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Serif WebPlus 7.0
For Windows
©2001 Serif, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
without the express written permission of Serif, Inc.
All Serif product names are trademarks of Serif, Inc. Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks acknowledged.
Serif WebPlus 7.0 © 2001 Serif, Inc.
Companies and names used in samples are fictitious.
Clipart samples from Serif ArtPacks © Serif, Inc. & Paul Harris
Portions clipart and graphic content ©1999 Nova Development Corporation and its licensors. All
rights reserved.
TrueType font samples from Serif FontPacks © Serif, Inc.
Portions graphics import/export technology © AccuSoft Corp. & Eastman Kodak Company & INSO
Corporation & LEAD Technologies, Inc.
ImageStream® Graphics and Presentation Filters, Copyright © 1991-1999 INSO Corporation. All
Rights Reserved.
International ProofReader™ English text proofing system © 1994 by INSO Corporation. All rights
reserved. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied computer programs or algorithms prohibited.
Enhanced Roget’s US and UK Electronic Thesaurus © 1994 by INSO Corporation. Adapted from
the Oxford Thesaurus © 1991 by Oxford University Press and from Roget’s II: The New Thesaurus
© 1980 by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction or disassembly of
embodied computer programs or algorithms prohibited.
Software License Agreement
This Software License Agreement (License Agreement) is a legal agreement between you (either
an individual or a single entity) and Serif, Inc. (Serif) for the accompanying software product,
which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, and online
or electronic documentation (the Software Product). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the
Software Product, you agree to be bound by the terms of this License Agreement. If you do not agree
to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, do not install or use the Software Product;
you may, however, return it to your place of purchase for a full refund.
Serif hereby grants to Licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-
transferable license (a "License") to use one (1) copy of the
Software Product, including any updates thereto, and
accompanying documentation, if any, provided by Serif,
according to the terms set forth below. If the Software Product
is being provided to Licensee as an update or upgrade to
software which Licensee has previously licensed (such software
referred to as the "Prior Software"), then Licensee agrees to
destroy all copies of the Prior Software within thirty (30) days
after opening this package except for one backup copy of the
Prior Software.
You may install and use one copy of the Software Product, on a
single computer. The primary user of the computer on which the
Software Product is installed may make a second copy for his or
her exclusive use on a portable computer. Licensee may also
store or install a copy of the Software Product on a storage
device, such as a network server, used only to install or run the
Software Product on other computers over an internal network;
however, you must acquire and dedicate a license for each
separate computer on which the Software Product is installed or
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may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers.
If you have acquired this LICENSE AGREEMENT in a Serif
License Pak, you may make the number of additional copies of
the computer software portion of the Software Product as
authorized in the Serif License Pak, and you may use each copy
in the manner specified above. You are also entitled to make a
corresponding number of secondary copies for portable
computer use as specified above.
You may not: modify, prepare derivative works from, translate,
reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise derive
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such acts are expressly permitted by applicable law
notwithstanding this limitation); copy the Software Product
(except as provided above) or the accompanying
documentation; rent, transfer, disclose, make available or grant
any rights in the Software Product (including any
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(including any accompanying documentation); use the Software
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other rights of another party; or use the Software Product to
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This License Agreement does not constitute a sale. All title,
trade secrets, copyrights, patents and other intellectual rights to
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agrees to preserve and acknowledges the foregoing. Licensee
further agrees and acknowledges that the Software Product and
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acknowledges that unauthorized copying of the Software
Product or the accompanying documentation, or failure to
comply with any of the provisions hereof (each, a "Terminable
Event"), will result in automatic termination of this License. In
the event of a violation of this License by Licensee, Serif
reserves and shall have available all legal remedies.
The License pertaining to a trial version of the Software Product
(a "Trial Version") shall expire in accordance with the terms as
set forth in the installation process for the Trial Version along
with the designated trial period as set forth in the trial program.
Serif warrants that, for a period of ninety (90) days after
delivery, the diskettes or CD-ROMs on which the software
included in the Software Product is furnished will, under normal
use, be free from defects that prevent Licensee from loading the
Software Product on a computer. Serifs entire liability and
Licensees exclusive remedy under this warranty will be, at
Serifs option, to (a) use reasonable commercial efforts to
attempt to correct or work around errors, or (b) to replace the
Software Product with functionally equivalent Software
Product, on diskettes or CD-ROM, as applicable or (c) return
the price paid for the Software Product, in each case upon return
of the Software Product to Serif together with a copy of your
receipt for the purchase thereof. This Limited Warranty is void
if failure of the Software Product or hardware has resulted from
accident, abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement Software
Product will be warranted for the remainder of the original
warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer.
Outside the United States, neither these remedies nor any
product support services offered by Serif are available without
proof of purchase from an authorized non-U.S. source. The
Software Product is licensed to you on an "as is" basis without
any warranty of any nature.
Except for the above express limited warranties, Serif and its
suppliers make and licensee receives no warranties or
conditions, or terms, express, implied, statutory, or in any
communication with licensee. To the maximum extent
permitted by applicable law, Serif and its suppliers disclaim all
other warranties and conditions, either express or implied,
including, but not limited to, implied warranties of
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-
infringement, with regard to the software product and the
provision of or failure to provide support services. Licensee
shall be solely responsible for the selection, use, efficiency and
suitability of the software product and serif shall have no
liability therefor. Serif shall have no liability for, nor obligation
to indemnify licensee regarding actions alleging the
infringement of proprietary rights by the software product. Serif
does not warrant that the operation of the software product will
be uninterrupted or error free or that the software product will
meet licensees specific requirements. The Limited Warranty
gives you specific legal rights. You may have others, which
vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.
In no event will Serif or its suppliers be liable for loss of data,
corruption, lost profits, cost of cover, or other special,
incidental, punitive, consequential, or indirect damages arising
from the use of the software product (including any
accompanying documentation), however caused and on any
theory of liability. This limitation will apply even if Serif or an
authorized distributor has been advised of the possibility of
such damage. In no event will Serifs liability exceed the
amount paid for the software product. Licensee acknowledges
that the amounts paid by licensee for the software product
reflect this allocation of risk. Some states or other jurisdictions
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations
and exclusions may not be applicable in certain instances. None
of the above affects the statutory rights of licensees residing in
the United Kingdom.
If the Software Product is labeled Not for Resale or NFR,
then, notwithstanding section 1 of this License, your use of the
Software Product is limited to use for demonstration, test, or
evaluation purposes.
You may transfer this License to another computer or
workstation only on a permanent basis (that is, with no intent to
transfer again) provided the computer, workstation, or other
digital electronic device from which you have transferred this
License no longer accesses or otherwise utilizes the Software
Product, and the Software Product is used in accordance with
the terms of this License Agreement.
You may terminate this License Agreement at any time. Serif
may terminate this License Agreement if you fail to comply
with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. In
either event, you must destroy all copies of the Software
If this License is an Upgrade, you must have a valid license
for the Prior Software for this License Agreement to be valid,
and this License Agreement must be used to replace such
license for the Prior Software. The total number of license
Upgrades you may acquire may not exceed the total number
of computers, workstations, or other digital electronic devices
that were licensed to access or otherwise utilize the Software
Product at the time you upgraded the Software Product.
This product contains numerous clipart and photo images
(collectively referred to as the Images) which are either
owned by SERIF or licensed from a third party. As a user of
this product you are free to use, modify, and publish the Images
as you wish subject to the restrictions set out below. If you are
uncertain as to whether your intended use complies with the
guidelines set out below, we recommend that you seek the
advice of your own attorney or legal counsel.
A. YOU MAY, subject to any restrictions set out below:
1. Incorporate any Image(s) into your own original work and
publish, display, and distribute your work in any media. You
may not, however, resell, sublicense, or otherwise make
available the Image(s) for use or distribution separately or
detached from a product or Web page. For example, the
Image(s) may be used as part of a Web page design, but may
not be made available for downloading separately or in a format
designed or intended for permanent storage or reuse by others.
Similarly, clients may be provided with copies of the Image(s)
(including digital files) as an integral part of a work product, but
may not be provided with the Image(s) or permitted to use the
Image(s) separately or as part of any other product;
2. Make one (1) copy of the Image(s) for backup or archival
1. Create scandalous, obscene, defamatory, or immoral works
using the Image(s) nor use the Image(s) for any other purpose
prohibited by law;
2. Use or permit the use of the Image(s) or any part thereof as a
trademark or service mark, or claim any proprietary rights of
any sort in the Image(s) or any part thereof;
3. Use the Image(s) in electronic format, on-line, or in
multimedia applications unless (a) the Image(s) are incorporated
for viewing purposes only and (b) no permission is given to
download and/or save the Image(s) for any reason;
4. Rent, lease, sublicense, or lend the Image(s), or a copy
thereof, to another person or legal entity. You may, however,
transfer all your license to use the Image(s) to another person or
legal entity, provided that (a) you transfer the Image(s) and this
License, including all copies (except copies incorporated into
your work product as permitted under this License), to such
person or entity, (b) that you retain no copies, including copies
stored on a computer or other storage device, and (c) the
receiving party agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions
of this License;
5. Use any Image(s) except as expressly permitted by this
This Agreement shall not be governed by the 1980 U. N.
Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods;
rather, this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the
State of New Jersey, of the United States of America, including
the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New Jersey,
without reference to conflicts of law principles. This Agreement
is the entire Agreement between Serif and Licensee and
supersedes any other communications or advertising with
respect to the Software Product. If any provision of this
Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, such provision
shall be revised to the extent necessary to cure the invalidity or
non-enforceability, and the remainder of this Agreement shall
continue in full force and effect. If the Software Product is
acquired by the United States Government or on its behalf, the
Software is furnished with restricted rights. The use,
duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government and
parties acting on its behalf is governed by, and subject to
restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS
252.227-7013, the subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the
Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR
52.227-19, or other comparable regulations of other government
agencies, as applicable. Licensee agrees not to allow the
Software Product to be sent to or used in any other country
except in compliance with applicable United States laws and
regulations. This Agreement shall constitute the entire
agreement between Serif and Licensee and supersedes all prior
agreements, understandings, communications, proposals or
representations, oral or written, by either party. This Agreement
shall be amended only by an executed writing by authorized
representatives of both parties.
How to contact us
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contact us at one of our phone numbers above.
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ideas and comments!
About the Companion...............................................................................3
Linking to additional help..........................................................................3
What’s new in Serif WebPlus 7.0... ..........................................................4
...on top of these established features......................................................5
Registration and support ..........................................................................6
System requirements ...............................................................................7
Installing WebPlus 7.0..............................................................................7
2 Overview
What is a Web site? ...............................................................................11
How does WebPlus work? .....................................................................11
How do I publish my Web site?..............................................................12
How should I get started?.......................................................................12
3 Getting Started
WebPlus Startup Wizard ........................................................................15
Using a Web Wizard…...........................................................................16
Take a look around.................................................................................19
For more help on the basics...................................................................22
4 Working with Text
About text frames ...................................................................................25
Objects on the master page ...................................................................26
Working with text frames........................................................................27
Editing text..............................................................................................27
Changing the ‘Web colors’ .....................................................................29
Importing text..........................................................................................30
For more help on working with text... .....................................................31
5 Working with Graphics and Animation
Graphics in WebPlus..............................................................................35
Importing a picture or animation............................................................. 36
Drawing basic lines and shapes.............................................................37
Other tools and techniques .................................................................... 38
Adding animations..................................................................................39
LogoPlus and more................................................................................40
For more help on working with graphics and animation.........................41
6 Working with Hyperlinks and Interactivity
Hyperlinking text..................................................................................... 45
Hyperlinking graphics............................................................................. 46
Using hotspots ....................................................................................... 46
About HTML and Java ...........................................................................47
For more help on hyperlinks and interactivity......................................... 48
7 Previewing and Publishing
Optimizing the publication......................................................................51
Previewing the site.................................................................................51
Publishing to a local folder ..................................................................... 53
Publishing to the World Wide Web.........................................................54
For more help on previewing and publishing.......................................... 55
8 Starting from Scratch
Step 1: Design........................................................................................ 59
Step 2: Content ......................................................................................60
Step 3: Finishing touches....................................................................... 61
Design tips and rules of thumb............................................................... 61
Where should I go from here?................................................................ 63
Welcome 3
About the Companion
The WebPlus 7.0 Companion provides everything you need to get up to
speed, from the basics to tips and tricks for advanced users. Heres a
brief chapter summary:
1 Welcome. Reviews the programs main features, requirements,
and installation sequence.
2 Overview. Offers a simple introduction to Web sitesand how
WebPlus helps you create and publish your own.
3 Getting Started. Introduces Web Wizardsour built-in design
assistantsand the WebPlus environment.
4 Working with Text. Describes how to edit the Web Wizards
placeholder text, customize the text layout, and import text.
5 Working with Graphics and Animation. Examines how to
insert or create your own pictures and animations.
6 Working with Hyperlinks and Interactivity. Shows you how
to link text or graphics to Web pages, e-mail, or files, and
enhance pages with Java or HTML effects.
7 Previewing and Publishing. Covers finishing touches and
the simple steps that will get your publication onto the Web.
8 Starting from Scratch. Provides detailed, step-by-step
suggestions on designing, adding content, and proofingplus a
special section with proven tips to improve your site.
Linking to additional help
Throughout the Companion, use this symbol as your key to further
information thats available in WebPlus online Help. Youll find a
complete Visual Reference to the WebPlus interface, plus a
comprehensive How To section covering goals and procedures.
Press ) or choose :HE3OXV+HOS from the Help menu.
What’s new in Serif WebPlus 7.0...
Welcome to Serif WebPlus 7.0the easiest way ever to get your
business, organization, or household on the World Wide Web!
Among new WebPlus 7.0 features, youll find...
Streamlined Text Handling
Re-engineered from the ground up, the ultra-fast text engine means
editing text is simpler and more like word processing than ever.
Youll no longer need to switch to a separate Text tool... or cope
with artificial text blocks. And more logical paragraph and
character text styles will help you keep formats under control.
Multiple Document Views
Now you can use WritePlus, the built-in story text editor, side by
side with the page editor. Instantaneous updating of each window
allows simultaneous draft and layout views of Web page text!
Long an exclusive feature of other Serif solutions, QuickShapes
work like intelligent clipart... or the most powerful set of drawing
tools you can imagine. Just choose a template shape, drag on the
page... then adjust handles to customize each angle and dimension.
Powerful Drawing Options
An arsenal of new drawing tools are at your command... Sketch
freehand lines and curves. Extend existing lines with ease. Apply
line styles to all kinds of shapeseven add line endings like
arrowheads and diamonds.
Gradient Fills
For sophisticated illustrations and impressive text effects, select
from a wide variety of Linear, Radial, and Conical fills. Use the
interactive fill tool for drag-and-drop updating of fill nodes and
Transparency Effects
Both solid and variable transparency let you add new depth to your
Web creations using both .GIF and .PNG formats. Apply
transparency directly from the Studio, then edit nodes and opacity
with the interactive tool.
Welcome 5
Fastest on the Draw
For sheer speed, our new drawing engine reigns supreme! Not only
that, automatic anti-aliasing of lines, text, and polygons results in
superb visuals, both on-screen and on the printed page.
Other Enhancements
Always easy to use, WebPlus 7.0 now lets you employ
AutoCorrect and AutoSpell proofing options. You can rotate or
reshape text frames and still edit their text. Select multiple Undo
and Redo actions from a handy list. Customize toolbars by adding
your own, or using drag-and-drop to relocate buttons. HTML
export is optimized for Netscape. And so much more!
WebPlus 7.0 Design CD-ROM
Extend your creative capacity with dozens of new Web Wizards,
extra TrueType fonts, and a solid collection of 20,000 Web-ready
graphics, including animations, pictures, and page elements!
...on top of these established features:
Web Wizards for Instant Web Sites
Just pick the type of publication you want to produce and answer a
few simple questions. WebPlus does the rest! Revisit your color
scheme and text selections at any time as you continue to work
with a publication. You can customize the scheme colors, create
brand new schemes, and apply any scheme to a from-scratch
Web site. Basic user details are stored for automatic reuse.
Easy Editing and Special Effects
With WebPlus, its a snap to import your own text and graphics to
replace the Wizard samples. Youll find built-in modules like
WritePlus, for integrated word processing, plus tools for creating
text hyperlinks and hotspot graphics. Choose the color scheme that
looks best... The Snapping feature and Dot Grid help you achieve a
crisp layout. Everythings wrapped into a friendly DTP
environment with onscreen Tooltips, HintLine, and context-
sensitive help!
Versatile Web Feature Support
WebPlus supports HTML 4.0 for better WYSIWYG page design.
Add animated GIFs, marquee effects, sound, and videoeven Java
and HTML codeto spice up your pages! The Layout Checker
helps you fine-tune your site before its published. Then preview
your site in your own Web browser and publish it to a local folder
or a remote server.
On-screen Studio Combines Convenience with Functionality
The Studios tabs provide rapid drag-and-drop access to
commonly-used controls such as fonts, line settings, and the color
table. Use the Portfolio to store your favorite designs for use in any
Web site... and tap the Gallery, with built-in mastheads, logos, and
lots of other page elements you can customize to suit your needs!
