• 16:9 Wide :
You can view the full 16:9 picture on your widescreen TV.
Press the …† buttons to select the desired screen setting, then press the OK button to confirm
your choice.
• 4:3 Letter Box :
Select when you
want to see the total 16:9 ratio
screen BD/DVD supplies, even
though you have a TV with a 4:3
ratio screen. Black bars will
appear at the top and bottom of
the screen.
• 4:3 Pan-Scan :
Select this for
conventional size TV when you
want to see the central portion of
the 16:9 screen. (Extreme left and
right side of movie picture will be
cut off.)
Setup menu
Setting up the Video options
A user can set up a connected TV condition and screen.
This function depends on the disc or TV type. It may not work with some discs or TVs.
TV Aspect Ratio
With the unit in Stop mode, press the HOME
Press the œ √ buttons to select Setup, then
press the OK button.
Video setup is already selected, Then press the
√ button. Video setup menu will be displayed.
If TV Aspect Ratio is selected, press the √
button to select the desired screen setting.
• Depending on the disc type, some aspect ratios may not be available.
• Press the
œ button to return to the previous menu. Press the RETURN or HOME MENU button to exit the menu.
TV Aspect Ratio
OK Select RETURN Back
…†œ √
TV Aspect Ratio
4:3 Pan & Scan
4:3 Letter Box
16:9 Wide
OK Select RETURN Back
…†œ √
BDP-6003-English 2008.12.5 6:19 PM ˘ `26