WARNING! We advise caution when disassembling and lifting items. You must
ensure that the person undertaking these actions is able to handle the weight.
STEP 1 Ensure that the area in which the Powerchair is to be dismantled is spacious
enough to accommodate all the components.
STEP 2 The arms may removed to make the seat lighter to lift. Under the rear of the
seat you will find tow “hand knobs”. Release both by turning anti-clockwise
and slide out arms from each side.
STEP 3 Fold seatback forward
STEP 4 Disconnect the power cord coming from the joystick/controller at the back of
the Powerchair by pressing on the latch with your left hand and firmly pulling
the cable plug with your right hand.
STEP 5 Release the black tightening lever underneath the seat. Stand behind the seat
and while holding on with both hands lift straight up until the seat is released
from the seat post.
STEP 6 Hold onto the seat post with one hand. With your other hand pull the yellow
release lever to release and separate the main body from the transaxle (rear
portion) on the Powerchair.
To reassemble the Powerchair, reverse the procedures described above.