Amazing Logo/Graphic Module
Produce attention-grabbing headlines, unique text effects, and
powerful logos instantly using our exclusive LogoPlus creation
Professional Layout and Text Tools
Intelligent text fitting. Movable rulers and guides. Precision
placement, rotation, flipping, and cropping. Text formatting with
named styles. Master page for repeating background elements. Not
to mention word count, search and replace, spell-checking,
thesaurus, and proof reader to ensure your sites readability.
Animated GIFs and Marquees
Add life to your Web pages! Choose from over 600 animated
Animals, Cartoons, Dingbats, Logos, Objects, and more... Use a
Wizard to custom-design your own varied and colorful multi-line
text messages that scroll across the screen...
Integrated Table Editor and Calendar Wizard
Use TablePlus to create colorful, sophisticated cell-based
publication elements. Include formatted text and spreadsheet
formulas; vary color and table style with a few mouse clicks!
Choose from a wide variety of sizes and design options, then just
click and drag to fit your calendar to a column or a whole page!
Total Ease-of-Use
Right-click menus. Illustrated QuickTours to smooth the learning
curve. Plus HintLine, Wizards, and context-sensitive cursors to
make WebPlus as friendly as a puppy!
Registration and support
If you see the Registration Wizard when you launch WebPlus, please
take a moment to complete the registration process. Just call Serif toll-
free and provide the installation number and code shown. Well give
you a personalized registration number in return. Remember, if you
need technical support please contact us. We aim to provide fast,
friendly service and knowledgeable help.
Welcome 7
System requirements
If you need help installing Windows or setting up peripherals, refer to
Windows documentation and help.
IBM-compatible Pentium PC with CD-ROM drive and mouse (or
other Microsoft-compatible pointing device)
Microsoft Windows® 95, 98, 98 SE, Me, 2000 or Windows NT®
4.0 operating system
32MB RAM (Windows 95/98), see manufacturers requirements
for other operating systems
65MB (recommended install) free hard disk space
SVGA (800x600 resolution, 16-bit color) display or higher
Internet account and connection for Web publishing
Additional disk resources and memory are required when editing large
or complex documents
Windows-compatible printer
TWAIN-compatible scanner and/or digital camers
Stylus or other input device
Installing WebPlus 7.0
To install the program, simply insert the WebPlus 7.0 CD-ROM into
your CD-ROM drive. The AutoRun feature automatically starts the
Setup process and all you need to do is answer the onscreen questions.
If AutoRun does not start the install, use the manual install instructions
To reinstall the software or change any part of the installation at a later
date, select 6HWWLQJV&RQWURO3DQHO from the Windows 6WDUW menu and
then double-click the $GG5HPRYH3URJUDPV icon. Make sure the
correct CD-ROM is inserted into your CD-ROM drive, click the
,QVWDOOe button, and follow the on-screen instructions. To install just
one component, choose the Custom option and check only that
Overview 11
What is a Web site?
A Web site is a collection of files stored on a computer where users
with special programs called Web browsers can view the files as
pages. Browsers can read the common file format known as HTML
that describes how the various elements of text, pictures, hyperlinks,
and other elements are arranged on each Web page. Each Web site has
a single Home Pagethe first page a visitor seesusually containing
hyperlinks to other pages on the site, which in turn have links to others.
To the person using a browser to access the Web site, the content
appears seamlessly linked. You just click on a link to display related
The World Wide Web was conceived as a way of using the Internet
the global network that interconnects computers around the worldto
share information stored as Web pages. But Web sites dont depend on
the Internetthey can be (and often are) accessed just as well over a
local area network or private intranet. Remember, a Web site is just a
collection of files.
How does WebPlus work?
Youll first compose your pages as a publication in WebPlus, then
publish the pages as a Web site.
Whether youre looking for a business, organization, or personal Web
site, youll probably want to begin by exploring the Web Web
Wizards that come with WebPlus. Click through the Wizard screens,
make a few selections, and enter some basic informationand the
Wizard gets you started with a set of ready-to-publish Web pages. If
you prefer, you can start a new publication from scratch. Either way,
the next step is to spend some time customizing the pages with your
own text, graphics, and other content. The Companion will cover what
you need to know.
For editing your publication, WebPlus offers a set of intuitive tools and
a straightforward workspace that resembles a desktop publishing (DTP)
environment. You can easily import text or pictures, use the built-in
word processor, create colorful graphic shapes, and add hyperlinks and
hotspots that users can click to access other Web pages or send e-mail.
Once your content is in place, you can use a variety of proofing tools
and the Layout Checker Wizard to optimize the site before publishing
WebPlus gives you the option of previewing the site in your own Web
browser before publishing it to the Web.
When youre ready to publish, WebPlus takes the publications pages
and converts them to HTML and graphics (pictures). You never have to
worry about the HTML code itself.
How do I publish my Web site?
Publishing a site using WebPlus is a one-step operation that:
(1) converts your publication to files for the Web, and
(2) copies the Web files to a location you specifyeither a local hard
disk or a Web host.
To publish to a local folder, you dont even need a connection to the
Internet. Of course, youll need a Web browser to view your site.
To publish to the World Wide Web, youll need a host for your Web
sitethat is, disk space on a server connected to the Internetso that
others can access your site. You can also publish your site to the remote
server using WebPlus or a separate FTP utility. Youll find details in
online help (see the topic Publishing to the World Wide Web).
How should I get started?
Youve already begun! Now, step through the chapters to learn how to
create and then customize a basic Web site. Be sure to follow the
instructions carefully. For support as you work, choose :HE3OXV+HOS
from the Help menu, then click +HOSRQ+HOS in the Contents list.
There, youll learn about the HintLine, the Visual Reference, and other
built-in learning aids.
Getting Started
Getting Started 15
Once WebPlus has been installed, youll be ready to start. Setup adds a
6HULI:HE3OXV item to the 3URJUDPV submenu of the Windows
6WDUW menu.
Y Use the Windows 6WDUW button to start WebPlus (or if WebPlus is
already running, choose 1HZfrom the )LOH menu) to display the
Startup Wizard (menu screen).
WebPlus launches, and youll see the Startup Wizard.
WebPlus Startup Wizard
Now you can see the normal starting screen. The Startup Wizard
presents five choices:
8VHD:HE:L]DUG, to create an instant publication
6WDUWIURP6FUDWFK, to get a blank page to work on
2SHQD3XEOLFDWLRQ, to edit your own WebPlus files
9LHZD4XLFN7RXU, to see an introductory overview
2QOLQH5HVRXUFHV, to access the Serif and WebPlus Web sites
Getting Started
Whether youre an old hand, or just getting started with WebPlus 7.0,
heres a recommended sequence:
Y From the Startup Wizard, choose 9LHZD4XLFN7RXU to see an
illustrated overview of WebPlus fundamentals. From the first
screen, click the 1H[W button to step forward. Use the 3UHYLRXV
button to step back or the %HJLQ button to return to the first screen.
Click &DQFHO to exit the QuickTour.
Y When youre ready to continue, click:HE:L]DUG or 6WDUWIURP
6FUDWFK from the Startup Wizard (For details on using a Web
Wizard, see the next section.)
Y At any time from the main WebPlus screen, you can press ) or
choose :HE3OXV+HOS from the Help menu to access online help.
The help window initially displays its Contents pane on the left,
and the Visual Reference menu on the right. Click the book icons
in the Contents list to expand topics, and click a document icon to
display a particular topic. Click directly on Visual Reference
graphics to browse interface features like menus and toolbars.
Click the ,QGH[ tab to peruse the list of key terms, or the 6HDUFK
tab to look up specific terms using full-text search.
Y Beginners should click the +HOSRQ+HOS topic in the Contents list
for some tips on how to proceed.
Using a Web Wizard
Web Wizards are built-in design assistants that speed you through the
process of creating professional Web sites. In this chapter, youll use a
Web Wizard and take a brief tour of the WebPlus environment. Then in
the following chapters, well explain how to customize the various
elements of a Web site. The final chapter covers points youll need to
know if you literally start from scratch, with a clean slate. (Even if
thats your preference, you should work through the Wizard-based
examples to get up to speed.)
For demonstration purposes, we will be working with a Wizard from
the Business category. So at least for now, pretend youre the
Webmaster for a small businessits OK to use your imagination!
Y Launch WebPlus or choose 1HZ from the File menu.
Y Youll see the Startup Wizard. Select 8VHD:HE:L]DUG.
Getting Started 17
Y Notice that the %XVLQHVV category is initially selected, with
thumbnails for the available Wizards displayed on the right. Were
going to use the first one ($UFK), so make sure its selected and
then click )LQLVK.
