Welcome 3
Welcome to WebPlus Essentials from Serif—the easy way to get your family,
club, organization, or small business on the web!
To make life so much easier, WebPlus comes with an impressive selection of
design templates, page navigation bars, creative gallery content, and styles for
you to use. As a result, publishing to the web to a professional standard is easily
achievable for experienced and inexperienced users alike!
To make the most of pictures in your site, you can use Image Cutout Studio for
cutting pictures out and PhotoLab for powerful image adjustment and effect
combinations. When you're ready, share via online photo galleries. You simply
cannot afford to miss these features!
WebPlus Essentials doesn't just stop at "static" web publishing. The real power
comes when adding and managing dynamic content, such as blogs, forums,
counters, and more. You can even make use of E-commerce tools for money-
making shopping cart functionality.
Once you're happy with your WebPlus site, simply upload to your Serif
webspace (or equivalent ISP) to share with business colleagues, customers,
friends and family alike.
For a more detailed summary of what WebPlus can offer, see Key features
(p. 4).
Don't forget to register your new copy, using the Registration Wizard, on the
Help menu. That way, we can keep you informed of new developments and
future upgrades!