¤ Enter the hours and minutes as
four-digit numbers via the keypad
e.g., QM15 for 7.15 a.m.
If necessary, use the control key to
swap between fields.
¤ The input field opens. The active
line is marked [...].
Enter the day, month and year
as a 6-digit number via the
keypad e.g., Q1Q411
for 1 April 2011.
To correct errors: Press on
the left or right edge of the
control key to change the
position of the cursor.
¤ Press the key below
§OK§§ on the
display screen to confirm your
¤ Press and hold the end call key a
to return to idle status.
The display shows Saved. You will
hear a confirmation tone.
¤ Press the key below
§OK§ on the
display screen to confirm your