Pagina terug
Pagina verder
EN Dear Customer,
Gigaset Communications GmbH is the legal successor to
Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC), which in turn continued the Gigaset business
of Siemens AG. Any statements made by Siemens AG or
SHC that are found in the user guides should therefore be
understood as statements of Gigaset Communications
We hope you enjoy your Gigaset.
DE Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde,
die Gigaset Communications GmbH ist Rechtsnachfolgerin
der Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices
GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), die ihrerseits das Gigaset-Geschäft
der Siemens AG fortführte. Etwaige Erklärungen der
Siemens AG oder der SHC in den Bedienungsanleitungen
sind daher als Erklärungen der Gigaset Communications
GmbH zu verstehen.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude mit Ihrem Gigaset.
FR Chère Cliente, Cher Client,
la société Gigaset Communications GmbH succède en droit
à Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH
& Co. KG (SHC) qui poursuivait elle-même les activités Giga-
set de Siemens AG. Donc les éventuelles explications de Sie-
mens AG ou de SHC figurant dans les modes d’emploi
doivent être comprises comme des explications de Gigaset
Communications GmbH.
Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup d’agrément avec votre
IT Gentile cliente,
la Gigaset Communications GmbH è successore della Sie-
mens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC) che a sua volta ha proseguito l’attività della
Siemens AG. Eventuali dichiarazioni della Siemens AG o
della SHC nei manuali d’istruzione, vanno pertanto intese
come dichiarazioni della Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Le auguriamo tanta soddisfazione con il vostro Gigaset.
NL Geachte klant,
Gigaset Communications GmbH is de rechtsopvolger van
Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC), de onderneming die de Gigaset-activiteiten
van Siemens AG heeft overgenomen. Eventuele uitspraken
of mededelingen van Siemens AG of SHC in de gebruiksaan-
wijzingen dienen daarom als mededelingen van Gigaset
Communications GmbH te worden gezien.
Wij wensen u veel plezier met uw Gigaset
ES Estimado cliente,
la Gigaset Communications GmbH es derechohabiente de la
Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC) que por su parte continuó el negocio Gigaset
de la Siemens AG. Las posibles declaraciones de la
Siemens AG o de la SHC en las instrucciones de uso se
deben entender por lo tanto como declaraciones de la Giga-
set Communications GmbH.
Le deseamos que disfrute con su Gigaset.
PT SCaros clientes,
Gigaset Communications GmbH é a sucessora legal da Sie-
mens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC), que, por sua vez, deu continuidade ao sector
de negócios Gigaset, da Siemens AG. Quaisquer declara-
ções por parte da Siemens AG ou da SHC encontradas nos
manuais de utilização deverão, portanto, ser consideradas
como declarações da Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Desejamos que tenham bons momentos com o seu Gigaset.
DA Kære Kunde,
Gigaset Communications GmbH er retlig efterfølger til Sie-
mens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC), som fra deres side videreførte Siemens AGs
Gigaset-forretninger. Siemens AGs eller SHCs eventuelle
forklaringer i betjeningsvejledningerne skal derfor forstås
som Gigaset Communications GmbHs forklaringer.
Vi håber, du får meget glæde af din Gigaset.
FI Arvoisa asiakkaamme,
Gigaset Communications GmbH on Siemens Home and
Office Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC)-yri-
tyksen oikeudenomistaja, joka jatkoi puolestaan Siemens
AG:n Gigaset-liiketoimintaa. Käyttöoppaissa mahdollisesti
esiintyvät Siemens AG:n tai SHC:n selosteet on tämän
vuoksi ymmärrettävä Gigaset Communications GmbH:n
Toivotamme Teille paljon iloa Gigaset-laitteestanne.
SV Kära kund,
Gigaset Communications GmbH övertar rättigheterna från
Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC), som bedrev Gigaset-verksamheten efter Sie-
mens AG. Alla förklaringar från Siemens AG eller SHC i
användarhandboken gäller därför som förklaringar från
Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Vi önskar dig mycket nöje med din Gigaset.
NO Kjære kunde,
Gigaset Communications GmbH er rettslig etterfølger etter
Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC), som i sin tur videreførte Gigaset-geskjeften i
Siemens AG. Eventuelle meddelelser fra Siemens AG eller
SHC i bruksanvisningene er derfor å forstå som meddelelser
fra Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Vi håper du får stor glede av din Gigaset-enhet.
EL Αγαπητή πελάτισσα, αγαπητέ πελάτη,
η Gigaset Communications GmbH είναι η νομική διάδοχος της
Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC), η οποία έχει αναλάβει την εμπορική
δραστηριότητα Gigaset της Siemens AG. Οι δηλώσεις της
Siemens AG ή της SHC στις
οδηγίες χρήσ
ης αποτ
επομένως δηλώσεις της Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Σας ευχόμαστε καλή διασκέδαση με τη συσκευή σας Gigaset.
