the remote
engine start system, the following will
. The side marker lights, tail lights, and
parking lights remain illuminated.
. The fob button flashes once every 3
. The power windows are disabled.
If the engine turns over but does not start
(or starts and stalls) the remote engine
start system will power off and then
attempt to start the engine 3 additional
times. The system will not attempt to
restart the engine if it determines a vehicle
malfunction is preventing starting. If the
engine does not start after 3 additional
attempts, the remote engine start request
will be aborted.
! Stopping the engine
Press and hold the fob button for at least 2
seconds to stop the engine. The fob will
flash and beep three times, indicating the
engine has stopped. If the stop request is
not received (for example, if the user is too
far away from the vehicle), the fob will
continue to flash once every 3 seconds.
The system will automatically stop the
engine after 15 minutes.
! Remote start safety features
For safety and security reasons, the
remote engine start system will prevent
starting (or stop the engine if running) and
sound the horn twice if any of the following
conditions is detected. In addition, the fob
will flash and beep 3 times.
. The brake pedal is depressed
. A key is in the ignition switch
. The engine hood is open
. The remote start system Service
mode is engaged
. The engine idle speed exceeds 3,500
Starting and operating/Remote engine start system (dealer option)
Starting and operating/Remote engine start system (dealer option)
. The security alarm is triggered
. The select le ver is n ot in the P
If the system detects any door (including
the rear gate/trunk lid) open during opera-
tion, it will prevent starting or stop the
engine, and sound the horn and flash side
marker lights, tail lights, and parking lights
6 times.
In addition to the items above, if the
vehicles engine management system
determines there is a safety risk due to a
vehicle-related problem, the vehicle will
power down and the horn will sound 3
. If the alarm system is armed at the
time of remote engine starter activation
(the security indicator light on the
combination meter is flashing), the
alarm system will remain armed
throughout the remote start run cycle.
. If the alarm system is disarmed at
the time of remote engine starter
activation (the security indicator light
on the combination meter is not flash-
ing), the alarm system will remain
disarmed throughout the remote start
run cycle.
! Remote start operation - fob con-
Your remote engine starter fob is a
bidirectional transceiver that can confirm
system operation with several different
visual and audible indications. The fobs
LED-backlit button and internal piezo
buzzer will indicate status of the system
using the following flash and beep se-
quences, provided the fob is within opera-
tional range of the system.
Fob Indication
Flash Beep
Fob start button is being pressed
Continuous while button is
held down
The fob is transmitting an RF signal
User attempts to start engine by pressing fob
button twice within 3 sec
1 flash 1 beep Engine start request received
2 flashes 2 beeps Engine started successfully
1 flash every 3 sec Engine idling
3 flashes 3 beeps Vehicle is in range but engine not started
2 long flashes Vehicle not in range (engine not started)
Engine idling by remote engine start operation
1 flash every 3 sec Engine idling
3 flashes 3 beeps
Engine stopped by system timeout or for safety
reasons (see sections above)
User attempts to stop engine by pressing and
holding fob button for at least 2 sec.
3 flashes 3 beeps Engine stopped by user request
1 flash every 3 sec
Stop request not received. Engine still idling.
Starting and operating/Remote engine start system (dealer option)
Starting and operating/Remote engine start system (dealer option)
& Entering the vehicle while it
is running via remote start
1. Unlock the vehicle doors using the
keyless access function (if equipped) or
remote keyless entry system, then open
the door(s). If the vehicles doors are
unlocked manually using the key, the
vehicles alarm system will trigger when
a door is opened (if the alarm system is
armed prior to activating the remote
engine start system) and the engine will
turn off. Perform either of the following
procedures to disarm the alarm system.
Refer to Alarm system F2-27.
. Insert the key into the ignition switch
and turn it to the ON position (models
without keyless access with push-
button start system)
. Push the push-button ignition switch
to the ACC or ON position (models
with keyless access with push-button
start system)
. Press any button on the access key/
remote keyless entry transmitter.
2. Enter the vehicle.
3. The engine will shut down when any
door or rear gate is opened.
4. For models without keyless access
with push-button start system, insert the
key into the ignition switch and turn to the
START position to restart the engine. For
models with keyless access with push-
button start system, press the push-
button ignition switch while depressing
the brake pedal to restart the engine.
& Entering the vehicle follow-
ing remote engine start shut-
An alarm trigger may occur if the vehicle is
opened by the remote keyless entry
system/keyless access function within a
few seconds immediately following remote
engine start shutdown.
& Pre-heating or pre-cooling
the interior of the vehicle
Before exiting the vehicle, set the tem-
perature controls to the desired setting
and operation. After the system starts the
engine, the heater or air conditioning will
activate and heat or cool the interior to
your setting.
& Service mode (models with-
out keyless access with
push-button start system)
In service mode, the remote engine start
function is temporarily disabled to prevent
the system from unexpectedly starting the
engine while being serviced.
To engage or disengage service mode:
1. Enter the vehicle and close all vehicle
doors and the rear gate/trunk lid.
2. Verify that the select lever is in the P
position (CVT models)
3. Depress and hold the brake pedal
4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON
5. Press and release the remote engine
start transmitter
button three times.
The system will honk the vehicle s horn
each time the button is pressed.
6. The system will pause for 1 second
then honk the vehicles horn three times to
indicate that the service mode has been
engaged or honk one time to indicate that
the service mode has been disengaged.
When taking your vehicle in for service,
it is recommended that you inform the
service personnel that your vehicle is
equipped with a remote engine start
& Remote transmitter program
(models without keyless ac-
cess with push-button start
New transmitters can be programmed to
the remote engine start system in the
event that a transmitter is lost, stolen,
damaged or additional transmitters are
desired (the system will accept up to eight
transmitters). New remote engine start
transmitters can be programmed accord-
ing to the following procedure.
1. Open the drivers door (the drivers
door must remain opened throughout the
entire process).
2. Depress and hold the brake pedal.
3. Turn the ignition switch to ON then
LOCK, back to ON then LOCK, back
to ON then LOCK, then back to ON
again and leave the ignition ON through-
out the programming process.
4. The system will flash the side marker
lights, tail lights and parking lights and
honk the horn three times, indicating that
the system has entered the transmitter
learn mode.
5. Press and release the
button on
the transmitter that you want to program.
6. The system will flash the side marker
lights, tail lights and parking lights and
honk the horn one time, indicating that the
system has learned the transmitter. Upon
successful programming, the remote start
confirmation transmitter button will flash
one time.
7. Repeat step 5 for any additional
transmitters (the system will accept up to
eight transmitters).
8. The system will exit the transmitter
learn mode if the key is turned to the
LOCK position, the door is closed or
after 2 minutes.
& System maintenance
For models without keyless access
with push-button start system:
In the event that the vehicles battery is
replaced, discharged or disconnected,
it will be necessary to start the vehicle
a minimum of one time using the key
prior to activating the remote engine
start system. This is required to allow
the vehicle electronic systems to re-
! Changing the batteries
. Do not let dust, oil or water get on
or in the remote engine start
transmitter when replacing the
. Be careful n ot to damage the
printed circuit board in the re-
mote engine start transmitter
when replacing the battery.
. Be careful not to allow children to
touch the battery and any re-
moved parts ; children could
swallow them.
. There is a danger of explosion if
an incorrect replacement battery
is used. Replace only with the
same or equivalent type of bat-
. Batteries should not be exposed
to excessive heat such as sun-
shine, fire or the like.
For models with keyless access with
push-button start system:
Perform the procedure described in Re-
placing battery of access key F11-49.
For models without keyless access
with push-button start system:
The 3-volt lithium battery (model CR-
2032) supplied in your remote engine start
transmitter should last approximately one
year, depending on usage. When the
battery begins to weaken, you will notice
a decrease in range (distance from the
vehicle that your remote control operates).
Follow the instructions below to change
the remote engine start transmitter battery.
Starting and operating/Remote engine start system (dealer option)
Starting and operating/Remote engine start system (dealer option)
1. Remove the small phillips screw lo-
cated on the back side of the transmitter.
2. Carefully pry the remote engine start
transmitter halves apart using a small flat-
head screwdriver.
3. Remove the circuit board from the
bottom half of the case and remove the
battery and replace with a new one. Be
sure to observe the (+) sign on the old
battery before removing it to ensure that
the new battery is i nserted properly
(battery + should be pointed away from
the transmitter circuit board on the bat-
4. Carefully snap the case halves back
together, reinstall the phillips screw and
test the remote engine start system.
. This device complies with Part 15 of
the FCC Rules and with RSS-210 of
Industry Canada. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause harmful inter-
ference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, in-
cluding interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not ex-
pressly approved by the party respon-
sible for compliance could void the
users authority to operate the equip-
ment and void warranty.
. To comply with the FCC RF expo-
sure compliance requirements, no
change to the antenna or the device is
permitted. Any change to the antenna
or the device could result in the device
exceeding the RF exposure require-
ments and void users authority to
operate the device.
Manual transmission
. Do not drive the vehicle with the
clutch disengaged (i.e., when the
clutch pedal is depressed) or
with the shift lever in the neutral
position. Engine braking has no
effect in either of these condi-
tions and the risk of an accident
is consequently increased.
. Do not engage the clutch (i.e.,
release the clutch pedal) sud-
denly when starting the vehicle.
By doing so the vehicle might
unexpectedly accelerate or the
transmission could malfunction.
The manual transmission is a full synchro-
mesh, 6-forward-speed and 1-reverse-
speed transmission.
The shift pattern is shown on the shift
lever knob.
& Selecting reverse gear
Shift into reverse ONLY when the
vehicle has completely stopped. It
may cause damage to the transmis-
sion to try shifting into reverse when
the vehicle is moving.
1) Slider
You must raise the slider and hold it in that
position before you can move the shift
lever to the R position.
To change gears, fully depress the clutch
pedal, move the shift lever, and gradually
let up on the clutch pedal.
If it is difficult to shift into gear, put the
transmission in neutral, release the clutch
pedal momentarily, and then try again.
& Shifting speeds
! Recommended shifting speeds
The best compromise between fuel econ-
omy and vehicle performance during
normal driving is ensured by shifting up
at the speeds listed in the following table.
Starting and operating/Manual transmission
Starting and operating/Manual transmission
Shift up mph (km/h)
1st to 2nd 15 (24)
2nd to 3rd 25 (40)
3rd to 4th 40 (64)
4th to 5th 45 (72)
5th to 6th
50 (80)
! Maximum allowable speeds
When shifting down a gear, ensure
that the vehicle is not travelling at a
speed exceeding the Maximum Al-
lowable Speed for the gear which is
about to be selected. Failure to
observe this precaution can lead to
engine over-revving and this in turn
can result in engine damage.
In addition, sudden application of
engine brakes when the vehicle is
travelling on a slippery surface can
lead to wheel locking; as a conse-
quence, control of the vehicle may
be lost and the risk of an accident
The following table shows the maximum
speeds that are possible with each differ-
ent gear. The tachometers needle will
enter the red area if these speeds are
With the exception of cases where sudden
acceleration is required, the vehicle
should not be driven with the tachometers
needle inside the red area. Failure to
observe this precaution can lead to
excessive engine wear and poor fuel
mph (km/h)
Gear Legacy Outback
1st 30 (49) 30 (48)
2nd 57 (92) 56 (90)
Legal speed limit
(Posted limit speed)
Never exceed posted speed limits.
& Driving tips
Do not drive with your foot resting on the
clutch pedal and do not use the clutch to
hold your vehicle at a standstill on an
upgrade. Either of those actions may
cause clutch damage.
Do not drive with your hand resting on the
shift lever. This may cause wear on the
transmission components.
When it is necessary to reduce vehicle
speed due to slow traffic, turning corners,
or driving up steep hills, downshift to a
lower gear before the engine starts to
On steep downgrades, downshift the
transmission to 5th, 4th, 3rd or 2nd gear
as necessary; this helps to maintain a safe
speed and to extend brake pad life.
In this way, the engine provides a braking
effect. Remember, if you ride (over use)
the brakes while descending a hill, they
may overheat and not work properly.
The engine may, on rare occasions, knock
when the vehicle rapidly accelerates or
rapidly pulls away from a standstill. This
phenomenon does not indicate a problem.
Continuously variable trans-
The continuously variable transmission is
electronically controlled and provides an
infinite number of forward speeds and 1
reverse speed. It also has a manual mode.
Do not shift from the P or N
position into the D or R position
while depressing the accelerator
pedal. This may cause the vehicle
to lurch forward or backward.
. Shift into the P or R position
only after the vehicle is comple-
tely stopped. Shifting while the
vehicle is moving may cause
damage to the transmission.
. Do not race the engine for more
than 5 seconds in any position
except the N or P position
when the brake is applied or
when chocks are used in the
wheels. This may cause the
transmission fluid to overheat.
. Do not shift from the D position
into the R position or vice
versa until the vehicle has com-
pletely stopped. Such shifting
may cause damage to the trans-
. When parking the vehicle, first
securely apply the parking brake
and then place the select lever in
the P position. Do not park for
a long time with the select lever
in any other position as doing so
could result in a dead battery.
. When the engine coolant tempera-
ture is still low, the transmission will
upshift to higher engine speeds than
when the coolant temperature is suffi-
ciently high in order to shorten the
warm-up time and improve driveability.
The gearshift timing will automatically
shift to the normal timing after the
engine has warmed up.
. Immediately after transmission fluid
is replaced, you may feel that the
transmission operation is somewhat
unusual. This results from invalidation
of data which the on-board computer
has collected and stored in memory to
allow the transmission to shift at the
most appropriate times for the current
condition of your vehicle. Optimized
shifting will be restored as the vehicle
continues to be driven for a while.
. When driving under continuous hea-
vy load conditions such as towing a
camper or climbing a long, steep hill,
the engine speed or the vehicle speed
may automatically be reduced. This is
not a malfunction. This phenomenon
results from the engine control func-
tion maintaining the cooling perfor-
mance of the vehicle. The engine and
vehicle speed will return to a normal
speed when the engine is able to
maintain the optimum cooling perfor-
mance after the heavy load decreases.
Driving under a heavy load must be
performed with extreme care. Do not
try to pass a vehicle in front when
driving on an uphill slope while towing.
. The continuously variable transmis-
sion is a chain type system that
provides superior transmission effi-
ciency for maximum fuel economy. At
times, depending on varying driving
conditions, a chain operating noise
may be heard that is characteristic of
this type of system.
Starting and operating/Continuously variable transmission
Starting and operating/Continuously variable transmission
& Select lever
1) Select lever button
: With the brake pedal depressed, shift
while pressing the select lever button
: Shift while pressing the select lever
button in
: Shift without pressing the select lever
The select lever has four positions, P,
R, N, D and also has a manual gate
for using the manual mode.
For some models, to protect the engine
while the select lever is in the P or
N position, the engine is controlled
so that the engine speed ma y not
become too high even if the accelerator
pedal is depressed hard.
! P (Park)
This position is for parking the vehicle and
starting the engine. In this position, the
transmission is mechanically locked to
prevent the vehicle from rolling freely.
When you park the vehicle, first apply the
parking brake, then shift into the P
position. Do not hold the vehicle with only
the mechanical friction of the transmis-
To shift the select lever from the P to any
other position, you should depress the
brake pedal fully then move the select
lever. Thi s prevents the vehi cle from
lurching when it is started.
! R (Reverse)
This position is for backing the vehicle. To
shift from the N to R position, stop the
vehicle completely then move the lever to
the R position while pressing the select
lever button in.
When the ignition switch has been turned
to the LOCK/OFF position, movement
of the select lever from the N to R
position is possible for a limited time
period by depressing the brake pedal,
and then it becomes impossible. For
details, refer to Shift lock function F7-27.
! N (Neutral)
This position is for restarting a stalled
engine. In this position, the transmission is
neutral, meaning that the wheels and
transmission are not locked. Therefore,
the vehicle will roll freely, even on the
slightest incline unless the parking brake
or foot brake is applied.
Avoid coasting with the transmission in
neutral. Engine braking has no effect in
this condition.
Do not drive the vehicle with the
select lever in the N (neutral)
position. Engine braking has no
effect in this condition and the risk
of an accident is consequently in-
If the select lever is in the N position
when you stop the engine for parking,
you may not subsequently be able to
move it to the R and P positions. If
this happens, turn the ignition switch to
the ON position. You will then be able
to move the select lever to the P
! D (Drive)
This position is for normal driving. The
transmission shifts automatically and con-
tinuously into a suitable gear according to
the vehicle speed and the acceleration
you require. Also, while driving up and
down a hill, the transmission assists and
controls the driving performance and
engine braking while corresponding to
the road grade.
When more acceleration is required in D
position, depress the accelerator pedal
fully to the floor and hold that position. The
transmission will automatically downshift.
In this case, the transmission will operate
like a conventional automatic transmis-
sion. When you release the pedal, the
transmission will return to the original gear
To use the manual mode, move the lever
from this position into the manual gate.
! While climbing a grade
When driving up a hill, undesired upshift is
prevented from taking place when the
accelerator is released. This minimizes
the chance of subsequent downshifting to
a lower gear when accelerating again.
This prevents repeated upshifting and
downshifting resulting in a smoother op-
eration of the vehicle.
The transmission may downshift, de-
pending on the way the accelerator
pedal is depressed to accelerate the
vehicle again.
& Shift lock function
The shift lock function helps prevent the
improper operation of the select lever.
. The select lever cannot be operated
unless the ignition switch is turned to the
ON position and the brake pedal is
. The select lever cannot be moved from
the P position to any other position
before the brake pedal is depressed.
Depress the brake pedal first, and then
operate the select lever.
. Only the P position allows you to turn
the key from the ACC position to the
LOCK position and remove the key from
the ignition key cylinder (models without
keyless access with push-button start
. Only the P position allows you to turn
the push-button ignition switch to the
OFF position (models with keyless
access with push-button start system).
. If the ignition switch is turned to the
LOCK/OFF position while the select
lever is in the N position, the select lever
Starting and operating/Continuously variable transmission
Starting and operating/Continuously variable transmission
may not be moved to the P position after
a period of time. Therefore, move the
select lever to the P position with the
brake pedal depressed soon after the
ignition switch is turned to the LOCK/
OFF position.
! Shift lock release
If the select lever cannot be operated, turn
the ignition switch back to the ON
position then move the select lever to the
P position with the select lever button
pressed and brake pedal depressed.
If the select lever does not move after
performing the above procedure, perform
the following steps.
. When the select lever cannot be
shifted from P to N:
Refer to Shift lock release using the shift
lock release portion F7-28.
. When the select lever cannot be
shifted from N to R, P:
Within 60 seconds after placing the igni-
tion switch in the ACC position, move the
select lever to the P position with the
select lever button pressed and brake
pedal depressed.
If you must perform the above procedure,
the shift lock system (or the vehicle control
system) may be malfunctioning. Contact a
SUBARU dealer for an inspection as soon
as possible.
If the select lever does not move after
performing the above procedure, refer to
Shift lock release using the shift lock
release portion F7-28.
! Shift lock release using the shift
lock release portion
Perform the following procedure to release
the shift lock.
1. Apply the parking brake and stop the
2. Open the lid of the pocket.
1) Hole
3. Turn over the inner trim of the pocket.
4. Remove the grip portion of the screw-
5. While depressing the brake pedal,
insert the screwdriver into the hole, press
the shift lock release portion using the
screwdriver, and then move the select
If the select lever does not move after
performing the above procedure, the shift
lock system may be malfunctioning. Con-
tact a SUBARU dealer for an inspection
as soon as possible.
& Selection of manual mode
With the vehicle either moving or station-
ary, move the select lever from the D
position to the M position to select the
manual mode.
1) Upshift indicator
2) Downshift indicator
3) Gear position indicator
When the manual mode is selected, the
gear position indicator and upshift indica-
tor and/or downshift indicator on the
combination meter illuminate. The gear
position indicator shows the currently
selected gear in the 1st-to-6th gear range.
The upshift and downshift indicators show
when a gearshift is possible. When the
upshift indicator
is on, upshifting is
possible. When the downshift indicator
is on, downshifting is possible. When
both indicators are on, upshifting and
downshifting are both possible. When the
vehicle stops (for exampl e, at traffic
signals), the downshift indicator turns off.
Gearshifts can be performed using the
Starting and operating/Continuously variable transmission
Starting and operating/Continuously variable transmission
shift paddle behind the steering wheel.
To upshift to the next higher gear position,
pull the shift paddle that has + indicated
on it. To downshift to the next lower gear
position, pull the shift paddle that has
indicated on it.
To deselect the manual mode, return the
select lever to the D position from the M
While driving with the select lever in the
D position, if you change gears by
operating the shift paddle, the gear posi-
tion indicator light illuminates and shows
the current gear condition.
Do not place or hang anything on
the shift paddles. Doing so may
result in accidental gear shifting.
Please read the following points care-
fully and bear them in mind when using
the manual mode.
. If you attempt to shift down when
the engine speed is too high, i.e., when
a downshift would push the tachometer
needle beyond the red zone, beeps will
be emitted to warn you that the down-
shift is not possible.
. If you attempt to shift up when the
vehicle speed is too low, the transmis-
sion will not respond.
. You can perform a skip-shift (for
example, from 4th to 2nd) by operating
the shift paddle twice in rapid succes-
. The transmission automatically se-
lects 1st gear when the vehicle stops
. If the temperature of the transmis-
sion fluid becomes too high, the AT
OIL TEMP warning light will illuminate.
Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe
place and let the engine idle until the
warning light turns off.
& Driving tips
. On a road surface where there is a risk
of wheelspin (for example, a snow- or
gravel-covered road), you can pull away
from a standstill safely and easily by first
selecting the 2nd gear of the manual
. Always apply the foot or parking brake
when the vehicle is stopped in the D or
R position.
. Always apply the parking brake when
parking your vehicle. Do not hold the
vehicle with only the transmission.
. Do not keep the vehicle in a stationary
position on an uphill grade by using the
D position. Use the brake instead.
. The engine may, on rare occasions,
knock when the vehicle rapidly acceler-
ates or rapidly pulls away from a standstill.
This phenomenon does not indicate a
. A slight reduction in output torque may
occur in the models with a 3.6 L engine
before the engine warms up.
Power steering
Power steering warning light
The vehicle is equipped with an electric
power steering system. When the ignition
switch is turned to the ON position, the
power steering warning light on the
combination meter illuminates to inform
the driver that the warning system is
functioning properly. Then, if the engine
started, the warning light turns off to inform
the driver that the steering power assist is
While the power steering warning
light is illuminated, there may be
more resistance when the steering
wheel is operated. Drive carefully to
the nearest SUBARU dealer and
have the vehicle inspected immedi-
If the steering wheel is operated in the
following ways, the power steering
control system may temporarily limit
the power assist in order to prevent the
system components, such as the con-
trol computer and drive motor, from
. The steering wheel is operated fre-
quently and turned sharply while the
vehicle is maneuvered at extremely low
speeds, such as while frequently turn-
ing the steering wheel during parallel
. The steering wheel remains in the
fully turned position for a long period
of time.
At this time, there will be more resis-
tance when steering. However this is
not a malfunction. Normal steering
force will be restored after the steering
wheel is not operated for a while and
the power steering control system has
an opportunity to cool down. However,
if the power steering is operated in a
non-standard way which causes power
assist limitation to occur t oo fre-
quently, this may result in a malfunc-
tion of the power steering control
Starting and operating/Power steering
Starting and operating/Braking
& Braking tips
Never rest your foot on the brake
pedal while driving. This can cause
dangerous overheating of the
brakes and needless wear on the
brake pads and linings.
! When the brakes get wet
When driving in rain or after washing the
vehicle, the brakes may get wet. As a
result, brake stopping distance will be
longer. To dry the brakes, drive the vehicle
at a safe speed while lightly depressing
the brake pedal to heat up the brakes.
! Use of engine braking
Remember to make use of engine braking
in addition to foot braking. When descend-
ing a grade, if only the foot brake is used,
the brakes may start working improperly
because of brake fluid overheating,
caused by overheated brake pads. To
help prevent this, shift into a lower gear to
get stronger engine braking.
! Braking when a tire is punctured
Do not depress the brake pedal suddenly
when a tire is punctured. This could cause
a loss of control of the vehicle. Keep
driving straight ahead while gradually
reducing speed. Then slowly pull off the
road to a safe place.
& Brake system
! Two separate circuits
Your vehicle ha s a dual circuit brake
system. Each circuit works diagonally
across the vehicle. If one circuit of the
brake system should fail, the other half of
the system still works. If one circuit fails,
the brake pedal will go down much closer
to the floor than usual and you will need to
press it down much harder. And a much
longer distance will be needed to stop the
! Brake booster
The brake booster uses engine manifold
vacuum to assist braking force. Do not
turn off the engine while driving because
that will turn off the brake booster, result-
ing in poor braking power.
The brakes will continue to work even
when the brake booster completely stops
functioning. If this happens, however, you
will have to depress the pedal much
harder than normal and the braking dis-
tance will increase.
! Brake assist system
Do not be overconfident about the
brake assist. It is not a system that
brings more braking ability to the
vehicle beyond its braking capabil-
ity. Always use the utmost care
when driving regarding vehicle
speed and safe distance.
When you need to brake suddenly,
continue depressing the brake pedal
strongly to bring the effect of the
brake assist.
Brake assist is a driver assistance system.
It assists the brake power when the driver
cannot depress the brake pedal strongly
and the brake power is insufficient.
Brake assist generates the brake power
according to the speed at which the driver
depresses the brake pedal.
When you depress the brake pedal
strongly or suddenly, the following
phenomena occur. However, even
though these occur, they do not indi-
cate any malfunctions, and the brake
assist system is operating properly.
. You might feel that the brake pedal
is applied by lighter force and gener-
ates a greater braking force.
. You might hear the sound of ABS
operating from the engine compart-
& Disc brake pad wear warning
The disc brake pad wear warning indica-
tors on the disc brakes give a warning
noise when the brake pads are worn.
If a squeaking or scraping noise is heard
from the disc brakes while braking, im-
mediately have your vehicle inspected by
the nearest SUBARU dealer.
ABS (Anti-lock Brake Sys-
Always use the utmost care in
driving overconfidence because
equipped vehicle could easily lead
to a serious accident.
. The ABS does not always de-
crease stopping distance. You
should always maintain a safe
following distance from other
. When driving on badly surfaced
roads, gravel roads, icy road, or
over deep newly fallen snow,
stopping distances may be long-
er for a vehicle with the ABS than
one without. When driving under
these conditions, therefore, re-
duce your speed and leave ample
distance from other vehicles.
. When you feel the ABS operating,
you should maintain constant
brake pedal pressure. Do not
pump the brake p edal since
doing so may defeat the opera-
tion of the ABS.
The ABS prevents the lock-up of wheels
which may occur during sudden braking or
braking on slippery road surfaces. This
helps prevent the loss of steering control
and directional stability caused by wheel
When the ABS is operating, you may hear
a chattering noise or feel a slight vibration
in the brake pedal. This is normal when
the ABS operates.
The ABS will not operate when the vehicle
speed is below approximately 6 mph (10
& ABS self-check
You may feel a slight shock in the brake
pedal and hear the operating noise of the
ABS from the engine compartment just
after the vehicle is started. This is caused
by an automatic functional test of the ABS
being carried out and does not indicate
any abnormal condition.
& ABS warning light
Refer to ABS warning light F3-18.
Starting and operating/ABS (Antilock Brake System)
Starting and operating/Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD) system
Electronic Brake Force Dis-
tribution (EBD) system
The EBD system maximizes the effective-
ness of the brakes by allowing the rear
brakes to supply a greater proportion of
the braking force. It functions by adjusting
the distribution of braking force to the rear
wheels in accordance with the vehicles
loading condition and speed.
The EBD system is an integral part of the
ABS and uses some of the ABS compo-
nents to perform its function of optimizing
the distribution of braking force. If any of
the ABS components used by the EBD
function fails, the EBD system also stops
When the EBD system is operating, you
may hear a chattering noise or feel a slight
vibration in the brake pedal. This is normal
and does not indicate a malfunction.
& Steps to take if EBD system
If a malfunction occurs in the EBD system,
the system stops working and the brake
system warning light and ABS warning
light illuminate simultaneously.
The EBD system may be malfunctioning if
the brake system warning light and ABS
warning light illuminate simultaneously
during driving.
Even if the EBD system fails, the conven-
tional braking system will still function.
However, the rear wheels will be more
prone to locking when the brakes are
applied harder than usual and the vehi-
cles motion may therefore become some-
what harder to control.
If the brake system warning light and ABS
warning light illuminate simultaneously,
take the following steps.
1. Stop the vehicle in the nearest safe,
flat location.
2. Apply the parking brake and turn off
the engine.
3. Restart the engine.
4. Release the parking brake.
If both warning lights turn off:
The EBD system may be malfunctioning.
Drive carefully to the nearest SUBARU
dealer and have the system inspected.
If both warning lights illuminate again
and remain illuminated after restarting
the engine:
1. Turn off the engine again.
2. Apply the parking brake.
3. Check the brake fluid level. For details
about checking the brake fluid level, refer
to Checking the fluid level F11-19.
. If the brake fluid level is not below the
MIN mark, the EBD system may be
malfunctioning. Dri ve carefully to the
nearest SUBARU dealer and have the
system inspected.
. If the brake fluid level is below the
MIN mark, DO NOT drive the vehicle.
Instead, have the vehicle towed to the
nearest SUBARU dealer for repair.
. Driving with the brake system
warning light on is dangerous.
This indicates your brake system
may not be working properly. If
the light remains on, have the
brakes inspected by a SUBARU
dealer immediately.
. If at all in doubt about whether
the brakes are operating prop-
erly, do not drive the vehicle.
Have your vehicle towed to the
nearest SUBARU dealer for re-
Vehicle Dynamics Control
Always use the utmost care in
driving overconfidence because
you are driving with a Vehicle Dy-
namics Control system equipped
vehicle could easily lead to a ser-
ious accident.
. Even if your vehicle is equipped
with Vehicle Dynamics Control
system, winter tires should be
used when driving on snow-cov-
ered or icy roads; in addition,
vehicle speed should be reduced
considerably. Simply having a
Vehicle Dynamics Control sys-
tem does not guarantee that the
vehicle will be able to avoid
accidents in any situation.
. Activation of the Vehicle Dy-
namics Control s ystem is an
indication that the road being
travelled on has a slippery sur-
face; since having Vehicle Dy-
namics Control is no guarantee
that full vehicle control will be
maintained at all times and under
all conditions, its activation
should be seen as a sign that
the speed of the vehicle should
be reduced considerably.
. Whenever suspension compo-
nents, steering components, or
an axle are removed from a
vehicle equipped with the Vehicle
Dynamics Control system, have
an inspection of that system
performed by an authorized
SUBARU dealer.
. The following precautions should
be observed in order to ensure
that the Vehicle Dynamics Con-
trol system is operating properly.
All four wheels should be
fitted with tires of the same
size, type, and brand. Further-
more, the amount of wear
should be the same for all
four tires.
Keep the tire pressure at the
proper level as shown on the
vehicle placard attached to
the drivers side door pillar.
Use only the specified tem-
porary spare tire to replace a
Starting and operating/Vehicle Dynamics Control system
Starting and operating/Vehicle Dynamics Control system
flat tire. With a temporary
spare tire, the effectiveness
of the Vehicle Dynamics Con-
trol syst em is reduced and
this should be taken into ac-
count when driving the vehi-
cle in such a condition.
. If non-matching tires are used,
the Vehicle Dynamics Control
system may not operate cor-
In the event of wheelspin and/or skidding
on a slippery road surface and/or during
cornering and/or an evasive maneuver,
the Vehicle Dynamics Control system
adjusts the engines output and the
wheels respective braking forces to help
maintain traction and directional control.
. Traction Control Function
The traction control function is designed to
prevent spinning of the driving wheels on
slippery road surfaces, thereby helping to
maintain traction and directional control.
Activation of this function is indicated by
flashing of the Vehicle Dynamics Control
operation indicator light.
. Skid Suppression Function
The skid suppression function is designed
to help maintain directional stability by
suppressing the wheels tendency to slide
sideways during steering operations. Acti-
vation of this function is indicated by
flashing of the Vehicle Dynamics Control
operation indicator light.
. The Vehicle Dynamics Control sys-
tem may be considered normal when
the following conditions occur.
Slight twitching of the brake
pedal is felt.
The vehicle or steering wheel
shakes to a small degree.
An operating noise from the en-
gine compartment is heard briefly
when starting the engine and when
driving off after starting the engine.
The brake pedal seems to jolt
when driving off after starting the
. In the following circumstances, the
vehicle may be less stable than it feels
to the driver. The Vehicle Dynamics
Control System may therefore operate.
Such operation does not indicate a
system malfunction.
on gravel-covered or rutted
on unfinished roads
when the vehicle is towing a
when the vehicle is fitted with
snow tires or winter tires
. Activation of the Vehicle Dynamics
Control system will cause operation of
the steering wheel to feel slightly
different compared to that for normal
. It is always important to reduce
speed when approaching a corner,
even if the vehicle is equipped with
Vehicle Dynamics Control.
. Always turn off the engine before
replacing a tire as failure to do so may
render the Vehicle Dynamics Control
system unable to operate correctly.
& Vehicle Dynamics Control
system monitor
Refer to Vehicle Dynamics Control warn-
ing light/Vehicle Dynamics Control opera-
tion indicator light F3-22 and Vehicle
Dynamics Control OFF indicator light F3-
& Vehicle Dynamics Control
OFF switch
Vehicle Dyn amics Control system can
facilitate the following operations.
. a standing start on a steeply sloping
road with a snowy, gravel-covered, or
otherwise slippery surface
. extrication of t he vehicle when its
wheels are stuck in mud or deep snow
When the switch is pressed during engine
operation, the Vehicle Dynamics Control
OFF indicator light on the combination
meter illuminates. The Vehicle Dynamics
Control system will be deactivated. When
the switch is pressed again to reactivate
the Vehicle Dynamics Control system, the
Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF indicator
light turns off.
You should not deactivate the Vehicle
Dynamics Control system except under
the above-mentioned situations.
The Vehicle Dynamics Control sys-
tem helps prevent unstable vehicle
motion such as skidding using con-
trol of the brakes and engine power.
