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Simrad PI54
Catch monitoring system
Operator manual
850-165186 / Rev.B
Simrad PI54
Catch monitoring system
Operator manual
Important notice
Operation of the PI54 catch monitoring system
assumes that the communication between the
Operator Unit and the sensors is fully functional.
Ensure that the communication channels and update
rates defined on the Operator Unit matches those of
the sensors.
About this document
Rev Date Written by Checked by Approved by
02.12.05 RBr KR KR
Revised for SW version 0.40. New function Trawl Calculator implemented.
© 2005 Simrad AS
ISBN 82-8066-053-4
All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be
reproduced or otherwise copied without prior permission from Simrad AS.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without pr ior notice.
Simrad AS shall not be liable for errors contained herein, or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this document.
The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which
itwasdesigned.Improperuseormaintenancemaycausedamagetotheequipment orinjury
to per sonnel. T he user must befamiliar withthecontentsoftheappropriate manuals before
attempting to operate or work on the equipment. Simrad AS disclaims any responsibility
for damage or injury causedbyimproper installation, useormaintenanceof the equipment.
If you require maintenance on your Simrad equipment, contact your local dealer. You can
also contact Simrad using the following e-mail address: fish-support@simrad.com
Operator manual
850-165186 / Rev.B
This section introduces the PI54 catch monitoring system operator manual.
Refer to page 1.
2 System description
This section provides a general introduction to the PI54 catch monitoring
system and the units in use. Refer to page 3.
3 Getting started
This section provides general guidelines to help you get started with the PI54
catch monitoring system. Refer to page 9.
4 Applications
This section gives an overview of the various applications that the PI54 can
offer. Refer to page 25.
5 Display modes
This section gives an in--depth description of all the display presentations.
Refer to page 32.
6 Operational procedures
This section provides detailed procedures to guide you through the most
common functions. Refer to page 55.
7 Practical use of the sensors
This section describes how to install and use each sensor type. Both PI and PS
sensors are described and explained. Refer to page 103.
8 Sensor chargers
This section describes how to install and use t he sensor chargers. Refer to page
This section a llows yo u t o access the refere nce information from the menu
structure. Refer to page 169.
10 References
This section details the various setup pages, those selected from the menu
system and those accessed from the display presentation. Refer to page 173.
11 PI Configurator
This section explains how to use the PI Configurator utility to change the
sensors communication channel and update rate. Refer to page 226.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
12 Sensor test procedures
This section provides simple test procedure you can use to verify the the sensors
are working properly. Refer to page 265.
13 Technical specifications
This section provides the basic technical specifications. Refer to page 285.
14 Software updates
If you need to upgrade the software in your PI54 Operator Unit, the necessary
procedures can be found here. Refer to page 291.
Operator manual
850-165186 / Rev.B
INTRODUCTION 1..............................................
SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3......................................
System diagram 4..........................................
Operator Unit 5...........................................
Hull mounted and portable hydrophones 6......................
Sensor overview 7.........................................
Battery chargers 8..........................................
GETTING STARTED 9...........................................
How to s witch power on and off 10.............................
Introducing the presentation principles 11........................
Defining initial presentation pages 13...........................
Introduction to the main menu 16..............................
Introduction to t he keypad 17.................................
Introducing the sensors 20....................................
APPLICATION EXAMPLES 25....................................
Purse seine 26..............................................
Danish seine 27............................................
Bottom trawl 28............................................
Pelagic trawl 29............................................
Echo sounder 30............................................
Graphic display 31..........................................
DISPLAY PRESENTATIONS 32..................................
Numeric display 33.........................................
Graphic display 41..........................................
Surface temperature 45.......................................
Status display 46...........................................
Echo sounder display 50.....................................
Highway display 53.........................................
Position display 54..........................................
OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES 55................................
Overview 55...............................................
How to define sensor p resentation 56...........................
How to set up the sensors 58..................................
How to m ount the sensors on the net 61.........................
How to use the sensors 62....................................
How to replace the sacrificial water switch 63....................
How to test the sensors 64....................................
How to calibrate the Depth sensor 65...........................
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to define sensor offsets 66................................
How to set up a Twin Spread sensor for twin trawl applications 67....
How to set up two Twin Spread sensors for dual twin trawl 72.......
How to access graphic display parameters 79.....................
How to view echo sounder data 80.............................
How to set up marker lines 81.................................
Special features for trawl marker lines 86........................
How to access echo sounder parameters 88.......................
How to use visual aids and filters 89............................
How to define echo sounder range 91...........................
How to zoom in on bottom echoes 93...........................
How to zoom in on pelagic echoes 94...........................
How to enable A-Scope presentation 95.........................
How to define alarm limits 96.................................
How to select menu language 99...............................
How to control automatic page rotation 100.......................
How to restore default settings 101..............................
How to personalize your system 102.............................
PRACTICAL USE OF THE SENSORS 103..........................
Sensor configuration 104......................................
PI Bottom Contact sensor 107..................................
PS Bottom Contact sensor 111.................................
PI Catch sensor 115..........................................
PS Catch sensor 120..........................................
PI Depth sensor 124..........................................
PS Depth sensor 129.........................................
PI Height sensor 134.........................................
PI Rip sensor 138............................................
PI Spread and Remote sensors 143..............................
PI Twin Spread 148..........................................
PI Temperature sensor 153.....................................
PS Temperature sensor 159....................................
SENSOR CHARGERS 164..........................................
Overview 164...............................................
PI Charger 165..............................................
PS30 Charger 167...........................................
MENU SYSTEM 169................................................
The main menu 170..........................................
Echo quick menu 172.........................................
Operator manual
850-165186 / Rev.B
REFERENCES 173..................................................
Setup map 174..............................................
Depth calibration 176.........................................
Echo presentation setup 177....................................
Echo sounder setup 180.......................................
Factory presets 183..........................................
Graphic setup 184...........................................
Interface setup 187...........................................
Marker line setup 197.........................................
Navigation setup 200.........................................
Numeric setup 202...........................................
Offset adjust 203............................................
Page setup 204..............................................
Palette setup 205............................................
Position display setup 206.....................................
Quick guide 207.............................................
Receiver setup 208...........................................
Sensor alarms 211...........................................
Sensor setup 215............................................
Speed setup 217.............................................
Status setup 218.............................................
Surface temperature setup 219..................................
Temperature setup 220........................................
Trawl calculator 221..........................................
Trawl info setup 223.........................................
Units setup 225..............................................
PI CONFIGURATOR 226..........................................
Purpose 226................................................
Basic information 227........................................
About sensor configuration 229.................................
Main dialogue description 231..................................
Operational procedures 233....................................
References 240..............................................
Maintenance 261............................................
SENSOR TEST PROCEDURES 265.................................
Overview 265...............................................
Bottom C ontact test procedure 266..............................
Spread & Remote sensors test procedure 269......................
Catch sensor, test procedure 273................................
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Depth sensor, test procedure 276................................
Temperature sensor, test procedure 279...........................
Height sensor, test procedure 282...............................
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 285...............................
Sensors 286................................................
SOFTWARE UPDATES 291........................................
Overview 291...............................................
DSP Software upgrade 292....................................
MMI Software upgrade 296....................................
PI DS P Upload 299..........................................
INDEX 300.........................................................
Operator manual
850-165186 / Rev.B
Use this table to write down the sensors you use on your PI54 catch monitoring system.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Use this table to write down the sensors you use on your PI54 catch monitoring system.
850-165186 / Rev.B
The Simrad PI54 is an integration of proven commercial fishing
technologies which can dramatically increase the yield and
effectiveness of purse/danish seining and bot tom/pelagic
trawling applications.
By means of six underwater sensors mounted on the gear, this
robust, maintenance-free catch monitoring system allows
unparalleled control over fishing operations by providing
continuous, centralised information on the vessel’s position, its
gear and the environment at and below the surface.
This manual is not intended to be read from cover to cover, but
is designed as a book of references that you can consult
whenever necessary.
This manual describes PI54 software version 0.40.
System description, page 3
Getting started, page 9
Applications, page 25
Display modes, page 32
Operational procedures, page 55
Sensors, page 103
Menu system, page 169
References, page 173
PI Configurator, page 226
Sensor test procedures, page 265
Software updates, page 291
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Changes to this manual
The following changes have been made to this manual.
This was the original issue.
Operational procedures: Additional procedures added.
Sensors: PI Twin Spread” and “Sensor configuration” chapters
Software update: This is a new section.
New software version: SW 0.40 implemented. New function
“Trawl calculator” described.
System description
850-165186 / Rev.B
The Simrad PI54 catch monitoring system consists of an
operator station, a hydrophone and an optional echo sounder
transducer. The hydrophone and the transducer are both
mounted under the vessel’s hull. The system further comprises a
number of small and robust sensors measuring the conditions on
your fishing gear.
The PI54 catch monitoring system can work with six sensors
The sensors are powered by built-in rechargeable bat teries. They
are housed in titanium casings, and designed using advanced
shock absorbing materials. The information collected by the
sensors are sent through the water to the hydrophone by means
of coded sound waves. From the hydrophone, the signals are
sent to the operator unit, which decodes the information,
interprets it, and finally present it to you.
System diagram, page 4
Operator unit, page 5
Hydrophones, page 6
Sensors overview, page 7
Battery chargers, page 8
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
System diagram
(A) = Operator Unit
(B) = PI charger
(C) = Hydrophone
(provides communication
with the sensors)
(D) = Optional echo
sounder transducer.
Several t ypes are
(E) = Sensors mounted on
the net. Maximum six
sensors may be used
simultanously, and several
types are available.
(F) = Interfaces to
external sensors (serial
lines, NMEA format)
(G) = DC power input
System description
850-165186 / Rev.B
Operator Unit
The PI54 Operator Unit is a marine grade electronic
instrument incorporating an impact resistant polycarbonate front
panel, die-cast aluminium housing and watertight electrical
The PI54 electronics are sealed in the operator unit allowing the
it to be flush or bracket mounted in the wheelhouse or at an
exposed control station.
Computed information is displayed in both numerical and
graphical form on the display. The unit is operated using
drop-down menus and an integrated keypad.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Hull mounted and portable hydrophones
Two hull mounted hydrophones are available, one for purse
seining operations, and one for trawl operations. You can install
both, and then select active hydrophone by means of a selector
box on the bulkhead.
Purse seining: The hull mounted
hydrophone for purse seining operations
has a 90 degrees horizontal beam and a
30 degrees vertical beam to provide the
PI54 with optimal reception from the
sensors. T his specific beam pattern is
especially suited for purse seining and the
wide coverage area reduces the need for
careful alignment.
Trawling: The hull mounted hydrophone f or trawling
operations has a 50 degrees horizontal beam and a 30degrees
vertical beam to provide the PI54 with optimal reception from
the sensors. This specific beam pattern is especially suited for
trawling and the wide coverage area reduces the need for careful
Portable: A portable hydrophone is also
available. It is designed as a temporary
measure until a fixed hydrophone can be
installed at the vessel’s next planned dry
docking. It has an omni-directional beam
and a 50 meter integrated cable which is
sheathed in polyurethane providing robust
external protection to compliment its 150
kg tensile strength. The cable is supplied on
a reel for convenient retrieval and stowage,
and is equipped with a plug for easy
attachment to the Operator Unit.
System description
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor overview
This chapter provides a very short description of each sensor.
Depth sensor - The Depth sensor provide infor mation about
the current depth as well as the descending or ascending rate
related to the surface.
Catch sensor - The Catch sensor provides information about
the amount of catch in the trawl. The sensor monitors the
opening of the meshes in the cod-end, and will activate once
the caught volume pulls the detector wire. To monitor the
filling rate, you are adviced to use minimum two sensors.
Bottom Contact sensor - The Bottom Contact sensors
detects if a trawl is accidentally lifted off the seabed, or a
purse seine is touching the bottom.
Rip sensor - T he Rip sensor provides an immediate warning
when the net is ripped.
Temperature sensor - Temperature sensors read and transmit
the ambient water temperature at the gear depth.
Height sensor - The Height sensor contains s small echo
sounder to measure the current depth related to the seabed.
Spread & Remote sensor - These sensor always work in
pairs, and they measure the distance betwen the trawl doors.
You can also use two Remote sensors if you run a twin trawl.
The use of separate communication channels f or the individual
sensors allows you to use your sensors in the vincinity of other
vessels using PI or PS sensors. The communication channels can
be defined and/or changed onboard your vessel using a standard
computer and the PI Configurator utility.
Related topics
More information about the sensors, page 20
How to use the sensors, page 103
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Battery chargers
All sensors are power by internal batteries, and these need
charging at regular intervals. The Simrad chargers have been
designed to allow the sensors to be stored in charging positions
whenever they are not used, and “overcharging” will not take
place. Either of the two charger types can be used on any of the
sensors, but the PI Charger will only provide fast charging on
the PI Sensors.
PS30 Charger
Three different Simrad PS30 Chargers are
available depending on the vessel’s main power
supply; 230 Vac, 110 Vac and +24 Vdc.
PI Charger
The PI Charger will provide fast charging of the
new PI sensor series. The Simrad PI Charger
requires a +12 to +32 Vdc power supply.
Related topics
PI Charger, page 165
PS30 Charger, page 167
Getting started
850-165186 / Rev.B
This section contains an brief overview of the basic system
operation. If you are a first time user, we recommend that you
read through this chapter while operating the PI54 so that you
can familiarize yourself with the buttons, menus and display
In order to navigate the menu structures and display
presentations, you need to know the most important buttons.
MENU: Press to access the main menu. Press again to close it.
ENT: Press to apply the changes you have requested.
Selector pad (circular): Press along the edges to move the
PAGE: Leaf through the predefined display pages. Each page
can contain one, two or four separate windows. You can have
four different presentation pages active simultanously, and use
this button t o access them.
WIN: Press to select active window on the current presentation
page. Each page can have one, two or four windows. The active
window is identified with a red border.
ADJ: Press to access the setup parameters for the current
How to switch power on and off, page 10
Introducing the presentation principles, page 11
Defining initial presentation pages, page 13
Introducing the main menu, page 16
Introducing the keypad, page 17
Introducing the sensors, page 20
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to switch power on and off
Observe the f ollowing procedure to switch the PI54 on and off.
Power on
1 Press and hold the PWR button until the display is
switched on.
2 Observe that the start-up page appears.
3 Press ENT to start normal operations.
If you press PAGE you will access the built-in “Quick guide”.
Once opened, use the two GAIN buttons to leaf through the
pages, and then MENU or ENT to exit. If you wish to access
the Quick guide” later, you can find it on the Setup menu.
When you power up the PI54, it will automatically assume
operation using the most recent page mode.
Power off
1 Press the PWR buttontocalluptheLight and power
2 Press and hold the PWR button to switch off the PI54.
Getting started
850-165186 / Rev.B
Introducing the presentation principles
Observe the following description and procedures to understand
how the presentation principles apply.
Pages and Windows
The PI54 display is set up with four different presentation
pages. You can leaf through these pages by pressing the PAGE
button in the lower left corner of the keypad.
Each page can be set up to display one, two or four windows.
Each of these windows can then be set up to present the
information of your choice.
When you set up a page to contain more than one window, you
can select the active window using the WIN button. The active
window is identified with a red border.
To set up a presentation page
This procedure explains how to set up a page using the main
menu and the WIN button.
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Observe the WIN symbol in the top r ight corner of the
3 Press the WIN button one or more times to select how
many windows you wish to use on the presentation page,
and which window you wish to active.
- The blue fields in the WIN symbol symbolises the page
- The information you choose to display during this
session will be placed in the cor responding window on
the current page.
4 Use t he selector tab, and move the cursor to the Fishery
5 Select one of the options on the menu.
- If a menu option is shown with red print, it means that
the information can not be displayed with the currently
selected window size. Use the WIN buttontoselecta
new window size.
- You can also se lect the menu option using the
corresponding alphanumerical button. You might fi nd
that easier to do!
6 Press the ENT button.
- The PI54 will return to the previous page, and the
information you chose on the Fishery menu will
appear in the selected window.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
If you change your page configuration from full screen (one
window) to two or four windows, you may see that one or more
windows will not display any information. If this is the case,
observe the procedure below.
To define window information
This procedure explains how to set up the information in a
window using the WIN button and the main menu.
1 If your curr ent page contains more than one window, press
the WIN button to select active window.
- The active window is identified by its red border.
2 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
3 Use t he selector tab, and move the cursor to the Fishery
4 Select one of the options on the menu.
- If a menu option is shown with red print, it means that
the information can not be displayed with the currently
selected window size. Select an other presentation.
- You can also se lect the menu option using the
corresponding alphanumerical button. You might fi nd
that easier to do!
5 Press the ENT button.
- The PI54 will return to the previous page, and the
information you chose on the Fishery menu will
appear in the selected window.
Window sizes and information
Observe the table below to see which modes that can be used in
each window size.
Numeric display -- Yes Yes
Graphic display Yes Yes Yes
Surface temperature Yes -- Yes
Status display Yes -- --
Echo dis play Yes Yes Yes
Pilot d isplay Yes -- Yes
Getting started
850-165186 / Rev.B
Defining initial presentation pages
Observe the following procedure to set up the four display pages
on the PI54. The presentations chosen are those commonly used,
but using the guidelines in this procedure you can change the
content of individual pages to suit your requirements.
Note that although the procedur e instructs you to use the
Selector pad to make the menu selections, you may find it
much eas ier to access the choices directly using the
alphanumerical buttons.
Page 1: Echo sounder
1 Press the MENU button to bring up the main menu.
2 Press the Selector pad to move the cursor (inverse video)
to the ECHO choice on the main menu.
3 Observe the WIN icon at the top right corner of the
display. Press the WIN button repeatidly until the blue
rectangle covers the entire icon.
4 On the Echo menu, select Echo 38 kHz.
5 Press the ENT button to enter the choice.
A full screen echo sounder appears. If you already know the
basic settings of an echo sounder you can access the Echo quick
menu by pressing the ENT button one more time.
Page 2: Numeric display
1 Press the PAGE button once to select the next display
2 Press the MENU button to bring up the main menu.
3 Press the Selector pad to move the cursor (inverse video)
to the Fishery choice on the main menu.
4 Observe the WIN icon at the top right corner of the
display. Press the WIN button repeatidly until the blue
rectangle covers the left half of the icon.
5 On the Fishery menu, select Numeric display.
6 Press the ENT button to enter the choice.
The numeric display appears on the left (or right) half of the
display page. If you already know how to perform the basic
setup, you can access the Numeric s etup by pressing the ADJ
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The right side may have been predefined to provide an other
display presentation, or it may simply show the text Select
display via MENU. In order to fill the space,proceed a s follows:
7 Press the WIN button, and observe the red border moving
from one window to the next. Place the border on the
window you wish to define.
8 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
9 Press the Selector pad to move the cursor (inverse video)
to the Echo menu.
10 On the Echo menu, select Echo 200 kHz.
11 Press the ENT button to acknowledge.
The 200 kHz echo sounder will now appear in the chosen
Page 3: Graphic display
1 Press the PAGE button once to select the next display
2 Press the MENU button to bring up the main menu.
3 Press the Selector pad to move the cursor (inverse video)
to the FISHERY choice on the main menu.
4 Observe the WIN icon at the top right corner of the
display. Press the WIN button repeatidly until the blue
rectangle covers the entire icon.
5 On the Fishery menu, select Graphic display, Echo 38
6 Press the ENT button to enter the choice.
The graphic display appears with the sensor data shown on the
top and the echo sounder shown below. If you already know
how to set up the basic parameters you can access the Echo
quick menu by pressing the ENT button one more time.
Page 4: Navigation display
1 Press the PAGE button once to select the next display
2 Press the MENU button to bring up the main menu.
3 Press the Selector pad to move the cursor (inverse video)
to the PILOT choice on the main menu.
4 Observe the WIN icon at the top right corner of the
display. Press the WIN button repeatidly until the blue
rectangle covers the entire icon.
Getting started
850-165186 / Rev.B
5 On the Pilot menu, select Highway.
6 Press the ENT button to enter the choice.
The navigation display appears. If you already know how to set
up the basic parameters you can access the Navigation setup
page by pressing the ADJ button.
Leafing through the pages
To leaf through the display pr esentations you have defined,
press the PAGE button.
Other display presentations
Several other display pr esentations are available, but you only
have four different display pages to use. After some experience
with the PI54 system, you will however soon find out which
display presentations that are the most useful to you, and you
can alter the setup accordingly.
Related topics
Display presentations, page 32
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Introduction to the main menu
The main menu is located across the top of the display. To open
the menu, press the MENU button. Note that if it is left
unactivated, the menu will disappear automatically after a few
Each of the four options of the m ain menu provide a drop-down
menu. On these, you can select which information to view in
each display window, or which parameters to define. Main and
drop-down menus are highlighted when selected, and the
complete main menu title is displayed in the top left-hand corner
of the screen.
Observe the WIN icon in the top right corner. Using the WIN
button, you can position t he information into the selected
window on the current page. Note however that setup pages are
not affected by the choices you make with the WIN button.
To open a sub-menu, press the ENT button, press t he
corresponding alphanumerical button, or press “down” on the
selector tab.
To make your selection, highlight the choice and press the
ENT button. You can also press the corresponding
alphanumerical button.
Related topics
The choices on the main menu, page 170
Getting started
850-165186 / Rev.B
Introduction to the keypad
The keypad is used for direct user interface with the PI54
system, and allows you to control the functionality. Note that the
majority of the buttons are mainly used only during echo
sounder operations, and that some of them will only work when
they are enabled by a specific function.
EVENT: This button places a vertical marker on the
echo sounder depth display to identify an event.
MENU: This button turns the menu bar on and off. It
will also allow you to exit dialogues without applying
any changes.
ENT (Enter): This button allows you to apply the
changes you have made in a setup dialogue, or to select
a function from the menu. This button will also give
you access to the “Echo quick menu”, and it will open
the setup dialogue for the presentation in the active
Selector pad: Use this button to navigate through
menus and dialogues. It moves the cursor horizontally
by pressing it on the left or right side, and vertically by
pressing it on its top or bottom.
-/+: These two button are used to select between
available values, scales and ranges. (-) reduces and (+)
increases the graduation.
GAIN: The two gain buttons are used to adjust the
receiver gain on the echo sounder.
STND (Standard): This button will activate an echo sounder
window in Standard mode. If you press this button while an
other window is active, the display switches to an echo sounder
page. If one of your other pages already contains a full screen
echo sounder, the PI54 will automatically change to this page,
and you must press the PAGE button to return to your previous
page. If you do not have an echo sounder presentation among
your four presentation pages, the current presentation will be
replaced by the echo sounder presentation.
ADJ (Adjust): This button provides a direct access to the setup
parameters for the data in the active window. To exit the setup
without making changes, press the MENU button.
VRM (Variable Range Marker): This button provides a
horizontal marker line on the echo sounder display. Use the
selector pad to alter the depth of the marker. The button will
only work if you have an echo sounder presentation on the
current page.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
WIN (Windows): This button is used to select which display
window to be active. During normal operation, the active
window is identified with a red border. When the main menu is
opened, the current active window is shown in the upper right
corner of the display.
B-LCK (Bottom lock expansion): This button will activate an
echo sounder window, and then expand the area just above the
bottom. In the expanded view, the bottom will appear flat. The
vertical range of the expansion window is defined in the echo
sounder setup. If you press this button while an other window is
active, the display switches to an echo sounder page. If one of
your other pages already contains a full screen echo sounder, the
PI54 will automatically change to this page, and you must press
the PAGE button to return t o your previous page. If you do not
have an echo sounder presentation among your four presentation
pages, the current presentation will be replaced by the echo
sounder presentation. To switch off this function, press the
STND or SHIFT buttons.
ZOOM: This button will activate an echo sounder window, and
then expand an area above and below a horizontal marker line.
The depth of the marker line can be adjusted with the selector
pad, while the vertical range of the expansion window is defined
in the echo sounder setup. If you press this button while an other
window is active, the display switches to an echo sounder page.
If one of your other pages already contains a full screen echo
sounder, the PI54 will automatically change to this page, and
you must press the PAGE button to return to your previous
page. If you do not have an echo sounder presentation among
your four presentation pages, the current presentation will be
replaced by the echo sounder presentation. To switch off htis
function, press the STND or SHIFT button.
SHIFT: This button will activate t he Phased range echo
sounder mode. You can then select start range with the + and -
buttons, and depth range with the numerical buttons (1 to 9). If
you press this button while an other window is active, the
display switches to an echo sounder page. If one of your other
pages already contains a full screen echo sounder, the PI54 will
automatically change to this page, and you must press the
PAGE button to return to your previous page. If you do not
have an echo sounder presentation among your four presentation
pages, the current presentation will be replaced by the echo
sounder presentation. To select Standard mode, press the
STND button.
Getting started
850-165186 / Rev.B
PAGE: The page button is used to leaf through the predefined
presentation pages. If you press and hold this button for more
than three seconds, you will start automatic page rotation. The
PI54 will then leaf through the four pages automatically. The
page rotation interval (time used to display each page) is
controlled by page setup parameter. To switch this function off,
press any other button.
PWR (Power): This button is used to switch the system on and
off. During operation, it is also used to adjust the display
brightness and contrast.
CLR (Clear): This button will remove the variable range
marker. It will also clear the input fields in dialogues.
0to9:The alphanumerical buttons will greatly speed up your
menu operations, as you can access most menu items using a
number. You can also use these buttons to insert data into
dialogue fields. During echo sounder operations, they will even
provide you with fast access to a set of predefined depth ranges.
The 0 button will enable automatic depth range selection.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Introducing the sensors
The PI54 catch monitoring can be used with a variety of
sensors. All these sensors can be placed on your trawl or purse
seine to monitor key parameters.
On the PI54, you can use maximum six sensors simultanously.
There are two sensor families; PI and PS. The sensors in the
two families are almost identical, and they can be used together
on the same PI54 system. The PI sensors will however offer
increased range, some added functionality, and they can also be
charged much faster using the PI Charger.
Bottom Contact: Best at the bottom!
With patented technology and awardwinning design, Simrad
provides you full control of the actions that take place at the
bottom. Mounted on a bottom trawl, pelagic trawl or purse
seine, this sensor will provide the important information when
you need it!
(A) = The Bottom Contact sensor mounted on a bottom trawl
will let you know once the trawl lifts a few centimeters above the
bottom. You can then immediatley perform the necessary
adjustments, and you will not loose any catch.
(B) = On a purse seine you will be notified once the seine
reaches the bottom, and you can thus fish even on a rough
(C) = On a pelagic trawl, the sensor will notify you once you get
near the bottom.
The Bottom Contact sensor will let you know immediately if
your gear touches the bottom.
Bottow trawl: If your trawl lifts off the bottom, this may
cause fish to escape, and hence reduce the catch. This sensor
will detect this, and allow you to trim your equipment for
perfect balance.
Getting started
850-165186 / Rev.B
Pelagic trawl: On a pelagic trawl, this sensor proves very
useful when the trawl moves downwards. It will let you
know immediately if the footrope touches bottom.
Purse seine: When you work with a purse seine, you need to
know when the seine reaches the bottom. This sensor will let
you know. once it happens.
Danish seine: Used on a Danish seine, the sensor will let you
know when the net has a stable bottom contact, and when it
is time to haul.
Scientific research: During scientific surveys, an exact
definition of towed distance with proper ground gear contact
is an essential parameter in bottom trawl swept area estimates
of fish abundance. Using a Bottom Contact sensor will
reduce errors in this key parameter.
Catch sensor: When is the trawl full?
This is your “eye” at the cod-end. With PI Catch sensors in use,
you can easily monitor the fi lling rate and the amount of catch
in the trawl. Save time and fuel, haul in the trawl at the right
moment! The design is rugged and awardwinning, and the
sensors sensitivity is easily adjustable for trawls of all sizes.
Some professionals claim that the Catch sensor is the most
important sensor on the trawl. Why? Because it will tell you the
amount of catch in the trawl.
The sensor simply monitors the expansion of the meshes in the
cod-end. Once the volume caught is enough to expand the
meshes, they will pull the detector wires and engage the sensor.
The sensitivity of the sensor can easily be adjusted, just extend
the detection rubber b ands to span additional meshes.
To monitor the filling rate, we recommend that you use
minimum two sensors. Place the first sensor at the far end of the
cod-end, it will tell you that the trawl is actually fishing. Place
the second sensor closer to the trawl opening. Once the trawl is
filled to the chosen location, the sensor is engaged, and you
know that it is time to haul.
Use the PI Catch sensor to adjust the catch volume according to
the production capacity, check that the trawl is fishing, adjust
the caught volume to secure quality, and minimize the towing
time to save fuel. These are only a few of t he reasons why this
sensor is considered to be so important.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Depth: How deep can you go?
When the sonar and echo sounder tell you how deep the school
goes, it is good to know that you can place your fishing gear at
the same depth. And even better, you can monitor and hold the
desired depth. The design is rugged and awardwinning, and the
sensor is available for three different depth ranges.
The PI Depth sensor provides information about the current
depth and the depth changes of your gear.
Bottom trawl: On a bottom trawl, you will use the sensor to
achieve full control when shooting, and t o position the trawl
on the slope.
Pelagic trawl: During pelagic trawling, you know how
important it is to position the trawl relative to the largest
concentration of fish. By using a Depth sensor, you can
monitor the exact depth relative to the surface, and adjust the
trawl depth accordingly. Additional depth sensors on the
doors will monitor if the doors stay at the same depth.
Purse seine: During seining, use the Depth sensor to monitor
the depth of the net, and the descending speed of the net.
Then you will know when to start pursing, and which speed
to use.
Danish seine: Mounted on a Danish Seine the Depth sensor
monitors the sinking speed of the net, and it will tell you
when to start hauling once the net has stopped sinking.
Height sensor: Accurate distance to the bottom!
With a built-in echo sounder, this new PI sensor is full of
advanced technology. Wherever you place it, it will always tell
you the exact distance to the bottom.
The height sensor measures the height over the bottom, that is
the distance from the bottom and up to wherever the sensor is
located. This provides you with a valuable range of applications
for bottom and pelagic trawling.
Bottom trawl: Place the sensor behind the headrope, and it
will tell you the height of the trawl opening. This allows you
to adjust you equipment immediately if the opening is
reduced, and you will avoid loosing catch.
Pelagic trawl: With a height sensor behind the footrope you
will know at once if the trawl approaches the bottom. If you
use a second sensor behind the headrope, the difference
between the two measurements will give you the height of
the trawl opening.
Getting started
850-165186 / Rev.B
Rip: Check for damages!
The Rip sensor is identical to the Catch sensor, and can thus be
regarded as a application for the Catch sensor. Place the sensor
on the trawl belly behind the footrope, and use it to detect if the
trawl is torn o r in any other ways damaged by r ocks or other
roughness on the bottom. If this is detected immediately you can
adjust the gear to minimise the damage.
Spread and Remote: Check the trawl doors!
This dynamic duo tells you the exact distance between the trawl
doors. Used on bottom and pelagic trawls the Spread and
Remote sensors p rovide crucial information about your trawl
behaviour. On a twin trawl, simply add a Remote sensor and
you have both openings covered!
These two sensors always work in pairs. They are used to
monitor the physical distance between the trawl doors during
bottom and pelagic trawling.
Use a Spread sensor on the port door and a Remote sensor on
the starboard door. Both sensors are normally mounted in
special adapters, but you may also attached them to the
wing-end or warp using snap hooks or rope.
The Spread sensor communicates with the Remote sens or using
a special transverse communication link. By means of this link it
measures the excact distance (maximum 350 meters) between
the two sensors. The information is is transmitted t o the vessel
by the Spread sensor.
As you already know, correct door spread is important in order
to obtain the correct sweep-angle, as this ensures optimal trawl
performance. Door behavior and stability during shooting and
towing is also monitored by these sensors. Many regard this pair
of sensors one of the most important sensors to obtain efficient
A special version of the PI Spread sensor, The PI Twin Spread,
allows you to use a single Spread sensor with two Remote
sensors to monitor a twin trawl.
Temperature: Too warm or too cold water?
time and money. The same applies to a pelagic trawl placed on
the wrong side of a thermal layer. Using advanced technology,
rugged construction and awardwinning design, the PI
Temperature sensor allows you to increase your fishing
The PI Temperature sensor tells you the exact sea water
temperature while you are fishing.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The water temperature is an important parameter. Fish and bait
are temperature sensitive, and they are normally found within
specific temperature zones for feeding and spawning.
However, the temperature layers in the water are changing
constantly, and for this reason the temperature must be
monitored constantly. Fishing in an area with unfavourable
water temperature might be just a waste of time!
For any kind of trawling, use this sensor to monitor ing and log
the temperature. Then, increase your knowledge about the
correlation between temperature, fish concentration and catch
efficiency. On a purse seine net, monitor the temperature to see
when you are passing the thermo-cline.
Related topics
Purse seine, application, page 26
Danish seine, application, page 27
Bottom trawl, application, page 28
Pelagic trawl, application, page 29
Sensor configuration, page 104
PI Bottom Contact, page 107
PS Bottom Contact, page 111
PI Catch, page 115
PS Catch, page 120
PI Depth, page 124
PS Depth, page 129
PI Height, page 134
PI Rip, page 138
PI Spread & Remote, page 143
PI Twin Spread, page 148
PI Temperature, page 153
PS Temperature, page 159
850-165186 / Rev.B
The Simrad PI54 system is designed to fulfill all your
requirements within a range of specific applications. This
chapter provides a few examples on how the various sensors can
be placed on your fishing gear. It also provides a brief
description of the echo sounder and graphic display
Purse seine, application, page 26
Danish seine, application, page 27
Bottom trawl, application, page 28
Pelagic trawl, application, page 29
Echo sounder, application, page 30
Graphic display, application, page 31
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Purse seine
When used for purse seining, the PI54 system must have one or
more of the following sensors attached to the net: Depth sensor,
Bottom Contact sensor and Temperature sensor.
The system is designed to be used with up to six sensors,
optimally two Depth sensors, one Temperature and one Bottom
Contact sensor. The sensor configuration can be tailored to suite
individual needs.
(A) = (B) = Depth / Bottom Contact sensor
(C) = Temperature / Bottom Contact sensor
(D) = Depth sensor (placed on the headrope to warn if it sinks)
Using the recommended sensors, the PI54 system will provide
the following information:
When to begin pursing, and which speed to use for the most
efficient pursing
Location of the net related to the school
Bottom approximation without net contact
Net sink rate, when the net has stopped sinking, and when it
starts to rise
Water temperature at different depths
When the gear passes the thermocline
850-165186 / Rev.B
Danish seine
When used for Danish seining the PI54 system needs up to t hree
of the following sensors attached to the net: Depth and Bottom
The system is designed to be used with up to six sensors. You
can use two Dept h sensors (located at the top and bottom of the
net), a Height sensor (on t he top of the net) and one Bottom
Contact sensor. You can also use a Spread/Remote combination
on the wing ends. Sensor configuration can be tailored to suite
individual needs.
(A) = Bottom contact sensor
(B) = (C) = Depth sensors
Using the recommended sensors, the PI54 system will provide
the following information:
When to start hauling
Monitor net sinkage rate
Bottom approximation without net contact
Net opening (using two depth sensors)
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Bottom trawl
When used for bottom trawling, the PI54 system will give you
all necessary information about the trawl status. You should
have minimum three of the following sensors attached to the
net: Depth sensors(s), Bottom Contact sensor, Rip sensor and
Catch sensors(s).
The system is designed to be used with up to six sensors. We
recommend that you use a Bottom Contact sensor behind the
footrope, a Height sensor behind the headrope, two Catch
sensors, a Temperature sensor and a Spread sensor. Sensor
configuration can be tailored to suite individual needs.
(A) = Depth sensor (headrope)
(B) = Depth sensor (footrope)
(C) = Bottom contact sensor
(D) = Rip sensor
(E) = (F) = Catch s ensor(s)
Using the recommended sensors, the PI54 system will provide
the following information:
Optimal vessel speed with regard to net sink rate and bottom
When the codend is full.
Footwire/bottom lift-off.
Net opening (using two depth sensors) and damage
850-165186 / Rev.B
Pelagic trawl
When used for pelagic trawling the PI54 system must have one
or more of the following sensors attached to the net: Depth
sensor(s), Bottom Contact sensor, Temperature sensor, Rip
sensor and Catch sensor(s).
The system is designed to be used with up to six sensors. We
recommend that you use a Bottom Contact sensor behind the
footrope, a Depth sensor behind the headrope, two Catch
sensors, a Temperature sensor and a Spread sensor. Sensor
configuration can be tailored to suite individual needs.
(A) = Depth sensor (headrope)
(B) = Depth sensor (footrope)
(C) = Bottom contact sensor
(D) = Rip sensor
(E) = Temperature sensor
(F) = (G) = Catch sensors
Using the recommended sensors, the PI54 system will provide
the following information:
Optimal vessel speed with regard to net sink rate and school
When the codend is full.
Bottom approximation to avoid net contact.
Net opening (using two depth sensors) and damage
Ambient water temperature at gear dept h.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Echo sounder
The built-in echo sounder will provide inform ation about depth,
bottom contours and the presence of fish below the vessel. The
echo sounder can use three frequencies; 38 kHz, 50 kHz and
200 kHz. Two frequencies can be operated simultanously.
The following operational modes are available
Standard mode: Range start is fixed, and the depth range
can be altered
Phased range mode: The range start can be adjusted, and the
current value is added to the depth range
Bottom lock: The echo sounder provides an expansion
window to study the echoes closest to the bottom.
