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Mosquito Net 31
// Мрежа против насекоми // 蚊帳 // 蚊帐 // Síťka proti hmyzu // Fliegennetz // Myggenet // Sääsevõrk // Mosquitero // Hyttysverkko // Moustiquaire // Κουνουπιέρα // Mreža protiv komaraca // Szúnyogháló //
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Insektsnät // Mreža proti komarjem // Sieťka proti komárom // Cibinlik // Протимоскітна сітка
Carry Cot User Guide
Rain Cover 32
// Покривало за дъжд // 防雨罩 // 防雨罩 // Pláštěnka // Regenabdeckung // Regnslag // Vihmakate // Cubierta para la lluvia // Sadesuoja // Housse de pluie // Κάλυμμα βροχής // Zaštita od kiše // Esővédő //
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// Sieťka proti komárom // Cibinlik // Протимоскітна сітка
Carry Cot User Guide
Rain Cover
// Покривало за дъжд // 防雨罩 // 防雨罩 // Pláštěnka // Regenabdeckung // Regnslag // Vihmakate // Cubierta para la lluvia // Sadesuoja // Housse de pluie // Κάλυμμα βροχής // Zaštita od kiše // Esővédő // םשג יוסיכ //
Parapioggia //
レインカバー // 빗물 보호 덮개 // Apdangalas nuo lietaus // Lietus pārsegs // Regenhoes // Regntrekk // Osłona przeciwdeszczowa // Capa protetora da chuva // Apărătoare de ploaie // Prekrivač za kišu // Дождевик //
Regnskydd // Dežna prevleka // Kryt proti dažďu // Yağmur örtüsü // Навіс від дощу
Carry Cot User Guide
Read the instructions
carefully before use
and keep them for
future reference
Important information
This product is suitable for children from 6 months and
up to 15 kg with a seat unit and from birth and up to 9 kg
with a carry cot.
No additional mattress shall be added to the carry cot
unless recommended by the manufacturer.
The parking device shall be engaged when placing and
removing the children.
Maximum permissible load for load carrying accessories
is 2 kg / 4,4 lbs.
Any load attached to the handle and/or on the back of
the backrest and/or on the sides of the vehicle will aect
the stability of the vehicle.
The vehicle should be inspected, maintained, cleaned
and/or washed routinely.
The vehicle shall only be used with 1 child at a time.
Accessories not approved by the vehicle manufacturer
shall not be used.
The carry cot is suitable for a child who cannot sit up
unaided, roll over and cannot push itself up on its hands
and knees. Maximum weight of the child using the carry
cot is 9 kg
Carrying handles shall be completely hidden in the
pockets during use.
Use extra caution if using the vehicle with the Stokke®
Xplory® Rider Board. The maximum weight of a child
using the Rider Board is 20 kg / 44 lbs.
If the stroller is being used with a car seat, note that this
car seat does not replace a cot or a bed. Should your child
need to sleep, then it should be placed in a suitable pram
body, cot or bed.
Use only replacement parts supplied or provided by the
Be aware of the risk of open re and other sources of
strong heat, such as electric bar res, gas res, etc., in
the near vicinity of the vehicle.
The carry cot handles and bottom should be inspected
regularly for signs of damage and wear.
Never use the carry cot on a stand.
Follow these instructions. The child’s safety is
your responsibility.
Important – Keep these instructions for
future reference.
Never leave your child unattended.
Ensure that all the locking devices are
engaged before use.
To avoid injury ensure that your child is kept
away when unfolding and folding
this product.
Do not let your child play with this product.
Always use the restraint system.
Check that the pram body or seat unit or
car seat attachment devices are correctly
engaged before use.
This product is not suitable for running
or skating.
This product is only suitable for a child
who cannot sit up unaided.
Only use on a rm, horizontal level and
dry surface.
Do not let other children play unattended
near the carry cot.
Do not use if any part of the carry cot is
broken, torn or missing.
Do not leave your child unattended.
Always maintain full control of the stroller
when operating the stroller. Keep both
hands on the stroller handles at all times
during operation.
Carry Cot User Guide
Use extra caution when operating the
stroller on or near uneven ground (potholes,
cracks, curbs, steps, cobble stone, etc.).
Do not park or leave the stroller unattended
on uneven ground or on an incline. Always
park the stroller on at, even ground.
Do not allow anyone to use the stroller unless
that person has read and fully understood
the warnings and instructions in this User
Guide prior to use. Ensure that all users
have the necessary physical capabilities and
experience to operate this stroller.
Never use the stroller on escalators.