Do not turn off the Vehicle Dynamics
Control system unless it is abso-
lutely necessary. If you must turn off
the Vehicle Dynamics Control sys-
tem, drive very carefully based on
the road surface condition.
. When the switch has been pressed
to deactivate the Vehicle Dynamics
Control system, the Vehicle Dynamics
Control system automatically reacti-
vates itself the next time the ignition
switch is turned to the LOCK/OFF
position and the engine is restarted.
. If the switch is held down for 30
seconds or longer, the indicator light
turns off, the Vehicle Dynamics Control
system is activated, and the system
ignores any fur ther pressing of the
switch. To make the switch usable
again, turn the ignition switch to the
LOCK/OFF position and restart the
. Whentheswitchispressedto
deactivate the Vehicle Dynamics Con-
trol system, the vehicles running per-
formance is comparable with that of a
vehicle that does not have a Vehicle
Dynamics Control system. Do not de-
activate the Vehicle Dynamics Control
system except when absolutely neces-
. Even when the Vehicle Dynamics
Control system is deactivated, compo-
nents of the brake control system may
still activate. When the brake control
system is activated, the Vehicle Dy-
namics Control operation indicator
light illuminates.
Starting and operating/Vehicle Dynamics Control system
Starting and operating/Xmode (Outback CVT models)
X-mode (Outback CVT mod-
. Always use the utmost care in
driving overconfidence be-
cause you are driving a vehicle
with X-mode could easily lead to
a serious accident.
. Always use the utmost care in
driving overconfidence be-
cause you are driving a vehicle
with hill descent control function
could easily lead to a serious
accident. Be especially careful,
and depress the brake pedal if
necessary when driving on ex-
tremely steep downhill, frozen,
muddy or sandy roads. Failure
to con trol the vehicles speed
may cause a loss of control and
result in a serious accident.
. Even if your vehicle is equipped
with X-mode, winter tires should
be used when driving on snow-
covered or icy roads; in addition,
vehicle speed should be reduced
considerably. Simply having X-
mode does not guarantee that
the vehicle will be able to avoid
accidents in any situation.
. Activating the X-mode should be
done when you encounter a very
slippery surface at low speed.
However, having X-mode is no
guarantee that full vehicle con-
trol will be maintained at all times
and under all conditions. When
activating X-mode, the speed of
the vehicle should be reduced
. Whenever suspension compo-
nents, steering components, or
an ax le are removed from a
vehicle, ha ve the system in-
spected by an authorized
SUBARU dealer.
. The following precautions should
be observed in order to ensure
that the X-mode is operating
Al l four wheel s should be
fitted with tires of the same
size, type, and brand. Further-
more, the amount of wear
should be the same for all
four tires.
Keep the tire pressure at the
proper level as shown on the
label attached to the vehicles
door pillar.
Use only the special tempor-
ary spare tire to replace a flat
tire. With a normal temporary
spare tire, the effectiveness of
the X-mode is reduced and
this should be taken into ac-
count when driving the vehi-
cle in such a condition.
. If the hill descent control function
has operated continuously for a
long time, the temperature of the
brake disc may increase and the
hill descent control function may
be temporarily disabled. In this
case, the hill descent control
indicator will disappear. When
the hill descent control indicator
disappears, the hill descent con-
trol function is disabled.
X-mode is the integrated control system of
the engine, AWD and Vehicle Dynamics
Control system, etc. for driving with bad
road conditions. Using X-mode, you can
drive more comfortably even in slippery
road conditions including uphill and down-
X-mode has the following functions.
. Hill descent control function:
Using the hill descent control function, you
can keep the vehicle at a consistent speed
driving downhill. If the vehicle speed is
likely to increase, the brake control system
will be activated to adjust the vehicle
. Driving ability control:
This mode increases the hi ll-climbing
ability and driving ability as well as
enabling smooth application of torque for
easier control of the steering wheel.
& To activate/deactivate the X-
X-mode switch
X-mode indicator
To activate:
Press the X-mode switch. While the X-
mode is activated, the X-mode indicator
To deactivate:
Press the X-mode switch again. The X-
mode indicator will disappear when the X-
mode is deactivated.
. Even if you try to activate the X-
mode by pressing the X-mode switch
when the vehicle speed is 12 mph (20
km/h) or more, the X-mode will not be
activated. At this time, a buzzer will
sound twice.
. If the vehicle speed reaches 25 mph
(40 km/h) or more while the X-mode is
activated, a buzzer will sound once and
the X-mode will be deactivated.
. While the engine is running, if either
of the following conditions is met, the
X-mode will be dea ctiv ated. In thi s
case, it is not possible to activate the
The CHECK ENGIN E warning
light/malfunction indicator light illu-
The AT OIL TEMP warning light
The ABS warning light illumi-
The Vehicle Dynamics Control
warning light illuminates.
. If there is a possibility that the
engine could overheat because of a
temperature increase of the engine
coolant, it is not possible to activate
the X-mode. Even while the X-mode is
activated, the X-mode will be deacti-
vated when the engine coolant tem-
perature increases.
& Hill descent control function
The hill descent control function will be in
standby mode when the X-mode is acti-
vated and the vehicle speed is less than
approximately 12 mph (20 km/h).
Starting and operating/Xmode (Outback CVT models)
Starting and operating/Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS)
The function will operate when the vehicle
speed is less than approximately 12 mph
(20 km/h) and the accelerator ratio is less
than approximately 10%.
The function will turn off when the vehicle
speed is more than approximately 12 mph
(20 km/h) and the accelerator pedal is
. Even while the hill descent control
function is operating, you can vary the
vehicle speed by using the brake pedal
or accelerator pedal.
. During braking by the hill descent
control function, the hill descent con-
trol indicator will flash.
. The hill descent control function is
operable regardless of the gradient of
the road.
. The hill descent control function
may be considered normal when the
following conditions occur.
An operating sound is heard
briefly from the engine compart-
ment while the hill descent control
function is operating.
The sensation of depressing the
brake pedal is different, (harder
than usual etc.) when the brake
pedal is depressed during hill des-
cent control function operation.
! Hill descent control indicator
This indicator appears w hile the hill
descent control function is in the standby
mode. It flashes whi le the function is
operating. It wil l disappe ar when the
function is in the disabled mode. When
this function is changed from operational
to non-operational, it will disappear when
the vehicle speed re aches more than
approximately 18 mph (30 km/h).
Tire pressure monitoring
system (TPMS) (if equipped)
Low tire pressure warning light
The tire pressure monitoring system pro-
vides the driver with a warning message
by sending a signal from a sensor that is
installed in each wheel when tire pressure
is severely low.
The tire pressure monitoring system will
activate only when the vehicle is driven at
speeds above 20 mph (32 km/h). Also,
this system may not react immediately to a
sudden drop in tire pressure (for example,
a blow-out cause d by running over a
sharp object).
. If the low tire pressure warning
light illuminates while driving,
never brake suddenly. Instead,
perform the following procedure.
(1) Keep driving straight ahead
while gradually reducing
(2) Slowly pull off the road to a
safe place. Otherwise an acci-
dent involving serious vehicle
damage and serious personal
injury could occur.
(3) Check the pressure for all four
tires and adjust the pressure
to the C OLD tire pressure
shown on the vehicle placard
on the door pillar on the
drivers side.
Even when the vehicle is driven a
very short distance, the tires get
warm and their pressures in-
crease accordingly. Be sure to
let the tires cool thoroughly be-
fore adjusting their pressures to
the standard values shown on
the tire placard. Refer to Tires
and wheels F11-24. The tire
pressure monitoring system
does not function when the ve-
hicle is stationary. After adjusting
the tire pressures, increase the
vehicle speed to at least 20 mph
(32 km /h) to start the TPMS
rechecking of the tire inflation
pressures. If the tire pressures
are now above the severe low
pressure threshold, the low tire
pressure warning lig ht sho uld
turn off a few minutes later.
If this light still illuminates while
driving after adjusting the tire
pressure, a tire may have signifi-
cant damage and a fast leak that
causes the tire to lose air rapidly.
If you have a flat tire, replace it
with a spare tire as soon as
. When a spare tire is mounted or a
wheel rim is replaced without the
original pressure sensor/trans-
mitter being transferred, the low
tire pressure warning light will
illuminate steadily after blinking
for approximately one minute.
This indicates the TPMS is un-
able to monitor all four road
wheels. Contact your SUBARU
dealer as soon as possible for
tire and sensor replacement and/
or system resetting.
. When a tire is repaired with liquid
sealant, the tire pressure warning
valve and transmitter may not
operate properly. If a liquid sea-
lant is used, contact your nearest
SUBARU dealer or other qualified
service shop as soon as possi-
ble. Make sure to replace the tire
pressure warning valve and
transmitt er when replacing the
tire. You may reuse the wheel if
there is no damage to it and if the
sealant residue is properly
cleaned off. Do not inject any tire
liquid or aerosol tire sealant into
the tires, as this may cause a
malfunction of the tire pressure
sensors. If the light illuminates
steadily after blinking for ap-
proximately one minute,
promptly contact a SUBARU
dealer to have the system in-
Starting and operating/Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS)
Starting and operating/Parking your vehicle
Do not place metal film or any metal
parts under the drivers seat. This
may cause poor reception of the
signals from the tire pressure sen-
sors, and the tire pressure monitor-
ing system will not function prop-
This device complies with Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause harmful inter-
ference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, in-
cluding interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not ex-
pressly approved by the party respon-
sible for compliance could void the
users authority to operate the equip-
Parking your vehicle
. Never leave unattended children
or pets in the vehicle. They could
accidentally injure themselves or
others through inadvertent op-
eration of the vehicle. Also, on
hot or sunny days, the tempera-
ture in a closed vehicle could
quickly become high enough to
cause severe or possibly fatal
injuries to them.
. Do not park t he vehicle over
flammable materials such as dry
grass, waste paper or rags, as
they may burn easily if they come
near hot engine or exhaust sys-
tem parts.
. Be sure to stop the engine if you
take a nap in the vehicle. If
engine exhaust gas enters the
passenger compartment, occu-
pants in the vehicle could die
from carbon monoxide (CO) con-
tained in the exhaust gas.
& Electronic parking brake
1) Parking brake switch
2) Indicator light
3) Release the electronic parking brake
4) Apply the electronic parking brake
. Before exiting the vehicle, make
sure that you turn off the engine.
Otherwise, the p arking brake
may be released and an accident
may occur.
. If the brake system warning light
flashes, the electronic parking
brake system may be malfunc-
tioning. Immediately stop your
vehicle in a safe location, use
tire stops under the tires to
prevent the vehicle from moving
and contact your SUBARU deal-
. If the electronic parking brake is
operated when the brake is over-
heated or the vehicle is on a
steep slope, the brake system
warning light may flash. In this
case, the vehicle may start to
move and i t may lead to an
accident. Always use the tire
. When the electronic parking
brake system has a malfunction
and the parking brake cannot be
applied, contact your SUBARU
dealer immediately for an inspec-
tion. If you have to park your
vehicle in such conditions, per-
form the following procedure.
Stop your vehicle in a flat
Shift the shift lever in the 1
or reverse position (MT mod-
Shift the select lever in the P
position (CVT models). When
the select lever cannot be
shifted into the P position,
you must release shift lock.
Refer to Shift lock function
Use tire stops under the tires
to prevent the vehicle from
. Never drive while the parking
brake is applied because this will
cause unnecessary wear on the
brake linings. Before starting to
drive, always make sure that the
parking brake has been released
and the brake system warning
light has turned off.
Your vehicle is equipped with an electronic
parking brake. You can apply/release the
parking brake by operating the parking
brake switch.
To apply: Depress the brake pedal and
pull up the parking brake switch.
To release: Press the parking brake
switch firmly while the ignition switch is
in the ON position and the brake pedal is
When the parking brake is applied while
the ignition switch is in the ON position,
the brake system warning light and the
indicator light on the parking brake switch
illuminate. Refer to Brake system warning
light F3-19.
. If the parking br ake swi tch i s
pressed with the ignition switch in the
ACC or LOCK/OFF position, the
parking brake is not released.
. If the parking br ake swi tch i s
pressed without depressing the brake
pedal (all models) and/or clutch pedal
(MT models), the parking brake is not
. The electronic parking brake system
uses motors to appl y the parking
brake. Therefore, operating sounds
from the motors will be heard when
applying or releasing the parking
brake. Make sure that the motor
sounds are heard when applying or
releasing the parking brake.
. When the electronic parking brake
system has a malfunction or the elec-
tronic parking brake operation is pro-
hibited temporarily, if the parking brake
switch is operated, a chirp sound is
heard and the brake system warning
light flashes.
. When you cannot release the park-
ing brake due to, for example, a system
malfunction, contact your SUBARU
dealer and have your SUBARU dealer
release the parking brake.
. If the operation of the electronic
Starting and operating/Parking your vehicle
Starting and operating/Parking your vehicle
parking brake switch is stopped mid-
way or performed extremely slowly, the
system may detect an error and flash
the brake system warning light. How-
ever, this does not indicate a malfunc-
tion if the warning light turns off after
operating the switch.
. When the electronic parking brake
has not been used for a long period of
time, the electronic parking brake may
operate automatically after the ignition
switch is turned to the LOCK/OFF
position. This occurs due to checking
the proper operation of the electronic
parking brake and does not indicate a
. If the electronic parking brake
switch is malfunctioning and the elec-
tronic parking brake cannot be re-
leased, refer to the instructions de-
scribed in Automatic release function
by accelerator pedal F7-44.
After activating the EPB, you may hear
a short sound several minutes after the
indicator lamp illuminates as the sys-
tem confirms proper engagement. This
sound is different from the apply and
release sound.
This can occur:
If the brakes are extremely hot.
If the car is parked on a steep
If the electronic parking brake is
applied after the ignition switch is
turned OFF.
This is a normal operating sound under
any of these conditions.
! Automatic release function by ac-
celerator pedal
The electronic parking brake system has
an automatic release function. The park-
ing brake will be automatically released by
depressing the accelerator pedal. How-
ever, the automatic release function does
not operate under the following conditions.
. Any door (other than the trunk lid or
rear gate) is open.
. The drivers seatbelt is not fastened.
. The clutch pedal is released from the
fully depressed position to partially en-
gaged position (MT models).
If the parking brake i s auto matically
released, the brake system warning light
and the indicator light on the parking brake
switch turn off.
Even if you have applied the parking
brake, the parking brake will be auto-
matically released when the accelera-
tor pedal is depressed.
! Hill Holder function
The electronic parking brake system has a
Hill Holder function. If the Hill Holder
function is activated, the parking brake
will be automatically applied when stop-
ping on an uphill slope with the brake
pedal depressed. In this case, the brake
system warning light and the indicator light
on the parking brake switch illuminate.
. The Hill Holder function may not
activate on a gentle uphill slope. In this
case, manually apply the electronic
parking brake.
. If you do not depress the brake
pedal sufficiently, the Hill Holder func-
tion may not operate properly. How-
ever, this is not a malfunction. When
stopping on an uphill slope, depress
the brake pedal firmly and release it
after the brake system warning light
. Depending on the condition of the
road surface and braking force, the
brakes operate temporarily and feel
different than usual.
. When the electronic parking brake
system has a malfunction while the Hill
Holder function is activated, a chirp
sound is heard, the Hill Holder indica-
tor light turns off and the brake system
warning light flashes.
. When the hill holder activates on a
slope, the electronic parking brake is
engaged. The electronic parking brake
will release when you accelerate from
the stop. If you manually release the
electronic parking brake while the hill
holder is acti vated, the hill holder
function is cancelled and will not re-
engage until the vehicle has moved
some distance. In that case, you will
need to manually engage the electronic
parking brake if needed.
! Hill Holder switch
When stopping on an uphill slope
with the Hill Holder function acti-
vated, release the brake pedal after
the brake system warning light has
illuminated. Otherwise, the Hill
Holder function may not operate
properly and an accident may occur.
You can activate/deactivate the Hill Holder
function by pressing the Hill Holder switch.
To activate: Press the Hill Holder switch.
To deactivate: Press the Hill Holder
switch again.
Deactivate the Hill Holder function under
the following conditions.
. When towing a trailer
. When carrying a heavy load
. When you do not frequently use the
parking brake when stopping on an uphill
. If the Hill Holder switch is pressed
for mo re than 30 seconds, the Hill
Holder indicator light turns off, the
brake system warning light flashes
and the system ignores any further
pressing of the switch. To activate the
switch again, turn the ignition switch to
the LOCK/OFF position and restart
the engine.
. When the Hill Hol der function is
deactivated while the Hill Holder func-
tion has a malfunction, if you press the
Hill Holder switch, a chirp sounds.
! Hill Holder indicator light
When the Hill Holder function is activated,
the Hill Holder indicator light illuminates.
Refer to Hill Holder indicator light F3-21.
Starting and operating/Parking your vehicle
Starting and operating/Parking your vehicle
! Emergency brake
Use the emergency brake only in
case of an emergency. If the emer-
gency brake is excessively used,
the brake parts will wear down
faster or the brake may not work
sufficiently due to brake overheat-
. While using the emergency brake,
the brake system warning light and the
indicator light on the parking brake
switch illuminate and a chirp sounds.
. While using the emergency brake, a
sound may be heard from the engine
compartment. This is the operating
sound of the brake that is activated by
the Vehicle Dynamics Control system,
and does not indicate a malfunction.
If the foot brake has a malfunction, you
can stop the vehicle by pulling the parking
brake switch continuously.
While applying the emergency brake, the
brake system warning light and the in-
dicator light on the parking brake switch
illuminate and a chirp sounds.
! Electronic parking brake system
If the brake system warning light
flashes, the electronic parking brake
system may be malfunctioning. Im-
mediately stop your vehicle in the
nearest safe location and contact
your SUBARU dealer.
If a malfunction occurs in the electronic
parking brake system, the brake system
warning light flashes. Refer to Electronic
parking brake system warning F3-20.
& Parking tips
When parking your vehicle, always per-
form the following items.
. Apply the parking brake.
. For MT models, place the shift lever in
the 1 (1st) for upgrade or R (Reverse)
for a downgrade.
. For CVT models, place the select lever
in the P (Park) position.
Never rely on the transmission alone to
hold the vehicle.
When parking on a hill, always turn the
steering wheel as described here. When
the vehicle is headed up the hill, the front
wheels should be turned away from the
When facing downhill, the front wheels
should be turned into the curb.
Hill start assist system (MT
. The Hill start assist system is a
device only for helping the driver
to START the vehicle on an uphill
grade. To prevent accidents
when the vehicle is parked on a
slope, be sure to firmly set the
parking brake. When setting the
parking brake, make sure that the
vehicle remains stationary when
the clutch pedal and brake pedal
are released.
. Do not turn the ignition switch to
the LOCK/OFF position while
the Hill start assist system is
operating. The Hill start assist
system will be deactivated, caus-
ing an accident.
The Hill start assist system is a device to
make the following vehicle operations
1) Starting forward facing uphill
2) Starting backward facing downhill
In both these cases, when the clutc h
pedal is depressed while the brake pedal
is also depressed, braking power is
maintained temporarily by the Hill start
Starting and operating/Hill start assist system (MT models)
Starting and operating/Hill start assist system (MT models)
assist system when the brake pedal is
released. The driver is therefore able to
start the vehicle the same way as on a
level grade, just using the clutch and
accelerator pedal.
If the braking power of the Hill start assist
system is insufficient after the brake pedal
is released, apply more braking power by
depressing the brake pedal again.
The Hill start assist system may not
operate on slight grades. Also, the Hill
start assist system does not operate in the
following cases.
. when starting backward facing uphill
. when starting forward facing downhill
. while the parking brake is applied
. while the ignition switch is in the ACC
or LOCK/OFF position
. while the Hill Holder indicator light is
When using the Hill start assist system, a
braking effect may be felt even after the
brake pedal has been released. However,
this braking effect should disappear once
the clutch pedal is released.
A slight jolt may be felt when the
vehicle begins to move forward after
being reversed.
& To activate/deactivate the Hill
start assist system
When activating/deactivation the Hill
Holder function, the Hill start assist system
will also be activated/deactivated. For
details about activating/deactivating the
Hill Holder function, refer to Hill Holder
switch F7-45.
Cruise control
For models with EyeSight syste m:
Refer to the Owners Manual supple-
ment for the EyeSight system.
Cruise control enables you to maintain a
constant vehicle speed without holding
your foot on the accelerator pedal and it is
operative when the vehicle speed is 25
mph (40 km/h) or more.
Do not use the cruise control under
any of the following conditions.
These may cause loss of vehicle
. driving up or down a steep grade
. driving on slippery or winding
. driving in heavy traffic
. towing a trailer
Make sure the cruise control system is
turned off when the cruise control is
not in use to avoid unintentionally
setting of the cruise control.
& To set cruise control
Cruise control main button
1. Press the cruise control main button.
Cruise control indicator
The cruise control indicator on the combi-
nation meter will appear.
2. Depress the accelerator pedal until the
vehicle reaches the desired speed.
3. Press the RES/SET switch to the
SET side and release it. Then release
the accelerator pedal.
Starting and operating/Cruise control
Starting and operating/Cruise control
Cruise control set indicator
1) When setti ng the displayed unit as
2) When setti ng the displayed unit as
At this time, the cruise control set indicator
appears in the combination meter. The set
speed will be shown on the combination
meter. You can change the displayed unit
by operating the multi information display.
For details, refer to Units F3-40.
The vehicle will maintain the desired
Vehicle speed can be temporarily in-
creased while driving with the cruise
control activated. Simply depress t he
accelerator pedal to accelerate the vehi-
cle. When the accelerator pedal is re-
leased, the vehicle will return to and
maintain the previous cruising speed.
& To temporarily cancel the
cruise control
The cruise control can be temporarily
canceled in the following ways.
. Press the CANCEL button.
. Press the X-mode switch to activate
the X-mode (models with X-mode).
. Depress the brake pedal.
. Depress the clutch pedal (MT models).
For CVT models, do not place the
select lever in the N position while
driving. If the select lever is shifted
into the N position, cruise control
can be canceled but the engine
brake will no longer work. This
could result in an accident.
The cruise control set indicator in the
combination meter disappears when the
cruise control is canceled.
To resume the cruise control after it has
been temporarily canceled and with vehi-
cle speed of approximately 20 mph (32
km/h) or more, press the RES/SET
switch to the RES side to return to the
original cruising speed automatically.
The cruise control set indicator in the
combination meter will automatically ap-
pear at this time.
& To turn off the cruise control
There are two ways to turn off the cruise
. Press the cruise control main button
. Turn the ignition switch to the ACC or
LOCK/OFF position (but only when the
vehicle is completely stopped).
& To change the cruising speed
! To increase the speed (by the RES/
SET switch)
Press the RES/SET switch to the RES
side and hold it until the vehicle reaches
the desired speed. Then, release the
switch. The vehicle speed at that moment
will be memorized and treated as the new
set speed.
When s etting the displayed unit as
The set speed can be increased 1 mph
(1.6 km/h) each time by pressing the
RES/SET switch to the RES side.
When s etting the displayed unit as
The set speed can be increased 1 km/h
each time by pressing the RES/SET
switch to the RES side.
! To increase the speed (by accel-
erator pedal)
1. Depress the accelerator pedal to
accelerate the vehicle to the desired
2. Press the RES/SET switch to the
SET side once. Now the desired speed
is set and the vehicle will keep running at
that speed without depressing the accel-
erator pedal.
! To decrease the speed (by the
RES/SET switch)
Press the RES/SET switch to the SET
side and hold it until the vehicle reaches
the desired speed. Then, release the
switch. The vehicle speed at that moment
will be memorized and treated as the new
set speed.
When setting the displayed u nit as
The set speed can be decreased 1 mph
(1.6 km/h) each time by pressing the
RES/SET switch to the SET side.
Starting and operating/Cruise control
Starting and operating/Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)
When setting the displayed unit as
The set speed can be decreased 1 km/h
each time by pressing the RES/SET
switch to the SET side.
! To decrease the speed (by brake
1. Depress the brake pedal to release
cruise control temporarily.
2. When the speed decreases to the
desired spee d, press the RE S/SET
switch to the SET side once. Now the
desired speed is set and the vehicle will
keep running at that speed without de-
pressing the accelerator pedal.
& Cruise control indicator
Refer to Cruise control indicator F3-29.
& Cruise control set indicator
Refer to Cruise control set indicator F3-
Subaru Rear Vehicle Detec-
tion (SRVD) (if equipped)
The Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection
(SRVD) consists of rear radar with Blind
Spot Detection, Lane Change Assist, and
Rear Cross Traffic Alert.
The driver is responsible for driving
safely. Always be sure to check the
surroundings with your eyes when
changing lanes or reversing the
The system is designed to assist the
driver by monitoring the rear and
side areas of the vehicle during a
lane change or reversing. However,
you cannot rely on this system
alone in assuring the safety during
a lane change or reversing. Over-
confidence in this system could
result in an accident and lead to
serious injury or death. Since the
system operation has various limita-
tions, the flashing or illumination of
the SRVD approach indicator light
may be delayed or it may not
operate at all even when a vehicle
is present in a neighboring lane or
approaching from either side.
The driver is responsible for paying
attention to the rear and side areas
of the vehicle.
& System features
The SRVD radar sensor has been
certified by the radio wave related laws
of the U.S. and Canada. When driving
in other countries, certification of the
country where the vehicle is driven
must be obtained. For certification in
the U.S. and Canada, refer to Certifica-
tion for the Subaru Rear Vehicle Detec-
tion (SRVD) F7-59.
The system uses radar sensors for the
following features.
! Blind Spot Detection (BSD)
1) Operating range
The system notifies the driver of vehicles
existing in the blind area. If the system
detects a vehicle existing in the blind area,
it warns the driver of dangers by illuminat-
ing the SRVD approach indicator light(s)
on the outside mirror(s). If the driver
operates the turn signal l ever in the
direction where the SRVD approach in-
dicator light is illuminating, the system
warns the driver of dangers by flashing the
SRVD approach indicator light.
! Lane Change Assist (LCA)
1) Operating range
The system notifies the driver of vehicles
approaching at a high speed in the
neighboring lanes. If the system detects
a vehicle approaching at a high speed in
the neighboring lanes, it warns the driver
of dangers by illuminating the SRVD
approach indicator light(s) on the outside
mirror(s). If the driver operates the turn
signal lever in the direction where the
SRVD approach indicator light is illuminat-
ing, the system warns the driver of
dangers by flashing the SRVD approach
indicator light.
Starting and operating/Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)
Starting and operating/Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)
! Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA)
1) Operating range
The system notifies the driver of another
vehicle approaching from either side when
driving in reverse. This feature helps the
driver check the rear and side areas of the
vehicle when moving backward.
If the system detects a vehicle approach-
ing from either side while moving back-
ward, it warns the driver of dangers in the
following way.
. The SRVD approach indicator light(s)
on the outside mirror(s) flashes.
. A warning buzzer sounds.
. An icon appears on the rear view
camera screen (if equipped)
& System operation
! Operating conditions
The SRVD will operate when all of the
following conditions are met.
. The ignition switch is in the ON
. The SRVD warning indicator and
SRVD OFF indicator are turned off.
. The vehicle is driven at speeds above
8 mph (12 km/h) (except when reversing).
. The shift lever/select lever is in the R
position (when reversing).
The SRVD will not operate in the following
. The SRVD OFF indicator appears.
. The vehicle speed is below 8 mph (12
km/h) even when the SRVD OFF indicator
does not appear (except when reversing).
. In the following cases, the SRVD will
stop operating and the SRVD warning
indicator will appe ar. If the SRVD
warning indicator appears, have your
vehicle inspected at a SUBARU dealer
as soon as possible.
When a malfunction occurs in the
system, including the SRVD ap-
proach indicator light
When the radar sensor becomes
significantly misaligned (If the or-
ientation of the radar sensor is
shi fted for any reason, readjust -
ment is required. Have the sensor
adjusted at a SUBARU dealer.)
. In the following cases, the SRVD will
temporarily stop operating (or may
stop operating) and the SRVD warning
indicator will appear. The SRVD will
resume operation once these condi-
tions are corrected, and the SRVD
warning indicator will disappear. How-
ever, if the SRVD warning indicator has
appeared for a prolonged time, have
the system inspected at a SUBARU
dealer as soon as possible.
When a large amount of snow or
ice sticks to the rear bumper sur-
face around the radar sensors
When the vehicle is driven on a
snow-covered road or in an envir-
onment in whic h the re are no
objects around (such as desert) for
a long time
When the temperature around
the radar sensors increased exces-
sively due to long driving on uphill
grades in summer, etc.
When the temperature around
the radar sensors becomes extre-
mely low
When the vehicle battery voltage
When the vehicle battery be-
comes overvoltage
. The detectability of the radar sen-
sors is restricted. The SRVD detection
may be impaired and the system may
not operate properly under the follow-
ing conditions.
When the rear bumper around
the radar sensors is distorted
When ice, snow or mud adheres
to the rear bumper surface around
the radar sensors
When stickers, etc. are affixed on
the areas of the radar sensors on
the rear bumper
During adverse weather condi-
tions such as rain, snow or fog
When driving on wet roads such
as snow-covered roads and pud-
. The radar sensors may not detect or
may have difficulty detecting the fol-
lowing vehicles and objects.
Small motorcycles, bicycles, pe-
destrians and stationary objects on
the road or road side
Vehicles with body shapes that
the radar may not reflect (vehicles
with lower body height such as a
trailer with no cargo and sp orts
Vehicles that are not approach-
ing your vehicle even though they
are in the detection area (either on a
neighboring lane to the rear or
beside your vehicle when rever-
sing) (The system determines the
presence of approaching vehicles
based on data detected by the radar
Vehicles traveling at significantly
different speeds
Vehicles driving in parallel at
almo st the same speed as your
vehicle for a prolonged time
Oncoming vehicles
Vehicles in a lane beyond the
neighboring lane
Vehicles travelling at a signifi-
cantly lower speed that you are
trying to overtake
. On a road with extremely narrow
lanes, the system may detect vehicles
driving in a lane next to the neighbor-
ing lane.
& SRVD approach indicator
light/warning buzzer
When the SRVD is active, the SRVD
approach indicator light and warning
buzzer will operate to alert the driver to
the presence of the following vehicles.
. Vehicles in the neighboring lanes
. Vehicles approaching from the left or
right rear side when reversing
! SRVD approach indicator light
SRVD approach indicator light
It is mounted in each side of the outside
mirrors and will illuminate when a vehicle
approaching from behind is detected. If a
light illuminates and the turn signal lever is
operated toward the side in which this light
turned on, the indicator light flashes to
warn the driver of dangers. When rever-
sing the vehicle, the indicator light flashes
when the system detects a vehicle ap-
proaching from either side.
Starting and operating/Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)
Starting and operating/Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)
! SRVD approach indicator light
dimming function
When the headlights are turned on, the
brightness of the SRVD approach indica-
tor light will be reduced.
. When affected by direct sunlight,
you may have difficulty recogn izing
the SRVD approach indicator light.
. When affected by the headlight
beams from the vehicles behind, you
may have difficulty recognizing the
SRVD approach indicator light.
! SRVD approach warning buzzer
(only when reversing)
A warning buzzer sounds along with
flashing of the SRVD approach indicator
light to warn the driver of dangers.
The setting of the warning buzzer volume
can be changed by operating the multi
information display. For details, refer to
SRVD (Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection)
! Safety tips regarding the SRVD
approach indicator light/warning
. In the following cases, operation of the
SRVD approach indicator light and the
warning buzzer may be delayed or the
system may fail to issue these warnings.
neighboring lane from a lane next to
the neighboring lane
When driving on a steep incline or
on repeated sharp uphill and downhill
When going beyond a pass
When both your vehi cle and a
vehicle driving on a neighboring lane
are driving on the far side of each lane.
When several narrowly-spaced ve-
hicles are approaching in a row
In low radius bends (tight bends or
when making turns at an intersection)
When there is a difference in height
between your lane and the neighbor-
ing lane
Immediately after the SRVD is
activated by pressing the SRVD OFF
Immediately after the shift lever/
select lever is shifted to the R
When extremely heavy cargo is
loaded in the trunk or cargo area
. Dur ing reversi ng, opera tion o f the
SRVD approach indicator light and the
warning buzzer may be delayed or the
system may fail to issue these warnings
under the following conditions.
When backing out of an angled
parking space
When a large-sized vehicle is
parked next to your vehicle (That
vehicle prevents the propagation of
radar waves.)
When reversing on sloped roads
When reversing at a high speed
. The SRVD appr oach indicator li ght
may illuminate when driving close to solid
objects on the road or road side (such as
guardrails, tunnels and sidewalls).
. When turning at an intersection in
urban areas, the SRVD approach indica-
tor light may flash.
. If a building or a wall exists in the
reversing direction, the SRVD approach
indicator light may flash and the warning
buzzer may sound.
. In the following cases, the system may
detect a vehicle driving two lanes away
from your vehicle.
When your vehicle drives on the
near side of its lane from the corre-
sponding vehicle
When the vehicle driving two lanes
away drives on the near side of its lane
from your vehicle
& SRVD warning indicator
! System temporary stop indicator
System temporary stop indicator
This indicator appears when the system is
used at extremely high or low tempera-
tures or when abnormal voltage exists.
Once these conditions are corrected, the
system will recover from the temporary
stop conditi on and the i ndicator wil l
disappear. If the indicator remains dis-
played for a prolonged time, have the
system inspected at a SUBARU dealer.
! System temporary stop indicator
due to reduced radar sensitivity
System temporary stop indicator due to
reduced radar sensitivity
This indicator appears when the detect-
ability of the radar sensors is reduced.
Once the condition is corrected, the
system will recover from the temporary
stop conditio n and the ind icator wi ll
disappear. If the indicator remains dis-
played for a prolonged time, have the
system inspected at a SUBARU dealer.
Starting and operating/Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)
Starting and operating/Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)
! System malfunction indicator
System malfunction indicator
1) At first, this message will appear
2) Then this message will appear
This indicator appears when a malfunction
occurs in the system. Contact a SUBARU
dealer and have the system inspected.
& SRVD OFF switch
SRVD OFF switch
SRVD OFF indicator
If the SRVD OFF switch is pressed, the
SRVD OFF indicator appears on the multi
information display of the combination
meter, and the SRVD is deactivated.
