Setting up the transmitter
1 Connect the transmitter to an A V component.
Select one of the hookups belo w depending on the jack
T o connect to the headp hone jack of the co nnected
equipmen t
Insert the plug firmly
T ransmitter
Left channel
Right channel
Connecting cord
T o headphones jack
(Stereo mini jack)
T V , etc.
T o connect to the LINE OUT o r REC OUT jack of
the connected equipm ent
Insert the plug firmly
T ransmitter
Right channel (red)
Connecting cord
Stereo system,
Blu‑ray Disc player ,
DVD player , etc.
REC OUT jacks
Left channel (white)
Listening to a progr amme
Before listening
T o red uce the risk of hearing damag e, first lower the vo lume.
1 T urn on the AV c omponent connected to the
transmitter .
If the transmi tter is connected to the head phone jack, set
the volume co ntrol o f the audio sour ce componen t as
high possible but no t so high that the audio signal
becomes distorted.
2 Remove the headphones from the tr ansmitter .
The transmit ter’ s PO WER indicato r lights up in green.
Disposal of waste batteries (applicable
in the European Union and other
European countries with separ ate
collection systems)
This symbol on the bat tery or on the
packaging indicat es that the batt er y pro vided with this
product shall not be trea ted as household wa ste.
On certain batteries this symbol might be used in
comb ination with a ch emical symbol. The chemical symbols
for mer cur y (Hg) o r lead (Pb) are added if the batt er y
conta ins more tha n 0.0005% mercury or 0.004% lead.
By ensuring these bat teries are disposed of corr ectly , you
will help preven t p otentially nega tive consequences f or the
enviro nment a nd human health which co uld otherwis e be
caused by ina ppr opriat e waste handling o f the battery . The
recycling of the ma terials will help to conserve nat ural
In case of pr oducts that fo r safety , performance or da ta
integrity r easons requir e a permanent connection with a n
incorporat ed battery , this battery should be replaced by
qualified ser vice staff only .
T o ensur e that the bat tery wi ll be treated pr operly , hand ov er
the product a t end-of-life to the a pplicable co llection point
for the recycling o f electrical and electronic equipm ent.
For all other ba tteries, please view the section on how to
remov e the battery from the pr oduct safely . H and the batt er y
over to the a pplicab le collection point for the r ecycling of
waste bat teries.
For m ore detailed informa tion abou t recycling of this
product or ba ttery , please contact your local Civic Office,
your ho usehold waste disposal serv ice or the shop wher e
you pur chased the product.
Notice for customers: the f ollowing information is only
applicable to equipment sold in countries applying EU
This product has been man ufactured by o r on behalf of Son y
Corporation, 1-7-1 K onan Mina to-ku T okyo , 108-0075
Ja pan. Inq uiries related to p roduct com pliance based on
Eur opean U nion legislatio n shall be addressed to the
autho rized represen tative, Son y Belgium, bijkan toor van
Sony E urope Limited, Da V incilaan 7-D1, 1935 Zaventem,
Belgium. For an y s ervice or guarantee ma tters, please ref er
to the addresses pr ovided in the separate service or
guaran tee documents.
The eff ective areas of the
The optim um distance is up t o app roxima tely 100 m witho ut
the system picking u p some int erference. H owever , the
distance ma y vary dep ending on the surr oundings and
enviro nment. I f the system picks u p some noise within the
above men tioned distance, r educe the distance between the
transmit ter unit and the headp hones, or select ano ther
When you use the headphones inside the effective a reas of the
transmitt er , the transmitt er can be placed in any direction fro m the
listener .
Even within the signal reception area, there a re some spots (dead
spots) where the RF signal cannot be receiv ed. This characteristics
is inherent t o RF signals, and does not indicate malfunction. By
slightly movin g the transmitter , location of the dead spot can be
Checking the remaining
battery power
T urn on the switc h located on the left housin g of the
headphon e, and check the PO WER indicato r located on the
left housing. The ba ttery are still ser viceable when the
indicato r lights up green.
