122 Index
Node Edit Tool, 92
noise reduction, 44
opacity, 26
Open, 11
opening an image file, 14
organizing photos, 20
outline (layer effect), 57
Paintbrush Tool, 80
painting, 80
paths, 89
pattern fills, 86
pen tablet, 81
Pen Tool, 93
Pencil Tool, 80
perspective correction, 42
PhotoFix, 43
masking in, 45
PhotoPlus Picture (SPP), 18
Photoshop (PSD), 14, 112
PhotoStack, 2, 11
Pinch/Punch tools, 60
pixel cropping, 72
pixels (cropping to), 75
placing (photos), 19
plug-in filters, 19
PNG, 112
polygon, 89
Polygon Selection Tool, 63
templates, 109
printing, 108
cropping to print sizes, 75
Promote to Layer, 25
PSD, 14, 112
PSP, 14
QuickShape Selection Tool, 63
QuickShape tools, 89
QuickShapes, 90
Radial (gradient fill), 86
Rasterize, 25
raw images, 14, 38
drawing, 89
selecting, 63
red eye (removing), 44
images, 65
resolution, 66
Revert, 18
RGB colour mode, 105
rotating, 76
Rule of thirds, 74
saved work, 11
opening, 15
saving an image, 18
scanning, 17
Select All Layers, 25
cropping to, 75
defining region, 62
text, 97
Selection tools, 63
Serif (contacting), 116
shadows (layer effect), 57
layers, 23
Shape Edit Tool, 92
shape layers, 89
rasterizing, 25
shaped regions, 63
drawing, 89
sharpening, 44
canvas, 13, 66
image, 65
Smart Selection Brush, 64
Solid fill, 86