Zoom: The echo sounder provides an expansion window to
study echoes in the water column.
A-scope: S ingle ping echo presentation
850-165186 / Rev.B
Graphic display
By means of the built-in echo sounder and the i nformation
provided by the analogue sensors, you can set up a graphic
display to give you a total overview of the underwater situation.
The graphic display presents the echogram at the bottom of the
screen while the numer ical sensor presentations are listed at the
top of the screen. The information from those sensors providing
analogue data (Depth, Height, Temperature and Spread) are
superimposed on the echogram.
Related topics
How to superimpose echo sounder data, page 80
How to superimpose marker lines, page 81
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The PI54 supports a range of display presentations. These are
the information elements that you can choose to see on each
Numeric display, page 33
Graphic display, page 41
Surface temperature, page 45
Status display, page 46
Echo sounder display, page 50
Highway display, page 53
Position display, page 54
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
Numeric display
The numeric display provides vital sensor data in large, easy to
read digits and symbols. In the following, all sensor
presentations are explained in d etail.
Note that depending on the window size, the sensor data may be
shown with different layouts, and even with some of the
information removed due to the limited space available.
This illustration shows a typical twin display setup with the numeric presentation from
six sensors on the left side and an echo sounder presentation on the right hand side.
The background colour for the numerical display presentations
can be selected individually from the palette. If the data from
the sensors are unstable, the presentations will use t he following
character presentations:
??? - The sensor provides uncertain readings.
±±± - No communication between Spread and Remote sens ors
***.* - No communication with the sensor.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Bottom Contact sensor presentation, page 35
Catch sensor presentation, page 36
Depth sensor presentation, page 37
Height sensor presentation, page 38
Spread sensor presentation, page 39
Temperature sensor presentation, page 40
To change presentation parameters
The numeric presentations are controlled by the parameters
defined in the setup. To change these parameters, make the
presentation window active, and press the ADJ (Adjust) or ENT
button to access the Numeric setup page.
Related topics
Numeric setup, page 202
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
Bottom Contact presentation
The Bottom Contact sensor presentation is shown below.
(A) The character and the number identifies the type of sensor,
and which identification number the sensor has on the PI54
system. In this example, B4 means that it is a bottom contact
sensor, and that it is sensor no.4.
(B) Status field. The three ar rows display “bottom contact”,
graphically represented by the black or red downward pointing
arrows in contact with the horizontal black line. Upon loss of
bottom contact, the arrows will rise from the black line (s eabed)
and change colour from black to red. At the same time an
audible warning is sounded, and the timer starts. Bottom sensor
measurement range m ay be adjusted as necessary.
(C) Timer, records how many minutes that have elapsed since
the sensor lost bottom contact. If the bottom contact is regained,
the timer stops. It i s then restarted once the status changes again.
The timer must be manually restarted in the Numeric setup.
(D) Yellow pulse lamp blinks each time a signal is received
from the corresponding sensor.
(E) Interference warning, activated when the PI54 detects
interference from other nearby vessel(s) operating on the same
channel or with similar hydroacoustic equipment. Contact your
Simrad dealer to select a different frequency should t his
problem persist.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Catch presentation
The Catch sensor presentation is shown below.
Note: If you use more than one catch sensor in the trawl, make sure
that you configure them with different channel numbers, and
that you mount and read them in the correct order!
(A) The character and the number identifies the type of sensor,
and which identification number the sensor has on the PI54
system. In this example, C3 means that it is a catch sensor, and
that it is sensor no.3.
(B) Status field. A yellow rectangle means that the sensor has
not been activated yet. A red rectangle means that the trawl has
been filled with fish, and this has triggered the sensor. When the
indicator switches from yellow to red an audible alarm is
sounded, and the timer starts.
(C) Timer, records how many minutes that have elapsed since
the sensor was triggered. If the status switches from red back to
yellow, the timer stops. It is then restarted once the status
changes again. The timer must be manually restarted in the
Numeric setup.
(D) Yellow pulse lamp blinks each time a signal is received
from the corresponding sensor.
(E) Interference warning, activated when the PI54 detects
interference from other nearby vessel(s) operating on the same
channel or with similar hydroacoustic equipment. Contact your
Simrad dealer to select a different frequency should t his
problem persist.
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
Depth presentation
The Depth sensor presentation is shown below.
(A) The character and the number identifies the type of sensor,
and which identification number the sensor has on the PI54
system. In this example, D1 means that it is a depth sensor, and
that it is sensor no.1.
(B) Unit of measure. [m] means meter, [ft] means feet, [fm]
means fathoms and [pb] means braccia.
(C) Depth readout.
(D) Ascending or descending speed of the net shown in units per
minute. The direction is shown with the arrow (E). If the speed
is 0, the arrow is removed.
(E) Direction indicator for net movements.
(F) Graphic alarm. The direction of the triangle indicates if the
net depth should be increased or decreased with regard to the
selected alarm limits. If requested, this graphic alarm may be
accompanied with an audible alarms.
(G) Yellow pulse lamp blinks each time a signal is received
from the corresponding sensor.
(H) Interference warning, activated when the PI54 detects
interference from other nearby vessel(s) operating on the same
channel or with similar hydroacoustic equipment. Contact your
Simrad dealer to select a different frequency should t his
problem persist.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Height presentation
The Height sensor presentation is shown below.
(A) The character and the number identifies the type of sensor,
and which identification number the sensor has on the PI54
system. In this example, H1 means that it is a height sensor, and
that it is sensor no.1.
(B) Unit of measure. [m] means meter, [ft] means feet, [fm]
means fathoms and [pb] means braccia.
(C) Readout of the actual height between the sensor and the sea
(D) Speed of increasing or decreasing depth. The two arrows
(E) are used to indicate if t he distance is increasing or
decreasing. If the depth is constant and the speed is 0, the
arrows are removed.
(E) Depth increase/decrease indicators. If the two arrows point
towards each other (as shown in the example), the depth is
(F) Graphic alarm. The direction of the triangle indicates if the
depth should be increased or decreased with regard to the
selected alarm limits. If requested, this graphic alarm may be
accompanied with an audible alarms.
(G) Yellow pulse lamp blinks each time a signal is received
from the corresponding sensor.
(H) Interference warning, activated when the PI54 detects
interference from other nearby vessel(s) operating on the same
channel or with similar hydroacoustic equipment. Contact your
Simrad dealer to select a different frequency should t his
problem persist.
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
Spread presentation
The Spread sensor presentation is shown below.
(A) The character and the number identifies the type of sensor,
and which identification number the sensor has on the PI54
system. In this example, S3 means that it is a spread sensor, and
that it is sensor no.3.
(B) Unit of measure. [m] means meter, [ft] means feet, [fm]
means fathoms and [pb] means braccia.
(C) Readout of the actual distance between the two trawl doors.
(D) Increasing or decreasing distance s peed of the trawl door
distance shown in units per minute. The two arrows (E) are used
to indicate if the distance is increasing or decreasing. If the
distance is constant and the speed is 0, the arrows are removed.
(E) Distance increasing/decreasing indicators. If the two arrows
point away from each other (as shown in the example), the
distance is increasing.
(F) Graphic alarm. The direction of the triangle indicates if the
trawl door distance should be increased or decreased with regard
to the selected alarm limits. If requested, this graphic alarm may
be accom panied with an audible alarms.
(G) Yellow pulse lamp blinks each time a signal is received
from the corresponding sensor.
(H) Interference warning, activated when the PI54 detects
interference from other nearby vessel(s) operating on the same
channel or with similar hydroacoustic equipment. Contact your
Simrad dealer to select a different frequency should t his
problem persist.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Temperature presentation
The temperature sensor presentation is shown below.
(A) The character and the number identifies the type of sensor,
and which identification number the sensor has on the PI54
system. In this example, T2 means that it is a temperature
sensor, and that it is sensor no.2.
(B) Temperature readout.
(C) Unit of measure in Celcius or Fahrenheit. When
presentation space is limited, the unit of measure is shown in the
top left corner.
(D) Temperature trend, indicates if the temperature is falling or
rising. An arrow pointing up this indicates that the temperature
is i ncreasing, while an arrow pointing down indicates decreasing
(E) Graphic alarm. The direction of the triangle indicates if the
temperature is higher or lower than a predefined limit.
(F) Yellow pulse lamp blinks each time a signal is received from
the corresponding sensor.
(G) Interference warning, activated when the PI54 detects
interference from other nearby vessel(s) operating on the same
channel or with similar hydroacoustic equipment. Contact your
Simrad dealer to select a different frequency should t his
problem persist.
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
Graphic display
The graphic display provided by the PI54 offers an accurate
echo sounder combined with numeric readouts from the net
The graphic sounder display can be set up as a full screen
feature, but you can also set it up to be displayed in smaller
windows. Depending on the window size, the echo sounder and
sensor data may be shown with different layouts, and even with
some of the information removed due to the limited space
Note that some of the information provided by the graphic
presentation assumes that you have the relevant sensors
connected to your PI54 system.
This illustrations shows a graphic display with numerical information along the top,
and an echo sounder presentation below. Additional information f rom the sensors can
be superimposed on the echo sounder presentation.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The graphic display presentation will provide a lot of
information. The example shown above provides the following
(A) Numeric information
In this example, the information from a Bottom Contact sensor
is shown. The trawl has currently lifted off the seabed.
(B) Numeric information
In this example, the information from a Spread sensor is shown.
The trawl opening is currently 65.5 meters wide, but the
opening is decreasing by 13 meters per minute.
(C) Numeric information
In this example, the information from a Catch sensor is shown.
The sensor has been triggered, so we assume that the net is
about to be filled.
(D) Numeric information
In this example, the information from a Depth sensor is shown.
The current depth is 10.5 meters, and it is decreasing with 5
meters per minute.
(E) Numeric information
In this example, the information from a Temperature sensor is
shown. The current temperature is 1.5 degrees, and the
temperature is decreasing.
(F) Numeric information
In this example, the information from a Height sensor is shown.
The current distance from the head rope to the sea bottom is
32.8 meters, and the depth is decreasing by 3 meters per minute.
(G) Additional information
To switch this information bar on or off, use the Graphic setup.
From left, the following information is provided:
echo sounder frequency
transmit power
pulse width
ambient temperature
vessel speed
depth (depth under keel (DK) is shown in the example)
If you use the selector pad to adjust the depth of the VRM
(Variable range marker) or the echo s ounder receiver gain, it
will show you the current depth and gain settings while you do
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
(H) Time scale
Elapsed time since sounding (ping). Note that the time scale will
change depending on the chosen scroll speed. To switch the time
scale on or off, use the Graphic setup.
(I) Depth scale
In the Echo presentation setup, this scale can be set up change
automatically depending on the current depth. To open this
setup page, press the ENT button to open the Echo quick
(J) A-scope presentation
To switch this presentation on or off, press the ENT button t o
open the Echo quick menu.
(K) Colour scale
This scale shows how the echoes are presentes, The strongest
echoes are displayed using the colour on the top of the scale,
while the weakest echoes are displayed using the coloutrs at the
bottom of the scale. If you choose to see the temperature scale,
it will replace the colour scale.
(L) Bottom echo
In the example, the bottom contour is shown.
(M) Fish echo
In the example, small schools of fish can be seen.
Temperature scale: When reques ted, a temperature scale can be
displayed. It will then replace the colour scale. To switch the
temperature scale on or off, press t he ADJ button to open
Graphic setup, then select the Temperature menu.
Depth bars: Depth information from relevant sensors can be
shown as vertical bars on the right side of the display. The depth
bars will replace the A-scope presentation. Each vertical bar will
use the same colour as the current background colour of the
relevant numeric display. To switch the depth bars on or off,
press the ENT button to open the Echo quick menu.
Superimposed sensor information: You can make information
from the sensors appear on the graphic display. To do this, press
the ADJ button to access the Graphic setup, and choose the
Marker line and Trawl info menus. The information from the
sensors will appear as lines on the display, and each line will use
the same colour as the current background colour of the relevant
numeric display.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
To change presentation parameters
The graphic display presentation is controlled by the parameters
defined in the graphic and echo presentation setups.
To change the graphic parameters, press the ADJ button.
To access the Echo quick menu to switch A-Scope and
depth bars on and off, press the ENT button.
To change the echo presentation parameters, press the ENT
button to access the Echo quick menu, and then select Echo
presentation setup.
To change presentation units, press the MENU button to
open the main menu, and then select Speed alarm, units and
settings on the Setup menu.
Related topics
Graphic setup, page 184
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
Surface temperature
The Surface temperature display shows the current
temperature. By means of the graph it will also show you the
temperature history for the past minute. The presentation is
activated from the Fishery menu. To have this information
available, you mus t have the relevant temperature feeler
connected to your PI54 system. A suitable feeler is integrated
with several Simrad echo sounder transducers, or it may be
connected as a separate peripheral.
To change presentation parameters
The graphic display presentation is controlled by the parameters
defined in the setup. To change the surface temperature
parameters, press the ENT or ADJ buttons to access the
Surface temperature setup.
Related topics
Surface temperature setup, page 219
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Status display
The Status display shows sensor data, signal thresholds and
background noise levels providing an overview of present
hydro-acoustical conditions and the margin for reliable signal
detection. Other information displayed includes cable status,
program version, and echo sounder / position information.
Note that some of the information provided by the Status
display assumes that you have the relevant sensors connected to
and operational on your PI54 system.
The Status display can only be set up as a full screen feature.
Information fields
The information provided by the Status display can be divided
into five fields:
(A) = Numer ic information from the sensors
(B) = Upper status field
(C) = Frequency spectrum for noise monitoring
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
(D) = Gain indicators for the current sensors
(E) = Lower status f ield
(A) Numeric information
The numeric displays at the top of the Status display provide
the current information from the active sensors. Due to the lack
of space, the information from the sensors have been
abbreviated slightly. For a more detailed presentation, you must
select the the Numeric display presentation.
(B) Upper status field
The upper status field pr ovides an overview of key parameters.
Receiver setup: All the parameters on the left side are those
defined by the Receiver setup dialogue. To change these, press
the MENU button to access the Setup menu (4), and select
Receiver setup (6).
SW: This sentence provides the current software version in your
PI54 system. Main is the operational software providing the
user interface, µC is the P I54 microcontroller, while DSP is the
software controlling the digital signal processor, that is the
reception and interpretation of sensor information.
Max sh. speed: This is the maximum shooting speed as defined
in the Receiver setup dialogue.
Demo: This entry shows you if the sensor demonstration mode
has been activated. To switch the Demo mode on or off, access
the Sensor setup.
Last received ch: This entry shows you which of the sensors
that last provided information to the PI54.
Error: This is simply an error code. This information is
provided for test purposes only. Unless a software error occurrs,
the code will be 0 (zero).
Hydrophone: A yellow indicator is provided when the
hydrophone is connected and fully operational. If the indicator
is red, a short circuit has occurred. If the indicator is black, the
PI54 has lost electrical contact with the hydrophone.
NMEA1/2: Any information accepted by the NMEA interface
will provide a green indicator. If the indicator is black, the PI54
is currently not receiving input traffic, however, information
may still be exported continuosly.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
(C) Frequency spectrum
This graph provides you with information about the background
noise and the signal strength of the frequency band or channel
number selected. Each vertical bar represents the background
noise for the given frequency or channel, and the level is
measured continuously.
To select spectrum display, press the ADJ button to open the
Status setup dialogue, and select Spectrum, display to show
Frequency or Channel. In most cases a Channel view will be
most useful to you.
This function is very useful if you have too much noise and this
makes the communication with the sensor unreliable. Switch off
as much electrical, mechanical and acoustic gear and equipment
as possible. Then, switch the systems on again one by one while
keeping an eye on the frequency spectrum. When the “noisy”
system is activated, it is most likely easy to see!
Note that the frequency spectrum presentation depends on the
Interference filter setting.
(D) Gain indicators
There are six gain indicators, one for each of the current
sensors. At the top of each indicator you can see sensor number
and sensor type, at the bottom you can see the sensor’s
communication channel and current update rate.Green colour
indicates that the reception of signals and noise is within normal
specifications. Red colour indicates that the received signal
exceeds the minimum level required for reception, this is
therefore not an error message.
For the technical minded: When no sensors have been deployed,
the indicators will present the mean noise level. This is the noise
in the surrounding water, caused by mechanical, electrical,
acoustic and natural disturbances. This noise level should be as
low as possible. When a sensor in the water transmits its
information back to the PI54, this is indicated as the green
indicator extends above the mean noise level. In order for the
reception circuitry to accept and recognize the signal, it must be
stronger than a predefined minimum level. The level is normally
referred to as the detection level. If the signal is stronger than
the detection level, the indicator bar will change colour to red.
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
(E) Lower status field
The lower status field provides an overview of key parameters.
Geographical location: At the left side of the field, the curret
geographic location is provided. Note that this information can
only be displayed if a positioning system has been connected to
the PI54.
COG: Current course over ground. Note that the course
information can only be provided if the relevant sensor (GPS)
has been connect ed to the PI54.
SOG: Current speed over ground. Note that the speed
information can only be provided if the relevant sensor (GPS)
has been connect ed to the PI54.
Water speed: Current speed in the water. Note that the speed
information can only be provided if the relevant sensor (GPS or
speed l og) has been connected t o the PI54.
Echo 38kHz: This entry provides the current status of the low
frequency echo sounder, as well as its current pulse length and
detection threshold.
Echo 200kHz: This entry provides the current status of the high
frequency echo sounder, as well as its current pulse length and
detection threshold.
Water temp: This entry provides the current water temperature.
Note that this information can only be provided if the relevant
sensor have been connected to the PI54.
Time and date: This entry is a readout of the current time and
Related topics
Receiver setup, page 208
Status setup, page 218
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Echo sounder display
The PI54 offers an accurate echo sounder with a colour display.
The echo sounder can operate on 38, 50 or 200 kHz, and with
two frequencies simultanously. In order to enjoy the echo
sounder functionality, you must have one or two echo sounder
transducers installed.
Note that some of the information provided by the echo sounder
presentation assumes that you have the relevant sensors
connected to your PI54 system.
The echo sounder display can be set up as a full screen feature,
but you can also set it up to be displayed in smaller windows.
Depending on the window size, the echo sounder data may be
shown with different layouts, and even with some of the
information removed due to the limited space available.
The following information is provided in t he echo sounder
(A) Current primary technical parameters.
(B) Current course.
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
(C) Current ambient air temperature.
(D) Current vessel speed
(E) Current wind speed
(F) Depth under keel
(G) Time scale: Elapsed time since sounding (p ing). Note that
the time scale will change depending on the chosen scroll speed.
(H) Depth scale: This scale can be set up change aut omatically
depending on the current depth.
(I) A-scope presentation.
(J) Colour scale. This scale shows how the echoes are presentes,
The strongest echoes are displayed using the colour on the top
of the scale, while the weakest echoes are displayed u sing the
coloutrs at the bottom o f the scale.
(K) Bottom echo
(L) Fish echo
The presentation is controlled by the parameters defined in the
presentation setup. To change these parameters, press the ENT
button to open the Echo quick menu, and choose Echo
presentation setup. To change presentation units, press the
MENU button to open the main menu, and then select Speed
alarm, units and settings on the Setup menu.
In the Echo sounder setup you can change the readout for
current depth (F), and you can disable the time scale. These
setup parameters a re available on the Setup menu.
Bottom expansion
The PI54 provides a Bottom expansion function. When enabled
the vertical area close to the seabed is expanded. The resulting
presentation will not show the depth variations, as the bottom
will appear flat. However, echoes close to the bottom will be
enhanced. Note that the depth range in this presentation will be
“upside down”, as the seabed is defined a s level “0”.
To enable the Bottom expansion function, press t he B-LCK
button on the keypad. To disable it, press the STND button. The
vertical depth range of the bottom expansion function is
controlled by the Expansion window parameter in the Echo
presentation setup.PresstheADJ button to access this setup
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The PI54 provides an A-Scope function. This presentation
provides the echo from the latest ping only. The strength of the
returned signal from various depths in the water column are
indicated by the horizontal deflections from the Y-axis. This
presentation is very useful if you wish to search for single fish,
as those echoes are hard to see on the regular echogram. Also,
the presentation will give an indication on how strong the
various echoes are.
To enable this function, press the ENT button to open the Echo
quick menu, and select Activate A-Scope. To disable it, select
Hide A-Scope on the same menu.
To change presentation parameters
The echo sounder presentation is controlled by the parameters
defined in the setup. To change these parameters, make the
presentation window active, and press the ADJ ( Adjust) to
access the Echo presentation setup page. You can also press
the ENT key to access the Echo quick menu, and select the
Echo presentation setup there.
The technical parameters for the echo sounder are located on the
Echo sounder setup page. To access, pres s the MENU button,
and select Echo sounder setup on the Setup menu.
Related topics
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Echo sounder setup, page 180
Display modes
850-165186 / Rev.B
Highway display
The navigation display provided by the PI54 offers all key
information related to waypoint navigation. Note that the
information provided by this presentation assumes that you have
the relevant sensor (GPS) connected to your PI54 system.
The navigation display can be set up as a full screen feature, but
you can also set it up to be displayed in smaller windows.
The following information is
provided by the navigation
(A) “C” is the current course
over ground, while “B” is the
course to the next waypoint.
(B) “X” is the cross-track error,
while D” is the distance to the
next waypoint.
(C) ”S is the current speed
over ground, while “V” is the
speed towards the next
(D) These are the crosstrack
error alarm lines.
(E) The ideal course line
between the two waypoints.
To change presentation parameters
The presentation is controlled by the parameters defined in the
PI54 setup. To change these parameters, press the ADJ or ENT
button to open the Navigation setup page.
To access the Pilot/Position parameters, press the MENU
button to access the main menu. Then. select Pilot/Position
Setup on the Setup menu.
Related topics
Navigation setup, page 200
Pilot/Position setup, page 200
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Position display
The Position display provided by the PI54 offers all key
information related to safe navigation on one display
presentation. Note that the information provided by the Position
display assumes that you have the relevant sensors (GSP and
temperature feeler) connected to your PI54 system.
The Position display can be set up as a full screen feature, but
you can also set it up to be displayed in smaller windows.
The following information is
provided by the position
Water temperature: The
temperature will only be
available if the applicable
temperature feeler is connected
to the PI54.
Two individual distance logs:
Both distance logs can be reset
using the setup parameters.
Current g eographical
position: If the position fails to
be updated, the characters will
Current speed, course a nd d e pth: This information will only
be available if the applicable sensors have been connected to the
Local time and date
External POS: This is the current status of the satellite
reception. The character “A” means that the reception is good,
“B” means that the reception i s acceptable, and “C” means that
it is poor. If there is no reception, the message Not valid will be
To change presentation parameters
The presentation is controlled by the parameters defined in the
PI54 setup. To change these parameters, press the ADJ or ENT
buttons to open the Position display setup page. To access the
Pilot/Position parameters, press the MENU button to access the
main menu. Then. select Pilot/Position Setup on the Setup
Related topics
Position display setup, page 206
Pilot/Position setup, page 200
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
This chapter will provide you with basic procedures in order to
help you set up the most common functions and parameters in
the PI54.
Sensor procedures
How to show or hide the graphic
alarm, page 56
How to show or hide the sensor timers,
page 56
How to r eset the sensor timers,
page 56
How to change background colour,
page 56
How to set up the sensors, page 58
How to mount the sensors on the net,
page 61
How to use the sensors, page 62
How to replace the sacrificial water
switch, page 63
How to test the sensors, page 64
How to calibrate the Depth sensor,
page 65
How to define sensor offsets, page 66
How to set up a Spread sensor for a
twin trawl, page 67
How to set up a Spread sensor for a
dual twin trawl, page 72
Graphic display procedures
How to access graphic display
parameters, page 79
How to view echo sounder data,
page 80
How to set up marker lines, page 81
How to use the special features for
trawl markers, page 86
Echo sounder procedures
How to access echo sounder
parameters, page 88
How to use visual aids and filters,
page 89
How to define range, page 91
How to zoom in on bottom echoes,
page 93
How to zoom in on pelagic echoes,
page 94
How to activate the A-Scope
presentation, page 95
Common procedures
How to define alarm limits, page 96
How to select menu language, page 99
How to control automatic page
rotation, page 100
How to restore default settings, page
How to personalize your system,
page 102
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to define sensor presentation
The information from the various sensors are provided by the
Numerical display, where each sensor is presented in its own
rectangular data winsow.
How to show or hide the graphic alarm
1 Ensure that you have a Nu meric display presentation in
your active window.
2 Press the ADJ button to open the Numeric setup
3 Switch Show graphic alarm on or off.
4 Press the ENT button to save the parameters and exit.
How to show or hide the sensor timers
Sensor timers are only used on Catch and Bottom Contact
1 Ensure that you have a Nu meric display presentation in
your active window.
2 Press the ADJ button to open the Numeric setup
3 Switch Sensor timer on or off.
4 Press the ENT button to save the parameters and exit.
How to reset the sensor timers
Sensor timers are only used on Catch and Bottom Contact
1 Ensure that you have a Nu meric display presentation in
your active window.
2 Press the ADJ button to open the Numeric setup
3 Set R eset sensor timers to YES.
4 Press the ENT button to save the parameter and exit.
5 Press the ENT button one more time to accept the process.
The next time you access the Numeric setup dialogue, the value
for Reset sensor timers is NO.
How to change the background colour
You can change the background colours on the rectangular data
windows in order to easily distingush them from each other.
1 Press the ENT button to open the manin menu.
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
2 On the Setup menu, select Palette setup.
3 Observe the first palette page appear. It contains fixed
colours, which can not be altered. Press the + button
repeatedly until you reach a custom page.
4 By means of the circular Selector pad and the + and -
buttons, select the requested colour(s).
5 Press the ENT button to accept the choice.
Related topics
Numeric setup, page 202
Numeric display, page 33
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to set up the sensors
The very first time you switch on the PI54, you will need to set
up the sensor conf iguration. This will also be required if you
perform a “master reset” on the PI54, and then reload the
manufacturer’s default settings.
Observe the following procedure to establish the most common
values. For more detailed information about the settings, refer to
the References chapter.
Note: In order to establish the sensor configuration, you need to know
what kind of sensors you have, which channels they
communicate on, and how often they communicate. This
information is required before you start the configuration on the
Note: Do not attempt to set up the sensors unless this is absolutely
We strongly suggest that you use the forms in the front of this
manual to write down t he sensor you have with information
about their update rates and communication channels.
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Open the Setup menu (4), and select Sensor setup (5).
3 Press the ENT key to bypass the warning page.
4 For each of the sensors you shall use, select the following
a Set Sensor type to SINGLE to activate the sensor.
b Set Update rate FAST, SLOW or NORMAL
c Set Measure to chosen sensor type.
d Set Channel to correct communication channel for the
chosen sensor.
5 For operational use, make sure that Demo mode is set to
6 When you have defined the sensors, press the ENT
buttom to save the changes and exit.
If you configure less then six sensors, you will be able to set the
Sensor parameter to Dual. You can not use this setting. Dual
sensors are not yet available, and this functionality is not yet
supported by the digital signal processing in the PI54. The
ability to choose Dual is implemented for future expansion only,
and any attempt to choose this setting will not work.
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Predefined settings
Each sensor is delivered with a predefined setup. This setup
transmission channel for the acoustic communication link
between the sensor and the vessel’s hydrophone
update rate; how often the sensor sends its readings back to
the PI54 system.
To change the sensor setup, you can call your local Simrad
dealer, or you can do it yourself if you have the proper
equipment, training and the PI Configurator software.
Changing a transmission channel
It may be required to change one or more transmission channels,
and there may be many reasons for this.
You have more than one of each sensor. For example, if you
have three temperature sensors, they MUST communicate on
three different channels.
Other vessels near your use the same PI54 system (or a
similar), and they have one or more of their sensors set up to
the same communication channels as you have. This will
create interference, as you will “read” each others sensors.
If your sensors are set up to use communication channels too
close to each other (for example, you have chosen channels
4, 5 and 6), this will limit the vessel’s speed. The reason for
this is the doppler effect. If the speed is too high, the doppler
will cause the transmission frequencies to change so much
that they overlap, and this will create interference. The PI54
will provide a warning if this is about to happen! You must
then either change to other c ommunication channels further
apart, or reduce the maximum shooting speed.
If you operate at the maximum range of the sensors, you may
be able to increase this range slightly if you use lower
communication channels. This is because the l ower
communication channels user lower transmission
Changing the update rate
It may be required to change the update rate on a sensor, that is
how often it sends information back to the PI54 system. A high
update rate will give frequent information updates, but the
sensor will use more battery power. If you need your batteries to
last as long as possible, you must consider lowering the update
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
A low update rate will provide you with fewer information
updates, but the battery will last very long.
A high update rate will give you frequent information
updates, but the battery will run out faster.
All sensors are provided from Simrad with a default update rate
setting. In some cases you may find that this update rate does
not suit your operational needs. This is a decision you have to
make depending on the local fishing conditions.
How to change the sensor setup
To change the sensor setup, you can call your local Simrad
dealer, or you can do it yourself if you have the proper
equipment, training and the PI Configurator software.
Related topics
Sensor setup, page 215
Max shooting speed, page 208
PI Configurator, page 226
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to mount the sensors on the net
Once the sensor has been coded correctly, you must mount it on
the net. The mounting instructions for each sensor is provided in
the Sensors chapter, and the same information can also be found
on the Quick Reference Guide for each sensor.
Related topics
Sensors overview, page 103
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to use the sensors
Once the sensors have been coded and installed on the net, they
will automatically be switched on once they are submerged into
water. The PI54 will then automatically retreive information
from them, and provided that you have chosen the correct
display presentation, the information will be provided to you.
The various applications available to you with the different
sensors are explained in the Getting started and Applications
Display presentation
How to set up the display to see the information provided by the
sensors are described in the Getting started chapters. The
various modes are explained in detail in the Display modes
Practical information
The practical information about the various sensors is provided
in the Sensors chapter, and the same information can also be
found on the Quick Reference Guide for each sensor.
Related topics
Getting started: Presentation pages, page 13
Getting started: Sensors, page 20
Applications, page 25
Sensors overview, page 103
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to replace the sacrificial water switch
All PI and PS sensors are equipped with a water switch, and two
different types are used. If your sensors are equipped with a
brass screw, observe the following procedure for replacement.
1 Turn the sensor upside down, and locate the brass screw.
2 Inspect the screw for wear and tear. If required, replace
the screw.
A standard commercial brass screw is used. Local supply will
normally be available, but the following specifications must be
Brass, Size M5x10, DIN85A, rounded head
Before a new screw is inserted, Aqua Shield (or a similar
underwater lubricant) must be applied. Due to the size of the
tube, we recommend that the grease is applied from a syringe.
1 Apply Aqua Shield to the screw threads.
2 Insert the screw, mount firmly, but not too hard.
3 Use maximum torque 1.5 NM
A pack with ten screws and a tube of Aqua Shield can be
ordered from Simrad as a spare parts kit.
Aqua Shield is manufactured by D.A.Stuart, Warrenville,
Illinois, USA (www.d-a-stuart.com).
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to test the sensors
By using the PI Configurator, you can test the operational status
of each sensor. Test procedures for all the sensors have been
provided in a separate chapter in this m anual.
Note that PI and PS sensors are tested using the same
Related topics
PI Configurator, page 226
Test procedures, page 265
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to calibrate the Depth sensor
Only the Depth sensor can be calibrated. The purpose is to
ensure that the depth reported by the sensor is as accurate as
This procedure is carried out onboard the vessel.
1 Mount a rope to the top fastening lugs on the sensor.
2 Tighten the rope, and measure one meter from the bottom
of the sensor to a spot on the rope. Place a visual marker
on the rope at that location.
3 Lower the sensor over the side of the vessel and into the
water. Lower it until the visual marker on the rope is even
with the surface.
4 On the PI54, observe the numerical presentation of the
sensor, and allow the reading to stabilize itself.
5 On the PI54, press the MENU button to open the Main
6 Press 4 to open the Setup menu, and 4 againtoopenthe
Sensor alarm/calibration dialogue.
7 Press the GAIN+ button three -3- times to access the
Depth calibration dialogue.
8 Set Depth sensor calibration to YES.
9 Press the ENT button to accept the choice, and one more
time to acknowledge.
10 Observe the information page. Press the ENT button once
again to proceed.
11 Leave the sensor hanging from the rope for minimum two
minutes. Meanwhile, observe that the numerical
presentation shows grey characters only.
12 On the PI54, observe that the numerical presentation of
the Depth sensor is stable, and shows 1 meter.
13 Retrieve the sensor from the water.
Note: In order to calibrate the sensor, it must be submerged in salt
You may wish to use a different depth reference t han the sea
surface. If this is the case, change the marking on the rope to fit
you preference, for example the depth of the keel or the depth of
an echo sounder transducer.
Related topics
How to define sensor offsets, page 66
Depth calibration, setup, page 176
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to define sensor offsets
Only the Depth and Spread sensors can have their offset values
adjusted. The pur pose is to allow you to compensate for known
You may wish to insert a Depth sensor offset to line up the
depth readings from the sensor with those from your echo
sounder. If the echo sounder transducer is located X meters
below the surface, the Depth sensor should have the same offset
Note: If you have performed a Depth sensor calibration, you will see
than an offset value may already be present. This value has been
provided by the calibration routine.
1 On the PI54, press the MENU button to open the main
2 Press 4 to open the Setup menu, and 4 againtoopenthe
Sensor alarm/calibration dialogue.
3 Press the GAIN+ button four -4- times to access the
Offset adjust dialogue.
4 Enter the required values.
5 Press the ENT button to save the parameters and exit.
Related topics
Offset adjust, setup, page 203
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to set up a Twin Spread sensor for
twin trawl applications
By means of the Twin Spread sensor, you can set up your PI54
to monitor the openings on a twin trawl. Apart from the Twin
Spread sens or, you will also need two Remote sensors.
Sensor configuration
The Twin Spread and Remote sensors are supplied in sets, and
they MUST operate in these sets. The sets are:
Twin Spread 1 uses two Remote sensors; Remote 1 and
Remote 3.
Twin Spread 2 uses two Remote sensors; Remote 2 and
Remote 4.
When supplied from the manufacturer, all Twin Spread sensors
are set up as Twin Spread 1. If you wish to use a Twin Spread 2,
your dealer (or yourself) must reconfigure the sensor using the
PI Configurator application.
Communication channels and update rate
Each Twin Spread se nsor will communicate on two channels,
one for each of the two distances the sensor measures. B y
default, these communication channels ar e set to 02 and 07.
Channel 02 is used to measure the distance to Remote 1.
Channel 07 is used to measure the distance to Remote 3.
By default, both communication channels are set up with Fast
update rate. In order to increase the lifetime between each
sensor charging, you may consider changing to Normal update
If you wish to reconfigure the settings, your dealer (or yourself)
must use the PI Configurator application.
Placing the sensors on the trawl
The Twin Spread sensor must be mounted on the port trawl
door, and the three communication transducers on the sensor
must not be obstructed. Ensure that you have a clear line of
sight between the tip of the Twin Spread sensor and the vessel,
and between the Twin Spread se nsor and the two Remote
Remote 1 is placed on the centre clump.
Remote 3 is placed on the starboard door.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
This configuration will allow the Twin Spread sensor to measure
the distance from the port door to the centre clump directly. It
will also measure the distance between the two trawl doors. In
order to calculate the distance between the centre clump and the
starboard door, you must perform the required settings on the
(P) = Port trawl
(S) = Starboard trawl
(C) = Port trawl door with the Twin Spread 1 sensor mounted.
(D) = Centre clump with Remote 1 mounted.
(E) = Starboard trawl door with Remote 3 mounted.
(F) = Forward
(1) = Distance between port trawl door and centre clump,
measured direcly by the Twin Spread sensor.
(2) = Distance between the centre clump and the starboard
trawl door, must be calculated by the PI54 system.
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor setup
Observe the procedure below to set up a Twin Spread
configuration with its default settings.
In this procedur e, sensors 1 and 2 are used, and no other sensors
are shown. Due to the fact that the Twin Spread sensor occupy
two communication channels, the setup program requires that it
is configured as if it was two separate sensors, but not
necessarily sensors 1 and 2. The remaining four channels can be
used for other sensors.
We strongly suggest that you use the forms in the front of this
manual to write down t he sensor you have with information
about their update rates and communication channels.
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Open the Setup menu (4), and select Sensor setup (5).
3 Press the ENT key to bypass the warning page.
4 To configure the Twin Spread sensor, enter the following
a Set Sensor 1 type to SINGLE to activate the sensor.
b Set Update 1 rate to FAST.
c Set Measure 1 to SPREAD.
d Set Channel to 02.
e Set Sensor 2 type to SINGLE to activate the sensor.
f Set Update 2 rate to FAST.
g Set Measure 2 to SPREAD.
h Set Channel to 07.
5 For operational use, make sure that Demo mode is set to
6 When you have defined the sensors, press the ENT
buttom to save the changes and exit.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
According to the sensor locations previously described, Spread
1 will now measure the distance from the port trawl door to the
centre clump, while Spread 2 will measure the distance from the
port trawl door to the starboard trawl door.
Readout adjustments
It is necessary to set certain parameters in order to have the PI54
to calculate the distance from the centre clump to the starboard
trawl door.
Headrope sensor:
Footrope sensor:
Trawl opening mode:
Clump sensor:
Door sensor:
Manual trawl marker:
Trawl info
Trawl data in additional info:
Type of trawl data:
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Press the WIN button to select a full screen presentation.