Charge the r echargeable ba ttery if the POWER indicato r
light dims, flashes, or the sound becomes di storted or no isy .
Replacing the earpads
The earpads are rep laceable. If the earpads become dirty or
worn ou t, replace them as illustra ted below . The earpads are
not commer cially available . Y o u can order r eplacements
from the sto re where yo u purchased this system, o r at your
nearest Son y dealer .
1 Remove the old earpad by pulling it out of the
groove on the housing .
2 Place the new earpad on the driver unit .
Han g the edge of the earpad on one side o f the driver
unit ’ s groove edg e, then turn the edge of earpad aro und
the driver unit as illustra ted below .
When the earpad is securely inserted into the groo ve,
adjust the earpad to the vertical position.
Additional information
T roubleshooting
If yo u run into an y prob lems using this headpho ne system,
use the following ch ecklist. Should an y prob lem persist,
consult y our neares t Sony dealer .
No sound
Check the connection of the a udio/video equipmen t or the AC
power adap tor .
Check that the a udio/video equipmen t is turned on.
T urn up the vol ume on the connected audio/video equi pment
within the range where the soun d is not distorted, if the
transmitt er is connected to the headphon es jack.
Change the radio freq uency with the CHANNEL selector on the
transmitt er , then press the A UTO TUNING but ton on the right
housing of the h eadphones.
The mu te function is activated.
Use the headpho nes near the transmitt er .
C hange the position o f the transmitt er .
The headpho nes ’ POWER indicato r light turns off, dim s, flashes,
or sound becomes disto rted or noisy .
C harge the r echargeable ba ttery . If the POWER in dicator is still
off after chargin g the battery , ta ke the headpho nes to a Sony
dealer .
Distorted or intermittent sound
(sometimes with noise)
Charge the r echargeable ba ttery . If the POWER indicator is s till
off after chargin g the battery , ta ke the headpho nes to a Sony
dealer .
Change the positio n of the transmitt er .
Do not place the transmi tter on a metallic table.
If yo u connect the transmitt er to an A V compo nent using the
headphone jac k, lower the vol ume level on the connected A V
componen t within the range wher e the sound is not disto rted.
Change the radio freq uency with the CHANNEL selector switc h
on the transmit ter , then s et to the same radio frequency with the
A UTO TUNING button o n the right housing of the head phones.
U s e the headphones n ear the transmitter .
Low sound
If yo u connect the transmitt er to an A V compo nent using the
headphone jac k, raise the volume level o n the connected A V
componen t within the range wher e the sound is not disto rted.
Raise the headphone v olume.
Loud backgr ound noise
If yo u connect the transmitt er to an A V compo nent using the
headphone jac k, raise the volume level o n the connected A V
componen t within the range wher e the sound is not disto rted.
Charge the r echargeable ba ttery . If the POWER indicator is s till
off after chargin g the battery , ta ke the headpho nes to a Sony
dealer .
Do not place the transmi tter on a metallic table.
U s e the headphones n ear the transmitter .
W elcome!
Than k yo u fo r p urc hasin g the Son y MD R -RF86 5RK W irele ss
St ereo Head phone Sys tem. Befor e o perati ng th e uni t, p lease
read this m an ual tho roughly and reta in i t fo r fu tur e r efer ence .
Some feat ures are:
W ireless system tha t allows you t o listen to a pr ogramme
free from the restriction of a co rd
Easy connection to TV and HiFi A udio system equipmen t
Fast r echarging function with secure cha rging mechanism
No ise reduction system to r eproduce a clea r sound with
minimum transmi ssion noise
A utoma t ic tuning on h eadphones f or optim um signal
3 transmission c hannels a vailable
U p to 100 meters recep tion range*
Long playback time (a ppr ox. 25 hours)
High fidelity sound rep roduction
V olum e contr ol function on the headpho nes
* T ransmission distan ce varies depending on conditio ns of use.
Notes on rec eiving
per formance
This system utilises very high frequency signals in the 800
MHz band so the receiving perfo rmance may deterio rate
due to the surro undings. The follo wing examp les illustrate
conditio ns that ma y reduce the receptio n range o r cause
interfer ence.