HR Poštovani korisnici,
Gigaset Communications GmbH pravni je sljednik tvrtke
Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH &
Co. KG (SHC), koji je nastavio Gigaset poslovanje tvrtke
Siemens AG. Zato sve izjave tvrtke Siemens AG ili SHC koje
se nalaze u uputama za upotrebu treba tumačiti kao izjave
tvrtke Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Nadamo se da sa zadovoljstvom koristite svoj Gigaset
SL Spoštovani kupec!
Podjetje Gigaset Communications GmbH je pravni naslednik
podjetja Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices
GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), ki nadaljuje dejavnost znamke
Gigaset podjetja Siemens AG. Vse izjave podjetja Siemens
AG ali SHC v priročnikih za uporabnike torej veljajo kot izjave
podjetja Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Želimo vam veliko užitkov ob uporabi naprave Gigaset.
Issued by
Gigaset Communications GmbH
Schlavenhorst 66, D-46395 Bocholt
Gigaset Communications GmbH is a trademark
licensee of Siemens AG
© Gigaset Communications GmbH 2008
All rights reserved.
Subject to availability. Rights of modifications
CS Vážení zákazníci,
společnost Gigaset Communications GmbH je právním
nástupcem společnosti Siemens Home and Office
Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), která dále
přejala segment produktů Gigaset společnosti Siemens AG.
Jakékoli prohlášení společnosti Siemens AG nebo SHC, které
naleznete v uživatelských příručkách, je třeba považovat za
prohlášení společnosti Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Doufáme, že jste s produkty Gigaset spokojeni.
SK Vážený zákazník,
Spoločnosť Gigaset Communications GmbH je právnym
nástupcom spoločnosti Siemens Home and Office
Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), ktorá zasa
pokračovala v činnosti divízie Gigaset spoločnosti Siemens
AG. Z tohto dôvodu je potrebné všetky vyhlásenia
spoločnosti Siemens AG alebo SHC, ktoré sa nachádzajú v
používateľských príručkách, chápať ako vyhlásenia
spoločnosti Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Veríme, že budete so zariadením Gigaset spokojní.
RO Stimate client,
Gigaset Communications GmbH este succesorul legal al
companiei Siemens Home and Office Communication
Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), care, la rândul său, a
continuat activitatea companiei Gigaset a Siemens AG.
Orice afirmaţii efectuate de Siemens AG sau SHC şi incluse
în ghidurile de utilizare vor fi, prin urmare, considerate a
aparţine Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Sperăm ca produsele Gigaset să fie la înălţimea dorinţelor
SR Poštovani potrošaču,
Gigaset Communications GmbH je pravni naslednik
kompanije Siemens Home and Office Communication
Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), kroz koju je nastavljeno
poslovanje kompanije Gigaset kao dela Siemens AG. Stoga
sve izjave od strane Siemens AG ili SHC koje se mogu naći u
korisničkim uputstvima treba tuma
čiti kao
izjave kompanije
Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Nadamo se da ćete uživati u korišćenju svog Gigaset
BG Уважаеми потребители,
Gigaset Communications GmbH е правоприемникът на
Siemens Home and Office Communication Devices GmbH
& Co. KG (SHC), която на свой ред продължи бизнеса на
подразделението Siemens AG. По тази причина
всякакви изложения, направени от Siemens AG или
SHC, които се намират в ръководствата за
потребителя, следва да се разбират като изложения на
Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Надяваме се да ползвате с удоволствие вашия Gigaset.
isztelt Vásárló!
A Siemens Home and Communication Devices GmbH & Co.
KG (SHC) törvényes jogutódja a Gigaset Communications
GmbH, amely a Siemens AG Gigaset üzletágának utódja.
Ebből következően a Siemens AG vagy az SHC felhasználói
kézikönyveiben található bármely kijelentést a Gigaset
Communications GmbH kijelentésének kell tekinteni.
Reméljük, megelégedéssel használja Gigaset készülékét.
PL Szanowny Kliencie,
Firma Gigaset Communications GmbH jest spadkobiercą
prawnym firmy Siemens Home and Office Communication
Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), która z kolei przejęła
segment produktów Gigaset od firmy Siemens AG. Wszelkie
oświadczenia firm Siemens AG i SHC, które można znaleźć
w instrukcjach obsługi, należy traktować jako oświadczenia
firmy Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Życzymy wiele przyjemności z korzystania z produktów
TR Sayın Müşterimiz,
Gigaset Communications GmbH, Siemens AG'nin Gigaset
işletmesini yürüten Siemens Home and Office
Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC)'nin yasal
halefidir. Kullanma kılavuzları nda bulunan ve Siemens AG
veya SHC tarafından yapılan bildiriler Gigaset
Communications GmbH tarafından yapılmış bildiriler olarak
Gigaset'ten memnun kalmanızı ümit ediyoruz.