Press the switch again to activate the
SRVD. The SRVD OFF indicator disap-
. In the following cases, press the
SRVD OFF switch to deactivate the
system. The system may not operate
properly due to blocked radar waves.
When towing a trailer
When a bicycle carrier or other
item is fitted to the rear of the
When using a chassis dynam-
ometer or free roller device, etc.
When ru nning the engine and
making t he whe els rota te wh ile
lifting up the vehicle
. If the ignition switch is turned to the
LOCK/OFF position, the last known
status of the system is maintained. For
example, if the ignition switch is turned
to the LOCK/OFF position with the
SRVD deactivated, the SRVD remains
deactivated the next time the ignition
switch is turned to the ON position.
. If the vehicle battery is disconnected
due to situations such as battery
terminal or fuse replacement, after the
battery is reconnected, the SRVD will
be activated.
& Certification for the Subaru
Rear Vehicle Detection
. U.S.-spec. models
Changes or modifications not ex-
pressly approved by the party re-
sponsible for compliance could void
the users authority to operate the
This device complies with part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device
may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interfer-
ence received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
. Canada-spec. models
Canada 310
This device complies with Industry
Canada licence-exempt RSS standard
(s). Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not
cause interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
& Handling of radar sensors
Radar sensors (Legacy)
Radar sensors (Outback)
The radar sensors, one on each side of
the vehicle, are mounted inside the rear
To ensure correct operation of the SRVD,
observe the following precautions.
. Always keep the bumper surface near
the radar sensors clean.
. Do not affix any stickers or other items
on the bumper surface near the radar
. Do not modify the bumper near the
radar sensors.
. Do not paint the bumper near the radar
. Do not expose the bumper near the
rad ar sensors to strong impacts. If a
sensor becomes misaligned, a system
malfunction may occur, including the
inability to detect vehicles entering the
detection areas. If any strong shock is
applied to the bumper, be sure to contact
your SUBARU dealer for inspection.
. Do not disassemble the radar sensors.
If the radar sensors require repair or
replacement, or the bumper area
around the rad ar sensors r equires
repair, paintwork or replacement, con-
tact your SUBARU dealer for assis-
Starting and operating/Subaru Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)
New vehicle break-in driving the first
1,000 mile s (1,600 km) ..................................... 8-2
Fuel economy hints ............................................ 8-2
Engine exhaust gas (carbon monoxide)............ 8-2
Catalytic converter .............................................. 8-3
Periodic inspections ........................................... 8-4
Driving in foreign countries ............................... 8-4
Driving tips for AWD vehicles ............................ 8-5
Off road driving ................................................... 8-6
Legacy................................................................ 8-6
Outback .............................................................. 8-6
Winter driving ...................................................... 8-8
Operation during cold weather............................. 8-8
Driving on snowy and icy roads ......................... 8-10
Corrosion protection .......................................... 8-11
Snow tires ......................................................... 8-11
Tire chains......................................................... 8-11
Rocking the vehicle ........................................... 8-12
Loading your vehicle......................................... 8-12
Vehicle capacity weight...................................... 8-13
GVWR and GAWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
and Gross Axle Weight Rating) ........................ 8-14
Roof rails with integrated crossbars
(Outback) ........................................................ 8-14
Trailer hitch (Outb ack if equipped) .............. 8-18
Connecting a trailer ........................................... 8-19
If not towing a trailer.......................................... 8-20
Trailer towing (Legacy)...................................... 8-21
Trailer towing (Outback).................................... 8-21
Warranties and maintenance .............................. 8-21
Maximum load limits.......................................... 8-21
Trailer Hitches ................................................... 8-25
Connecting a trailer ........................................... 8-25
Trailer towing tips .............................................. 8-26
Driving tips
Driving tips/New vehicle breakin driving the first 1,000 miles (1,600 km)
New vehicle break-in driving
the first 1,000 miles (1,600
The performance and long life of your
vehicle are dependent on how you handle
and care for your vehicle while it is new.
Follow these instructions during the first
1,000 miles (1,600 km):
. Do not race the engine. And do not
allow engine speed to exceed 4,000 rpm
except in an emergency.
. Do not drive at one constant engine or
vehicle speed for a long time, either fast or
. Avoi d star ting suddenly and rapid
acceleration, except in an emergency.
. Avoid hard braking, exce pt in an
The same break-in procedures should be
applied to a newly installed or overhauled
engine or when brake pads or brake
linings are replaced with new ones.
Fuel economy hints
The following suggestions will help to save
your fuel.
. Select the proper gear position for the
speed and road conditions.
. Avoid sudden acceleration or decelera-
tion. Always accelerate gently until you
reach the desired speed. Then try to
maintain that speed for as long as
. Do not pump the accelerator and avoid
racing the engine.
. Avoid unnecessary engine idling.
. Keep the engine properly tuned.
. Keep the tires inflated to the correct
pressure shown on the tire placard, which
is located under the door latch on the
drivers side. Low pressure will increase
tire wear and fuel consumption.
. Use the air conditioner only when
. Keep the f ront and rear wheels in
proper alignment.
. Avoid carrying unnecessary luggage or
. The indication of the ECO ga uge
shows a reference for saving fuel. For
details, refer to ECO gauge F3-11.
Engine exhaust gas (carbon
. Never inhale engine exhaust gas.
Engine exhaust gas contains
carbon monoxi de, a c olorless
and odorless gas which is dan-
gerous, or even lethal, if inhaled.
. Always properly maintain the en-
gine exhaust system to prevent
engine exhaust gas from enter-
ing the vehicle.
. Never run the engine in a closed
space, such as a garage, except
for the brief time needed to drive
the vehicle in or out of it.
. Avoid remaining in a parked
vehicle for a long time while the
engine is running. If that is
unavoidable, then use the venti-
lation fan to force fresh air into
the vehicle.
. Always keep the front ventilator
inlet grille free from snow, leaves
or other obstructions to ensure
that the ventilation system al-
ways works properly.
. If at any time you suspect that
exhaust fumes are entering the
vehicle, have the problem
checked and corrected as soon
as possible. If you must drive
under these conditions, d rive
only with all windows fully open.
. Keep the trunk lid (Legacy) or
rear gate (Outback) closed while
driving to prevent exhaust gas
from entering the vehicle.
Due to the expansion and contraction
of the metals used in the manufacture
of the exhaust system, you may hear a
crackling sound coming from the ex-
haust system for a short time after the
engine has been shut off. This sound is
Catalytic converter
. Avoid fire hazards. Do not drive
or park the vehicle anywhere
near flammable materials (e.g.
grass, paper, rags or leaves),
because the catalytic converter
operates at very high tempera-
. Keep everyone and flammable
materials away from the exhaust
pipe while the engine is running.
The exhaust gas is very hot.
2.5 L models
3.6 L models
The catalytic converter is installed in the
exhaust system. It serves as catalyst to
reduce HC, CO and NOx in exhaust
gases, thus providing cleaner exhaust.
To avoid damage to the catalytic conver-
. Use only unleaded gasoline. Even a
small amount of leaded gasoline will
damage the catalytic converter.
. Never start the engine by pushing or
pulling the vehicle.
. Avoid racing the engine.
. Never turn off the ignition switch while
the vehicle is moving.
. Keep your engine tuned-up. If you feel
the engine running rough (misfiring, back-
firing or in complete combustion), have
Driving tips/Catalytic converter
Driving tips/Periodic inspections
your vehicle checked and repaired by an
authorized SUBARU dealer.
. Do not apply undercoating or rust
prevention treatment to the heat shield of
catalytic converter and the exhaust sys-
. Do not drive with an extremely low fuel
Periodic inspections
To keep your vehicle in the best condition
at all times, always have the recom-
mended maintenance services listed in
the maintenance schedule in the War-
ranty and Maintenance B ooklet per-
formed at the specified time or mileage
Driving in foreign countries
When planning to use your vehicle in
another country:
. Confirm the availability of the correct
fuel. Refer to Fuel requirements F7-3.
. Comply with all regulations and re-
quirements of each country.
Driving tips for AWD vehicles
. Always maintain a safe driving
speed according to the road and
weather conditions in order to
avoid having an accident on a
sharp turn, during sudden brak-
ing or under other similar condi-
. Always use the utmost care in
driving overconfidence be-
cause you are driving an All-
Wheel Drive vehicle could easily
lead to a serious accident.
. When replacing or installing tire
(s), all four tires must be the
same for the following items.
(a) Size
(b) Circumference
(c) Speed symbol
(d) Load index
(e) Construction
(f) Manufacturer
(g) Brand (tread pattern)
(h) Degrees of wear
For items (a) to (d), you must
obey the specificati on that i s
printed on the tire placard. The
tire placard is located on the
drivers door pillar.
If all four tires are not the same in
items (a) to (h), it may lead to
serious mechanical damage to
the drive train of your car and
affect the following factors.
Clearance between the body
and the tires
It also may be dangerous and
lead to loss of vehicle control,
and it can lead to an accident.
If you use a temporary spare tire to
replace a flat tire, be sure to use the
original temporary spare tire stored
in the vehicle. Using other sizes may
result in severe mechanical damage
to the drive train of your vehicle.
All-Wheel Drive distributes the engine
power to all four wheels. AWD vehicles
provide better traction when driving on
slippery, wet or snow-covered roads and
when moving out of mud, dirt and sand.
By shifting power between the front and
rear whee ls, SUBARU AWD can also
provide added traction during accelera-
tion, and added engine braking force
during deceleration.
Therefore, your SUBARU AWD vehicle
may handle differently than an ordinary
two wheel drive vehicle and it contains
some features unique to AWD. For safety
purposes as well as to avoid damaging
the AWD system, you should keep the
following tips in mind:
. An AWD vehicle is better able to climb
steeper roads under snowy or slippery
Driving tips/Driving tips for AWD vehicles
Driving tips/Off road driving
conditions than a two wheel drive vehicle.
There is little difference in handlin g,
however, during extremely sharp turns or
sudden braking. Therefore, when driving
down a slope or turning corners, be sure
to reduce your speed and maintain an
ample distance from other vehicles.
. Always check the cold tire pressure
before starting to drive. The recom-
mended tire pressure is provided on the
tire placard, which is located on the door
pillar on the drivers side.
. There are some precautions that you
must observe when towing your vehicle.
For detailed information, refer to Towing
Off road driving
. Always maintain a safe driving
speed according to the road and
weather conditions in order to
avoid having an accident on a
sharp turn, during sudden brak-
ing or under other similar condi-
. Always use the utmost care in
driving overconfidence be-
cause you ar e driv ing an All-
Wheel Drive vehicle could easily
lead to a serious accident.
& Legacy
Your AWD vehicle is neither a conven-
tional off-road vehicle nor an all terrain
vehicle. It is a passenger car designed
primarily for on-road use. The AWD
feature gives it some limited off-road
capabilities in situations in which the
driving surface is relatively level, obstruc-
tion-free and otherwise similar to on-road
driving conditions. Operating it under other
than those conditions could subject the
vehicle to excessive stress which might
result in damage not eligible for repair
under war ranty. If you do take your
SUBARU off road, you should review the
common sense precautions in the next
section (applicable to the Outback) for
genera l guidance. But please keep in
mind that your vehicles off-road capabil-
ities are more limited than those of the
Never attempt to drive through pools and
puddles, or roads flooded with water.
Water entering the engine air intake or
the exhaust pipe or water splashing onto
electrical parts may damage your vehicle
and may cause it to stall.
& Outback
Frequent driving of an AWD model
under hard-driving conditions such
as rough roads or off roads will
necessitate more frequent replace-
ment of the following items than that
specified in the maintenance sche-
dule described in the Warranty and
Maintenance Booklet.
. Engine oil
. Brake fluid
. Manual t ransmission oil (MT
. Continuously variable transmis-
sion fluid (CVT models)
. Front differential gear oil (CVT
Remember that damage done to
your SUBARU while operating i t
off-road and not using common
sense precautions such as those
listed above is not eligible for war-
ranty coverage.
Because of the AWD feature and higher
ground clearance, you can drive your
SUBARU on ordinary roads or off-road.
But please keep in mind that an AWD
SUBARU is a passenger car and is
neither a conventional off-road vehicle
nor an all-terrain vehicle. If you do take
your SUBARU off-road, certain common
sense precautions such as those in the
following list should be taken.
! Before driving
. Make certain that you and all of your
passengers are wearing seatbelts.
. Carry some emergency equipment,
such as a towing rope or chain, a shovel,
wheel blocks, first aid kit and cell phone or
citizens band radio.
. Secure all cargo carried inside the
vehicle and make certain that it is not
piled higher than the seatbacks. During
sudden stops or jolts, unsecured cargo
could be thrown around in the vehicle and
cause injury. Do not pile heavy loads on
the roof. Those loads raise the vehicles
center of gravity and make it more prone
to tip over.
. Never equip your vehicle with tires
larger than those specified in this manual.
! During driving
General precautions:
. Drive carefully. Do not take unneces-
sary risks by driving in dangerous areas or
over rough terrain.
. Slow down and employ extra caution at
all times. When driving off-road, you will
not have the benefit of marked traffic
lanes, banked curves, traffic signs and
the like.
. Do not drive across steep slopes.
Instead, drive either straight up or straight
down the slopes. A vehicle can much
more easily tip over sideways than it can
end over end. Avoid driving straight up or
down slopes that are too steep.
. Avoid sharp turning maneuvers, espe-
cially at higher speeds.
. Do not grip the inside or spokes of the
steering wheel. A bad bump could jerk the
wheel and injure your hands. Instead,
drive with your fingers and thumbs on
the outside of the rim.
. Do not drive or park over or near
flammable materials such as dry grass or
fallen leaves, as they may burn easily. The
exhaust system is very hot while the
engine is running and right after the
engine stops. This could create a fire
Precautions when driving under espe-
cially dangerous situations:
. If driving through water, such as when
crossing shallow streams, first check the
depth of the water and the bottom of the
stream bed for firmness and ensure that
the bed of the stream is flat. Drive slowly
and completely through the stream. The
water should be shallow enough that it
does not reach the vehicles undercar-
riage. Water entering the engine air intake
or the exhaust pipe or water splashing
onto electrical parts may damage your
vehicle and may cause it to stall. Never
attempt to drive through rushing water;
regardless of its depth, it can wash away
the ground from under your tires, resulting
in possible loss of t raction and even
vehicle rollover.
. If you must rock the vehicle to free it
from sand or mud, depress the accelerator
pedal slightly and move the shift lever/
select lever back and forth between 1/
D and R repeatedly. Do not race the
engine. For the best possible traction,
Driving tips/Off road driving
Driving tips/Winter driving
avoid spinning the wheels when trying to
free the vehicle.
. When the road surface is extremely
slippery, you can obtain better traction by
starting the vehicle with the transmission
in 2nd than 1st (both for MT and CVT). For
CVT models, refer to Selection of manual
mode F7-29.
! After driving
. Always check your brakes for effec-
tiveness immediately after driving in sand,
mud or water. Do this by driving slowly
and stepping on the brake pedal. Repeat
that process several times to dry out the
brake discs and brake pads.
. After driving through tall grass, mud,
rocks, sand, rivers, etc., check that there
is no grass, bush, paper, rags, stones,
sand, etc. adhering to or trapped on the
underbody. Clear off any such matter from
the underbody. If the vehicle is used with
these materials trapped or adhering to the
underbody, a mechanical breakdown or
fire could occur.
. Wash the vehicles underbody after off-
road driving. Suspension components are
particularly prone to dirt buildup, so they
need to be washed thoroughly.
Winter driving
& Operation during cold
Carry some emergency equipment, such
as a window scraper, a bag of sand,
flares, a small shovel and jumper cables.
Check th e battery and cables. Col d
temperatures r educe batte ry capaci ty.
The battery must be in good condition to
provide enough power for cold winter
It normally takes longer to start the engine
in very cold weather conditions. Use an
engine oil of a proper grade and viscosity
for cold weather. Using heavy summer oil
will make it harder to start the engine.
Keep the door locks from freezing by
squirting them with deicer or glycerin.
Forcing a frozen door open may damage
or separate the rubber weather strips
around the door. If the door is frozen,
use hot water to melt the ice, and after-
wards thoroughly wipe the water away.
Use a windshield washer fluid that con-
tains an antifreeze solution. Do not use
engine antifreeze or other substitutes
because they may damage the paint of
the vehicle.
SUBARU Windshield Washer Fluid con-
tains 58.5% methyl alcohol and 41.5%
surfactant, by volume. Its freezing tem-
perature varies according to how much it
is diluted, as indicated in the following
Washer Fluid Con-
Freezing Temperature
30% 10.48F(128C)
50% 48F(208C)
In order to prevent freezing of washer
fluid, check the freezing temperatures in
the table above when adjusting the fluid
concentration to the outside temperature.
If you fill the reservoir tank with a fluid with
a different concentration from the one
used previously, purge the old fluid from
the piping between the reservoir tank and
washer nozzles by operating the washer
for a certain period of time. Otherwise, if
the concentration of the fluid remaining in
the piping is too low for the outsid e
temperature, it may freeze and block the
. Adjust the washer fluid concen-
tration appropriately for the out-
side temperature. If the concen-
tration is inappropriate, sprayed
washer fluid may freeze on the
windshield and obstru ct you r
view, and the fluid may freeze in
the reservoir tank.
. State or local regulations on
volatile organic compounds may
restrict the use of methanol, a
common windshield washer anti-
freeze additive. Washer f luids
containing non-methanol anti-
freeze agents should be used
only if they provide cold weather
protection withou t damaging
your vehicles paint, wiper blades
or washer system.
! Before driving your vehicle
Before entering the vehicle, remove any
snow or ice from your shoes because that
could make the pedals slippery and
driving dangerous.
While warming up the vehicle before
driving, check that the accelerator pedal,
brake pedal, and all other controls operate
Clear away i ce an d sn ow t hat has
accumulated under the fenders to avoid
making steering difficult. During severe
winter driving, stop when and where it is
safe to do so and check under the fenders
! Parking in cold weather
Snow can trap dangerous exhaust
gases under your vehicle. Keep
snow clear of the exhaust pipe and
from around your vehicle if you park
the vehicle in snow with the engine
. Do not use the parking brake
when parking for long periods in
cold weather since it could freeze
in that position.
. When the vehicle is parked in
snow or when it snows, raise the
wiper blades off the glass to
prevent damage to them.
. When the vehicle has been left
parked after use on roads heavily
covered with snow, or has been
left parked during a snowstorm,
icing may develop on the brake
system, which could cause poor
braking action. Check for snow
or ice buildup on the suspension,
disc brakes and brake hoses
underneath the vehicle. If there
is caked snow or ice, remove it,
being careful not to damage the
disc brakes and brake hoses and
ABS harness.
When parking for long periods in cold
weather, you should observe the following
1. For MT models, place the shift lever in
the 1 or R position. For CVT models,
place the select lever in the P position.
2. Use tire stops under the tires to
prevent the vehicle from moving.
! Refueling in cold weather
To help prevent moisture from forming in
the fuel system and the risk of its freezing,
use of an antifreeze additive in the fuel
tank is recommended during cold weather.
Use only additives that are specifically
designed fo r this purpose. When an
antifreeze additive is used, its effect lasts
longer if the tank is refilled whenever the
fuel level reaches half empty.
If your SUBARU is not going to be used
for an extended period, it is best to have
the fuel tank filled to capacity.
Driving tips/Winter driving
Driving tips/Winter driving
& Driving on snowy and icy
Do not use the cruise control on
slippery roads such as snowy or icy
roads. This may cause loss of
vehicle control.
Avoid prolonged continuous driving
in snowstorms. Snow will enter the
engines i ntake s ystem and may
hinder the airflow, which could re-
sult in engine shutdown or even
To prevent skidding and slipping, avoid
sudden braking, abrupt acceleration, high-
speed driving, and sharp turning when
driving on snowy or icy roads.
Always maintain ample distance between
your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you
to avoid the need for sudden braking.
To supplement the foot brake, use the
engine brake effectively to control the
vehicle speed. (Shift into a lower gear
when necessary.)
Avoid shifting down abruptly. Such beha-
vior can cause the wheels to lock, possibly
leading to loss of vehicle control.
An anti-lock brake system (ABS) en-
hances your vehicles braking perfor-
mance on snowy and icy roads. For
information about braking on sli ppery
surfaces, refer to ABS (Anti-lock Brake
System) F7-33 and Vehicle Dynamics
Control system F7-35.
! Wiper operation when snowing
Before driving in cold weather, make sure
the wiper blades are not frozen to the
windshield or rear window.
If the wiper blades are frozen to the
windshield or rear window, perform the
following procedure.
. To thaw the windshield wiper blades,
use the defroster with the airflow selection
and the temperature set for
maximum warmth until the wiper blades
are completely thawed. Refer to Climate
control F4-1.
. If your vehicle is equipped with a wiper
deicer, use it. It is helpful to thaw the
windshield wiper blades. Refer to Defog-
ger and deicer F3-52.
. To thaw the rear wiper blade, use the
rear window defogger. Refer to Defogger
and deicer F3-52.
When driving in snow, if frozen snow starts
to stick on the surface of the windshield
despite wiper operation, use the defroster
with the airflow selection in
and the
temperature set for maximum warmth.
After the windshield gets warmed enough
to melt the frozen snow on it, wash it away
using the windshield washer. Refer to
Windshield washer F3-51.
Snow stuck on the wiper arm prevents the
wiper from working effectively. If snow is
stuck on the wiper arm, pull off the road to
a safe place, then remove it. If you stop
the vehicle at road side, use the hazard
warning flasher to alert other drivers.
Refer to Hazard warning flasher F3-7.
We recommend use of non-freezing type
wiper blades (winter blades) during the
seasons you could have snow and freez-
ing temperatures. Blades of this type give
superior wiping performance in snowy
conditions. Be sure to use blades that
are suitable for your vehicle.
During high-speed d riving, non-
freezing type wiper blades may not
perform as well as standard wiper
blades. If this happens, reduce the
vehicle speed.
When the season requiring non-freez-
ing type wiper blades is over, replace
them with standard wiper blades.
& Corrosion protection
Refer to Corrosion protection F10-4.
& Snow tires
. When replacing or installing win-
ter tire(s), all four tires must be
the same for the following items.
(a) Size
(b) Circumference
(c) Speed symbol
(d) Load index
(e) Construction
(f) Manufacturer
(g) Brand (tread pattern)
(h) Degrees of wear
For items (a) to (d), you must
obey the specificati on that i s
printed on the tire placard. The
tire placard is located on the
drivers door pillar.
If all four tires are not the same in
items (a) to (h), it may lead to
serious mechanical damage to
the drive train of your car and
affect the following factors.
Clearance between the body
and the tires
It also may be dangerous and
lead to loss of vehicle control,
and it can lead to an accident.
. Do not use a combination of
radial, belted bias or bias tires
since it may cause dangerous
handling characteristics and lead
to an accident.
Your vehicle is equipped with all season
tires which are designed to provide an
adequate measure of traction, handling
and braking performance in year-round
driving. In winter, it may be possible to
enhance performance through use of tires
designed specifically for winter driving
If you choose to install winter tires on your
vehicle, be sure to use the correct tire size
and type. You must install four winter tires
that are of the same size, construction,
brand and load range and you should
never mix radial, belted bias or bias tires
since this may result in dangerous hand-
ling characteristics. When you choose a
tire, make sure that there is enough
clearance between the tire and vehicle
Remember to drive with care at all times
regardless of the type of tires on your
& Tire chains
Tire chains cannot be used on your
vehicle because of the lack of
clearance between the tires and
vehicle body.
Driving tips/Winter driving
Driving tips/Loading your vehicle
When tire chains cannot be used, use
of another type of traction device (such
as spring chains) may be acceptable if
use on your vehicle is recommended
by the device manufacturer, taking into
account tire size and road conditions.
Follow the device manufacturers in-
structions, especially regarding max-
imum vehicle speed.
To help avoid damage to your vehicle,
drive slowly, readjust or remove the
device if it is contacting your vehicle,
and do not spin your wheels. Damage
caused to your vehicle by use of a
traction device is not covered under
Make certain that any traction device
you use is an SAE class S device, and
use it on the front wheels only. Always
use the utmost care when driving with
a traction device. Overconfidence be-
cause you are using a traction device
could easily lead to a serious accident.
& Rocking the vehicle
If you must rock the vehicle to free it from
snow, sand, or mud, depress the accel-
erator pedal slightly and move the shift
lever/select lever back and forth between
1/D and R repeatedly. Do not race the
engine. For the best possible traction,
avoid spinning the wheels when trying to
free the vehicle.
When th e road surfac e is extremely
slippery, you can obtain better traction by
starting the vehicle with the transmission
in 2nd than 1st (for MT and CVT).
For information on holding the transmis-
sion in 2nd position, refer to Selection of
manual mode F7-29.
Loading your vehicle
Never allow passengers to ride on a
folded rear seatback, in the trunk or
in the cargo area. Doing so may
result in serious injury.
. Never s tack luggage or other
cargo higher than the top of the
seatback because it could tumble
forward and injure passengers in
the event of a sudden stop or
accident. Keep luggage or cargo
low, as close to the floor as
. When you carry something inside
the vehicle, secure it whenever
you can to prevent it from being
thrown around inside the vehicle
during sudden stops, sharp turns
or in an accident.
. Do not pile heavy loads on the
roof. These loads raise the vehi-
cles center of gravity and make it
more prone to tip over.
. Secure long items proper ly to
prevent them from shooting for-
ward and causing serious injury
during a sudden stop.
. Never exceed the maximum load
limit. If you do, some parts on
your vehicle can break, or it can
change the way your vehicle
handles. This could result in loss
of control and cause personal
injury. Also, overloading can
shorten the life of your vehicle.
. Do not place anything on the rear
shelf behind the rear seatback
(Legacy) or the extended cargo
area cover (Outback if
equipped). Such items could
tumble forward in the event of a
sudden stop or a collision. This
could cause serious injury.
Do not carry spray cans, containers
with flammable or corrosive liquids
or any other dangerous items inside
the vehicle.
For better fuel economy, do not carry
unneeded cargo.
& Vehicle capacity weight
The load capacity of your vehicl e is
determined by weight, not by available
cargo space. The maximum load you can
carry in your vehicle is shown on the
vehicle placard attached to the drivers
Driving tips/Loading your vehicle
Driving tips/Loading your vehicle
side door pillar. It includes the total weight
of the driver and all passengers and their
belongings, any optional equipment such
as a trailer hitch, roof rack or bike carrier,
etc., and the tongue load of a trailer.
& GVWR and GAWR (Gross
Vehicle Weight Rating and
Gross Axle Weight Rating)
Certification label
The certification label attached to the
drivers side door shows GVWR (Gross
Vehicle Weight Rating) and GAWR (Gross
Axle Weight Rating).
The GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) must
never exceed the GVWR. GVW is the
combined total of weight of the vehicle,
fuel, driver, all passengers, luggage, any
optional equipment and trailer tongue
load. Therefore, the GVW changes de-
pending on the situation.
In addition, the total weight applied to
each axle (GAW) must never exceed the
GAWR. The front and rear GAWs can be
adjusted by relocating luggage inside the
Even if the total weight of your luggage is
lower than the vehicle capacity weight,
either front or rear GAW may exceed the
GAWR, depending on the distribution of
the luggage.
When possible, the load should be evenly
distributed throughout the vehicle.
If you carry heavy loads in the vehicle, you
should confirm that GVW and front and
rear GAWs are within the GVWR and
GAWR by putting your vehicle on a
vehicle scale, found at a commercial
weighing station.
Do not use replacement tires with a lower
load range than the originals because they
may lower the GVWR and GAWR limita-
tions. Replacement tires with a higher load
range than the originals do not increase
the GVWR and GAWR limitations.
& Roof rails with integrated
crossbars (Outback)
1) Integrated crossbars
. For cargo carrying purposes, the
bars must be used as crossbars
and be used together with the
genuine SUB ARU carryi ng at-
tachment. The bars must never
be used alone to carry cargo.
Otherwise, damage to the roof or
paint or a dangerous road hazard
due to loss of cargo could result.
. When using the bars as cross-
bars, make sure that the total
weight of the carrying attach-
ment and cargo does not exceed
the maximum load limit. Over-
loading may cause damage to
the vehicle and create a safety
The bars can be used as crossbars.
Cargo can be carried after setting the
bars as crossbars and installing the
genuine SUBARU carrying attachment.
When you carry cargo on the roof using
the crossbars and a carrying attachment,
never exceed the maximum load limit
explained in the following. You should
also be careful that your vehicle does not
exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
(GVWR) and front and rear Gross Axle
Weight Rating (GAWR). For information
on loading cargo into or onto your vehicle,
refer to Loading your vehicle F8-12. The
maximum load limit of the cargo and
carrying attachment must not exceed the
allowable load limit described in the Own-
ers Manual of a genuine SUBARU carry-
ing attachment. Place the heaviest load at
the bottom, nearest the roof, and evenly
distribute the cargo. Alw ays properly
secure all cargo.
! Installing carrying attachments on
the crossbars
When installing any carrying attachment
such as a bike carrier, ski carrier, kayak
carrier, cargo basket, etc. on the cross-
bars, follow the manufacturers instruc-
tions and make sure that the attachment is
securely fixed to the crossbars. Use only
attachments designed specifically for the
crossbars. A set of the crossbars is
designed to carry loads (cargo and attach-
ment) of not more than the allowable load
limit described in the Owners Manual of a
genuine SUBARU carrying attachment.
Before operating the vehicle, make sure
that the cargo is properly secured on the
. Remember that the vehicles center
of gravity is altered with the weight of
the load on the roof, thus affecting the
driving characteristics. Drive carefully,
avoid rapid starts, hard cornering and
abrupt stops. Crosswind effects will be
. Restore t he bars to the original
position when the bars are not used
as crossbars.
! How to use as crossbars
. Do not raise the bar higher than
necessary. The base of the bar
may be damaged.
. Be careful not to contact the bars
while sliding them. Otherwise,
the bars may be scratched or
the latch portions may be da-
. Do not slide the bar more than
necessary when sliding the bar.
The base of the bar may be
. Do not allow the bar to fall on or
contact the roof panel or the
moonroof when sliding the bar.
Otherwise the roof panel may be
dented or the glass of the moon-
roof may be damaged.
Driving tips/Loading your vehicle
Driving tips/Loading your vehicle
1. Pull out the integrated crossbars from
the roof rail holders by pulling up the
2. Slide the bars in the direction shown in
the illustration.
3. Install the bars into the holders.
4. Make sure that the latches are fitted
! How to change the position of the
Carefully read the warning l abel
attached to the roof rail.
You can change the position of the rear
crossbar. To change the position, perform
the following procedure.
1. Take out the torque wrench from the
under-floor storage compartment.
2. Undo the cap of the roof rail holder by
using the torque wrench.
3. Undo the bolt of the crossbar by using
the torque wrench.
4. Pull out the crossbar from the roof rail
holder by pulling up the cover.
5. Install the crossbar into the other
6. Tighten the bolt of the crossbar by
using the torque wrench. The tightening
torque is approximately 8.9 + 2.2 lbf·ft (12
+ 3.0 N·m, 1.2 + 0.3 kgf·m).
7. Tighten the cap of the holder by using
the torque wrench. The tightening torque
is approximately 8.9 + 2.2 lbf·ft (12 + 3.0
N·m, 1.2 + 0.3 kgf·m).
! How to re-stow bars
Do not use the bars as roof rails
when the bars are stowed.
1. Check that the rear crossbar is stowed
in the front side holder.
2. Pull out the crossbars from the roof rail
holders by pulling up the covers.
3. Slide the bars in the direction shown in
the illustration.
Driving tips/Loading your vehicle
Driving tips/Trailer hitch (Outback if equipped)
4. Install the bars into the holders.
5. Make sure that the latches are fitted
! Rope hook (attached to the roof rail)
Rope hook
. When you use the rope hooks,
always secure the rope at all four
hook points.
. Do not tighten the rope exces-
sively. Otherwise, it may lead to
damage to the vehicle body or
. Check that the rope is not loose
before driving the vehicle.
. When you use the rope hooks,
never exceed the maximum load
Load limit:
Observe the load limit that is indicated on
the rope hook.
Trailer hitch (Outback if
. Never exceed the maximum
weight specified for the trailer
hitch. Exceeding the maximum
weight could cause an accident
resulting in serious personal in-
juries. Permissible trailer weight
changes depending on the situa-
tion. For possible recommenda-
tions and limitations, refer to
Trailer towing (Outback) F8-
. Trailer brakes are required when
the towing load exceeds 1,000
lbs (453 kg). Be sure your trailer
has safety chains and that each
chain will hold the trailers max-
imum gross weight. Towing trai-
lers without safety chains could
create a traffic safety hazard if
the trailer separates from the
hitch due to coupling damage or
hitch ball damage.
. Be sure to check the hitch pin
and safety pin for positive lock-
ing placement before towing a
trailer. If the ball mount comes off
the hitch receiver, the trailer
could get loose and create a
traffic safety hazard.
. Use only the ball mount supplied
with this hitch. Use the hitch only
as a weight carrying hitch. Do not
use with any type of weight
distributing hitch.
The maximum gross trailer weight and
maximum gross tongue weight are indi-
cated in the following table.
gross trailer
gross tongue
3.6 L models
3,000 lbs
(1,360 kg)
200 lbs
(90 kg)
2.5 L models
2,700 lbs
(1,224 kg)
When towing a trailer, refer to Trailer
towing (Outback) F8-21.
& Connecting a trailer
1. Remove the receiver cover from the
hitch receiver tube. Then insert the ball
mount into the hitch receiver tube.
2. Insert the hi tch pin into the hole
located on the hitch receiver tube so that
the pin passes through the ball mount.
3. Insert the s afety pin through the
provided hole on the hitch pin securely.
4. Check the ball mount assembly by
pulling on it to make sure it does not come
off the hitch receiver.
Driving tips/Trailer hitch (Outback if equipped)
Driving tips/Trailer hitch (Outback if equipped)
1) Hitch ball installation point
2) Hooks for safety chains
5. Use only a hitch ball that is appropriate
for the ball mount and your trailer. The
hitch ball must be securely installed on the
ball mount.