Inside a b uilding with walls containin g steel beams
An area with ma ny steel file cabinets, et c.
An area with ma ny electrical applian ces capable of
generatin g electromagnetic fields
The transmit ter is placed on a metal instrument.
An area facing a r oadway
No ise or interfering signals exis t in the surroundings d ue
to radio transceivers in trucks, etc.
No ise or interfering signals exis t in the surroundings
owing to wir eless comm unication system s installed along
Checking the components and
acc essories
Before setting up the sys tem, check that all of the
compo nents ar e included.
RF stereo transmi tter TMR -RF865R (1)
W ireless ster eo headphones MD R -RF865R (1)
AC po wer adapt or (1)
Connecti ng ca ble (ste reo m ini p lug pi n pl ug × 2 ), 1 m (1)
T o red uce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose
this appara tus to dripping o r splashing, and do no t place
objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the ap paratus.
Do not expose the batteries (bat tery pack or batteries
installed) to excessive hea t such as sunshin e, fire or the like
for a lon g time.
T o av oid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer
ser vicing to qualified personnel only .
Do not install the ap pliance in a confined space, such as a
bookcase or built-in cab inet.
As the main pl ug of A C power adap tor is used to disconnect
the AC pow er adapto r from the main s, connect it to an
easily accessible A C outlet. Sho uld you notice an
abno rmality in it, disconnect it from the A C outlet
immediately .
Excessive sound p ressur e from earphones a nd headphon es
can cause hearing loss.
The namepla te is located on the bot tom exterior .
The validity of the CE mar king is restricted to only those
countries where i t is legally enforced , mainly in the
countries EEA (E uropean Econo mic Area).
Her eby , Sony Corp ., declares tha t this equipmen t is in
comp liance with the essential requir ements an d other
relevan t pro visions of Dir ective 1999/5/EC.
For deta ils, please access the following URL :
htt p://www .com pliance.son y .de/
Disposal of Old Electric al & Electronic
Equipment (A pplicable in the European
Union and other European countries
with separate c ollection systems)
This symbol on the pr oduct or on its
packaging indicat es that this prod uct shall
not be treated as h ousehold waste . Instead it
shall be handed over to the a pplicab le collection point for
the recycling of electrical and electronic equi pment. B y
ensuring this pr oduct is disposed of correctly , you will help
preven t potential nega tive consequences f or the
enviro nment a nd human health, which co uld otherwis e be
caused by ina ppr opriat e waste handling o f this product. The
recycling of ma terials will help to con ser ve natural
resources. F or mo re detailed informa tion about r ecycling of
this product, please con tact your local Civic Office, your
household wast e disposal ser vice or the shop where yo u
purcha sed the product.
3 Select the radio frequency with the CHANNEL
selector switch.
4 T urn on the switch on the lef t housing of the
Check if the power indicat or on the left housin g lights
up green. A djust the headban d of the headpho nes, and
place the right housin g on your right ear a nd the left
housing o n your left ear .
There is a tactile dot on the han ger marked to
distinguish the left side.
T ac tile dot
5 Set the channel to that of the transmitter with the
button on the right housing of the headphones.
Press the A UTO TUNING bu tton b riefly for aut omatic
tuning of the head phones. I f you do not r eceive a clear
audio signal or cha nged the CH ANNEL selector switch
on the transmi tter , press it a gain.
When tunin g has comp leted, turn up the vol ume to a
moderate level with the V OL contro l on the right
housing. T urn the VO L contr ol towar ds the dot to turn
up the vol ume.
T ac tile dot
When watching films, be careful not to ra ise the volume too
high in quiet scenes. Y ou may hurt yo ur ears when a loud scene
is played.
This e quipm ent is guaran teed for use in the tempera ture rang e
of 5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F).
Y ou may hear some n oise when you disconnect the A C power
adapto r from the transmit ter before r emoving the headpho nes.
After use
T urn off the p ower o f the headphones.
Not e that batt ery c apacity ma y decrease if the headphones a re turned
on and placed on the tran smitter with the A C power adap tor
disconnected from the transmit ter .