Use extra caution if using the stroller on
public transport such as bus, trains etc.
Overloading, incorrect folding or the use of
non-approved accessories may damage or
break this vehicle. Read the instructions.
Never fold the stroller with a child nearby.
Always keep the child clear of any moving
parts when making adjustments.
Never lift the carry cot by the canopy/hood.
The mattress must always be placed with
the textile opening facing down.
To avoid nger and limb entrapment, use
caution when folding or unfolding the
chassis. Use extra caution when lifting the
chassis in or out of a car.
Right of complaint and
Extended Warranty
Applicable worldwide in respect of Stokke® Xplory®,
hereinafter referred to as the «product».
The customer has a right of complaint pursuant to the consumer
protection legislation applicable at any given time, which legislation
may vary from country to country.
Generally speaking, STOKKE AS does not grant any additional rights over
and above those laid down by the legislation applicable at any given
time, although reference is made to the ”Extended Warranty” described
below. The rights of the customer under the consumer protection
legislation applicable at any given time are additional to those under the
”Extended Warranty”, and are not affected thereby.
However, STOKKE AS, Parkgata 6, N-6003 Ålesund, Norway, grants an
”Extended Warranty” to customers who register their product in our
Warranty Database. This may be done via our webpage
www.stokkewarranty.com. Upon registration, a warranty certificate
will be issued and sent to the customer electronically (e-mail) or by
ordinary mail.
Registration in the Warranty Database entitles the owner to an
”Extended Warranty” as follows:
3-year warranty against any manufacturing defect in the product.
The ”Extended Warranty” also applies if the product has been received
as a gift or purchased second-hand. Consequently, the ”Extended
Warranty” may be invoked by whoever is the owner of the product any
given time, within the warranty period, and subject to the warranty
certificate being presented by the owner.
The STOKKE ”Extended Warranty” is conditional upon the
Normal use.
The product only having been used for the purpose for which the
product is intended.
The product having undergone ordinary maintenance, as described in
the maintenance/instruction manual.
Upon the ”Extended Warranty” being invoked, the warranty
certificate shall be presented, together with the original date-
stamped purchase receipt. This also applies to any secondary or
subsequent owner.
The product appearing in its original state, hereunder that the only
parts used have been supplied by STOKKE and are intended for use
on, or together with, the product. Any deviations herefrom require
the prior written consent of STOKKE.
The serial number of the product not having been destroyed or
The STOKKE ”Extended Warranty” does not cover:
Issues caused by normal developments in the parts making up the
product (e.g. colouration changes, as well as wear and tear).
Issues caused by minor variations in materials (e.g. discoloration
between parts).
Issues caused by extreme influence from external factors like sun/
light, temperature, humidity, environmental pollution, etc.
Damage caused by accidents/mishaps - for example any other objects
having bumped into the product or any person having overturned the
product by colliding with it. The same applies if the product has been
overloaded, for example in terms of the weight placed on it.
Damage inflicted on the product by external influence, for example
when the product is being shipped as luggage.
Consequential damage, for example damage inflicted on any persons
and/or any other objects.
If the product has been fitted with any accessories that have not been
supplied by Stokke, the ”Extended Warranty” shall lapse.
Carry Cot User Guide
The ”Extended Warranty” shall not apply to any accessories that
have been purchased or supplied together with the product, or at a
subsequent date.
STOKKE will under the ”Extended Warranty”:
Replace or – if STOKKE thus prefers – repair the defective part, or
the product in its entirety (if necessary), provided that the product is
delivered to a retailer.
Cover normal transport costs for any replacement part/product from
STOKKE to the retailer from whom the product was purchased. – No
transport costs on the part of the purchaser are covered under the
terms of the warranty.
Reserve the right to replace, at the time of the warranty being invoked,
defective parts by parts that are of approximately the same design.
Reserve the right to supply a replacement product in cases where
the relevant product is no longer being manufactured at the time of
the warranty being invoked. Such product shall be of corresponding
quality and value.
How to invoke the ”Extended Warranty”:
Generally speaking, all requests relating to the ”Extended Warranty”
shall be made to the retailer from whom the product was purchased.
Such request shall be made as soon as possible after any defect has
been discovered, and shall be accompanied by the warranty certificate
as well as the original purchase receipt.
Documentation/evidence confirming the manufacturing defect shall be
presented, normally by way of the product being brought along to the
reseller, or otherwise being presented to the reseller or a STOKKE sales
representative for inspection.
The defect will be remedied in a ccordance with the above provisions
if the reseller or a STOKKE sales representative determines that the
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