6. Connect your trailer to the hitch ball.
7. Connect the trailer and the hitch with
safety chains that will hold the trailers
maximum gross weight. The chains
should cross under the trailer tongue to
prevent the tongue from dropping onto the
ground in case it should disconnect from
the hitch ball. Allow sufficient slack in the
chains taking tight turn situations into
account; however, be careful not to let
them drag on the ground.
Do not connect safety chains to any
part of the vehicle other than the
safety chain hooks.
Hitch harness connector
8. Connect the hitch wire harnesss black
four-pin wire connector to the towing
trailers wire harness.
9. Confirm proper function of the hitch
wire harness by individually activating the
brake, stop and turn signal lights on the
Always disconnect the trailer wire har-
ness before launching or retrieving a
& If not towing a trailer
. Remove the ball mount from the hitch
receiver tube and insert the receiver cover
onto the hitch receiver tube.
. Place the dust cap over the four-pin
connector of the hitch wire harness to
protect against possible damage.
. Occasionally lubricate terminals of the
four-pin connector using terminal grease.
Trailer towing (Legacy)
Your vehicle is neither designed nor
intended to be used for trailer towing.
Therefore, never tow a trailer with your
SUBARU assumes no responsibility for
injuries or vehicle damage that may result
from trailer towing, from any trailer towing
equipment or from any errors or omissions
in the instructions accompanying such
equipment. SUBARU warranties do not
apply to vehicle damage or malfunction
caused by trailer towing.
Trailer towing (Outback)
Your vehicle is designed and intended to
be used primarily as a passenger-carrying
vehicle. Towing a trailer puts additional
loads on your vehicles engine, drivetrain,
brakes, tires and suspension and has an
adverse effect on fuel economy.
If you do decide to tow a trailer, your safety
and satisfaction depend upon proper use
of correct equipment and cautious opera-
tion of your vehicle. Seek the advice of
your SUBARU dealer to assist you in
purchasing a hitch and other necessary
towing equipment appropriate for your
vehicle. Do not use towing equipment
other than genuine SUBARU towing
equipment. In addition, be sure to follow
the instructions on correct installation and
use provided by SUBARU.
SUBARU assumes no responsibility for
injuries or vehicle damage that result from
trailer towing equipment, o r from any
errors or omissions in the instructions
accompanying such equipment or for your
failure to follow the proper instructions.
Regularly check that the hitch mounting
bolts and nuts are tightened securely.
& Warranties and maintenance
SUBARU warranties do not apply to
vehicle damage or malfunction caused
by trailer towing. If you use your vehicle to
tow a trailer, more frequent maintenance
will be required due to the additional load.
(Refer to Maintenance schedule under
severe driving conditions in the Warranty
and Maintenance Booklet.)
Under no circumstances should a trailer
be towed with a new vehicle or a vehicle
with any new powertrain component (en-
gine, transmission, differential, wheel
bearings, etc.) for the first 1,000 miles
(1,600 km) of driving.
& Maximum load limits
Never exceed the maximum load
limits explained in the following.
Exceeding the maximum load limits
could cause personal injury and/or
vehicle damage.
. Adequate size trailer brakes are
required when the trailer and its
cargo exceed 1,000 lbs (453 kg)
Driving tips/Trailer towing (Legacy)
Driving tips/Trailer towing (Outback)
total weight.
. Before towing a trailer, check the
trailer total weight, GVW, GAWs
and tongue load. Make sure the
load and its distribution in your
vehicle and trailer are accepta-
! Total trailer weight
Total trailer weight
The total trailer weight (trailer weight plus
its cargo load) must never exceed the
maximum total trailer weight. The max-
imum total trailer weight is indicated in the
following tables.
3.6 L models
Conditions Maximum total trailer weight
When towing a trailer without brakes. 1,000 lbs (453 kg)
When towing a trailer with brakes. 3,000 lbs (1,360 kg)
When towing a trailer on a long uphill grade
continuously for over 5 miles (8 km) with an
outside temperature of 1048F (408C) or above.
1,500 lbs (680 kg)
2.5 L models
Model Conditions
Maximum total trailer
MT models
When towing a trailer without brakes. 1,000 lbs (453 kg)
When towing a trailer with brakes. 2,700 lbs (1,224 kg)
CVT models
When towing a trailer without brakes. 1,000 lbs (453 kg)
When towing a trailer with brakes. 2,700 lbs (1,224 kg)
When towing a trailer on a long uphill
grade continuously for over 5 miles (8
km) with an outside temperature of
1048F (408C) or above.
1,350 lbs (612 kg)
! Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) and
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
Gross Vehicle Weight
The Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) must
never exceed the Gross Vehicle Weight
Rating (GVWR).
Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) is the
combined total of the weight of the vehicle,
driver, passengers, luggage, trailer hitch,
trailer tongue load and any other optional
equipment install ed o n your vehicle .
Therefore, the GVW changes depending
on the situation. Determine the GVW each
time before going on a trip by putting your
vehicle and trailer on a vehicle scale.
The GVWR of your vehicle that is set by
SUBARU is shown on the certification
label located on the drivers door of your
Certification label
! Gross Axle Weight (GAW) and
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR)
Gross Axle Weight
The total weight applied to each axle
(GAW) must never exceed the Gross Axle
Weight Rating (GAWR). The front and rear
GAWs can be adjusted by r elocati ng
passengers and luggage inside the vehi-
cle. The front and rear GAWR of your
vehicle that are set by SUBARU are also
shown on the certification label.
To check both GVWR and GAWR and to
confirm that the total weight and weight
distribution are within safe driving limits,
you should have your vehicle and trailer
weighed at a commercial weighing station.
Be sure that all cargo is firmly secured to
prevent a change in weight distribution
while driving.
Driving tips/Trailer towing (Outback)
Driving tips/Trailer towing (Outback)
! Tongue load
Tongue load
If the trailer is loaded with more
weight in the back of trailers axle
than in the front, the load is taken off
the rear axle of the towing vehicle.
This may cause the rear wheels to
skid, especially during braking or
when vehicle speed is reduced dur-
ing cornering, resulting in over-
steer, spin out and/or jackknifing.
Ensure that the trailer tongue load is from
8 to 11 percent of the total trailer weight
and does not exceed the maximum value
of 200 lbs (90 kg).
For vehicles with trailer brakes, the
trailer tongue load exceeds 200 lbs (90
kg) when calculated at 8% of the
maximum total trailer weight.
Even in this case, the maximum value
is 200 lbs (90 kg).
1) Jack
2) Bathroom scale
The tongue load can be weighed with a
bathroom scale as shown in the following
illustration. When weighing the tongue
load, be sure to position the towing
coupler at the height at which it would be
during actual towing, using a jack as
F: Front
The tongue l oad can be adjusted by
proper distribution of the load in the trailer.
Never load the trailer with more weight in
the back than in the front; approximately
60 percent of the trailer load should be in
the front and approximately 40 percent in
the rear. Also, distribute the load as evenly
as possible on both the left and right
Be sure that all cargo is firmly secured to
prevent a change in weight distribution
while driving.
& Trailer Hitches
Never drill the frame or under-body
of your vehicle to install a commer-
cial trailer hitch. If you do, danger-
ous exhaust gas, water or mud may
enter the passenger compartment
through the drilled hole. Exhaust
gas contains carbon monoxide, a
colorless and odorless gas which is
dangerous, or even lethal, if inhaled.
Also, drilling the frame or under-
body of your vehicle could cause
deterioration of strength of your
vehicle and cause corrosion around
the drilled hole.
. Do not modify the vehicle ex-
haust system, brake system, or
other systems when installing a
hitch or other trailer towing
. Do not use axle-mounted hitches
as they can cause damage to the
axle housing, wheel bearings,
wheels or tires.
Do not use a tra iler hitch other than
genuine SUBARU trailer hitch. A genuine
SUBARU hitch is available from your
SUBARU dealer.
& Connecting a trailer
! Trailer brakes
. Adequate size trailer brakes are
required when the trailer and its
cargo exceed 1,000 lbs (453 kg)
total weight.
. Do not directly connect your
trailers hydraulic brake system
to the hydraulic brake system in
your vehicle. Direct connection
would cause the vehicles brake
performance to deteriorate and
could lead to an accident.
If your trailers total weight (trailer weight
plus its cargo weight) exceeds 1,000 lbs
(453 kg), the trailer is required to be
equipped with its own brake system.
Electric brakes or surge brakes are
recommended, and must be install ed
properly. Check that your trailers brakes
conform with Federal, state/province and/
or other applicable regulations. Your
SUBARUs brake system is not designed
to be tapped into the trailers hydraulic
brake system. Please ask your SUBARU
dealer and professional trailer supplier for
more information about the trailers brake
! Trailer safety chains
Always use safety chains between
your vehicle and the trailer. Towing
trailer without safety chains could
create a traffic safety hazard if the
trailer separates from the hitch due
to coupling damage or hitch ball
In case the trailer hitch connector or hitch
ball should break or become discon-
nected, the trailer could get loose and
create a traffic safety hazard.
For safety, always connect the towing
vehicle and trailer with trailer safety
chains. Two chains should be used in
total, one to the right side and the other to
the left side trailer tongue. Pass the chains
crossing each other under the trail er
tongue to prevent the trailer from dropping
onto the ground in case the trailer tongue
shoul d disconnect from the hitch ball.
Allow sufficient slack in the chains taking
tight turn situations into account; however,
be careful not to let them drag on the
Driving tips/Trailer towing (Outback)
Driving tips/Trailer towing (Outback)
! Side mirrors
After hitching a trailer to your vehicle,
check that the standard side mirrors
provide a good rearward field of view
without significant blind spots. If significant
blind spots occur with the vehicles stan-
dard side mirrors, use towing mirrors that
conform with Federal, state/province and/
or other applicable regulations.
! Trailer lights
Direct spli cing or other improper
connection of trailer lights may
damage your vehi cles electrical
system and cause a malfunction of
your vehicles lighting system.
Connection of trailer lights to your vehi-
cles electrical system requires modifica-
tions to the vehicles lighting circuit to
increase its capacity and accommodate
wiring changes. To ensure the trailer lights
are connected properly, please consult
your SUBARU dealer. Check for proper
operation of the turn signals and the stop
lights each time you connect a trailer to
your vehicle.
! Tires
Never tow a trailer when the tem-
porary spare tire is used. The tem-
porary spare tire is not designed to
sustain the towing load. Use of the
temporary spare tire when towing
can result in failure of the spare tire
and/or less stability of the vehicle.
Make sure that all the tires on your vehicle
are properly inflated. Refer to Tires F12-
the end of this manual.
Trailer tire condition, size, load rating and
proper inflation pressure should be in
accordance with the trailer manufacturers
In the event your vehicle gets a flat tire
when towing a trailer, ask a commercial
road service representive or professional
to repair the flat tire.
If you carry a regular size spare tire in your
vehicle or trailer as a precaution against
getting a flat tire, be sure that the spare
tire is firmly secured.
& Trailer towing tips
. When towing a trailer, press the
SRVD (Subaru Rear Vehicle De-
tection) OFF switch to deactivate
the system (if equipped). The
system may not operate properly
due to the blocked radar waves.
For details about the SRVD OFF
switch, refer to SRVD OFF
switch F7-58.
. Never exceed 45 mph (72 km/h)
when towing a trailer i n hilly
country on hot days.
. When towing a trailer, steering,
stability, stopping distance and
braking performance will be dif-
ferent when compared to normal
operation. You should never
drive at excessive speeds but
always employ extr a cauti on
when towing a trailer. You should
also keep the following tips in
! Before starting out on a trip
. Check the towing regulations for trailer
or caravan vehicles that vary by state/
region. Failure to comply with the proce-
dures set forth will not only compromise
your safety, but will also negate your
insurance coverage and/or may violate
the state road and traffic acts and regula-
. Check that the vehicle and vehicle-to-
hitch mounting are in good condition. If
any problems are apparent, do not tow the
. Check that the vehicle rests horizon-
tally with the trailer attached. If the vehicle
is tipped sharply up at the front and down
at the rear, check the total trailer weight,
GVW, GAWs and tongue load again, then
confirm that the load and its distribution
are acceptable.
. Check that the tire pressures are
. Check that the vehicle and trailer are
connected properly. Confirm that
the trailer tongue is connected
properly to the hitch ball.
the trailer lights connector is con-
nected properly and trailers stop lights
illuminate when the vehicles brake
pedal is pressed, and that the trailers
turn signal lights flash when the
vehicles turn signal lever is operated.
the safety chains are connected
all cargo in the trailer is secured
safely in position.
the side mirrors provide a good
rearward field of view without a sig-
nificant blind spot.
. Sufficient time should be taken to learn
the feel of the vehicle/trailer combination
before starting out on a trip. In an area free
of traffic, practice turning, stopping and
backing up.
! Driving with a trailer
. You should allow for considerably more
stopping distance when towing a trailer.
Avoid sudden braking because it may
result in skidding or jackknifing and loss of
. Avoid abrupt starts and sudden accel-
erations. For MT models, always start out
in first gear and release the clutch pedal at
moderate engine revolution.
. Avoid uneven steering, sharp turns and
rapid lane changes.
. Slow down before turning. Make a
longer than normal turning radius because
the trailer wheels will be closer than the
vehicle wheels to the inside of the turn. In
a tight turn, the traile r could hit your
. Crosswinds will adversely affect the
handling of your vehicle and trailer, caus-
ing sway. Crosswinds can be due to
weather conditions or the passing of large
trucks or buses. If swaying occurs, firmly
grip the steering wheel and promptly begin
decelerating your vehicle at a gradual
. When passing other vehicles, consid-
erable distance is required because of the
added weight and length caused by
attaching the trailer to your vehicle.
1) Left turn
2) Right turn
. Backing up with a trailer is difficult and
Driving tips/Trailer towing (Outback)
Driving tips/Trailer towing (Outback)
takes practice. When backing up with a
trailer, never accelerate or steer rapidly.
When turning back, grip the bottom of the
steering wheel with one hand and turn it to
the left for a left turn, and turn it to the right
for a right turn.
. If the ABS warning light illuminates
while the vehicle is in motion, stop towing
the trailer and have repairs performed
immediately by your nearest SUBARU
! Driving on grades
. Before going down a steep hill, slow
down and shift into lower gear (if neces-
sary, use 1st gear) in order to utilize the
engine braking effect and prevent over-
heating of your vehicles brakes. Do not
make sudden downshifts.
. When driving uphill in hot weather, the
air conditioner may turn off automatically
to protect the engine from overheating.
. When driving uphill in hot weather,
because the engine and transmission are
relatively prone to overheating, pay atten-
tion to the following items.
Temperature gauge
AT OIL TEMP warning light (CVT
. If any of the following conditions occur,
immediately turn off the air conditioner and
stop the vehicle in the nearest safe
location. Refer to If you park your vehicle
in an emergency F9-2 and Engi ne
overheating F9-13.
Temperature gauge needle ap-
proaches the OVERHEAT zone. Refer
to Temperature gauge F3-11.
AT OIL TEMP warning light illumi-
nates (CVT models). Refer to AT OIL
TEMP warning light (CVT models)
. For CVT models, do not use the
accelerator pedal to stay stationary on
an uphill slope inste ad of using the
parking brake or foot brake. That may
cause the transmission fluid to overheat.
! Parking on a grade
Always block the wheels under both
vehicle and trailer when parking. Apply
the parking brake. You should not park on
a hill or slope. If parking on a hill or slope
cannot be avoided, you should take the
following steps:
1. Apply the brakes and hold the pedal
2. Have someone place wheel blocks
under both the vehicle and trailer wheels.
3. When the wheel blocks are in place,
release the regular brakes slowly until the
blocks absorb the load.
4. Apply the regular brakes and then
apply the parking brake; slowly release
the regular brakes.
5. Shift into 1st or reverse gear (MT
models) or P (CVT models) and shut
off the engine.
If you park your vehicle in an emergency......... 9-2
Temporary spare tire........................................... 9-2
Maintenance tools ............................................... 9-3
Legacy................................................................ 9-4
Outback .............................................................. 9-5
Flat tires............................................................... 9-5
Changing a flat tire.............................................. 9-5
Storing a flat tire ................................................. 9-8
Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) (if
equipped)......................................................... 9-10
Jump starting ..................................................... 9-11
How to jump start............................................... 9-11
Engine overheating ............................................ 9-13
If steam is coming from the engine
compartment.................................................... 9-13
If no steam is coming from the engine
compartment.................................................... 9-13
Towing................................................................. 9-13
Towing hooks and tie-down hooks/holes............. 9-14
Using a flat-bed truck ......................................... 9-16
Towing with all wheels on the ground................. 9-17
Electronic parking brake if the electronic
parking brake cannot be released................. 9-17
Access key if access key does not
operate properly ............................................. 9-18
Locking and unlocking....................................... 9-18
Switching power ................................................ 9-18
Starting engine .................................................. 9-19
Trunk lid (Legacy) if the trunk lid cannot
be opened ....................................................... 9-19
Rear gate (Outback) if the rear gate
cannot be opened........................................... 9-20
Power rear gate - if power rear gate does
not operate properly....................................... 9-21
When the power rear gate is deactivated ............ 9-21
When the rear gate cannot be opened ................ 9-22
When the rear gate cannot be closed ................. 9-22
If your vehicle is involved in an accident ........ 9-22
In case of emergency
In case of emergency/If you park your vehicle in an emergency
If you park your vehicle in an
The hazard warning flasher should be
used in day or night to warn other drivers
when you have to park your vehicle under
emergency conditions.
Avoid stopping on the road. It is best to
safely pull off the road if a problem occurs.
The hazard warning flasher can be acti-
vated regardless of the ignition switch
Turn on the hazard warning by pressing
the hazard warning flasher switch. Turn it
off by pressing the switch again.
When the hazard warning flasher is on,
the turn signals do not work.
Temporary spare tire
. Never tow a trailer when the
temporary spare tire is used.
The temporary spare tire is not
designed to sustain the towing
load. Use of the temporary spare
tire when towing can result in
failure of the spare tire and/or
less stability of the vehicle and
may lead to an accident.
. When a spare tire is mounted or a
wheel rim is replaced without the
original pressure sensor/trans-
mitter being transferred, the low
tire pressure warning light will
illuminate steadily after blinking
for approximately one minute.
This indicates the tire pressure
monitoring system (TPMS) is un-
able to monitor all four road
wheels. Contact your SUBARU
dealer as soon as possible for
tire and sensor replacement and/
or system resetting.
Never use any temporary spare tire
other than the original. Using other
sizes may result in severe mechan-
ical damage to the drive train of your
The temporary spare tire is stored under
the under-floor storage compartment.
The temporary spare tire is smaller and
lighter than a conventional tire and is
designed for emergency use only. Re-
move the temporary spare tire and re-
install the conventional tire as soon as
possible because the spare tire is de-
signed only for temporary use.
Check the inflation pressure of the tem-
porary spare tire periodically to keep the
tire ready for use. The correct pressure is
60 psi (420 kPa, 4.2 kgf/cm
When using the temporary spare tire, note
the following precautions.
. Do not exceed 50 mph (80 km/h).
. Do not put a tire chain on the temporary
spare tire. Because of the smaller tire size,
a tire chain will not fit properly.
. Do not use two or more temporary
spare tires at the same time.
. Do not drive over obstacles. This tire
has a smaller diameter, so road clearance
is reduced.
1) Tread wear indicator bar
2) Indicator location mark
. When the wear indicator appears on
the tread, replace the tire.
. The temporary spare tire must be used
only on a rear wheel. If a front wheel tire
gets punctured, replace the wheel with a
rear wheel and install the temporary spare
tire in place of the removed rear wheel.
Maintenance tools
Your vehicle is equipped with the following
maintenance tools.
. Jack
. Jack handle
. Screwdriver
. Towing hook (eye bolt) (Outback)
. Wheel nut wrench
. Torque wrench (Outback)
The torque wrench is designed to be
used only when changing the posi-
tion of the crossbar. Do not use the
torque wrench in other cases. Other-
wise, the torque wrench may be
In case of emergency/Maintenance tools
In case of emergency/Maintenance tools
To use the jack handle, insert the jack
handle into the hole of the wheel nut
& Legacy
1) Under-floor storage compartment (Refer
to Under-floor storage compartment
2) Wheel nut wrench
3) Screwdriver
4) Jack handle
5) Jack
The maintenance tools are stored in the
under-floor storage compartment.
For the method to use the jack, refer to
Flat tires F9-5.
& Outback
1) Under-floor storage compartment (Refer
to Under-floor storage compartment
2) Jack handle
3) Wheel nut wrench
4) Jack
5) Torque wrench
6) Towing hook (eye bolt)
7) Screwdriver
8) Tire fixing band
9) Tire bag
The maintenance tools are stored in the
under-floor storage compartment.
For the method to use the jack, refer to
Flat tires F9-5.
Flat tires
If you have a flat tire while driving, never
brake suddenly; keep driving straight
ahead while gradually reducing speed.
Then slowly pull off the road to a safe
& Changing a flat tire
. Do not jack up the vehicle on an
incline or a loose road surface.
The jack can come out of the
jacking point or sink into the
ground and this can result in a
serious accident.
. Use only the jack provided with
your vehicle. The jack supplied
with the vehicle is designed only
for changing a tire. Never get
under the vehicle while support-
ing the vehicle with this jack.
In case of emergency/Flat tires
In case of emergency/Flat tires
. Always turn off the engine before
raising the flat tire off the ground
using the jack. Never swing or
push the vehicle supported with
the jack. The jack can come out
of the jacking point due to a jolt
and this can result in a serious
1. Park on a hard, level surface, when-
ever possible, then stop the engine.
2. Apply the parking brake and shift the
shift lever in reverse (MT models) or the
select lever in the P (Park) position (CVT
3. Turn on the hazard warning flasher
and have everyone get out of the vehicle.
4. Put wheel blocks at the front and rear
of the tire diagonally opposite the flat tire.
5. Take out the jack, jack handle and
wheel nut wrench.
The tools and the spare tire are stored
under the floor of the trunk (Legacy) or the
cargo area (Outback). Refer to Mainte-
nance tools F 9-3.
Make sure that the jack is well lubri-
cated before using it.
6. Take out the under-floor storage com-
partment and turn the attaching bolt
counterclockwise, then take the spare tire
Carefully read Temporary spare tire
F9-2 and strictly follow the instruc-
1) Notch
2) Valve hole
7. If your vehicle has wheel covers, insert
a flat-head screwdriver into the notch on
the opposite side of the valve hole and pry
the wheel cover to remove it.
8. Loosen the wheel nuts using the wheel
nut wrench but do not remove the nuts.
9. Place the jack under the side sill at the
front or rear jack-up point closest to the flat
Turn the jackscrew by hand until the jack
head engages firmly into the jack-up point.
10. Insert the jack handle into the hole of
the wheel nut wrench.
11. Insert the jack handle into the jack-
screw, and turn the handle until the tire
clears the ground. Do not raise the vehicle
higher than necessary.
12. Remove the wheel nuts and the flat
13. Before putting the spare tire on, clean
the mounting surface of the wheel and hub
with a cloth.
In case of emergency/Flat tires
In case of emergency/Flat tires
14. Put on the spare tire. Replace the
wheel nuts. Tighten them by hand.
Do not use oil or grease on the
wheel studs or nuts when the spare
tire is installed. This could cause the
nuts to become loose and lead to an
15. Turn the jack handle counterclockwise
to lower the vehicle.
16. Use the wheel nut wrench to securely
tighten the wheel nuts to the specified
torque, following the tightening order in the
For the wheel nut tightening torque, refer
to Tires F12-9. Never use your foot on
the wheel nut wrench or a pipe extension
on the wrench because you may exceed
the specified torque. Have the wheel nut
torque checked at the nearest automotive
service facility.
17. Store the flat tire. For details, refer to
Storing a flat tire F9-8. Also store the
jack and jack handle in their storage
Never place a tire or tire changing
tools in the passenger compartment
after changing wheels. In a sudden
stop or collision, loose equipment
could strike occupants and cause
injury. Store the tire and all tools in
the proper place.
& Storing a flat tire
! Storing in the spare tire compart-
ment (Legacy)
Store the flat tire in the spare tire
compartment. Put the spacer and tighten
the attaching bolt firmly.
! Storing with the tire bag (Outback)
1. If your vehicle has wheel covers, keep
the wheel cover removed.
2. Take out the tire bag and tire fixing
band from the under-floor storage com-
partment. For details, refer to Outback
1) Tire bag
3. Place the flat tire in the tire bag.
1) Rear seatback
2) Tire bag
4. Place the tire bag against the rear
1) Convenient tie-down hook
2) Tire fixing band
3) Center of the wheels
5. Pass the tire fixing band through the
center of the wheels and the convenient
tie-down hooks.
In case of emergency/Flat tires
In case of emergency/Flat tires
6. Fasten the tire fixing band to secure
the tire bag.
& Tire pressure monitoring
system (TPMS) (if equipped)
Low tire pressure warning light
The tire pressure monitoring system pro-
vides the driver with the warning message
indicat ed by sending a signal from a
sensor that is installed in each wheel
when tire pressure is severely low.
The tire pressure monitoring system will
activate only when the vehicle is driven.
Also, this system may not react immedi-
ately to a sudden drop in tire pressure (for
example, a blow-out caused running over
a sharp object).
. If the low tire pressure warning
light illuminates while driving,
never brake suddenly. Instead,
perform the following procedure.
(1) Keep driving straight ahead
while gradually reducing
(2) Slowly pull off the road to a
safe place. Otherwise an acci-
dent involving serious vehicle
damage and serious personal
injury could occur.
(3) Check the pressure for all four
tires and adjust the pressure
to the COLD tire pressure
shown on the vehicle placard
on the door pillar on the
drivers side.
If this light still illuminates while
driving after adjusting the tire
pressure, a tire may have signifi-
cant damage and a fast leak that
causes the tire to lose air rapidly.
If you have a flat tire, replace it
with a spare tire as soon as
. When a spare tire is mounted or a
wheel rim is replaced without the
original pressure sensor/trans-
mitter being transferred, the low
tire pressure warning light will
illuminate steadily after blinking
for approximately one minute.
This indicates the TPMS is un-
able to monitor all four road
wheels. Contact your SUBARU
dealer as soon as possible for
tire and sensor replacement and/
or system resetting.
. When a tire is repaired with liquid
sealant, the tire pressure warning
valve and transmitter may not
operate properly. If a liquid sea-
lant is used, contact your nearest
SUBARU dealer or other qualified
service shop as soon as possi-
ble. Make sure to replace the tire
pressure warning valve and
transmitt er when replacing the
tire. You may reuse the wheel if
there is no damage to it and if the
sealant residue is properly
cleaned off.
If the light illuminates steadily
after blinking for approximately
one minute, promptly contact a
SUBARU dealer to have the sys-
tem inspected.
Jump starting
. Battery fluid is SULFURIC ACID.
Do not let it come in contact with
the eyes, skin, clothing or the
If battery fluid gets on you,
thoroughly flush the exposed
area with water immediately. Get
medical help if the fluid has
entered your eyes.
If battery fluid is accidentally
swallowed, immediately drink a
large amount of milk or water,
and obtain immediate medical
Keep everyone including chil-
dren away from the battery.
. The gas generated by a battery
explodes if a flame or spark is
brought near it. Do not smoke or
light a match while jump starting.
. Never attempt jump starting if the
discharged battery is frozen. It
could cause the battery to burst
or explode.
. Whenever working on or around
a battery, always wear suitable
eye protectors, and remove metal
objects such as rings, bands or
other metal jewelry.
. Be sure the jumper cables and
clamps on them do not have
loose or missing insulation.
. Do not jump start unless cables
in suitable condition are avail-
. A running engine can be danger-
ous. Keep your fingers, hands,
clothing, hair and tools away
from the cooling fan, belts and
any other moving engine parts.
Removing ring s, watches and
ties is advisable.
. Jump starting is dangerous if it is
done incorrectly. If you are un-
sure about the proper procedure
for jump starting, consult a com-
petent mechanic.
When your vehicle does not start due to a
run down (discharged) battery, the vehicle
may be jump started by connecting your
battery to another battery (called the
booster battery) with jumper cables.
& How to jump start
1. Make sure the booster battery is 12
volts and the negative terminal is
2. If the booster battery is in another
vehicle, do not let the two vehicles touch.
3. Turn off all unnecessary lights and
4. Connect the jumper cables exactly in
the sequence illustrated.
In case of emergency/Jump starting
In case of emergency/Jump starting
A) Booster battery
B) Strut mounting nut
1) Connect one jumper cable to the positive
(+) terminal on the discharged battery.
2) Connect the other end of the jumper
cable to the positive (+) terminal of the
booster battery.
3) Connect one end of the other cable to the
negative () terminal of the booster
4) Connect the other end of the cable to the
strut mounting nut.
Make sure that the cables are not near
any moving parts and that the cable
clamps are not in contact with any other
5. Start the engine of the vehicle with the
booster battery and run it at moderate
speed. Then start the engine of the vehicle
that has the discharged battery.
6. When finished, carefully disconnect
the cables in exactly the reverse order.
Engine overheating
Never attempt to remove the radia-
tor cap until the engine has been
shut off and has fully cooled down.
When the engine is hot, the coolant
is under pressure. Removing the
cap while the engi ne is still hot
could release a spray of boiling hot
coolant, which could burn you very
If the engine overheats, pull off the road
safely and stop the vehicle in a safe place.
& If steam is coming from the
engine compartment
Turn off the engine and get everyone
away from the vehicle until it cools down.
& If no steam is coming from
the engine compartment
For details about how to check the
coolant level or how to add coolant,
refer to Engine coolant F11-14.
1. Ke ep the en gine running at id ling
2. Open the hood to ventilate the engine
compartment. Refer to Engine hood
Confirm that the cooling fan is turning. If
the fan is not turning, immediately turn off
the engine and contact your authorized
dealer for repair.
3. After the engine coolant temperature
has dropped, turn off the engine.
If the temperature gauge stays in the
overheated zone, turn off the engine.
4. After the engine has fully cooled down,
check the coolant level in the reserve
If the coolant level is below the LOW
mark, add coolant up to the FULL mark.
5. If there is no coolant in the reserve
tank, add coolant to the reserve tank.
Then remove the radiator cap and fill the
radiator with coolant.
If you remove the radiator cap from a hot
radiator, first wrap a thick cloth around the
radiator cap, then turn the cap counter-
clockwise slowly without pressing down
until it stops. Release the pressure from
the radiator. After the pressure has been
fully released, remove the cap by pressing
down and turning it.
Never tow AWD vehicles with the
front wheels raised off the ground
while the rear wheels are on the
ground, or with the rear wheels
raised off the ground while the front
wheels are on the ground. This will
cause the vehicle to spin away due
to the operation or deterioration of
the center differential.
If towing is necessary, SUBARU recom-
mends it be done by your SUBARU dealer
or a commercial towing service.
In case of emergency/Engine overheating
In case of emergency/Towing
& Towing hooks and tie-down
The towing hooks should be used only in
an emergency (e.g., to free a stuck vehicle
from mud, sand or snow).
A towing hook is supplied with Outback
only. Legacy is not supplied with a towing
hook (it is available as an accessory). On
Legacy, the towing access cover is on the
rear bumper only.
SUBARU recommends towing be done
by your SUBARU dealer or a commer-
cial towing service.
. Use only the specified towing
hooks and tie-down hooks/holes.
Never use suspension parts or
other parts of the body for towing
or tie-down purposes.
. Never use the tie-down hole clo-
sest to the muffler under the
vehicle for towing purposes.
. To prevent deformation to the
bumper and the towing hook, do
not apply excessive lateral load
to the towing hooks.
Front towing hook (Outback):
1. Take out the screwdriver, towing hook,
wheel nut wrench and jack handle from
the under-floor storage compartment.
2. Pry off the towing access cover on the
front bumper using a screwdriver, and you
will find a threaded hole for attaching the
towing hook.
3. Screw t he towing hook i nto the
threaded hole until the threads can no
longer be seen.
4. Tighten the towing hook securely
using the jack handle and wheel nut
After towing, remove the towing hook from
the vehicle and stow it in the under-floor
storage compartment.
Fit the towing hook cover on the bumper.
. Do not use the towi ng hook
except when towing your vehicle.
. Be sure to remove the towing
hook after towing. Leaving the
towing hook mounted on the
vehicle could interfere with prop-
er operation of the SRS airbag
system in a frontal collision.
Rear towing hook (Outback):
1. Take out the screwdriver, towing hook,
wheel nut wrench and jack handle from
the under-floor storage compartment.
2. Pry off the cover on the rear bumper
using a screwdriver, and you will find a
threaded hole for attaching the towing
3. Screw the towing hook into the
threaded hole until its thread can no
longer be seen.
4. Tighten the towing hook securely
using the jack handle and wheel nut
After towing, remove the towing hook from
the vehicle and stow it in the under-floor
storage compartment.
Fit the towing hook cover on the bumper.
Do not use the towing hook except
when towing your vehicle.
In case of emergency/Towing
In case of emergency/Towing
Front tie-down hooks:
The front tie-down hooks are located
between each of the front tires and the
front bumper.
Front Tie-down Hooks are for tying down
the vehicle. They are
not for towing.
Rear tie-down holes:
1) Rear tie-down hole
The rear tie-down holes are located near
each of the jack-up reinforcements.
There is a plug in each rear tie-down hole.
To use the rear tie-down holes, remove
the plugs. After using the rear tie-down
holes, return the plugs to their original
Use the rear tie-down holes only for
downward anchoring. If they are
used to anchor the vehicle in any
other direction, cables may slip out
of the holes, possibly causing a
dangerous situation.
& Using a flat-bed truck
This is the best way to transport your
vehicle. Use the following procedures to
ensure safe transportation.
1. For CVT models, shift the select lever
into the P position. For MT models, shift
the shift lever into the 1st position.
2. Apply the parking brake firmly.
3. Secure the vehicle onto the carrier
properly with safety chains. Each safety
chain should be equally tightened and
care must be taken not to pull the chains
so tightly that the suspension bottoms out.
& Towing with all wheels on the
. Never turn the ignition switch to
the LOCK/OFF position while
the vehicle is being towed be-
cause the steering wheel and the
direction of the wheels will be
. Remember that the brake booster
and power steering do not func-
tion when the e ngine is not
running. Because the engine is
turned off, it will take greater
effort to operate the brake pedal
and steering wheel.
. If transmission failure occurs,
transport your vehicle on a flat-
bed truck.
