EC Declaration of Conformity..................................................................p.22
1. Before You Start
Before using Silk’n™ for the first time, please read this User Manual in its entirety. Pay particular attention to sections on device use procedures, device
operation, and after-use procedures.
We recommend you re-familiarize yourself with this User Manual before each use of Silk’n™.
1.1 What is Silk’n™?
Silk’n™ is a light-based device for long-term hair removal designed for home-use.
1.2. Silk’n™ intended use
Silk’n™ is a personal-use device intended for the removal of unwanted hair. Silk’n™ can be used by individuals with light skin tones (Fitz-Patrick skin types I-IV) and
brown – black hairs. Body areas typical for Silk’n™ use include the arms, legs, bikini line and under arms.
2. Safety with Silk’n
2.1. With Silk’n™ Safety Comes First
HPL™ technology in Silk’n™ - Superior safety with lower energy level
Home Pulsed Light™ technology is able to achieve long-term hair removal results
at a fraction of the energy level used in other light-based hair removal equipment. The low energy used in Silk’n™ reduces its potential to cause harm
or complications, and contributes to your overall safety.
Silk’n™ protects your eyes
The Silk’n™ APPLICATOR has a built-in safety feature for eye protection. It has been designed so that a light pulse can not be emitted when the APPLICATOR
is facing open air. The safety switch is activated only when the APPLICATOR T IP is in full contact with the tissue and pressed.
Silk’n™ protects your skin
The 2X3cm² OPTICAL LENS through which pulses of light are delivered is recessed inside the LAMP CARTRIDGE at the APPLICATOR T IP. This enables Silk’n™ to
protect your skin by avoiding direct contact between the OPTICALLENS and the skin.
Silk’n™ is a powerful electrical device. As such, it should be used with special attention to safety.
Please read all warnings and safety precautions before use, and strictly follow them when using Silk’n™
2.2. Is Silk’n™ for you?
Important Safety Information – Read Before Use!
Silk’n™ is not designed for everyone. Please read and consider the information in the following section in order to decide whether it’s suitable for you.
For further information and personalized advice you may also visit or your local Silk’n™ domain. If you are unsure if Silk’n™ is safe for you
to use, please ask your doctor or dermatologist!
DO NOT USE Silk’n™ on naturally dark skin complexion!
Treating dark skin with Silk’n™ can result in adverse effects such as burns, blisters, and skin color changes (hyper- or hypo-pigmentation).
Silk’n™ removes unwanted hair by selectively addressing hair pigment. Varied quantities of pigment also exist in the surrounding tissue of
skin. The quantity of pigment in a particular person’s skin, which is manifested by their skin complexion, determines the degree of risk they
are exposed to using Silk’n™.
DO NOT USE Silk’n™ on naturally dark skin!
See skin color table on the inside of the cover
DO NOT USE Silk’n™
on tanned skin or after recent sun exposure!
Tanned skin particularly following sun exposure, contains large quantities of the pigment Melanin. This applies to all skin types and
complexions, including those which don’t seem to tan quickly. The presence of large quantities of Melanin exposes the skin to higher risk
when using Silk’n™.
Using Silk’n™ on skin that has been recently exposed to sunlight can result in adverse effects such as burns, blisters, and skin color changes (hyper- or
Using Silk’n™ to remove facial hair may cause serious eye injury and may stimulate facial hair growth.
DO NOT USE Silk’n™ on tanned skin or after recent sun exposure! Such use can cause serious
burns or skin injury.
Avoid exposure to the sun for 4 weeks before your Silk’n™ treatment!
Silk’n™ is not recommended for use on the face or neck
Unlike body hair, most of women’s potential facial hair remains inactive and hidden, while only a fraction of it grows and surfaces. Exposing
facial hair to the light pulses of Silk’n™ may remove apparent hair but simultaneously stimulate unwanted growth of hidden hair
Silk’n™ is not recommended for use on the face or neck.
2.4. Precautions – How to use Silk’n™ Safely
Choose your energy levels CAREFULLY!
