Pixel Error Classes
Pixels are single dots making up the picture that appears on the screen. One pixel always consists
of three sub-pixels for displaying the basic colours (red, green and blue).
The Pixel Error Classes are rated from Level I (very good) to Level IV (bad quality). Your LT 2310
belongs to Error Class II and therefore offers a high-quality display. Within the Error Classes a lim-
ited number of pixel may present errors. There are three types of errors:
Type 1: Continuous lighting pixel (a bright, white dot), even when it should not light.
Type 2: Non-lighting pixel (a dark or black dot) even when it should light.
Type 3: Abnormal or defective sub-pixels of the basic colours (e.g. steady lighting with half in-
tensity, non-lighting of a specic colour, blinking or ickering, but not included in Type 1 or Type 2).
Furthermore, a so-called cluster (a matrix of 5x5 pixel) may contain a limited number of erroneous
pixel only.
For Error Class II, for each 1 million pixel only 2 pixel may contain errors of Type 1, Type 2 and Clus-
ter; it may present up to 5 erroneous pixels of Type 3 (see the following table).
Error Class Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Cluster
I 0 0 0 0
II 2 2 5 2
III 5 15 50 5
IV 50 150 500 50
Considering the resolution of your LT 2310 (1920 x 1080) it contains 2,073,600 pixel. From this value
we can deduce the maximum amount of erroneous pixel (see the following table).
Error Class Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Cluster
LT 2310 4 4 10 4