. For CVT models, the traveling
speed must be limited to less
than 20 mph (30 km/h) and the
traveling distance to less than 31
miles (50 km). For greater speeds
and distances, transport your
vehicle on a flat-bed truck.
1. Release the parking brake and put the
transmission in neutral.
2. The ignition switch should be in the
ON position while the vehicle is being
3. Take up slack in the towline slowly to
prevent damage to the vehicle.
Electronic parking brake if
the electronic parking brake
cannot be released
Contact your SUBARU dealer and have
your SUBARU dealer release the electro-
nic parking brake.
In case of emergency/Electronic parking brake if the electronic parking brake cannot be released
In case of emergency/Access key if access key does not operate properly
Access key if access key
does not operate properly
Keep metallic objects, m agnetic
sources and signal t ransmitters
away from the area betw een the
access key and the push-button
ignition switch. They may interfere
with the communication between
the access key and the push-button
ignition switch.
If the locking/unlocking procedures, power
switch procedures or engine start proce-
dures cannot be operated because of
strong radio signals in the surrounding
area or a low battery condition of the
access key, perform the following proce-
dure. When the battery of the access key
is discharged, replace it with a new one.
Refer to Replacing battery of access key
& Locking and unlocking
1) Release button
2) Mechanical key
While pressing the release button of the
access key, take out the mechanical key.
Lock or unlock the drivers door with the
mechanical key in the procedure de-
scribed in Locking and unlocking from
the outside F2-6.
After locking or unlocking, be sure to
attach the mechanical key back to the
access key.
& Switching power
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Shift the select lever into the P
3. Depress the brake pedal.
4. Hold the access key with the buttons
facing you, and touch the push-button
ignition switch with it.
When the communication between the
access key and the vehicle is completed,
a chime (ding) will sound. At the same
time, the status of the push-button ignition
switch changes to either of the following.
. When the keyless access with push-
button start system is deactivated:
. Under other conditions: ON
5. When the keyless access with push-
button start system is deactivated, press
the push-button ignition switch with the
brake pedal released. The status of the
push-button ignition switch then changes
to ON.
If the power does not switch even
though the above procedure was fol-
lowed precisely, contact your SUBARU
& Starting engine
1. Apply the parking brake.
2. Shift the select lever into the P
3. Depress the brake pedal.
4. Hold the access key with the buttons
facing you, and touch the push-button
ignition switch with it.
When the communication between the
access key and the vehicle is completed,
a chime (ding) will sound. At the same
time, the push-button ignition switch turns
to the ACC or ON position.
5. After the push-button ignition switch
turns to the ACC or ON position, while
depressing the brake pedal, press the
push-button ignition switch.
If the engine does not start even
though the above procedure was fol-
lowed precisely, contact your SUBARU
Trunk lid (Legacy) if the
trunk lid cannot be opened
If you open the trunk lid with a key
while the alarm system is armed, the
alarm system is triggered and the
vehicles horn sounds. In this case,
perform any of the following opera-
. Press any button on the remote
. Insert the key into the ignition
switch and turn the ignition switch to
the ON position.
For details about the alarm system,
refer to Alarm system F2-27.
The trunk lid can also be opened using the
In case of emergency/Trunk lid (Legacy) if the trunk lid cannot be opened
In case of emergency/Rear gate (Outback) if the rear gate cannot be opened
To open the trunk lid, insert the key into
the key cylinder and turn it clockwise.
For models with keyless access with
push-button start system:
The mechanical key is directional. If the
key cannot be inserted, change the
direction that the grooved side is
facing and insert it again.
Rear gate (Outback) if the
rear gate cannot be opened
In the event that you cannot open the rear
gate by pressing the rear gate opener
button (all models) or using the power rear
gate (if equipped), you can open it from
inside the cargo area.
1. Remove the access cover at the
bottom-center of the rear gate trim using
flat-head screwdriver.
2. Locate the rear gate lock release lever
behind the rear gate trim panel.
Never operate the rear gate lock
release lever with your fingers be-
cause doing so may cause an injury.
Always use a flat-head screwdriver
or a similar tool.
Models without power rear gate
Models with power rear gate
3. Turn the lever to the right position
using a flat-head screwdriver or a similar
tool. Then the rear gate will open.
Power rear gate - if power
rear gate does not operate
& When the power rear gate is
While the power rear gate is tempora-
rily deactivated, if it is struck by body
parts or objects and sustains a strong
impact, the temporary deactivation
may be canceled. The purpose of this
is to absorb the impact of the collision
and it is not a malfunction. In this case,
the rear gate will not open or close
If the power rear gate senses a malfunc-
tion, an electronic chirp will sound and the
rear gate will stop opening or closing.
In order for the rear gate to open and close
automatically, carry out the following
operation. If the rear gate does not open
and close automatically after carrying out
this operation, we recommend that you
have the vehicle checked at a SUBARU
! When the rear gate is closed
1. Press and hold the rear gate opener
button. If the rear gate does not open,
perform the procedure described in Rear
gate (Outback) if the rear gate cannot be
opened F9-20.
2. Gently close the rear gate by hand
until it reaches the half-shut position.
3. Operate the power rear gate to confirm
it is recovered.
! When the rear gate is stuck at the
fully open position or does not fully
1. Gently close the rear gate by hand
until it reaches the half-shut position. If the
rear gate does not close, perform the
procedure described in Rear gate
In case of emergency/Power rear gate if power rear gate does not operate properly
In case of emergency/If your vehicle is involved in an accident
(Outback) if the rear gate cannot be
opened F9-20.
2. Operate the power rear gate to confirm
it is recovered.
& When the rear gate cannot be
Perform the procedure described in Rear
gate (Outback) if the rear gate cannot be
opened F9-20.
& When the rear gate cannot be
. On areas which are not flat, such
as hills, do not conduct any of
the following actions. The rear
gate may close suddenly and hit
someones head, face or catch
fingers and body parts in it,
resulting in injury.
. Even while conducting the fol-
lowing actions on a flat surface,
be careful not to be injured by
getting caught in or hit by the
rear gate.
. After closing the rear gate by the
following methods, we recom-
mend that you have the vehicle
checked at a SUBARU dealer.
If the rear gate cannot be closed due to a
flat battery, etc., while the rear gate is
stopped midway, it can be closed by hand.
1. Gently close the rear gate by hand
until it reaches the half-shut position. If the
rear gate does not close, perform the
procedure described in Rear g ate
(Outback) if the rear gate cannot be
opened F9-20.
2. Operate the power rear gate to confirm
it is recovered.
If your vehicle is involved in
an accident
If your vehicle is involved in an
accident, be sure to i nspect the
ground under the vehicle before
restarting the engine. If you find that
fuel has leaked on the ground, do
not try to restart the engine. The fuel
system has been damaged and is in
need of repair. Immediately contact
the nearest automotive service facil-
ity. We recommend that you consult
your SUBARU dealer.
Your vehicle has a fuel pump shut off
system. To minimize the risk of fire due to
fuel leakage when the engine stalls or an
airbag inflates upon collision, the system
stops supplying fuel to the engine.
Perform the following procedures to re-
start the engine after the system is
Models without keyless access with
push-button start system:
1. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK
or ACC position.
2. Restart the engine.
Models with keyless acc ess w ith
push-button start system:
1. Turn the push-button ignition switch to
the ACC or OFF position.
2. Restart the engine.
In case of emergency/If your vehicle is involved in an accident
Exterior care ....................................................... 10-2
Washing............................................................. 10-2
Waxing and polishing ......................................... 10-3
Cleaning aluminum wheels ................................. 10-3
Corrosion protection.......................................... 10-4
Most common causes of corrosion ..................... 10-4
To help prevent corrosion................................... 10-4
Cleaning the interior.......................................... 10-5
Seat fabric ......................................................... 10-5
Leather seat materials........................................ 10-5
Synthetic leather upholstery............................... 10-5
Climate control panel, audio panel, instrument
panel, console panel, switches, combination
meter, and other plastic surface ....................... 10-6
Monitor (if equipped).......................................... 10-6
Appearance care
Appearance care/Exterior care
Exterior care
& Washing
. When washing the vehicle, the
brakes may get wet. As a result,
the brake stopping distance will
be longer. To dry the brakes,
drive the vehicle at a safe speed
while lightly pressing the brake
pedal to heat up the brakes.
. Do not wash the engine compart-
ment and areas adjacent to it. If
water enters the engine air in-
take, electrical parts or the power
steering fluid reservoir, it will
cause engine trouble or a mal-
function of the power steering.
. Do not use any organic solvents
when washing the surface of the
bulb assembly cover. However, if
a detergent with organic solvents
is used to wash the cover sur-
face, completely rinse off the
detergent with water. Otherwise,
the cover surface may be da-
. Outback: Since your vehicle is
equipped with a rear wiper, auto-
matic car-wash brushes could
become tangled around it, dama-
ging the wiper arm and other
components. Ask the automatic
car-wash operator not to let the
brushes touch the wiper arm or
to fix the wiper arm on the rear
window glass with adhesive tape
before operating the machine.
When having your vehicle washed in
an automatic car wash, make sure
beforehand that the car wash is of
suitable type.
The best way to preserve your vehicles
beauty is frequent washing. Wash the
vehicle at least once a month to avoid
contamination by road grime.
Wash dirt off with a wet sponge and plenty
of lukewarm or cold water. Do not wash
the vehicle with hot water and in direct
Salt, chemicals, insects, tar, soot, tree
sap, and bird droppings should be washed
off by using a light detergent, as required.
If you use a light detergent, make certain
that it is a neutral detergent. Do not use
strong soap or chemical detergents. All
cleaning agents should be promptly
flushed from the surface and not allowed
to dry there. Rinse the vehicle thoroughly
with plenty of lukewarm water. Wipe the
remaining water off with a chamois or soft
! Washing the underbody
Chemicals, salts and gravel used for
deicing road surfaces are extremely cor-
rosive, accelerating the corrosion of un-
derbody components, such as the exhaust
system, fuel and brake lines, brake
cables, floor pan and fenders, and sus-
Thoroughly flush the underbody and in-
side of the fenders with lukewarm or cold
water at frequent intervals to reduce the
harmful effects of such agents.
Mud and sand adhering to the underbody
components may accelerate their corro-
After driving off-r oad or on mu ddy or
sandy roads, wash the mud and sand off
the underbody.
Carefully flush the suspension and axle
parts, as they are particularly prone to
mud and sand buildup. Do not use a
sharp-edged tool to remove caked mud.
. Be careful not to damage brake
hoses, sensor harnesses, and
other parts when washing sus-
pension components.
. Be careful not to flush the engine
bottom for a long time. It may
cause damage of some electrical
! Using a warm water washer
. Keep a good distance of 12 in (30 cm)
or more between the washer nozzle and
the vehicle.
. Do not wash the same area continu-
. If a stain will not come out easily, wash
by hand. Some warm water washers are
of the high temperature, high pressure
type, and they can damage or deform the
resin parts such as mouldings, or cause
water to leak into the vehicle.
& Waxing and polishing
Always wash and dry the vehicle before
waxing and polishing.
Use a good quality polish and wax and
apply them according to the manufac-
turers instructions. Wax or polish when
the painted surface is cool.
Be sure to polish and wax the chrome trim,
as well as the painted surfaces. Loss of
wax on a painted surface leads to loss of
the original luster and also quickens the
deterioration of the surface. It is recom-
mended that a coat of wax be applied at
least once a month, or whenever the
surface no longer repels water.
If the appearance of the paint has dimin-
ished to the point where the luster or tone
cannot be restored, lightly polish the
surface with a fine-grained compound.
Never polish just the affected area, but
include the surrounding area as well.
Always polish in only one direction. A
No. 2000 grain compound is recom-
mended. Never use a coarse-grained
compound. Coarser grained compounds
have a smaller grain-size number and
could damage the paint. After polishing
with a compound, coat with wax to restore
the original luster. Frequent polishing with
technique will result in removing the paint
layer and exposing the undercoat. When
in doubt, it is always best to contact your
SUBARU dealer or an auto paint specia-
Do not use any agents with organic
solvents on the surface of the bulb
assembly cover. However, if a polish
or wax with organic solvents is
applied to the cover surface, com-
pletely wipe off the polish or wax.
Otherwise, the cover surface may be
Be careful not to block the windshield
washer nozzles with wax when waxing
the vehicle.
& Cleaning aluminum wheels
. Promptly wipe the aluminum wheels
clean of any kind of grime or agent. If dirt
is left on too long, it may be difficult to
clean off.
. Do not use soap containing grit to
clean the wheels. Be sure to use a neutral
cleaning agent, and later rinse thoroughly
with water. Do not clean the wheels with a
stiff brush or expose them to a high-speed
washing device.
. Clean the vehicle (including the alumi-
num whe els) with water as soon as
possible when it has been splashed with
sea water, exposed to sea breezes, or
driven on roads treated with salt or other
Appearance care/Exterior care
Appearance care/Corrosion protection
Corrosion protection
Your SUBARU has been designed and
built to resist corrosion. Special materials
and protective finishes have been used on
most parts of the vehicle to help maintain
fine appearance, strength, and reliable
& Most common causes of
The most common causes of corrosion
. The accumulation of moisture retaining
dirt and debris in body panel sections,
cavities, and other areas.
. Damage to paint and other protective
coatings caused by gravel and stone
chips or minor accidents.
Corrosion is accelerated on the vehicle
. It is exposed to road salt or dust control
chemicals, or used in coastal areas where
there is more salt in the air, or in areas
where there is considerable industrial
. It is driven in areas of high humidity,
especially when temperatures range just
above freezing.
. Dampness in certain parts of the
vehicle remains for a long time, even
though other parts of the vehicle may be
. High temperatures will cause corrosion
to parts of the vehicle which cannot dry
quickly due to lack of proper ventilation.
& To help prevent corrosion
Wash the vehicle regularly to prevent
corrosion of the body and suspension
components. Also, wash the vehicle
promptly after driving on any of t he
following surfaces.
. roads that have been salted to prevent
them from freezing in winter
. mud, sand, or gravel
. coastal roads
After the winter has ended, it is recom-
mended that the underbody be given a
very thorough washing.
Before the beginning of winter, check the
condition of underbody components, such
as the exhaust system, fuel and brake
lines, brake cables, suspension, steering
system, floor pan, and fenders. If any of
them are found to be rusted, they should
be given an appropriate rust prevention
treatment or should be replaced. Contact
your SUBARU dealer to perform this kind
of maintenance and treatment if you need
Repair chips and scratches in the paint as
soon as you find them.
Check the interior of the vehicle for water
and dirt accumulation under the floor mats
because that could cause corrosion.
Occasionally check under the mats to
make sure the area is dry.
Keep your garage dry. Do not park your
vehicle in a damp, poorly ventilated
garage. In such a garage, corrosion can
be caused by dampness. If you wash the
vehicle in the garage or put the vehicle
into the garage when wet or covered with
snow, that can cause dampness.
If your vehicle is operated in cold weather
and/or in areas where road salts and other
corrosive materials are used, the door
hinges and locks, trunk lid lock, and hood
latch should be inspected and lubricated
Cleaning the interior
Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the climate
control panel, audio equipment, instru-
ment panel, center console, combination
meter panel, and switches. (Do not use
organic solvents.)
& Seat fabric
Remove loose dirt, dust or debris with a
vacuum cleaner. If the dirt is caked on the
fabric or hard to remove with a vacuum
cleaner, use a soft brush then vacuum it.
Wipe the fabric surface w ith a tightly
wrung cloth and dry the s eat fabric
thoroughly. If the fabric is still dirty, wipe
using a solution of mild soap and luke-
warm water then dry thoroughly.
If the stain does not come out, try a
commercially available fabric cleaner. Use
the cleaner on a hidden place and make
sure it does not affect the fabric adversely.
Use the cleaner according to its instruc-
When cleaning the seat, do not use
benzine, paint thinner, or any similar
materials. Doing so could damage
the surface and cause the color to
& Leather seat materials
The leather used by SUBARU is a high
quality natural product which will retain its
distinctive appearance and feel for many
years with proper care.
Allowing dust or road dirt to build up on the
surface can cause the material to become
brittle and to wear prematurely. Regular
cleaning with a soft, moist, natural fiber
cloth should be performed monthly, taking
care not to soak the leather or allow water
to penetrate the stitched seams.
A mild detergent suitable for cleaning
woolen fabrics may be used to remove
difficult dirt spots, rubbing with a soft, dry
cloth afterwards to restore the luster. If
your SUBARU is to be parked for a long
time in bright sunlight, it is recommended
that the seats and headrests be covered,
or the windows shaded, to prevent fading
or shrinkage.
Minor surface blemishes or bald patches
may be treated with a commercial leather
spray lacquer. You will discover that each
leather seat section will develop soft folds
or wrinkles, which is characteristic of
genuine leather.
& Synthetic leather upholstery
The synthetic leather material used on the
SUBARU may be cleaned using mild soap
or detergent and water, after first vacuum-
ing or brushing away loose dirt. Allow the
soap to soak in for a few minutes and wipe
off with a clean, damp cloth. Commercial
foam-type cleaners suitable for synthetic
leather materials may be used when
Strong cleaning agents such as
solvents, paint thinners, window
cleaner or gasoline must never be
used on leather or synthetic interior
materials. Doing so could damage
the surface and cause the color to
Appearance care/Cleaning the interior
Appearance care/Cleaning the interior
& Climate control panel, audio
panel, instrument panel,
console panel, switches,
combination meter, and other
plastic surface
Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the climate
control panel, audio equipment, instru-
ment panel, center console, combination
meter panel, and switches.
. Do not use organic solvents such
as paint thinners or gasoline, or
strong cleaning agents that con-
tain those solvents. Doing so
could damage the surface and
cause the color to deteriorate.
. Do not use chemical solvents
that contain silicone on the vehi-
cle audio system, electrical com-
ponents of the air-conditioner or
any switches. If silicone adheres
to these p arts, it may cause
damage to electrical compo-
& Monitor (if equipped)
To clean the audio/navigation monitor,
wipe it with a silicone cloth or with a soft
cloth. If the monitor is extremely dirty,
clean it with a soft cloth moistened with
neutral detergent then carefully wipe off
any remaining detergent.
. Do not spray neutral detergent
directly onto the monitor. Doing
so could damage the monitors
. Do not wipe the monitor with a
hard cloth. Doing so could
scratch the monitor.
. Do not use cleaning fluid that
contains thinner, gasoline, or any
other volatile substance. Such
cleaning fluid could erase the
lettering on the switches at the
bottom of the monitor.
Maintenance schedule ....................................... 11-3
Maintenance precautions................................... 11-3
Before checking or servicing in the engine
compartment.................................................... 11-4
When checking or servicing in the engine
compartment (2.5 L models) ............................. 11-5
When checking or servicing in the engine
compartment while the engine is running.......... 11-5
Maintenance tips ................................................ 11-5
Removing and reinstalling clips .......................... 11-5
Engine hood ....................................................... 11-7
Engine compartment overview.......................... 11-9
2.5 L models ...................................................... 11-9
3.6 L models .................................................... 11-10
Engine oil.......................................................... 11-11
Engine oil consumption.................................... 11-11
Checking the oil level ....................................... 11-11
Changing the oil and oil filter............................ 11-13
Recommended grade and viscosity .................. 11-13
Synthetic oil..................................................... 11-13
Cooling system ................................................ 11-14
Cooling fan, hose and connections ................... 11-14
Engine coolant ................................................. 11-14
Air cleane r element .......................................... 11-15
Replacing the air cleaner element ..................... 11-15
Spark plugs ...................................................... 11-18
Recommended spark plugs .............................. 11-18
Drive belts ........................................................ 11-18
Manual transmission oil .................................. 11-18
Recommended grade and viscosity .................. 11-18
Continuously variable transmission fluid ...... 11-19
Front differential gear oil (CVT models) and
rear differential gear oil................................ 11-19
Recommended grade and viscosity .................. 11-19
Brake fluid........................................................ 11-19
Checking the fluid level.................................... 11-19
Recommended brake fluid ............................... 11-20
Clutch fluid (MT models)................................. 11-20
Checking the fluid level.................................... 11-20
Recommended clutch fluid............................... 11-21
Brake booster .................................................. 11-21
Brake pedal ...................................................... 11-22
Checking the brake pedal free play .................. 11-22
Checking the brake pedal reserve distance....... 11-22
Clutch pedal (MT models) ............................... 11-22
Checking the clutch function............................ 11-22
Checking the clutch pedal free play.................. 11-23
Replacement of brake pad .............................. 11-23
Breaking-in of new brake pads ......................... 11-23
Tires and wheels.............................................. 11-24
Types of tires................................................... 11-24
Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) (if
equipped) ...................................................... 11-24
Tire inspection................................................. 11-26
Tire pressures and wear .................................. 11-26
Wheel balance ................................................. 11-28
Wear indicators ............................................... 11-28
Tire rotation direction mark.............................. 11-28
Tire rotation..................................................... 11-29
Tire replacement.............................................. 11-29
Maintenance and service
Maintenance and service
Wheel replacement........................................... 11-30
Aluminum wheels............................................. 11-31
Windshield washer fluid .................................. 11-31
Replacement of wiper blades.......................... 11-32
Windshield wiper blade assembly ..................... 11-33
Windshield wiper blade rubber ......................... 11-33
Rear window wiper blade assembly
(Outback) ....................................................... 11-34
Rear window wiper blade rubber (Outback) ....... 11-35
Battery. .............................................................. 11-36
Fuses ................................................................ 11-37
Installation of accessories............................... 11-39
Replacing bulbs ............................................... 11-39
HID headlights (if equipped) ............................. 11-39
Halogen headlights .......................................... 11-39
Front turn signal light ...................................... 11-41
Front side marker light..................................... 11-41
Front fog light (if equipped).............................. 11-41
Rear combination lights ................................... 11-42
Backup light .................................................... 11-44
License plate light ........................................... 11-46
Dome light....................................................... 11-47
Map light ......................................................... 11-47
Door step light................................................. 11-47
Cargo area light (Outback) ............................... 11-48
Trunk light (Legacy) ......................................... 11-48
Other bulbs ..................................................... 11-48
Replacing battery............................................. 11-48
Replacing battery of access key....................... 11-49
Replacing battery of transmitter ....................... 11-50
Maintenance schedule
The scheduled maintenance items re-
quired to be serviced at regular intervals
are shown in the Warranty and Main-
tenance Booklet.
For details about your maintenance sche-
dule, read the separate Warranty and
Maintenance Booklet.
Maintenance precautions
When maintenance and service are re-
quired, it is recommended that all work be
done by an authorized SUBARU dealer.
If you perform maintenance and service
by yourself, you should familiarize yourself
with the information provided in this
section on general maintenance and
service for your SUBARU.
Incorrect or incomplete service could
cause improper or unsafe vehicle opera-
tion. Any problems caused by improper
maintenance and service performed by
you are not eligible for warranty coverage.
. Testing of an All-Wheel Drive
vehicle must NEVER be per-
formed on a single two-wheel
dynamometer or similar appara-
tus. Attempting to do so will
result in transmission damage
and in uncontrolled vehicle
movement and may cause an
accident or injuries to persons
. Always select a safe area when
performing maintenance on your
. Always be very careful to avoid
injury when working on the vehi-
cle. Remember that some of the
materials in the vehicle may be
hazardous if improperly used or
handled, for example, battery
. Your vehicle should only be ser-
viced by persons fully competent
to do so. Serious personal injury
may result to persons not experi-
enced in servicing vehicles.
. Always use the proper tools and
make certain that they are well
. Never get under the vehicle sup-
ported only by a jack. Always use
safety stands to support the
. Never keep the engine running in
a poorly ventilated area, such as
a garage or other closed areas.
. Do not smoke or all ow open
flames around the fuel or battery.
This will cause a fire.
. Because the fuel system is under
pressure, replacement of the fuel
filter should be performed only
by your SUBARU dealer.
. Wear adequate eye protection to
Maintenance and service/Maintenance schedule
Maintenance and service/Maintenance precautions
guard against getting oil or fluids
in your eyes. If something does
get in your eyes , thoroughly
wash them out with clean water.
. Do not tamper with the wiring of
the SRS airbag system or seat-
belt pretensioner system, or at-
tempt to take its connectors
apart, as that may activate the
system or it can render it inop-
erative. NEVER use a circuit
tester for these wiring. If your
SRS airbag or seatbelt preten-
sioner needs service, consult
your nearest SUBARU dealer.
SUBARU does not endorse the use of
non-SUBARU approved flushing sys-
tems and strongly advises against
performing these services on a
SUBARU vehicle. Non-SUBARU ap-
proved flushing systems use chemi-
cals and/or solvents which have not
been tested or approved by SUBARU.
SUBARU warranties do not cover any
part of the vehicle which is damaged by
adding or applying chemicals and/or
solvents other than those approved or
recommended by SUBARU.
& Before checking or servicing
in the engine compartment
. Always stop the engine and apply
the parking brake to prevent the
vehicle from moving.
. Always let the engine cool down.
Engine parts become very hot
when the engine is running and
remain hot for some time after
the engine is stopped.
. Do not spill engine oil, engine
coolant, brake fluid or any other
fluid on hot engine components.
This may cause a fire.
. When the ignition switch is in the
ON position, the cooling fan
may operate suddenly even
when the engine is stopped. If
your body or clothes come into
contact with a rotating fan, that
could result in serious injury. To
avoid risk of injury, perform the
following precautions.
Models with push-button start
Always turn the push-button
ignition switch to the OFF
position and confirm that the
operation indicator on the
switch is turned off. Then take
the access key out from the
Models without push-button
start system:
Always remove the key from
the ignition switch.
. Before performing any servicing
on a vehicle equipped with a
remote engine start system tem-
porarily place that system in the
service mode to prevent it from
unexpectedly starting the engine.
& When checking or servicing
in the engine compartment
(2.5 L models)
. Do not contact the belt cover
while checking the components
in the engine compartment.
Doing so may cause your hand
to slip off the belt cover and
result in an unexpected injury.
. Do not touch the oil filter until the
engine has cooled down comple-
tely. Doing so may result in a
burn or other injury. Note that the
oil filter becomes very hot when
the engine is running and re-
mains hot for some time after
the engine has stopped.
& When checking or servicing
in the engine compartment
while the engine is running
A running engine can be dangerous.
Keep your fingers, hands, clothing,
hair and tools away from the cooling
fan, belts and any other moving
engine parts. Removing rings,
watches and ties is advisable.
Maintenance tips
Some clips and fender linings must be
removed before replacing the air cleaner
elements or specific bulbs.
& Removing and reinstalling
! Removing clips
There are several types of clips used for
your vehicle.
! Type A and D clips
Type A clips
Maintenance and service/Maintenance tips
Maintenance and service/Maintenance tips
Type D clips
1. Turn the clips counterclockwise using
a flat-head screwdriver until the center
portion of the clip is raised.
screwdriver using leverage.
! Type B clips
1. Pull out the center portion of the clip
using a flat-head screwdriver as shown in
the illustration.
2. Pull the protruded center portion to
remove the entire body of the clip.
! Type C clips
1. Turn the clip counterclockwise using a
Phillips screwdriver until the center portion
of the clip is raised.
2. Remove the entire clip by pulling it up.
! Reinstalling clips
Type A clips
Type B clips
Type C clips
Type D clips
Insert the clip without the center portion
first and then push the center portion of
the clip into the hole.
Engine hood
. When you open the engine hood,
do not stand the wiper blades up.
Furthermore, while the hood is
open, do not operate the wind-
shield wipers. Doing so could
result in damage to the engine
hood and wiper blades.
. Be extremely careful not to catch
fingers or other objects when
closing the engine hood.
. Do not push the hood forcibly to
close it. It could deform the
. Be extremely careful opening the
engine hood when the wind is
strong. The engine hood could
close suddenly, possibly causing
injuries from slamming.
. Do not install accessories other
than genuine SUBARU parts to
the engine hood. If the engine
hood becomes too heavy, the
stay may not be able to support
holding it open.
Maintenance and service/Engine hood
Maintenance and service/Engine hood
To open the hood:
1. If the wiper blades are lifted off the
windshield, return them to their original
2. Pull the hood release knob under the
instrument panel.
3. Release the secondary hood release
by moving the lever between the front
grille and the hood toward the left.
4. Lift up the hood.
To close the hood:
1. Lower the hood to a height of approxi-
mately 5.9 in (15 cm) above its closed
position and then throw it down.
2. After closing the hood, be sure the
hood is securely locked.
If this does not close the hood, release it
from a slightly higher position.
Always ch eck that the hood is
properly locked before you start
driving. If it is not, it might fly open
while the vehicle is moving and
block your view, which may cause
an accident and serious bodily in-
Engine compartment overview
& 2.5 L models
1) Brake fluid reservoir/Clutch fluid reservoir
(MT) (page 11-19)
2) Fuse box (page 11-37)
3) Windshield washer tank (page 11-31)
4) Battery (page 11-36)
5) Engine oil filler cap (page 11-11)
6) Engine coolant reservoir (page 11-14)
7) Radiator cap (page 11-14)
8) Engine oil filter (page 11-13)
9) Engine oil level gauge (page 11-11)
10) Air cleaner case (page 11-15)
Maintenance and service/Engine compartment overview
Maintenance and service/Engine compartment overview
& 3.6 L models
1) Brake fluid reservoir (page 11-19)
2) Fuse box (page 11-37)
3) Windshield washer tank (page 11-31)
4) Battery (page 11-36)
5) Engine oil filler cap (page 11-11)
6) Engine coolant reservoir (page 11-14)
7) Radiator cap (page 11-14)
8) Engine oil level gauge (page 11-11)
9) Air cleaner case (page 11-15)
Engine oil
. If the level gauge is not pulled out
easily, twist the level gauge right
and left, then pull it out. Other-
wise, you may be injured acci-
dentally straining yourself.
. Use only engine oil with the
recommended grade and vis-
. Be careful not to spill engine oil
when adding it. If oil touches the
exhaust pipe, it may cause a bad
smell, smoke, and/or a fire. If
engine oil gets on the exhaust
pipe, be sure to wipe it off.
& Engine oil consumption
Some engine oil will be consumed while
driving. Under the following conditions, oil
consumption can be increased and thus
require refilling between maintenance
. When the engine is new and within the
break-in period
. When the engine oil is of lower quality
. When the incorrect oil viscosity is used
. When engine braking is employed
. When the engine is operated at high
engine speeds
. When the engine is operated under
heavy loads
. When towing a trailer
. When the engine idles for long periods
of time
. When the vehicle is operated in stop
and go and/or heavy traffic situations
. When the vehicle is used under severe
thermal conditions
. When the vehic le acc elerates and
decelerates frequently
Under these or similar conditions, you
should check your oil at least every 2nd
fuel fill-up and change your engine oil
more frequently. If your oil consumption
rate is greater than 1 quart every 1,200
miles or 1 liter every 2,000 kilometers,
contact your SUBARU dealer who may
perform a test under controlled conditions.
& Checking the oil level
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and
stop the engine. If you check the oil level
just after stopping the engine, wait a few
minutes for the oil to drain back into the oil
pan before checking the level.
2.5 L models
1) Oil level gauge
2) Oil filler cap
3) Oil filter
Maintenance and service/Engine oil
Maintenance and service/Engine oil
3.6 L models
1) Oil level gauge
2) Oil filler cap
2. Pull out the level gauge, wipe it clean,
and insert it again.
3. Be sure the level gauge is correctly
inserted until it stops.
2.5 L models
1) Full level
2) Low level
3) Approximately 1.1 US qt (1.0 liter, 0.9
Imp qt) from low level to full level
3.6 L models
1) Full level
2) Low level
3) Approximately 1.1 US qt (1.0 liter, 0.9
Imp qt) from low level to full level
4. Pull out the oil level gauge again.
5. 2.5 L models:
Check the oil levels on both sides of the
level gauge. The engine oil level must be
judged by the lowest of the two levels. If
the oil level is below the low level mark,
add oil so that the full level is reached.
3.6 L models:
Check the oil level on the gauge. If the oil
level is below the low level mark, add oil
so that the full level is reached.
. For 2.5 L models, be careful not
to touch the engine oil filter when
removing the oil filler cap. Doing
so may resul t in a burn, a
pinched finger, or may cause
some other injury.
. Use only engine oil with the
recommended grade and vis-
. Be careful not to spill engine oil
when adding it. If oil touches the
exhaust pipe, it may cause a bad
smell, smoke, and/or a fire. If
engine oil gets on the exhaust
pipe, be sure to wipe it off.
. If the level gauge cannot be
pulled out easily, twist the level
gauge right and left, then gently
pull it out. Otherwise, you may be
injured by accidentally straining
To add engine oil, remove the engine oil
filler cap and slowl y pour engine oil
through the filler neck. After pouring oil
into the engine, you must use the level
gauge to confirm tha t the oil level is
To prevent overfilling the engine oil, do
not add any additional oil above the full
level when the engine is cold.
& Changing the oil and oil filter
Change the oil and oil filter according to
the maintenance schedule in the War-
ranty and Maintenance Booklet.
. Changing the engine oil and oil filter
should be performed by a well-trained
expert. Contact your SUBARU dealer
for changing the engine oil and oil filter.
Fully trained mechanics are on standby
at a SUBARU dealer to utilize the
special tools, spare parts and recom-
mended oil for this work, and also,
used oils are properly disposed of.
. If performing oil replacement your-
self, observe the local regulations and
dispose of waste oil properly.
& Recommended grade and
Use only engine oil with the recom-
mended grade and viscosity.
Refer to Engine oil F12-4.
Engine oil viscosity (thickness) affects
fuel economy. Oils of lower viscosity
provide better fuel economy. However,
in hot weather, oil of higher viscosity is
required to properly lubricate the en-
& Synthetic oil
You should use synthetic engine oil that
meets the same requirements given for
conventional engine oil. When usi ng
synthetic oil, you must use oil of the same
classification, viscosity and grade shown
in this Owners Manual. Refer to Engine
oil F12-4. Also, you must follow the oil
and filter changing intervals shown in the
Warranty and Maintenance booklet.
Synthetic oil of the grade and viscosity
noted in chapter 12 is the recom-
mended engine oil for optimum engine
performance. Conventional oil may be
used if synthetic oil is unavailable.