Energy level refers to the intensity of the light pulse that is projected on your skin during use, from the lowest level (-) to the highest
level (+). INDICATOR LIGHTS on the CONTROL PANEL illustrate the energy level at which the machine is set. As the energy level increases, so do the
results of Silk’n™ as well as the risk of side effects (see “Possible Side Effects” below).
Always begin your first use of Silk’n™ at the lowest energy setting (one light at “-“)!
Only if you experience little or no discomfort during and after use of Silk’n™ at the lowest energy setting, raise the energy level by one INDICATOR
LIGHT the next time you use Silk’n™, and so on for each subsequent hair removal session.
For detailed instructions on energy level setting see “Energy Level” box in section 4.4 - “Treating with Silk’n™ for the first time”.
If you have a disease related to photosensitivity, such as porphyria, polymorphic light eruption, solar urticaria, lupus, etc.
If you have a history of skin cancer or areas of potential skin malignancies.
If you have received radiation therapy or chemotherapy treatments within the past 3 months.
If you have any other condition which in your physician’s opinion would make it unsafe for you to be treated.
If you are unsure if Silk’n™ is safe for you to use, please consult with your doctor or dermatologist.
2.3. When to avoid using Silk’n™?
Certain conditions may prevent the use of Silk’n™ temporarily. DO NOT USE Silk’n™ if any of the following currently apply to you:
If you are pregnant or nursing (lactating).
If you were exposed to strong sunlight or an artificial tanning machine during the past 28 days.
If you have a tattoo or permanent makeup on the area to be treated.
If you have dark brown or black spots, such as large freckles, birth marks, moles or warts on the area to be treated.
If you have eczema, psoriasis, lesions, open wounds or active infections, such as cold sore in the area to be treated. Wait for the effected area to
heal before using Silk’n™.
If you have a history of kelodial scar formation, a known sensitivity to light (photosensitivity) or are taking medication that makes the skin more
sensitive to light, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, (e.g., aspirins, ibuprofens, acetaminophen), tetracyclines, phenothiazines, thiazide,
If you have abnormal skin conditions caused by diabetes, for example, or other systemic or metabolic diseases
If you are currently or have recently been treated with Alpha-Hydroxi Acids (AHAs), Beta-Hydroxi Acids (BHAs), Retin-A®, topical retinoids or
azelaic acid.
If you have been treated with Accutane® (isotretinoin) within the past 6 months.
If you have been on a steroid regimen within the past 3 months.
If you have a histor y of herpes outbreaks in the area of treatment, unless you have consulted your physician and received preventative treatment before using Silk’n™.
If you suffer from epilepsy.
If you have an active implant, such as a pacemaker, incontinence device, insulin pump, etc.
The Silk’n™ device is not effective on naturally white, grey, blond and red body hair. If your body hair is of these colors, Silk’n™ will not work on you.
NOTE! Silk’n™ is not effective on light hair
Avoid adverse effects!
Do not treat the same area of skin more than once per hair removal session!
Try to avoid overlapping pulses!
If your skin blisters or burns, STOP USE IMMEDIATELY!
Avoid complications after use of Silk’n™!
Do not expose treated areas of skin to the sun. Be sure to carefully protect the treated skin with sunscreen, throughout the hair removal period
and for at least 2 weeks following the last hair removal session.
Always shave the area to be treated and make sure that the skin is clean and dry before using the Silk’n™.
Cover birthmarks and tattoos before Silk’n™ application.
Cover dark brown or black spots, such as large freckles, birth marks, moles or warts before Silk’n™ application.
Never look directly at the light coming from the Silk’n™ A
Do not use Silk’n™ on nipples and genitals (male or female).
Do not use Silk’n™ on any body site where you might later want hair.
Do not use Silk’n™ for any purpose other than hair removal.
Never point the Silk’n™ APPLICATORin an attempt to emit a light pulse into open space. Always make sure that the APPLICATOR is pointed at, and in
full contact with the skin during application.
Remove the Silk’n™ APPLICATOR from the skin if either the skin or the APPLICATOR is too hot.