3 Open the Fishery menu, and select a Graphic display.
4 Press the ADJ button to open the Graphic setup.
5 Press the PAGE+ button three -3- times to access the
Trawl info dialoge.
6 Locate the Clump sensor setting, select SPREAD 1.
- As p reviously defined and described, sensor Spread 1
measures the distance between the port trawl door and
the centre clump.
7 Locate the Door sensor setting, select SPREAD 2.
- As p reviously defined and described, sensor Spread 2
measures the distance between the port and the
starboard trawl doors. This setting allows the PI54 to
calculate the distance between the clump and the
starboard trawl door.
8 Locate Trawl data in additional info, select ON.
9 Locate Type of trawl data, select SPREAD.
10 Press the ENT button to save the settings and exit.
Following the configuration and r eadout adjustments explained,
the following readouts are now available in the Graphic
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Numeric display: Rectangle S1 shows the distance between
the port trawl door and the centre clump. Rectangle S2 shows
the distance between the port trawl door and the starboard
trawl door.
Additional information: The information bar directly below
the numeric rectangles displays the abbreviation TS and a
value. This value represents the distance between the centre
clump and the starboard trawl door.
Related topics
Twin Spread, page 148
Sensor setup, page 215
Traw l info, page 223
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to set up two Twin Spread sensors
for dual twin trawl application
By means of two Twin Spread sensors, you can set up your PI54
to monitor the four openings on a dual twin trawl. Apart from
the two Twin Spread sensors, you will also need four Remote
(A) = Twin trawl Alpha (Port)
(B) = Twin trawl Bravo (Starboard)
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor configuration
The Twin Spread and Remote sensors are supplied in sets, and
they MUST operate in these sets. The sets are:
Twin Spread 1 uses two Remote sensors; Remote 1 and
Remote 3.
Twin Spread 2 uses two Remote sensors; Remote 2 and
Remote 4.
When supplied from the manufacturer, all Twin Spread sensors
are set up as Twin Spread 1. You will now need to use Twin
Spread 2 as well, and your dealer (or yourself) must reconfigure
aTwinStread1sensorusingthePI Configurator application.
Communication channels and update rate
Each Twin Spread se nsor will communicate on two channels,
one for each of the two distances the sensor measures. B y
default, these communication channels ar e set to 02 and 07.
Channel 02 on Twin Spread 1 is used to measure the
distance to Remote 1.
Channel 07 on Twin Spread 1 is used to measure the
distance to Remote 3.
By default, both communication channels are set up with Fast
update rate. In order to increase the lifetime between each
sensor charging, you may consider changing to Normal update
When you reconfigure a Twin Spread 1 sensor to act as a Twin
Spread 2, you must also choose two additional communication
channels. You can choose any channels available on your
In this description we will use channels 09 and 11 as follows:
Channel 09 on Twin Spread 2 is used to measure the
distance to Remote 2.
Channel 11 on Twin Spread 2 is used to measure the
distance to Remote 4.
If you wish to reconfigure the settings, your dealer (or yourself)
must use the PI Configurator application. Make sure that the
channels you choose ar e not used by any of your other sensors!
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Only twin trawl Alpha (port) is shown.
(P) = Port trawl
(S) = Starboard trawl
(C) = Port trawl door with the Twin Spread 1 sensor mounted.
(D) = Centre clump with Remote 1 mounted.
(E) = Starboard trawl door with Remote 3 mounted.
(F) = Forward
(1) = Distance between port trawl door and centre clump,
measured direcly by the Twin Spread sensor.
(2) = Distance between the centre clump and the starboard
trawl door, must be calculated by the PI54 system.
Placing the sensors on the trawl
The two twin trawls are referred to as Alpha (port) and Bravo
On the twin trawl Alpha, the Twin Spread 1 sensor must be
mounted on the port trawl door, and the three communication
transducers on the sensor must not be obstructed.
Remote 1 is placed on the centre clump of Alpha.
Remote 3 is placed on the starboard door of Alpha.
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
On twin trawl Bravo, the Twin Spread 2 sensor must be
mounted on the port trawl door, and the three communication
transducers on the sensor must not be obstructed.
Remote 2 is placed on the centre clump of Bravo.
Remote 4 is placed on the starboard door of Bravo.
This configuration will allow the Twin Spread sensors on each
dual trawl Alpha and Bravo to measure the distance from the
port door to the centre clump directly. It will also measure the
distance between the two trawl doors.
In order to calculate the distance between the centre clump and
the starboard door, you must perform the necessary settings on
the PI54. This is however only possible with one of the twin
trawls, as the current software version does not support this
Sensor setup
Observe the procedure below to set up a Twin Spread
configuration with the settings defined above.
In this procedur e, sensors 1, 2, 3 and 4 are used, and no other
sensors are shown. Due to the fact that each Twin Spread sensor
occupy two communication channels, the setup program
requires that each sensor is configured as if it was two separate
sensors, but not necessarily sensors 1 through 4. The remaining
two channels can be used for other sensors.
We strongly suggest that you use the forms in the front of this
manual to write down t he sensor you have with information
about their update rates and communication channels.
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Open the Setup menu (4), and select Sensor setup (5).
3 Press the ENT key to bypass the warning page.
4 To configure the Twin Spread sensor, enter the following
a Set Sensor 1 type to SINGLE to activate the sensor.
b Set Update 1 rate to FAST.
c Set Measure 1 to SPREAD.
d Set Channel to 02.
e Set Sensor 2 type to SINGLE to activate the sensor.
f Set Update 2 rate to FAST.
g Set Measure 2 to SPREAD.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
h Set Channel to 07.
i Set Sensor 3 type to SINGLE to activate the sensor.
j Set Update 3 rate to FAST.
k Set Measure 3 to SPREAD.
l Set Channel to 09.
m Set Sensor 4 type to SINGLE to activate the sensor.
n Set Update 4 rate to FAST.
o Set Measure 4 to SPREAD.
p Set Channel to 11.
5 For operational use, make sure that Demo mode is set to
6 When you have defined the sensors, press the ENT
buttom to save the changes and exit.
According to the sensor locations previously described, the
following m easurements are made:
Twin trawl Alpha (port): Spread 1 will measure the
distance from the port trawl door to the centr e clump, while
Spread 2 will measure t he distance from the port trawl door
to the starboard trawl door of the por t twin trawl.
Twin trawl Bravo (starboard): S pread 3 will measure the
distance from the port trawl door to the centr e clump, while
Spread 4 will measure t he distance from the port trawl door
to the starboard trawl door of the starboard twin trawl.
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Readout adjustments
It is necessary to set certain parameters in order to have the PI54
to calculate the distance from the centre clump to the starboard
trawl door.
Note: This is however only possible for one twin trawl, not for both.
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Press the WIN button to select a full screen presentation.
3 Open the Fishery menu, and select a Graphic display.
4 Press the ADJ button to open the Graphic setup.
5 Press the PAGE+ button three -3- times to access the
Trawl info dialoge.
6 Locate the Clump sensor setting, select Spread 1 (or
Spread 3)
- As p reviously defined and described, sensor Spread 1
measures the distance between the port trawl door and
the centre clump.
7 Locate the Door sensor setting, select Spread 2 (or
Spread 4)
- As p reviously defined and described, sensor Spread 2
measures the distance between the port and the
starboard trawl door. This setting allows the PI54 to
calculate the distance between the clump and the
starboard trawl door.
8 Locate Trawl data in additional info, select Yes.
9 Locate Type of trawl data,selectSpread.
10 Press the ENT button to save the settings and exit.
Following the configuration and r eadout adjustments explained,
the following readouts are now available in the Graphic
Numeric display:
- Rectangle S1 shows the distance between the port door
and t he centre clump on twin trawl Alpha (port).
- Rectangle S2 shows the distance between the port and
starboard trawl doors on twin trawl Alpha (port).
- Rectangle S3 shows the distance between the port door
and the centre clump on twin trawl Bravo (starboard).
- Rectangle S4 shows the distance between the port and
starboard trawl doors on twin trawl Bravo (starboard).
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Additional information: The information bar directly below
the numeric rectangles displays the abbreviation TS and a
value. This value represents the distance between the centre
clump and the starboard trawl door on the chosen port (or
starboard) trawl.
Related topics
Twin Spread, page 148
Sensor setup, page 215
Traw l info, page 223
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to access graphic display parameters
The various parameters defining the Graphic display
presentation are controlled from the following dialogues:
Graphic setup
Marker line
Trawl info
Trawl calculator
How to use the most common parameters are explained in
separate procedures.
1 Make sure that you have a Graphic display presentation in
your active window.
2 Press the ADJ button to open the Graphic setup
3 Press the GAIN+ button repeatedly to open the various
setup dialogues.
Related topics
Graphic setup, page 184
Temperature setup, page 220
Marker line setup, page 197
Trawl calculator, page 221
Traw l info setup, page 223
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
When you have chosen the Graphic display presentation, you
can choose to superimpose the information from the echo
sounder. This feature allows you to see where your sensors are
located in relation to the bottom and fish echoes. Note that this
feature will only work if you have mounted an echo sounder
transducer to the PI54.
1 Make sure that a Graphic display presentation is active.
2 Press the ADJ button to open the Graphic setup
3 Locate the setting Superimpose echo sounder, and set the
option to ON.
4 Press the ENT button to save the setting and close the
Related topics
Graphic setup, page 184
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to set up marker lines
When you have chosen the Graphic display presentation, you
can choose to superimpose the information from the echo
sounder, and then add marker lines to see where your sensors
are located in relation to the bottom and fish echoes. Note that
the echo sounder data will only appear if you have mounted an
echo sounder transducer to the PI54.
The following parameters will affect the way the marker lines
are displayed:
Width - you can select how thick (in pixels) each marker line
shall be.
Delay - The echo sounder information is provided by the
transducer, and this transducer is located under the vessel.
The sensors are located on the gear, which may be positioned
several hundred meters behind the vessel. To adjust for this
delay, you can enter a value for Marker line delay.Youmust
calculate this value (in minutes) based on the vessel’s speed,
the wire length and the depth of the gear.
Alternatively, you can use the built-in Trawl caluclator to
find the correct delay.
Colour - The colour of the marker line is automatically set to
the current Numeric display background colour for the same
sensor. To change that colour, you must access the Display
colour setup page from the Setup menu.
Expanded view: With the setting Sensor marker in
expansion active, the Depth and Height marker lines are
shown in the expanded areas (Bottom lock, Zoom and Shift),
and thus easier to read. This is a useful feature when the
sensor is towed close to the bottom, and it is particulary
important for the Height sensor.
Marker white zone: When this setting is enabled, white
pixels are added above and under the marker line to make it
easier to distinguish it from the background colours.
Height marker in main echogram: This setting is special
for Height sensors. If you have a Height sensor on the top of
a bottom trawl and the trawl opening is small, it may be
difficult to tell the Height marker from the bottom echo. If
this is the case, set this function to Off, and view the Height
marker in expanded mode only.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Height reference: The Height sensor measures the distance
from the headrope to the bottom. If you use the PI54 echo
sounder, set Height reference to Bottom (default), and the
height marker will follow the bottom contour. If you even
define the delay correctly, you will be able to see the trawl in
true motion. If you do not have en active echo sounder, set
Height reference to Surface. The height will then be shown
with 0 m depth as reference, and the marker line will appear
as a nearly straight line some distance below 0 meters. The
distance from the 0 meter line and down to the marker line
will be the current height of the trawl.
(A) = Numeric depth display, Sensor “4D” (Depth)
(B) = Marker line from Depth sensor”4D”
(C) = Numeric depth display, Sensor “6D” (Depth). A different
background colour has been chosen to tell the marker lines
(D) = Marker line from Depth sensor”6D”
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Access to the marker line parameters
1 Make sure that a Graphic display presentation is active.
2 Press the ADJ button to open the Graphic setup
3 Press the GAIN+ button until the Marker line setup
dialogue appears.
4 Observe the list of sensors. Only the sensors capable of
providing data for marker lines are listed.
Trawl calculator
In order to calculate the correct delay, we suggest that you use
the built-in Trawl calculator. Observe the following procedure:
1 Press the GAIN+ button to access the Trawl calculator
setup page.
2 Set Trawl calculator mode to Auto.
3 Set Towing speed to Auto.
- In order to retrieve speed information, the relevant
equipment (GPS) must be interfaced to your PI54.
- When you read the speed information from a GPS, the
information is very accurate. Due to the fact that the
trawl calculations are made continuously, even the
slightest change in speed will be reflected on the
display presentation, and you may experience that the
markers fluctuate. If this is a pr oblem, enter the
average vessel speed manually.
4 If you run a pelagic trawl, set Trawl depth to Manual,
and enter the mean depth.
5 If you run a bottom trawl, you can set the Trawl depth to
Bottom, and read the depth from the echo sounder.
- If a transducer is connected to the PI54, the trawl
calculator will update the delay based on the data from
the echo sounder.
6 Enter the Wire length. In most cases, this is the length
from the stern of the vessel to the trawl doors.
7 Enter the Wire length offset. This is the distance from the
trawl doors to the headrope, and normally a fixed value.
The calculator will add the wire length to the wire length
offset, and use the sum of these in the calculations.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Depth and Height marker lines
The purpose of these marker lines is to provide an easy way to
monitor the depth of the gear. The Height sensor measures the
distance from the seabed and up to the sensor, while the Depth
sensor measures the distance from the sea surface and down to
the sensor.
1 Identify which of the sensors that are the Depth and/or
Height sensors.
2 For each sensor, set Auto to On.
- This enables the PI54 to use the delay calculated by t he
Trawl calculator.
- You can also set Auto to Off. You must then calculate
the delay yourself, and enter it manually in the Delay
3 Enter your preferred value for marker line Width.
4 Enable each individual marker line by setting Show to
5 If you wish to see the marker line(s) in expanded view
(Bottom Lock, Zoom and Shift), set t he Sensor marker
line in expansion to On.
6 If you wish the PI54 to draw a thin white line over and
under the marker line to enhance the view, set Marker
white zone to On.
7 If you wish to view the Height marker in expanded mode
only, set Height marker in main echogram to Off.
8 Select the appropriate setting for Height reference.
9 Press ENT to save the settings and exit to the graphic
display presentation.
The Depth and Height marker lines are presented on the
Graphic display with continuous lines in the same background
colour as in the Numeric display. To read the depth, consult the
depth range on the right side of the display, or the readout in the
Numeric display.
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Spread marker line
The purpose of this marker line is to provide an easy way to
monitor the distance between the trawl doors.
1 Identify which of the sensors that is the Spread sensor.
2 Set the marker line to ON.
3 Enter the preferred settings for Marker line thickness
and Marker line d elay.
4 Press ENT to save the settings and return the the graphic
The Spread marker line is presented on the Graphic display
with a continuous line. The colour of the line is t he same as the
background colour in the numeric presentation. To read the
distance between the trawl doors, consult the depth range on the
right side of the display, or the readout in the Numeric display.
If the trawl door distance is reduced or increased, this will be
easily detected as the marker line moves up or down. Note that
you do not monitor the depth of the trawl doors even though
you use the depth scale, the scale is used as a range scale.
Surface temperature marker line
The purpose of this marker line is to provide an easy way to
monitor the surface temperature. Note that this is NOT a reading
from a temperature sensor, but from a feeler. Such feelers are
often built into the echo sounder transducers.
1 Ensure that a proper feeler is connected to the PI54.
2 Set the marker line to On.
3 Enter the preferred settings for Marker line thickness
and Marker line d elay.
4 Use the ADJ button to open the Temperature setup page.
5 Press ENT to save the settings and exit to the graphic
display presentation.
The Temperature marker line is presented on the Graphic
display as a continuous line.
Related topics
Graphic setup, page 184
Marker line setup, page 197
Temperature setup, page 220
Trawl calculator, page 221
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Special features for trawl marker lines
When you have chosen a graphic presentation, you can choose
to superimpose the information from the echo sounder, and then
add marker lines to see where your sensors are located in
relation to the bottom and fish echoes. When you use a pelagic
or bottom trawl, the PI54 offers certain special features to
provide additional information.
(A) = Numeric depth display, Sensor “6D” placed on the
(B) = Marker line from the footrope, added by using the Manual
trawl marker setting
(C) = Marker line from the headrope using the data from Depth
sensor “6D”
The recommended sensor configuration to monitor the trawl
opening is to use one Height or Depth sensor on the headrope,
and one Depth sensor on the footrope. However, if you only use
one of these sensors, place it on the headrope. The PI54 will
then manually draw the trawl opening markers for you provided
that you enter the typical height of the trawl opening.
The following parameters will provide the extra information
related to trawl markers:
Headrope and footrope sensors: You need to tell the PI54
which Depth and/or Height sensor(s) you have placed on the
footrope and/or headrope of the trawl.
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Trawl opening mode: This parameter decides how the trawl
opening shall be recreated on the graphic presentation. If you
have sufficient sensors on the trawl you must select Auto,
and the the PI54 will automatically calculate the trawl
opening and draw it accordingly. If you only have one sensor
on the trawl opening (Depth or Height sensor on the
headrope), the Manual setting will add an artificial line on
the presentation. The distance from the headrope to the
footrope must then be defined manually using the Manual
trawl marker parameter.
Access to the parameters
1 Make sure that a graphic presentation is active.
2 Press the ADJ button to open the Graphic setup
3 Press the GAIN+ button to access the Trawl inf o setup
Set up the parameters
1 Locate the setting Headrope sensor, and choose the
sensor that you have placed on the headrope.
- If you have no Depth or Height sensors on the
headrope, leave the setting to None.
2 Locate the setting Footrope sensor, and chose the sensor
that you have placed on the footrope.
- If you have no Depth or Height sensors on the
footrope, leave the setting to None.
3 Observe that the setting for Trawl opening mode is
automatically set to Au to or Manual.
- If you have sensors placed on both the footrope and the
headrope, the PI54 will be able to calculate the trawl
opening automatically, and the mode is set to Auto.
- If you have only one sensor, you will need to enter a
manual trawl marker.
4 If you have only one sensor, enter a value for Manual
trawl marker.
- This value must represent the actual height of your
trawl opening, based on your knowledge about your
gear. The information will be used by the PI54 to draw
a second trawl marker line.
Related topics
Graphic setup, page 184
Marker line setup, page 197
Traw l info setup, page 223
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to access echo sounder parameters
The built-in echo sounder is easily controlled from separate
The Echo presentation setup dialogue controls the visual
parameters, such as Range, Gain, White line and Expansion
The Echosounder setup dialogue controls the operational
parameters, such as alarms, sound velocity and transducer
How to find t he most common parameters a re explained in
separate procedures. The parameters are described in detail in
the References chapter.
Echo presentation setup
1 Make sure thast you have an echo sounder presentation in
your active window.
2 Press the ADJ button to open the Echo presentation
Alternatively, you can press the ENT button to open the Echo
quick menu, and then select Echo presentation setup (9).
Echosounder setup
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Select Setup (4)
3 Select Echosounder setup (STND).
Related topics
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Echosounder setup, page 180
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to use visual aids and filters
When you use the echo sounder, several visual aids and filters
are available to make the echoes easier to read and interpret.
Ping to ping filter
This function employs a filter which compares the echo
information from one ping with the information from the
previous ping. This will “clean up” the echogram by r emoving
random noise spikes and interference with no correlation with
the previous echo. The function will thus make the echoes
appear more stable. You can switch this filter on or off.
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is active.
2 Press the ADJ button to open setup dialogue.
3 Locate the Ping to ping filter parameter. Set it to ON.
Colour threshold
This function allows you to choose the number of colours to use
for echogram presentation. By switching this filter on and
selecting a colour in the box, all echo colours “below” the
chosen colour will not be shown in the echogram. You can thus
regard this as an “echo threshold” which will remove the
weakest echoes.
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is active.
2 Press the ADJ button to open setup page
3 Locate the Colour threshold parameter. Set it to ON.
4 Select preferred colour in the box.
Signal threshold
This is an on/off function. When activated, it will remove the
weakest echoes from the screen. The threshold level is
automatic. Activate with caution, as it may remove small fish or
other weak unidentified echoes from the presentation.
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is active.
2 Press the ADJ button to open setup page
3 Locate the Signal threshold parameter. Set it to ON.
Depth grid
When this function is enabled, thin horisontal depth lines will be
added to the echogram to easier identify the depth intervals.
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is active.
2 Press the ADJ button to open setup page
3 Locate the Depth grid parameter. Set it to ON.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Scroll speed
This function controls how fast the presentation shall scroll
from right to left across the display. By defining this speed you
also control the time scale. If you slow down the scroll speed,
you will also increase the time between each echo sounder
transmission (ping). If you choose FREEZE the presentation
(and also the echo sounder transmissions) will stop altogether.
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is active.
2 Press the ADJ button to open setup page
3 Locate the Scroll speed parameter. Set it to your preferred
White line
When enabled, a band in the current echogram background
colour is inserted immediately below the detected bottom depth.
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is active.
2 Press the ADJ button to open setup page
3 Locate the White line parameter. Set it to ON.
Background colour
You can choose which background colour to use on the
echogram presentation.
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Select the Setup menu.
3 Select Palette setup.
4 Observe the first palette page appear. It contains fixed
colours, which can not be altered. Press the + button
repeatedly until you reach a custom page.
5 Locate the Echogram background, and make the
required changes.
6 Press the ENT button to save the changes and exit the
setup page.
Related topics
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Palette setup, page 205
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to define echo sounder range
There are two parameters for range:
Range start: This is the upper depth from which the echo
sounder will provide its presentation.
Range: This is the vertical depth range for the echo sounder.
ThePI54alsooffersaPhased range function, where the Range
is fixed, but the Range start is modified.
The Range and Range start parameters can be manually
controlled from the Echo presentation setup dialogue. In most
cases, you will however only use the buttons on the keypad.
Access to the dialogue
1 Make sure thast you have an echo sounder presentation in
your active window.
2 Press the ADJ button to open the Echo presentation
The two parameters in question are located at the top of the
parameter list.
Standard mode
In this mode, the Range start is fixed. It is normally set to 0
meters, and if you wish to use another value, you must define
this manually in the Echo presentation setup dialogue.
1 Press the STND button.
2 Press the + and - buttons to change the range, or
3 Press the numerical buttons (1 to 9) to change the range.
4 Press the 0 button to enable Auto range.
When you reach the upper and lower range limits, the echo
sounder will automatically shift to Auto range.
Phased range mode
In this mode, the Range start is variable, and the Range is
1 Press the SHIFT button.
2 Press the + and - buttons to change the Range start value.
3 Press the numerical buttons (1 to 9) to change the range.
4 Press the 0 button to enable Auto start range.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
You will see that different ranges are used, but the value f or the
Range start is always added. For example, if you set the Range
start to 30 meters, and then select the 250 meters range, the
total range achieved is from 30 to 280 meters. The upper 30
meters are however not shown in the echogram.
Related topics
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to zoom in on bottom echoes
The Bottom Lock functions allows you to zoom in on the
echoes closest to the bottom.
When this function is active, the echo sounder presentation is
split in two. The upper part is the ordinary presentation, while
the lower part shows the echoes just above the bottom. The
bottom appears to be flat, but this may not be the case, as the
zoomed area is related to the bottom.
Activate Bottom Lock
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is in an
active window.
2 Press the B-LCK button.
If you were operating the echo sounder in Phased range mode
when you pressed the B-LCK button, the echo sounder will
automatically switch to Standard mode and use the applicable
depth range.
Change the range in the expansion window
1 Press the ADJ button to open the Echo presentation
2 Change the Expansion window value.
3 Press the ENT button to save the choice and exit.
De-activate Bottom Lock
1 Press the STND buttontoreturntoStandard mode, or
2 Press the SHIFT buttontoreturntoPhased range mode.
Related topics
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to zoom in on pelagic echoes
The Zoom functions allows you to zoom in on echoes in the
water column.
When this function is active, the echo sounder presentation is
split in two. The upper part is the ordinary presentation, while
the lower part shows the expansion window with the echoes
over and under a reference depth.
Activate Zoom
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is in an
active window.
2 Press the Zoom button.
If you were operating the echo sounder in Phased range mode
when you pressed the ZOOM button, the echo sounder will
automatically switch to Standard mode and use the applicable
depth range.
Change the reference depth
1 Press “up” and “down” on the Selector pad to change the
reference depth.
The depth you select will be stored by the echo sounder. The
next time you activate the Zoom, it will autmatically use this
reference value.
Change the range in the expansion window
1 Press the ADJ button to open the Echo presentation
2 Locate the Expansion window parameter, and change its
3 Press the ENT button save the setting and return to the
echo sounder presentation.
De-activate Zoom
1 Press the STND buttontoreturntoStandard mode, or
2 Press the SHIFT buttontoreturntoPhased range mode.
Related topics
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to enable A-Scope presentation
The A-Scope presentation provides the echo from the latest ping
only. The strength of the returned signal from various depths in
the water column are indicated by the horizontal deflections
from the Y-axis. This presentation is very useful if you wish to
search for single fish, as those echoes are hard to see on the
regular echogram. Also, the presentation will give an indication
on how strong the various echoes are.
Activate A-Scope
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is in an
active window.
2 Press the ENT button to open the Echo quick menu.
3 Select Activate A-Scope (2).
De-activate A-Scope
1 Make sure that your echo sounder presentation is in an
active window.
2 Press the ENT button to open the Echo quick menu.
3 Select Hide A-Scope (2).
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to define alarm limits
The PI54 will provide a variety of audible and visible alarms to
keep you posted when something occur.
Observe the following procedures to set up an enable the most
common alarms. For m ore detailed information about the setup
pages, refer to the Refere nces chapter.
Speed alarm
The speed alarm provides you with an audible warning if the
vessel’s speed exceeds a predefined speed limit, or if the speed
is lower than a predefined minimum.
1 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Speed alarm, units &
3 Move the cursor down the the Speed alarm parameters.
4 Make the n ecessary changes, and set each alarm to ON.
5 Press the ENT key to store the p arameters a nd exit.
Fish alarm
The fish alarm provides you with an audible warning if fish
echoes are detected by the echo sounder. You can select the
alarm sensitivity (how strong the echoes need to be to trigger
the alarm), and you can also define a vertical depth area to limit
the monitored area.
1 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Echo sounder setup (STND).
3 Move the cursor down the the Alarm for f ish parameter.
4 Select required strength, and set the alarm to ON.
5 Move the cursor to the next line, and select a vertical area
for the alarm by entering minimum and maximum depths.
6 Press the ENT key to store the p arameters a nd exit.
Depth alarm
The depth alarm provides you with an audible warning if the
water depth is shallower or deeper than predefined limits.
1 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Echo sounder setup (STND).
Sensor alarms
The sensor alarms provide you with an audible and visual
warning if the data from a sensor exceeds predefined limits.
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
1 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Sensor alarm/calibration.
- Observe that the Sensor alarm dialogue opens. In this
dialogue, only the sensors currently activated are
shown. Each of them provide various alarm functions.
3 Select minimum and/or maximum limits for the individual
sensors, and activate each alarm separately.
4 Press the ENT key to store the p arameters a nd exit.
Note that the Catch, Rip and Bottom Contact sensors can only
provide alarms when they are activated, that is when their
detector wires have been pulled tight.
Surface temperature alarm
The surface temperature alarm provide you with an audible and
visual warning if the temperature exceeds predefined limits, or
if it changes too fast.
1 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Sensor alarm/calibration.
- Observe that the Sensor alarm dialogue opens.
3 Press the GAIN+ button repeatedly until the Surface
temperature dialogue appears.
4 Select minimum and/or maximum temperature limits for
the alarms, and act ivate each alarm separately.
5 Enter the appropriate value for the Shear alarm,and
activate the alarm.
6 Press the ENT key to store the p arameters a nd exit.
The Shear alarm will be triggered if t he temperature changes
faster per minute than the value you have entered.
Note: In order to enable t hese alarms, your PI54 must have the
relevant temperature feeler fitted!
Clearance alarms
The clearance alarm provide you with an audible and visual
warning if a trawl or another towed object either moves too
close to the bottom, or lifts too far off the bottom.
1 Verify that the echo sounder is operational.
2 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
3 On the Setup menu, select Sensor alarm/calibration.
- Observe that the Sensor alarm dialogue opens.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
4 Press the GAIN+ button repeatedly until the Clearance
dialogue appears.
5 Select minimum and/or maximum distance f or the alarms,
and activate each alarm separately.
6 Press the ENT key to store the p arameters a nd exit.
The clearance al arm will take the current depth reading from the
echo sounder and subtract the current depth reading from the
Depth sensor. The calculated depth of the trawl or towed body is
then compared to the alarm limits. Due to the distance between
the vessel and the trawl, you will have ample time to make the
necessary adjustments to avoid damage.
If your Depth sensor is mounted to the headrope, you must
create a manual depth marker. This is made in the Trawl info
Related topics
Speed setup, page 217
Echo sounder setup, page 180
Trawl info dialogue, page 223
Sensor alarm setup, page 212
Surface temperature alarm setup, page 213
Clerance alarm setup, page 214
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to select menu language
The menus on the PI54 can be provided in several different
Observe the following procedure to select menu language. For
more detailed information about the setup pages, refer to the
References chapter.
1 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Speed alarm, units &
3 Move the cursor down the Display text in parameter.
4 Press the + or - buttons to select language.
5 Press the ENT button to store the parameter and exit.
Related topics
Page setup, page 204
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to control automatic page rotation
You can set up the PI54 to automatically leaf through the four
display pages. Each page will then be shown a set time before
the next page is brought up.
Observe the following procedure to set up automatic page
rotation. For more detailed information about the setup pages,
refer to the References chapte r.
1 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Speed alarm, units &
3 Move the cursor down the PAGE rotation interval
4 Press the + or - buttons to select time interval.
5 Press the ENT button to store the parameter and exit.
6 To start the function, press the PAGE button, and hold it
for minimum three seconds.
7 To switch the function off, press any other button on the
Related topics
Page setup, page 204
Operational procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to restore default settings
Whenever necessary you can restore the default factory settings
on the PI54.
Observe the following procedure.
1 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Factory settings.
3 Select the parameters you wish to rese t.
Caution: If you choose CLR to return to all factory presets, you
will n eed to redefine every single parameter you have
made on the PI54. This includes all echo sounder
settings, sensor selections and setup, system interfaces
and alarms.
Related topics
Factory presets setup, page 183
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to personalize your system
You can set up the PI54 to greet your with your vessel’s name
when you power it up. Observe the following procedure to
personalize your PI54.
1 Press the MENU button to access the main menu.
2 On the Setup menu, select Quick guide.
3 In the quick guide, press the PAGE+ button until the
Vessel name page appears.
4 Use the keypad to enter the vessel’s name.
5 Press the ENT button to store the names and exit.
850-165186 / Rev.B
The PI54 catch monitoring can operate with several different
sensors. In the following, the most important information
regarding installation and use of each sensor is described.
Both PI and PS sensors are described. The PI sensors have
longer ranges, they can be “fast-charged” using the PI Charger,
and they will provide some additional functionality. For all
other practical purposes the two types may be regarded as
identical. The PI54 system will automatically adapt to and work
with both types, and you can also use PS and PI sensors
Sensor configuration, page 104
PI Bottom Contact, page 107
PS Bottom Contact, page 111
PI Catch, page 115
PS Catch, page 120
PI Depth, page 124
PS Depth, page 129
PI Height, page 134
PI Rip, page 138
PI Spread & Remote, page 143
PI Twin Spread, page 148
PI Temperature, page 153
PS Temperature, page 159
Related topics
How to set up the sensors, page 58
How to test the sensors, page 265
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor configuration
Communication channels and update rates
All sensors are provided from the factory with pre-defined
communication channels and update rates.
Sensor Com.channel Update rate
PI Bottom Contact 6 Normal
PI Catch 4 Normal
PI Depth (300 m) 16 Fast
PI Depth (600 m) 12 Fast
PI Depth (1000 m) 10 Fast
PI Height 14 Fast
PI Spread 2 Fast
PI Twin Spread 2 and 7 Fast
PI Temperature 8 Fast
Factory default communication channels and update rates
Changing a transmission channel
It may be required to change one or more transmission channels,
and there may be many reasons for this.
You have more than one of each sensor. For example, if you
have three temperature sensors, they MUST communicate on
three different channels.
Other vessels near your use the same PI54 system (or a
similar), and they have one or more of their sensors set up to
the same communication channels as you have. This will
create interference, as you will “read” each others sensors.
If your sensors are set up to use communication channels too
close to each other (for example, you have chosen channels
4, 5 and 6), this will limit the vessel’s speed. The reason for
this is the doppler effect. If the speed is too high, the doppler
will cause the transmission frequencies to change so much
that they overlap, and this will create interference. The PI54
will provide a warning if this is about to happen! You must
then either change to other c ommunication channels further
apart, or reduce the maximum shooting speed.
If you operate at the maximum range of the sensors, you may
be able to increase this range slightly if you use lower
communication channels. This is because the l ower
communication channels user lower transmission
850-165186 / Rev.B
Changing the update rate
It may be required to change the update rate on a sensor, that is
how often it sends information back to the PI54 system. A high
update rate will give frequent information updates, but the
sensor will use more battery power. If you need your batteries to
last as long as possible, you must consider lowering the update
A low update rate will provide you with fewer information
updates, but the battery will last very long.
A high update rate will give you frequent information
updates, but the battery will run out faster.
All sensors are provided from Simrad with a default update rate
setting. In some cases you may find that this update rate does
not suit your operational needs. This is a decision you have to
make depending on the local fishing conditions.
How to change the sensor setup
To change the sensor setup, you can call your local Simrad
dealer, or you can do it yourself if you have the proper
equipment, training and the PI Configurator software.
The PI Configurator application is provided to enable local
sensor configuration. In order to perform this configuration, you
will need a personal computer (desktop or laptop) running
Microsoft® Windows® 2000 or Windows XP®, and a special
Special configuration of PI Spread
The PI Spread sensor is always used with a PI Remote sensor,
and these must be configured in a pair in order to make the
transverse communication link work properly. In order to allow
for a dual Spread application, you can use two predefined
configurations: PI Spread 1 and/or PI Spread 2.
The Remote sensors are available pre-programmed for these
two pairs, and the sensors are identified as Remote 1 and
Remote 2.
The two pairs must be configured as follows:
Configuration Spread sensor Remote sensor
PI Spread 1 PI Spread (*) Remote 1
PI Spread 2 PI Spread (*) Remote 2
(*) = The same PI Spread sensor is used for both configur-
ations. By default, it is programmed for PI Spread 1.Ifyou
wish to use it for PI Spread 2, you must re--configure it using
the PI Configurator application.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
You can select the communication channels between the PI
Spread sensors and the vessel to suit your preferences.
Special configuration of PI Twin Spread
The PI Twin Spread sensor is always used with two PI Remote
sensors, and these must be configured as a group in order to
make the transverse communication links work properly. In
order to allow for a dual Spread application, you can use two
predefined configurations: PI Twin Spread 1 and/or PI Twin
Spread 2.
The Remote sensors are available pre-programmed for these
two pairs, and the sensors are identified as Remote 1, Remote
2, Remote 3 and Remote 2. The two first (1 and 2) are the same
sensors as for the standard PI Spread application.
The two groups must be configured as follows:
Configuration Spread sensor Remote sensors
PI Twin Spread 1 PI Twin Spread (*) Remote 1 Remote 3
PI Twin Spread 2 PI Twin Spread (*) Remote 2 Remote 4
(*) = The same PI Twin Spread sensor is used for both configurations.
By default, it is programmed for PI Twin Spread 1. If you wish to use it
for PI Twin Spread 2, you must re--configure it using the PI Configura-
tor application.
You can select the communication channels between the PI
Twin Spread sensors and the vessel to suit your preferences.
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Bottom Contact sensor
The PI Bottom Contact sensor detects if a trawl i s accidentally
lifted off the seabed, or a purse seine is touching the bottom.
(A) = The trawl follows the bottom. The detection wire on the sensor is not released.
(B) = The trawl has lifted off the bottom, and the detection wire is released.
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging / fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging / fastening lug
(C) = Communication link ( Channel 1 - 30)
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Detection wire (in/out)
(G) = Ground weight
Daily operation
Once installed and put to use, the sensor will
automatically be switched on once the
waterswitch is activated. After an initial startup,
the sensor starts transmission of the detector wire
(F) status (in or out). When the sensor is not in
use, check that the sensor lamp (D) is not flashing
from time to time, as this indicaties that the
sensor is on and is discharging its batteries. In
this case, wash the sensor in fresh water to
remove salt and dirt.
If you operate with Fast update rate, t he sensor
must be charged approximately every 35 hours.
Used with Normal or Slow update rates, the
operational life is approximately 60 or 250 hours
respectively. The optimal sensor charging
temperature is from +10 to +25° C.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Note: Charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create explosive
gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the improper
charging of sensors or the use of chargers not specified in
Simrad sensor charging documentation.
Bottom Contact presentation
On the PI54 display, the Bottom Contact sensor status is
displayed with graphic symbols. Note that the timers count the
total number of minutes the sensor has lost contact with bottom.
If only predicted timer values exist, the characters are shown in
grey. If the sensor communication is lost, the graphic symbol is
replaced by the characters ***.* (in grey).
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.2.
(B) = Sensor in contact with bottom.
The timer has stopped.
(C) = The timer counts how many
minutes the sensor has been “lifted
off” the bottom. It must be reset
(D) = Indicator, lit for every sensor
(E) = Interference symbol.
(F) = Sensor set up as sensor no.3.