RU Уважаемыи покупатель!
Компания Gigaset Communications GmbH является
правопреемником компании Siemens Home and Office
Communication Devices GmbH & Co. KG (SHC), которая,
в св
ою очередь, приняла подразделение Gigaset в свое
управление от компании Siemens AG. Поэтому любые
заявления, сделанные от имени компании Siemens AG
или SHC и встречающиеся в руководствах
пользователя, должны восприниматься как заявления
компании Gigaset Communications GmbH.
Мы надеемся, что продукты Gigaset удовлетворяют
вашим требованиям.
Issued by
Gigaset Communications GmbH
Schlavenhorst 66, D-46395 Bocholt
Gigaset Communications GmbH is a trademark
licensee of Siemens AG
© Gigaset Communications GmbH 2008
All rights reserved.
Subject to availability. Rights of modifications
Issued by
Information and Communication mobile
Haidenauplatz 1
D-81667 Munich
© Siemens AG 2002
All rights reserved. Subject to availability.
Right of modification reserved.
Printed in Germany. (09/2002)
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
Order no.A31008-G200-B101-4-7619
Be inspired
User guide
and safety information
5 h
Putting the phone into operation
A31008- G200- B101- 4- 7619
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 UMSCHL_V.FM 16.0 9.02
Brief overview of the handset
Display symbols and special characters
Star (
R key
Hash (#)
Hold down
R key
Key lock Phone list
Star key
Off-hook key
Phone book
- Page down
key lock
(hold down)
- Answer call
- Dial call
Redial key
Open redial list
On-hook key
- Terminate
- Cancel
Set/OK key
- Open menu
- Confirm
(store) entry
Battery status
List item
Indicates the list
item for an entry
- Open phone
- Call list item "0"
(hold down)
R key
- Page up
- Call multi-
(hold down)
R key function
Dialing pause
(hold down)
Hash key
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 UMSCHL_V.FM 16.0 9.02
on purchasing your Siemens Gigaset!
In order to be able to use your phone with ease, read
the following pages to find out how it works.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 UMSCHL_V.FM 16.0 9.02
Safety information
only the plug-in power supply unit
, as indicated on the bottom of the
Use only
approved, rechargeable batter-
ies of the same type
. In other words, never
use conventional (non-rechargeable) batter-
ies, since these can injure you and damage
your health.
Do not position the device
in the immedi-
ate vicinity of other devices
such as
hi-fi systems, televisions, microwave ovens
or office equipment. This could cause mutu-
al interference.
Ensure that you insert the rechargeable
batteries with the correct polarity and that
you use the type of battery specified in this
user guide (note the sign in the battery
compartments of the handset).
The operation of medical equipment may be
affected. Bear in mind the technical require-
ments of the environment (e.g. doctor's
The handset can cause an unpleasant
buzzing sound in hearing aids. Do not hold
the handset too close to your ear.
Do not set up the base unit in bathrooms or
shower rooms. The handset is not splash-
proof (see also page 21).
Do not use the phone in potentially explo-
sive environments (e.g. paint shops).
Do not pass your Gigaset on to a third party
without the user guide.
Dispose of batteries and your phone in an
environment-friendly manner.
Not all the functions described in this user
guide are available in all countries.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 410_Jako bIVZ.fm 16.0 9.02
Brief overview of the handset . . . . . . . 2
Safety information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Putting your phone into operation . . . . 6
Making a phone call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Accepting a call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Redialing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Displaying the caller's number (CLIP) . . . . . . . . . 11
Activating/deactivating the key lock . . . . . . . . . . 11
Phone book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Registering the handset with the base
unit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Settings of the handset . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Volumes and tunes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Changing the display language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Resetting the handset to the factory defaults . . 16
Settings of the base unit . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Signaling method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Flash times („R key“) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Resetting the base unit to the factory defaults. . 19
Pulse/no-pulse ratio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Deactivating and reactivating automatic
attenuation equalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Caring for your phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Contact with liquid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Questions and answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Guarantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Customer Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Menu overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Please also note the index page 30!
Gigaset 200, GBR, A310 08-G200-B101-4-7619 VOR BEREI.FM 16.09.02
Putting your phone into operation
Step 1: Connect up the base unit
For the analog landline network
Insert the small connector of the
power cable
into the socket.
Insert the cable in the cable duct.
Plug the 3-pin adaptor into a mains power socket
and switch on.
Insert the small connector of the
line cord
the socket (engages).
Insert the cable in the cable duct.
Insert the phone connector in the phone socket.