Maintenance and service/Engine oil
Maintenance and service/Cooling system
Cooling system
Never attempt to remove the radia-
tor cap until the engine has been
shut off and has cooled do wn
completely. Since the coolant is
under pressure, you may suffer
serious burns from a spray of boil-
ing hot coolant when the cap is
. Vehicles are filled at the factory
with SUBARU Super Coolant that
does not require the first change
for 11 years/137,500 miles (11
years/220,000 km). This coolant
should not be mixed with any
other brand or type of coolant
during this period. Mixing with a
different coolant will reduce the
life of the coolant. Should it be
necessary to top off the coolant
for any reason, use only
SUBARU Super Coolant.
If the SUBARU Super Coolant is
diluted with another brand or
type, the maintenance interval is
shortened to that of the mixing
. Do not splash the engine coolant
over painted parts. The alcohol
contained in the engine coolant
may damage the paint surface.
& Cooling fan, hose and con-
Your vehicle employs an electric cooling
fan which is thermostatically controlled to
operate when the engine coolant reaches
a specific temperature.
If the radiator cooling fan does not operate
even when the engine coolant tempera-
ture gauge exceeds the normal operating
range, the cooling fan circuit may be
defective. Refer to Temperature gauge
Check the fuse and replace it if necessary.
Refer to Fuses F11-37 and Fuses and
circuits F12-10. If the fuse is not blown,
have the cooling system checked by your
SUBARU dealer.
If frequent addition of coolant is neces-
sary, there may be a leak in the engine
cooling system. It is recommended that
the cooling system and connections be
checked for leaks, damage, or looseness.
& Engine coolant
! Checking the coolant level
1) FULL level mark
2) LOW level mark
Check the coolant level at each fuel stop.
1. Check the coolant level on the outside
of the reservoir while the engine is cool.
2. If the level is close to or lower than the
LOW level mark, add coolant up to the
FULL level mark. If the reserve tank is
empty, remove the radiator cap and refill
as required.
3. After refilling the reserve tank and the
radiator, reinstall the caps and check that
the rubber gaskets inside the radiator cap
are in the proper position.
. Be careful not to spill engine
coolant when adding it. If coolant
touches the exhaust pipe, it may
cause a bad smell, smoke, and/or
a fire. If engine coolant gets on
the exhaust pipe, be sure to wipe
it off.
. Do not splash the engine coolant
over painted parts. The alcohol
contained in the engine coolant
may damage the paint surface.
! Changing the coolant
It may be difficult to change the coolant.
Have the coolant changed by your
SUBARU dealer if necessary.
The coolant should be changed according
to the maintenance schedule in the
Warranty and Maintenance Booklet.
Air cleaner element
Do not operate the engine with the
air cleaner element removed. The air
cleaner el ement not only filters
intake air but also stops flames if
the engine backfires. If the air
cleaner element is not installed
when the engine backfires, you
could be burned.
When replacing the air cleaner ele-
ment, use a genuine SUBARU air
cleaner element. If it is not used,
there is the possibility of causing a
negative effect to the engine.
The air cleaner element functions as a
filter screen. When the element is perfo-
rated or removed, engine wear will be
excessive and engine life shortened.
The air cleaner element is a dry type. It is
unnecessary to clean or wash the ele-
& Replacing the air cleaner
Replace the air cleaner element according
to the maintenance schedule in the
Warranty and Maintenance Booklet. Un-
der extremely dusty conditions, replace it
more frequently. It is recommended that
you always use genuine SUBARU parts.
! 2.5 L models
1) Clip
1. Unsnap the two clips holding the air
cleaner case (rear).
Maintenance and service/Air cleaner element
Maintenance and service/Air cleaner element
2. Open the air cleaner case.
3. Remove the air cleaner element.
If the inside of the air cleaner case is
extremely soiled (for example, by
sand), contact a SUBARU dealer
and have the air cleaner case
4. If you find large foreign objects such
as leaves inside the air cleaner case,
remove the foreign objects.
5. Install a new air cleaner element in the
way the longitudinal side and the trans-
verse side face as shown in the illustra-
6. To install the air cleaner case (rear),
insert the three projections on the air
cleaner case (rear) into the slits on the
air cleaner case (front).
7. Install in the reverse order of removal.
! 3.6 L models
1) Clips
1. Unsnap the two clips holding the air
cleaner case (rear).
2. Open the air cleaner case and remove
the air cleaner element.
If the inside of the air cleaner case is
extremely soiled (for example, by
sand), contact a SUBARU dealer
and have the air cleaner case
3. If you find large foreign objects such
as leaves inside the air cleaner case,
remove the foreign objects.
4. Install a new air cleaner element in the
way the longitudinal side and the trans-
verse side face as shown in the illustra-
5. To install the air cleaner case (rear),
insert the three projections on the air
cleaner case (rear) into the slits on the
air cleaner case (front).
6. Install the removed parts in the reverse
order of removal.
Maintenance and service/Air cleaner element
Maintenance and service/Spark plugs
Spark plugs
It may be difficult to replace the spark
plugs. It is recommended that you have
the spark plugs replaced by your
SUBARU dealer.
The spark plugs should be repl aced
according to the maintenance schedule
in the Warranty and Maintenance Book-
& Recommended spark plugs
Refer to Electrical system F12-9.
Drive belts
It is unnecessary to check the deflection of
the drive belt periodically because your
engine is equipped with an automatic belt
tension adjuster. However, replacement of
the belt should be done according to the
maintenance schedule in the Warranty
and Maintenance Booklet. Consult your
SUBARU dealer for replacement.
If the belt is loose, cracked or worn,
contact your SUBARU dealer.
Manual transmission oil
It is unnecessary to check the manual
transmission oil level. However, if neces-
sary, consult your SUBARU dealer for
& Recommended grade and
Each oil manufacturer has its own base
oils and additives. Never use different
brands together. For details, refer to
Manual transmission, front differential
and rear differential gear oil F12-7.
Continuously variable trans-
mission fluid
There is no fluid level gauge. It is
unnecessary to check the continuously
variable transmission fluid level. However,
if necessary, consult your SUBARU dealer
for inspection.
Front differential gear oil
(CVT models) and rear differ-
ential gear oil
It is not necessary to check the gear oil
level. Check that there are no cracks,
damage or leakage. However, the oil
inspection should be performed according
to the maintenance schedule in the
Warranty and Mainten ance Boo klet.
Consult your SUBARU dealer for details.
& Recommended grade and
Each oil manufacturer has its own base
oils and additives. Never use different
brands together. For details, refer to
Manual tra nsmis sion, fro nt differenti al
and rear differential gear oil F12-7.
Using a differential gear oil other
than the specified oil may cause
occurrences of rattling noises while
idling and poor fuel consumption.
Brake fluid
& Checking the fluid level
. Never let brake fluid contact your
eyes because brake fluid can be
harmful to your eyes. If brake
fluid gets in your eyes, immedi-
ately flush them thoroughly with
clean water. For safety, when
performing this work, wearing
eye protection is advisable.
. Brake fluid absorbs moisture
from the air. Any absorbed moist-
ure can cause a dangerous loss
of braking performance.
. If the vehicle requires frequent
refilling, there may be a leak. If
you suspect a problem, have the
vehicle checked at your SUBARU
. When adding brake fluid, be care-
ful not to allow any dirt into the
. Never splash the brake fluid over
painted surfaces or rubber parts.
Maintenance and service/Continuously variable transmission fluid
Maintenance and service/Clutch fluid (MT models)
Alcohol contained in the brake
fluid may damage them.
. Be careful not to spill brake fluid
when adding it. If brake fluid
touches the exhaust pipe, it may
cause a bad smell, smoke, and/or
a fire. If brake fluid gets on the
exhaust pipe, be sure to wipe it
1) MAX level line
2) MIN level line
A) The brake fluid level must be checked in
this area.
Check the fluid level monthly.
Check the fluid level on the outside of the
reservoir. Be sure to check the fluid level
for the brake system at the front part of
the reservoir (shaded area in the illustra-
tion). For MT models, this reservoir is
used for both the brak e and clut ch
systems and has chambers for each
system. If the fluid level is below MIN,
add the recomme nded brake fluid to
Use only brake fluid from a sealed
& Recommended brake fluid
Refer to Fluids F12-8.
Never use different brands of brake
fluid together. Also, avoid mixing
DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids even if
they are the same brand.
Clutch fluid (MT models)
& Checking the fluid level
Never let clutch fluid contact your
eyes because clutch fluid can be
harmful to your eyes. If clutch fluid
gets in your eyes, immediately flush
them thoroughly with clean water.
For safety, when p erforming this
work, wearing eye protection is
. Clutch fluid absorbs moisture
from the air. Any absorbed moist-
ure can cause improper clutch
. If the vehicle requires frequent
refilling, there may be a leak. If
you suspect a problem, have the
vehicle checked at your SUBARU
. When clutch fluid is added, be
careful not to allow any dirt into
the tank.
. Never splash the clutch fluid over
painted surfaces or rubber parts.
Alcohol contained in the clutch
fluid may damage them.
. Be careful not to spill clutch fluid
when adding it. If clutch fluid
touches the exhaust pipe, it may
cause a bad smell, smoke, and/or
a fire. If clutch fluid gets on the
exhaust pipe, be sure to wipe it
. The fluid level for the clutch
system must be checked at the
inboard side of the reservoir. It
cannot be checked at the out-
board side of the reservoir.
1) MAX level line
2) MIN level line
A) The clutch fluid level must be checked in
this area.
Check the fluid level monthly.
Check the fluid level on the outside of the
reservoir. Because this reservoir is used
for both the brake and clutch systems and
has chambers for each system, be sure to
check the fluid level for the clutch system
at the inboard side of the reservoir
(shaded area in the illustration). If the fluid
level is bel ow MIN, add the recom-
mended clutch fluid to MAX.
Use only clutch fluid from a sealed
& Recommended clutch fluid
Refer to Fluids F12-8.
Never use different brands of clutch
fluid together. Also, avoid mixing
DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluids even if
they are the same brand.
Brake booster
If the brake booster does not operate as
described in the following procedure, have
it checked by your SUBARU dealer.
1. With the engine off, depress the brake
pedal several times, applying the same
pedal force each time. The distance the
pedal travels should not vary.
2. With the brake pedal depressed, start
the engine . The pedal should move
slightly down to the floor.
3. With the brake pedal depressed, stop
the engine and keep the pedal depressed
for 30 seconds. The pedal height should
not change.
4. Start the engine again and run for
approximately 1 minute then turn it off.
Depress the brake pedal several times to
check the brake booster. The brake
booster operates properly if the pedal
stroke decreases with each depression.
Maintenance and service/Brake booster
Maintenance and service/Brake pedal
Brake pedal
Check the brake pedal free play and
reserve distance according to the main-
tenance schedule in the Warranty and
Maintenance Booklet.
& Checking the brake pedal
free play
1) 0.02 0.11 in (0.5 2.7 mm)
Stop the engine and firmly depress the
brake pedal several times. Lightly pull the
brake pedal up with one finger to check
the free play with a force of less than 2 lbf
(10 N, 1 kgf).
If the free play is not within proper
specification, contact your SUBARU deal-
& Checking the brake pedal
reserve distance
1) More than 2.56 in (65 mm)
Depress the pedal with a force of approxi-
mately 66 lbf (294 N, 30 kgf) and measure
the distance between the upper surface of
the pedal pad and the floor.
When the measurement is smaller than
the specification, or when the pedal does
not operate smoothly, contact with your
SUBARU dealer.
Clutch pedal (MT models)
Check the clutch pedal free play and
reserve distance according to the main-
tenance schedule in the Warranty and
Maintenance Booklet.
& Checking the clutch function
Check the clutch engagement and disen-
1. With the engine idling, check that there
are no abnormal noises when the clutch
pedal is depressed, and that shifting into
1st or reverse feels smooth.
2. Start the vehicle by releasing the pedal
slowly to check t hat the engine and
transmission smoothly couple without
any sign of slippage.
& Checking the clutch pedal
free play
1) 0.19 0.44 in (5 11 mm)
Lightly press the clutch pedal down with
your finger until you feel resistance, and
check the free play.
If the free play is not within proper
specification, contact your SUBARU deal-
Replacement of brake pad
. If you continue to drive despite
the scraping noise from the audi-
ble brake pad wear indicator, it
will result in the need for costly
brake rotor repair or replace-
. It is recommended that you dis-
connect the vehicle battery be-
fore replacing the brake pad.
However, it is dangerous to dis-
connect the vehicle battery. We
recommend that you have your
SUBARU dealer replace the
brake pad.
The disc brakes have audible wear
indicators on the brake pads. If the brake
pads wear close to their service limit, the
wear indica tor mak es a ve ry aud ible
scraping noise when the brake pedal is
If you hear this scraping noise each time
you apply the brake pedal, have the brake
pads serviced by your SUBARU dealer as
soon as possible.
& Breaking-in of new brake
When replacing the brake pad, use only
genuine SUBARU parts. After replace-
ment, the new parts must be broken in as
! Brake pad
While maintaining a speed of 30 to 40
mph (50 to 65 km/h), step on the brake
pedal lightly. Repeat this five or more
times. Also, apply and release the electro-
nic parking brake five or more times.
Maintenance and service/Replacement of brake pad
Maintenance and service/Tires and wheels
Tires and wheels
& Types of tires
You should be familiar with type of tires
present on your vehicle.
! All season tires
The factory-installed tires on your new
vehicle are all season tires.
All season tires are designed to provide
an adequate measure of traction, handling
and braking performance in year-round
driving including snowy and icy road
conditions. However all season tires do
not offer as much traction performance as
winter (snow) tires in heavy or loose snow
or on icy roads.
All season tires are identified by ALL
SEASON and/or M+S (Mud & Snow) on
the tire sidewall.
! Summer tires
Summer tires are high-speed capability
tires best suited for highway driving under
dry conditions.
Summer tires are inadequate for driving
on slippery roads such as on snow-
covered or icy roads.
If you drive your vehicle on snow-covered
or icy roads, we strongly recommend the
use of winter (snow) tires.
When installing winter tires, be sure to
replace all four tires.
! Winter (snow) tires
Winter tires are best suited for driving on
snow-covered and icy roads. However
winter tires do not perform as well as
summer tires and all season tires on roads
other than snow-covered and icy roads.
& Tire pressure monitoring
system (TPMS) (if equipped)
The tire pressure monitoring system pro-
vides the driver with a warning message
by sending a signal from a sensor that is
installed in each wheel when tire pressure
is severely low. The tire pressure monitor-
ing system will activate only when the
vehicle is driven. Also, this system may
not react immediately to a sudden drop in
tire pressure (for example, a blow-out
caused by running over a sharp object).
If you adjust the tire pressures in a warm
garage and will then drive the vehicle in
cold outside air, the resulting drop in tire
pressures may cause the low tire pressure
warning light to illuminate. To avoid this
problem when adjusting the tire pressures
in a warm garage, inflate the tires to
pressures higher than those shown on the
tire placard. Specifically, inflate them by an
extra 1 psi (6.9 kPa, 0.07 kgf/cm
) for
every difference of 108F (5.68C) between
the temperature in the garage and the
temperature outside. By way of example,
the following table shows the required tire
pressures that correspond to various out-
side temperatures when the temperature
in the garage is 608F (15.68C).
Tire size: 225/55R17 97V, 225/50R18 95H
Standard tire pressures:
Front: 33 psi (230 kPa, 2.3 kgf/cm
Rear: 32 psi (220 kPa, 2.2 kgf/cm
Garage temperature: 608F (15.68C)
Adjusted pressure
[psi (kPa, kgf/cm
36 (250, 2.5) 35 (240, 2.4)
38 (265, 2.65) 37 (255, 2.55)
108F(238C) 40 (280, 2.8)
39 (270, 2.7)
Tire size: 225/65R17 102H, 225/60R18
Standard tire pressures:
Front: 35 psi (240 kPa, 2.4 kgf/cm
Rear: 33 psi (230 kPa, 2.3 kgf/cm
Garage temperature: 608F (15.68C)
Adjusted pressure
[psi (kPa, kgf/cm
38 (265, 2.65) 36 (250, 2.5)
40 (280, 2.8) 38 (265, 2.65)
108F(238C) 42 (295, 2.95)
40 (280, 2.8)
If the low tire pressure warning light
illuminates when you drive the vehicle in
cold outside air after adjusting the tire
pressures in a warm garage, re-adjust the
tire pressures using the method described
above. Then, increase the vehicle speed
to at least 20 mph (32 km/h) and check to
see that the low tire pressure warning light
goes off a few minutes later. If the low tire
pressure warning light does not go off, the
tire pressure monitoring system may not
be functioning normally. In this event, go
to a SUBARU dealer to have the system
inspected as soon as possible.
While the vehicle is driven, friction be-
tween tires and the road surface causes
the tires to warm up. After illumination of
the low tire pressure warning light, any
increase in the tire pressures caused by
an increase in the outside air temperature
or by an increase in the temperature in the
tires can cause the low tire pressure
warning light to go off.
System resetting is necessary when the
wheels are changed (for example, a
switch to snow tires) and new TPMS
valves are installed on the newly fitted
wheels. Have this work performed by a
SUBARU dealer following wheel replace-
It may not be possible to install TPMS
valves on certain wheels that are on the
market. Therefore, if you change the
wheels (for example, a switch to snow
tires), use wheels that have the same part
number as the standard-equipment
wheels. Without four operational TPMS
valve/sensors on the wheels, the TPMS
will not fully function and the warning light
in the instrument panel wi ll illuminate
steadily after blinking for approximately
one minute.
When a tire is replaced, adjustments are
necessary to ensure continued normal
operation of the tire pressure monitoring
system. As with wheel replacement, there-
fore, you should have the work performed
by a SUBARU dealer.
If the low tire pressure warning light
does not illuminate briefly after the
ignition switch is turned ON or the
light illuminates steadily after blink-
ing for approximately one minute,
you should have your Tire Pressure
Monitoring System checked at a
SUBARU dealer as soon as possi-
If this light illuminates while driving,
never brake suddenly and keep
driving straight ahead while gradu-
ally reducing speed. Then slowly
pull off the road to a safe place.
Otherwise an accident involving
serious vehicle damage and serious
personal injury could occur.
If this light still illuminates while
driving after adjusting the tire pres-
sure, a tire may have significant
damage and a fast leak that causes
the tire to lose air rapidly. If you have
a flat tire, replace it with a spare tire
as soon as possible.
When a spare tire is mounted or a
wheel rim is replaced without the
original pressure sensor/transmitter
being transferred, the low tire pres-
sure warning light will illuminate
steadily after blinking for approxi-
mately one minute. This indicates
the TPMS is unable to monitor all
four road wheels. Contact your
SUBARU dealer as soon as possible
for tire and sensor replacement and/
or system resetting. If the light
Maintenance and service/Tires and wheels
Maintenance and service/Tires and wheels
illuminates steadily after blinking for
approximately one minute, promptly
contact a SUBARU dealer to have
the system inspected.
& Tire inspection
Check on a daily basis that the tires are
free from serious damage, nails, and
stones. At the same time, check the tires
for abnormal wear.
Contact your SUBARU dealer immedi-
ately if you find any problem.
. When the wheels and tires strike
curbs or are subjected to harsh treat-
ment as when the vehicle is driven on a
rough surface, they can suffer damage
that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
This type of damage does not become
evident until time has passed. Try not
to drive over curbs, potholes or on
other rough surfaces. If doing so is
unavoidable, keep the vehicles speed
down to a walking pace or less, and
approach the curbs as squarely as
possible. Also, make sure the tires are
not pressed against the curb when you
park the vehicle.
. If you feel unusual vibration while
driving or find it difficult to steer the
vehicle in a straight line, one of the
tires and/or wheels may be damaged.
Drive slowly to the nearest authorized
SUBARU dealer and have the vehicle
& Tire pressures and wear
Maintaining the correct tire pressures
helps to maximize the tires service lives
and is essential for good running perfor-
mance. Check and, if necessary, adjust
the pressure of each tire (including the
spare) at least once a month (for example,
during a fuel stop) and before any long
Tire placard
Check the tire pressures when the tires
are cold. Use a pressure gauge to adjust
the tire pressures to the values shown on
the tire placard. The tire placard is located
on the door pillar on the drivers side.
Driving even a short distance warms up
the tires and increases the tire pressures.
Also, the tire pressures are affected by the
outside temperature. It is best to check tire
pressure outdoors before driving the
When a tire becomes warm, the air inside
it expands, causing the tire pressure to
increase. Be careful not to mistakenly
release air from a warm tire to reduce its
. The air pressure in a tire increases
by approximately 4.3 psi (30 kPa, 0.3
) when the tire becomes warm.
. The tires are considered cold when
the vehicle has been parked for at least
3 hours or has been driven less than 1
mile (1.6 km).
Do not let air out of warm tires to
adjust pressure. Doing so will result
in low tire pressure.
Incorrect tire pressures detract from con-
trollability and ride comfort, and they
cause the tires to wear abnormally.
. Correct tire pressure (tread worn
Roadholding is good, a nd steering is
responsive. Rolling resistance is low, so
fuel consumption is also lower.
. Abnormally low tire pressure (tread
worn at shoulders)
Rolling resistance is high, so fuel con-
sumption is also higher.
. Abnormally high tire pressure (tread
worn in center)
Ride comfort is poor. Also, the tire
magnifies the effects of road surface
bumps and dips, possibly resulting in
vehicle damage.
Driving at high speeds with exces-
sively low tire pressures can cause
the tires to deform severely and to
rapidly become hot. A sharp in-
crease in temperature could cause
tread separation, and destruction of
the tires. The resulting loss of
vehicle control could lead to an
Maintenance and service/Tires and wheels
Maintenance and service/Tires and wheels
& Wheel balance
Each wheel was correctly balanced when
your vehicle was new, but the wheels will
become unbalanced as the tires become
worn during use. Wheel imbalance causes
the steering wheel to vibrate slightly at
certain vehicle speeds and detracts from
the vehicles straight-line stability. It can
also cause steering and suspension sys-
tem problems and abnormal tire wear. If
you suspect that the wheels are not
correctly balanced, have them checked
and adjusted by your SUBARU dealer.
Also have them adjusted after tire repairs
and after tire rotation.
Loss of correct wheel alignment
causes the tires to wear on one side
and reduces the vehicles running
stability. Contact your SUBARU
dealer if you notice abnormal tire
The suspension system is designed to
hold each wheel at a certain alignment
(relative to the other wheels and to the
road) for optimum straight-line stability
and cornering performance.
& Wear indicators
1) New tread
2) Worn tread
3) Tread wear indicator
Each tire incorpor ates a tread wear
indicator, which bec omes visible when
the depth of the tread grooves decreases
to 0.063 in (1.6 mm). A tire must be
replaced when the tread wear indicator
appears as a solid band across the tread.
When a tires tread wear indicator
becomes visible, the tire is worn
beyond the acceptable limit and
must be replaced immediately. With
a tire in this condition, driving at
high speeds in wet weather can
cause the vehicle to hydroplane.
The resulting loss of vehicle control
can lead to an accident.
For safety, inspect the tire tread reg-
ularly and replace the tires before their
tread wear indicators become visible.
& Tire rotation direction mark
Example of tire rotation direction mark
1) Front
If the tire has a rotation direction specifica-
tion, the tire rotation direction mark is
placed on its sidewall.
When you install a tire that has the tire
rotation direction mark, install the tire with
the direction mark facing forward.
& Tire rotation
Vehicles equipped with 4 non-unidirec-
tional tires
1) Front
Vehicles equipped with unidirectional tires
1) Front
Tire wear varies from wheel to wheel.
Move the tires to the positions shown in
the illustration each time they are rotated.
For the tire rotation schedule, refer to the
Warranty and Maintenance Booklet.
Replace any damaged or unevenly worn
tire at the time of rotation. After tire
rotation, adjust the tire pressures an d
make sure the wheel nuts are correctly
After driving approximatel y 600 miles
(1,000 km), check the wheel nuts again
and retighten any nut that has become
& Tire replacement
The wheels and tires are important and
integral parts of your vehicles design;
they cannot be changed arbitrarily. The
tires fitted as standard equipment are
optimally matched to the characteristics
of the vehicle and were selected to give
the best possible combination of running
performance, ride comfort, and service
life. It is essential for every tire to have a
size and construction matching those
shown on the tire placard and to have a
speed symbol and load index matching
those shown on the tire placard.
Using tires of a non-specified size detracts
from controllability, ride comfort, braking
performance, speedometer accuracy and
odometer accuracy. It also creates incor-
rect body-to-tire clearances and inappro-
priately changes the vehicles ground
All four tires must be the same in terms of
manufacturer, brand (tread pattern), con-
struction, and size. You are advised to
replace the tires with new ones that are
identical to those fitted as standard equip-
For safe vehicle operation, SUBARU
recommends replacing all four tires at
the same time.
Maintenance and service/Tires and wheels
Maintenance and service/Tires and wheels
. When replacing or installing
tire(s), all four tires must be the
same for the following items.
(a) Size
(b) Circumference
(c) Speed symbol
(d) Load index
(e) Construction
(f) Manufacturer
(g) Brand (tread pattern)
(h) Degrees of wear
For items (a) to (d), you must
obey the specification that is
printed on the tire placard. The
tire placard is located on the
drivers door pillar.
If all four tires are not the same in
items (a) to (h), it may lead to
serious mechanical damage to
the drive train of your car and
affect the following factors.
Clearance between the body
and tires
It also may be dangerous and
lead to loss of vehicle control,
and it can lead to an accident.
. Use only radial tires. Do not use
radial tires together with belted
bias tires and/or bias-ply tires.
Doing so can dangerously r e-
duce controllability, resulting in
an accident.
& Wheel replacement
When replacing wheels due, for example,
to damage, make sure the replacement
wheels match the specifications of the
wheels that are fitted as standard equip-
ment. Replacement wheels are available
from SUBARU dealers.
Use only those wheels that are
specified for your vehicle. Wheels
not meeting specifications could
interfere with brake caliper opera-
tion and may cause the tires to rub
against the wheel well housing dur-
ing turns. The resulting loss of
vehicle control could lead to an
Aluminum wheels
Aluminum wheels can be scratched and
damaged easily. Handle them carefully to
maintain their appearance, performance,
and safety.
. When any of the wheels is removed
and replaced for tire rotation or to change
a flat, always check the tightness of the
wheel nuts after driving approximately 600
miles (1,000 km). If any nut is loose,
tighten it to the specified torque.
. Never apply oil to the threaded parts,
wheel nuts, or tapered surface of the
. Never let the wheel rub against sharp
protrusions or curbs.
. When wheel nuts, balance weights, or
the center cap is replaced, be sure to
replace them with genuine SUBARU parts
designed for aluminum wheels.
Windshield washer fluid
Never use engine coolant as washer
fluid because it could cause paint
Windshield washer fluid warning indicator
When there is only a small amount of
washer fluid remaining, the windshield
washer fluid warning indicator will appear.
When this occurs, refill the washer fluid as
1) FULL mark
Remove the washer tank filler cap, then
add fluid until it reaches the FULL mark
on the tank.
Use windshield washer fluid. If windshield
washer fluid is unavailabl e use clean
In areas where water freezes in winter,
use an anti-freeze type windshield washer
fluid. SUBARU Windshield Washer Fluid
contains 58.5% methyl alcohol and 41.5%
surfactant, by volume. Its freezing tem-
perature varies according to how much it
is diluted, as indicated in the following
Maintenance and service/Aluminum wheels
Maintenance and service/Replacement of wiper blades
Washer Fluid
50% 48F(208C)
100% 498F(458C)
Never use engine coolant as washer
fluid because it could cause paint
In order to prevent freezing of washer
fluid, check the freezing temperatures in
the table above when adjusting the fluid
concentration to the outside temperature.
If you fill the reservoir tank with a fluid with
a different concentration from the one
used previously, purge the old fluid from
the piping between the reservoir tank and
washer nozzles by operating the washer
for a certain period of time. Otherwise, if
the concentration of the fluid remaining in
temperature, it may freeze and block the
. Adjust the washer fluid concen-
tration appropriately for the out-
side temperature. If the concen-
tration is inappropriate, sprayed
washer fluid may freeze on the
windshield and obstruct your
view, and the fluid may freeze in
the reservoir tank.
. State or l ocal regulations on
volatile organic compounds may
restrict the use of methanol, a
common windshield washer anti-
freeze additive. Washer fluids
containing non-methanol anti-
freeze agents should be used
only if they provide cold weather
protection without damaging
your vehicles paint, wiper blades
or washer system.
Replacement of wiper blades
Grease, wax, insects, or other materials
on the win dshield or the wiper blade
results in jerky wiper operation and streak-
ing on the glass. If you cannot remove the
streaks after operating the windshi eld
washer or if the wiper operation is jerky,
clean the outer surface of the windshield
(or rear window) and the wiper blades
using a sponge or soft cloth with a neutral
detergent or mild abrasive cleaner. After
cleaning, rinse the windshield and wiper
blades with clean water. The windshield is
clean if beads do not form when you rinse
the windshield with water.
. Do not clean the wiper blades
with gasoline or a solvent, such
as paint thinner or benzine. This
will cause deterioration of the
wiper blades.
. When you wish to raise the
passenger-side wiper arm, first
raise the driver-side wiper arm.
Otherwise, the passenger-side
wiper assembly and driver-side
wiper assembly will touch each
other, possibly resulting in
. Return the passenger-side wiper
arm to its original position before
returning the driver-side wiper
arm to its original position.
Otherwise, the passenger-side
wiper assembly and driver-side
wiper assembly will touch each
other, possibly resulting in
. When returning the raised wipers
to the original positions, return
the wipers slowly on the wind-
shield by hand. Returning the
wipers from the detached posi-
tions by the spring operation
might change the shape of the
wiper arm or scratch the wind-
If you cannot eliminate the streaking even
after following this method, replace the
wiper blades using the following proce-
& Windshield wiper blade as-
Do not lower the wiper arm while the
wiper blade assembly is removed.
1. Raise the wiper arm off the windshield.
First raise the drivers side wiper arm and
then raise the front passengers side wiper
1) Open the cover
2) Pull down the wiper blade
2. Remove the wiper blade assembly by
opening the cover and pulling it down in
the direction shown in the illustration.
3. Install the wiper blade assembly to the
wiper arm. Make sure that it locks in place.
4. Hold the wiper arm by hand and slowly
lower it into position. First lower the front
passengers side wiper arm and then
lower the drivers side wiper arm.
& Windshield wiper blade rub-
1) Support
1. Grasp the locked end of the blade
rubber assembly and pull it firmly until the
stoppers on the rubber are free of the
Maintenance and service/Replacement of wiper blades
Maintenance and service/Replacement of wiper blades
1) Metal spines
2. If the new blade rubber is not provided
with two metal spines, remove the metal
spines from the old blade rubber and
install them in the new blade rubber.
3. Align the claws of the support with the
grooves in the rubber and slide the blade
rubber assembly into the support until it
1) Claw
2) Stopper
4. Be sure to position the claws at the
end of the support between the stoppers
on the rubber as shown. If the rubber is
not retained properly, the wiper blade may
scratch the windshield.
& Rear window wiper blade
assembly (Outback)
1. Raise the wiper arm off the rear
2. Turn the wiper blade assembly coun-
3. Pull the wiper blade assembly toward
you to remove it from the wiper arm.
& Rear window wiper blade
rubber (Outback)
1. Pull out the end of the blade rubber
assembly to unlock it from the plastic
2. Pull the blade rubber assembly out of
the plastic support.
1) Metal spines
3. If the new blade rubber is not provided
with two metal spines, remove the metal
spines from the old blade rubber and
install them in the new blade rubber.
Maintenance and service/Replacement of wiper blades
Maintenance and service/Battery
4. Align the claws of the plastic support
with the grooves in the blade rubber
assembly, then slide the blade rubber
assembly into place.
Securely retain both ends of the rubber
with the stoppers on the plastic support
ends. If the rubber is not retained properly,
the wiper may scratch the rear window
5. Install the wiper blade assembly to the
wiper arm. Make sure that it locks in place.
6. Hold the wiper arm by hand and slowly
lower it in position.
. Before beginning work on or near
any battery, be sure to extinguish
all cigarettes, matches, and light-
ers. Never expose a battery to an
open flame or electric sparks.
Batteries give off a gas which is
highly flammable and explosive.
. For safety, in case an explosion
does occur, wear eye protection
or shield your eyes when work-
ing near any battery. Never lean
over a battery.
. Do not let battery fluid contact
eyes, skin, fabrics, or paint be-
cause battery fluid is a corrosive
acid. If battery fluid gets on your
skin or in your eyes, immediately
flush the area with water thor-
oughly. Seek medical help imme-
diately if acid has entered the
If battery fluid is accidentally
swallowed, immediately drink a
large amount of milk or water,
and seek medical attention im-
. To le ssen the r isk of sparks,
remove rings, metal watchbands,
and other metal jewelry. Never
allow metal tools to contact the
positive battery terminal and any-
thing connected to it WHILE you
are at the same time in contact
with any other metallic portion of
the vehicle because a short cir-
cuit will result.
. Keep everyone including children
away from the battery.
. Charge the battery in a well-
ventilated area.
. Battery posts, terminals, and re-
lated accessories contain lead
and lead compounds, chemicals
known to the State of California
to cause cancer and reproductive
harm. Batteries also contain
other chemicals known to the
State of California to cause can-
cer. Wash hands after handling.
Never use more than 10 amperes
when charging the battery because
it will shorten battery life.
It is unnecessary to periodically check the
battery fluid level or periodically refill with
distilled water.
Never replace a fuse with one hav-
ing a higher rating or with material
other than a fuse because serious
damage or a fire could result.
The fuses are designed to melt during an
overload to prevent damage to the wiring
harness and electrical equipment. The
fuses are located in two fuse boxes.
One is located under the instrument panel
behind the fuse box cover on the drivers
seat side. To remove the cover, pull it out.
Maintenance and service/Fuses
Maintenance and service/Fuses
The other one (main fuse box) is housed
in the engine compartment.
1) Spare fuses
The spare fuses are stored in the main
fuse box cover in the engine compart-
The fuse puller is stored in the main fuse
box in the engine compartment.
1) Good
2) Blown
If any lights, accessories or other electrical
controls do not operate, inspect the
corresponding fuse. If a fuse has blown,
replace it.
1. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK/
OFF position and turn off all electrical
2. Remove the cover.
3. Determine which fuse may be blown.
Look at the back side of each fuse box
cover and refer to Fuses and circuits
4. Pull out the fuse with the fuse puller.
5. Inspect t he fuse. If it has blown,
replace it with a spare fuse of the same
6. If the same fuse blows again, this
indicates that its system has a problem.
Contact your SUBARU dealer for repairs.
Installation of accessories
Always consult your SUBARU dealer
before installing fog lights or any other
electrical equipment in your vehicle. Such
accessories may cause the electronic
system to malfunction if they are incor-
rectly installed or if they are not suited for
the vehicle. We recommend that you
install only genuine SUBARU accessories
on your vehicle.
Replacing bulbs
Bulbs may become very hot while
illuminated. Before replacing bulbs,
turn off the lights and wait until the
bulbs cool down, Otherwise, there is
the risk of sustaining a burn injury.
Replace any bulb only with a new
bulb of the specified wattage. Using
a bulb of different wattage could
result in a fire. For the specified
wattage of each bulb, refer to Bulb
chart F12-14. For replacement,
contact your SUBARU dealer.
& HID headlights (if equipped)
High-intensity-discharge (HID) bulbs
are used for the low beams of the
headlights. These HID bulbs use an
extremely high voltage. To avoid the
risk of an electric shock that could
result in serious injury, observe the
following precautions.
. Do not replace any headlight
bulbs (both low beam and high
beam) by yourself.
. Do not remove/restore the head-
light assemblies by yourself.
. Do not remove any headlight-
assembly components by your-
For replacement, contact your
SUBARU dealer.
& Halogen headlights
Halogen headlight bulbs become
very hot while in use. If you touch
the bulb surface with bare hands or
greasy gloves, fingerprints or
grease on the bulb surface will
develop into hot spots, causing the
bulb to break. If there are finger
prints or grease on the bulb surface,
wipe them away with a soft cloth
moistened with alcohol.
Maintenance and service/Installation of accessories
Maintenance and service/Replacing bulbs
. If headlight aiming is required, con-
sult your SUBARU dealer for proper
adjustment of the headlight aim.
. It may be difficult to replace the
bulbs. Have the bulbs replaced by your
SUBARU dealer if necessary.
Perform the following steps to replace the
Low beam headlight (if equipped)
1) Electrical connector
2) Clip
High beam headlight
1. Disconnect the e lectrical connector
from the bulb. When replacing the low
beam headlight bulb, remove the electrical
connector from the clip before disconnect-
ing the connector.
Low beam headlight (if equipped)
High beam headlight
2. Remove the bulb from the headlight
assembly by turning it counterclockwise.
3. Replace the bulb with new one. At this
time , use care not to touch t he bulb
4. To install the bulb to the headlight
assembly, turn it clockwise until it clicks.
5. Reconnect the electrical connector.
& Front turn signal light
1. Turn the socket counterclockwise and
pull it out.
2. Pull out the bulb from the socket and
replace the bulb with a new one.
& Front side marker light
1. Turn the socket counterclockwise and
pull it out.
2. Pull out the bulb from the socket and
replace the bulb with a new one.
& Front fog light (if equipped)
It may be difficult to replace the bulbs.
We recommend that you have the bulbs
replaced by your SUBARU dealer if
1. Remove the clips.
2. Turn over the mud guard.
3. Disconnect the electrical connector.
Maintenance and service/Replacing bulbs
Maintenance and service/Replacing bulbs
Legacy Outback
4. Remove the bulb.
5. Replace the bulb with a new one.
6. After replacing the bulb, reattach the
mud guard.
& Rear combination lights
! Legacy
It may be difficult to replace the bulbs.
We recommend that you have the bulbs
replaced by your SUBARU dealer if
1. Turn the shopping bag hook 90 de-
grees counterclockwise and pull it out.
2. Turn over the trunk trim panel.
1) Rear side marker light
2) Rear turn signal light
3. Remove the bulb holder from the rear
combination light assembly by turning it
counterclockwise. Use pliers if necessary.
4. Pull the bulb out of the bulb holder and
replace it with a new one.
5. Set the bulb holder i nto th e rear
combination light assembly and turn it
clockwise until it locks.
6. Securely reposition the trunk trim
7. Reattach the shopping bag hook.
! Outback
1. Undo the clips. For the method to undo
the clips, refer to Type C clips F11-6.
2. Remove the cover.
3. Remove the upper and lower screws.
4. Slide the rear combination light as-
sembly straight rearward and remove it
from the vehicle.
Maintenance and service/Replacing bulbs
Maintenance and service/Replacing bulbs
1) Rear turn signal light
2) Rear side marker light
5. Remove the bulb holder from the rear
combination light assembly by turning it
6. Pull the bulb out of the bulb holder and
replace it with a new one.
7. Set the bulb holder into the rear
combination light assembly and turn it
clockwise until it locks.
8. Reinstall the rear combination light
assembly by sliding the two-pronged part
of the combination light assembly securely
to each holder of the vehicle side.
9. Tighten the upper and lower screws.
10. Reinstall the side cover.
& Backup light
! Legacy
It may be difficult to replace the bulbs.
We recommend that you have the bulbs
replaced by your SUBARU dealer if
1. Open the trunk.
2. Remove the trunk trim lining by re-
moving the clips indicated in the illustra-
3. Turn the bulb socket counterclockwise
and remove it.
4. Pull the bulb out of the bulb socket and
replace it with a new one.
5. Install the bulb socket by turning it
6. Reconnect the electrical connector.
7. Reinstall the trunk trim lining.
! Outback
1. Apply a flat-head screwdriver to the
light cover as shown in the illustration, and
pry the light cover off from the rear gate
2. Turn the bulb socket counterclockwise
and remove it.
3. Pull the bulb out of the bulb socket and
replace it with a new one.
4. Install the bulb socket by turning it
Maintenance and service/Replacing bulbs
Maintenance and service/Replacing bulbs
5. Install the light cover on the rear gate.
& License plate light
! Legacy
It may be difficult to replace the bulbs.
We recommend that you have the bulbs
replaced by your SUBARU dealer if
1. Open the trunk.
2. Remove the trunk trim lining by re-
moving the clips indicated in the illustra-
3. Turn the bulb socket counterclockwise
and remove it.
4. Pull the bulb out of the bulb socket and
replace it with a new one.
5. Install the bulb socket by turning it
6. Reconnect the electrical connector.
7. Reinstall the trunk trim lining.
! Outback
1. To remove the right-hand side license
plate light cover, insert a finger into the
right side of the cover, and then press
once to the left and pull it out. To remove
the left-hand side license plate light cover,
insert a finger into the left side of the
cover, and then press once to the right
and pull it out.
2. Turn the bulb socket counterclockwise
and pull out the socket.
3. Pull the bulb out of the socket.
4. Install a new bulb.
5. Reinstall t he bulb socket and the
license plate light cover.
& Dome light
1. Remove the lens by prying the edge of
the lens with a flat-head screwdriver.
2. Turn the bulb until the flat surfaces at
its ends are aligned vertically.
3. Pull the bulb straight downward to
remove it.
4. Install a new bulb.
5. Reinstall the lens.
& Map light
Replacing the bul b could cause
burns since the bulb may be very
hot. Have the bulb replaced by your
SUBARU dealer.
& Door step light
Replacing the bulb could cause a
short circuit. Have the bulb replaced
by your SUBARU dealer.
Maintenance and service/Replacing bulbs
Maintenance and service/Replacing battery
& Cargo area light (Outback)
1. Remove the lens by prying the edge of
the lens with a flat-head screwdriver.
2. Pull the bulb out of the socket.
3. Install a new bulb.
4. Reinstall the lens.
& Trunk light (Legacy)
Replacing the bulb could cause
burns since the bulb may be very
hot. Have the bulb replaced by your
SUBARU dealer.
& Other bulbs
It may be difficult to replace the bulbs.
We recommend that you have the bulbs
replaced by your SUBARU dealer if
Replacing battery
The access key / transmitter battery may
be discharged under the following condi-
. The operation of the keyless access
function is unstable
. The operating distance of the remote
keyless entry system is unstable
. The transmitter does not operate prop-
erly when used within the standard dis-
Replace the battery with a new one.
. Do not let dust, oil or water get on
or in the access key/transmitter
when replacing battery.
. Be careful not to damage the
printed circuit board in the ac-
cess key/transmitter when repla-
cing the battery.
. Be careful not to allow children to
touch the battery and any re-
moved parts ; children could
swallow them.
. There is a danger of an explosion
if the battery is incorrectly re-
placed. Replace only w ith the
same or equivalent type of the
. Batteries shall not be exposed to
excessive heat such as bright
sunlight, fire or the like.
. Replace only with the s ame or
equivalent type of battery recom-
mended by the manufacturer.
. Dispose of used batteries according
to the local laws.
. Mount the battery in the correct
orientation to prevent flui d leakage.
Be careful not to bend the terminals. It
may result in a malfunction.
. It is recommended that the battery
should be replaced by a SUBARU
. Use a new battery.
. After replacing the battery, confirm
that the access key/transmitter func-
tions properly.
& Replacing battery of access
When removing or fitting the access
key cover, make sure that the plastic
part does not come off or become
Battery: Button battery CR2032
1) Release button
2) Mechanical key
1. Take out the mechanical key.
2. Wrap a flat-head screwdriver with vinyl
tape or a cloth, and insert it in the gap to
remove the cover.
3. Take out the battery using a flat-head
screwdriver with vinyl tape or a cloth.
Maintenance and service/Replacing battery
Maintenance and service/Replacing battery
4. Insert a new battery with its positive (+)
side facing upward as shown in the figure.
5. Attach the cover to the access key by
fitting the projections and recesses to-
& Replacing battery of trans-
1. Open the key head using a flat-head
2. Remove the transmitter case from the
key head.
3. Open the transmitter case by releasing
the hooks.
1) Negative () side facing up
4. Replace the old battery with a new
battery (Type CR1620 or equivalent)
making sure to install the new battery with
the negative () side facing up.
5. Put together the transmitter case by
fitting the hooks on the case.
6. Reinstall the transmitter case in the
key head.
7. Refit the removed half of the key head.
After the battery is replaced, the trans-
mitter must be synchronized with the
remote keyless entry systems control
unit. Press either the
or button
six times to synchronize the unit.
Maintenance and service/Replacing battery
Specifications ..................................................... 12-2
Dimensions........................................................ 12-2
Engine ............................................................... 12-3
Fuel ................................................................... 12-3
Engine oil .......................................................... 12-4
Engine oil filter................................................... 12-6
Manual transmission, front differential and rear
differential gear oil ........................................... 12-7
Fluids ................................................................ 12-8
Engine coolant ................................................... 12-8
Electrical system................................................ 12-9
Tires .................................................................. 12-9
Brake disc ......................................................... 12-9
Fuses and circuits ........................................... 12-10
Fuse panel located in the passenger
compartment ................................................. 12-10
Fuse panel located in the engine
compartment ................................................. 12-12
Bulb chart......................................................... 12-14
Safety precautions ........................................... 12-14
Bulb chart ....................................................... 12-15
Vehicle identification ....................................... 12-18
These specifications are subject to change without notice.
& Dimensions
in (mm)
Legacy Outback
2.5 L
3.6 L
2.5 L
3.6 L
Drive system
Transmission type
Overall length
188.8 (4,796) 189.6 (4,817)
Overall width
72.4 (1,840) 72.4 (1,840)
Overall height
59.0 (1,500) 66.1 (1,680)
108.3 (2,750) 108.1 (2,745)
Tread Front
62.2 (1,580) 61.8 (1,570)
62.8 (1,595) 62.2 (1,580)
Ground clearance
5.9 (150)
8.7 (220)
*1: Measured with vehicle empty
MT: Manual transmission
CVT: Continuously variable transmission
AWD: All-Wheel Drive
& Engine
Engine model
(2.5 L, DOHC, non-turbo)
(3.6 L, DOHC, non-turbo)
Engine type
Horizontally opposed, liquid cooled 4 cylinder,
4 stroke gasoline engine
Horizontally opposed, liquid cooled 6 cylinder,
4 stroke gasoline engine
Displacement cu-in (cc) 152.4 (2,498) 221.5 (3,630)
Bore 6 Stroke in (mm) 3.7 6 3.5 (94.0 6 90.0) 3.62 6 3.58 (92.0 6 91.0)
Compression ratio 10.3 : 1 10.5 : 1
Firing order 1 3 2 4
1 6 3 2 5 4
& Fuel
Fuel requirement Fuel tank capacity
Unleaded gasoline with 87 AKI (90 RON) or higher
18.5 US gal (70 liters, 15.4 Imp gal)
& Engine oil
For the checking, adding and replacing procedure or other details, refer to Engine oil F11-11.
The procedure for changing the engine oil and oil filter should be performed by a properly-trained expert. It is recommended
that you have this service performed by your SUBARU dealer.
! Approved engine oil
Always use the SUBARU approved engine oil. For further details, please contact your SUBARU dealer.
If the approved engine oil is unavailable, use the alternative engine oil described on the next page.
! Alternative engine oil
If the SUBARU approved oil is unavailable, the following alternative oil can be used.
. Each quantity indicated is only a guideline. The necessary quantity for replacement may differ slightly depending on the
temperature and other factors.
. In choosing an oil, you want the proper quality and viscosity, as well as one that will enhance fuel economy. Oils of lower
viscosity provide better fuel economy. However, in hot weather, oil of higher viscosity is required to properly lubricate the
engine. The following table lists the recommended viscosities and applicable temperatures.
. When adding oil, different brands may be used together as long as they are the same API classification and SAE viscosity
as those recommended by SUBARU.
! 2.5 L models
Oil grade
SAE viscosity No. and
applicable temperature
Engine oil capacity
API (American Petroleum Insti-
tute) classification SM with the
VING or SN with the words
ILSAC (International Lubricant
Specification Advisory Commit-
tee) GF-4 or GF-5, which can be
identified with the ILSAC certifi-
cation mark (Starburst mark)
0W-20 synthetic oil is the required oil
for optimum engine performance and
protection. Conventional oil may be
used if synthetic oil is unavailable.
*: If 0W-20 synthetic oil is not available,
5W-30 or 5W-40 conventional oil may
be used if replenishment is needed but
should be changed to 0W-20 synthetic
oil at the next oil change.
Adding the oil from low level to
full level:
1.1 US qt (1.0 liter, 0.9 Imp qt)
Changing the oil and oil filter:
5.1 US qt (4.8 liters, 4.2 Imp qt)
! 3.6 L models
Oil grade
SAE viscosity No. and
applicable temperature
Engine oil capacity
API (American Petroleum Insti-
tute) classification SM with the
VING or SN with the words
ILSAC (International Lubricant
Specification Advisory Commit-
tee) GF-4 or GF-5, which can be
identified with the ILSAC certifi-
cation mark (Starburst mark)
Your vehicle is designed to use 5W-30
conventional motor oil, however 5W-30
synthetic may be used for optimum
engine performance.
If 5W-30 synthetic oil is not available,
10W-30 or 10W-40 conventional oil
may be used if replenishment is
needed but should be changed to 5W-
30 synthetic oil at the next oil change.
Adding the oil from L to F level:
1.1 US qt (1.0 liter, 0.9 Imp qt)
Changing the oil and oil filter:
6.9 US qt (6.5 liters, 5.7 Imp qt)
& Engine oil filter
Model Oil filter color Part number Amount of rotation
2.5 L models Blue 15208AA15A 7/8 rotation
3.6 L models Black 15208AA031
3/4 rotation
& Manual transmission, front differential and rear differential gear oil
Oil Manual transmission oil Front differential gear oil (CVT models) Rear differential gear oil
Oil grade
. SUBARU Extra MT*
. API classification GL-5 (75W-90)*
API classification GL-5
SAE viscosity
No. and applic-
able tempera-
. 75W/90*
. 90
*: recommended
Oil capacity*
3.5 US qt
(3.3 liters, 2.9 Imp qt)
2.5 L models: 1.3 US qt (1.2 liters, 1.1 Imp qt)
3.6 L models: 1.5 US qt (1.4 liters, 1.2 Imp qt)
0.8 US qt (0.8 liters, 0.7 Imp qt)
Manual transmission
oil F11-18
Front differential gear oil (CVT models) and
rear differential gear oil F11-19
Front differential gear oil (CVT models) and rear differ-
ential gear oil F11-19
*1: The indicated oil quantity is only a guideline. The necessary quantity for replacement may differ slightly depending on the temperature and other
factors. After refilling the gearbox with oil, the oil level should be checked.
*2: For more details about maintenance and service, refer to the indicated section.
*3: The vehicle is filled at the factory with this type of manual transmission oil/front differential gear oil.
*4: You may use this type of manual transmission oil/front differential gear oil. However, using this type of oil will detract from driveability and fuel
& Fluids
Fluid type*
Fluid capacity*
Continuously variable transmission
fluid (CVT models)
Consult your SUBARU dealer.
2.5 L models: 12.0 US qt (11.4 liters,
10.0 Imp qt)
3.6 L models: 13.4 US qt (12.7
liters, 11.2 Imp qt)
Continuously variable trans-
mission fluid F11-19
Brake fluid
FMVSS No. 116, fresh DOT 3 or DOT 4
brake fluid
Brake fluid F11-19
Clutch fluid (MT models)
FMVSS No. 116, fresh DOT 3 or DOT 4
brake fluid
Clutch fluid (MT models) F11-
*1: Use one of the indicated types of fluid.
*2: The indicated fluid quantity is only a guideline. The necessary quantity for replacement may differ slightly depending on the temperature and other
*3: For more details about maintenance and service, refer to the indicated section.
& Engine coolant
Vehicle model Coolant capacity Coolant type
2.5 L models
MT models 8.0 US qt (7.6 liters, 6.7 Imp qt)
SUBARU Super CoolantCVT models 8.2 US qt (7.8 liters, 6.9 Imp qt)
3.6 L models
7.4 US qt (7.0 liters, 6.2 Imp qt)
The indicated coolant quantity is only a guideline. The necessary quantity for replacement may differ slightly depending on the temperature and other
factors. For more details about maintenance and service, refer to Cooling system F11-14.
& Electrical system
Battery type and capacity (5HR)
2.5 L models 55D23R (12V-48AH)
3.6 L models
75D23R (12V-52AH)
Spark plugs
2.5 L models SILZKAR7B11 (NGK)
3.6 L models
& Tires
Tire size
Wheel size
17 6 7 1/2J 18 6 7 1/2J 17 6 7J 18 6 7J
Pressure Front
33 psi (230 kPa, 2.3 kgf/cm
) 35 psi (240 kPa, 2.4 kgf/cm
32 psi (220 kPa, 2.2 kgf/cm
) 33 psi (230 kPa, 2.3 kgf/cm
Temporary spare tire
Size T155/70 D17 T155/80 R17
Pressure 60 psi (420 kPa, 4.2 kgf/cm
Wheel nut tightening torque
89 lbf·ft (120 N·m, 12 kgf·m)
*1: This torque is equivalent to applying approximately 88 to 110 lbf (40 to 50 kgf) at the end of the wheel nut wrench. If you have tightened the wheel
nuts by yourself, have the tightening torque checked at the nearest automotive service facility as soon as possible. For the wheel nut tightening
procedure, refer to Changing a flat tire F9-5.
& Brake disc
If you need information on the usage limit value of brake discs and the method for measuring them, consult your SUBARU dealer.
Specifications/Fuses and circuits
Fuses and circuits
& Fuse panel located in the passenger compartment
1 7.5A START1
2 20A 12V SOCKET
3 7.5A IG1-1
5 15A UNIT IG2-2
6 20A P/W R.LH
8 15A A/C IG
9 7.5A ACC
10 7.5A UNIT IG2-1
11 30A P/W MAIN1
12 7.5A START2
13 Empty
14 7.5A UNIT+B
15 7.5A METER IG
16 20A P/W R.RH
17 7.5A MIR
18 7.5A LAMP IG
19 7.5A IG1-2
21 20A P/W PASS1
23 10A DRL
24 20A P/W MAIN2
25 Empty
26 10A BACK UP
29 20A P/W PASS2
30 Empty
31 7.5A SMT
33 7.5A KEY SW
34 7.5A D_OP+B
36 Empty
37 7.5A STOP
Specifications/Fuses and circuits
Specifications/Fuses and circuits
& Fuse panel located in the engine compartment
A) Main fuse
1 7.5A HORN RH
2 7.5A
3 10A
4 10A TAIL
5 15A H/L LO RH
6 15A H/L LO LH
7 10A H/L HI LH
8 15A D/L
9 10A H/L HI RH
10 7.5A ALT-S
11 20A FUEL
13 30A IG2
14 7.5A PU B/UP
15 7.5A OBD
16 20A
17 15A E/G2
18 15A ETC
19 15A E/G1
*1: 2.5 L models
*2: 3.6 L models
20 15A AVCS
21 15A INJ
22 7.5A CVT SSR
23 20A TCU
25 7.5A ACTGS
26 25A SUB FAN
28 30A ABS SOL
29 20A AUDIO
30 25A R.DEF
33 10A F.FOG RH
34 10A F.FOG LH
35 15A R.WIPER
36 15A F.WASH
37 30A F.WIPER
Specifications/Fuses and circuits
Specifications/Bulb chart
Bulb chart
& Safety precautions
. Bulbs may become very hot while
illuminated. Before replacing
bulbs, turn off the lights and wait
until the bulbs cool down. Other-
wise, there is a risk of sustaining
a burn injury.
. For models with HID low beam
headlights, observe the following
precautions. Not doing so carries
the risk of an electric shock that
could result in serious injury
because the HID bulbs use an
extremely high voltage.
Do not replace any headlight
bulbs (both low beam and
high beam) by yourself.
Do not remove/restore the
headlight assemblies by your-
Do not remove any headlight-
assembly components by
For replacement, contact your
SUBARU dealer.
Replace any bulb only with a new
bulb of the specified wattage. Using
a bulb of different wattage could
result in a fire.
& Bulb chart
Lights A, B, C, D, E and F are the LED (Light Emitting Diode) type. Consult your SUBARU dealer for replacement.
Specifications/Bulb chart
Specifications/Bulb chart
Wattage Bulb No.
1) High beam headlight 12V-60W HB3
2) Low beam headlight
Models with HID headlights 12V-35W D4S
Models without HID headlights 12V-55W H11
3) Front side marker light 12V-5W W5W
4) Map light 12V-8W
5) Dome light 12V-8W
6) Door step light 12V-5W W5W
7) Front turn signal light 12V-21W WY21W
8) Front fog light
Legacy (models without steering responsive fog
lights system)
12V-19W H16
Legacy (models with steering responsive fog lights
12V-55W H11
Outback 12V-55W H11
9) Vanity mirror light 14V-1.4W HTU
10) Cargo area light 12V-13W SAE #912
11) Licence plate light (Outback)
12V-5W W5W
12) Backup light (Outback) 12V-16W W16W
Rear turn signal light (Outback) 12V-21W WY21W
14) Rear side marker light (Outback)
12V-5W W5W
15) Trunk light (Legacy) 12V-3.8W SAE #194
License plate light (Legacy) 12V-5W W5W
17) Backup light (Legacy) 12V-16W W16W
Wattage Bulb No.
Rear turn signal light (Legacy) 12V-21W
Rear side marker light (Legacy) 12V-5W
Parking light
Side turn signal light (if equipped)
C) High-mounted stop light (Outback) ––
D) Tail and stop light (Outback) ––
High-mounted stop light (Legacy) ––
Tail and stop light (Legacy)
Specifications/Bulb chart
Specifications/Vehicle identification
Vehicle identification 1) Emission control label
2) Certification and bar code label
3) Tire inflation pressure label
4) Vehicle identification number plate
5) Model number label
6) Fuel label
7) Air conditioner label
For U.S.A. ........................................................... 13-2
Tire information .................................................. 13-2
Tire labeling ....................................................... 13-2
Recommended tire inflation pressure.................. 13-4
Glossary of tire terminology ............................... 13-5
Tire care maintenance and safety practices...... 13-9
Vehicle load limit how to determine................ 13-10
Determining compatibility of tire and vehicle
load capacities ............................................... 13-13
Adverse safety consequences of overloading
on handling and stopping and on tires ........... 13-13
Steps for Determining Correct Load Limit......... 13-13
Uniform tire quality grading standards .......... 13-14
Treadwear ....................................................... 13-14
Traction AA, A, B, C......................................... 13-14
Temperature A, B, C......................................... 13-15
Reporting safety defects (USA) ...................... 13-15
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/For U.S.A.
For U.S.A.
The following information has been
compiled according to Code of
Federal Regulations Title 49, Part
Tire information
& Tire labeling
Many markings (e.g. Tire size, Tire
Identification Number or TIN) are
placed on the sidewall of a tire by
tire manufacturers. These marking
can provide you with useful infor-
mation on the tire.
! Tire size
Your vehicle comes equipped with
P-Metric tire size. It is important to
understand the sizing system in
selecting the proper tire for your
vehicles. Here is a brief review of
the tire sizing system with a break-
down of its individual elements.
! P Metric
With the P-Metric system, Section
Width is measured in millimeters.
To convert millimeters into inches,
divide by 25.4. The Aspect Ratio
(Section Height divided by Section
Width) helps provide more dimen-
sional information about the tire
(1) P = Certain tire type used on
light duty vehicles such as passen-
ger cars
(2) Section Width in millimeters
(3) Aspect Ratio (= section height
7 section width).
(4) R = Radial Construction
(5) Rim diameter in inches
! Load and Speed Rating De-
The load and speed rating descrip-
tions will appear following the size
They provide two important facts
about the tire. First, the number
designation is its load index. Sec-
ond, the letter designation indicates
the tires speed rating.
(6) Load Index: A numerical code
which specifies the maximum load
a tire can carry at the speed
indicated by its speed symbol, at
maximum inflation pressure.
For example, 91 means 1,356 lbs
(615 kg), 90 means 1,323 lbs (600
kg), 89 means 1,279 lbs (580 kg)
Load indices apply only to the
tire, not to the vehicle. Putting
a load rated tire on any vehicle
does not mean the vehicle can
be loaded up to the tires rated
(7) Speed Rating: An alphabetical
system describing a tires capability
to travel at established and prede-
termined speeds.
For example, V means 149 mph
(240 km/h)
. Speed ratings apply only to
the tire, not to the vehicle.
Putting a speed rated tire on
any vehicle does not mean
the vehicle can be operated
at the tires rated speed.
. The speed rating is void if
the tires are worn out, da-
maged, repaired, retreaded,
or otherwise al tered from
their original condition. If
tires are repaired, re-
treaded, or otherwise al-
tered, they may not be sui-
table for original equipment
tire designed loads and
! Tire Identification Number (TIN)
Tire Identification Number (TIN) is
marked on the intended outboard
sidewall. The TIN is composed of
four groups. Here is a brief review
of the TIN with a breakdown of its
individual elements.
(1) Manufacturer s Identification
(2) Tire Size
(3) Tire Type Code
(4) Date of Manufacture
The first two figures identify the
week, starting with 01 to represent
the first full week of the calendar
year; the second two figures repre-
sent the year. For example, 0101
means the 1st week of 2001.
! Other markings
The following makings are also
placed on the sidewall.
! Maximum permissible infla-
tion pressure
The maximum cold inflation pres-
sure to which this tire may be
inf lated. For example, 350 kPa
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
! Maximum load rating
The load rating at the maximum
permissible weight load for this tire.
For example, MAX. LOAD 615 kg
(1,356 LBS) @ 350 kPa (51 PSI)
Maximum load rating applies
only to the tire, not to the
vehicle. Putting a load rated
tire on any vehicle does not
mean the vehicle can be
loaded up to the tires rated
! Construction type
Applicable construction of this tire.
! Construction
The generic name of each cord
material used in the plies (both
sidewall and tread area) of this tire.
For example, PLIES: TREAD 2
! Uniform Tire Quality Grading
For details, refer to Uniform tire
quality grading standards F13-14.
& Recommended tire inflation
! Recommended cold tire infla-
tion pressure
For the recommended cold tire
inflation pressure for your vehicles
tires, refer to Tires F12-9.
! Vehicle placard
The vehicle placard is affixed to the
drivers side B-pillar.
The vehicle placard shows original
tire size, recommended cold tire
inflation pressure on each tire at
maximum loaded vehicle weight,
seating capacity and loading infor-
! Adverse safety consequences
of under-inflation
Driving at high speeds with
excessively low tire pressures
can cause the tires to flex
severely and to rapidly be-
come hot. A sharp increase
in temperature could cause
tread separation, and failure
of the tire(s). Possible result-
ing loss of vehicle control
could lead to an accident.
! Measuring and adjusting air
pressure to achieve proper in-
Check and, if necessary, adjust the
pressure of each tire (including the
spare) at least once a month and
before any long journey. Check the
tire pressures when the tires are
cold. Use a pressure gauge to
adjust the tire pressures to the
specific values. Driving even a
short distance warms up the tires
and increases the tire pressures.
Also, the tire pressures are affected
by the outside temperature. It is
best to check tire pressure out-
doors before driving the vehicle.
When a tire becomes warm, the air
inside it expands, causing the tire
pressure to increase. Be careful not
to mistakenly release air from a
warm tire to reduce its pressure.
& Glossary of tire terminology
. Accessory weight
The combined weight (in excess of
those standard items which may be
replaced) of automatic transmis-
sion, power steering, power brakes,
power windows, power seats, radio,
and heater, to the extent that these
items are available as factory-in-
stalled equipment (whether in-
stalled or not).
. Bead
The part of the tire that is made of
steel wires, wrapped or reinforced
by ply cords and that is shaped to fit
the rim.
. Bead separation
A breakdown of the bond between
components in the bead.
. Bias ply tire
A pneumatic tire in which the ply
cords that extend to the beads are
laid at alternate angles substantially
less than 90 degrees to the center-
line of the tread.
. Carcass
The tire structure, except tread and
sidewall rubber which, when in-
flated, bears the load.
. Chunking
The breaking away of pieces of the
tread or sidewall.
. Cold tire pressure
The pressure in a tire that has been
driven less than 1 mile or has been
standing for three hours or more.
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
. Cord
The strands forming the plies in the
. Cord separation
The parting of cords from adjacent
rubber compounds.
. Cracking
Any parting within the tread, side-
wall, or inner liner of the tire
extending to cord material.
. Curb weight
The weight of a motor vehicle with
standard equipment including the
maximum capacity of fuel, oil and
coolant, and if so equipped, air
conditioning and additional weight
optional engine.
. Extra load tire
A tire designed to operate at higher
loads and higher inflation pressure
than t he corresponding standard
. Groove
The space between two adjacent
tread ribs.
. Innerliner
The layer(s) forming the inside sur-
face of a tubeless tire that contains
the inflating medium within the tire.
. Innerliner separation
The parting of the innerliner from
cord material in the carcass.
. Intended outboard sidewall
(1) The sidewall that contains a
whitewall, bears white lettering
or bears manufacturer, brand,
and/or model name molding that
is higher or deeper than the
same molding on the other side-
wall of the tire, or
(2) The outward facing sidewall
of an asymmetrical tire that has
a particular side that must al-
ways face outward when mount-
ing on a vehicle.
. Light truck (LT) tire
A tire designated by its manufac-
turer as primarily intended for use
on lightweight trucks or multipur-
pose passenger vehicles.
. Load rating
The maximum load that a tire is
rated to carry for a given inflation
. Maximum inflation pressure
The maximum cold inflation pres-
sure to which a tire may be inflated.
. Maximum load rating
The load rating for a tire at the
maximum permissible inflation
pressure for that tire.
. Maximum loaded vehicle weight
The sum of:
(a) Curb weight
(b) Accessory weight
(c) Vehicle capacity weight
(d) Production options weight
. Max imum permis sible inflat ion
The maximum cold inflation pres-
sure to which a tire may be inflated.
. Measuring rim
The rim on which a tire is fitted for
physical dimension requirements.
. Normal occupant weight
150 lbs (68 kg) times the number of
occupants specified in the second
column of Table 1 that is appended
to the end of this section.
. Occupant distribution
Distribution of occupants in a vehi-
cle as specified in the third column
of Table 1 that is appended to the
end of this section.
. Open splice
Any parting at any junction of tread,
sidewall, or innerliner that extends
to cord material.
. Outer diameter
The overall diameter of an inflated
new tire.
. Overall width
The linear distance between the
exteriors of the sidewalls of an
inflated tire, including elevations
due to labeling, decorations, or
protective bands or ribs.
. Passenger car tire
A tire intended for use on passen-
ger cars, multipurpose passenger
vehicles, and trucks, that have a
gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR)
of 10,000 lbs (4,535 kg) or less.
. Ply
A layer of rubber-coated parallel
. Ply separation
A parting of rubber compound
between adjacent plies.
. Pneumatic tire
A mechanical device made of rub-
ber, chemicals, fabric and steel or
other materials, that, when
mounted on an automotive wheel,
provides the traction and contains
the gas or fluid that sustains the
. Production options weight
The combined weight of those
installed regular production options
weighing over 5.1 lbs (2.3 kg) in
excess of those standard i tems
which they replace, not previously
considered in curb weight or acces-
sory weight, including heavy duty
brakes, ride levelers, roof rack,
heavy duty battery, and special
. Radial ply tire
A pneumatic tire in which the ply
cords that extend to the beads are
laid at substantially 90 degrees to
the centerline of the tread.
. Recommended inflation pres-
The cold inflation pressure recom-
mended by a vehicle manufacturer.
. Reinforced tire
A tire designed to operate at higher
loads and at higher inflation pres-
sures than the corresponding stan-
dard tire.
. Rim
A metal support for a tire or a tire
and tube assembly upon which the
tire beads are seated.
. Rim diameter
Nominal diameter of the bead seat.
. Rim size designation
Rim diameter and width.
. Rim type designation
The industry of manufacturers des-
ignation for a rim by style or code.
. Rim width
Nominal distance betwee n rim
. Section width
The linear distance between the
exteriors of the sidewalls of an
inflated tire, excluding elevations
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
due to labeling, decoration , or
protective bands.
. Sidewall
That portion of a tire between the
tread and bead.
. Sidewall separation
The parting o f the rubber com-
pound from the cord material in
the sidewall.
. Test rim
The rim on which a tire is fitted for
testing, and it may be any rim listed
as appropriate for use with that tire.