(G) = Sensor has lost contact with
bottom. The timer starts. An audible
alarm may be enabled.
(H) = The timer shows how many
minutes the net has “lifted off”
during a tow.
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all Bottom Contact sensors are configured in
Channel 6 and with Normal update rate.
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection, update rate etc),
use the PI Configurator utility.
The sensor update rate controls how often the sensor monitors
whether the gear is on of off the bottom. Th ree settings are
available. Note that a faster update rate will decrease the battery
Fast (~3,2 sec): Recommended for new trawl or gear , or
changes in rigging to monitor instabilities in ground gear
bottom contact.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Normal (~5,3 sec): Recommended for normal fishing.
Slow (~33 sec): Recommended if maximum operational
battery life before charging is required. The system will be
more sensitive to bad communication conditions due to the
slow data update.
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select update rate and channel number
according to the sensors configuration. Write down this
configuration for future reference.
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Catch/Bottom sensor filter: Switch this filter off. Set it to
Light or Heavy only if you experience excessive noise.
Location: Place the sensor where you
wish to monitor bottom contact. This
is normally in the center of the net.
Seize the attachment ring (A) for the
stay underneath the net, then put two
carabine hooks inside the footrope
forming a bridle of 15 to 20 cm
securely holding the sensor in a stable
Penetration ring: Place the
penetration ring (B) for the detection
wire approximately 30 cm rear of the
footrope. Before final seizing, mount
the sensor to the carabine hooks and
check that t he detection wire (E)
passes trough the center of the
penetration ring (B). Remove any net
on the inside of the penetration r ing.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Set up: Correct function requires that the length of the stay (F)
and the detection chain (G) are trimmed with regard to each
other and the gear in use. Standard delivery includes a 63 cm
stay and 39 cm detection chain for use with 14 to 16 inch
bobbins or rock hoppers (C).
(A) = Attachment ring for the
stay seized securely underneath
the footrope
(B) = Penetration ring for the
detection wire
(C) = Rock hopper, bobbins etc.
(D) = E nd link
(E) = Detection wire
(F) = Stay
(G) = Detection chain
(H) = Weight ~ 5.5 kg
(J) = Weight and stay hang
(K) = Bottom
(L) = Angle approximately 25°
Adjustment: Lay the sensor on an elevated surface. Adjust the
length of the detection chain (G) as necessary. Observe detection
wire (E) movement while simulating bottom contact by raising
the weight. Tilt the weight approximately 25° to compensate for
drag forces when towed through the water, and adjust the stay
length to be taut. To avoid damage, remove the weight before
coiling the gear on the drum.
Note: The sensor’s detection wire must always be allowed to pass
freely through the center of the penetration ring when it is
deployed. Attach the rubber straps so that the sensor is held
horizontally during towing.
Sacrificial water switch sensor
If the water switch on your sensor is a sacrificial brass screw,
this screw must be checked every month. Whenever required
due to wear and tear, the s crew must be replaced. Refer to the
Operational procedures in the operator manual.
850-165186 / Rev.B
PS Bottom Contact sensor
The PS Bottom Contact sensor detects if a trawl i s accidentally
lifted off the seabed, or a purse seine is touching the bottom.
(A) = The trawl follows the bottom. The detection wire on the sensor is not released.
(B) = The trawl has lifted off the bottom, and the detection wire is released.
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging / fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging / fastening lug
(C) = Communication link ( Channel 1 - 30)
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Detection wire (in/out)
(G) = Ground weight
Daily operation
Once installed and put to use, the sensor will
automatically be switched on once the
waterswitch is activated. After an initial startup,
the sensor starts transmission of the detector wire
(F) status (in or out). When the sensor is not in
use, check that the sensor lamp (D) is not flashing
from time to time, as this indicaties that the
sensor is on and is discharging its batteries. In
this case, was the sensor in fresh water to remove
salt and dirt.
If you operate with Fast update rate, t he sensor
must be charged approximately every 35 hours.
Used with Normal or Slow update rates, the
operational life is approximately 60 or 250 hours
respectively. The optimal sensor charging
temperature is from +10 to +25° C.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Note: Note that charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not
specified in Simrad sensor charging documentation.
Bottom Contact presentation
On the PI54 display, the Bottom Contact sensor status is
displayed with graphic symbols. Note that the timers count the
total number of minutes the sensor has lost contact with bottom.
If only predicted timer values exist, the characters are shown in
grey. If the sensor communication is lost, the graphic symbol is
replaced by the characters ***.* (in grey).
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.2.
(B) = Sensor in contact with bottom.
The timer has stopped.
(C) = The timer counts how many
minutes the sensor has been “lifted
off” the bottom. It must be reset
(D) = Indicator, lit for every sensor
(E) = Interference symbol.
(F) = Sensor set up as sensor no.3.
(G) = Sensor has lost contact with
bottom. The timer starts. An audible
alarm may be enabled.
(H) = The timer shows how many
minutes the net has “lifted off”
during a tow.
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all Bottom Contact sensors are configured in
Channel 6 and with Normal update rate.
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection, update rate etc),
use the PI Configurator utility.
The sensor update rate controls how often the sensor monitors
whether the gear is on of off the bottom. Th ree settings are
available. Note that a faster update rate will decrease the battery
Fast (~3,2 sec): Recommended for new trawl or gear , or
changes in rigging to monitor instabilities in ground gear bottom
850-165186 / Rev.B
Normal (~5,3 sec): Recommended for normal fishing.
Slow (~33 sec): Recommended if maximum operational battery
life before charging is required. The system will be more
sensitive to bad communication conditions due to the slow data
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select update rate and channel number
according to the sensors configuration. Write down this
configuration for future reference.
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Catch/Bottom sensor filter: Switch this filter off. Set it to
Light or Heavy only if you experience excessive noise.
Location: Place the sensor where you
wish to monitor bottom contact. This
is normally in the center of the net.
Seize the attachment ring (A) for the
stay underneath the net, then put two
carabine hooks inside the footrope
forming a bridle of 15 to 20 cm
securely holding the sensor in a stable
Penetration ring: Place the
penetration ring (B) for the detection
wire approximately 30 cm rear of the
footrope. Before final seizing, mount
the sensor to the carabine hooks and
check that t he detection wire (E)
passes trough the center of the
penetration ring (B). Remove any net
on the inside of the penetration r ing.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Set up: Correct function requires that the length of the stay (F)
and the detection chain (G) are trimmed with regard to each
other and the gear in use. Standard delivery includes a 63 cm
stay and 39 cm detection chain for use with 14 to 16 inch
bobbins or rock hoppers (C).
(A) = Attachment ring for the
stay seized securely underneath
the footrope
(B) = Penetration ring for the
detection wire
(C) = Rock hopper, bobbins etc.
(D) = E nd link
(E) = Detection wire
(F) = Stay
(G) = Detection chain
(H) = Weight ~ 5.5 kg
(J) = Weight and stay hang
(K) = Bottom
(L) = Angle approximately 25°
Adjustment: Lay the sensor on an elevated surface. Adjust the
length of the detection chain (G) as necessary. Observe detection
wire (E) movement while simulating bottom contact by raising
the weight. Tilt the weight approximately 25° to compensate for
drag forces when towed through the water, and adjust the stay
length to be taut. To avoid damage, remove the weight before
coiling the gear on the drum.
Note: The sensor’s detection wire must always be allowed to pass
freely through the center of the penetration ring when it is
deployed. Attach the rubber straps so that the sensor is held
horizontally during towing.
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Catch sensor
The PI Catch sensor detects when the trawl has been filled with
fish. The sensor monitors the opening of the m eshes in the cod
end, and will be activated once the volume caught is enough to
pull the detector wires.
Catch sensor principle: Three sensors are
mounted at the cod end of the trawl to detect the
amount of fish caught.
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging / fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging / fastening lug
(C) = Communication link
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Detection wires
Daily operation
To monitor the filling rate, we recommend that
you use minimum two sensors. The first sensor is
located at the far end of the cod-end indicating
that the trawl is fishing, while the second sensor
tells when to haul. Due to the f ish moving back
and forth in the cod-end, the sensor will normally
change status (on/off) several times until the
volume caught keeps the opening of the meshes
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Once installed and put to use, the sensor will automatically be
switched on once the waterswitch is activated. After an initial
startup, the sensor starts transmission of the detection wires (F)
status (in or out). When the sensor is not in use, check that the
sensor lamp (D) is not flashing from time to time, as this
indicaties that the sensor is on and is discharging its batteries.
In this case, wash the sensor in fresh water to r emove salt and
If you operate with Fast update rate, the sensor must be charged
approximately every 35 hours. Used with Normal or Slow
update rates, the operational life is approximately 150 or 300
hours respectively. The optimal sensor charging temperature is
from +10 to +25° C.
Note: Note that charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not
specified in Simrad sensor charging documentation.
On the PI54 display, the Catch sensor status is displayed with
graphic symbols. The timers count the total number of minutes
the sensor has been activated (red rectangle). If only predicted
timer values exist, the timer characters are shown in grey. If the
sensor communication is lost, the graphic symbol is replaced by
the characters ***.* (in grey).
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.2.
(B) = Sensor in standby. The timer
has stopped.
(C) = The timer counts how many
minutes the sensor has been activated
during a tow. It must be reset
(D) = Indicator, lit for every sensor
(E) = Interference symbol.
(F) = Sensor set up as sensor no.3.
(G) = The sensor has been activated. The timer starts. An
audible alarm may be enabled.
(H) = The timer shows how many minutes the sensor has been
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all Catch sensors are configured in Channel 4 and
with Normal update rate. If you use more than one Catch sensor,
make sure that you set them up to operate on different channels
and with different sensor numbers!
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection, update rate etc),
use the PI Configurator utility.
The Catch sensor can be configured (using the PI Configurator
software) to act as a FA701 catch sensor. This will allow the
sensor to be used with the Simrad FS trawl sonar. The
communication channel on the FS sonar must be set up to
correspond to the equivalent sensor number (1, 2 3 or 4).
The sensor update rate controls how often the amount of fish
caught is measured and transmitted to the vessel. Three settings
are available. Note that a faster update rate will decrease the
battery life.
Fast (~5,3 sec): Recommended for trawling in areas where
the rate of filling is very high. Use this setting to avoid
damage to the trawl or excessive catches.
Normal (~33 sec): Recommended for normal fishing.
Slow (~125 sec): Recommended if maximum operational
battery life before charging is required. The system will be
more sensitive to bad communication conditions due to the
slow data update.
When the Catch sensor is configured as an FA701, it will have a
constant update rate of approximately 80 seconds. This rate
must not be changed.
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select update rate and channel number
according to the sensors configuration. Write down this
configuration for future reference.
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Catch/Bottom sensor filter: Switch this filter off. Set it to
Light or Heavy only if you experience excessive noise.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Location: Attach the sensor on top of the cod-end where the
catch is to be monitored. As the cod-end fills, the net’s meshes
will open pulling the detector wires and thus activating the
Sensor attachment to a net with an approximate mesh size of 140 mm. The distance
between the anchor points for the attachment rings and rubber straps will vary
according to mesh size and sensitivity required.
(A) = Snap hook and screw link
(B) = Steel attachment rings bent to the net
(C) = Nylon attachment rings bent to the net
(D) = Detection wires
(E) = Rubber strap
(F) = Attachment point
Attachment: The Catch sensors orientation towards the vessel
is maintained by the steel and nylon attachment rings. The
number of meshes the attachment rings are supported between
must be restricted to avoid unnecessary stress on the s ensors
fastening lugs when the cod -end is filled to maximum. The use
of both nylon and steel attachment rings is required to secure the
sensor lugs if excessive forces are applied on them. The nylon
rings will stretch or break down, but the steel ring will prevent
the sensor from being lost. Note that two steel rings must be
mounted on the same side.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensitivity: The sensitivity of the Catch sensor is determined by
the number of meshes separating the rubber straps. You can
simulate this by stretching the net’s meshes to approximate the
mesh opening estimated to trigger the sensor. Mark the location
(with colored thread) for future references.
Rubber straps: Inspect the rubber straps regularly and always
before a new haul. Replace them if you detect visible signs of
cracks or damage.
Sacrificial water switch sensor
If the water switch on your sensor is a sacrificial brass screw,
this screw must be checked every month. Whenever required
due to wear and tear, the s crew must be replaced. Refer to the
Operational procedures in the operator manual.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
PS Catch sensor
The PS Catch sensor detects when the trawl has been filled
with fish. The sensor monitors the opening of the meshes in the
cod end, and will be activated once the volume caught is enough
to pull the detector wires.
Catch sensor principle: Three sensors are
mounted at the cod end of the trawl to detect the
amount of fish caught.
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging / fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging / fastening lug
(C) = Communication link
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Detection wires
Daily operation
To monitor the filling rate, we recommend that
you use minimum two sensors. The first sensor is
located at the far end of the cod-end indicating
that the trawl is fishing, while the second sensor
tells when to haul. Due to the f ish moving back
and forth in the cod-end, the sensor will normally
change status (on/off) several times until the
volume caught keeps the opening of the meshes
850-165186 / Rev.B
Once installed and put to use, the sensor will automatically be
switched on once the waterswitch is activated. After an initial
startup, the sensor starts transmission of the detector wire (F)
status (in or out). When the sensor is not in use, check that the
sensor lamp (D) is not flashing from time to time, as this
indicaties that the sensor is on and is discharging its batteries. In
this case, wash the sensor in fresh water to remove salt and dirt.
If you operate with Fast update rate, the sensor must be charged
approximately every 60 hours. Used with Normal or Slow
update rates, the operational life is approximately 250 or 450
hours respectively. When the sensor is configured as an FA701,
the operational time is approximately 250 hours. The optimal
sensor charging temperature is from +10 to +25° C.
Note: Note that charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not
specified in Simrad sensor charging documentation.
Catch presentation
On the PI54 display, the Catch sensor status is displayed with
graphic symbols. The timers count the total number of minutes
the sensor has been activated (red rectangle). If only predicted
timer values exist, the timer characters are shown in grey. If the
sensor communication is lost, the graphic symbol is replaced by
the characters ***.* (in grey).
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.2.
(B) = Sensor in standby. The timer
has stopped.
(C) = The timer counts how many
minutes the sensor has been activated
during a tow. It must be reset
(D) = Indicator, lit for every sensor
(E) = Interference symbol.
(F) = Sensor set up as sensor no.3.
(G) = The sensor has been activated.
The timer starts. An audible alarm
may be enabled.
(H) = The timer shows how many
minutes the sensor has been
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all Catch sensors are configured in Channel 4 and
with Normal update rate. If you use more than one Catch sensor,
make sure that you set them up to operate on different channels
and with different sensor numbers!
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection, update rate etc),
use the PI Configurator utility.
The Catch sensor can be configured (using the PI Configurator
software) to act as a FA701 catch sensor. This will allow the
sensor to be used with the Simrad FS trawl sonar. The
communication channel on the FS sonar must be set up to
correspond to the equivalent sensor number (1, 2, 3 or 4).
The sensor update rate controls how often the amount of fish
caught is measured and transmitted to the vessel. Three settings
are available. Note that a faster update rate will decrease the
battery life.
Fast (~5,3 sec): Recommended for trawling in areas where
the rate of filling is very high. Use this setting to avoid
damage to the trawl or excessive catches.
Normal (~33 sec): Recommended for normal fishing.
Slow (~125 sec): Recommended if maximum operational
battery life before charging is required. The system will be
more sensitive to bad communication conditions due to the
slow data update.
When the Catch sensor is configured as an FA701, it will
have a constant update rate of approximately 80 seconds.
This rate must not be changed.
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select update rate and channel number
according to the sensors configuration. Write down this
configuration for future reference.
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Catch/Bottom sensor filter: Switch this filter off. Set it to
Light or Heavy only if you experience excessive noise.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Location: Attach the sensor on top of the cod-end where the
catch is to be monitored. As the cod-end fills, the net’s meshes
will open pulling the detector wires activating the sensor.
Sensor attachment to a net with an approximate mesh size of 140 mm. The distance
between the anchor points for the attachment rings and rubber straps will vary
according to mesh size and sensitivity required.
(A) = Carabine hook and screw link
(B) = Steel attachment rings bent to the net
(C) = Nylon attachment rings bent to the net
(D) = Detection wires
(E) = Rubber strap
(F) = Attachment point
Attachment: The Catch sensors orientation towards the vessel
is maintained by the steel and nylon attachment rings. The
number of meshes the attachment rings are supported between
must be restricted to avoid unnecessary stress on the s ensors
fastening lugs when the cod -end is filled to maximum. The use
of both nylon and steel attachment rings is required to secure the
sensor lugs if excessive forces are applied on them. The nylon
rings will stretch or break down, but the steel ring will prevent
the sensor from being lost. Note that two steel rings must be
mounted on the same side.
Sensitivity: The sensitivity of the Catch sensor is determined by
the number of meshes separating the rubber straps. You can
simulate this by stretching the net’s meshes to approximate the
mesh opening estimated to trigger the sensor. Mark the location
(with colored thread) for future references.
Rubber straps: Inspect the rubber straps regularly and always
before a new haul. Replace them if you detect visible signs of
cracks or damage.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Depth sensor
The PI Depth sensor monitors the current depth of the net, as
well as the rate of any depth changes. All measurements are
related to the surface.
(A) = Two Depth sensors are mounted to the ground rope to
monitor the depth.
(B) = One Bottom Contact sensor i s mounted to the ground rope
to detect if the net hits the bottom.
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging / fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging / fastening lug
(C) = Communication link
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Pressure sensor (label is removed)
Daily operation
Once installed and put to use, the sensor will
automatically be switched on once the
waterswitch is activated. After an initial startup,
the sensor starts transmission of the current depth
when this exceeds a predefined depth you have
selected. When the sens or is not in use, check that
the sensor lamp (D) is not flashing from time to
time, as this indicates that the sensor is on and is
discharging its batteries. In this case, wash the
sensor in fresh water to remove salt and dirt.
850-165186 / Rev.B
If you operate with Fast update rate, the sensor must be charged
approximately every 24 hours. Used with Normal or Slow
update rates, the operational life is approximately 75 or 150
hours respectively. The optimal sensor charging temperature is
from +10 to +25°C.
Note: Note that charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not
specified in Simrad’s sensor charging documentation.
Numerical presentation
On the PI54 display, the depth is displayed in the numeric
display. The d escending or ascending rate is shown in units per
minute supported by an ar row indicating the direction. In order
to monitor changes of depth as a function of time, the depth will
also be displayed in the graphic display showing both the
numeric value and a corresponding marker line for each sensor.
When the readings are stable, the digits are shown in black
colour. When the values are predicted, the digits are grey, and if
the contact is lost, the characters * .* * are shown in grey.
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.1.
(B) = Current depth.
(C) = Current rate of depth change.
The arrow indicates that the depth is
(D) = Indicator, lit for every sensor
(E) = Graphic alarm
(F) = Sensor set up as sensor no.2.
(G) = Interference symbol.
(H) = Current rate of depth change.
The arrow indicates that the depth is
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all depth sensors are configured in Channel 16
(300 m), Channel 12 (600 m) or Channel 10 (1000 m) and with
Fast update rate. If you use more t han one sensor, you must set
them up to operate in different channels.
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection), use the PI
Configurator utility.
The sensor update rate controls how often the sensor reads and
reports the current depth. Three settings are available. Note that
a faster update rate will decrease the battery life.
Fast (~4,5 sec): Recommended for purse seine or trawl,
allows immediate update of critical depth information, and
helps to avoid damage to the purse seine or trawl.
Normal (~14 sec): Recommended for trawl and normal
Slow (~34 sec): Recommended if maximum operational
battery life before charging is required. The system will be
more sensitive to bad communication conditions due to the
slow data update.
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select channel number according to the
sensors configuration. Write down the configuration for future
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Sensor filter: Switch this filter to Light. Set it to Heavy only if
you experience excessive noise. Position Off will provide raw
data and fastest possible response.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Purse seine: In order to secure stable communication with the
vessel’s hydrophone, it is very important that the sensor is
allowed to hang freely with the top end pointing towards the
surface during shooting and pursing.
Attach the sensor to a standard purse
ring with two separate wires (A).
Mount one end of each wire to a
common snap hook (B), and place
another snap hook at the other end of
each wire to snap onto the sensor.
Mount a safety line (C) between the
sensor and the adjacent bridle/purse
ring. Make sure that security line does
not prevent t he sensor from hanging
Remove the sensor from the purse
seine before it passes through the
power block.
Any attachment material
“permanently” attached to the
sensor’s charging lugs must not form
an electrical connection between the
two charging lugs shorting the
charging current.
(A) = Two wires with a snap hook in
one end and the other end attached
permanently to (B).
(B) = Large snap hook.
(C) = Safety wire with snap hooks on
each end. Note that the upper end is
NOT attached to the purse seine wire.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Tuna purse: The sensor must not be
attached to the footrope wire, but to
the foot-rope chain. Use a safety wire
in addition in case the sensor is ripped
off the net.
Trawl or Danish seine: The depth
sensor is normally attached to the
headrope (A). For secure fastening
and stable positioning of the sensor
pointing towards the vessel, make a
fine mesh bag (B) located at the
centre of the headrope. Size two snap
hooks (C) approximately 10 - 15 cm
from the headrope forming a bridle,
and keep the sensor stretched by
means of two rubber straps (D)
attached to the aft fastening lugs.
Sacrificial water switch sensor
If the water switch on your sensor is a sacrificial brass screw,
this screw must be checked every month. Whenever required
due to wear and tear, the s crew must be replaced. Refer to the
Operational procedures in the operator manual.
850-165186 / Rev.B
PS Depth sensor
The PS Depth sensor monitors the current depth of the net, as
well as the rate of any depth changes. All measurements are
related to the surface.
(A) = Two Depth sensors are mounted to the ground rope to
monitor the depth.
(B) = One Bottom Contact sensor i s mounted to the ground rope
to detect if the net hits the bottom.
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging / fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging / fastening lug
(C) = Communication link
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Pressure sensor (label is removed)
Daily operation
Once installed and put to use, the sensor will
automatically be switched on once the
waterswitch is activated. After an initial startup,
the sensor starts transmission of the current depth
when this exceeds a predefined depth you have
selected. When the sens or is not in use, check that
the sensor lamp (D) is not flashing from time to
time, as this indicates that the sensor is on and is
discharging its batteries. In this case, wash the
sensor in fresh water to remove salt and dirt.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
You can only operate this sensor with Fast update rate, the
sensor must then be charged approximately every 35 hours. The
optimal sensor charging temperature is from +10 to +25°C.
Note: Note that charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not
specified in Simrad’s sensor charging documentation.
Numerical presentation
On the PI54 display, the depth is displayed in the numeric
display. The d escending or ascending rate is shown in units per
minute supported by an ar row indicating the direction. In order
to monitor changes of depth as a function of time, the depth will
also be displayed in the graphic display showing both the
numeric value and a corresponding marker line for each sensor.
When the readings are stable, the digits are shown in black
colour. When the values are predicted, the digits are grey, and if
the contact is lost, the characters * .* * are shown in grey.
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.1.
(B) = Current depth.
(C) = Current rate of depth change.
The arrow indicates that the depth is
(D) = Indicator, lit for every sensor
(E) = Graphic alarm
(F) = Sensor set up as sensor no.2.
(G) = Interference symbol.
(H) = Current rate of depth change.
The arrow indicates that the depth is
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all depth sensors are configured in Channel 16
(300 m), Channel 12 (600 m) or Channel 10 (1000 m) and with
Fast update rate. It is not possible to change the update rate
setting. If you use more than one sensor, you must set them up
to operate in different channels.
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection), use the PI
Configurator utility.
The sensor update rate controls how often the depth is
measured, and the data transmitted to the vessel. To be able to
monitor critical depth information and avoid damage to the
purse seine or the trawl, the depth sensor will only operate on
Fast update rate.
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select channel number according to the
sensors configuration. Write down the configuration for future
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Sensor filter: Switch this filter to Light. Set it to Heavy only if
you experience excessive noise. Position Off will provide raw
data and fastest possible response.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Purse seine: In order to secure stable communication with the
vessel’s hydrophone, it is very important that the sensor is
allowed to hang freely with the top end pointing towards the
surface during shooting and pursing.
Attach the sensor to a standard purse
ring with two separate wires (A).
Mount one end of each wire to a
common snap hook (B), and place
another snap hook at the other end of
each wire to snap onto the sensor.
Mount a safety line (C) between the
sensor and the adjacent bridle/purse
ring. Make sure that security line does
not prevent t he sensor from hanging
Remove the sensor from the purse
seine before it passes through the
power block.
Any attachment material
“permanently” attached to the
sensor’s charging lugs must not form
an electrical connection between the
two charging lugs shorting the
charging current.
(A) = Two wires with a snap hook in
one end and the other end attached
permanently to (B).
(B) = Large snap hook.
(C) = Safety wire with snap hooks on
each end. Note that the upper end is
NOT attached to the purse seine wire.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Tuna purse: The sensor must not be
attached to the footrope wire, but to
the foot-rope chain. Use a safety wire
in addition in case the sensor is ripped
off the net.
Trawl or Danish seine: The depth
sensor is normally attached to the
headrope (A). For secure fastening
and stable positioning of the sensor
pointing towards the vessel, make a
fine mesh bag (B) located at the
centre of the headrope. Size two snap
hooks (C) approximately 10 - 15 cm
from the headrope forming a bridle,
and keep the sensor stretched by
means of two rubber straps (D)
attached to the aft fastening lugs.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Height sensor
The PI Height sensor monitors the current height of the trawl,
as well as the rate of any height changes. All measurements are
related to the bottom.
(A) = The PI Height sensor is normally
mounted on the headrope, and by means of
the built-in echo sounder it will measure the
distance t o the bottom.
(B) = Echo sounder transmission field
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging and fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging and fastening lug
(C) = Communication link
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Echo sounder transducer - must be
directed towards the seabed!
850-165186 / Rev.B
Daily operation
Once installed and put to use, the Height sensor will
automatically be switched on once the waterswitch is activated.
After an initial startup, the sensor starts the echo sounder, and
the depth results are transmitted to the vessel. When the sensors
are not in use, check that the sensor lamp (D) do not flash from
time to time, as this indicates that the sensor is on and is
discharging its batteries. In this case, wash the sensor in fresh
water to remove salt and dirt.
If you operate with Fast update rate, t he sensors must be
charged approximately every 35 hours. Used with Normal or
Slow update rates, the operational life is approximately 60 or
250 hours respectively. The optimal sensor charging t emperature
is from +10 to +25°C. The sensor can only be charged with the
PI Charger.
Note: Charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create explosive
gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the improper
charging of sensors or the use of chargers not specified in
Simrad’s sensor charging documentation.
Numerical presentation
On the PI54 display, the distance to the bottom is displayed in
the numeric display. If the height is increasing or decreasing,
this is shown with two arrows and the variation in meters per
second. When the readings are stable, the digits are shown in
black colour. When the values are predicted, the digits are grey,
and if the contact is lost, the characters *.* * are shown in grey.
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.1.
(B) = Height measured in meters.
(C) = Current distance from t he
sensor to the bottom.
(D) = The distance is decreasing by 1
meters per second.
(E) = Arrows pointing “out” means that the height is
increasing. Arrows pointing “in” means that the height is
(F) = Graphic alarm
(G) = Indicator, lit for every sensor interrogation.
(H) = Interference symbol.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all Height sensors are configured in Channel 14
and with Fast update rate.
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection), use the PI
Configurator utility.
The sensor update rate controls how often the sensor reads and
reports the height. Three settings are available. Note that a faster
update rate will decrease the battery life.
Fast (~5,5 sec): Recommended for new trawl or changes in
rigging to monitor any instabilities or unexpected changes.
This mode provides the shortest battery life before charging.
Normal (~14 sec): Recommended for well known trawl
behavior with stable situations. Use this setting during
normal conditions.
Slow (~34 sec): Recommended to monitoring a stable
situation over time. The system will be more sensitive to bad
communication conditions due to the slow data update. This
mode provides longest operational battery life before
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select channel number and update rate
according to the sensors configuration. Write down the
configuration for future reference.
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Sensor filter: Switch this filter to Light. Set it to Heavy only if
you experience excessive noise. Position Off will provide raw
data and fastest possible response.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Location: Place the sensor where you wish to monitor the
height. This i s normally aft of the headrope at the center of the
Ensure that you mount the sensor with the reverse side (D) and
the echo sounder transducer (E) pointing towards the bottom!
The SIMRAD print on the sensor (C) must point up towards the
water surface!
Mounting: Secure the two forward
fastening lugs (A) using two snap
hooks and rope. Then, secure the two
aft fastening lugs (B) using snap
hooks and strong rubber bands. This
mounting places the sensor i n a cradle
supported on all four sides.
In order to secure the sensor in place,
we recommend that you assemble a
bag of fine-meshed net, and ties this
to the trawl close to the middle of the
headrope. Then, mount the sensor
inside this bag. The sensor must be
properly secured to prevent it from
moving sideways or rotate during use.
(A) = Rope and snap hooks
(B) = Rubber bands and snap hooks
(C) = SIMRAD imprint on the sensor
must point up!
(D) = Reverse side of sensor
(E) = Echo sounder transducer must
point towards the bottom!
Sacrificial water switch sensor
If the water switch on your sensor is a sacrificial brass screw,
this screw must be checked every month. Whenever required
due to wear and tear, the s crew must be replaced. Refer to the
Operational procedures in the operator manual.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Rip sensor
The PI Rip sensor is identical to the PI Catch, and it must be
regarded as a second application for the Catch sensor. The PI
Rip sensor will monitor if your net is damaged and ripped apart
due to obstructions or foreign objects on the seabed.
(A) = The PI Rip is mounted on the footrope with
the two sensor wires stretched out and the wires
(B) = Two strong rubber bands ensure that the
sensor is activated. If the net is torn, the slack in
the net will disengage the Rip sensor.
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging and fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging and fastening lug
(C) = Communication link to the vessel
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Detection wires
Daily operation
In most cases, one or two Rip sensors mounted
on the footrope will be sufficient to monitor the
condition of the net.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Once installed and put to use, the sensor will automatically be
switched on once the waterswitch is activated. After an initial
startup, the sensor will detect the status of the detection wires,
and transmit this information to the vessel. When the sensor is
not in use, check that the sensor lamps (D) do not flash from
time to time, as this indicates that the sensor is on and is
discharging its batteries. In this case, wash the sensor in fresh
water to remove salt and dirt.
If you operate with Fast update rate, t he sensors must be
charged approximately every 35 hours. Used with Normal or
Slow update rates, the operational life is approximately 150 or
300 hours respectively. The optimal sensor charging t emperature
is from +10 to +25° C.
Note: Note that charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not
specified in Simrad’s sensor charging documentation.
Numeric presentation
On the PI54 display, the Rip sensor status is displayed with
graphic symbols. The timers count the total number of minutes
the sensor has been activated (red rectangle). If only predicted
timer values exist, the timer characters are shown in grey. If the
sensor communication is lost, the graphic symbol is replaced by
the characters ***.* (in grey).
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.3.
(B) = A yellow rectangle indicates
that the sensor has deactivated, and
that net has been damaged. The timer
has stopped.
(C) = The timer counts how many
minutes the sensor has been activated
with a serviceable net during a tow. It
must be reset manually.
(D) = Indicator, lit for every sensor
(E) = Interference symbol.
(F) = A red rectangle indicates that the sensor is activated. This
is the normal position, and it means that the net is serviceable.
The timer is running.
(G) = Timer
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all Rip sensors are configured in Channel 4 and
with Normal update rate. If you wish to use Rip and Catch
sensors simultanously, one of them must be set to a different
communication channel.
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection), use the PI
Configurator utility.
The sensor update rate controls how often the sensor reads and
reports the condition of the net. Three settings are available.
Note that a faster update rate will decrease the battery life.
Fast ( ~5,3 sec): Recommended if you suspect that the bottom
conditions are rough and unpredicatble, and that damage may
be easily inflicted. This mode provides the shortest battery
life before charging.
Normal (~33 sec): Recommended for normal bottom
Slow (~125 sec): Recommended if the bottom conditions are
well known, and you know that no obstructions exist. This
mode provides longest operational battery life before
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select channel number and update rate
according to the sensors configuration. Write down the
configuration for future reference.
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Sensor filter: Switch this filter to Light. Set it to Heavy only if
you experience excessive noise. Position Off will provide raw
data and fastest possible response.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Location: Place the sensor where you wish to check the net
condition. This is normally close to the footrope at the center of
the net. If the net is torn, the slack will release one or both of the
sensor’s detection wires.
Rip sensor attachment to the net, location just aft of the footrope. The distance between
the anchor points for the attachment rings and rubber straps must be defined depending
on the size of the net and how large area you wish to monitor.
(A) = Snap hook and screw link
(B) = Steel attachment rings bent to the net
(C) = Nylon attachment rings bent to the net
(D) = Detection wires
(E) = Rubber strap
(F) = Attachment point
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Attachment: The sensors orientation towards the vessel is
maintained by the steel and nylon attachment rings. The number
of meshes the attachment rings are supported between must be
restricted to avoid unnecessary stress on the s ensors fastening
lugs. The use of both nylon and steel attachment rings is
required to secure the sensor lugs if excessive forces are applied
on them. The nylon rings will stretch or break down, but the
steel ring will prevent the sensor from being lost. Note that two
steel rings must be mounted on the same side of the sensor.
Rubber straps: The two rubber bands (E) must be stretched
towards aft, and mounted to the meshes in such a way that the
detection wires are engaged during normal operations. The
angle between the two rubber bands should be approximately 70
degrees. Inspect the rubber straps regularly and always before a
new haul. Replace them if you detect visible signs of cracks or
Sacrificial water switch sensor
If the water switch on your sensor is a sacrificial brass screw,
this screw must be checked every month. Whenever required
due to wear and tear, the s crew must be replaced. Refer to the
Operational procedures in the operator manual.
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Spread and Remote sensors
The PI Spread and Remote sensors measure the physical
distance between the trawl doors.
Note: Each Spread sensor can be configured to communicate with one
of two remote sensors; Remote 1 or Remote 2. Label the Spread
sensor accordingly, and ensure that you only use the sensors in
the correct pairs.
(S) = The PI Spread sensor is mounted in a
special adapteron the port trawl door.
(R) = The PI Remote sensor is mounted in a
special adapter on the starboard trawl door.
(C) = The PI Spread sensor communicates with
the PI system on the vessel.
(F) = Using the transverse communication link,
the two sensors measure the physical distance
between the trawl doors.
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging and fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging and fastening lug
(C) = Communication link to the vessel
(D) = Location of sensor lamp (rear side of PI
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Transverse communication link
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Daily operation
Once installed and put to use, the Spread sensor will
automatically be switched on once the waterswitch is activated.
After an initial startup, the sensor starts interrogating the
Remote s ensor to measure the distance. The results are
transmitted to the vessel. When the sensors are not in use, check
that the sensor lamps (D) do not flash from time to time, as this
indicates that the sensor is on and is discharging its batteries.
If you operate with Fast update rate, t he sensors must be
charged approximately every 45 hours. Used with Normal or
Slow update rates, the operational life is approximately 100 or
150 hours respectively. The optimal sensor charging t emperature
is from +10 to +25° C.
Note: The two rubber inserts provided at the bottom of each sensor
adapter must not be replaced with any other types or designs. It
is essential that these inserts provide a secure cradle for the
sensors, but they must also allow for free water circulation to
allow the sensor’s water switch to engage. Also, the design of
the inserts allows sand and mud to flow out when the trawl
doors are pulled up from the water.
Note: Note that charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not
specified in Simrad’s sensor charging documentation.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Numerical presentation
On the PI54 display, the distance between the trawl doors is
displayed in the numeric display. If the distance is increasing or
decreasing, this is shown with two arrows and the variation in
meters per second. When the readings are stable, the digits are
shown in black colour. When the values are pr edicted, the digits
are grey, and if the contact is lost, the characters *.* * are
shown in grey. If the transvere communication link fails, this is
indicated with the characters ±±± .
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.3.
The distance is measur ed in m eters.
(B) = Current distance between the
trawl doors.
(C) = The distance is increasing by
18 meters per second.
(D) = Arrows pointing “out” means that the distance is
increasing. Arrows pointing “in” means that it is decreasing.
(E) = Graphic alarm
(F) = Indicator, lit for every sensor interrogation.
(G) = Interference symbol.
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all Spread sensors are configured in Channel 2,
with Fast update rate, and for use with Remote 1.
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection), use the PI
Configurator utility.
The sensor update rate controls how often the sensor reads and
reports the door spread. Three settings are available. Note that a
faster update rate will decrease the battery life.
Fast (~5,5 sec): Recommended for new trawl or gear or
changes in rigging to monitor any instabilities or unexpected
changes. This mode provides the shortest battery life before
Normal (~14 sec): Recommended for well known trawl, gear
and door behavior with stable situations. Use this setting
during normal conditions.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Slow (~34 sec): Recommended to monitoring a stable
situation over time, focus on door not falling over, broken
sweep lines etc. during the tow. The system will be more
sensitive to bad communication conditions due to slow data
update. This mode provides longest operational battery life
before charging.
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select channel number and update rate
according to the sensors configuration. Write down the
configuration for future reference.
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Sensor filter: Switch this filter to Light. Set it to Heavy only if
you experience excessive noise. Position Off will provide raw
data and fastest possible response.
The Spread and Remote sensors must be mounted in special
adapters on each trawl door. These adapters must be installed
aforehand. Detailed information on how to install the adapters
are provided with the installation kit.