Sending RF signals from the transmitter
The transmit ter starts sending RF signals aut omatically
when it detects an audio signal fro m the connected
equipmen t.
Any noise you hear thro ugh the headphones ma y vary depending
on the transmit ter position and roo m conditions. I t is
recommended tha t you place the transmit ter in a location that
produces the clear est sound.
If the transmitter is placed on a metallic table, y ou may hear no ise,
or the reception ra nge may decr ease.
Do not place the transmit ter on a metallic table.
If an audio signal is not input for about 5
RF signal transmission fro m the transmitt er auto matically
stops when an a udio signal is not in put fo r about 5 min utes.
When the transmi tter sto ps, the transmitter ’ s POWER
indicato r blinks in green for 60 seconds a nd then turns off.
The RF signals are a utoma t ically transmitt ed when an audio
signal is inpu t again. RF signal transmissio n may sto p when
an extremely lo w sound is in put fo r about 5 min utes. If this
happens, ra ise the volume o f the connected A V component
within the range wher e the sound is not disto rted, and low er
the volume o f the headphon es.
If signal noise is o utpu t from a com ponent co nnected to the
A UDIO IN jacks, RF signal transmission ma y not sto p.
Noise Reduction process
The transmit ter unit com presses the a udio signal and
con verts it to RF signal. The headpho nes unit con verts t he
received RF signal to an a udio signal and decom presses it.
This process r educes noise pick ed up during transmi ssion.
input signal output signal
dynamic range
T ransmitter unit Headphones unit
RF transmission
noise level (low)
The transmitter uni t comp resses the audio signals
dynamic rang e, then con verts it to RF signal.
Noise ma y occur due to long distan ce transmission, etc.
The headphones uni t conv erts the RF signal to an audio
Noise ma y occur during conv ersion.
Decompres sion of the a udio signals dynamic range
reduces the no ise level and imp roves the S/N (signal-to-
noise) ratio .
1 Connect the supplied AC po wer adaptor to the
transmitter .
T ransmitter
AC power adapt or
T o an AC outlet
12 V jack
Insert the plug firmly .
B e sure to use the supplied A C p ower ada ptor . U sing AC
adapto rs with different p lug polarity or other c haracteristics
can cause pr oduct failure.
Unified polarity plug
B e sure to always use the su pplied AC po wer adapto r . Even AC
power adap tors ha ving the same voltage a nd plug polarity can
damage this pr oduct due to the current ca pacity or other
2 Place the headphones on the transmitter so tha t
the headphones’ contact point meets the
transmitter’ s contact pin, and make sure that the
CHG indicator lights up .
I t takes app roxima te 3.5 hours t o fully charge the bat tery
(the CHG indicat or goes off when charging i s complet e).
When the transmi tter’ s contact pin meets the
headphon es ’ contact poin t, the CHG indicato r on the
top of the left ho using lights up in r ed.
Confirm that the headphones m ake a "click" sound
when you pu t then on the transmit ter .
When the headph ones are co rrectly placed on the
transmit ter , the upper surface of the headphon es
becomes level with the transmit ter .
Charging and usage time
Appro x. charging time Appro x. usage time* 1
3.5 hours*2 25 hour s*3
*1 at 1 kHz, 0.1 mW + 0.1 mW ou tput
*2 hours requir ed to fully charge an em pty bat tery
*3 Time ma y vary , depending on the tempera ture or co nditions of
If the CHG indicator is not lit
The indicato r will not light up if the head phones ’ contact
point does not meet the tran smitter ’ s contact pin. In this
case, remov e the headphones a nd insert them in the
transmit ter again so that the indica tor lights u p.
T o recharge the headphone battery after use
Place the headphon es on the transmit ter after use. The CHG
indicato r lights up , and then cha rging starts.
When cha rging is com plete, there is no n eed to remove the
headphon es from the transmit ter after char ging has
comp leted.
The transmitter aut omatically turns o ff while charging the battery .
Avo id exposure to tem perature extremes, dir ect sunlight, moistur e,
sand, dust o r mechanical shock.