WebPlus retrieves the Wizard and displays it in Wizard Preview mode.
Heres where you can initially add your own information to the design.
Y The upper section of the Wizard lists several categories that you
can customize, with Business Details selected.
Y Further down are boxes where you can review and/or re-enter the
sample answer text in the category. Type into the fields to
replace the sample text with your own: in this case, enter a
fictitious (or real) company name, address, etc.
Y When youre done, click the
1H[W:L]DUG4XHVWLRQ button
to jump to the next information category. (To review a prior
category, click the
3UHYLRXV:L]DUG4XHVWLRQ button.) Here
you can alter Web page titles shown in the Wizard if you wish.
Each time you click elsewhere after entering information, youll see the
publication update to reflect your choices. You can change as much or
as little as you like at this pointits always possible to revisit the
choices later!
Y Go on to the third category, &RORU6FKHPH. Here you can click
various thumbnails to sample different color schemes for the site.
In WebPlus, each publication has one color scheme assigned to it.
Color schemes are great time-savers and help to ensure consistent,
coordinated results. They work like a paint-by-numbers system using
five numbers. Instead of assigning a specific color to an element, you
can mark it with a scheme color number. Lets experiment.
Getting Started
Y Click the Carrot color scheme sample and notice that much of
the text on the Web page turns orange. Now click the Cuba
scheme and the text turns green.
Y Look closely at the top portion of each scheme sample, and youll
see a group of five colors to the right of the scheme name. Note
that each time you switch schemes, its the first of the five scheme
colors thats being applied to the text.
In Web Wizard publications, body text is conventionally marked with
Scheme Color 1. That means it takes on whichever color has been
defined as Scheme Color 1 in the current scheme.
Y Keep clicking different color schemes and notice which page
elements change color. Can you see which elements have been
marked with Scheme Color 2? Scheme Color 3?
The bottom portion of each color scheme sample includes the hyperlink
and other Web colors, which are independent of the five scheme colors
and will be discussed in the next chapter.
Y Click the
)LQLVK button when youre done, and the publication
appears in the WebPlus edit window.
Y Choose 6DYH from the File menu and save the untitled
publication, using the folder and file name of your choice.
Getting Started 19
Take a look around
Lets take a few moments to examine the publication that the Wizard
has created. In the process, youll become familiar with some of the
basic features of the WebPlus environment.
Y Move the mouse pointer around the screen and youll see popup
tooltips that identify many items. Watch the HintLine window at
the lower right for capsule descriptions of each feature.
Y To access online help and resources, choose :HE3OXV+HOS from
the Help menu.
Y Right-clicking any toolbar, object, or page region brings up a
context menu of functions.
The controls to the left of the HintLine let you set the page view and
other display options, and navigate through the publication.
Y Move the mouse pointer over the buttons on the HintLine toolbar,
noting the various controls for zooming, panning, and display.
Y Use these buttons to adjust the display until you can read the page
text. The workspace will appear approximately as shown above.
Note that WebPlus displays one page of the six-page publication at a
On the right side of the WebPlus window, youll see the Studio
actually a cluster of seven special-purpose panels. Lets preview them
in sequence. Click each panel’s name to display it...
Standard toolbar
HintLine toolbar
Page Area
Wizard panel
asteboard Area
Tools toolbar
Text & Frame toolbars
Getting Started
Y The $WWULEXWHVWDE (see illustration) includes five separate panels
that let you customize properties of on-screen elements. These
panels include:
The &RORUpanel, for applying solid color and/or shading
The )LOO panel, for applying a gradient fill
The 7UDQVSDUHQF\ panel, for applying a transparency effect
The )RQW panel, for changing the font of existing text objects
The /LQH panel, for setting the weight and type of lines and
Panels on the Studios
Y The 6FKHPHV tab displays a list of the available color schemes that
(as youve seen) let you instantly revise colors in a Web Wizard
publication. Using this tab, you can customize scheme colors or
create entirely new schemes. Right-click any sample to see various
context menu options.
Y The *DOOHU\ includes a wide variety of predesigned elements
graphics that you can drag and drop, then customize or use as a
starting point for your own designs.
Y The 3RUWIROLR is a container for storing design objects (pictures,
text blocks, and even unlinked text frames) youd like to reuse in
different publications.
Y The :L]DUG panel lets you revisit choices you made when creating
a publication using a Web Wizard. Its simply a matter of retyping
your information or selecting a different color scheme.
Getting Started 21
Y Click the
1H[W3DJH button several times to view the
following pages. You can use the scrollbar at the right to view
more of a page. Note that the Wizard has inserted the information
you provided, and the rest of the text serves as a placeholder,
awaiting further changes.
Y Double-click the
&XUUHQW3DJH box at the
lower left. Up pops the Page Manager, with several more basic
controlsfor inserting one or more blank pages, deleting one or
more pages, or displaying a particular page in the publication.
Tip: You can double-click the
3UHYLRXV3DJH button to
display your first (Home) page, or the 1H[W3DJH button to
display the last page.
When the time comes to build your actual Web site, you can use these
controls if you want more (or fewer) pages than the Wizard provided.
For now, leave the page count at six. However, if you want to
experiment with the Pages dialogor if you accidentally make any
changes that you dont want to keephere are some emergency
Y To revert to the previously saved copy of your publication, choose
5HYHUW from the File menu. Its a good idea to save your work
Y You can also reload any saved WebPlus publication by choosing
1HZ from the File menu and selecting the 2SHQD3XEOLFDWLRQ
option. You can open multiple publications and switch between
edit windows if you like.
To undo the most recent change, press &WUO=. (But you cant undo a
page addition or deletion, so use 5HYHUW to do that.)
Now that youve had a good look around the WebPlus interface, and
have successfully created and customized a Web Wizard publication,
youre ready to proceed to the kinds of projects you have in mind.
Getting Started
For more help on the basics...
Youve seen how easy it is to create the basic structure of a Web site
using a WebPlus Wizard. And you know how to find your way around
the workspace.
When youre ready to construct your actual Web site, youll no doubt
want to learn about other options. See online help for additional details.
For help on... In WebPlus Help,
Starting, saving,
closing publications
Contents list See topics in section How to
Work with WebPlus
Overview of Web
site concepts
Index Select Web sites, getting
WebPlus menus and
Visual Reference Click any menu or toolbar
Setting up pages
Setting view options
Using layout tools
Contents list See topics in section How to
Work with Pages
Working with Text
Working with Text 25
Now that youve reviewed the pages the Web Wizard provided, and
had a chance to revise Wizard answer text using the Studio, its time
to look at how to add standard text and change the layout of text on the
page. Its really not complicated at all.
About text frames
All ordinary text in WebPlus fits into text frames. Frames work
equally well as containers for single words or standalone paragraphs.
Two or more frames can be linked together so the enclosed text flows
from the first frame to the second, and so
onlike a newspaper article with multiple
columns. Whether theres a single frame or
more than one in series, the enclosed frame
text is called a story.
Lets begin by seeing how the Web Wizard has utilized frame text in
the Grid example you created in the previous chapter.
Y Display your Home page (double-click the
button if necessary), and adjust the screen view so you can read the
page text.
Y Click the
button at the top of the left toolbar.
Youve just selected the Pointer toolthe basic tool for selecting,
moving, and resizing objects, including the boxes that contain text.
Y Using the Pointer tool, click the Home Page text at the right.
Y Now click the paragraph starting with Heres the place... just
below the page title.
In each case, clicking selects a text frame, displayed as a rectangle with
a blue outline and small black handles.
Working with Text
Notice the gray Link button on the selected frames bottom edge. The
buttons icon tells you about the frame and the story text it contains:
A square (as on the name/address frame) indicates a
frame with all its text displayedeither a standalone
frame or the last frame in a linked sequence.
A plus sign (as on the Heres the place frame) shows
theres more text in the story than the frame can display.
Extra text is stored in an invisible overflow area. You
can either make the frame larger or shorten the story.
A down arrow shows that the frames text continues into
a following linked frame.
Objects on the master page
Lets take a brief detour to review a key WebPlus concept...
Y Click the company name heading text at the top of the page.
Nothing happens! Why not?
Y Click (once) on the
&XUUHQW3DJH box at
the lower left. The screen display changes and the box now
indicates youre working on the master page.
You can think of the master page as a background thats shared
between all the pages of your site. When you switch to the master page,
objects on the page vanish, leaving only background objects. In this
case, that includes the header and footer, address information, various
graphic elements, and text links to other sections of the site. These are
the common elements the designer of this particular Wizard has
determined should appear on each page of the site.
Y Now click the &XUUHQW3DJH box again (once only) to return to the
page layer.
