Web Design from Scratch 93
www.serif.com Forums, updates, and tips for users of all Serif
products. Online Glossary lets you browse the full version of our
Desktop Publishing QuickReference (see Chapter 6).
Writing for the Web. Authored
by Jakob Nielsen et al. (see Print resources), classic research-based
guidelines to improve usability.
Web Developer’s Virtual Library (WDVL).
Supersite contains dozens of sections for both novices and experts,
including /graphics/
, /multimedia/,and/authoring/design/.
Collection of links and features, including
Getting Started, Animation, Site of the Week.
Vincent Flanders’ guided tour
through examples of, ah, poor design. The site became one book,
then a second, and (unfortunately) never runs out of material.
Comprehensive developer’s site, includes
Developer’s Corner with how-to articles, sections on Graphics and
Design. Part of internet.com’s WebDev network.
Archive of Dmitry Kirsanov’s
“Design Lab” columns—advice you can use. See Dmitry’s current
site at www.kirsanov.com
Another WebReference feature,
with a slew of tutorials and contributions from Wendy Peck and
Dan Giordan.
Yale CAIM Style Guide, 2nd ed., by
Patrick Lynch and Sarah Horton of Yale’s Center for Advanced
Instructional Media. Illustrated, annotated dissertation on all facets
of Web interface design. Also available in book form. First edition
still online at info.med.yale.edu/caim/manual/index.html
Where should I go from here?
The answer should be self-evident: Get straight back to work with
WebPlus! Your own experience will be your best teacher. We’re proud
of WebPlus, and hope you enjoy using it to develop a Web site you can
be proud of, too.
Thanks for joining the Serif product family... and here’s hoping we see
you online soon!