4 Welcome
Don't forget to register your new copy, using the Registration Wizard,
on the Help menu. That way, we can keep you informed of new
developments and future upgrades!
New features
• 64-bit operation for improved performance
PagePlus is fully optimized for operation on 64-bit computers,
and will automatically install for 64-bit operation accordingly.
• Feed-based Startup Assistant (see p. 13)
The new-look starting point for new publications provides a
wealth of constantly updating cross-product news and
PagePlus-specific learning resources (video tutorials, written
tutorials, help, and Tips & Tricks). The assistant keeps track of
unread articles so you won't miss a thing! An Open option also
gives you access to all your existing publications, based on
document history.
• Attractive eye-catching charts (see p. 103)
Present your PagePlus table in chart form using chart types
including Column, Bar, Line, Area, Pie, and Scatter Charts
(plus 3D variants of each). Charts can be modified and chart
series configured using the new Charts tab. For more chart
design freedom, the Chart Data tab lets you manipulate
standalone chart data (from scratch or derived from your
PagePlus table) to your liking. Apply different chart "type -
style" combinations in one click via the Styles tab.