Plug-in power supply unit with
power cable (220/230 V)*
Phone connector
with phone cable
Gigaset 200, GBR, A310 08-G200-B101-4-7619 VOR BEREI.FM 16.09.02
Step 2: Put the handset into operation
Inserting the batteries
Insert the batteries with the
correct polarity
Put the lower end of the battery compartment cover
in position (see arrow), and press against the
_ribbing at the top until it engages.
To o p e n i t ,
lift the cover by the ribbing.
only the plug-in power supply unit
, as indicated on the bottom of
the base unit.
Important: new phone cable. Use only the
enclosed cable type.
If you purchase another cable, ensure that it
has the correct connector pin assignment.
The display is protected by a plastic foil.
Please remove the protective foil.
Use only
approved, rechargeable batter-
ies of the same type
. Otherwise you risk
damaging your health and the product.
Do not use charging units belonging to
other devices because they could damage
the batteries.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A310 08-G200-B101-4-7619 VOR BEREI.FM 16.09.02
Step 3: Place the handset on
the base unit
In order to make calls, you need to register your hand-
set with the base unit (to make it known to it). The fol-
lowing text appears on the display: "*--*--*". Put the
handset on the base unit with the
display visible
. The
following text appears on the display: "REGISTER HS".
It takes around
a minute
for the handset to be
registered with the base unit. The idle display (battery
symbol) appears instead of the display "REGISTER
Step 4: Charge the batteries
Leave the handset on the base unit for around five
hours in order to charge the batteries. A charging
indicator on the handset shows that the batteries are
being charged:
Your phone is now ready for operation; you can start
Note on the battery
Batteries empty
(symbol flashes)
charged Batteries full
After the batteries are charged for the first
time, you can put the handset back on the
base unit again after each call. Charging is
controlled electronically. This ensures that
the batteries are charged optimally and
The batteries become warm during charg-
ing; this is normal and not dangerous.
The charging status of the batteries is only
displayed correctly after an uninterrupted
charging/discharging process. You should
therefore avoid opening the battery
compartment unnecessarily.
5 h
Gigaset 200, GBR, A310 08-G200-B101-4-7619 VOR BEREI.FM 16.09.02
Recommended batteries
Operating times/charging times
Nickel cadmium
Nickel-metal hybrid
Sanyo N-3U
(700 mAh)
Saft RH 6 NiMH 1300
(1300 mAh)
Mobile Power 700
(700 mAh)
Panasonic HHR-110 AA
(1100 mAh)
Panasonic 600 DT
(600 mAh)
Panasonic Pro+ 1500
(1500 mAh)
Emmerich 700
(700 mAh)
Sanyo HR-3U
(1600 mAh)
(1300 mAh)
Varta Phone Power
(1300 mAh)
Emmerich 1300
(1300 mAh)
Standby time
Ta l k t i m e
700 Up to 200 (8 days) Over 10 Approx. 5
1200 Up to 320 (13 days) Over 17 Approx. 9
1600 Up to 400 (16 days) Over 23 Approx. 12
The first time you charge the batteries, we
recommend an uninterrupted charging time as
specified in the table, regardless of the charging
status displayed.
The charging capacity of the batteries decreas-
es as the years go by due to technical reasons.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 TELEF.FM 16.0 9.02
Making a phone call
Enter the call number.
Press the off-hook key.
Press the on-hook key to termi-
nate the call.
Place the handset on the base
Accepting a call
Your phone rings (ringing tone).
Press the off-hook key to accept
the call.
Your handset automatically saves the last five call
numbers selected.
Press the redial key. The redial list
Select the desired call number.
Press the off-hook key the call
number is dialed.
You can also press the off-hook key
enter the call number each
digit is selected immediately.
You can press the on-hook key to cancel
You can use the
key to enter a dialing
pause (hold it down). This is important for
foreign connections, for example.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 TELEF.FM 16.0 9.02
Displaying the caller's number (CLIP)
The prerequisites for this function are as follows:
You must have applied for CLIP from your network
The network provider must support call number
display (CLIP).
The call number must be transmitted when the
caller calls.
If the call number is not displayed, the following
Activating/deactivating the key lock
If you "lock" the keys, any inadvertent touching of the
keys remains without effect. In order to answer an
incoming call, press the off-hook key
To activate the lock, hold down
the key you will here an
acknowledgment tone
. The
symbol appears on the display.
To deactivate the lock, hold down
key again.
The symbol disappears.
If the call number consists of more than
twelve digits, an omission mark appears at
the beginning of the line ( ).
If you have not applied for CLIP.
If the display of the number is "sup-
pressed" by the caller or if the caller has
not applied for call number transmission.