Working with Text 27
Working with text frames
Its easy to move or resize a text frame. The appearance of the cursor
over the selected frame tells you what will happen if you click and drag
at that point.
Y Using the Pointer tool, select the Heres the place text frame.
Notice the blinking insertion point in the frames text. In this mode,
you can type directly into the frame, and edit the text with the Pointer
Now position the pointer over the frames gray bounding box
and notice the Move cursor appear. Click and drag to move the
frame a short distance, then press &WUO= to undo the move.
Y Click one of the frames corner or edge handles and drag to resize
the frame. If you drag the bottom edge down, youll see that
theres more text visible in the frame. Again, undo the changes.
Heres how easy it is to create a new frame.
Y Click the
button on the left toolbar to select the Frame tool.
Now locate some empty space on the pasteboard (outside the page
area), then click and drag out a marquee where you want the new
frame to go. When you release the mouse button, an empty frame
Y Note that the
3RLQWHUWRRO was automatically selected after
you created the new frame. Type a few words into the frame.
Editing text
Web Plus lets you edit text directly on the page, or with WritePlus, the
built-in text editor. Using the Pointer tool, you can type into any
paragraph, drag to select characters, and use the formatting controls on
the top Text toolbar. As with a word processor, double-clicking selects
a word, and triple-clicking selects a paragraph.
Y Select part of the text you typed into the new frame, then try
changing its font and pointsize using the controls on the top
Working with Text
Y To work with a more substantial amount of text, lets switch to the
Heres the place body text frame on the page. Right-click this
frame and choose (GLW6WRU\ from the context menu to launch
WritePlus opens in a separate window that shares many of the standard
WebPlus menus and toolbars. You can move the mouse pointer around
to view tooltips and hint text for the various buttons. Because
WritePlus displays the full text of a given story, its ideal for viewing
and editing the full text of a story that may span several frames or
pages. You can view the text in draft mode (without formatting), export
story text, and employ the Word Count function.
Obviously, the original text in this story is simply a placeholder for the
text youll be adding to your Home page. You can type over the sample
text, or select it all, delete, and begin with an empty frame, as you wish.
Y To update WebPlus with any changes, click the
button. To abandon changes, click
By the way, you may be wondering about the difference between
editing standard text and Web Wizard answer text. The key point is
that if you want to preserve answer fields, you should use the :L]DUG
tab to edit their text, as explained in the previous chapter.
Y Click the &XUUHQW3DJH box at the lower left to switch to the
Master Page level. Now try to select just part of the company name
text. You cant! Only the entire block of text can be highlighted.
Answer text is stored in fields, and when you select one of them (the
company name in this case) the whole field highlightsa sure sign that
youre not dealing with standard text! You cannot select only part of an
answer text field. However, you can use the usual text editing functions
to change the fields character or paragraph properties, or
cut/copy/paste answer text fields within the document if necessary.
Again, a reminder: If you retype over answer text, youll effectively
destroy the field. The new text you enter at that location will be
ordinary text and can no longer be updated via the :L]DUG panel.
Working with Text 29
Changing the Web colors
When you stepped through the Wizard to create the sample site weve
been working with, you chose one of several alternate color schemes.
In the previous chapter, we used a paint-by-numbers analogy to explain
about the five numbers you can use to mark elements in WebPlus, and
how each scheme includes five colors, which get applied to elements
with the corresponding number.
By convention, body text in Web Wizard publications is marked with
Scheme Color 1. That means it takes on whichever color has been
defined as Scheme Color 1 in the current scheme (the first of the five
colors shown at the top of the sample). In addition, each publications
color scheme also includes these special Web color settings:
The Hyperlink color applies to hyperlinked text before its been
clicked on, while the same text after a Web visitor has clicked to
follow the link takes on the Followed Hyperlink color. (The
WebPlus sample displays these colors, but youll need to view the
published site in a browser to preview the actual effect.)
A Web sites Background, which is applied to every page, can be
either a solid color or a tiled (repeated) picture, usually a bitmap
pattern. The tiled picture option works just like desktop
wallpaper”—so a small bitmap can go a long way. The color
scheme sample shows
if the scheme uses a tiled bitmap.
You can modify the basic colors
(and Web colors) in a scheme, or
set a different background bitmap,
using the Scheme Manager, in the
same way that youd modify the
schemes five basic colors. To
display it, right-click the scheme
name (or click the Tools menu)
and choose 6FKHPH0DQDJHU.
Working with Text
Importing text
Besides typing text into a frame or creating a story using WritePlus,
you can use your current word processor (such as Microsoft Word) to
create source files for your publication. Then you can cut-and-paste
using the Windows Clipboard or import the text directly. Its easy to
import text from a file into an existing frame. Lets try it!
Y Using the Pointer tool, right-click the Heres the place frame.
Y Choose 6HOHFW$OO from the Edit menu (shortcut &WUO$) and press
'HOHWH to clear the frame.
Y Right-click the frame choose 7H[W)LOH. Using the file selection
dialog, open S
in the S
/ folder,
either in your main Program Files folder or on your WebPlus CD.
WebPlus imports the file and places it in the frame.
Note: In this instance, click 1R to decline both the AutoFlow and
AutoFit options, which would create additional text frames and
adjust the text size to fit the story precisely in the visible frame
Y Press &WUO( as a shortcut to launch WritePlus, and briefly inspect
the new sample text. (Items in red are unfamiliar words identified
by the AutoCorrect function.) You might try applying some font,
size, or style changes.
Y Before continuing to the next chapter, you may wish to save your
Working with Text 31
For more help on working with text...
In this chapter, youve examined the placeholder text provided by the
Web Wizard and learned how to create, edit, and import standard text.
You know enough now to begin replacing the placeholder text with
your own content. In addition, you should now have a grasp of how the
Web color components of color schemes apply to text.
As you work on your actual Web site, youll benefit from learning how
to link frames together, set defaults for new text, use shortcuts, insert
returns and special characters, and work with the various proofing
tools. For details on these and other text options, see online help.
For help on... In WebPlus Help,
Overview of
WebPlus text
Index Select text, overview
Import text
Work with frames
and free text
Contents list See topics in section How to
Work with Text
Set text properties
Use templates and
named styles
Contents list See topics in section How to
Format Characters and
Set defaults Index Select default properties
Use proofing tools Index Select from proofing tools
Color schemes Index Select color: using color
If youre interested in presenting text or numeric data on your Web
pages, youll want to learn about TablePlus, the sophisticated table
editor thats built into WebPlus. For an overview, see the QuickTour
Working with Graphics
and Animation
Working with Graphics and Animation 35
In this chapter, well continue exploring the pages the Web Wizard
providedthis time looking at pictures and graphic objects. The focus
will be on how to replace the placeholder images the Wizard installed
with your own pictures, and how to create new graphic elements.
Graphics in WebPlus
Web Wizards may incorporate several different types of graphic objects
into your publication. You can use the Pointer tool to select, move, and
resize them, just as with text objects.
Y On the Home page, click with the Pointer tool on the photo. Try
resizing it by dragging from one corner. Press &WUO= to undo. Now
click in the center and drag it off to one side. Press &WUO= again.
TIP: Watch the HintLine as you drag an object, and it will tell you the
objects properties.
Y Drag the photo to the right so it partially overlaps the Home
Page frame. Now click on the photo where it overlaps the frame,
and a blinking cursor appears in the frame. Click again in the same
placethe text edit cursor remains. Now hold down the $OW key
and click. This time, youve selected the photo again.
As a general rule, when two or more objects overlap at a particular
point, your first click at that point selects the uppermost object
typically the one most recently created. Your second click selects the
object below the first, and so on. If one of the objects happens to be a
text frame, use $OW-click to override the text edit cursor.
TIP: You can also employ $OW-click anytime to drag a text frame from
its center.
Working with Graphics and Animation
Importing a picture or animation
Youll have no difficulty importing such items as metafile clipart,
bitmap photos, or animated GIFs. WebPlus can handle all the standard
formats. After being imported, each image is stored in the WebPlus
publication until you publish the site, at which time its exported using
one of the standard bitmap formats (GIF or JPG) that Web browsers
recognize. Lets try importing.
Y Click the
,PSRUW3LFWXUH button on the left toolbar.
Y Using the file selection dialog, open P
in the
/ folder.
Y Now you have two choices. You can either drag out a box region
on the page to set the size of the imported picture, or simply click
to insert the picture at a default size. Pick either one. The sample
picture (of a lion) will appear, and you can always resize it later by
dragging its handles.