Installation principle
The PI Spread sensor is mounted on the port door, while the PI
Remote sensor is mounted on the starboard door. It is essential
that there is a clear line of sight between the two transverse
communication “eyes (one on each sensor), and between the
top of the PI Spread sensor and the hydrophone on the vessel.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Top view:
(A) = Starboard door
(B) = Port door
(C) = Communication link to vessel’s
(D) = Angle of attack
(E) = Direction of tow
(F) = Transverse communication link
(R) = PI Remote sensor in its adapter
(S) = PI Spread sensor in its adapter
Sacrificial water switch
If the water switch on your sensor is a
sacrificial brass screw, this screw
must be checked every month.
Whenever required due to wear and
tear, the screw must be replaced.
Refer to the Operational procedures
in the operator manual.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Twin Spread
The PI Twin Spread is used with two Remote sensors to
measure the physical distance between the trawl doors during
twin trawl operations.
(A) = The PI Twin Spread sensor communicates with the PI system on the vessel.
(B) = The PI Twin Spread sensor is mounted on the port trawl door.
(C) = One PI Remote sensor is mounted on the center clump.
(D) = One PI Remote sensor is mounted on the starboard trawl door.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging and fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging and fastening lug
(C) = Communication link to the vessel
(D) = Location of sensor lamp (rear side of PI
Twin Spread)
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Transverse communication links to the two
Remote sensors
Daily operation
Once installed and put to use, the Twin Spread sensor will
automatically be switched on once the waterswitch is activated.
After an initial startup, the sensor starts interrogating the
Remote sensors to measure the two distances. The results are
transmitted to the vessel. When the sensors are not in use, check
that the sensor lamps (D) do not flash from time to time, as this
indicates that the sensor is on and is discharging its batteries. In
this case, wash the sensor in fresh water to remove salt and dirt.
If you operate with Fast update rate, t he sensors must be
charged approximately every 24 hours. Used with Normal or
Slow update rates, the operational life is approximately 48 or 70
hours respectively. For the Remote sensors, the batteries will
last approximately 50, 100 and 150 hours respectively. The
optimal sensor charging temperature is from +10 to +25° C.
Note: The two rubber inserts provided at the bottom of each sensor
adapter must not be replaced with any other types or designs. It
is essential that these inserts provide a secure cradle for the
sensors, but they must also allow for free water circulation to
allow the sensor’s water switch to engage. Also, the design of
the inserts allows sand and mud to flow out when the trawl
doors are pulled up from the water.
Note: Note that charging sensors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not
specified in Simrad’s sensor charging documentation.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Numerical presentation
On the PI54 display, the distances between the trawl doors are
displayed in the numeric display. Two rectangles are used, one
for each distance. If the distance is increasing or decreasing, this
is shown with two arrows and the variation in meters per
When the readings are stable, the digits are shown in black
colour. When the values are predicted, the digits are grey, and if
the contact is lost, t he characters **.* areshowningrey.The
characters ±±.± indicate that the Twin Spread sensor has lost
contact with the Remote sensor(s), while characters ??.? means
that the Remote sensors are out of range.
(A) = Twin Spread sensor set up as
sensor no.1.
(B) = The distancea are measured in
(C) = Current distance between the
port door and the center clump.
(D) = The distance is increasing by 1
meters per second.
(E) = Arrows pointing “out” means
that the distance i s increasing.
Arrows pointing “in” means that it is
(F) = Graphic alarm
(G) = Indicator, lit for every sensor interrogation.
(H) = Interference symbol.
The bottom numeric display shows the distance from the port
door to the starboard door, and indicates that the distance is
decreasing with 0.5 meters per second.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor configuration
You can operate two sets of Twin Spread sensors, these sets are
identified as Twin Spread 1 and Twin Spread 2.
Twin Spread 1 uses two Remote sensors: Remote 1 and 2.
Twin Spread 2 uses two Remote sensors: Remote 2 and 4.
On delivery, all Twin Spread sensors are configured as Twin
Spread 1 in Channels 2 and 5, with Fast update rate, and for use
with Remote sensors 1 and 3. The four Remote sensors can be
ordered pre-programmed from Simrad, but if you wish to use a
Twin Spread 2 set-up you must re-configure a Twin Spread 1
sensor using the PI Configurator utility.
Note: The Twin Spread sensor and the PI54 system setup must also
correspond, otherwise the communication will not work.
The sensor update rate controls how often the sensor reads and
reports the door spread. Three settings are available. Note that a
faster update rate will decrease the battery life.
Fast (~5,5 sec): Recommended for new trawl or gear or
changes in rigging to monitor any instabilities or unexpected
changes. This mode provides the shortest battery life before
Normal (~14 sec): Recommended for well known trawl, gear
and door behavior with stable situations. Use this setting
during normal conditions.
Slow (~34 sec): Recommended to monitoring a stable
situation over time, focus on door not falling over, broken
sweep lines etc. during the tow. The PI54 system will be
more sensitive to bad communication conditions due to slow
data update. T his mode provides longest operational battery
life before charging.
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select channel number and update rate
according to the sensors configuration. Write down the
configuration for future reference.
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Sensor filter: Switch this filter to Light. Set it to Heavy only if
you experience excessive noise. Position Off will provide raw
data and fastest possible response.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The Spread and Remote sensors must be mounted in special
adapters on each trawl door and on the centre clump. These
adapters must be installed aforehand. Detailed information on
how to install the adapters are provided with the installation kit.
Installation principle
The PI Twin Spread sensor is mounted on the port door. One PI
Remote sensor is mounted on the center clump, while the other
Remote sensor is mounted on the starboard door. It is essential
that there is a clear line of sight between the transverse
communication “eyes (one on each sensor), and between the
top of the PI Twin Spread sensor and the hydrophone on the
Top view:
(A) = Port trawl
(B) = Starboard trawl
(C) = P ort door with the
PI Twin Spread sensor
mounted in an adapter.
One acoustic
communication link is
directed forward towards
the vessel, while two are
directed towards the two
Remote sensors.
(D) = Center clump with
one Remote sensor
(E) = Starboard door with
the other Remote sensor
(F) = Forward
In a Twin Spread 1 set-up,
the two remote sensors
would need to be Remote
1 and Remote 3.
Sacrificial water switch sensor
If the water switch on your sensor is a sacrificial brass screw,
this screw must be checked every month. Whenever required
due to wear and tear, the s crew must be replaced. Refer to the
Operational procedures in the operator manual.
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Temperature sensor
The PI Temperature sensor monitors the current water
temperature at the chosen location on the purse seine or trawl.
(A) = The sinking rate of the net is monitored by two Depth
(B) = One Temperature sensor is mounted on the footrope to
monitor t he location of the thermo-cline.
(C) = One Temperature sensor is mounted on the headrope to
monitor if the sea water temperature is favourable for the target
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging and fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging and fastening lug
(C) = Communication link
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Temperature sensor (label is removed)
Daily operation
Once installed and put to use, the sensor will
automatically be switched on once the
waterswitch is activated. After an initial startup,
the sensor starts transmission of the current
temperature. When the sensor is not in use, check
that the sensor lamp ( D) is not flashing from time
to time, as this indicates that the sensor is on and
is discharging its batteries.
If you operate with Fast update rate, t he sensor
must be charged approximately every 24 hours.
Used with Normal or Slow update rates, the
operational life is approximately 75 or 150 hours
respectively. The optimal sensor charging
temperature is from +10 to +25° C.
Note that charging sens ors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not specified
in Simrad’s sensor charging documentation.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Temperature presentation
On the PI54 display, the temperature is displayed in the numeric
display. If the temperature is falling or rising, this is shown with
an arrow. When t he readings are stable, the digits are shown in
black colour. When the values are predicted, the digits are grey,
and if the contact with the sensor is lost, t he characters *.* * are
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.2.
(B) = Current temperature.
(C) = Denomination (Celcius or
(D) = Temperature change. This
arrow indicates that the temperature
is rising.
(E) = Graphic alarm
(F) = Indicator, lit for every sensor interrogation.
(G) = Interference symbol.
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all temper ature sensors are configured in Channel 8
and with Fast update rate. If you use more than one sensor, you
must set them up to operate in different channels.
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection), use the PI
Configurator utility.
The sensor update rate controls how often the sensor reads and
reports the temperature. Three settings are available. Note that a
faster update rate will decrease the battery life.
Fast (~4,5 sec): Recommended for purse seine or trawl,
allows immediate update of changes in the sea temperature.
Normal (~14 sec): Recommended for trawl and normal
fishing with fairly constant sea temperatures.
Slow (~34 sec): Recommended if you experience constant
sea temperatures, or if maximum operational battery life
before charging is required. The system will be more
sensitive to bad communication conditions due to the slow
data update.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select channel number according to the
sensors configuration. Write down the configuration for future
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Sensor filter: Switch this filter to Light. Set it to Heavy only if
you experience excessive noise. Position Off will provide raw
data and fastest possible response.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Purse seine: In order to secure stable communication with the
vessel’s hydrophone, it is very important that the sensor is
allowed to hang freely with the top end pointing towards the
surface during shooting and pursing.
Attach the sensor to a standard purse
ring with two separate wires (A).
Mount one end of each wire to a
common snap hook (B), and place
another snap hook at the other end of
each wire to snap onto the sensor.
Mount a safety line (C) between the
sensor and the adjacent bridle/purse
ring. Make sure that security line does
not prevent t he sensor from hanging
Remove the sensor from the purse
seine before it passes through the
power block.
Any attachment material
“permanently” attached to the
sensor’s charging lugs must not form
an electrical connection between the
two charging lugs shorting the
charging current.
(A) = Two wires with a snap hook in
one end and the other end attached
permanently to (B).
(B) = Large snap hook.
(C) = Safety wire with snap hooks on
each end. Note that the upper end is
NOT attached to the purse seine wire.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Tuna purse: The sensor must not be
attached to the footrope wire, but to
the foot-rope chain. Use a safety wire
in addition in case the sensor is ripped
off the net.
Trawl or Danish seine: The sensor is
normally attached to the headrope.
For secure fastening and stable
positioning of the sensor pointing
towards the vessel, make a fine mesh
bag sized to the middle of the
head-rope. Size two snap hooks
approximately 10 - 15 cm from the
headrope forming a bridle, and keep
the sensor stretched by means of two
rubber straps attached to the aft
fastening lugs.
Sacrificial water switch sensor
If the water switch on your sensor is a sacrificial brass screw,
this screw must be checked every month. Whenever required
due to wear and tear, the s crew must be replaced. Refer to the
Operational procedures in the operator manual.
850-165186 / Rev.B
PS Temperature sensor
The PS Temperature sensor monitors the current water
temperature at the chosen location on the purse seine or trawl.
(A) = The sinking rate of the net is monitored by two Depth
(B) = One Temperature sensor is mounted on the footrope to
monitor t he location of the thermo-cline.
(C) = One Temperature sensor is mounted on the headrope to
monitor if the sea water temperature is favourable for the target
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Main parts
(A) = Negative charging and fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging and fastening lug
(C) = Communication link
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Temperature sensor (label is removed)
Daily operation
Once installed and put to use, the sensor will
automatically be switched on once the
waterswitch is activated. After an initial startup,
the sensor starts transmission of the current
temperature. When the sensor is not in use, check
that the sensor lamp ( D) is not flashing from time
to time, as this indicates that the sensor is on and
is discharging its batteries.
You can only operate this sensor with Fast update
rate. The sensor must then be charged
approximately every 30 hours. The optimal
sensor charging temperature is from +10 to
Note that charging sens ors at sub-zero temperatures can create
explosive gasses. Simrad AS assumes no liability for the
improper charging of sensors or the use of chargers not specified
in Simrad’s sensor charging documentation.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Temperature presentation
On the PI54 display, the temperature is displayed in the numeric
display. If the temperature is falling or rising, this is shown with
an arrow. When t he readings are stable, the digits are shown in
black colour. When the values are predicted, the digits are grey,
and if the contact with the sensor is lost, t he characters *.* * are
(A) = Sensor set up as sensor no.2.
(B) = Current temperature.
(C) = Denomination (Celcius or
(D) = Temperature change. This
arrow indicates that the temperature
is rising.
(E) = Graphic alarm
(F) = Indicator, lit for every sensor interrogation.
(G) = Interference symbol.
Sensor configuration
On delivery, all temper ature sensors are configured in Channel 8
and with Fast update rate. It is not possible to change the update
rate setting. If you use more than one sensor, you must set them
up to operate in different channels.
Note: The sensor and the PI54 system setup must correspond,
otherwise the communication will not work.
To change the sensor setup (channel selection), use the PI
Configurator utility.
The sensor update rate controls how often the temperature is
measured, and the data transmitted to the vessel. To be able to
monitor fast changes in the sea temperature, the sensor will only
operate on Fast update rate.
System configuration
Sensor configuration: The sensor must be configured with a
unique sensor number. Select channel number according to the
sensors configuration. Write down the configuration for future
Status & Receiver: The Interference filter must be switched on.
Set it to level 9 if you have noise problems from other
hydroacoustic sources. Note that with the filter on, it will
influence the signal spectrum shown in the Status display.
Sensor filter: Switch this filter to Light. Set it to Heavy only if
you experience excessive noise. Position Off will provide raw
data and fastest possible response.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Purse seine: In order to secure stable communication with the
vessel’s hydrophone, it is very important that the sensor is
allowed to hang freely with the top end pointing towards the
surface during shooting and pursing.
Attach the sensor to a standard purse
ring with two separate wires (A).
Mount one end of each wire to a
common snap hook (B), and place
another snap hook at the other end of
each wire to snap onto the sensor.
Mount a safety line (C) between the
sensor and the adjacent bridle/purse
ring. Make sure that security line does
not prevent t he sensor from hanging
Remove the sensor from the purse
seine before it passes through the
power block.
Any attachment material
“permanently” attached to the
sensor’s charging lugs must not form
an electrical connection between the
two charging lugs shorting the
charging current.
(A) = Two wires with a snap hook in
one end and the other end attached
permanently to (B).
(B) = Large snap hook.
(C) = Safety wire with snap hooks on
each end. Note that the upper end is
NOT attached to the purse seine wire.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Tuna purse: The sensor must not be
attached to the footrope wire, but to
the foot-rope chain. Use a safety wire
in addition in case the sensor is ripped
off the net.
Trawl or Danish seine: The sensor is
normally attached to the headrope.
For secure fastening and stable
positioning of the sensor pointing
towards the vessel, make a fine mesh
bag sized to the middle of the
head-rope. Size two snap hooks
approximately 10 - 15 cm from the
headrope forming a bridle, and keep
the sensor stretched by means of two
rubber straps attached to the aft
fastening lugs.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Two different battery chargers can be used to charge the PI and
PS sensors:
PI Charger
PS30 Charger
Even though both chargers can be used to charge any of the
sensors (except the PI Height sensor), only the PI Charger will
provide fast and intelligent charging of the PI sensors.
Note: The PI Height sensor can only be charged with the PI Charger.
PI Charger, page 165
PS30 Charger, page 167
Sensor chargers
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Charger
The PI Charger is an intelligent battery charger for fast and
secure charging of the PI sensors. The charger will
automatically set up the correct charging current depending on
the sensor type and the battery temperature. Even though the PI
Charger is designed for fast charge of the PI sensors, it can also
charge the PS sensors, but only at normal charge rate. A fuel
meter shows the status of the battery during the charge.
Daily operation
1) Attach the charging clamps to the sensor as
Red clamp: Positive fastening lug (+)
Black clamp: Negative fastening lug ( -)
2) Ensure that attachment materials, rope etc. do not
short circuit the charging lugs, preventing charging
and causing damage to the sensor lugs.
Once connected, the charger will identify whether
the sensor connected can be fast charged or not.
The battery temperature will always be monitored
for a fast charging sensor. A sensor which can not
be fast charged, will not display the battery
temperature, and the temperature LED will be
3) Observe the charge times and temperature limitations:
Fast charge: First approximately 1 hour for 70% battery
capacity, then approximately 3 hours to reach 100% capacity.
Once fully charged, a constant trickle charge will compensate
for self discharging. Note that fast charging applies to PI
sensors only!
Normal charge: 16 hours for full battery capacity. This
mode applies for charging outside specified temeparture
range, and for all PS sensors.
Charging temperature: For best res ults, keep the ambient
temperature between +10 and +25°C. Do not charge in
temperatures above +50°C or below 0°C!
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
(A) =Mains:12to32Vdc
(B) = Fuel meter. The number of LEDs illuminated shows the
current charging status. A complete charging cycle is indicated
with all full” battery. Charging:
Normal: Slow f lash
Trickle: On, off every 4 second
(C) = Battery temperature indicators during fast charging:
Green: Battery temperature between +5 and +40°C. Fast
charge is enabled.
Green and Blue: Battery temperature between 0 and +5°C.
Fast charge is disabled, normal charge is used.
Green and Red: Battery temperature between +40 and
+50°C. Fast charg disabled, normal charge is used.
Blue: Battery temperature is below 0°C. No charging takes
Red: Battery temperature is above +50°C. No charging takes
Warning: Charging a sensor at sub-zero temperature might
develop explosive gases r epresenting a potential
danger. Simrad assumes no liability for improper
charging, o r the use of other chargers than those
approved by Simrad.
Automatic configuration
The charger communicates with the sensor at regular i ntervals.
The fast charge cycle is controlled by data exchanged between
the PI sensor and the charger, and a series of safety mechanisms
controls the termination of the fast charging current.
The PS sensors do not communicate with the charger. A
constant charge current of 58 mA is then set up by the charger
regardless of the battery temperature.
Typical sensor (PI Depth)
(A) = Negative charging / fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging / fastening lug
(C) = Communication link
(D) = Location of sensor lamp
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Water pressure sensor
Sensor chargers
850-165186 / Rev.B
PS30 Charger
The PS Charger is a battery charger for secure charging of the
PS and PI sensors.
Daily operation
1) Attach the charging clamps to the sensor as follows:
Red clamp: Positive fastening lug (+)
Black clamp: Negative fastening lug (-)
2) Ensure that attachment materials, rope etc. does not short
circuit the charging lugs, preventing charging and causing
damage to the sensor lugs.
3) Observe the sensors indiactor lamp. It will flash once every
four seconds during charging.
4) Observe the charge times and temperature limitations:
Normal charge: ~16 hours for full battery capacity.
Charging temperature: To obtain best results, try to keep
the ambient temperature between +10°C and +25°C. The
sensor must not be charged in temperatures above +50°C or
below 0°C!
Warning: Charging a sensor at sub-zero temperature might
develop explosive gases r epresenting a potential
danger. Simrad assumes no liability for improper
charging, o r the use of other chargers than those
approved by Simrad.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
General guidelines
Operational time and service life of the sensors NiCd battery
depends on proper use and regular charging. Observe the
following precautions, as these will have an influence on the
battery performance:
Observe the charging temperatures.
Charge sensors regularly. Avoid draining the sensor battery
completely before charging.
Charge the sensor battery before storage, and at three-month
intervals under long-term storage.
Operational life may be initially reduced after long-term
storage or charging f or a long time.
Sensors are not damaged by being left attached to a charger
for several days. However, do not store the sensor for
extended periods under charge.
We recommend that a wooden box is made to keep the sensor
in a secure place during charging and storage. Make openings
in the bottom to drain for sea water.
Battery depleted frequently
If the charger lamp is illuminated, but the sensor l amp does not
flash every four seconds, the battery is not being charged
properly. Most likely, this is because the sensor was not
switched off when the charger was connected.
To correct, charge the sensor for ten minutes, then disconnect
the alligator clips. Use a small wire, and make contact between
the water switch sensor and one of the fastening lugs. This will
cause the sensor to flash its start-up code. If not, wash the sensor
in fresh water to disengage the water switch.
Typical sensor (PI Depth)
(A) = Negative charging / fastening lug
(B) = Positive charging / fastening lug
(C) = Communication link
(E) = Water switch sensor
(F) = Water pressure sensor
Menu system
850-165186 / Rev.B
The PI54 is controlled using a small meny system. Although
several shortcuts exist, the main functions and setup parameters
can be accessed from the main menu. To access the main menu,
press the MENU button.
Main menu, page 170
Echo quick menu, page 172
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The main menu
To access the main m enu, press the MENU button.
On the Fishery menu, you can select display modes related to
catch monitoring.
Numeric display, page 33
Graphic display, page 41
Surface temperature, page 45
Status display, page 46
On the Echo menu, you can select display modes related to the
built-in echo sounder. Two modes are available. They are
however identical using two different frequencies.
Echo xx kHz, page 50
On the Pilot menu, you can select display modes related to
vessel navigation.
Position, page 54
Highway, page 53
Menu system
850-165186 / Rev.B
On the Setup menu, you can access setup parameters to control
the operation of the PI54.
Note that additional parameters are accessed directly from the
presentations by pressing the ADJ and/or ENT buttons.
Echo sounder setup, page 180
Pilot/Position setup, page 200
Speed alarm, units and language:
Speed alarm, page 217
Units, page 225
Language, page 204
Interface setup, page 187
Sensor alarm/calibration, page 211
Sensor setup, page 215
Receiver setup, page 208
Palette setup, page 205
Factory settings, page 183
Quick guide, page 207
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Echo quick menu
To access the Echo quick menu,presstheENT button while
operating with an echo sounder in the active window.
Change frequency, page 54
Activate A-Scope, page 52
Activate depth bars, page 43
Graphic setup, page 184
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Transmit power on/off, page 177
If you press the ENT button while operating in other modes,
you will access the applicable setup menus.
850-165186 / Rev.B
This chapter contains reference information. It thus provides
detailed information about the various parameters used to
control the operation and performance of the PI54 system. You
do not need to read and understand thic chapter to operate the
PI54, but the information may guide you to a more efficient use.
The setup pages are provided in alphabetical order. Some are
accessed from the Setup menu, others directly from the display
presentations by means of the ADJ button.
Depth calibration, page 176
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Echo sounder setup, page 180
Factory presets, page 183
Graphic setup, page 184
Interface setup, page 187
Marker line setup, page 197
Navigation setup, page 200
Numeric setup, page 202
Offset adjust, page 203
Page setup, page 204
Palette setup, page 205
Position display setup, page 206
Quick guide, page 207
Receiver setup, page 208
Sensor alarm/calibration, page 211
Sensor setup, page 215
Speed setup, page 217
Status setup, page 218
Surface temperature setup, page 219
Temperature setup, page 220
Trawl calculator, page 221
Traw l info setup, page 223
Units setup, page 225
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Setup map
The various setup dialogues contr olling the PI54 behaviour can
be accessed from several places. The tables below provide an
Access from the display presentations
Display presentation Press ADJ to
Press ENT to
Numerical Numeric setup Numeric setup
Graphic Graphic setup
Marker line
T rawl info
T rawl calculator
Echo quic k menu
Surface temperature Surface
temperature setup
temperature setup
Status S tatus s etup Status setup
Echo Echo pr esentation
Echo quic k menu
Highway (Navigation) Navigation setup Navigation setup
Position Position display
Position display
Access from the Echo quick menu
Menu option Access to setup dialogues:
Change frequency N/A
A --Scope N/A
Depth bars N/A
Graphic setup Graphic setup
Marker line
T rawl info
T rawl calculator
Echo presentation
Echo pr esentation setup
T ransmit power N/A
850-165186 / Rev.B
Access from the Setup menu
Menu option Access to setup dialogues:
Echosounder setup Echosounder setup
Navigation setup Pilot/Position setup
Speed alarm, units
and language
Setup for speed
Setup for units
Page rotation
Interface setup Nodes
PI Function
SimNet diagnostics
SimNet input
SimNet output
NMEA0183 input
NMEA0183 output
Sensor alarm
Surface temperature
Depth c alibration
Offset adjust
Sensor setup Sensor setup
Receiver set up Receiver setup
Palette setup Palette setup
Factory settings Factiory presets
Quick guide Quick guide
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Depth calibration
This function is used t o enable calibration of the PI54 Depth
To access this function, press the MENU button to open the
main menu. Then, open the Setup menu, and select Sensor
alarm/calibration .
When the dialogue opens, press the GAIN+ button a few times
to open the Depth calibration dialogue.
The Depth calibration feature will calibrate the current depth
of the Depth sensor to one -1- meter.
1 Lower the sensor over the side to a depth of one meter, to
a certain draft depth pl us one me ter, or to any reference
level that you wish to be defined as one meter.
2 Once the reading from the sensor is stable, set Depth
sensor calibration to YES.
The calibration takes one minute. While the process is running,
the numerical pr esentation is shown with grey text. Note that the
sensor must be submerged into salt water to perform the
Related topics
How to calibrate the sensor, page 65
PI Depth sensor, page 124
PS Depth sensor, page 129
850-165186 / Rev.B
Echo presentation setup
These settings are used to set up the echo sounder presentation
parameters on the PI54. The operational parameters are set up
using t he Echo sounder setup dialogue.
To access the parameters, press the ADJ (Adjust) button when
you have an echo sounder presentation in the active window.
You can also press the ENT button, and then select Echo
presentation setup on the Echo quick menu.
Range start: This is the upper depth from which you wish the
echo sounder shall start. This value will typically be 0 meters,
but you may for example set up the echo sounder to only present
echoes from 5 meters below the sea surface and downwards.
Range: This is the vertical depth range for the echo sounder.
You can set it to change depth range automaticially (AUTO), or
you can define your own fixed range. The maximum range will
depend on the chosen echo sounder frequency, as the 38 or 50
kHz modes will detect echoes deeper than the 200 kHz mode.
Gain: This is the gain in the echo sounder’s preamplifier. The
gain must be defined manually, and you can choose any value
between 1 and 100%. In most cases, use a value around 60%. If
you use too much gain, the echogram will contain a lot of noise
and false echoes.
White line: This parameter allows you to switch the White line
function on or off. When enabled, a band in the current
echogram background colour is inserted immediately below the
detected bottom depth.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Expansion window: The PI54 provides bottom expansion and
zoom functions. When one of these is enabled, you can control
the depth range in the expanded window using this parameter.
To enable the bottom expansion function, press the B-LCK
button on the keypad. To enable the zoom function, press the
ZOOM button. To disable both, press the STND or SHIFT
buttons. You can also access this parameter in t he Graphic
TVG (Time Varying Gain): The PI54 provides a TVG function
to enhance the echoes from deeper waters. You can switch the
TVG to OFF (not recommened), or select either Special (40 log
R) or Normal (20 log R) setting, depending on your preferences.
For all normal operation, leave it at Normal. Try Special if you
are looking for echoes close to the seabed in deeper waters.
Ping to ping filter: This function employs a filter which
compares the echo information from one ping with the
information from the previous ping. This will “clean up” the
echogram by removing random noise spikes and interference
with no correlation with the previous echo. The function will
thus make the echoes appear more stable. You can switch this
filter on or off.
Signal threshold: This is an on/off function. When activated, it
will remove the weakest echoes from the screen. The threshold
level is automatic. Activate with caution, as it may remove
small fish or other weak unidentified echoes from the
Colour threshold: This function allows you to choose the
number of colours t o use for echogram presentation. By
switching this filter on and selecting a colour in the box, all
echo colours below” the chosen colour will not be shown in the
echogram. You can thus regard this as an “echo threshold”
which will remove the weakest echoes.
Depth grid: When this function is enabled, thin horisontal depth
lines will be added to the echogram to easier identify the depth
intervals. When you operate with a graphic display, this function
can also be switched on and off in the Graphic setup.
Transmit pulse length: This parameter allows you to choose
the length of the echo sounder pulse transmissions. You can
choose OFF (to observe the ambient sea noise), SHORT,
MEDIUM, LONG or AUTO. In most cases, select AUTO. The
PI54 will then automatically choose the pulse length depending
on your current depth range. If you choose to try a manual
mode, try long pulse lengths when you operate in deeper waters,
and shorter pulses with higher frequency in shallower waters.
850-165186 / Rev.B
As a general rule, short pulses serve to make the echoes from
various objects more distinct. It is therefore used to obtain
optimal vertical resolution, as it will separate individual fishes
from each other and from the bottom. Longer pulses will
penetrate deeper, but with less resolution.
Transmit power: This parameter allows you to change the
power output from the echo sounder. You can choose OFF (and
no echogram will appear!), 10 W, 100 W, 500 W, 1000 W or
AUTO. In most cases, select AUTO. The echo sounder will then
automatically adjust the power output depending on the current
operational frequency and the current depth.
Scroll speed: This function controls how fast the presentation
shall scroll from right to left across the display. By def ining this
speed you also control the time scale. If you slow down the
scroll speed, you will also increase the time between each echo
sounder transmission (ping). If you choose FREEZE the
presentation (and also the echo sounder transmissions) will stop
altogether. N ote that this parameter can also be set in the
Graphic setup.
Note: The echo sounder frequency you choose must be supported by
the transducer you have installed!
Related topics
How to define the echo sounder range, page 91
Echosounder setup, page 180
Graphic setup, page 184
Bottom expansion, page 51
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Echo sounder setup
These settings are use d to set up the operational parameters for
the PI54 echo sounder.
To access the dialogue, press the MENU button to access the
main menu. Then, open the Setup menu, and select Echo
sounder setup.
Note that the presentation parameters are defined in a separate
dialogue; the Echo presentation setup dialogue.
Echo sounder setup:
Select transducer:
Transducer 1:
Transducer 1:
02.3 m
ECHO2Simrad Combi 50&200
Keel depth below surface:
02.6 m
Data on NMEA-out from:
Alarm for fish:
Depth DK alarm min:
Depth DK alarm max:
Velocity of sound in water:
Water profile:
Time scale:
Restart of AUTO pulse/power:
Echo sampling:
Demo mode:
Depth DS fish:
Transducer installation
The upper part of the Echosounder setup dialogue is used to
define and set up the echo sounder transducer(s) used on t he
PI54. This operation is only carried out once, and that is during
the system installation. DO NOT ADJUST t hese settings during
normal operation of the echo sounder, as incorrect settings may
result in damage to the PI54 and/or the transducer(s).
For more detailed information on transducer installation, consult
the PI54 installation manual.
Select transducer: Enter the type and main parameters of each
transducer connected to the PI54 system.
Transducer type: Enter transducer type. You can leaf through a
number of predefined transducer types, or defi ne your own.
Note that some of the predefined types are “dual” transducers,
which means that both transceiver outputs ports (Echo1 and
Echo2) will be used.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Transducer port: Enter which transceiver port (output) the
transducer is connected to; Echo1 or Echo2. With the predefined
transducer types, the ports are also set by the software.
Transducer beam angle: Enter the fore -and-aft and
athwartships beam angles for the transducer. With the
predefined transducer types, this information is already known.
Transducer depth: Enter the vertical distance between the
transducer face and the water surface. Normally, this value can
be fixed, but if it changes considerably when the vessel is
loaded, you may need to change it. The value is used to provide
you with a correct depth under keel (DK) value in the echo
sounder presentation.
Echo sounder parameters
Keel depth below surface: Enter the distance between the keel
and the water surface. Normally, this value can be fixed, but if it
changes considerably when the vessel is loaded, you may need
to change it. This parameter is used to provide you with the
correct depth below keel value in the echo sounder presentation.
Data on NMEA-out from: Choose if the echo sounder data
output on the NMEA interface shall be taken from the 38 kHz,
50 kHz or 200 kHz echo sounder frequency.
Alarm for fish, strength: This parameter enables the fish
detection alarm, and adjusts the sensitivity (strength). With high
sensitivity, smaller fish (with weaker echoes) will trigger the
DepthDSfish:This parameter allows you to define a vertical
depth area (between a maximum and a minimum depth) in
which the fish alarm can be triggered. Echoes outside the chosen
area will not trigger the alarm.
Depth DK alarm (minimum and maximum values): This
parameter enables an alarm t o sound off if the water depth under
the keel is shallower or deeper than two predefined limits.
Water profile: This parameter sets up the echo sounder for
operation in fresh or salt water.
Velocity of sound in water: This parameter allows you to fine
tune the performance of the PI54 echo sounder to the speed of
sound in the water. However, in most cases, the accurate speed
is not known, and this parameter is not important at all when
operating in shallow waters. For all practical purposes, leave
this setting to the default value of 1470 m/s.
Time scale: This parameter allows you to switch the time scale
in the echo sounder presentation on or off.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Restart of AUTO pulse/power: If you have set the transmit
power and pulse length parameters to Auto, the echo sounder
will automatically restart the parameters at fixed intervals to
ensure correct settings. By means of this parameter, you can
control the intervals. In most cases, leave this setting to 20
seconds, which is the default value.
Echo sampling: Using this function, you can select if the
automatic ping rate shall be defined by the current depth or the
current range.
Demo mode: This parameter allows you to run the echo sounder
in a “demonstration” mode. When this mode is enabled, the
echo sounder will automatically use a “demo transducer” to
avoid damage to the output circuitry.
Related topics
Echo sounder display, page 50
Echo presentation setup, page 177
850-165186 / Rev.B
Factory presets
This function allows you to restore the PI54 parameters to the
default settings chosen by Simr ad.
Factory presets:
Return to SimNet/NMEA presets
Return to SOUNDER presets
Return to PI FUNCTION presets
Return to all factory presets
Show test display
To access the presets, press the Menu key, and select Setup (4).
On the submenu, select Factory settings. Once accessed, you
have the following choices:
(1): Restore the SimNet/NMEA factory presets. This will only
restore the interface parameters you have selected on the PI54.
Any settings you have made for echo sounder and sensor
operation will not be affected.
(2): Restore the echo sounder factory presets. This will only
affect the parameters related to echo sounder operation.
(3): Restore the PI54 factor y presets. This will only affect the
parameters you have made concerning sensor selection and
setup. Sensor setup will not be affected by this reset, but the
Demo mode will be switched off.
(CLR): This will clear ALL current parameters and replace
them with the factory presets.
Caution: If you choose CLR to return to all factory presets, you
will n eed to redefine every single parameter you have
made on the PI54. This includes all echo sounder
settings, sensor selections and setup, system interfaces
and alarms.
(0): This option will open a test display. This display is only
provided for software debugging and maintenance use, and it
will not give you any useful information. To close the test
display, press the MENU button.
Related topics
How to restore default settings, page 101
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Graphic setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the Graphic display.
The Graphic display shows the data from the sensors i n their
alphanumerical presentations, as well as historical plots
sumperimposed on the echogram. The digits in the
alphanumerical presentations are black when the data are valid,
they are grey when the values are only predicted, or they are
replaced with asterix characters (*) when the contact with the
sensor is lost. The yellow pulse lamp is lit every time
information in received back from the sensor. The positioning of
the alphanumerical presentations is controlled by the order of
which the sensors were configured in the Sensor setup
To access the parameters, press the ADJ button when you have
a graphic display in the active window. You can also press the
MENU button to access the Echo quick menu, and then select
Graphic setup.
Superimpose echo sounder: When activated, the presentation
from the echo sounder is added to the graphic display. Note that
this option is only valid if you have the echo sounder
transducer(s) installed, and the echo sounder is set up for normal
operation. You can only switch this function on or off.
Scroll speed: This function controls how fast the presentation
shall scroll from right to left across the display. By def ining this
speed you also control the time scale. If you slow down the
scroll speed, you will also increase the time between each echo
sounder transmission (ping). If you choose FREEZE the
presentation (and also the echo sounder transmissions) will stop
altogether. N ote that this parameter can also be set in the Echo
pres entation setup.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Additional information: The f eature will display an
information bar below the numeric presentations on the Graphic
display. The bar provides key technical pararameters related to
the echo sounder operation; frequency, output power and pulse
length. It will also show you the ambient air temperature, the
vessel’s speed and the current depth. If you use the selector pad
to adjust the depth of the VRM (Variable range marker) or the
echo sounder receiver gain, it will show you the current depth
and gain settings while you do this. The default setting is ON.
Depth grid: When this function is enabled, thin horisontal depth
lines will be added to the presentation to easier identify the
depth intervals. Note that this function can also be switched on
and off in the Echo presentation setup.
Data window sensors: When you have set up the Graphic
display on only a half screen, there is not space for more than
three sensor presentation rectangles at the top of the display.
With this parameter, you can choose if you wish to see sensors
1,2and3or4, 5 and 6. When you have set up the Graphic
display on a full screen, this parameter is not visible.
Echo strength colour scale: This parameter allows you to
switch t he echo strength colour scale on the left side of the
Graphic display presentation on or off. A turquoise colour
indicates the weakest echoes, while dark red i ndicates the
strongest echoes. Note that this colour scale can not be enabled
simultanously with the temperature scale.
Time scale: This parameter allows you to switch the time scale
in the Graphic display presentation o n or off. When enabled, it
is positioned immediately above the echogram. Note that the
time scale r elies on the chosen scroll speed: a low speed results
in a long time scale and vice versa.
Expansion window: The PI54 provides bottom expansion and
zoom functions. When one of these is enabled, you can control
the depth range in the expanded window using this parameter.
To enable the bottom expansion function, press the B-LCK
button on the keypad. To enable the zoom function, press the
ZOOM button. To disable both, press the STND or SHIFT
buttons. You can also access this parameter in t he Echo
presentation setup.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor timer:TheCatch and Bottom Contact sensors h ave a
timer feature indicating how many times each sensor has been
activated during a tow. The timer runs when the sensor is
activated, and stops once the sensor is released. This parameter
allows you to enable or disable these timers. The default setting
is ON. You can also access this parameter in the Nu meric
Reset sensor timers:TheCatch and Bottom Contact sensors
have a timer feature indicating how many times each sensor has
been activated during a tow. To reset the timers to 0 prior to a
new tow, select YES. Default setting is NO. You can also access
this parameter in the Numeric s etup.