When a call is made,
the call number
appears on the display
* Acknowledgment tone = ascending sequence of
Error tone = descending sequence of tones
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 TELEF.FM 16.0 9.02
Phone book
phone book
makes it easier to dial ten call
numbers. A maximum of 22 digits are possible for
each entry.
Storing a new entry
Open the phone book.
Select and confirm your desired
item from the list.
Enter the call number.
Confirm your entry.
Changing an entry
Open the phone book.
Select and confirm the desired
call number.
Change the call number.
Confirm your entry.
Using the phone book to dial
Open the phone book.
Page to the desired entry.
Press the off-hook key.
The call number is dialed.
Rapid dialing with the key
If you hold down the key, the number stored under
the list item "0"
is selected. To dial it, press the off-
hook key.
It is therefore advisable to store a number
you dial frequently under "0" (e.g. the access number
of a network provider).
If no number is stored,
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 mobilt_an .fm 16.0 9.02
Registering the handset with
the base unit
In order to make calls with your handset, you need to
register it with the base unit. This happens automati-
cally the first time you use a handset.
Automatic registration:
Gigaset 200 handset to Gigaset 200
base unit
To find out how to register your handset with the base
unit (i.e. make it known to it), refer to
"Step 3"
(see page 8).
Manual registration:
Gigaset 200 handset to Gigaset 200
base unit
Manual registration is necessary when:
Automatic registration is not completed
The handset provided is replaced.
Step 1:
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
Step 2:
Place the handset on the base unit.
After being successfully registered with the base unit,
the handset returns to the idle state.
Only one handset can be registered at any one
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 mobilt_an .fm 16.0 9.02
Manual registration:
Gigaset 200 handset to other GAP base
Step 1:
Put the base unit on standby for registration (see the
user guide for the base unit).
Step 2:
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
Select and confirm. "PIN" appears
on the display.
Enter the registration PIN (max. 8
digits) of the GAP base unit that
is on standby for registration
(e.g. "0000").
Confirm your entry.
After being successfully registered with the base unit,
the handset returns to the idle state.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 MOBILT.FM 16.0 9.02
Settings of the handset
You can change the settings of your handset to suit
your requirements. The current setting always has a
check mark against it.
Volumes and tunes
Receiver volume
There are three settings for the receiver volume.
Open the menu.
The receiver volume and the
associated number are displayed.
Select and confirm the desired
setting (13).
Ringing tone volume
There are four settings for the ringing tone volume.
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
The respective volume is emit-
ted, and the associated number
is displayed. Select and confirm
the desired setting (14).
Ringing tone tune
There are five different tunes to choose from.
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
The respective tune is emitted,
and the associated number is
displayed. Select and confirm the
desired tune (15).
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 MOBILT.FM 16.0 9.02
Changing the display language
The menu overview provides orientation here (see
page 28).
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
Select and confirm the
desired language (e.g. English).
Resetting the handset to the factory
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
Select and confirm.
The handset has the factory
defaults again.
Select and confirm.
If you inadvertently set the wrong language
(i.e. one you don't understand), you can change
the setting by pressing
followed by on
the handset. You can then select the correct
language by paging through the menu and
confirming it with the
You will find a list of the available languages in
the menu overview on page 28.
After the handset is reset, it must be replaced
on the base unit with the
display visible at the
, see "
Step 3
" (page 8).
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 MOBILT.FM 16.0 9.02
Factory defaults of the handset:
Function Factory default
Receiver volume 1
Ringing tone volume IRL: 4
UK: 3
Ringing tone tune 1
Display language Country-specific
Redial list Deleted
Phone book Deleted
Key lock Off
Standby for registration On
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 BASISST.FM 16.0 9.02
Settings of the base unit
Signaling method
You use this function to change to the pulse signaling
Factory default: Multifrequency signaling method.
Press the off-hook key.
The following appears on the
Open the menu.
Select and confirm your desired
signaling method.
Select and confirm.
Press the on-hook key
Normally, no changes are necessary to set-
tings in the base unit.
Settings in the base unit can be easily
changed by using the mobile part if necessary.
The handset must be registered with the base
" "
If you hold down the key, you
have multifrequency signaling for the
subsequent call.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 BASISST.FM 16.0 9.02
Flash times („R key“)
This function allows you to change the set flash time
(factory default see page 19).
Press the off-hook key.
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
180 MS
Select and confirm the desired
flash time (80, 100, 120, 180,
250, 300 or 600 ms).
Press the on-hook key.
Resetting the base unit to the factory
The handset remains registered when the base unit is
Press the off-hook key.
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
Select and confirm.
The base unit has the factory
defaults again.
Select and confirm.
Press the on-hook key.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 BASISST.FM 16.0 9.02
Pulse/no-pulse ratio
This function changes the pulse/no-pulse ratio (for
pulse signaling).