By the way, the WebPlus 7.0 Design CD-ROM includes a bonus
collection of 20,000 WebArt images, including arrows, bullets/buttons,
icons, lines, and animations as well as pictorial Web graphics. You can
peruse the collection using your Web browser, then drag and drop
images directly into WebPlus. To choose animations, use ,QVHUW:HE
2EMHFW$QLPDWHG*,). For details, search for WebArt in the
online help index.
Working with Graphics and Animation 37
Note that the time it takes a visitor to load one of your Web pages is
directly related to the size of the pages HTML file plus any
accompanying graphic files. Graphics require larger file sizes, and
hence slow down loading time. And even in compressed form, bitmap
files like the photo weve just imported tend to be much larger than
simple line or shape graphics (see below)so use them sparingly!
Keep picture dimensions to the minimum needed to convey your point.
Its always wise to plan your layouts so as to avoid large graphic areas.
Drawing basic lines and shapes
WebPlus provides three easy-to-use drawing tools. Youll find them on
the left toolbar:
Straight Line Freehand Line QuickShape
With them, you can add both functional and decorative layout
elementsfor example, clickable buttons or page dividers. To draw a
line, click either line tool, then click and drag. To extend an existing
line, begin drawing from one of the lines end nodes.
QuickShapes are pre-designed objects that you can instantly add to
your page, then adjust and vary using control handles. The QuickShape
flyout contains a wide variety of commonly used shapes, including
boxes, ovals, arrows, polygons and stars.
Y Click the 4XLFN6KDSHbutton, then select a box shape from the
flyout. Click and drag out a small box on the screen.
The new box displays a sliding adjustment handle, used to control
corner shape. Most QuickShapes have multiple adjustment sliders.
Y Drag the slider up for concave corners, down for convex. Note that
the tool has reverted to the Pointer, and you can also use it to move
or resize the box.
Initially, the box will have a black line border and a clear fill. The
easiest way to change the objects line and fill properties is to use the
Y Display the /LQH panel of the Studios Attributes tab. Try applying
a higher Weight value to give the box a thicker border, and click
various Type samples for a different line.
Working with Graphics and Animation
Y Now display the Attributes tabs &RORU panel. You can easily
change the boxs line or fill color and/or shade by first right-
clicking a solid color sample, then choosing either $SSO\WR/LQH
or $SSO\WR)LOO. (Left-clicking a sample applies the solid color or
shade to the selected objects fill.). For each base color you select,
you can pick from multiple shades of that color displayed in the
Shades group.
Note: You can achieve great results using just solid colors, but for even
more impressive effects in conjunction with the .PNG graphic format,
explore the Transparency panel on the Attributes tab. Using the
samples in conjunction with the Transparency tool, you can create
highlights, shading and shadows, and simulate rendered realism.
Youll find full details in online help, as noted at the end of the chapter.
Y Now click to display the )LOOpanel. Here youll find an array of
predefined color fills in several categories: Linear, Radial, and
Conical. Try applying some of the thumbnails to get a feel for the
wide range of possibilities. If you want to switch back to a clear
fill, click 1RQH in the drop-down list.
Y In passing, right-click on the box object itself and note the
available /LQH, )LOO, and 7UDQVSDUHQF\ options that let you
adjust all these properties.
The 4XLFN6KDSH button lets you draw a
whole range of figures, including ovals,
polygons, arrows, stars, callouts, and so on.
As a mini-project, you might try creating a
Home Page button by overlaying a text frame
on an unfilled shape. Select both objects, then
click the little *URXS button to link them.
Later (in the next chapter) well see how to
add a hyperlink!
Other tools and techniques
You already know how to select, move, and resize objects. Here are
several additional tricks you can carry out on selected objects. Try them
out on your sample photo and box graphics!
Y Use the
5RWDWH tool to rotate an object around its top left
handle. Select the object, then drag one of its handles.
Working with Graphics and Animation 39
Y Use the
&URS tool to crop (or trim) objects. Select the object,
then drag one of its handles inward.
Y To draw a shape with constrained dimensionsfor example, a
square or circlehold down the 6KLIW key while drawing or
resizing it.
Y To add more than one object to a selection, hold down the 6KLIW
key while selecting additional objects. This is handy for moving a
cluster of objects while keeping them aligned with each other.
Y You can click the
*URXS button that appears next to a
multiple selection to lock the objects together temporarily. This
saves you the trouble of having to select them all individually the
next time you want to do something to the whole group. To
separate (ungroup) the objects, click the button again.
Y To duplicate an object, select it, then press and hold the &WUO key
and drag out a copy.
Y To constrain the movement of an object to horizontal or vertical,
use the keyboard arrow keys to nudge the selection up, down, left,
or right. Alternatively, hold down the 6KLIW key after you begin
dragging the object.
Y Use the WebPlus layout toolsincluding rulers, guides, the dot
grid, and the 6QDSSLQJ buttonto position and align items with
precision for a professional appearance.
Adding animations
WebPlus lets you add two varieties of eye-catching animation effects to
any Web page: animated marquees (scrolling text banners) and GIF
animations. Using Wizards, you can preview the animation and/or
customize the effect. Once placed into your Web publication, the
animations appear static, but they will spring to life once the site has
been exported and a visitor views your page in a Web browser. Lets
see how easy it is to add an animated GIF.
Y Click the
,QVHUW$QLPDWHG*,) button on the left toolbar. The
Animated GIF Wizard appears.
Y Click 1H[W and select an animation category. Well leave you on
your own to browse through the collection. Just click a title on the
list, and watch the animation in the window.
Working with Graphics and Animation
Y As when importing pictures, either drag out a size region on the
page or simply click once to insert the GIF. Keep in mind that
larger animations will take longer to display.
The animation wont move on the WebPlus page, which only displays
the first of the GIFs multiple frames. But keep it on your page so its
available when its time to preview the Web site in your browser.
You may wish to try the animated marquee effect, tooclick the
,QVHUW$QLPDWHG0DUTXHHbutton on the left toolbar.
Y Before continuing to the next chapter, remember to save your
LogoPlus and more
In preparing your Web site, you may want to take advantage of other
WebPlus design features, such as straight lines and shapes, rotation and
cropping, layering, and Web image text
tags. Youll find hundreds of animated
GIFs and thousands of WebArt images,
and you can create eye-catching designs
with the LogoPlus module (some
examples are shown at right)plus you
can work directly with scanned or
PhotoCD images.
For an illustrated introduction to LogoPlus,
see the QuickTour 8VLQJ/RJR3OXV.
Working with Graphics and Animation 41
For more help on working with graphics
and animation...
For help on... Choose from the
Help menu...
Other object actions
Contents list See topics in section How to
Edit Objects on the Page
Lines and shapes
Gallery and Portfolio
Contents list See topics in section How to
Work with Graphics,
Animation, and Multimedia
Importing images Index Select importing
Setting image tags Index Select Web sites, setting
picture display options
Animation Index Select animation effects
Sound and video Index Select sound or video
Working with colors,
fills, and
Contents list See topics in section How to
Work with Colors, Fills, and
Working with
Hyperlinks and
Working with Hyperlinks and Interactivity 45
In this chapter well look at several ways you can enhance your
WebPlus pages to improve the quality and variety of the visitors
experience. If your site has more than one page, hyperlinking is
essentialits what enables visitors to navigate through your siteand
its easily accomplished. Adding Java and HTML is somewhat more
challenging, but if youre technically inclined, WebPlus stands ready to
support your efforts.
Hyperlinking an object such as a shape, a word, or a picture means that
a visitor to your Web site can click on the object to trigger an event.
The event might be:
A jump to a Web page (either on your site or somewhere else on
the Web);
The appearance of an E-mail composition window; or
The display of a graphic or text file.
You can also place hyperlinked hotspots over parts of the page. Lets
begin by taking a look at hyperlinks in your Wizard-based publication.
Hyperlinking text
As a visual cue, hyperlinked words on Web pages are underlined.
Y Open the Arch sample file again and zoom in on the upper half
of the page.
Y Click the
&XUUHQW3DJH box to switch to
the Master Page layer.
Y Click on the words About Us. Because this is an answer text
field, youll see an insertion point just before or after the words.
Y Click the
,QVHUW+\SHUOLQN button on the Tools toolbar.
The Hyperlinks dialog appears, and the words About Us are
highlighted because they already include a hyperlink. In the dialog, you
can see that the links destination is A page in your publication”—
page 2 to be precise.
Y Click the drop-down list and inspect the other possible link
destinations. Note the 5HPRYH button that you could use to unlink
the selected text (if you wanted to), then click &DQFHO.
Working with Hyperlinks and Interactivity
To create a new hyperlink in existing text, you would first select the
range of text you wanted to link, then click the+\SHUOLQN button. The
same dialog would appear, and then linking would be simply a matter
of choosing the destination and clicking 2..