Related topics
Echo presentation setup, page 177
Sensor setup, page 215
Numeric setup, page 202
850-165186 / Rev.B
Interface setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the communication to and from peripheral units. To access the
parameters, press the MENU button to access the main menu.
Then, select Interface setup on the Setup menu.
Note: The parameters in the Interface setup will normally only be
accessed during system installation. If you change any of these
parameters during normal operation, your system may not be
able to communicate with external devices, and this may lead to
operational degradation.
By means of the connectors on the rear side of the PI54 cabinet,
it can communicate with several peripheral devices. This is
useful, as it allows you to export and import information to and
from these devices. In order to establish this communication, the
devices on each end of the cable must speak the same
“language”. The National Marine Electronics Association
(NMEA) has defined communication standards f or maritime
electronic equipment, and the PI54 system conf orms to these
standards. The most common standard is NMEA 0183, and the
National Marine Electronics Association describes it as follows:
The NMEA 0183 Interface Standard defines electrical signal
requirements, data transmission protocol and time, and specific
sentence formats for a 4800-baud serial data bus. Each bus may
have only one talker but many listeners. For more information
about the National Marine Electronics Association and the
NMEA 0183 standard, refer to the organization’s web pages at
To move information between two electronic units, the data are
collected in telegrams
. The content (protocol) of each telegram
is defined by the NMEA standard, and several telegram types
exist to allow different type of data to be distributed. Unless you
wish to write your own software, you do not need to know how
these t elegrams are designed. However, whenever you set up
equipment interfaces, you need to ensure that each system on
your communication line is set up to send and receive the same
telegram. The standard allows one system to send data (a
“talker”) and several others to receive data simultanously
(”listeners”) on the same line. Therefore, you must ensure that
all products receiving data on a communication line is set up to
receive the same telegram(s) that the transmitting product
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Configuration windows
When you access the Interface setup, you must first wait for
the system to access the required information. Due t o the
amount of choices available for the PI54, the interface
parameters are then organized in several dialogues.
Nodes: This dialogue is only used if your PI54 is connected to
external devices using the SimNet newor k interface.
PI Function: This window allows you to define NMEA0183
output data on the two serial lines (NMEA1 and NMEA2).
Position: This window allows you to define the source for an
external positioning system, i n case you wish to use the position
information in the PI54 as well. You can also set up the PI54 to
export waypoints on one or both of the two serial lines.
Navigation: This window allows you to define the source for an
external navigation system, in case you wish to use the
information from this in the PI54.
Water: This window allows you to define the sources for
various water r elated sensors, such as depth (from an echo
sounder), temperature (from a thermometer) and speed (from a
speed log). You can also define several water related data
outputs on one or both of the two serial lines.
SimNet diagnostics: This page is not applicable for the PI54.
SimNet input: This page is not applicable for the PI54.
SimNet output: This page is not applicable for the PI54.
NMEA 0183 input: This page shows the current traffic on the
NMEA input line. This is hexadecimal information provided for
debugging and troubleshooting, and you can not perform any
changes to it.
NMEA 0183 output: This page shows the current traffic on the
NMEA output line. This is hexadecimal information provided
for debugging and troubleshooting, and you can not perform
any changes to it.
Identification: This page allows you to define your system’s
identification information.
PI function, page 189
Position, page 190
Navigation, page 191
Water, page 192
Identification, page 194
Applicable telegram formats, page 195
850-165186 / Rev.B
PI Function
The Interface setup / PI Function window allows you to
define NMEA 0183 outputs.
The information provided for the two NMEA outputs are
derived from the real time operational parameters in the PI54.
Some of these will require input f rom other peripheral devices.
All data is transmitted on the $PSIMP sentence format. The
information is only required if you have specific needs. To set
them up correctly, consult a Simrad dealer.
Configuration: The PI54 will export the $PSIMP
Configuration sentence (C) on the chosen NMEA ports.
Data output: The PI54 will export the $PSIMP Data sentence
(D) on the chosen NMEA ports.
Sensor definition: The PI 54 will export the $PSIMP Sensor
definition sentence (F) on the chosen NMEA ports.
Frequency spectrum: The PI54 will export the $PSI MP
Frequency spectrum sentence (S) on the chosen NMEA ports.
Transit: The PI54 will export the $PSIMP Transmit sentence
(T) on the chosen NMEA ports.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The Interface setup / Position window allows you to define a
source for position information. It also allows you to set up
export of navigational waypoints.
Group selection: This parameter allows you to connect the
PI54 to a group of SimNet instruments. If such a group is not
present, the parameter is unavailable, and fixed to
STAND-ALONE. This means that you can manually select data
source from third-party units.
Source: The PI54 will automatically read the NMEA inputs to
search for available sources. If no sources are found, the phrase
“(none available)” is given. If one or more sources are found
you may choose between them.
Waypoint location: Using this parameters, you can set up the
PI54 to export navigational waypoints as WPL telegrams on
NMEA1 and/or NMEA2. A waypoint is automatically generated
every time you press the EVENT button.
850-165186 / Rev.B
The Interface setup / Navigation window allows you to define
a source for position information. It also allows you to set up
export of navigational waypoints.
Group selection: This parameter allows you to connect the
PI54 to a group of SimNet instruments. If such a group is not
present, the parameter is unavialable, and fixed to
STAND-ALONE. This means that you can manually select data
source from third-party units.
Source: The PI54 will automatically read the NMEA inputs to
search for available sources. If no sources are found, the phrase
(none available) is given. If one or more sources are found you
may choose between them.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The Interface setup / Water window allows you to define
sources for water related information. It also allows you to set
up export of water related i nformation telegrams.
Water depth input: The PI54 is here configured to either
supply its own water depth information, or to receive that
information from an external source.
Group selection (Water depth input): This parameter allows
you to connect the PI54 t o a group of SimNet instruments. If
such a group is not present, the p arameter is unavailable, and
fixed to STAND-ALONE. This means that you can manually
select data source from third-party units.
Source (Water depth input): The PI54 will automatically read
the NMEA inputs to search for available water depth sources. If
no sources are found, the phrase (none available)” is given. If
one or more sources are found you may choose between them.
In the example above, the internal echo sounder is the only
source available.
Water temperature input: The PI54 is here configured to
either supply its own water temperature i nformation, or to
receive that information from an external source.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Group selection (Water temperature input): This parameter
allows you to connect the PI54 to a group of SimNet
instruments. I f such a group is not present, the parameter is
unavailable, and fixed to STAND-ALONE. This means that you
can manually select data source from third-party units.
Source (Water temperature input): The PI54 will automatically
read the NMEA inputs to search for available water temperature
sources. If no sources are found, the phrase “(none available)” is
given. If one or more sources are found you may choose
between them. In the example above, the internal echo sounder
transducer is the only source available.
Water temperature offset: This function allows you to enter an
offset value for the temperature sensor.
Water speed input: The PI54 is here configured to receive
water speed information f rom an external source.
Group selection (Water speed input): This parameter allows
you to connect the PI54 t o a group of SimNet instruments. If
such a group is not present, the p arameter is unavailable, and
fixed to STAND-ALONE. This means that you can manually
select data source from third-party units.
Source (Water speed input): The PI54 will automatically read
the NMEA inputs to search for available water speed sources. If
no sources are found, the phrase (none available)” is given. If
one or more sources are found you may choose between them.
In the example above, no sources have been found. To correct
this, you must set up your speed log to provide the current speed
on NMEA format, and connect a serial cable t o the PI54
operator station.
LOG speed cal(ibration): The PI54 is preset to receive 19.000
pulses per nautical mile from a paddle wheel speed log.
However, this figure may need to be compensated for known
variances or if an other speed logs is used. The pulse rate is
calculated by the following equation:
(19.000 x Indicated speed) divided by (Actual speed from GPS)
NMEA0183 Ouput: Select any of the telegram formats
provided below, and switch them on or off for output on the
NMEA1 or NMEA2 serial lines. Note that the information can
only be exported if the PI54 can in fact provide the information.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The Interface setup / Identification window allows you to
define identification data f or the system.
Unit description: Enter any name or phrase that you wish to
identify the PI54 with. Typical phrases are “Purse seine”,
“Trawl monitoring” etc.
Device instance: This parameter is only used if your PI54 is
connected to a SimNet network. If this is the case, you must
provide a unique device number.
System instance: This parameter is only used if your PI54 is
connected to a SimNet network. If this is the case, you must
provide a unique device number.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Applicable telegram formats
The following NMEA telegram formats are used by the PI54.
APB = Autopilot Sentence B”. The information provided
includes Status, Cross track error magnitude, Direction to steer,
Cross track units, Bearing origin to destination, Destination
waypoint identification, Bearing, and Heading to steer.
DBK = Depth below keel. The information provided includes
the depth in meters, fathoms and feet.
DBS = Depth below surface. The information provided includes
the depth in meters, fathoms and feet.
DPT = Heading - Deviation & Variation. The information
provided includes the depth and the offset from the transducer.
GGA = Global positioning system fix data. The information
provided includes Universal time coordinated, Latitude,
Longitude, GPS quality indicator, Number of satellites in view,
Horizontal dilution of precision, Antenna altitude, Geoidal
separation, Age of the differential GPS data, and Differential
reference station.
GLL = Geographic Position - Latitude/Longitude.The
information provided includes Latitude, Longitude and
Universal time coordinated.
MTW = Water temperature. The information provided includes
water temperature in Celcius.
RMA = Recommended minimum navigation information.The
information provided includes Blink warning, Latitude,
Longitude, Time difference, Speed over ground, Track made
good, and Magnetic variation.
RMB = Recommended minimum navigation information.The
information provided includes Status, Cross track error,
Direction to steer to waypoint, Destination waypoint latitude
and longitude, Range to destination (in nautical miles), Bearing
to destination (in degrees True), and Destination closing
velocity (in knots).
RMC = Recommended minimum navigation information.The
information provided includes Universal time coordinated,
Latitude, Longitude, Speed over ground (in knots), Track made
good, degrees true, Date, and Magnetic Variation.
VHW = Water speed and heading. The information provided
inludes Vessel speed relative to the water (in knots and
kilometers per hour) and Heading (true and magnetic).
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
VTG = Track made good and Ground speed. The information
provided inludes Track degrees (true and magnetic) and Speed
(in knots and kilometers per hour).
XTE = Cross-Track Error, Measured. The information provided
inludes Status, Cross track error and Direction to steer.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Marker line setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the marker lines on the graphic display. When enabled, these
marker lines will be superimposed on the graphic display.
To access the parameters, press the ADJ button when you have
a graphic display in the active window. Then, press the GAIN+
button two times until the settings appear. You can also press the
MENU button to access the Echo quick menu, select Graphic
setup (8), and then press the GAIN+ button until the setup
dialogue appears.
The Marker line s etup controls how the markers from the
applicable sensors are displayed on the Graphic display. The
setup function will read the current sensor configuration, and list
the relevant sensors on the menu.
In the example provided, the PI54 is set up with two Depth
sensors, one Height sensor, as well as input from a surface
temperature feeler. These will all provide information to the
graphic display. Those sensors that will not provide presentable
information will not be listed.
Note: The Ca tch and Bottom Contact sensors will not be able to
provide information for such markers, as they only trigger
Auto: This option allows you to enable and use the delay
automatically calculated by the Trawl calculator. Select On to
enable the function. The current delay is then shown with grey
characters, and the values can not be edited. If you select Off
you must enter the Delay values manually. Note that the Trawl
calculator must be enabled to provide the delay information. If
such information is unavailable, the On/Off choice is shown
with grey characters.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Delay: For each sensor marker, you can define a presentation
delay. The echogram information provided by the PI54 is from
directly below the hull, but the marker information come from
the sensors, which are positioned some distance away. You can
therefore calculate a delay (in minutes and seconds) manually
based on the wire length, towing depth and speed, and with this
delay place the marker at its correct location on the echogram.
You can also enable the Trawl calculator function, and have the
delay calculated automatically.
Width: For each sensor marker, you can define the width of the
marker line in pixels. The colour of the line will automatically
be set to the current background colour of the numeric
presentation of the sensor data. The default line width is 2
Show: Switch the marker(s) on or off to suit your preferences
and need for information. Use the palette to define unique
colours in order to distingush the markers from each other.
Surface temperature: This parameter allows you to
superimpose a temperature curve on the graphic display. To read
the values, you need to enable the temperature scale in the
Graphic setup. You can change the width of the temperature
marker line, and choose a colour from the palette.
Sensor marker in expansion: With this setting active, the
Depth and Height marker lines are expanded, and thus easier to
read. This is a useful feature when the sensor is towed close to
the bottom, and it is particulary important f or the Height sensor.
Marker white zone: When enabled, white pixels are added
above and under the marker to make it easier to distinguish it
from the background colours.
Height marker in main echogram: If you have a Height
sensor on the top of a bottom trawl and the trawl opening is
small, it may be difficult to tell the Height marker from the
bottom echo. If this is the case, set this function to Off,and
view the Height marker in expanded mode only.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Height reference: The Height sensor measures the distance
from the headrope to the bottom. If you use the PI54 echo
sounder, set Height reference to Bottom (default), and the
height marker will follow the bottom contour. If you even
define the delay correctly, you will be able to see the trawl in
true motion. If you do not have en active echo sounder, set
Height reference to Surface. The height will then be shown
with 0 m depth as reference, and the m a rker line will appear as a
nearly straight line some distance below 0 meters. The distance
from the 0 meter line and down to the marker line will be the
current opening of the trawl.
Related topics
Graphic display, page 41
Graphic setup, page 184
Trawl calculator, page 221
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Navigation setup
Two Navigation setup dialogues may be accessed:
From the Highway display presentation
From the Setup menu
In both cases, settings are provided to set up the PI54
parameters related to the navigation display presentation. The
parameters defined for the Highway presentation are specific
for that presentation only. The Navigation setup choice on the
Setup opens the Pilot/Position setup dialogue with par ameters
valid for t he entire PI54 operation.
Highway display presentation parameters
To access the parameters, press the ADJ (Adjust) or ENT
button when you have the navigation display (”Highway”) in an
active window.
XTE distance: Define how large crosstrack error the PI54 can
accept before the alarm is triggered.
Pilot/Position setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the navigation display presentations. To acces s the parameters,
press the MENU button to open the main menu. Select the
Setup menu (4) and then Pilot/Position Setup (1).
Display p osition as: Select how you wish the position data to
be displayed; LAT/LON (Latitude/Longitude), LORAN C or
Display speed as: Select how you wish the speed information to
be displayed; SOG (speed over ground) or STW (speed through
850-165186 / Rev.B
Course and bearing as: Select how you wish the course and
bearing information to be displayed; TRUE or MAGNETIC
Time and Date: Set the internal clock.
Related topics
Highway display, page 53
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Numeric setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the Numeric display.
The Numeric display shows the data f rom the sensors in their
rectangular alphanumerical presentations. The digits in the
alphanumerical presentations are black when the data are valid,
they are grey when the values are only predicted, or they are
replaced with asterix characters (*) when the contact with the
sensor is lost. The yellow pulse lamp is lit to indicate every time
information in received back from the sensor. The positioning of
the alphanumerical presentations is controlled by the order of
which the sensors were configured in the Sensor setup
To access the parameters, press the ADJ (Adjust) or ENT
button when you have the numeric presentations in an active
Show graphic alarm: The graphic alarm is the small red
triangle in each sensor presentation. If the triangle is lit, it
indicates an alarm situation. If the triangle points upwards a
“minimum” alarm has been triggerd, if it points downwards, a
“maximum” alarms has been triggerd. The default setting for
this parameter is ALWAYS.
Sensor timer: The Catch and Bottom Contact sensors h ave a
timer feature indicating how many times each sensor has been
activated during a tow. The timer runs when the sensor is
activated, and stops once the sensor is released. This parameter
allows you to enable or disable these timers. The default setting
is ON. You can also access this parameter in the Graphic setup.
Reset sensor timers: The Catch and Bottom Contact sensors
have a timer feature indicating how many times each sensor has
been activated during a tow. To reset the timers to 0 prior to a
new tow, select YES. Default setting is NO. You can also access
this parameter in the Graphic setup.
Related topics
How to define sensor presentations, page 56
Numeric display, page 33
850-165186 / Rev.B
Offset adjust
These settings are used to set up offset values for the Depth and
Spread sensors.
To access the parameters, press the MENU button to open the
main menu. Then, open the Setup menu (4) and select Sensor
alarm/calibration (4). When the dialogue opens, press the
GAIN+ button four times to open the Offset adjust dialogue.
When accessed, this dialogue will only display the Depth and
Spread sensors currently configured. Offset adjustments can be
only be made on the listed sensors. Enter a negative or positive
value to decrease or increase all readings from the chosen
Related topics
How to define sensor offsets, page 66
PI Depth sensor, page 124
PS Depth sensor, page 129
PI Spread sensor, page 143
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Page setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the page; automatic page rotation and menu language.
To access the parameters, press the MENU button to access the
main menu. Then, open the Setup menu (4) and select Speed
alarm, units & language (2).
PAGE rotation interval: If you press the PAGE button and
holds it depressed for minimum three seconds, you will start
automatic page rotation. The feature will make the PI54 leaf
through its four pages automatically. The rotation i nterval is the
time it keeps each page displayed before it brings up the next
page. To switch this function off, press any other button on the
Display text in: This parameter allows you to change the menu
language. Note that the presence of other languages than english
will depend on the software version.
Related topics
How to control automatic page rotation, page 100
850-165186 / Rev.B
Palette setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
presentation colours.
The information provided by the PI54 can be presented using
one out of ten palettes. In each palette, the text and background
colours are defined. Four of the palettes are user defined, and
you can make your own preferences.
To access the Palette setup,presstheMenu key, and select
Setup (4). On the submenu, select Palette setup (7).
To leaf through the palette pages, use the + and - buttons. To
change colour settings, use the Selector pad to find the graphic
element, and the + and - buttons to leaf through the available
Palettes 1 through 4 are factory defaults, these can not be
Palettes 5 through 8 are set up by Simrad, but you are free to
change them to suit your preferences.
Palette 9 is spare.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Position display setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the position display presentation.
To access the parameters, press the ADJ (Adjust) or ENT
button when you have the Position display in an active window.
Log 1/2: Use this parameter to reset the two distance logs.
Related topics
Position display, page 54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Quick guide
This function provides you key information about PI54
To access the quick guide, press the Menu key, and select Setup
(4). On the submenu, select Quick guide (9). You can also
access the quick guide from the start-up screen. Once accessed,
you can leaf through the pages using the GAIN+ and GAIN-
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Receiver setup
These settings are used to establish the communication
parameters between the PI54 and the sensors.
To access the parameters, press the MENU button to access the
Setup menu (4). Then, select Receiver setup (6). You need to
acknowledge the access with the ENT button before the
dialogue is displayed.
The Receiver setup parameters have a major influence on the
PI54 performance. The default settings are those we have found
to be the best for general use, but for individual i nstallations
optimized settings may enhance the performance.
Interference filter: When this filter is active it will remove
interference (noise and false echoes) from other echo sounders
and sonars in the t he vincinity of your own vessel. It may not
remove all interference, but in most cases you will find this
filter to be very efficient. If you suffer from poor range
performance, and the spectrum o n the Status Display is nearly
flat, this filter may also prove useful. A normal sensor will then
show up with a narrow peak at its dedicated frequency. This
filter is by default switched on and set to level 9, and will tend
to prioritize stronger signals.
Interference filter level: Use this setting to control t he strength
of the Interfer ence filter. 9 is the default value and the heaviest
filtering. Selecting 0 will hardly have any effect, and is really
equivalent with the f ilter switched off.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor filter: The PI54 is designed to quickly update data.
After the sensors have been submerged, the receiver requires
only three consecutive pings from individual sensors to calculate
and display their respective information. However, if you
experience problems with the reception, you may also try this
filter: it will average the data received from the sensors. Light
filtering will average the data received by the last four pings,
while heavy filtering averages the data received by the last eight
pings. We recommend that you only use heavy filtering if there
are large fluctuations in the displayed data, or if the rate of
change is small. Reduced filtering shortens the delay between
updating the changes in sensor location and the corresponding
displayed information. Default setting is LIGHT.
Catch/Bottom Sensor filter: This filter is used to smooth out
the information from the Catch and Bottom Contact sensors.
When the filter is switched off any change in sensor status will
immediately be shown on the display. Set to LIGHT the change
in status must last and remain stable for at least two pi ngs before
the display is changed. When HEAVY filtering is applied the
change i n status must last and remain stable for at least four
pings before the change is shown on the PI54 display.
AGC (Automatic Gain Control): This function allows the PI54
to automatically control the receiver gain. The units reads and
interprets the received signal strength, and adjusts the gain
accordingly. During normal operation, ON is the recommended
(and default) setting.
Manual gain: If you decide to switch the AGC off you must set
the gain manually. This can be useful when you work at
maximum detection ranges with favourable noise levels. The
default setting is 0 dB, and you can adjust the gain in steps of
20 dB.
Multipath filter (MP filter): When you operate in an areas with
substantial r everberation due to bottom topography, or in
shallow waters, you may experience problems when consecutive
operating channels have been configured, but the corresponding
sensors are not in use. False signals and sporadic error values
can also be caused by other types of hydroacoustical equipment
operating on the PI54 frequency range. This filter has been
implemented to remedy for such interference problem. Default
setting is OFF.
Multipath filter level (MP f ilter level): When the Multipath
filter has been enabled, you can adjust the filter l evel in small
steps to correct the interference problem. Lower filter values
represent stronger filtering. It is best to experiment with this
parameter by reducing the value in steps of 3 dB until the
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
detection error disappears. Check that the signals from the
sensor in use are still being r eceived, if they are not, the filter
will not be of help in this particular situation. The f ilter’s
effectiveness i s both location and net specific. Therefore, the
same parameters will not necessary work in different areas or
using various types of nets. Default setting is 42 dB.
Detection Threshold (DT): This function will inhibit r eception
of the weakest signals. If you experience problems with
interference signals generating false data and all of the
configured sensors are operative (analogous with the Multipath
problem); increase the Detection Threhold value carefully in
steps of 1 dB. High values allow only strong sensor signals to be
detected. A lower threshold value will provide greater range if
conditions are optimal, but if too low, interference will be
detected. It is best to experiment with different values t o
determine which to employ.
Note: If the Detection Threshold (DT) value is set higher than 28 dB,
all signals will be prevented from being detected.
Max shooting speed: The PI 54 has a built in doppler
compensation function which is configured using this parameter.
The parameter and related function is however only relevant if
sensor data is desired while the purse seine is being deployed. It
has no effect once the vessel is stopped waiting for the net to
sink. Note that if you set this parameter too h igh, you can create
a conflict with the channel selection. Should this situation arise,
the following message will appear: Max shooting speed differs
from wanted, channels are set too close to each other.
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor alarms
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
sensor alarms.
To access the parameters, press the MENU button to open the
main menu. Then, open the Setup menu, and select Sensor
alarm/calibration .
Each sensor has an individual alarm setting, and you can also
trigger alarms to warn you about sudden temperature changes
and shallow water. Whenever an alarm is triggered an audible
signal is provided, and a message on the display presents the
cause of the alarm. Unless the reason for the alarm is corrected,
or the alarm disabled, it will sound again after 20 seconds.
Due to the amount of choices available for the PI54, the alarm
parameters are organized in three dialogues.
Sensor alarm : This dialogue allows you to defined alarms
related to the information provided by the sensors.
Surface temperature: This dialogue allows you to set up
alarms to warn you about surface temperatures, and to
indicate sudden temperature changes.
Clearance: This dialogue allows you to define alarms to
monitor if a trawl or towed object comes too close or too far
off the bottom.
The Sensor alarm/calibration choice on the Setup menu also
allows you to define parameters for depth calibration and offset.
These are explained separately.
Sensor alarms, page 212
Surface temperature alarms, page 213
Clearance alarm, page 214
Related topics
Depth calibration, page 176
Offset adjust, page 203
Depth alarm setup, page 180
Fish alarm setup, page 180
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor alarms
This dialogue allows you to define alarms related to the
information provided by the sensors you have in current use on
your PI54 system. The appearance of the dialogue will thus
automatically change to suit your individual configuration.
Sensor alarm
0010m OFF
0120m OFF
0060m OFF
-0.5°C OFF 10.0°C OFF
0100m ON
0350m OFF
0010m ON
Min alarm Max alarm
Height 2:
Depth 3:
Spread 4:
Temp 5:
Bottom sensor alarm:
Catch sensor alarm:
Each sensor has an individual alarm setting. To enable an alarm,
you must define minimum and maximum limits for the sensor,
and set it to ON. If the alarm is triggered, an audible signal will
be provided, and a message will tell you which sensor that
caused the alarm. Once an alarm has been triggered, it is
automatically disabled for 20 seconds. After this time it may be
triggered again unless the alarm situation has been rectified, or
you have disabled the alarm.
The Bottom Contact and Catch sensors can only p rovide
alarms when they are activated.
Related topics
How to define alarm limits, page 96
850-165186 / Rev.B
Surface temperature alarms
This dialogue allows you to define alarms related to the surface
temperature. In order to enable these alarms, your system must
have relevant sensors f itted.
Surface temperature
00.0°C OFFAlarm minimum:
12.0°C ONAlarm maximum:
02.0°C/min OFF
Shear alarm:
The surface temperature sensor has individual alarm settings for
maximum and minimum temperature. To enable an alarm, you
must define the appropriate limits, and set it to ON. If the alarm
is triggered an audible signal will be provided, and a message
will tell you that the surface temperature alarm was set off.
Once an alarm has been triggered, it is automatically disabled
for 20 seconds. After this time it may be triggered again unless
the alarm situation has been rectified, or you have disabled the
alarm. The Shear alarm will be triggered if the temperature
changes faster per minute than the value you have entered.
Alarm maximum/minimum: To enable the temperature
alarms, select upper and lower limits, and then switch On.
Shear alarm: This alarm triggers if the temperature changes
faster per minute than the limit value provided.
Related topics
How to define alarm limits, page 97
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Clearance alarms
These alarms will notify you if a trawl or towed object comes to
close or far off the bottom.
000 m OFF
Clearance pre warning, min:
300 m ON
Clearance pre warning, max:
The Clearance pre -warning alarms are used to warn you if a
trawl or another towed object either moves too close to the
bottom, or lifts too f ar off the bottom. You must have the echo
sounder switched on to use this alarm. To enable it, set the
minimum limit to the minimum allowed distance between the
footrope and the bottom, and/or the maximum limit to the
maximum allowed distance between the footrope and the
bottom. Then, switch one or both alarms to ON. The alarm is
triggered if the reading from a Depth sensor mounted on the
footrope (or a manual depth marker) exceeds one of the defined
limits. To use this alarm for a single towed object, select the
Depth sensor as a Foot rope sensor in the Trawl info dialogue.
Clearance p re-warning, min: Set minimum alarm limit, and
select ON when you wish to enable the alarm.
Clearance pre-warning, max: Set maximum alarm limit, and
select ON when you wish to enable the alarm.
Related topics
How to define alarm limits, page 97
Trawl info dialogue, page 223
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor setup
These parameters are used to establish communication between
the PI54 and the sensors.
To access the parameters, press the MENU button to open the
main menu, Then select Sensor setup on the Setup menu.
Note: In order to set up these parameters correctly, you need to know
what kind of sensors you have, how often the provide
information updates, and on which channels they communicate.
A form has been provided in the front of this book to write down
this information.
For each of the sensors, enable it, and select sensor type,
communication rate and communication channel.
Sensor: Choose Single to enable the sensor, or None to disable
Measur e : Choose the sensor type.
Update: Select Normal, Fast or Slow. This is the time elapsed
between each information update from the sensor. The setting
you choose here must
match with the setting defined in the
applicable sensor.
Channel: Select any channel between 0 and 30, or No (none).
The setting you choose here must
match with the setting defined
in the applicable sensor.
Demo mode: Set to Off to enable normal operation using
sensors and echo sounder transducer.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
If you configure less then six sensors, you will be able to set the
Sensor parameter to Dual. You can not use this setting. Dual
sensors are not yet available, and this functionality is not yet
supported by the digital signal processing in the PI54. The
ability to choose Dual is implemented for future expansion only,
and any attempt to choose this setting will not work.
Note: The settings you choose f or update rate and communication
channel must be identical to the settings in the relevant sensor. If
these settings are not matched, your PI54 will not be able to
read the information from the sensor!
Related topics
How to set up the sensors, page 58
850-165186 / Rev.B
Speed setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
To access the parameters, press the MENU button to access the
main menu. Then, select Speed alarm , units & language on
the Setup menu.
Setup for speed
Speed alarm maximum:
Speed alarm minimum:
000.0kn OFF
000.0kn OFF
Speed alarm maximum: This parameter provides you with an
audible warning if the vessel’s speed exceeds a pr edefined speed
Speed alarm m inimum: This parameter provides you with an
audible warning if the vessel’s speed is lower than a predefined
Related topics
Alarm procedures, page 96
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Status setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the Status display.
To access the parameters, press the ADJ (Adjust) or ENT
button when you have the Status display in the active window.
Spectrum, display: Use this parameter to select Frequency or
Channel in the left hand graph in the Status display. When
Channel is selected, each comminication channel is shown with
a b lack bar.
Frequency band: The graph in the Status display is not wide
enough to show all entire frequency band with sufficient
resolution. For this reason, you can select which frequency band
you wish to see. Select any value between 00 and 15. Selecting
00 provides the full bandwidth. Each band (except 00) covers
between 800 and 1000 Hz with some overlap, and the ranges are
shown in t he table below.
Band From
Band From
00 43.2 50.4 08 46,3 47,3
01 43,2 44,1 09 46,8 47,7
02 43,7 44,6 10 47,3 48,2
03 44,1 45,0 11 47,7 48,6
04 44,6 45,5 12 48,2 49,1
05 45,0 45,9 13 48,6 49,5
06 45,5 46,3 14 49,1 50,0
07 45,9 46,8 15 49,5 50,4
Related topics
Status display, page 46
850-165186 / Rev.B
Surface temperature setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 presentation
parameters related to the surface temperature presentation.
To access the parameters, press the ADJ (Adjust) or ENT
buttons when you have a Surface temperature display in the
active window.
Temperature scale max/min: Use these settings to define the
maximum and minimum values in your temperature scale.
Temperature grid: When enabled, this function p laces
horizontal grid lines in the temperature graph to make it easier
to read the data.
Temperature offset: Using this function, you can add or
subtract a fixed termperature value f or compensate for known
deviations in the sensor.
Average of temperature readings: If you wish to read the
averga temperature, you must define how many readings to take
before the result is computed.
Related topics
Surface temperature display, page 45
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Temperature setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the temperature presentation on the graphic display. When
enabled, a temperature scale will be placed on the graphic
Additionally, a temperature line can be superimposed on the
graphic display. This feature is enabled in the Marker line
To access the parameters, press the ADJ (Adjust) button when
you have a graphic display in the active window. Then, press the
GAIN+ button until the settings appear. You can also press t he
MENU button to access the Echo quick menu, and then select
Graphic setup (8).
Temperature scale: This selection switches the temperature
scale on or off.
Temperature scale min/max: These two settings define the
maximum or minimum temperatures on the scale.
Related topics
Marker line setup, page 197
Graphic display, page 41
Graphic setup, page 184
850-165186 / Rev.B
Trawl calculator
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the Trawl calculator.
To access the parameters, press the ADJ button when you have
a graphic display in the active window. Then, press the GAIN+
button four times until the settings appear. You can also press
the MENU button to access the Echo quick menu, select
Graphic setup (8), and then press the GAIN+ button f our
The Trawl calculator is used when you have chosen to
superimpose sensor data onto the Graphic display. However, in
order to position the sensor marker correctly on the echogram,
you need to calculate the delay. This is because the echo sounder
information is provided by a transducer located under the vessel,
while the sensors are l ocated on the gear, which may be
positioned several hundred meters behind the vessel. To adjust
for this d elay, you must calculate the value (in minutes) based
on the vessel’s speed, the wire length and the depth of the gear.
You can do it manually and enter a Marker line d elay in the
Marker line setup dialogue, or you can leave the calculation to
the Trawl calculator.
For a complete procedure, refer to the Operational procedures
Trawl calculator mode: Select Auto or Manual. When
Selecting Auto allows you to retrieve or enter trawl data, and
the PI54 will perform the calculation. Selecting Manual
switches the Trawl calculator off.
Towing speed: Select Manual to enter the average vessel speed,
or Auto to allow the PI54 to retrieve the information
automatically. If you select Auto you can choose to read the
speed over ground (SPG) or the speed through water (STW).
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Note: In order to retrieve speed information, the relevant equipment
(GPS) must be interfaced to your PI54.
When you read the speed information f rom a GPS, the
information is very accurate. Due to the fact that the trawl
calculations are made continuously, even the slightest change in
speed will be reflected on the display presentation, and you may
experience that the markers fluctuate. If this is a problem, enter
the average vessel speed manually.
Trawl depth: Select Manual to enter average trawl depth. If
you run a pelagic trawl, you must use this setting. Select
Bottom if you run a bottom trawl, and you expect the trawl
depth to be equal to the depth measured by the echo sounder.
Note that in order to update the calculator automatically, the
echo sounder must be operational providing valid depth data.
These are shown with grey characters.
Wire length: Enter the length of the trawl wire. In most cases,
this is the length from the stern of the vessel to the trawl doors.
Wire length offset: Enter the distance from the trawl doors to
the headrope. This is normally a fixed value. The calculator will
add the wire length to the wire length offset, and use the sum of
these in the calculations.
Calculated m arker delay: When in Auto mode, the delay is
shown in minutes and seconds.
Related topics
How to set up marker lines, page 81
Marker line setup, page 197
850-165186 / Rev.B
Trawl info setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
the trawl presentations on the Graphic display. When enabled,
marker lines providing trawl depth information will be
superimposed on the display.
The marker lines are enabled in the Marker line setup.
To access the parameters, press the ADJ (Adjust) button when
you have a Graphic display in the active window. Then, press
the GAIN+ button until the parameters appear. You can also
press the MENU button to access the Echo quick menu,and
then select Graphic setup (8).
Headrope sensor: This setting defines which sensor that is
placed on the headrope.
Footrope sensor: This setting defines which sensor that is
placed on the footrope.
Trawl opening mode: This parameter decides how the trawl
opening shall be recreated on the Graphic Display. If you have
sufficient sensors on the trawl you must select Auto, and the the
PI54 will automatically calculate the trawl opening and draw it
accordingly. If you only have one sensor on the trawl opening
(Depth or Height sensor on the headrope), the Manual setting
will add an artificial line on the Graphic Display. The distance
from the headrope to the footrope must then be defined
manually using the Manual trawl marker parameter (below).
Manual trawl marker: Set the manual trawl opening height for
use with the Trawl opening mode parameter (above).
Clump sensor: This setting defines which sensor that is placed
on the clump.
Door sensor: This setting defines which sensor that is placed on
the door.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Trawl data in additional info: When enabled, the current trawl
depth will be added to the Additional information line in the
Graphic Display.
Type of trawl d ata: This parameter defines which information
that is provideed in the Additional information bar on the
Graphic Display.
Related topics
Marker line setup, page 197
Graphic display, page 41
Graphic setup, page 184
850-165186 / Rev.B
Units setup
These settings are used to set up the PI54 parameters related to
To access the parameters, press the MENU button to access the
main menu. Then, select Speed alarm , units & language on
the Setup menu.
Select the units you wish to use on the various data. T hese
parameters are self explanatory.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The purpose of the PI Configurator utility is to be able to
configure sensors so t hat they can operate on different
communication channels. Several PI equipped vessels may then
operate simultaneously in the same area without interference.
The utility also allows you to change the update rate on each
sensor. This is the time elapsed between each data transmission
from the sensor to the host PI system.
This document describes software version 3.40.
Basic information, page 227
About sensor configuration, page 229
Main dialogue description, page 231
How to perform software i nstallation, page 234
How to interface the sensor, page 235
How to perform basic sensor configuration, page 236
How to set up a Twin Spread system, page 237
How to upload factory settings, page 239
Reference information
References, page 240
Programming modes, page 262
Making a programming cable, page 263
Troubleshooting, page 264
Sensor test procedures
Sensor test procedures, page 265
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Basic information
Default sensor settings
PI and PS sensors are delivered from Simrad configured with
common default settings. When required, the individual sensors
may be re-configured with regard to:
Communication channel
LED control
Ping control
Data Update rate
Show channel with LED flash at start up
Who can configure PI sensors?
Sensor configuration is normally performed by authorized
Simrad technicians. However, individuals with basic computer
skills and access to the necessary equipment should not find it
Programming modes
The PI Configurator configuration software has two
programming modes, Standard and Professional.
Note: It is highly recommended that the configuration of PI and PS
sensors in the Professional mode is only performed by skilled
and experienced pers onnel.
Necessary equipment
The following hard- and software is required to use the PI
Configurator utility:
PI Configuration software
A PC with Microsoft WindowsE 2000 or XP operating
system and a COM port (serial line).
A sensor programming cable for either a stationary or
portable PC.