Press the off-hook key.
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
2 - 1
Select and confirm the desired
pulse/no-pulse ratio.
Press the on-hook key.
Deactivating and reactivating automatic
attenuation equalization
If a device is delivered with automatic attenuation
equalization, automatic attenuation equalization is
always activated on delivery and should (normally)
remain activated.
Automatic attenuation equalization can be deactivated
in the following
case: when your base
unit is connected to a telephone system.
Press the off-hook key.
Open the menu.
Select and confirm.
Select and confirm.
Select and confirm.
Press the on-hook key.
Factory defaults of the base unit:
* Not available in all countries
Function Factory default
Signaling method Multifrequency signaling
Flash time IRL: 120 ms
UK: 100 ms
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 ANHA .FM 16.09.02
Caring for your phone
Wipe the base unit and handset with a
damp cloth
antistatic cloth.
use a dry cloth. There is a risk
of static charge.
Contact with liquid
If the handset should come into contact with liquid,
on no account switch the device on.
Remove all batteries immediately.
Allow the liquid to drip out of the device, and then dab
all parts of the device dry.
Keep the handset with the batteries removed in a
warm, dry place for at least 72 hours. In many cases,
you will then be able to use it again.
The range outdoors when there are no obstructions is
up to 300 m. Indoors, ranges of up to 50 m are possib-
le. If you exceed the range, the following message
appears on the display: "*--*--*".
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 ANHA .FM 16.09.02
Questions and answers
If any questions occur to you while you are using your
device, we are available 24 hours a day at
You will find the most frequently asked questions and
answers below.
Question Possible
Nothing appears
on the display.
The batteries are
Charge or
replace the
(see page 8).
No response to
The key lock is
switched on.
Hold down the
No radio link to
the base unit
the following
appears on the
The handset is
outside the
range of the
base unit.
The handset is
not registered
with the base
The base unit is
not switched on.
Reduce the dis-
tance between
the handset and
the base unit.
Register the
handset with the
base unit
(see page 13).
Check the power
plug on the base
(see page 6).
The number of
the caller is not
displayed in spite
(see page 11).
Number trans-
mission is
The caller must
apply to the
network provider
to have his or her
number trans-
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 ANHA .FM 16.09.02
This equipment guarantee applies to end users
(customers). This guarantee does not in any way
affect the customer's statutory rights.
The guarantee applies to the supplied devices and
all their components but not to their installation or
configuration or to the services provided by the dea-
ler. Manuals and any software supplied on a separa-
te data medium are excluded from the guarantee.
This guarantee does not apply to decorative covers
or any other personalised parts or software not
included in the scope of supply. The guarantee also
does not apply to decorative top or bottom shells
for special editions.
The guarantee provides for devices or components
that, despite proper care and use, have demon-
strably developed defects due to faulty workman-
ship and/or faulty materials to be replaced or
repaired at our discretion free of charge. The
guarantee does not cover normal wear and tear.
Alternatively, we reserve the right to replace the de-
fective device with a successor model or reimburse
the original purchase price on return of the defecti-
ve device. Our decision is final. Any legal claims are
Claims under the guarantee cannot be made if
the defect or damage was caused by improper
care or use.
Improper care or use includes the following:
Opening the device (this is classed as third-party
Manipulating components on the printed circuit
Manipulating the software
Defects or damage caused by dropping, brea-
king, lightning or ingress of moisture. This also
applies if defects or damage was caused by
mechanical, chemical, radio interference or ther-
mal factors (e.g. microwave, sauna, etc.).
Repairs or other work done by persons not autho-
rised by us.
Devices fitted with accessories not authorised by
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 ANHA .FM 16.09.02
Any further claims due to damage are excluded,
such as damage arising outside the device, provi-
ded this was not due to gross negligence and/or
intent on our part.
Claims under the guarantee must be made as soon
as the defect is noticed.
A till receipt showing the date of purchase must be
presented as proof. Each claim under the guarantee
is accepted with the express reservation that
subsequent investigations confirm the validity of
the claim.
Any devices or components that are replaced
become our property.
The costs of materials and labour will be borne by
us, but not the costs of transport, postage or
We are entitled, at our discretion, to make technical
changes (such as firmware updates) beyond repair
or replacement in order to upgrade the device to the
latest state of the art. There is no additional charge
to the customer for this work. Our decision is final.
Any legal claims are excluded.
The guarantee is valid in the country of purchase. It
applies only if the device is operated in the relevant
geographical area in accordance with the informati-
on on the packaging and in the operating instruc-
Any further claims are excluded. Siemens is not
liable in any circumstances for downtime, loss of
profits, loss of data or loss of any other information.