. Tread
That portion of a tire that comes
into contact with the road.
. Tread rib
A tread section running circumfer-
entially around a tire.
. Tread separation
Pulling away of the tread from the
tire carcass.
. Treadwear indicators (TWI)
The projections within the principal
grooves designed to give a visual
indication of the degrees of wear of
the tread.
. Vehicle capacity weigh t
The rated cargo and luggage load
plus 150 lbs (68 kg) times the
vehicles designated seating capa-
. Vehicle maximum load on the
Load on an individual tire that is
determined by distributing to each
axle its share of the maximum
loaded vehicle weight and dividing
by two.
. Vehicle normal load on the tire
Load on an individual tire that is
determined by distributing to each
axle its share of the curb weight,
accessory weight, and normal oc-
cupant weight (distributed in accor-
dance with Table 1 that is ap-
pended to the end of this section)
and dividing by 2.
. Wheel-holding fixture
The fixture used to hold the wheel
and tire assembly securely during
Table 1 Occupant loading and distribution for vehicle normal load for
various designated seating capacities
Designated seating
capacity, number of
Vehicle normal load,
number of occupants
Occupant distribution in a
normally loaded vehicle
2 through 4 2 2 in front.
5 through 10 3
2 in front, 1 in second
11 through 15 5
2 in front, 1 in second
seat, 1 in third seat, 1 in
fourth seat.
16 through 22 7
2 in front, 2 in second
seat, 2 in third seat, 1 in
fourth seat.
& Tire care maintenance and
safety practices
. Check on a daily basis that the
tires are free from serious damage,
nails, and stones. At the same time,
check the tires for abnormal wear.
. Inspect the tire tread regularly
and replace the tires before their
tread wear indicators become visi-
ble. When a tires tread wear
indicator becomes visible, the tire
is worn beyond the acceptable limit
and must be replaced immediately.
With a tire in this condition, driving
at even low speeds in wet weather
can cause the vehicle to hydro-
plane. Possible resulting loss of
vehicle control can lead t o an
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
. To maximize the life of each tire
and ensure that the tires wear
uniformly, it is best to rotate the
tires every 7,500 miles (12,000 km).
Rotating the tires involves switch-
ing the front and rear tires on the
right-hand side of the vehicle and
similarly switching the front and
rear tires on the left-hand side of
the vehicle. (Each tire must be kept
on its original side of the vehicle.)
Replace any damaged or unevenly
worn tire at the time of rotation.
After tire rotation, adjust the tire
pressures and make sure the wheel
nuts are correctly tightened. For
information about the tightening
torque and tightening sequence
for the wheel nuts, refer to Flat
tires F9-5
& Vehicle load limit how to
The load capacity of your vehicle is
determined by weight, not by avail-
able cargo space. The load limit of
your vehicle is shown o n the
vehicle placard attached to the
drivers side B-pillar. Locate the
statement The combined weight
of occupants and cargo should
never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs
on your vehicles placard.
seating capacity of your vehicle.
The total load capacity includes the
total weight of driver and all pas-
sengers and their belongings, any
cargo, any optional equipment such
as a trailer hitch, roof rack or bike
carrier, etc., and the tongue load of
a trailer. Therefore cargo capacity
can be calculated by the following
Cargo capacity = Load limit (total
weight of occupants + total weight
of optional equipment + tongue
load of a trailer (if applicable))
For towing capacity information and
weight limits, refer to Trailer towing
(Outback) F8-21
! Calculating total and load ca-
pacities varying seating con-
Calculate the available load capa-
city as shown in the following
Example 1A
Vehicle capacity weight of the
vehicle is 800 lbs (363 kg), which
is indicated on the vehicle placard
with the statement The combined
weight of occupants and cargo
should never exceed 363 kg or
800 lbs.
For example, if the vehicle has one
occupant weighing 154 lbs (70 kg)
plus cargo weighing 551 lbs (250
1. Calculate the total weight.
2. Calculate the available load ca-
pacity by subtracting the total
weight from the vehicle capacity
weight of 800 lbs (363 kg).
3. The result of step 2 shows that a
further 95 lbs (43 kg) of cargo can
be carried.
Example 1B
For example, if a person weighing
176 lbs (80 kg) now enters the
same vehicle (bringing the number
of occupants to two), the calcula-
tions are as follows:
1. Calculate the total weight.
2. Calculate the available load ca-
3. The total weight now exceeds
the capacity weight by 81 lbs (37
kg), so the cargo weight must be
reduced by 81 lbs (37 kg) or more.
Example 2A
Vehicle capacity weight of the
vehicle is 800 lbs (363 kg), which
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
is indicated on the vehicle placard
with the statement The combined
weight of occupants and cargo
should never exceed 363 kg or
800 lbs.
For example, the vehicle has one
occupant weighing 165 lbs (75 kg)
plus cargo weighing 265 lbs (120
kg). In addition, the vehicle is fitted
with a trailer hitch weighing 22 lbs
(10 kg), to which is attached a
trailer weighing 1,764 lbs (800 kg).
10% of the trailer weight is applied
to the trailer tongue (i.e. Tongue
load = 176 lbs (80 kg)).
1. Calculate the total weight.
2. Calculate the available load ca-
3. The result of step 2 shows that a
further 172 lbs (78 kg) of cargo can
be carried.
Example 2B
For example, if a person weighing
143 lbs (65 kg) and a child weighing
40 lbs (18 kg) now enter the same
vehicle (bringing the number of
occupants to three), and a child
restraint system weighing 11 lbs (5
kg) is installed in the vehicle for the
child to use, the calculations are as
1. Calculate the total weight.
2. Calculate the available load ca-
3. The total weight now exceeds
the capacity weight by 22 lbs (10
kg), so the cargo weight must be
reduced by 22 lbs (10 kg) or more.
& Determining compatibility of
tire and vehicle load capaci-
The sum of four tires maximum
load ratings must exceed the max-
imum loaded vehicle weight
(GVWR). In addition, sum of the
maximum load ratings of two front
tires and of two rear tires must
exceed each axles maximum
loaded capacity (GAWR). Original
equipment tires are designed to
fulfill those conditions.
The maximum loaded vehicle
weight is referred to Gross Vehicle
Weight Rating (GVWR). And each
axles maximum loaded capacity is
referred to Gross Axle Weight Rat-
ing (GAWR). The GVWR and each
axles GAWR are shown on the
vehicle certification label affixed to
the drivers door.
The GVWR and front and rear
GAWRs are determined by not only
the maximum load rating of tires but
also loaded capacities of the vehi-
cles suspension, axles and other
parts of the body.
Therefore, this means that the
vehicle cannot necessarily be
loaded up to the tires maximum
load rating on the tire sidewall.
& Adverse safety conse-
quences of overloading on
handling and stopping and
on tires
Overloading could affect vehicle
handling, stopping distance, vehicle
and tire as shown in the following.
This could lead to an accident and
possibly result in severe personal
. Vehicle stability will deteriorate.
. Heavy and/or high-mounted
loads could increase the risk of
. Stopping distance will increase.
. Brakes could overheat and fail.
. Suspension, bearings, axles and
other parts of the body could break
or experience accelerated wear
that will shorten vehicle life.
. Tires could fail.
. Tread separation could occur.
. Tire could separate from its rim.
& Steps for Determining Cor-
rect Load Limit
1. Locate the statement The com-
bined weight of occu pants and
cargo should never exceed XXX
kg or XXX lbs. on your vehicles
2. Determine the combined weight
of the driver and passengers that
will be riding in your vehicle.
3. Subtract the combined weight of
the driver and passenger s from
XXX kg or XXX lbs.
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Tire information
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Uniform tire quality grading standards
4. The resulting figure equals the
available amount o f cargo a nd
luggage load capacity. For exam-
ple, if the XXX amount equals
1,400 lbs (635 kg) and there will be
five- 150 lbs (68 kg) passengers in
your vehicle, the amount of avail-
able cargo and luggage load capa-
city is 650 lbs (1,400 750 (5 6
150) = 650 lbs).
5. Determine the combined weight
of luggage and cargo being loaded
on the vehicle. That weight may not
safely exceed the available cargo
and luggage load capacity calcu-
lated in Step 4.
6. If your vehicle will be towing a
trailer, load from your trailer will be
transferred to your vehicle. Consult
this manual to determine how this
reduces the available cargo and
luggage load capacity of your ve-
Uniform tire quality grading
This information indicates the rela-
tive performance of passenger car
tires in the area of treadwear,
traction, and temperature resis-
tance. This is to aid the consumer
in making an informed choice in the
purchase of tires.
Quality grades can be found where
applicable on the tire sidewall be-
tween t read shoulder and maxi-
mum section width. For example:
Treadwear 200 Traction AA Tem-
perature A
The quality grades apply to new
pneumatic tires for use on passen-
ger cars. However, they do not
apply to deep tread, winter type
snow tires, space-saver or tempor-
ary use spare tires, tires with
nominal rim diameters of 12 inches
or less, or to some limited produc-
tion tires.
All passenger car tires must con-
form to Federal Safety Require-
ments in addition to these grades.
& Treadwear
The treadwear grade is a compara-
tive rating based on the wear rate of
the tire when tested under con-
trolled conditions on a specified
government test course.
For example, a tire graded 150
would wear one and one-half (1-
1/2) times as well on the govern-
ment course as a tire graded 100.
The relative performance of tires
depends upon the actual conditions
of the ir use, howev er, and may
depart significantly from the norm
due to variations in driving habits,
service practices and differences in
road characteristics and climate.
& Traction AA, A, B, C
The traction grades, from highest to
lowest, are AA, A, B and C. Those
grades represent the tires ability to
stop on wet pavement as measured
under controlled conditions on spe-
cified government test surfaces of
asphalt and concrete. A tire marked
C may have poor traction perfor-
The traction grade assigned to
this tire is based on straight-
ahead braking traction tests,
and does not include accel-
eration, cornering, hydroplan-
ing, or peak traction charac-
& Temperature A, B, C
The temperature grades are A (the
highest), B, and C, representing the
tires resistance to the generation of
heat and its ability to dissipate heat
when tested under controlled con-
ditions on a specified indoor labora-
tory test wheel. Sustained high
temperature can cause the material
of the tire to degenerate and reduce
tire life, and excessive temperature
can lead to sudden tire failure. The
grade C corresponds to a level of
performance which all passenger
car tires must meet under the
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stan-
dards No. 109. Grades B and A
represent higher levels of perfor-
mance on the laboratory test wheel
than the minimum required by law.
The temperature grade for this
tire is established for a tire
that is properly inflated and
not overloaded. Excessive
speed, underinflation, or ex-
cessive loading, either sepa-
rately or in combination, can
cause heat buildup and possi-
ble tire failure.
Reporting safety defects
If you believe that your vehicle has
a defect which coul d cause a
crash or could cause injury or
death, you should immediately in-
form the National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration (NHTSA) in
addition to notifying Subaru of
America, Inc.
If NHTSA receives similar com-
plaints, it may open an investiga-
tion, and if it finds that a safety
defect exists in a group of vehi-
cles, it may order a recall and
remedy campaign. However,
NHTSA cannot become involved
in individual problems between
you, your dealer, or Subaru of
America, Inc. To contact NHTSA,
you may call the Vehicle Safety
Hotline toll-free at 1-888-327-4236
(TTY: 1-800-424-9153); go to
http://www.safercar.gov; or write
to: Administrator, NHTSA, 1200
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Reporting safety defects (USA)
Consumer information and Reporting safety defects/Reporting safety defects (USA)
New Jersey Avenue, SE, West
Building, Washington, DC 20590.
You can also obtain other informa-
tion about motor vehicle safety
from http://www.safercar.gov.
14-2 Index
Abbreviation ................................................................... 2
ABS (Anti-lock Brake System) ..................................... 7-33
Warning light ......................................................... 3-18
Access key ............................................................... 2-10
Warning indicator ................................................... 3-24
Accessories....................................................... 5-2, 11-39
Accessory power outlet................................................. 6-9
Air cleaner element ................................................... 11-15
Air conditioner
Automatic climate control system ............................... 4-5
Manual climate control system................................... 4-6
Air filtration system..................................................... 4-10
Airflow selection........................................................... 4-6
Alarm system ............................................................ 2-27
All-Wheel Drive warning light ....................................... 3-21
Aluminum wheel ....................................................... 11-31
Cleaning ............................................................... 10-3
Antenna system........................................................... 5-2
Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) ..................................... 7-33
Arming the system ..................................................... 2-28
Armrest..................................................................... 1-15
Ashtray..................................................................... 6-11
AT OIL TEMP warning light ......................................... 3-16
Antenna system....................................................... 5-2
Set......................................................................... 5-3
Auto on/off headlights ................................................. 3-42
Sensor.................................................................. 3-44
Auto-dimming mirror ................................................... 3-54
Automatic climate control system ................................... 4-5
Automatic headlight beam leveler
Warning light.......................................................... 3-29
Automatic/Emergency Locking Retractor (A/ELR) ........... 1-17
Drainage prevention function..................................... 2-8
Jump starting ......................................................... 9-11
Replacement (access key)..................................... 11-49
Replacement (remote engine start transmitter) ........... 7-21
Replacement (transmitter)...................................... 11-50
Vehicle battery ..................................................... 11-36
Booster seat .............................................................. 1-34
Bottle holder ............................................................... 6-9
Assist.................................................................... 7-32
Booster ....................................................... 7-32, 11-21
Disc ...................................................................... 12-9
Fluid ........................................................... 11-19, 12-8
Pad .................................................................... 11-23
Parking ................................................................. 7-42
Pedal .................................................................. 11-22
System.................................................................. 7-32
Brake pedal
Free play............................................................. 11-22
Reserve distance.................................................. 11-22
Brake system............................................................. 7-32
Warning light.......................................................... 3-19
Braking ..................................................................... 7-32
Tips ...................................................................... 7-32
Breaking-in of new brake pads ................................... 11-23
Chart.................................................................. 12-14
Replacing............................................................. 11-39
Cargo area
Cover ................................................................... 6-15
Light............................................................. 6-3, 11-48
Tie-down hooks ..................................................... 6-18
Catalytic converter ....................................................... 8-3
Console .................................................................. 6-6
Coolant................................................................ 11-15
Flat tire ................................................................... 9-5
Oil and oil filter ..................................................... 11-13
Charge warning light .................................................. 3-15
CHECK ENGINE warning light/Malfunction indicator
light....................................................................... 3-15
Brake pedal free play ............................................ 11-22
Brake pedal reserve distance ................................. 11-22
Clutch function...................................................... 11-22
Clutch pedal free play............................................ 11-23
Coolant level ........................................................ 11-14
Fluid level (brake fluid) .......................................... 11-19
Fluid level (clutch fluid) .......................................... 11-20
Fluid level (washer fluid) ........................................ 11-31
Oil level (engine oil) .............................................. 11-11
Child restraint systems ............................................... 1-27
Installation of a booster seat.................................... 1-34
Installation with A/ELR seatbelt ................................ 1-30
Lower and tether anchorages................................... 1-35
Top tether anchorages ............................................ 1-38
Child safety ................................................................... 4
Locks.................................................................... 2-32
Key........................................................................ 3-4
Light ..................................................................... 3-42
Seatbelt................................................................. 3-12
Aluminum wheels ................................................... 10-3
Interior .................................................................. 10-5
Ventilation grille ....................................................... 4-9
Climate control system ................................................. 4-3
Automatic ............................................................... 4-5
Manual................................................................... 4-6
Clock ........................................................................ 3-31
Fluid ........................................................... 11-20, 12-8
Pedal .................................................................. 11-22
Coat hook.................................................................. 6-12
Console ..................................................................... 6-6
Continuously variable transmission (CVT)...................... 7-25
Fluid ........................................................... 11-19, 12-8
Oil temperature warning light (AT OIL TEMP) ............. 3-16
Coolant ........................................................... 11-14, 12-8
Cooling system ........................................................ 11-14
Corrosion protection.................................................... 10-4
Crossbars.................................................................. 8-14
Cruise control ............................................................ 7-49
Indicator ................................................................ 3-29
Index 14-3
14-4 Index
Set indicator .......................................................... 3-29
Cup holder .................................................................. 6-7
Front passengers .................................................... 6-8
Rear passengers..................................................... 6-8
Daytime running light system....................................... 3-45
Defogger................................................................... 3-52
Defrosting ................................................................... 4-9
Deicer ...................................................................... 3-52
Differential gear oil
Front ........................................................... 11-19, 12-7
Rear............................................................ 11-19, 12-7
Dimensions ............................................................... 12-2
Disarming the alarm system ........................................ 2-31
Disc brake pad wear warning indicators........................ 7-33
Dome light ........................................................ 6-2, 11-47
Locks ..................................................................... 2-6
Open indicator light ................................................ 3-21
Step light ............................................................. 11-47
Double trip meter ......................................................... 3-9
Drive belts................................................................ 11-18
All-Wheel Drive warning light ................................... 3-21
AWD vehicles .......................................................... 8-5
Car phone/cell phone .................................................. 6
Drinking ..................................................................... 5
Drugs ........................................................................ 6
Foreign countries ..................................................... 8-4
Off road .................................................................. 8-6
Pets.......................................................................... 7
Snowy and icy roads .............................................. 8-10
Tips ................................................. 7-24, 7-30, 8-2, 8-5
Tired or sleepy ........................................................... 6
Winter .................................................................... 8-8
ECO gauge ............................................................... 3-11
Electrical system ........................................................ 12-9
Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD) system........... 7-34
Warning ................................................................ 3-20
Electronic parking brake .............................................. 7-42
Automatic release function by accelerator pedal ......... 7-44
Hill Holder ............................................................. 7-44
Warning ........................................................ 3-20, 7-46
Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) ............................. 1-17
Compartment overview............................................ 11-9
Coolant ....................................................... 11-14, 12-8
Exhaust gas (carbon monoxide) ............................. 5, 8-2
Hood .................................................................... 11-7
Low oil level warning indicator.................................. 3-16
Oil .............................................................. 11-11, 12-4
Overheating ........................................................... 9-13
Starting & stopping .......................................... 7-9, 7-12
Event data recorder ........................................................ 8
Exterior care .............................................................. 10-2
Flat tires ..................................................................... 9-5
Floor mat................................................................... 6-14
Fluid level
Brake .................................................................. 11-19
Clutch.................................................................. 11-20
Continuously variable transmission.......................... 11-19
Fog light
Bulb .......................................................... 11-41, 12-14
Indicator light......................................................... 3-30
Steering responsive fog lights system ....................... 3-47
Switch .................................................................. 3-47
Differential gear oil ........................................ 11-19, 12-7
Seatbelt pretensioners ............................................ 1-24
Side marker light................................................... 11-41
Turn signal light .................................................... 11-41
Front seats.................................................................. 1-2
Forward and backward adjustment ............................. 1-4
Head restraint adjustment ......................................... 1-8
Memory function ...................................................... 1-5
Power seat.............................................................. 1-5
Reclining................................................................. 1-4
Seat height adjustment (drivers seat) ......................... 1-4
Fuel ........................................................................... 7-3
Consumption indicator ............................................ 3-35
Economy hints......................................................... 8-2
Filler lid and cap ...................................................... 7-4
Gauge .................................................................. 3-10
Requirements .................................................. 7-3, 12-3
Fuses ...................................................................... 11-37
Fuses and circuits.................................................... 12-10
GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating)............................... 8-14
Glove box................................................................... 6-6
GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating)........................... 8-14
Hazard warning flasher .......................................... 3-7, 9-2
Head restraint adjustment
Front seat............................................................... 1-8
Rear seat .............................................................. 1-14
Headlight................................................................... 3-42
Beam leveler.......................................................... 3-45
Bulb wattage........................................................ 12-14
Control switch ........................................................ 3-42
Flasher.................................................................. 3-44
Indicator light ......................................................... 3-30
Welcome lighting function ........................................ 3-43
High beam indicator light ............................................. 3-29
High/low beam change (dimmer) .................................. 3-44
Hill descent control ..................................................... 7-39
Indicator ................................................................ 3-30
Hill Holder ................................................................. 7-44
Indicator light ......................................................... 3-21
Switch................................................................... 7-45
Hill start assist ........................................................... 7-47
To activate/deactivate.............................................. 7-48
................................................................. 3-54
Coat ..................................................................... 6-12
Convenient ............................................................ 6-14
Convenient tie-down ............................................... 6-18
Index 14-5
14-6 Index
Shopping bag ........................................................ 6-13
Towing and tie-down............................................... 9-14
Horn......................................................................... 3-67
Hose and connections ............................................... 11-14
Ignition switch.............................................................. 3-3
Light....................................................................... 3-4
Illumination brightness control...................................... 3-46
Immobilizer.................................................................. 2-4
Indicator light (security indicator light) ....................... 3-28
Indicator light
Cruise control ........................................................ 3-29
Cruise control set................................................... 3-29
Door open............................................................. 3-21
Front fog light ........................................................ 3-30
Headlight .............................................................. 3-30
High beam ............................................................ 3-29
Hill descent control................................................. 3-30
Hill Holder ............................................................. 3-21
Immobilizer............................................................ 3-28
Security ................................................................ 3-28
Select lever/Gear position ....................................... 3-29
Steering responsive fog lights OFF........................... 3-30
Turn signal ............................................................ 3-29
Vehicle Dynamics Control OFF ................................ 3-23
Vehicle Dynamics Control operation ......................... 3-23
X-mode................................................................. 3-30
Information display ..................................................... 3-31
Inside mirror .............................................................. 3-54
Interior lights ............................................................... 6-2
Internal trunk lid release handle.................................... 2-38
Jack-up point .............................................................. 9-5
Jump starting ............................................................. 9-11
Key............................................................................ 2-3
Number .................................................................. 2-3
Reminder chime ...................................................... 3-4
Replacement........................................................... 2-5
Keyless access with push-button start system................ 2-10
Disabling keyless access functions ........................... 2-18
Locking and unlocking doors.................................... 2-13
Opening rear gate .................................................. 2-16
Opening trunk ........................................................ 2-16
Warning chimes and warning indicator ...................... 3-24
When access key does not operate properly.............. 9-18
Keyless entry system .................................................. 2-23
Leather seat materials................................................. 10-5
License plate light..................................................... 11-46
Backup ............................................................... 11-44
Cargo area .................................................... 6-3, 11-48
Control switch ........................................................ 3-42
Daytime running ..................................................... 3-45
Dome............................................................ 6-2, 11-47
Door step ............................................................ 11-47
Front fog ..................................................... 3-47, 11-41
Front side marker................................................... 3-42
Ignition switch.......................................................... 3-4
License plate........................................................ 11-46
Map ............................................................. 6-2, 11-47
Rear combination.................................................. 11-42
Rear side marker light ........................................... 11-42
Rear turn signal .................................................... 11-42
Trunk................................................................... 11-48
Turn signal ......................................... 3-46, 11-41, 11-42
Vanity mirror ............................................................ 6-5
Loading your vehicle .................................................. 8-12
Low fuel warning light................................................. 3-21
Low tire pressure warning light .................................... 3-17
Lower and tether anchorage........................................ 1-35
Precautions ........................................................... 11-3
Schedule .............................................................. 11-3
Seatbelt ................................................................ 1-24
Tips...................................................................... 11-5
Tools ...................................................................... 9-3
Malfunction indicator light (check engine warning light) ... 3-15
Climate control system ............................................. 4-6
Mode (continuously variable transmission) ................ 7-29
Seat ....................................................................... 1-4
Transmission ......................................................... 7-23
Transmission oil............................................ 11-18, 12-7
Map light........................................................... 6-2, 11-47
Maximum load limits................................................... 8-21
Meters and gauges...................................................... 3-7
Mirror defogger .......................................................... 3-52
Mirrors ...................................................................... 3-54
Moonroof................................................................... 2-46
New vehicle break-in driving ......................................... 8-2
Odometer ................................................................... 3-8
Off road driving ........................................................... 8-6
Oil filter ........................................................... 11-13, 12-6
Oil level
Engine ................................................................ 11-11
Manual transmission ............................................. 11-18
Warning light.......................................................... 3-16
Oil pressure warning light ............................................ 3-16
Mirror defogger ...................................................... 3-52
Mirrors .................................................................. 3-66
Temperature indicator.............................................. 3-32
Overhead console ....................................................... 6-7
Overheating engine .................................................... 9-13
Parking ..................................................................... 7-42
Brake.................................................................... 7-42
Tips ...................................................................... 7-46
Periodic inspections ..................................................... 8-4
Petrol fuel................................................................... 7-3
PIN Code Access ....................................................... 2-21
Index 14-7
14-8 Index
Pocket ........................................................................ 6-7
Door locking switch .................................................. 2-9
Outlets.................................................................... 6-9
Outside mirrors ...................................................... 3-66
Rear gate...................................................... 2-40, 9-21
Seat ....................................................................... 1-5
Steering................................................................ 7-31
Steering warning light ............................................. 3-22
Windows............................................................... 2-32
Precautions against vehicle modification ............... 1-27, 1-70
Preparing to drive ........................................................ 7-8
Printed antenna ........................................................... 5-2
Ignition switch.......................................................... 3-5
Starting and stopping engine ................................... 7-12
Combination lights................................................. 11-42
Differential gear oil ........................................ 11-19, 12-7
Gate..................................................................... 2-39
Turn signal light .................................................... 11-42
Rear seat.................................................................. 1-11
Armrest................................................................. 1-15
Folding down......................................................... 1-12
Head restraint adjustment ....................................... 1-14
Reclining............................................................... 1-11
Rear view camera ...................................................... 6-19
Rear window
Defogger............................................................... 3-52
Wiper and washer switch......................................... 3-51
Wiper blades........................................................ 11-34
Brake fluid ............................................................. 12-8
Clutch fluid ............................................................ 12-8
Continuously variable transmission fluid .................... 12-8
Engine oil .............................................................. 12-4
Front differential gear oil.......................................... 12-7
Manual transmission oil ........................................... 12-7
Rear differential gear oil .......................................... 12-7
Spark plugs ........................................................... 12-9
Refueling.................................................................... 7-4
Remote engine start system ........................................ 7-15
Remote keyless entry system ...................................... 2-23
Brake pad and lining............................................. 11-23
Wiper blades........................................................ 11-32
Access key battery ............................................... 11-49
Air cleaner element............................................... 11-15
Lost transmitters (remote keyless entry system) ......... 2-26
Remote engine start transmitter battery ..................... 7-21
Remote keyless entry transmitter battery ................. 11-50
Replacing bulbs ............................................. 11-39, 12-14
Backup light......................................................... 11-44
Cargo area light ................................................... 11-48
Dome light ........................................................... 11-47
Door step light ..................................................... 11-47
Front fog light....................................................... 11-41
Front side marker light .......................................... 11-41
Front turn signal light ............................................ 11-41
Halogen headlight ................................................. 11-39
HID headlight ....................................................... 11-39
License plate light ................................................. 11-46
Map light.............................................................. 11-47
Rear combination light ........................................... 11-42
Rear side marker light ........................................... 11-42
Rear turn signal light ............................................. 11-42
Trunk light............................................................ 11-48
Rocking the vehicle .................................................... 8-12
Roof rails with integrated cross bars............................. 8-14
Rope hook ................................................................ 8-18
Precautions when driving ............................................. 3
Symbol ...................................................................... 2
Warnings ................................................................... 2
Fabric................................................................... 10-5
Front ...................................................................... 1-2
Heater .................................................................... 1-9
Height adjustment .................................................... 1-4
Memory function ...................................................... 1-5
Power..................................................................... 1-5
Rear..................................................................... 1-11
Seatbelt ................................................................. 3, 1-16
Fastening.............................................................. 1-17
Maintenance.......................................................... 1-24
Pretensioners ........................................................ 1-24
Safety tips............................................................. 1-16
Warning light and chime ......................................... 3-12
Alarm system ......................................................... 2-27
Immobilizer ............................................................. 2-4
Indicator light ......................................................... 3-28
Shock sensors ....................................................... 2-31
Select lever
Position indicator .................................................... 3-29
Shift lock function ................................................... 7-27
Shock sensors ........................................................... 2-31
Shopping bag hook..................................................... 6-13
Snow tires ....................................................... 8-11, 11-24
Snowy and icy roads .................................................. 8-10
Spark plugs ..................................................... 11-18, 12-9
Specifications............................................................. 12-2
Speedometer .............................................................. 3-8
SRS airbag (Supplemental Restraint System airbag)... 3, 1-41
SRS airbag system
Monitors ................................................................ 1-68
Servicing ............................................................... 1-69
Warning light.......................................................... 3-14
Starting & stopping engine.................................... 7-9, 7-12
State emission testing (U.S. only) .................................. 7-7
Steering responsive fog lights system ........................... 3-47
OFF indicator ......................................................... 3-30
Steering wheel
Power ................................................................... 7-31
Tilt/telescopic ......................................................... 3-66
Stop light................................................................. 12-15
Storage compartment................................................... 6-5
SUBARU Rear Vehicle Detection (SRVD)...................... 7-52
OFF switch ............................................................ 7-58
Index 14-9
14-10 Index
SRVD approach indicator light/warning buzzer........... 7-55
Warning indicator ........................................... 3-30, 7-57
Sun shade ................................................................ 2-48
Sun visors................................................................... 6-4
Supplemental Restraint System airbag (SRS) ................ 1-41
Synthetic leather upholstery ........................................ 10-5
Tachometer ................................................................. 3-9
Temperature gauge .................................................... 3-11
Temperature warning light
AT OIL TEMP ........................................................ 3-16
Temporary spare tire .................................................... 9-2
Tether (child restraint system) .............................. 1-35, 1-38
Tie-down hooks ......................................................... 9-14
Tire ................................................................. 11-24, 12-9
Chains.................................................................. 8-11
Inspection ............................................................ 11-26
Pressures and wear .............................................. 11-26
Replacement ........................................................ 11-29
Rotation............................................................... 11-29
Size and pressure.................................................. 12-9
Types .................................................................. 11-24
Tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS)..... 7-40, 9-10, 11-24
Warning light ......................................................... 3-17
Tires and wheels....................................................... 11-24
Tools .......................................................................... 9-3
Top tether anchorages ........................................ 1-35, 1-38
Towing...................................................................... 9-13
All wheels on the ground ........................................ 9-17
Flat-bed truck ........................................................ 9-16
Hooks ................................................................... 9-14
Weight .................................................................. 8-21
Connecting ............................................................ 8-19
Hitch (Outback) .............................................. 8-18, 8-25
Towing .................................................................. 8-21
Towing tips ............................................................ 8-26
Trip meter................................................................... 3-9
Trunk lid ............................................................ 2-37, 9-19
Release handle ...................................................... 2-38
Trunk light ............................................................... 11-48
Turn signal
Indicator lights........................................................ 3-29
Lever .................................................................... 3-46
Under-floor storage compartment.................................. 6-19
Valet mode ................................................................ 2-31
Vanity mirror ............................................................... 6-5
Capacity weight...................................................... 8-13
Identification ........................................................ 12-18
Symbols .................................................................... 3
Vehicle Dynamics Control
OFF indicator light .................................................. 3-23
OFF switch ............................................................ 7-37
Operation indicator light........................................... 3-22
System.................................................................. 7-35
Warning light.......................................................... 3-22
Ventilator .................................................................... 4-2
Warning and indicator lights ........................................ 3-12
Warning chimes
Keyless access with push-button start system ........... 3-24
Seatbelt ................................................................ 3-12
Warning light
ABS ..................................................................... 3-18
Access key ........................................................... 3-24
All-Wheel Drive...................................................... 3-21
AT OIL TEMP ........................................................ 3-16
Automatic headlight beam leveler............................. 3-29
Brake system ........................................................ 3-19
Charge ................................................................. 3-15
CHECK ENGINE ................................................... 3-15
Engine low oil level ................................................ 3-16
Keyless access with push-button start system ........... 3-24
Low fuel................................................................ 3-21
Low tire pressure ................................................... 3-17
Oil pressure .......................................................... 3-16
Power steering ...................................................... 3-22
Seatbelt ................................................................ 3-12
SRS airbag system ................................................ 3-14
SUBARU Rear Vehicle Detection ............................. 3-30
Vehicle Dynamics Control ....................................... 3-22
Windshield washer fluid .......................................... 3-21
Warranties ..................................................................... 1
Warranties and maintenance ....................................... 8-21
Washing ................................................................... 10-2
Waxing and polishing ................................................. 10-3
Wear indicators ........................................................ 11-28
Welcome lighting function ............................................ 3-43
Aluminum ............................................................ 11-31
Balance............................................................... 11-28
Nut tightening torque............................................... 12-9
Replacement........................................................ 11-30
Windows ................................................................... 2-32
Washer fluid......................................................... 11-31
Wiper and washer switches ..................................... 3-50
Wiper blades........................................................ 11-33
Wiper deicer .......................................................... 3-52
Driving ................................................................... 8-8
Tires ........................................................... 8-11, 11-24
Wiper and washer ...................................................... 3-49
Wiper deicer .............................................................. 3-52
X-mode ..................................................................... 7-38
Indicator ................................................................ 3-30
Index 14-11
& Fuel:
Use only unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 AKI
(90 RON) or higher.
& Fuel octane rating
This octane rating is the average of the Research Octane and
Motor Octane numbers and is commonly referred to as the Anti
Knock Index (AKI). Refer to Fuel F7-3.
& Fuel capacity:
18.5 US gal (70 liters, 15.4 Imp gal)
& Engine oil:
Always use the SUBARU approved engine oil. For further
details, please contact your SUBARU dealer.
If the approved engine oil is unavailable, use the alternative
engine oil described as follows.
. API classification SM with the words ENERGY CONSER-
. or ILSAC GF-4 or GF-5, which can be identified with the
ILSAC certification mark (Starburst mark)
For the complete viscosity requirements, refer to Engine oil
& Engine oil capacity:
2.5 L models: 5.1 US qt (4.8 liters, 4.2 Imp qt)
3.6 L models: 6.9 US qt (6.5 liters, 5.7 Imp qt)
The indicated oil quantity is only a guideline and is estimated
based on a case when the engine oil is changed with an oil
filter. After refilling the engine with oil, the oil level should be
checked using an oil level gauge. For more details about
maintenance and service, refer to Engine oil F11-11.
& Cold tire pressure:
Refer to Tires F12-9.

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