From a design standpoint, it makes sense to include a navigation
bara cluster of links to the various key pages on your site. Put it on
the Master Page, so the same links will appear on each page. Instead of
using separate text frames, as in this Web Wizard, you might use a
single frame across the top of your page, with the links centeredfor
However you design it, consider your navigation bar an essential
element. Users will expect it to be there to help them get around your
site. Again, it makes sense to plan your basic layouts ahead of time.
Hyperlinking graphics
Only a few additional words are required here, because the procedure
for linking graphic objects is the same as that for linking text. You just
select the object to be linked and click the +\SHUOLQN button.
Y Click the &XUUHQW3DJH box to switch back to the page layer.
Y With the Pointer tool, click on a photo to select it, then click the
+\SHUOLQN button.
Again, youll see the Hyperlinks dialog. This is the technique youd use
to hyperlink an entire object. Compare this with the hotspot method,
explained below.
Using hotspots
A hotspot is a transparent hyperlink region on a Web page. Usually
placed on top of bitmap pictures, hotspots act like buttons that respond
when clicked in a Web browser. They are especially useful if you want
the visitor to be able to click on different parts of a picture (such as a
graphic menu or map of your site). To give you an idea of how they
work, well need to create one.
Y Click the
,QVHUW+RWVSRWbutton on the left toolbar. The
cursor changes to a cross.
Lets place a hotspot over the butterfly in the photo.
Working with Hyperlinks and Interactivity 47
Y Click slightly to the upper left of the butterfly, then drag down and
right to draw a box. (You can
adjust it later.)
When you release the mouse
button, the familiar Hyperlinks
dialog appears. This time, its
waiting for you to provide a
Y Select A page in your publication and designate page 2 in the
drop-down list. Click 2..
If necessary, you can use the Pointer tool to move or resize a hotspot,
like any graphic. Theres no limit to the number of hotspots you can
use. You can also add extra nodes to a hotspot, allowing it to be fit into
any irregular region; theres more on this in online help.
About HTML and Java
HTML, of course, is the language behind basic Web pagesthe
actual descriptive code that tells a browser what to display and where to
display it. While WebPlus doesnt support full-fledged HTML editing,
it does allow you to add extra HTML code to a page. Using this
approach, you can include HTML fragments generated by another
application, copied from another Web page, or perhaps that youve
written yourself.
Clicking the
,QVHUW+70/ button brings up a dialog that lets you
enter the HTML code. WebPlus inserts a marker into your publication
at the site where the code will run. Since you wont be able to see the
effect of the HTML until you preview the exported site, be careful to
position the marker correctly. Youll definitely want to check your Web
page in a browser!
Java is a cross-platform, object-oriented programming language used
to create mini-applications called applets that can be attached to Web
pages and that run when the page is viewed in a Web browser.
WebPlus lets you add Java applets to your Web publications. You dont
have to write your own! Plenty of applets are available onlinefor
example animation, interface components, live information updating,
two-way interaction, graphics rendering, live updating, streaming audio
and video, games, and many more.
Working with Hyperlinks and Interactivity
Clicking the ,QVHUW-DYD$SSOHW button displays a dialog where
you list the applets component files as well as any necessary
parameters (as described in the applets documentation) that specify
exactly how the applet should run. You dont necessarily need to
understand the underlying code, but its essential to make sense of any
Read Me documentation that comes with the applet.
As with HTML, WebPlus inserts a marker into your publication at the
site where the code will run. The markers dimensions probably wont
correspond exactly to those of the applet when its running, so plan
your page layout accordingly, and the more preview tests you can run
(using various versions of different browsers), the better.
For more help on hyperlinks and interactivity
The fact is, you now know almost all there is to know about
hyperlinking and hotspots! When youre building your Web site,
however, you may wish to use 7RROV+\SHUOLQN0DQDJHU to get a
overview of all the links in your publication. You can see the
destinations at a glance, check URLs, and display any hyperlink for
closer inspection. For additional details, see online help.
For help on... Choose from the
Help menu...
Creating hyperlinks Index Select hyperlinks, adding to
Web page
Setting hyperlink color Index Select hyperlinks, setting
color of
Creating and editing
Index Select hotspots
Hyperlink Manager Index Select hyperlinks, using the
Hyperlink Manager
Adding Java Index Select Java applets
Adding HTML Index Select HTML, adding code to
Web pages
Previewing and
Previewing and Publishing 51
Its time to rehearse the final phase of preparing your Web site! In this
previewing and publishing phase, as weve mentioned, WebPlus takes
the publications pages and converts them to HTML and graphics
(pictures) so that a Web browser can display them. You can publish
either to a local folder or to an Internet-based Web host. Previewing is
similar to publishing locally, except that the exported files are
temporary, intended for immediate viewing in your own Web browser.
Optimizing the publication
Before you preview or publish, its wise to
take advantage of built-in WebPlus tools
for checking your publications content
and structure. You can run the Spelling
Checker Wizard, Proof Reader Wizard,
and Thesaurus to inspect and improve
your text. The Text Manager displays a
list of all the text stories and free text used
in your publication, and the Layout
Checker Wizard can locate (and often
correct) problems like objects off the page,
empty frames, or overlapping objects.
Youll find full details on these features in
online help (see the note at the end of the chapter).
Previewing the site
Previewing the site at least once before actually publishing it is
essential. Only by viewing the pages in a Web browser can you make
sure that headlines and body text appear the way you intended, page
elements fit properly, animations play at the right speed, and links
between pages make sense.
Although your Wizard-based publication probably still has a lot of its
original placeholder text and graphics, lets try previewing it. (Well
assume you have a Web browser installed.)
Y Click the
3UHYLHZ6LWHLQ%URZVHU button on the top toolbar.
Y In the dialog, check All as the page range, and click 2..
Previewing and Publishing
The WebPlus publication is exported to a temporary folder, and your
Web browser launches, displaying the sites Home page. (If your
system tries to connect to the Internet as the browser launches, you can
dismiss the connection dialog. No Web connection is required for
If you saved the animated GIF on the Home page, youll see it come
alive now!
Y As you move the mouse pointer over hyperlinks or hotspots, youll
see the cursor change to the familiar hand. Click the hotspot you
placed over the butterfly in the photo (notice that its border line is
now invisible), and youll jump to page 2.
Previewing gives you a chance to see the site the way your visitors will
experience it. Keep track of how fast your pages display in the browser,
and remember that the Web will certainly slow them down! Check out
each page and take notes on any problems, then go back to WebPlus
and make any necessary corrections.
You can preview just one page (or a range of pages) instead of all the
pages, by changing the setting in the Preview dialog. All previous
temporary files are deleted each time you preview. This means, for
example, that if youve already previewed the whole site, and then
choose to preview just one page (say, to check revisions), the
previously exported pages will no longer be available. If this is
inconvenient, you may wish to use the Publish to Folder method,
described next.
Previewing and Publishing 53
Publishing to a local folder
This option, like previewing, exports your publication pages to HTML
and graphics files. The key differences are:
You designate where the files should go, instead of having them
written out to temporary files, which are not really under your
control. As noted above, each time you run Preview Web Site,
even if youre only previewing one page, your previous set of
temporary files disappears. When publishing to a folder, you have
the option of overwriting existing HTML files with the same name
(recommended); graphics are assigned new file names. Your site as
a whole remains intact.
Your Web browser doesnt launch automatically. Instead, youre
given the option of launching it. If its already open, simply
decline the option, then switch to your browsers window and use
its Reload or Refresh command to display the updated page.
Publishing to a local folder is another way of previewing your Web
site, and is also the way to share your site with others on a local area
network. You dont need to try it right now, but here are the steps
involved in publishing to a local folder:
Y Click the
3XEOLVKWR)ROGHU button on the top toolbar. In the
dialog, locate the folder where you wish to store the output files, or
click 1HZ)ROGHU to create a new folder.
Y As for previewing, you can publish just one page or a range of
Y Accept or decline the option to launch your Web browser.
Previewing and Publishing
Publishing to the World Wide Web
WebPlus makes publishing to the World Wide Web almost as simple as
publishing to a local folder! Before publishing for the first time, youll
need to gather some basic information from the service provider (as
detailed in online helpsee the note at the end of the chapter).
When youre ready to publish your Web site, here are the steps to take:
Y Click the
3XEOLVKWR:HE button on the top toolbar to display
the Web Publishing Options dialog.
Y Specify the number of pages to publish and click 2.. WebPlus
exports the page(s) to temporary files, and then the Account
Details dialog appears.