The customer alone is responsible for safeguarding
such data and information.
Changes to this guarantee require prior approval by
Siemens in writing.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 ANHA .FM 16.09.02
Guarantee period
The guarantee applies in countries in the EU from 1
January 2002 for a period of 12 months.
In all other countries the guarantee period shall be
the relevant minimum statutory guarantee period,
but no longer than 12 months.
The guarantee period starts on the day of purchase
by the customer.
A successful claim under the guarantee does not
extend the guarantee period.
Work under the guarantee is handled by our Custo-
mer Care Centers.
The guarantor is Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Deutschland,
Schlavenhorst 88, D-46395 Bocholt.
To redeem the guarantee please contact your
local Customer Care Center (see page 26).
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 ANHA .FM 16.09.02
Customer Care
You can get assistance easily when you have technical
questions or questions about how to use your device
by using our online support service on the Internet at:
or by referring to the section entitled
Questions and
in this manual (page 22).
If the device needs to be repaired, please contact one
of our Customer Care Centers:
Abu Dhabi.......... 0 26 42 38 00
Australia .......... 18 00 62 24 14
Argentina...... 0 80 08 88 98 78
Austria ............. 05 17 07 50 04
Bahrain ...................... 40 42 34
Bangladesh........ 0 17 52 74 47
Belgium ............. 0 78 15 22 21
Brunei.................. 02 43 08 01
Bulgaria ................ 02 73 94 88
Cambodia ............. 12 80 05 00
Canada ......... 1 88 87 77 02 11
China ............ 0 21 50 31 81 49
Croatia ............... 0 16 10 53 81
Czech Republic 02 33 03 27 27
Denmark............... 35 25 86 00
Dubai ................. 0 43 55 99 88
Egypt ................. 0 13 31 31 44
Estonia ................... 6 30 47 35
Finland............. 09 22 94 37 00
France ............. 01 56 38 42 00
Germany....... 0 18 05 33 32 22
Greece............... 0 16 86 43 89
Hong Kong ........... 22 58 36 36
Hungary........... 06 14 71 24 44
Iceland.................... 5 11 30 00
India................. 01 16 92 39 88
Indonesia ......... 02 14 61 50 81
Ireland ............. 18 50 77 72 77
Italy.................. 02 66 76 44 00
Ivory Coast ........... 80 00 03 33
Jordan ............... 0 79 55 96 63
Kuwait .................... 4 81 87 49
Latvia...................... 7 50 11 14
Lebanon ............... 01 44 30 43
Libya ........... .......... 02 13 35 02 31
Lithuania ..... .................2 39 77 79
Luxembourg ............. 43 84 33 99
Malaysia ..... ..........03 79 52 51 84
Malta .......... 00 35 32 14 94 06 32
Mauritius .... ................. 2 11 62 13
Morocco ..... ............... 22 66 92 32
Netherlands ....... 0 90 03 33 31 02
Norway ....... ............... 22 70 84 00
Oman.......... .................... 79 10 12
Pakistan ...... .......... 02 15 67 35 65
Philippines .. ............... 28 14 98 88
Poland ........ .......... 08 00 22 09 90
Portugal ...... ............ 8 00 85 32 04
Qatar........... ..... 00 97 44 69 67 00
Russia......... .......... 09 57 37 29 51
Saudi Arabia ............ 0 26 51 50 94
Sharjah........ ............ 0 65 33 66 42
Singapore ... ................. 8 45 48 18
Slovak Republic 07 59 68 22 66
Slovenia ...... ............ 0 14 74 63 36
South Africa .......... 08 60 10 11 57
Spain ......... ............ 9 02 11 50 61
Sweden ...... ............ 0 87 50 99 11
Switzerland. ............ 0 12 12 00 90
Taiwan ........ .......... 02 25 18 65 04
Thailand ...... ............ 0 27 15 51 00
Tunisia ........ ............... 01 86 19 02
Turkey......... ...... (0 216) 579 89 89
United Kingdom . 0 87 05 33 44 11
USA ............ ......... 1 800 777 0211
Vietnam ...... ............... 45 63 22 44
Zimbabwe .. ............... 04 36 94 24
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 ANHA .FM 16.09.02
Your Gigaset is intended for operation in your country,
as depicted on the underside of the base unit.
Country-specific features have been taken into
The conformity of the device with the essential
requirements of the R&TTE directive is confirmed by
the CE symbol.
Excerpt from the original declaration:
"We, Siemens AG, declare, that the above mentioned
product is manufactured according to our Full Quality
Assurance System certified by CETECOM ICT Ser-
vices GmbH with the registration number
"Q810820M" in compliance with ANNEX V of the
R&TTE Directive 99/05/EC. The presumption of con-
formity with the essential requirements regarding
Council Directive 99/05/EC is ensured.