The sensor programming cables for stationary and portable
PCs are constructed differently and are not
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Available equipment
The following is available from Simrad:
User Guide (857-164924)
Software (889-204037)
Programming cable f or stationary PCs (380-204624)
Programming cable for portable PCs (380-208429)
Service hydrophone (314-204480)
The configuration equipment is also is available in kits:
KIT 1, User guide and software (KIT-208780)
KIT 2, User guide, software and programming cable for
stationary PC (KIT-208781)
KIT 3, User guide, software and programming cable for
portable PC (KI T-208782)
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
About sensor configuration
All sensors are provided from the factory with pre-defined
communication channels and update rates.
Sensor Com.channel Update rate
PI Bottom Contact 6 Normal
PI Catch 4 Normal
PI Depth (300 m) 16 Fast
PI Depth (600 m) 12 Fast
PI Depth (1000 m) 10 Fast
PI Height 14 Fast
PI Spread 2 Fast
PI Twin Spread 2 and 7 Fast
PI Temperature 8 Fast
Factory default communication channels and update rates
Changing a transmission channel
It may be required to change one or more transmission channels,
and there may be many reasons for this.
You have more than one of each sensor. For example, if you
have three temperature sensors, they MUST communicate on
three different channels.
Other vessels near your use the same PI Configurator system
(or a similar), and they have one or more of their sensors set
up to the same communication channels as you have. This
will create interference, as you will “read” each others
If your sensors are set up to use communication channels too
close to each other (for example, you have chosen channels
4, 5 and 6), this will limit the vessel’s speed. The reason for
this is the doppler effect. If the speed is too high, the doppler
will cause the transmission frequencies to change so much
that they overlap, and this will create interference. The PI
Configurator will provide a warning if this is about to
happen! You must then either change to other communication
channels further apart, or reduce the maximum shooting
If you operate at the maximum range of the sensors, you may
be able to increase this range slightly if you use lower
communication channels. This is because the l ower
communication channels user lower transmission
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Changing the update rate
It may be required to change the update rate on a sensor, that is
how often it sends information back to the PI Configurator
system. A high update rate will give frequent information
updates, but the sensor will use m ore battery power. If you need
your batteries to last as long as possible, you must consider
lowering the update rate.
A low update rate will provide you with fewer information
updates, but the battery will last very long.
A high update rate will give you frequent information
updates, but the battery will run out faster.
All sensors are provided from Simrad with a default update rate
setting. In some cases you may find that this update rate does
not suit your operational needs. This is a decision you have to
make depending on the local fishing conditions.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Main dialogue description
Observe the illustration and descriptions below. Note that the
apperance of function buttons will differ depending on the
sensor type connected to the application. When functions are
unavailable, the fields are identified accordingly with a shaded
ID Button/Function Use
1 Establish communication with
Once the sensor is connected to the PC, click to initiate
sensor interface.
2 Read sensor data Click to download current parameter settings from the
sensor. The information is shown in the message field
3 Configure s ensor Click to upload the new configuration parameters to the
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
ID UseButton/Function
4 Terminate communication Click to disconnect the sensor from the PC.
5 Message field Displays p rogram and s ensor data.
6 Communication channel Select channel number to be uploaded to the sensor. If
a Twin Spread sensor is connected, two
communication channels must be defined.
7 LED control Click and drag the slider bar to control the behav iour of
the s ensor’s internal LED.
8 Ping control Click and drag the s lider bar to control how often ther
sensor will transmit (”ping”).
9 Sensor type Displays the sensor type.
10 Data update rate Select the time interval between data transmissions
from the sensor.
11 Remote Only available for Twin Spread sensors, used to
defined the set of Remote s ensors to be used in the
Twin Spread system.
Number Only available for Rem ote sensors, used to define its
identification num ber (1 -- 4)
12 S how channel at startup Click to activate or deactivate the sensors internal LED
identification flash.
13 P I Configurator title Displays current software version.
14 S erial number Displays the sensor’s serial number. This parameter is
not av ailable for P S sensors.
15 Dialogue box function buttons Standard operating system functionality.
16 Com munication port setup Click to select which COM port you us e to
communicate with the sensor.
17 Language Click to change language.
18 Help Click to open on--line help.
19 Factory default Click to configure the sensor with the corresponding
factory default settings.
20 Indicator lamp Indicates s ensor interrogation.
21 Quit Close the PI Configurator utility.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Operational procedures
Observe the following procedures.
How to perform software i nstallation, page 234
How to interface the sensor, page 235
How to perform basic sensor configuration, page 236
How to set up a Twin Spread system, page 237
How to upload factory settings, page 239
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Software installation
Observe the following procedure to install the PI Configurator
software on a stationary or portable computer. Note that the
computer must have either Microsoft WindowsE 2000 or
Microsoft WindowsE XP operating system. You must also have
the Winzip utility installed on your computer. if this is not the
case, it can be dowloaded from www.winzip.com.
Note: Certain anti virus applications may cause the installation
process to fail. If you suspect this, close down the anti virus
protection, and reinstall the PI Configurator.
1 Locate the zi p file containing the PI Configurator utility.
- The file can be found on a CD, it can be downloaded,
or distributed by e-mail.
2 Copy the zip file to your harddrive, and open it.
-TheWinzip utility is required to open the file.
3 Unpack the installation files to a temporary folder on your
4 Locate and run the se tup.exe file.
5 Allow the installation wizard to start. F ollow the online
instructions carefully.
Note: If you have a previous version of the PI Configurator utility, the
installation program will remove it. You will then need to restart
the setup.exe file to complete the installation of the new version.
The user guide is available in electronic form on the PI
Configurator CD. It may be viewed by opening the CD’s
contents and double-clicking the file.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to interface the sensor
Before you can configure the sensor, you need to connect it to
the computer. Observe the procedure below.
1 Start the PI Configurator utility.
2 Plug the programming cable into one of computer’s COM
ports (COM1 is recommended).
3 Ensure that the sensor to be connected is switched off.
Check that the internal LED does not flash, and that the
sea water s witch is not activated in any way.
4 Attach the programming cable’s positive (red) alligator
clip to one of the sensor’s positive fastening lugs
(designated with a plus symbol).
5 Attach the programming cable’s negative (black) alligator
clip to one of the sensor’s negative fastening lugs
(designated with a minus symbol).
6 In the PI Configurator utility, click the Communication
Port Setup button to open the ComPortSetupdialogue
7 Select the COM port the programming cable is plugged
into by clicking it, then click OK.
8 Observe that the Establish Communication with Sensor
button has been activated.
9 Click the Establish Communication with Sensor button.
Small dialogues will tell you that the computer first opens the
COM por t, and then wakes up the sens or. If there is a
malfunction, you will be notified accordingly. Once the
communication between the PC and interfaced sensor is
established, the yellow text field will display the key parameters
retrieved from the sensor. Also, the indicator lamp in the lower
right-hand corner of the PI Configurator dialogue will turn on
and off every two seconds. The indicator lamp inside the sensor
will illuminate at the same rate.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to perform basic configuration
Once the sensor is connected to the computer, and you have
established communication, you can use the PI Configurator
utility to change the basic sensor parameters.
1 Click the Read Senor Data button.
- Observe that the current sensor configuration
parameters are displayed in the message field. The
information includes sensor type, channel number, and
the sensor’s software version.
2 If required, select a new communication channel in the
spin box next to the Communication channel label.
3 If required, select a different update rate in the spin box
next to the Data update rate label.
4 Press the Configure sensor button to upload the new
5 Press Terminate communication, and disconnect the
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to configure a Twin Spread system
This procedure describes hot to set up a Twin Spread system
using one Twin Spread sensor and two Remote sensors.
Setting up the Twin Spread sensor
1 Connect the Twin Spread sensor to the PI Configurator.
2 Press Establish communication with Sensor.
- Observe that the current sensor configuration
parameters are displayed in the message field. The
information includes sensor type, channel number, and
the sensor’s software version.
3 If required, select new communication channels in the
spin boxes next to the Communication channel labels.
- Two communication channels are required because the
Twin Spread system measures two different distances.
The channels you select here MUST match the
channels you select on the PI44.
4 If required, select a different update rate in the spin box
next to the Data update rate label.
5 Use the spin box next to the Remote label to choose the
set of Remote sensor you wish to use.
- You can either use Remote set 1and3or 2and4.
- The selection you make here MUST match the two
Remote sensors you wish to use.
6 Press the Configure sensor button to upload the new
7 Press Terminate communication, and disconnect the
Setting up the first Remote sensor
1 Connect the first Remote sensor to the PI Configurator.
2 Press Establish communication with Sensor.
- Observe that the current sensor configuration
parameters are displayed in the message field.
3 Use the spin box next to the Number label to define the
sensor’s number in the Twin Spread system.
- The number you choose MUST match one of the
numbers chosen in step 5 in the Twin Spread sensor
4 Press the Configure sensor button to upload the new
5 Press Terminate communication, and disconnect the
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Setting up the second Remote sensor
1 Connect the second Remote sensor to the PI Configurator.
2 Press Establish communication with Sensor.
- Observe that the current sensor configuration
parameters are displayed in the message field.
3 Use the spin box next to the Number label to define the
sensor’s number in the Twin Spread system.
- The number you choose MUST match the other
number chosen in step 5 in the Twin Spread sensor
4 Press the Configure sensor button to upload the new
5 Press Terminate communication, and disconnect the
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to upload factory settings
Once the sensor is connected to the computer, and you have
established communication, you can use the PI Configurator
utility to upload the applicable sensor’s factory settings.
1 Click the Read Senor Data button.
- Observe that the current sensor configuration
parameters are displayed in the message field. The
information includes sensor type, channel number, and
the sensor’s software version.
2 Click the Factory default button to retrieve the default
parameters for the current sensor.
3 Press Configure sensor button to upload the parameters
to the sensor.
4 Press Terminate communication, and disconnect the
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The features available when using PI Configurator software
depend which mode it is in (Standard or Professional) and the
type of sensor that i s interface. All commands are described
here, and they are listed in alphabetical order.
Communication Channel, page 241
Communication Port Setup, page 242
Configure Sensor, page 243
Data Update Rate, page 244
Establish Communication with sensor, page 245
Factory Default, page 246
Help, page 247
Language, page 248
LED control, page 249
Message field, page 250
Number, page 251
Ping control, page 252
Quit, page 253
Read Sensor Data, page 254
Remote, page 255
Sensor Type, page 256
Serial number, page 257
Show channel at startup, page 258
Terminate Communication, page 260
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Communication Channel
This parameter allows you to redefine the sensor’s transmission
channel (1 to 30).
Sensors send information using specific frequencies, each
designated as an individual channel. PI and PS sensors have 30
channels to choose from, and the FA701 sensors have four. The
frequency range of these channels are of from 43.5 to 49.5 kHz
for PI and PS systems,and70to80kHzforFA710 systems.
Note: This is a key parameter. Unless the communication channel
defined in the sensor matches the channel defined on the host PI
system, the communication will not work!
To operate, click the up or down arrow on the Communication
Channel spin box until the desired channel is shown in the text
box. It is also possible to enter a channel directly by clicking the
text box and inputting the value with the P C’s keyboard.
Click the Configure Sensor button to program the interfaced
sensor with the new channel number parameter. Finally, check
that the message field is updated with the new parameter, and
that the message Success!! is displayed at the bottom as
confirmation that the command was executed.
Spread sensors
Note that Spread sensors can be configured to communicate
with Remote sensors No.1 or 2; but should be labelled
accordingly because they must be used in pairs and can not be
interchanged. It is important to remember to re-configure t he
Spread 2 communication channel.
Note: Spread sensors configured as Sensor Type / Twin Spread have
two Communication Channel dialogue boxes.
Related topics
Remote, page 255
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Communication Port Setup
This button opens the ComPortSetupdialogue. The integrated
slider bar is used to designate which COM port (COM1 to
COM8) the programming cable is plugged into. COM1 is the
factory default setting and recommended parameter.
To operate, click the Communication Port Setup button to
open the ComPortSetupdialogue box. Click on the desired
port, or use t he slider bar to select. Click OK to save and exit.
If the chosen COM port is unavailable on the computer, a
corresponding message will inform you about this.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Configure Sensor
This button is used to re-program the currently interfaced sensor
with the new parameters selected (those presently displayed).
This operation can not be “undone” however, the sensor’s
previous status information and parameter configuration is still
available in the main dialogue box and may be re-entered if
To operate, click the Configure Sensor button to program the
sensor with the new parameters shown on the screen. Check that
the message field is updated with the new parameters and the
message Success!! is displayed at the bottom as a confirmation
that the command was executed.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Data Update Rate
This parameter is used to select an interfaced sensor’s data
update rate.
Note: This is a key parameter. Unless t he data update rate defined in
the sensor matches the rate defined on the host PI system, the
communication will not work!
The data update rate is the time interval between individual
transmissions from the sensor containing measurement data. The
rate selected must match the corresponding setting in the PI
Cabinet’s Setup window.
To operate, click the spin box next to the Data Update Rate
label. Select the desired rate. Then, click the Configure Sensor
button to program the interfaced sensor with the new data
update rate parameter. Finally, check that the message field is
updated with the new parameter, and that the message Success!!
is displayed at the bottom as confirmation that t he command
was executed.
Related topics
About sensor configuration, page 229
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Establish Communication With Sensor
This button initiates contact between the computer and a well
charged sensor by sending it a ”wake-up” command.
Once two-way communication is established the following
The indicator lamp (in the lower right-hand corner of the
dialogue) will be turned on and off every two seconds.
The LED inside the interfaced sensor will illuminate every
two seconds.
The sensor will download its current configuration data to the
PC. The information is shown in the message field.
To operate: click the Establish Communication with Sensor
button. Check that the message f ield shows the interfaced
sensor’s cur rent configuration parameters, and thate the message
Success!! is displayed as confirmation at the bottom of the text.
To terminate the communication with the sensor, click the
Terminate Communication button.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Factory Default
This button is used to restore a sensor’s factory default values,
according to the type of sensor currently interfaced.
Factory default settings include:
Sensor Communication Channel
LED control
Ping control
Data Update rate
Show channel with LED flash at start up
To operate, click the Factory Default button to select the
original factory default settings. Then, click the Configure
Sensor button to program the interfaced sensor with the original
factory default settings. Finally, check that the message field is
updated with the factory default settings, and that the message
Success!! is displayed at the bottom as confirmation that the
command was executed.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
This button opens the on-line Help.
The on-line help include general information concerning the use
of PI Configurator software and sensor interface.
To operate, click the Help button to open the on-line help.
To access context sensitive help, click the right mouse button
over a given button or parameter. This will open a help window
with specific information concerning the parameter or button the
cursor is located over.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
This button opens the Language dialogue.
The dialogue allows you to select operational language by
clicking on one of the flag icons. Clicking an icon will convert
the PI Configurator’s buttons, information, help functions and
interfaced sensor data to the respective language.
To operate, click the Language button to open the dialogue.
Click on the desired icon to select language, or click Cancel to
close the dialogue without replacing the present language in use.
When you have changed the language, click the Configure
sensor button to have the information in the message field
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
LED Control
This parameter can only be accessed in the Professional mode.
The dialogue box is used to control the behaviour of the
interfaced sensor’s internal LED during normal operation. LED
behaviour in both the charge and communication modes can not
be altered. Sensor LED parameters are:
Startup Only - The LED will only illuminate (flashing its
identification code) when it is energized. It will not be turned
on during normal operation.
Only when Pinging - The LED will only illuminate when it
“pings” (transmits data).
When <2m - T he LED will flash every time the sensor
“pings”, but only when it is at a depth of less than two
meters. This parameter is only available for depth sensors.
Always - If the sensor is disabled from pinging at depths less
than two m eters by the P ing Control parameter being set to
Depth > 2m,theAlways parameter causes the sensor’s LED
to illuminate at depths of less than two meters even when the
sensor does not “ping”.
To operate, use the LED Control spin button to select the
desired LED behaviour. Then, click the Configure Sensor
button to program the interfaced sensor with the new parameter.
Finally, check that the message field is updated with the new
parameter, and that the message Success!! is displayed at the
bottom as confirmation that the command was executed.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Message field
This message field displays present and past configuration data,
communication status, error messages and other information.
Configured parameters can not be “undone” however, the
previous parameter configuration is still available in the main
dialogue box and may be re-entered if necessary.
Each time the Configure Sensor button is clicked, the message
field will be automatically updated. The latest status information
and parameters will displace (vertically) the older values until
they are no longer displayed in the window.
(1) = Previous status information and
(2) = New status information and
To operate, click the Configure Sensor
button to update the message field
information. Check that the message
field was updated and the message
Success!! displayed at the bottom as
confirmation that the command was
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
This box allows you to define the identification number for the
currently connected Remote sensor. This is a key parameter
when you set up a Twin Spread system.
Related topics
How to set up a Twin Spread system, page 237
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Ping control
This parameter is only available for depth sensors, and can only
be accessed in the Professional mode.
The dialogue box is used to control when a sensor will “ping”
(transmit an acoustic signal). For example, it is possible to
disable the sensor from being inadvertently activated when lying
in a wet net on deck (a depth of less than two meters) to prolong
its battery life. The available parameters are:
Always - The sensor will “ping” at all depths during normal
Depth > 2m - The sensor will “ping” only when it is at a
measured depth of more than two meters (deployed).
To operate, click the Ping Control dialogue box and drag the
slider bar to select the desired “ping” behaviour. Then, click the
Configure Sensor button to program the interfaced sensor with
the new Ping Control parameter. Finally, check that the
messagie filed is updated with the new parameter, and that the
message Success!! is displayed at the bottom as confirmation
that the command was executed.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Click this button to close the PI Configurator utility.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Read Sensor Data
This button requests that configuration data be sent from the
interfaced sensor t o the PC.
When the Read Sensor Data button is clicked, the sensor will
download information to the PC. This data is then used to
populate the message field just as when the Establish
Communication with Sensor button is clicked.
To operate, click the Read Sensor Data button. Check that the
message field is populated with the interfaced sensor’s data and
the message Success!! is displayed as confirmation that the
command was executed.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
This parameter is only available for Spread, Twin Spread and
Remote sensors. The dialogue box allows selection of the
channels used to communicate between Spread and the Remote
Note: These are key parameters when you work with Spread and
Remote sensors. Make sure the correct channels are selected for
all the sensors. Should incorrect parameters be chosen, the
sensors will not be able to communicate with each other, and the
PI Operator Unit will display “± ± ±”.
The Spread and Remote sens ors must always be set up in sets as
Single trawl:
Spread 1 must communicate with Remote 1
Spread 2 must communicate with Remote 2
Twin trawl:
Twin Spread 1 must communicate with Remote 1 and 3
Twin Spread 2 must communicate with Remote 2 and 4
A Twin Spread sensor uses two channels to communicate
with the Remote sensors; one channel for each Remote.
Dual twin trawl:
Twin Spread 1 must communicate with Remote 1 and 3
Twin Spread 2 must communicate with Remote 2 and 4
To set up a dual twin trawl configuration, the two sets of
Twin Spread sensors must work with different
communication channels.
Use the Remote spin box, and select the desired channel or
channel combination. Click the Configure Sensor button to
program the interfaced se nsor with the new channel parameter.
Check that the message field is updated with the new parameter
and the message Success!! displayed at the bottom as
confirmation that the command was executed.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Sensor Type
This parameter is to be configured in accordance with the
sensor’s label and can only be accessed in the Professional
The dialogue box is used to select which of the sensor’s internal
programs to run when activated. When using the PI
Configurator in the St andard mode, it will only display the type
of sensor interfaced.
It is not possible to change a sensor’s type.
To operate, click the Sensor Type dialogue box and drag the
slider bar to the type of sensor written on its label. Then, click
the Configure Sensor button to program the interfaced sensor
with the new parameter. Finally, check that the message field is
updated with the new parameter, and that the message Success!!
is displayed at the bottom as confirmation that t he command
was executed.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Serial number
This text box displays the interfaced sensor’s serial number. It
can not be re-configured. This feature is not available for PS
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Show Channel At Startup
This dialogue box controls weather or not the interfaced sensor
will flash a channel identification code using its internal LED
when first energized.
When Enabled is selected, the sensor will flash its presently
configured communication channel number at startup when in
the normal mode (not in the charge or communication modes).
This feature may also be activated by touching a sensor’s lid and
charging lug simultaneously.
When activated, the sensor will respond by flashing its
individual LED identification codes, as follows:
(1) = One long flash: It has a duration of approximately 1
(2) = One start flash: This signals that the first digit of the
channel number is next.
(3) = None, one, t wo or three short flashes: The number of short
flashes signifies the first digit of the configured channel number.
(4) = A second start flash: This signals that the second digit of
the channel number is next.
(5) = None to nine short flashes: The number of short flashes
signifies the second digit of the configured channel number.
To operate, use the spin box and choose Enable or Disable.
Then. click the Configure Sensor button to program the
interfaced sensor with the new parameter. F inally, check that the
message field is updated with the new parameter, and that the
message Success!! is displayed at the bottom as confirmation
that the command was executed.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Example of channel number 16 at startup (below):
(1) = A one second “long flash”
(2) = A start ”flash”
(3) = One “quick flash” (first digit of 16 is 1)
(4) = A start ”flash”
(5 - 10) = Six ”quick flashes” (second digit of 16 is 6)
Normal operation starts
Example of channel 2 at startup (below):
(1) = A one second flash
(2) = A ”start-flash
(3) = No short flashes (first digit of 02 is 0)
(4) = A ”start-flash
(5 - 6) = Two short flashes (second digit of 02 is 2)
Normal operation starts
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Terminate Communication
Press this button to terminate the serial data flow between the
sensor and the computer.
Press t he button to terminate the communication, then
disconnect the cable.
If you disconnect the cable before you terminate the data flow,
the PI Configurator will issue a error message.
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
This chapter contains information related to maintenance, setup
and troubleshooting.
Programming modes, page 262
Making a programming cable, page 263
Troubleshooting, page 264
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Programming modes
The PI Configurator utility has two programming modes:
Standard - default mode, described in this manual.
Professional - for use by Simrad personnel only.
Caution: The use of PI Configurator software in the Professional
mode is for qualified
Simrad personnel only. Improper
use of PI Configurator softw are in the Professional
mode can cause permanent, irreparable damage to
sensors. It must therefore never be activated by
unqualified personnel.
To change mode
To activate PI Configurator software in the Professional mode:
1 Close the PI Configurator utility.
2 Open the folder C:\Program Files\PI Configurator.
3 Find the file named ps30_cfg.ini and open it with a text
4 Locate the line of code that contains the word
STANDARD and overwrite it to PROFESSIONAL.
Make sure that have a <return> character after the last
5 Save the ps30_cfg.ini file.
6 Restart the PI Configurator software.
If you install a new software version, you must repeat this
After changing modes
After activating PI Configurator software in the Professional
mode, the start up screen will display:
UKB (unchanged)
COM1 (unchanged)
PI Configurator
850-165186 / Rev.B
Making a programming cable
Should a Simrad programming cable not be available, it is
possible to make an adequate substitution as described below.
It is only possible to make programming cables for stationary
computers. If you wish to use a portable computer the cable
must be ordered from Simrad. Some new stationary computers
have been found to provide the same output specifications as
portable computers using lower voltage on the serial line. On
these computer s, a portable” cable is also required.
You will need the following parts:
A 9-pin, Sub-D female connector
Approximately one to two meters of 2-wire cable
A 3 kohm resistor
Two alligator clamps
The cable assembly procedure is as follows:
1 Connect pin number two of the 9-pin, Sub-D female
connector to one end of the positive (+) lead of the 2-wire
cable. At t he other end of the positive (+) lead, connect
the positive (red) alligator clamp.
2 Connect pin number five of the 9-pin, Sub-D female
connector to one end of the negative (-) lead of the 2-wire
cable. At the other end of the negative (-), connect the
negative ( black) alligator clamp.
3 Connect the 3 kohm resistor between pins number two and
three of the 9-pin, Sub-D female connector.
4 Check both alligator clamps and r espective pins for
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Most problems are easily solved. Troubleshoot interface,
configuration or other complications by checking the following:
The interfaced sensor is sufficiently charged.
The correct PI sensor programming cable is used and in good
The PI sensor programming cable is connected to the PC’s
COM port correctly.
The PI sensor programming cable is connected to the sensor
The PI sensor programming cable is connected to the COM
port selected in the Com Port Setup dialogue box.
The mode of operation for the PI Configurator software has
been correctly selected.
The type of sensor interfaced has the features / parameters
attempting to be accessed.
The latest version of PI Configurator software has been
correctly installed.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Using the PI Configurator application, you can test the
operational status of each sensor. In the following, you will find
the test procedures. Note that PI and PS sensors are tested using
the same procedures.
Bottom Contact sensor, test procedure, page 266
Catch & Rip sensors, test procedure, page 273
Depth sensor, test procedure, page 276
Height sensor, test procedure, page 282
Spread & Remote sensors, test procedure, page 269
Temperature Sensor, test procedure, page 279
Sea water switch design change
The sea water switch design on all the PI sensors was changed
in 2005. On sensors produced after the design change, the sea
water switch is comprised of a sacrificial brass bolt. This bolt
must be replaced when and if it is worn. A dedicated procedure
is provided in the PI System operator manual.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Bottom Contact test procedure
Tools and equipment required
A small piece of wire
PI Service Hydrophone (Order no. 314-204480)
PI System
Initial check and setup identification
Keep the area between the negative charging lug (A) and the
water detector (B) clean to reduce the risk of activating t he
sensor. If necessary, apply silicon grease to disrupt conductive
1 Using a multimeter, check the voltage between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
Make sure the sensor is charged:
- Fully discharged: Voltage less than 11.5 Vdc
- Fully charged: Voltage greater than 13.5 Vdc
- Approximately 50% capacity left: 12.8 Vdc
2 With a small piece of wire, complete the circuit between
the sensor’s sea water detector (B) and negative charging
lug (A).
- The sensor will respond by flashing its individual LED
identification codes.
(1) = One long flash: It has a duration of
approximately 1 second.
(2) = One start flash: This signals that the first digit of
the channel number is next.
(3) = None, one, two or three short flashes: The
number of short flashes signifies the first digit of the
configured channel number.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
(4) = A second start flash: This signals that the second
digit of the channel number is next.
(5) = None to nine short flashes: The number of short
flashes signifies the second digit of the configured
channel number.
3 Using a multimeter, check the DC current between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
- With the i nitial sea water switch and a a fully charged
battery, the current should not exceed 150 µA.
- With a redesigned sea water switch (sacrificial bolt)
and a a fully charged battery, the current should not
exceed 67 µA.
- If you measure 0 µA, check the fuse on your
Testing on land
1 Connect the PI Service Hydrophone to the PI Operator
2 Place the sensor on a level surface with its “domed top”
pointing towards the test hydrophone approximately five
meters away.
3 Use the Status display on the PI to monitor the sensor’s
signal strength.
- If the interference filter is on, the spectrum displayed
should be relatively flat (approximately 25 dB,
interference filter set at level 9) with a peak detected in
the configured channel.
4 Check that the bottom contact symbol on the PI is
“touching the bottom” when the detector wire is not pulled
5 Pull out the detector wire, and check that the sensor
presentation changes.
Testing in water
1 Disconnect the PI Service hydrophone, and reconnect the
vessel’s normal hull mounted hydrophone.
2 Switch off the vessel’s echo sounders, sonars and other
hydroacoustical equipment to avoid interference.
3 Lower the sensor over the side of the vessel.
- Note that the weight of the sensor in water
(approximately 1.4 kg) may not provide sufficient
resistance to trigger the sensor’s bottom contact
function when the detector wire is pulled. Apply extra
weight if r equired.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
4 Switch off the PI system’s interference f ilter, and observe
the numeric display.
- If the interference symbol is not displayed, leave the
interference filter switched off to increase the system’s
range and performance.
Note: Should any problems arise during this procedure, check that the
communication channel and update rate has been configured
5 Check that the information from the sensor is displayed on
the PI.
6 Engage the sensor, and check that this is registered by the
7 Check the PI Status Display, and record the signal
8 Switch on the vessel’s echo sounders and other
hydroacoustical equipment used during normal fishing
9 Switch the PI54 interference filter on and off, and observe
the numeric display. If the interfer ence symbol is not
shown when the filter is off, leave the interference f ilter
switched off to increase the system’s range and
10 Use a water-proof pen, write the sensor’s number,
configured channel number and any other pertinent
information on its label.
- A dedicated form has also been provided in the front of
the PI Operator Manual to record this information.
Note: Do not write on the sensor! Such information may be
misunderstood when future service or replacement is performed.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Spread & Remote sensors test procedure
Tools and equipment required
A small piece of wire
PI Service Hydrophone (Order no. 314-204480)
PI System
Initial check and setup identification
On both sensor types, keep the area between the negative
charging lug (A) and the water detector (B) c lean to reduce the
risk of activating the sensor. If necessary, apply silicon grease to
disrupt conductive paths.
1 On both sensors, use a multimeter to check the voltage
between the negative charging lug (A) and the water
detector (B). Make sur e the sensor is charged:
- Fully discharged: Voltage less than 11.5 Vdc
- Fully charged: Voltage greater than 13.5 Vdc
- Approximately 50% capacity left: 12.8 Vdc
2 With a small piece of wire, complete the circuit between
the sensor’s sea water detector (B) and negative charging
lug (A).
- The sensor will respond by flashing its individual LED
identification codes.
(1) = One long flash: It has a duration of
approximately 1 second.
(2) = One start flash: This signals that the first digit of
the channel number is next.
(3) = None, one, two or three short flashes: The
number of short flashes signifies the first digit of the
configured channel number.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
(4) = A second start flash: This signals that the second
digit of the channel number is next.
(5) = None to nine short flashes: The number of short
flashes signifies the second digit of the configured
channel number.
3 Using a multimeter, check the DC current between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
- With the i nitial sea water switch and a a fully charged
battery, the current should not exceed 150 µA.
- With a redesigned sea water switch (sacrificial bolt)
and a a fully charged battery, the current should not
exceed 67 µA.
- If you measure 0 µA, check the fuse on your
Testing on land
1 Connect the PI Service Hydrophone to the PI Operator
2 Place the Spread and Remote sensors on a level surface
with their “transversal eyes” pointing towards each other
at a measured distance (one to three meters). Record this
3 Place the test hydrophone approximately five meters away
from both the Spread and Remote sensors.
4 Turn on the PI, and record the distance shown on its
5 Multiply the recorded physical distance by a factor of 4.5
and compare it to the distance displayed by the PI.
- The physical distance between the two sensors
multiplied by 4.5 and t he displayed distance shown on
the PI should be almost identical.
Testing in water
1 Disconnect the PI Service hydrophone, and reconnect the
vessel’s normal hull mounted hydrophone.
2 Switch off the vessel’s echo sounders, sonars and other
hydroacoustical equipment to avoid interference.
3 Lower the Spread sensor (A) over the side of the vessel
with its head (C) pointing towards the hydrophone. Lower
it to minimum three meters.
4 Switch off the PI system’s interference f ilter, and observe
the numeric display.
- If the interference symbol is not
displayed, leave the
interference filter switched off to increase the system’s
range and performance.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Lower the two
sensors as shown,
and make sure that
the Spread sensor’s
head points towards
the vessel’s
hydrophone (C).
Also, make sure that
there is a free line of
sight for the
communication (D).
5 On the PI numeric display, verify that the reading is +++.
- This signifes that there is no communication between
the Spread and Remote sensors.
6 Lower the Remote sensor (B) over the opposite side of the
vessel with its head pointing in the same direction as the
Spread sensor. Lower it to the same depth as the Spread
sensor, and ensure that there is a free line of sight for the
transverse communication (D).
- If both sensors are suspended under the vessel at its
widest point, the physical distance between the Spread
and Remote sensors is equivalent to the vessel’s
maximum beam.
7 Observe the PI numeric display. The reading should be the
same as the physical distance (without any compensation)
between the two sensors.
Note: Should any problems arise during this procedure, check that the
type (1 or 2), communication channel and update rate have been
configured for both sensors.
8 Switch on the vessel’s echo sounders and other
hydroacoustical equipment used during normal fishing
9 Switch the PI54 interference filter on and off, and observe
the numeric display. If the interfer ence symbol is not
shown when the filter is off, leave the interference f ilter
switched off to increase the system’s range and
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
10 Use a water-proof pen, write the sensor’s number,
configured channel number and any other pertinent
information on its label.
- A dedicated form has also been provided in the front of
the PI Operator Manual to record this information.
Note: Do not write on the sensor! Such information may be
misunderstood when future service or replacement is performed.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Catch sensor, test procedure
Tools and equipment required
A small piece of wire
PI Service Hydrophone (Order no. 314-204480)
PI System
Initial check and setup identification
Keep the area bteween the negative charging lug (A) and the
water detector (B) clean to reduce the risk of activating t he
sensor. If necessary, apply silicon grease to disrupt conductive
1 Using a multimeter, check the voltage between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
Make sure the sensor is charged:
- Fully discharged: Voltage less than 11.5 Vdc
- Fully charged: Voltage greater than 13.5 Vdc
- Approximately 50% capacity left: 12.8 Vdc
2 With a small piece of wire, complete the circuit between
the sensor’s sea water detector (B) and negative charging
lug (A).
- The sensor will respond by flashing its individual LED
identification codes.
(1) = One long flash: It has a duration of
approximately 1 second.
(2) = One start flash: This signals that the first digit of
the channel number is next.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
(3) = None, one, two or three short flashes: The
number of short flashes signifies the first digit of the
configured channel number.
(4) = A second start flash: This signals that the second
digit of the channel number is next.
(5) = None to nine short flashes: The number of short
flashes signifies the second digit of the configured
channel number.
3 Using a multimeter, check the DC current between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
- With the i nitial sea water switch and a a fully charged
battery, the current should not exceed 150 µA.
- With a redesigned sea water switch (sacrificial bolt)
and a a fully charged battery, the current should not
exceed 67 µA.
- If you measure 0 µA, check the fuse on your
Testing on land
1 Connect the PI Service Hydrophone to the PI Operator
2 Place the sensor on a level surface with its “domed top”
pointing towards the test hydrophone approximately five
meters away.
3 Use the Status display on the PI to monitor the sensor’s
signal strength.
- If the interference filter is on, the spectrum displayed
should be relatively flat (approximately 25 dB,
interference filter set at level 9) with a peak detected in
the configured channel.
4 Check that the Catch symbol on the PI is activated (red
symbol and audible alarm) when one of the detector wire
is pulled out.
5 Release the detector wire, and check that the sensor
presentation changes to yellow.
Testing in water
1 Disconnect the PI Service hydrophone, and reconnect the
vessel’s normal hull mounted hydrophone.
2 Switch off the vessel’s echo sounders, sonars and other
hydroacoustical equipment to avoid interference.
3 Lower the sensor over the side of the vessel.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
- Note that the weight of the sensor in water
(approximately 1.4 kg) may not provide sufficient
resistance to trigger the sensor function when the
detector wirer are pulled. Apply extra weight if
4 Turn off the PI system’s interference f ilter, and observe
the numeric display.
- If the interference symbol is not displayed, leave the
interference filter switched off to increase the system’s
range and performance.
Note: Should any problems arise during this procedure, check that the
communication channel and update rate has been configured
5 Check that the information from the sensor is displayed on
the PI.
6 Engage the sensor, and check that this is registered by the
7 Check the PI Status Display, and record the signal
8 Switch on the vessel’s echo sounders and other
hydroacoustical equipment used during normal fishing
9 Switch the PI54 interference filter on and off, and observe
the numeric display. If the interfer ence symbol is not
when the filter is off, leave the interference filter switched
off to increase the sys tem’s range and performance.
10 Use a water-proof pen, write the sensor’s number,
configured channel number and any other pertinent
information on its label.
- A dedicated form has also been provided in the front of
the PI Operator Manual to record this information.
Note: Do not write on the sensor! Such information may be
misunderstood when future service or replacement is performed.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Depth sensor, test procedure
Tools and equipment required
A small piece of wire
PI System
Initial check and setup identification
Keep the area between the negative charging lug (A) and the
water detector (B) clean to reduce the risk of activating t he
sensor. If necessary, apply silicon grease to disrupt conductive
1 Using a multimeter, check the voltage between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
Make sure the sensor is charged:
- Fully discharged: Voltage less than 11.5 Vdc
- Fully charged: Voltage greater than 13.5 Vdc
- Approximately 50% capacity left: 12.8 Vdc
2 With a small piece of wire, complete the circuit between
the sensor’s sea water detector (B) and negative charging
lug (A).
- The sensor will respond by flashing its individual LED
identification codes.
(1) = One long flash: It has a duration of
approximately 1 second.
(2) = One start flash: This signals that the first digit of
the channel number is next.
(3) = None, one, two or three short flashes: The
number of short flashes signifies the first digit of the
configured channel number.
(4) = A second start flash: This signals that the second
digit of the channel number is next.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
(5) = None to nine short flashes: The number of short
flashes signifies the second digit of the configured
channel number.
3 Using a multimeter, check the DC current between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
- With the i nitial sea water switch and a a fully charged
battery, the current should not exceed 150 µA.
- With a redesigned sea water switch (sacrificial bolt)
and a a fully charged battery, the current should not
exceed 67 µA.
- If you measure 0 µA, check the fuse on your
Testing on land
The sensor can only b e tested in water.
Testing in water
1 Lower the Depth sensor over the side of the vessel to a
measured depth greater than two m eters.
- The sensor will not activate if the depth is less than two
2 Switch off the vessel’s echo sounders, sonars and other
hydroacoustical equipment to avoid interference.
3 Switch off the PI54’s interference filter, and observe the
numeric display.
- If the interference symbol is not displayed, leave the
interference filter switched off to increase the system’s
range and performance.
