Special Entries for PLU/EAN
■ Promotion function
You have a choice of either global or individual type for promotion entry.
You also need to select a promotion type from the following:
Amount discount : discounts the programmed amount.
Percent discount : discounts the amount at the programmed percent rate.
Give free item : offers the programmed objected item for free.
Cheaper item free : offers the cheaper ones of the objected items for free.
Selling price : changes the total amount of the registered objected items to the programmed selling price.
For EAN item entry, you cannot enter NON-PLU type EAN code and press code.
Global type
This function is convenient for matching several PLU/EAN items and selling them in a lump (e.g. value meal,
etc.). Operation is the same as for normal PLU/EAN. The promotion table consists of the text for the table, a
maximum of 25 objected items (selected from PLU/EAN, department or group), trip level (the number of
entries to be satisfied), promotion type and promotion detail. The promotion detail depends on the
promotion type. In the example below, amount discount is used as the promotion type.
The programmed promotion entry will be made under the following condition:
• The total quantity of the objected items meet the trip level programmed in the promotion type.
Objected items of table no. 1: Item-A (*2.30), Item-B (*3.10), Item-C (*2.50)
Trip level: 3
Promotion type: Amount discount
Promotion detail: Discount amount (1.00)
In the case of <Sale 1> above