Senior Approvals Manager
The Declaration of Conformity (DoC) has been signed. In
case of need, a copy of the original DoC can be made avail-
able via the company hotline.
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 MENU.FM 16.0 9.02
Menu overview
You can select a menu function more quickly if, rather
than paging through the menu, you simply press the
relevant keys when the device is in the idle state.
To set the
, press
and then call =
display language.
You select the desired language by paging through the
menu and confirming it with the
To set the
base unit
, press
and then call =
signaling method.
You select the desired signaling method by paging
through the menu and confirming it with the
You then press the key.
Settings of the handset:
If the language 4_15 is set, the numeric
values (1_1) contained in the menu over-
view appear on the display
1 _ 2 SET LEVEL 2
1 _ 3 SET LEVEL 3
2 _ 2 SET LEVEL 2
2 _ 3 SET LEVEL 3
2 _ 4 SET LEVEL 4
3 _ MELODY 3 _ 1 MELODY 1
3 _ 2 MELODY 2
3 _ 3 MELODY 3
3 _ 4 MELODY 4
3 _ 5 MELODY 5
4 _ 2 ENGLISH 4 _ 10 SWEDISH
4 _ 3 FRENCH 4 _ 11 FINNISH
4 _ 4 ITALIAN 4 _ 12 CZECH
4 _ 5 SPANISH 4 _ 13 TURKISH
4 _ 7 DUTCH 4 _ 15 4 _ 15
4 _ 8 DANISH
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 MENU.FM 16.0 9.02
Settings of the base unit:
* Not available in all countries
5 _ HS RESET 5 _ 0 RESET NO?
5 _ 1 RESET YES?
6 _ 2 GAP 1
6 _ 3 GAP 2
1 _ DIAL MODE 1 _ 1 TONE
1 _ 2 PULSE
2 _ TBR 2 _ 80 MS 80 MS
2 _ [..] MS [..] ms
2 _ 600 MS 600 MS
3 _ 2 RESET YES?
4 _ PULSE PAUSE 4 _ 1_5 - 2 1_5 - 1
4 _ 2 - 1 2 - 1
5 _ AGC* 5 _ 0 AGC OFF
5 _ 1 AGC ON
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 410_Jako bSIX.fm 16.09.02
Acknowledgment tone 11, 20
automatic attenuation
equalization 20
key lock 11
Answering a call 10
Automatic attenuation
equalization 20
Automatic registration 13
Base unit
connecting up 6
resetting to factory
defaults 19
charging 8
inserting 7
recommended batteries 9
Brief overview 2
answering 10
terminating 10
Call number
changing 12
dialing 10
displaying (CLIP) 11
redialing 10
storing 12
Calling 10
Canceling (a function) 2
Caring for your phone 21
Changing 16
indicator 8
times and capacity 9
Check mark (on the
display) 15
CLIP (call number display) 11
Connector pin assignment 6
Contact with liquid 21
Customer Care 26
automatic attenuation
equalization 19
key lock 11
Dialing 10
Display 2
Display language 16
Display symbols 2
Entry (phone book) 12
Error tone 11, 20
Factory defaults
of the base unit 19
of the handset 16
Flash times 19
GAP base units 14
Guarantee 23
disabling 11
putting into operation 7
resetting to factory
defaults 16
Hearing aids 4
Idle display 8
Key lock 11
Keys 2
Language (display) 16
List item 2, 12
Gigaset 200, GBR, A31008-G20 0-B101-4-7619 410_Jako bSIX.fm 16.09.02
Manual registration 13
Medical equipment 4
Menu overview 28
Multifrequency signaling
method 18
Network provider 11
New entry (phone book) 12
Number, see call number 11
Operating times 9
Operation, putting your
phone into 6
Pause 10
Phone book 12
changing an entry 12
dialing a call number 12
storing a new entry 12
Phone cable 6
Phone connector 6
Phone, putting into
operation 6
answering a call 10
calling 10
Plug-in power supply unit 6
Power cable 6
Protective foil 7
Pulse signaling method 18
Pulse/no-pulse ratio 20
Questions and answers 22
Range 21
Rapid dialing 12
Receiver volume 15
Redialing 10
Registration (handset)
automatically 13
manually 13
to other GAP base units 14
Ringing tone 15
tune 15
volume 15
Safety information 4
Service 26
display language 16
of the base unit 18, 29
of the handset 15, 28
Signaling method 18
Special characters 2
Symbols 2
Tune 15
Volume 15

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Andere handleiding(en) van Siemens Gigaset 200

Siemens Gigaset 200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 67 pagina's

Siemens Gigaset 200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

Siemens Gigaset 200 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 67 pagina's

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