Previewing and Publishing 237
6. Click OK.
WebPlus seeks an Internet connection, then:
7. If uploading for the first time, selected files will be uploaded directly.
- or -
If uploading to an existing site, an Uploading Files dialog is displayed
showing local file action (whether files will be added (Add), will
replace the live file (Replace) or not updated (Leave)).
In the dialog, check the option to Delete unused remote files if you
want WebPlus to automatically remove any unused graphic and page
Select either the Incremental Update or Full upload Button. Choose
the former to upload only files that have altered since the last upload.
When doing an incremental update, you can get WebPlus to Check
for missing files by checking the option box. However, as this can
dramatically slow the upload, this option is unchecked by default.
You'll see a message when all files have been successfully copied.
Click Close.
8. From the drop-down menu in the Website Publishing dialog, select
the browser in which you wish to view your live site and click View
this URL. You will now be able to view your live site.
If you rename/delete files and then republish one or a few pages to the web, the
old files are not deleted automatically so you'll need to delete these manually by
using Publish Site>Maintain Website... on the File Menu. However, if you
republish the whole site to the web automatically (using Automatic Operation),
you can choose to delete any unused files; check the Delete unused files check