Never use flammable liquids such as alcohol (including perfumes, sanitizers, or other applications containing alcohol) or acetone to clean
the skin before using Silk’n™.
Use of Silk’n™ may cause temporary pigmentation changes (See “Possible Side Effects” below).
Keep this device out of the reach of children. Do not use Silk’n™ on children or allow children to use it.
2.5. Reducing the risk of injury
As with any electrical device, certain precautions must be taken in order to ensure your safety when using Silk’n™.
Keep Silk’n™ away from water!
Silk’n™ is an electrical device. As such it should always be kept away from water.
Do not place or store Silk’n™ where it can fall or be pushed into a tub, sink or any other vessel containing water. Do not place in, or drop into water or
any other liquid.
This may cause severe electrocution.
Do not use Silk’n™ while bathing.
Do not use Silk’n™ if it becomes damp or wet.
Do not reach for Silk’n™ if it has fallen into water.
Unplug Silk’n™ immediately if it has fallen into water.
Keep Silk’n™ away from water!
Never open Silk’n™!
Do not attempt to open or repair your Silk’n™ device. Opening Silk’n™ may expose you to dangerous electrical components and to pulsed light
energy, either of which may cause serious bodily damage and/or permanent eye injury.
Trying to open Silk’n™ may also damage the device and will void your warranty.
Please contact Silk’n™ Customer Service if you have a broken or damaged device in need of repair.
Use Silk’n™ only for its intended use and as described in its manual.
Silk’n™ should never be left unattended when plugged into an outlet.ֿ
Do not operate Silk’n™ if it has a damaged cord or plug and keep the power cord away from heated surfaces.
Do not use Silk’n™ if you see or smell smoke when it is in use.
Do not use Silk’n™ if it is not working properly or if it appears damaged.
Do not use Silk’n™ if the fan vent in its APPLICATORis cracked, coming off or missing.
Do not use Silk’n™ if the outer shell is cracked or is coming apart.
Do not use Silk’n™ with a damaged DISPOSABLE LAMP CARTRIDGE, or if its OPTICAL LENS is cracked, chipped or missing
Always unplug Silk’n™ from the electrical outlet immediately after use.
Unplug Silk’n™ before cleaning.
Do not use Silk’n™ with any attachments or accessories not recommended by Home Skinovations Ltd.
Minor Skin Discomfort
Although home pulsed light hair removal is generally very well-tolerated, most users do feel some mild discomfort during use, usually described
as being a mild stinging sensation on the treated skin areas. The stinging sensation usually lasts during the time of the application itself or for a few
minutes thereafter. Anything beyond this minor discomfort is abnormal and means that either you should not continue to use Silk’n™ because you
are unable to tolerate the hair removal application, or that the energy level setting is too high.
Skin Redness
Your skin may become red right after using Silk’n™ or within 24 hours of using Silk’n™. Redness generally clears up within 24 hours. See your doctor
if redness does not go away within 2 to 3 days.
Increased Sensitivity of the Skin
The skin of the treated area is more sensitive so you may encounter dryness or flaking of the skin.
Skin Wounds and Burns
Very rarely, burns or wounds to the skin can occur following the application. The burn or wound can require a few weeks to heal and, extremely rarely, may
leave a noticeable permanent scar.
Although very rare, permanent scarring may occur. Usually when scarring occurs, it is in the form of a flat and white lesion on the skin (hypotrophic).
However, it can be large and red (hypertrophic) or large and extend beyond the margins of the injury itself (keloid). Subsequent aesthetic treatments
may be required to improve the appearance of the scar.
Do not attempt to open or repair your Silk’n™ device. Only authorized Silk’n™ repair centers are permitted to
perform repairs.
2.6. Possible Side Effects using Silk’n™
When used according to the instructions, side effects and complications associated with use of Silk’n™ are uncommon.
However every cosmetic procedure, including those designed for home use, involves some degree of risk. Therefore it is important that you understand
and accept the risks and complications that can occur with pulsed light hair removal systems designed for home use.
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