E03912 Issue 2.0
1.2 Licensing
Note Prior to use please check the national licensing requirements
for operators.
In the UK license applications and queries should be made to
the following authority:
Ship Radio Licencing
Radio Licencing Centre
The Post Office
PO Box 1495
Bristol BS99 3QS
Website: www.radiolicencecentre.co.uk/rlc
A set may only be operated by or under the supervision of the
holder of a Marine Radio Operator’s Certificate of Competence
and Authority to Operate. This is awarded on completion of the
Marine Short Range Certificate course administered by the Royal
Yachting Association:
Royal Yachting Association
RYA House
Ensign Way
Southampton SO31 4YA
Website: www.rya.org.uk
Tel. 0845 345 0400
Holders of the Restricted Certificate of Competence in Radio-
telephony (which covers MF/HF SSB, etc.) do not need a sepa-
rate VHF certificate.
In all other countries, please contact your regional authority for
Note North American Users – To meet FCC (Federal Communica-
tions Commission) rules on Radio Frequency Exposure, it is
recommended that the VHF antenna is mounted at least 3 m
(10 ft) away from any area accessible to any personnel on board.
If this distance is achieved by vertical separation, the antenna
must be at least 5 m (16.5 ft) above deck. This guideline applies
only to antennas not exceeding 9dBi gain.
WARNING Failure to observe these recommendations may
expose those within the MPE (maximum permit-
ted exposure) radius of 3 m (10 ft) to RF absorp-
tion levels that exceed the FCC safe limits.