EN • 7
Shotsaver S210 comes with a standard one year manufacturer’s warranty.
Please note: Before returning this product please visit ‘Troubleshooting’
at www.snooperneo.co.uk
If your unit requires service under warranty return it, via Special Delivery or
equivalent insured courier service in suitable packaging to:
The Returns Department, Performance Products Limited
Cleaver House, Sarus Court, Manor Park, Cheshire WA7 1UL
Enclose the following information:
(a) Your name, address and a full description of the problem.
(b) A telephone number where you can be reached during business hours.
(c) Your units’ serial number.
(d) Proof of Purchase
PLEASE NOTE: We cannot process any warranty claims unless proof of
purchase is provided. Please retain your receipt as a precaution.
Customer service
Tel: 0333 240 1000 (Option 2) Email: support@snooper.eu