4 Use the PI54 Status display to monitor the sensor’s signal
- If the interference filter is activated, the spectrum
displayed should be relatively flat (approximately 25
dB with interference filter set at level 9) with a peak
detected in the configured channel.
5 Check that the depth read-out on the PI54 corresponds to
the actual measured depth at which the sensor is
- If these values vary, calibrate the PI54 depth offset. The
procedure is described below.
6 Hoist and lower the sensor in the water, and observe that
the depth readout changes accordingly.
7 Turn on the vessel’s echo sounders as well as other
hydroacoustical equipment used during normal fishing
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
8 Switch the PI54 interference filter on and off, and observe
the numeric display. If the interfer ence symbol is not
shown when the filter is off, leave the interference f ilter
switched off to increase the system’s range and
9 Use a water-proof pen, write the sensor’s number,
configured channel number and any other pertinent
information on its label.
- A dedicated form has also been provided in the front of
the PI Operator Manual to record this information.
Note: Do not write on the sensor! Such information may be
misunderstood when future service or replacement is performed.
PI32 Calibration procedure
Observe this procedure to calibrate the depth sensor using the
functionality on the PI system.
1 Press the Menu button, and select Setup.
2 On the Setup menu, select Sensor alarm/calibration.
3 Press the Enter button to allow the parameters to be
4 Move the cursor down the Depth/Spread sensor
calibration, and switch Depth sensor calibration to ON.
- If these values vary, calibrate by adjusting the PI54
depth offset function until the measured depth under
the vessel corresponds to the PI54’s displayed depth.
- Another method of calibration is to suspend the sensor
to a measured depth of three meters under the vessel,
and then using the PI54’s depth sensor calibration
functionality. When this calibration procedure is
performed, the offset value will be reduced by two
PI44 Calibration procedure
Observe this procedure to calibrate the depth sensor using the
functionality on the PI system.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Temperature sensor, test procedure
Tools and equipment required
A small piece of wire
PI Service Hydrophone (Order no. 314-204480)
Waterproof thermometer
PI System
Initial check and setup identification
Keep the area between the negative charging lug (A) and the
water detector (B) clean to reduce the risk of activating t he
sensor. If necessary, apply silicon grease to disrupt conductive
1 Using a multimeter, check the voltage between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
Make sure the sensor is charged:
- Fully discharged: Voltage less than 11.5 Vdc
- Fully charged: Voltage greater than 13.5 Vdc
- Approximately 50% capacity left: 12.8 Vdc
2 With a small piece of wire, complete the circuit between
the sensor’s sea water detector (B) and negative charging
lug (A).
- The sensor will respond by flashing its individual LED
identification codes.
(1) = One long flash: It has a duration of
approximately 1 second.
(2) = One start flash: This signals that the first digit of
the channel number is next.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
(3) = None, one, two or three short flashes: The
number of short flashes signifies the first digit of the
configured channel number.
(4) = A second start flash: This signals that the second
digit of the channel number is next.
(5) = None to nine short flashes: The number of short
flashes signifies the second digit of the configured
channel number.
3 Using a multimeter, check the DC current between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
- With the i nitial sea water switch and a a fully charged
battery, the current should not exceed 150 µA.
- With a redesigned sea water switch (sacrificial bolt)
and a a fully charged battery, the current should not
exceed 67 µA.
- If you measure 0 µA, check the fuse on your
Testing on land
1 Connect the PI Service Hydrophone to the PI Operator
2 Place the sensor on a level surface with its “domed top”
pointing towards the test hydrophone approximately five
meters away.
3 Use the Status display on the PI to monitor the sensor’s
signal strength.
- If the interference filter is on, the spectrum displayed
should be relatively flat (approximately 25 dB,
interference filter set at level 9) with a peak detected in
the configured channel.
4 Check that the PI’s displayed temperature corresponds
with the actual ambient temperature.
Testing in water
1 Disconnect the PI Service hydrophone, and reconnect the
vessel’s normal hull mounted hydrophone.
2 Switch off the vessel’s echo sounders, sonars and other
hydroacoustical equipment to avoid interference.
3 Lower the sensor over the side of the vessel.
4 Lower the waterproof thermometer over the side of the
vessel, and keep it as close to the sensor as possible.
5 Switch off the PI system’s interference f ilter, and observe
the numeric display.
- If the interference symbol is not
displayed, leave the
interference filter switched off to increase the system’s
range and performance.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
Note: Should any problems arise during this procedure, check that the
communication channel and update rate has been configured
6 Check that the PI system’s displayed temperature
corresponds with the value from the reference
7 Switch on the vessel’s echo sounders and other
hydroacoustical equipment used during normal fishing
8 Switch the PI54 interference filter on and off, and observe
the numeric display. If the interfer ence symbol is not
shown when the filter is off, leave the interference f ilter
switched off to increase the system’s range and
9 Use a water-proof pen, write the sensor’s number,
configured channel number and any other pertinent
information on its label.
- A dedicated form has also been provided in the front of
the PI Operator Manual to record this information.
Note: Do not write on the sensor! Such information may be
misunderstood when future service or replacement is performed.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Height sensor, test procedure
Tools and equipment required
A small piece of wire
A reference echo sounder
PI System
Initial check and setup identification
Keep the area between the negative charging lug (A) and the
water detector (B) clean to reduce the risk of activating t he
sensor. If necessary, apply silicon grease to disrupt conductive
1 Using a multimeter, check the voltage between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
Make sure the sensor is charged:
- Fully discharged: Voltage less than 10.4 Vdc
- Fully charged: Voltage greater than 12.2 Vdc
- Approximately 50% capacity left: 11,5 Vdc
2 With a small piece of wire, complete the circuit between
the sensor’s sea water detector (B) and negative charging
lug (A).
- The sensor will respond by flashing its individual LED
identification codes.
(1) = One long flash: It has a duration of
approximately 1 second.
(2) = One start flash: This signals that the first digit of
the channel number is next.
(3) = None, one, two or three short flashes: The
number of short flashes signifies the first digit of the
configured channel number.
Sensor test procedures
850-165186 / Rev.B
(4) = A second start flash: This signals that the second
digit of the channel number is next.
(5) = None to nine short flashes: The number of short
flashes signifies the second digit of the configured
channel number.
3 Using a multimeter, check the DC current between the
negative charging lug (A) and the water detector (B).
- With the i nitial sea water switch and a a fully charged
battery, the current should not exceed 150 µA.
- With a redesigned sea water switch (sacrificial bolt)
and a a fully charged battery, the current should not
exceed 67 µA.
- If you measure 0 µA, check the fuse on your
Testing on land
The sensor can only b e tested in water.
Testing in water
1 Use the vessel’s most accurate echo sounder as reference,
and measure the water depth below the keel.
2 Lower the Height sensor over the side of the vessel. Make
sure that the echo sounder transducer faces the bottom.
- Lower it to the same depth as of the vessel’s echo
sounder transducer.
3 Switch off the vessel’s echo sounders, sonars and other
hydroacoustical equipment to avoid interference.
4 Switch off the PI54’s interference filter, and observe the
numeric display.
- If the interference symbol is not
displayed, leave the
interference filter switched off to increase the system’s
range and performance.
5 Use the PI54 Status display to monitor the sensor’s signal
- If the interference filter is activated, the spectrum
displayed should be relatively flat (approximately 25
dB with interference filter set at level 9) with a peak
detected in the configured channel.
6 Check that the depth read-out on the PI54 corresponds to
the actual depth measured by the vessel’s echo sounder.
7 Hoist and lower the sensor in the water, and observe that
the depth readout changes accordingly.
8 Turn on the vessel’s echo sounders as well as other
hydroacoustical equipment used during normal fishing
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
9 Switch the PI54 interference filter on and off, and observe
the numeric display. If the interfer ence symbol is not
shown when the filter is off, leave the interference f ilter
switched off to increase the system’s range and
10 Use a water-proof pen, write the sensor’s number,
configured channel number and any other pertinent
information on its label.
- A dedicated form has also been provided in the front of
the PI Operator Manual to record this information.
Note: Do not write on the sensor! Such information may be
misunderstood when future service or replacement is performed.
Technical specifications
850-165186 / Rev.B
This chapter provides the basic technical specifications.
PI Sensors, page 285
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Specifications can be altered without prior notification.
PI Bottom Contact
PI System: PI32, PI44 or PI54
Update rates:
- Fast: Every 3,2 second (approx.)
- Normal: Every 5,3 second (approx.)
- Slow: Every 33 second (approx.)
Default update rate: Normal
Lifetime between each recharge:
- Fast update rate: 26 hours
- Normal update rate: 40 hours
- Slow update rate: 175 hours
Communication frequency range: 43,5 to 49,5 kHz
Default communication channel: 6
Physical properties:
- Length: 246 mm
- Width: 171 mm
- Thickness: 123 mm
- Weight in air: 4,6 kg ( without chain and ground weight)
Charging time with PI Charger:
- To 70% capacity: 1 hour
- To 100% capacity: 4 hours
Charging time with PS Charger:
- To 100% capacity: 16 hours
PI Catch & PI Rip
PI Systems: PI32, PI44 or PI54
Update rates:
- Fast: Every 5,3 second (approx.)
- Normal: Every 33 second (approx.)
- Slow: Every 125 second (approx.)
Default update rate: Normal
Lifetime between each recharge:
- Fast update rate: 35 hours
- Normal update rate: 150 hours
- Slow update rate: 300 hours
Technical specifications
850-165186 / Rev.B
Communication frequency range: 43,5 to 49,5 kHz
Default communication channel: 4
Physical properties:
- Length: 246 mm
- Width: 171 mm
- Thickness: 123 mm
- Weight in air: 4,3 kg
Charging time with PI Charger:
- To 70% capacity: 1 hour
- To 100% capacity: 4 hours
Charging time with PS Charger:
- To 100% capacity: 16 hours
PI Depth
PI Systems: PI32, PI44 or PI54
Update rates:
- Fast: Every 4,5 second (approx.)
- Normal: Every 14 second (approx.)
- Slow: Every 34 second (approx.)
Default update rate: Fast
Lifetime between each recharge:
- Fast update rate: 24 hours
- Normal update rate: 75 hours
- Slow update rate: 100 hours
Communication frequency range: 43,5 to 49,5 kHz
Default communication channels:
- 100 m depth range: 16
- 300 m depth range: 12
- 1000 m depth range: 10
Accuracy: 1% o f total range
Depth ranges: 100 m, 300 m and 1000 m
Physical properties:
- Length: 246 mm
- Width: 171 mm
- Thickness: 123 mm
- Weight in air: 4,3 kg
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Charging time with PI Charger:
- To 70% capacity: 1 hour
- To 100% capacity: 4 hours
Charging time with PS Charger:
- To 100% capacity: 16 hours
PI Height
PI System: PI32, PI44 or PI54
Update rates:
- Fast: Every 5,5 second (approx.)
- Normal: Every 14 second (approx.)
- Slow: Every 34 second (approx.)
Default update rate: Fast
Lifetime between each recharge:
- Fast update rate: 35 hours
- Normal update rate: 60 hours
- Slow update rate: 250 hours
Echo sounder frequency: 70 kHz
Echo sounder range: 0,7 to 60 m
Communication frequency range: 43,5 to 49,5 kHz
Default communication channel: 14
Physical properties:
- Length: 300 mm
- Width: 205 mm
- Thickness: 131 mm
- Weight in air: 6,8 kg
Charging time with PI Charger:
- To 70% capacity: 1 hour
- To 100% capacity: 4 hours
PI Spread & Remote
PI Systems: PI32, PI44 or PI54
Update rates:
- Fast: Every 5,5 second (approx.)
- Normal: Every 14 second (approx.)
- Slow: Every 34 second (approx.)
Technical specifications
850-165186 / Rev.B
Default update rate: Fast
Lifetime between each recharge:
- Fast update rate: 45 hours
- Normal update rate: 100 hours
- Slow update rate: 150 hours
Communication frequency rang: 43,5 to 49,5 kHz
Default communication channel: 2
Accuracy: 0,2 %
Maximum range: 350 meters
Physical properties (Spread/Remote):
- Length: 298 / 248 mm
- Width: 149 / 121 mm
- Thickness: 120 / 98 mm
- Weight in air: 5,7 / 2,9 kg
Charging time with PI Charger:
- To 70% capacity: 1 hour
- To 100% capacity: 4 hours
Charging time with PS Charger:
- To 100% capacity: 16 hours
PI Temperature
PI Systems: PI32, PI44 or PI54
Update rates:
- Fast: Every 4,5 second (approx.)
- Normal: Every 14 second (approx.)
- Slow: Every 34 second (approx.)
Default update rate: Fast
Lifetime between each recharge:
- Fast update rate: 24 hours
- Normal update rate: 75 hours
- Slow update rate: 150 hours
Communication frequency range: 43,5 to 49,5 kHz
Default communication channel: 8
Accuracy: 0,2 %
Physical properties:
- Length: 246 mm
- Width: 171 mm
- Thickness: 123 mm
- Weight in air: 4,3 kg
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Charging time with PI Charger:
- To 70% capacity: 1 hour
- To 100% capacity: 4 hours
Charging time with PS Charger:
- To 100% capacity: 16 hours
Software updates
850-165186 / Rev.B
You can update the operational software in the PI54 Operator
Unit yourself by following the procedures provided. There are
two different programs that must be updated independently:
DPS (Digital Signal Processor)
MMI (M an-Machine Interface)
The software can be distributed on CDs, by e-mail or by
downloading the files from Simrad’s website.
In order to perform the software updates, you will need a
personal computer with a serial line connector, and a special
upload cable.
Note: Even though the software update procedures are uncomplicated,
Simrad cannot be held responsible for errors or malfunctions
that may occur after a software update, if the update has not
been performed according to the procedures, or as a result of
technical problems during the upload process.
DSP Software update, page 292
MMI Software update, page 296
The PI DSP Upload application, page 299
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
DSP Software upgrade
The DSP software is used by the digital signal processor inside
the PI54 Operator Unit. This processor controls the
interpretation of the coded signals from the sensors. Changing
the DSP software will not change any of the menus or
presentations on your PI54.
How to check the current version
To check which DSP software version that is currently installed
on your PI 54, observe the following procedure.
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Select Fishery on the main menu, and then Status
3 In the top right corner of the Status display presentation,
just beneath the numeric presentation, you will read the
following sentence: DSP = y.zz
- y.zz is the current software version in use.
- When a new software version is released, it will always
have a higher number.
In order to upgrade the DSP software, you will need the
following tools and equipment:
A personal computer (desktop or laptop) with operating
system Microsoft® Windows 2000® or Windows XP® and
with a 9-pin serial line connector.
NMEA1 PC data cable (Order no. 298-079852)
PI DSP Upload program (Order no. 880-281039)
DSP Software (Order no. 880-281036)
Note that once the upload process has started it will take more
than one hour to complete it!
Software updates
850-165186 / Rev.B
The program file
The DSP software program file is provided on the following
281036xx DSP Vyzz.hex
281036 is the last p art of the order number, and Simrad’s
internal identification number for this software.
xx is an internal version code.
DSP identifies the software.
Vyzz identifies the software version. You must read the
information as Vy.zz.
.hex means that the file is on hexadecimal format.
In order to upgrade the DSP software, observe the following
1 Switch off the PI54.
2 Power up your computer.
3 Connect the NMEA1 PC data cable between the 9-pin
serial line male D-connector on your computer and the
NMEA1 socket on the rear side of the PI54 Operator Unit.
4 Switch on the PI54.
5 Open the Status display presentation and leave the PI54
on that page.
6 Start the PI DSP Upload program on your computer.
7 Select the COM Port (serial line connector) you have used
to connect the interface cable.
- If you have more than one serial line connector and you
do not know which is which, j ust try out the different
COM ports until it works. An timeout error message
will inform you if you have chosen the wrong COM
8 Click the Select file button to select the DSP software
program file.
- The software file is provided on .hex format. The file
name and how to interpret it has been previously
9 If you wish to record the process in a log file, click Want
a log file. Then, click the Choose f ile name button to
select a log file or t o create a new.
10 Click the Upload file button to start the upload.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
11 Observe the messages provided by the program. They will
keep you updated on the current status.
12 When the upload process has been started, do not switch
off power on the PI54 or the computer, and do not unplug
the interface cable.
13 Allow the process to finish. When the software has been
uploaded, a message will inform you.
14 Switch off the PI54.
15 Switch on the PI54.
16 Verify that the new software version is shown in the
Status display presentation.
The PI DSP Upload program will keep you posted on the
process by means of messages. A typical sequence for a
successful upload is provided below as an example.
Upload File to Flash PROM started, Date: 31.05.05
Time: 12:48:48
Upload File Name is : V001.hex
Upload File to Flash PROM completed successfully,
Date: 31.05.05 Time: 13:59:17
Safety measures
The following safety measures have been implemented to
minimize the risk of errors during the upload process.
When the software is uploaded from the computer to the
PI54 cabinet, the data are stored in a scratch pad (buffer).
The data are not transferred to the Flash PROM (the
microprocessor’s storage area) until all software data have
been transferred correctly to the scratch pad.
Software updates
850-165186 / Rev.B
If the interface cable is unplugged, or you loose power on the
computer and/or the PI54 cabinet during the upload process,
you can simply abort the upload and restart it. Error
messages will provide guidance.
When the PI54 cabinet detects that software is uploaded, it
will automatically present a relevant information page, and
the keypad will be locked. It is not possible to switch off the
PI54 cabinet during the software upload, except by
disconnecting power.
Critical process
Once all the software data have been uploaded correctly to the
scratch pad, it will automatically be transferred to the
microprocess or (Flash PROM ). This is a critical process.
When the message Start erasing boot area in Flash PROM
appears the internal transfer process has started. This process
will only last a few seconds. The end of the criticial process is
identified with the message Switch power off and on again to
start the new program.
If you loose power on the PI54 cabinet during this critical
internal transfer process, you can not restart the upload. You
must then contact your Simrad dealer to have the PI54 cabinet
shipped for reprogramming.
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
MMI Software upgrade
The MMI software is used to create the menus and display
presentations used i n the PI54 Operator Unit, and to accept and
handle the parameter settings. Changing the MMI software may
change menus, presentations and parameter settings, and it may
provide additional features on your PI54.
How to check the current version
To check which MMI software version that is currently installed
on your PI 54, observe the following procedure.
1 Press the MENU button to open the main menu.
2 Select Fishery on the main menu, and then Status
3 In the top right corner of the Status display, just beneath
the numeric presentation, you will read the following
sentence: Main = y.zz
- y.zz is the current software version in use.
- When a new software version is released, it will always
have a higher
In order to upgrade the MMI software, you will need the
following tools and equipment:
A personal computer (desktop or laptop) with operating
system Microsoft® Windows 2000® or Windows XP® and
with a 9-pin serial line connector.
Upload cable (Order no. 298-079853)
MMI Software (Order no. 880-281037)
Note that the MMI software upgrade file includes an upload
program that will run on your computer.
The program file
The MMI software upgrade file is provided on the following
281037xx MMI Vyzz.zip
281037 is the last p art of the order number, and Simrad’s
internal identification number for this software.
xx is an internal version code.
MMI identifies the software.
Vyzz identifies the software version. You must read the
information as Vy.zz.
.zip means that the upgrade file is a packed” (zipped) file
containing numerous separate files.
Software updates
850-165186 / Rev.B
In order to upgrade the MMI software, observe the following
1 Switch off the PI54.
2 Connect the upload cable between a serial line connector
on the computer and the NMEA2 connector on the rear
side of the PI54 Operator Unit.
3 On your computer, locate the MMI software upgrade file
(on .zip format).
4 Unpack the file to a chosen directory on your harddisk.
- Microsoftt XPt supports the zip format, and will
open the file in a new folder. If you run older operating
systems, you will need the WinZip utility available
from www.winzip.com.
5 Allow the installation files to unpack to the chosen
6 Click the Start button at the lower left corner of your
computer display, and select Run.
7 Go to the directory you unpacked the installation files to
(Step 7), and select upload.exe in the Upload
subdirectory. Click Ok .
8 Switch on the PI54.
- The upload program will automatically detect which
serial line port (COM port) you have connected the
upload cable to, and that a PI54 cabinet is connected.
- The upload program will further check your current
software version. If the current MMI software on your
PI54 Operator Unit is newer than the version you
attempt to install, it will inform you of this.
- Finally, the upload program will start the data transfer.
- The transfer progress can be monitored in the message
9 Allow the transfer process to complete.
10 Switch off the PI54 Operator Unit.
11 Disconnect the upload cable.
12 Switch on the PI54 Operator Unit.
13 Verify that the new software version is shown in the Status
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The MMI upload program will keep you posted on the process
by means o f messages.
Safety measures
The following safety measures have been implemented to
minimize the risk of errors during the upload process.
When the software is uploaded from the computer to the
PI54 cabinet, the data are stored in a scratch pad (buffer).
The data are not transferred to the Flash PROM (the
microprocessor’s storage area) until all software data have
been transferred correctly to the scratch pad.
If the upload cable is unplugged, or you loose power on the
computer and/or the PI54 cabinet during the upload process,
you can simply abort the upload and restart it.
It is not possible to switch off the PI54 cabinet during the
software upload, except by disconnecting power.
Critical process
Once all the software data have been uploaded correctly to the
scratch pad, it will automatically be transferred to the
microprocess or (Flash PROM ). This is a critical process.
When the message Blanking F lash appears the internal transfer
process has started. This process will only last a few seconds.
The end of the criticial process is identified with the message
Programming Done.
If you loose power on the PI54 cabinet during this critical
internal transfer process, you may not be able to restart the
upload. Try one more time. If still unsuccessful, contact your
Simrad dealer to have the PI54 cabinet shipped for
Software updates
850-165186 / Rev.B
pi_swu_dsp_upload_ins (English)
032.06.05 RBr: Established
PI DSP Upload
The PI DSP Upload application is used to upload DSP (Digital
Signal Processor) software to the PI54 Operator Unit. The
application runs on a standard computer with operating systems
Microsoft® Windows 2000® or Windows XP®.
= pi_swu_dspsw
How to install the application
The PI DSP Upload application is provided on an .exe file. To
install, observe the following procedure.
1 Locate the *.exe file, and double-click on it to start the
2 Select a temporary directory to save the installation files.
3 Press the Start button in the lower left corner of your
display, and select Run.
4 Select the directory you placed the installation files in, and
select Setup.exe.PressOk to start the installation.
5 Further guidance is provided by the installation program.
How to run the application
In order to run the PI DSP Upload program, you must access it
from the Start button in the lower left side of your screen.
Select Programs, and locate the application on the menu.
How to remove the application
If you wish to remove the application from your computer, you
must locate the directory where the files are located, and then
delete all the files and the directory. The default directory is:
c:\program files\PI DSP Uload
Then you must manually remove the program short-cut from the
Programs menu. To do this, find the shortcut file and delete it.
On a Windows XP computer, you will find this file at the
following location:
c:\documents and settings\<your logon>\start menu\programs
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
The next pages provide an alphabetical index to this manual.
$PSIMP: References 189
A-Scope, How to: Operational procedures 95
Additional information, Parameter:
References 185
ADJ, Button description: Getting started 17
AGC, Parameter: References 209
Clearance: References 214
Depth: References 181
Fish: References 181
Sensors: References 212
Setup: References 211
Surface temperature: References 213
Auto, Marker line parameter: References 197
Auto pulse/power restart, Parameter:
References 182
Automatic page rotation, Procedure:
Operational procedures 100
B-LCK, Button description: Getting started
Background colour, How to change on
echogram: Operational procedures 90
Background colour, sensor, How to:
Operational procedures 56
Battery char ger
Description: System description 8
Practical use: Battery chargers 165
Beam angle of transducer|, Parameter:
References 181
Bearing display, Parameter: Refer ences 201
Bottom Contact sensor
Numeric presentation: Display modes 35
Practical use (PI): Sensors 107
Practical use (PS): Sensors 111
Specifications: Technical specifications 286
Test procedure: Sensor test procedures 266
Bottom lock, How to: Operational procedures
Bottom trawl, Application example:
Applications 28
C/B filter, Parameter: Refer ences 209
Calcuated marker delay, Trawl calculator
information: R eferences 222
Depth sensor: References 176
Log speed: References 193
Catch sensor
Numeric presentation: Display modes 36
Practical use (PI): Sensors 115
Practical use (PS): Sensors 120
Specifications: Technical specifications 286
Test procedure: Sensor test procedures 273
Catch/Bottom Sensor Filter, Parameter:
References 209
Sensor setup parameter: References 215
Status display parameter: References 218
Charger, Description: System description 8
Clearance alarm, Procedure: Operational
procedures 97
Clock, internal: References 201
CLR, Button description: Getting started 19
Clump sensor, Parameter: References 223
Colour scale, Parameter: References 185
Colour threshold
Operator manual
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to activate: Operational procedures 89
Parameter: References 178
Communication Channel, S ensor setup
parameter: References 215
Communication r ate, Sensor setup parameter:
References 215
Configuration, NMEA Parameter: References
Course display, Parameter: References 201
Danish seine, Application example:
Applications 27
Data out o n NMEA, Parameter: References
Data output, NMEA Parameter: Refer ences
Data window sensors, Parameter: References
Default settings
Parameters: References 183
Procedure: Operational procedures 101
Delay, Marker line parameter: References 198
Demo, Echo sounder: Refer ences 182
Demo mode
Parameter: References 182
Sensor setup parameter: References 215
Alarm: References 181
Fish alarm: References 181
NMEA output: References 181
Transducer: References 181
Depth alarm
Parameter: References 181
Procedure: Operational procedures 96
Depth DS fish, Parameter: References 181
Depth grid
How to activate: Operational procedures 89
Parameter: References 178, 185
Depth input, Parameters: References 192
Depth lines: References 178, 185
Depth of keel, Parameter: References 181
Depth sensor
How to calibrate: Operational procedure s 65
Calibration: References 176
How to adjust offset: Operational procedures
Numeric presentation: Display modes 37
Offset: References 203
Practical use (PI): Sensors 124
Practical use (PS): Sensors 129
Specifications: Technical specifications 287
Test procedure: Sensor test procedures 276
Depth sensor calibration, Setup: References
Det.thresh., Parameter: Refer ences 210
Detection Threshold, Parameter: Refer ences
Device instance, Parameter: References 194
Display colours: References 205
Display presentations, Overview: Display
modes 32
Display text in, Parameter: References 204
Door sensor, Parameter: References 223
DT, Parameter: References 210
Echo presentation setup: References 177
Echo quick menu: Menu system 172
Echo sampling, Parameter: References 182
Echo sounder, Application example:
Applications 30
Echo sounder display, Description: Display
modes 50
Echo sounder setup: References 180
ENT, Button description: Getting started 17
EVENT, Button description: Getting started
Expansion window, P arameter: References
178, 185
Factory settings
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Parameters: References 183
Procedure: Operational procedures 101
Fish alarm
Parameter: References 181
Procedure: Operational procedures 96
Footrope sensor, Parameter: References 223
Frequency, Status display parameter:
References 218
Frequency band, Status display parameter:
References 218
Frequency spectrum: Display modes 48
NMEA Parameter: References 189
Fresh water profile, Parameter: Refer ences
GAIN, Button description: Getting started 17
Gain, Parameter: R eferences 177
Gain indicators: Display modes 48
Graphic alarm
How to: Operational procedures 56
Parameter: References 202
Graphic display
Application example: Applications 31
Description: Display modes 41
Graphic setup: References 184
Headrope sensor, Parameter: Refer ences 223
Height marker in main echogram, Parameter:
References 198
Height marker, reference, Parameter:
References 199
Height reference, Parameter: References 199
Height sensor
Numeric presentation: Display modes 38
Practical use: Sensors 134
Specifications: Technical specifications 288
Test procedure: Sensor test procedures 282
Help, On-line: References 207
Highway display, Description: Display modes
How to
A-scope: Operational procedures 95
Access echo sounder parameters: Operational
procedures 88
Access graphic display parameters:
Operational procedures 79
Background colour, sensor: Operational
procedures 56
Bottom lock: Operational procedures 93
Colour threshold: Operational procedures 89
Define initial presentation pages: Getting
started 13
Define window information: Getting started
Depth grid: Operational procedures 89
Depth sensor calibration: Operational
procedures 65
Depth sensor offset: Operational procedures
Echogra m background colour: Operational
procedures 90
Graphic alarm: Operational procedures 56
Marker lines: Operational procedures 81
Phased range: Operational procedures 91
Ping to ping filter: Operational procedures 89
Range: Operational procedures 91
Scroll speed: Operational procedures 90
Sensor configuration: Operational procedures
Sensor mounting: Operational procedures 61
Sensor timer reset: Operational procedures 56
Sensor timers: Operational procedures 56
Set up a presentation page: Getting started 11
Signal threshold: Operational procedures 89
Spread sensor offset: Operational procedures
Superimpose echo data on graphic di splay:
Operational procedures 80
Switch power on and off: Getting started 10
Trawl information: Operational procedures
Twin spread setup for dual twin trawl:
Operational procedures 72
Twin spread setup for twin trawl: Operational
procedures 67
Upgrade MMI software: Software updates
View echo data on graphic display:
Operational procedures 80
Operator manual
850-165186 / Rev.B
Water switch replacement: Ope rational
procedures 63
White line: Operational procedures 90
Zoom bottom echoes: Operational procedures
Zoom pelagic echoes: Operational
procedures 94
Hydrophone, Description: System description
Navigation parameters: References 191
Position parameters: References 190
Water depth: References 192
Water parameters: References 192
Water speed: References 193
Water temperature: References 192
Interf. filter, Parameter: Refer ences 208
Interface setup: References 187
Interference filter, Parameter: References 208
Internal clock: R eferences 201
Keel depth, Parameter: References 181
Keypad, Introduction: Getting started 17
Parameter: References 204
Procedure: Operational procedures 99
Level, Parameter: Refer ences 208
Log 1, Parameter: References 206
Log speed calibration, Parameter: References
193, 217
Main menu: Menu system 170
Introduction: Getting started 16
Manual gain, Parameter: References 209
Manual trawl marker, Parameter: References
Marker line delay, Parameter: Refer ences 198
Marker line on/off, Parameter: References 198
Marker line setup: Refer ences 197
Marker line width, Parameter: References 198
Marker white zone, Parameter: References
Marker , height, Parameter: References 198
Marker , sensor, Parameter: References 198
Marker , temperature, Parameter: References
Master reset: References 183
Max sh. speed, Parameter: Refer ences 210
Max Shooting Speed, Parameter: References
Measure, Sensor setup parameter: Refer ences
MENU, Button description: Getting started
Menu language
Parameter: References 204
Procedure: Operational procedures 99
Menu system: Menu system 169
MMI Software upgrade, Procedure: Software
updates 296
Mode, Echo sounder: References 182
MP Filter, Parameter: References 209
MPF level, Parameter: R eferences 209
MultiPath filter, Parameter: References 209
MultiPath Filter Level, Parameter: References
Navigation parameters, Input: Refer ences 191
Navigation setup: References 200
NMEA data out, Parameter: References 181
NMEA telegrams: References 195
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Numeric display, Overview: Display modes
Numeric setup: References 202
Offset adjust, Setup: References 203
On-line help: References 207
Operational parameters, Output: References
Operator Unit, Description: System
description 5
Output, Operational parameters: References
PAGE, Button description: Getting started 19
Page rotation
Parameter: References 204
Procedure: Operational procedures 100
Page setup: References 204
Palette, Setup: References 205
Pelagic trawl, Application example:
Applications 29
Personalization, Procedure: Operational
procedures 102
Phased range, How to: Operational
procedures 91
PI Charger
Description: System description 8
Practical use: Battery chargers 165
PI Function: R eferences 189
Pilot/Position setup: References 200
Ping to Ping filter, How to activate:
Operational procedures 89
Ping to ping filter, Parameter: References 178
Port for transducer, Parameter: Refer ences 181
Position display
Description: Display modes 54
Parameter: References 200
Position display setup: References 206
Position parameters, Input: R eferences 190
Power, On/off procedure: Getting started 10
Define: Getting started 13
Principles: Getting started 11
Presentation colours: References 205
Presets, Factory: References 183
PS Charger, Description: System description 8
Purse seine, Application example:
Applications 26
PWR, Button description: Getting started 19
Quick guide: References 207
Quick menu: Menu system 172
How to: Operational procedures 91
Parameter: References 177
Range start, Parameter: References 177
Receiver setup: Refer ences 208
Remote sensor
Practical use: Sensors 143
Practical use with Twin Spread: Sensors 148
Specifications: Technical specifications 288
Test procedure: Sensor test procedures 269
Reset sensor timers, Parameter: References
186, 202
Restart o f Auto pulse/power, Parameter:
References 182
Rip sensor
Practical use: Sensors 138
Specifications: Technical specifications 286
Salt water profile, Parameter: Refer ences 181
Scroll s peed
Operator manual
850-165186 / Rev.B
How to adjust: Operational procedures 90
Parameter: References 179
Select transducer, Parameter: Refer ences 180
Selector pad, Button description: Getting
started 17
Sensor, Sensor setup parameter: References
Sensor alarms
Procedure: Operational procedures 96
Setup: References 212
Sensor ch arger, Practical use: Battery
chargers 165
Sensor configuration, How to: Operational
procedures 58
Sensor definition, NMEA Parameter:
References 189
Sensor Filter, Parameter: References 209
Sensor marker in expansion, P arameter:
References 198
Sensor mounting, How to: Operational
procedures 61
Sensor setup: References 215
Sensor timer, Parameter: References 186, 202
Sensor timer reset, How to: Operational
procedures 56
Sensor timers, How to: Operational
procedures 56
Sensor Type, Sensor setup parameter:
References 215
Sensors, Introduction: Getting started 20
Shear alarm, Parameter: References 213
SHIFT, Button description: Getting started 18
Show, Marker line parameter: Refer ences 198
Signal threshold
How to activate: Operational procedures 89
Parameter: References 178
Software, How to upgrade MMI: Software
updates 296
Software version: Display modes 47
Sound speed, Parameter: References 181
Spectrum, display, Parameter: Refer ences 218
Speed alarm, Procedure: Operational
procedures 96
Speed display, Parameter: Refer ences 200
Speed input, Parameters: References 193
Speed setup: Refer ences 217
Spread sensor
How to adjust offset: Operational procedures
Numeric presentation: Display modes 39
Offset: References 203
Practical use: Sensors 143
Specifications: Technical specifications 288
Test procedure: Sensor test procedures 269
Status display, Description: Display modes 46
Status setup: References 218
STND, Button description: Getting started 17
Strength, Fish alarm: References 181
Superimpose echo sounder, Parameter:
References 184
Surface temperature
Description: Display modes 45
Marker line parameter: References 198
Surface temperature alarm, Procedure:
Operational procedures 97
SW version: Display modes 47
System, Description: System description 3
System identification: References 194
System instance, Parameter: References 194
Technical specifications: Technical
specifications 285
Temperature grid, Parameter: References 219
Temperature input, Parameters: References
Temperature marker, Parameter: References
Temperature offset, Parameter: References
Simrad PI54
850-165186 / Rev.B
Temperature scale, Parameter: References
219, 220
Temperature sensor
Numeric presentation: Display modes 40
Practical use (PI): Sensors 153
Practical use (PS): Sensors 159
Specifications: Technical specifications 289
Test procedure: Sensor test procedures 279
Temperature setup: Refer ences 220
Test procedures, Sensors: Sensor test
procedures 265
Time and date, Parameter: References 201
Time scale, Parameter: Refer ences 181, 185
Towing speed, Trawl calculator parameter:
References 221
Transducer, Select: R eferences 180
Transducer beam angle, Parameter:
References 181
Transducer depth, P arameter: References 181
Transducer port, Parameter: Refer ences 181
Transducer type, Parameter: Refer ences 180
Transit, NMEA Parameter: References 189
Transmit p ower, Parameter: Refer ences 179
Transmit pulse length, Parameter: References
Trawl calculator mode, Parameter: Refer ences
Trawl data, Parameter: References 224
Trawl depth, Trawl calculator parameter:
References 222
Trawl info setup: Refer ences 219, 223
Trawl marker, Parameter: References 223
Trawl opening mode, Parameter: References
TVG, Parameter: References 178
Twin spread
Sensor setup, dual t win trawl: Operational
procedures 72
Setup for twin trawl: Operational procedures
Twin Spread sensor, Practical use: Sensors
Type of transducer, Select: Refer ences 180
Unit description, Parameter: References 194
Units, Parameter: Refer ences 225
Units setup: References 221, 225
Update, Sensor setup parameter: References
Velocity of sound in water, Parameter:
References 181
Vessel name, Procedure: Operational
procedures 102
VRM, Button description: Getting started 17
Water depth input, Parameters: References
Water parameters, Input: Refer ences 192
Water profile, Parameter: References 181
Water speed input, Parameters: References
Water switch, Replacement: Operational
procedures 63
Water temperature input, Parameters:
References 192
Water temperature offset, Parameter:
References 193
Waypoint data, Output: References 190
Waypoint location, Parameter: References 190
White line
How to activate: Operational procedures 90
Parameter: References 177
White zone, marker, Parameter: References
Width, Marker line parameter: References 198
Operator manual
850-165186 / Rev.B
WIN, Button description: Getting started 18
Wire length, Trawl calculator parameter:
References 222
Wire length offset, Trawl calculator
parameter: References 222
XTE distance, Parameter: References 200
ZOOM, Button description: Getting started
Zoom, How to: Operational procedures 94
E 2005 Simrad AS
ISBN 82-8066-053-4

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