Welcome to WebPlus X2 7
• Navbar extras (see p. 238)
WebPlus now supports Breadcrumb and Anchor navbars—great for e-
commerce database merging. A new Combo theme set offers drop-down
"combo box" page navigation. Enable anchors in any navbar type.
• Navigation Site Maps
Add a navigation site map to visualize the layout of your Web site.
• Active Document Frames (see p. 41)
Hyperlinks can open a page in a document frame on another page. Set an
Absolute URL for more accurate inter-frame navigation.
• YouTube® Videos (see p. 202)
Pick your favourite YouTube® videos and include them on your Web
• Podcasts (see p. 270)
Create your own podcast feeds and broadcast your own audio and video
episodes frequently and easily. Web visitors can subscribe with all the
most popular Web browsers and via on-click subscription to Google
Reader®, My Yahoo!®, and Apple iTunes®.
• Popup Rollovers (see p. 235)
Create your own simple photo gallery—show a larger version of a picture
on thumbnail hover over.
• New 2D/3D Filter Effects (see p. 167)
Add stunning
reflections of an object—great for Web page titles and
pictures! Blur any object or stroke a coloured solid or gradient border
around object edges (stroke with a new Contour fill which applies
gradient fill from the inner to outer outline width). 3D effects are
boosted with realistic glass-like Transparency control of non-
reflective/reflective surfaces and multiple separately
coloured lights for
dramatic lighting effects. All filter effects can be applied in preview mode
or to the object on the page. Use the new
Shadow Tool for on-the-page
shadow control.