If the headphones are u sed outside the recommended tem perature
range, the CH G indicator flashes and c harging stops. Cha rge in an
enviro nmental tempera ture of between 5°C and 35°C.
If you haven ’t used the headphones f or a long period of time, the
life of the recha rgeable bat tery may become short. This will
impr ove when you r epeat the charging a nd discharging pr ocess
several times.
When the battery life reduces to half, this may be the end o f battery
lifetime. Fo r how to ch ange bat teries, consult yo ur place of pur chase
or a Sony dealer .
D o not stor e the headphones in h ot places for a lo ng period of time.
When sto ring it for mo re than a year , charge the bat tery once a year
to preven t over discha rge.
D o not touch the co ntact pin of the tran smitter . If a contact pin
becomes dirty , charging may not be possible.
C harging ma y not be comp leted if the transmitter ’ s contact pin and
headphones ’ contact point ar e dusty . Wi pe them with a cotton bud ,
The sound cuts off
The transmit ter stops tran smitting if no signal is inp ut for 5
If you connect the transmitt er to an A V component using the
headphone jac k, raise the volume level o n the connected A V
componen t within the range wher e the sound is not disto rted.
The battery cannot be charged
Check if the CHG indica tor turns on. I f not, pu t the headphones
on the transmit ter correctly so that the CHG indica tor turns o n.
The transmit ter’ s contact pin and headpho nes ’ contact point a re
dusty .
Wipe them with a cotto n bud, etc.
Y ou are a ttemp ting to charge the ba ttery in an enviro nment
outside the reco mmended temperat ure range o f between 5°C and
35°C. Y ou cannot char ge while the CHG indicator flashes.
C harge in an en vironmental temperat ure of between 5°C and
Check that the A C power adap tor is connected to the tran smitter .
If the transmi tter is not t o be used for a long period of
time, disconnect the AC po wer adapt or from the A C
outlet by h olding the plug. Do not p ull on the cord.
Do not leave the wir eless stereo headp hone system in a
location sub ject to direct sunlight, heat or mo isture .
Notes on headphones
T o reduce the risk of hearing damage
A void using headph ones at high vo lume. H earing experts
advise against co ntinuo us, loud and exten ded play . If yo u
experience a ringing in your ears, r educe the volume o r
discontin ue use.
Caring for others
Keep the vol ume at a modera te level. This will allow you t o
hear outside soun ds and to be considera te to the people
aroun d you.
If yo u have an y questions or pr oblems concernin g the
system that a re not co vered in this man ual, please consult
your near est Sony dealer .
Be sure to bring the headph ones and the tran smitter to the
Sony dealer when requiring r epair work.
RF stereo transmitter (TMR-RF865R)
FM stereo
Carrier frequency
863.52 MHz, 864.02 MHz, 864.52 MHz
Channel Ch1, Ch2, Ch3
T ransmission distance
A ppr ox. 100 m of lon gest
Audio inputs
Pin jacks (left/right)
Stereo mini jack
Pow er requirements
DC 12 V (from the supplied A C p ower ada ptor)
A ppr ox. 120 mm × 264 mm × 120 mm (w/h/d)
Mass A ppr ox. 470 g
Rated power c onsumption
3.0 W
Operating temperatur e
5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F)
Wir eless stereo headphones (MDR-RF865R)
Playback frequency range
10 Hz – 22,000 Hz
Pow er source
Built-in lithium-io n rechar geable bat tery
Mass A ppr ox. 320 g
Operating temperatur e
5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F)
Supplied accessories
AC po wer adapt or (12 V) (1)
Connecting cable
(stereo mini pl ug pin plug × 2), 1 m (1)
Card warran ty (1)
Operating Ins tructions (this manual) (1)
Design and specifications ar e subject to chang e without
* “W ALKMAN” and “W ALKMAN” logo ar e registered trademar ks
of Sony Corpora tion.
© 2011 Sony Corporation Printed in China
Wir eless Ster eo
4-264-130-1 3(1)
Operating Instructions
Mode d’emploi