Y Enter the FTP address of your Web host and your pre-assigned
Username and Password. Be sure to enter the password exactly as
given to you, using correct upper- and
lower-case spelling, or the host server
will not recognize it. For most Web
servers you can leave the Folder box
blank, otherwise enter the name of
publishing folder. Click 2..
Y WebPlus seeks an Internet connection or establishes a new one,
and connects to the remote server. Sometimes (for example with
online services such as AOL) youll need to use the services
proprietary log-on software to establish a connection. Youll see a
message when all files have been successfully copied.
Y Now youll be able to see your page(s) live on the Web. Point
your Web browser to the URL that includes the path to the host
server plus the folder to which you published.
Y Congratulate yourself!
Previewing and Publishing 55
For more help on previewing and
Before publishing your actual Web site, youll probably want to review
the WebPlus proofing options mentioned above, and learn about adding
search engine descriptors. Or you may want details on publishing to an
alternate Web server.
For help on... Choose from the
Help menu...
Printing, previewing,
and publishing the
Web site
Contents list See topics in section How to
Print, Preview, and Publish to
the Web
Using proofing tools Index Select from proofing tools
Adding search engine
Index Select search engines
Gathering WWW
server information
Index Select publishing Web sites,
to World Wide Web and
consult note on Gathering
server information
Starting from Scratch
Starting from Scratch 59
Well assume that by now, youve worked through the Wizard-based
examples in the preceding chapters and have a preliminary knowledge
of WebPlus tools and techniquesalthough probably not too much
hands-on experience. Youve seen that there are lots of ways to
customize the Wizard-based publications, and that approach may suit
your needs perfectly.
But dont forget that besides offering a variety of Web Wizards,
WebPlus gives you the option of starting from scratch and composing
each page just as you want it. You may decide to take a hybrid
approach: study the Wizard layouts, learn from them, and then apply
what youve learned to a brand-new site of your own design.
If youd like to start from scratch, here are the steps:
Y From the Startup Wizard, select the 6WDUWIURP6FUDWFK option.
From within the program, choose 1HZ from the File menu or
click the
1HZ button on the top toolbar. The new publication
will open with a blank page, and youll see the Page Setup dialog.
Y Select a page size (either Standard or Wide), or define a custom
size by entering new values for Width and/or Height. Then click
Obviously, theres no single formula for coming up with a successful
Web site. It may help to have a plan of attack, however, so the
following sections provide a brief outline of the process, along with
some suggestions to guide your efforts.
Step 1: Design
It probably goes without saying (but well say it anyway) that before
starting a site from scratch, you should have mapped out on paper
exactly how many pages youll need, what the basic composition will
look like, and how the pages will be linked together.
Unlike a magazine or newsletter, a Web site doesnt depend on a linear
page sequence. It makes more sense to think of your site in spatial
terms, like a house that people will explore. You can generally assume
that visitors will come in through the front door (the Home page)but
where they go after that depends on the links youve provided. These
are the corridors that connect the various rooms (sections) of the site.
Each room might have a few side doors, but dont let the visitors get
lost! Graphic aids like a navigation bar, or clear labeling and/or color-
coding for the various sections of the site, can help immeasurably, but
only if you include them in your design scheme.
Starting from Scratch
You should ask yourself these basic questions:
How many pages will you need?
What basic composition will you use?
Where will the navigation bar go, and what will it look like? Do
you want to use a text-based navigation header or footer?
What font will you use for headlines, body text, and captions?
Which color scheme will you use, and will you customize its basic
colors or Web colors? (In Web Wizards, body text is marked with
Scheme Color 1, but you can depart from that convention.)
Step 2: Content
The success of your site probably depends more on high-quality
content than on any other single factor. As a rule, people will be
visiting your Web site because theyre interested in what you can tell
them or offer them. Your job is to make that reward as accessible as
possible, and make the sites design quality integral to the experience.
You dont want any elements that throw up barriers to access, or stand
out like sore thumbs to detract from the visitors positive response.
Make sure youve reviewed the mechanics of working with text,
graphics, sound and video (if applicable), and hyperlinks before
focusing on these questions:
Given your basic page composition, how will you vary the layout
of each page?
Where will your graphics come from? Will you be using any
photographs? Do you need to create line or QuickShape graphics
in WebPlus?
In addition to hyperlinks for your navigation bar and/or footer,
where else could you place links for users convenience? (Go
through your content once its on pages and place links to related
How might you use animated GIFs and marquees to add interest
(especially on the Home page)?
Starting from Scratch 61
Step 3: Finishing touches
Before publishing your site to the Webin effect, throwing open the
front door and inviting the worldyoull want to brush the cobwebs
from every corner. Review the advice in the preceding chapter, and
consider this checklist:
Have you used the WebPlus proofing tools to enhance the quality
of your text?
Have you run the Layout Checker to inspect for possible
Have you specified a Web site title and added search engine
descriptors (in )LOH:HE6LWH3URSHUWLHV)?
Have you previewed your site in a Web browserpreferably in
several different browsers?
Have you reduced graphic file sizes to a minimum to improve load
Design tips and rules of thumb
The performance of your page is how long it takes for the whole
page, including text and graphics, to display completely in a Web
browser. Basically, its proportional to the total file size of its
graphics. As a rule of thumb, use 60K bytes per page as a
maximum. You can stretch the rule a bit for the Home page.
You can determine the actual size of your files by publishing one
page at a time to a local folder (using the 3XEOLVKWR)ROGHU
button), then using Windows Explorer to examine the contents of
the folder. View the files by date and 6KLIW-select the most recent
batch, then right-click and choose 3URSHUWLHV to see the aggregate
byte count. Obviously, the lower the better.
To reduce the total size of your graphics, aside from using fewer
graphics, make them no larger than they need to be to get your
point across. Since file size increases as the square of each
dimension, shrinking both height and width by 50% reduces the
file size by 75%.
Starting from Scratch
Consider setting your monitor to use 256 colors (rather than
thousands or millions) for testing purposes. By working at this
setting youll be able to preview how your page will look to users
with monitors that only support 256 colors (or are using that
setting). Note that the GIF image format, a standard for Web
graphics, supports a maximum of 256 colors.
Reduce the number of colors in each image, and (except for
photos) save as GIF files using the lowest acceptable bit depth
your paint program will allow. Use a Web-safe palette when
possible; youll find one in the WebPlus Samples folder. You may
wish to explore the Web for details on this and other Web design
Youll need to maintain the pages on your Web site, which isnt
difficult with WebPlusall the originals are right there in your
publication! As a reference, keep a list showing the page numbers
and the contents of each page. You can store the list on the
Pasteboard, or (for printing out) on the last page of your
publication, which is easy to access by double-clicking the 1H[W
(right-arrow) button. (You can still publish the whole site; users
wont be able to access the last page as long as there are no links to
As youre developing Web pages, youll probably need to carry
out some housekeeping tasks on your local hard drive. Note that
each time you publish one or more pages to a folder, a new set of
image files is generated (although duplicate .HTML file names are
overwritten). If youre previewing pages this way, rather than
using 3UHYLHZ6LWHLQ%URZVHU (which overwrites old files), those
GIF and JPG files can proliferate. Its a good idea to weed out the
old ones periodically. You can sort your Explorer or My Computer
window contents by date, then use the Modified attribute to
determine which files to keep (i.e., the set most recently
published). For thorough cleanup, periodically publish the whole
site to a new folder and delete the old one.
Starting from Scratch 63
If your site is intended for clients or customers, think of it as more
than an electronic business cardthink of it as a newsletter with
publication deadlines. Dont let more than two weeks go by
without making visible changes. The changes dont have to be
dramatic; the main thing is to reinforce the perception that your
site is dynamic, not static. The Home page should change most
often: add new links, or replace old graphics with new ones. Add a
new page or two, expanding the original sections. (Be sure to post
notice of the new features on the Home page.) Revise the design of
any pages that arent working the way you expected.
Visitors feedback is important. Be direct about asking for
comments, and make sure youve included an e-mail return link.
Challenge your users to respond! Give them some specific choices
to make (Would you rather see A, B, or C on this page?). Let
them feel theyre contributing.
As a rule, keep the background and section organization intact so
as not to confuse repeat visitors. Sections that began as a single
page will require a section menu as soon as a few new pages have
been added. If youve got a navigation bar with a button already
linked to the original page, turn that target page into the menu page
to keep the link intact. From a site management standpoint, its
usually easier to switch content to a new page than to rewire
existing links. (You can see the content, but you cant easily see
the links.)
Where should I go from here?
The answer should be self-evident: Get straight back to work with
WebPlus! Your own experience will be your best teacher. Were proud
of WebPlus, and hope you enjoy using it to develop a Web site you can
be proud of, too.
Thanks for joining the Serif product family... and heres hoping we see
you online soon!

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