10. End of life of a recuperator
About 90% of the materials used in the manufacture of heat recuperators are
recyclable, thus contributing to lower environmental impacts and contributing to the
sustainable development of the Planet.
Thus, end-of-life equipment should be forwarded to licensed waste operators, so it is
advisable to contact your municipality to proceed with the correct collection.
11. Sustainability
Solzaima conceives and designs solutions and equipment "moved" by biomass as a
primary source of energy. It is our contribution to the sustainability of the planet – an
economically viable and environmentally friendly alternative, safeguarding good
environmental management practices in order to ensure efficient management of the
carbon cycle.
Solzaima seeks to know and study the national forest park, responding efficiently to
energy requirements always with the care to safeguard biodiversity and natural wealth,
essential for the quality of life of the Planet.
Solzaima is a member of Sociedade Ponto Verde, which manages the packaging waste
of the products that the company places on the market, so you can place the packaging
waste of your equipment, such as plastic and cardboard, in the ecoponto closest to your