Index 285
adding to Assets tab, 187
adding to page, 188
adjustments for, 194
anchoring, to text, 98
Assets tab for, 68
converting objects to, 91
deforming (Mesh Warp), 103
effects for, 194
exporting objects as, 91
extracting parts of, 190
in PDF files, 261
resizing, 88
setting default properties, 109
setting transparency of, 235
wrapping text around, 140
exporting as, 91
for web, 274
point size, setting, 131
Pointer Tool, 80
polygon, drawing, 204
posters, 21, 29
printing, 256
previewing (for print/PDF), 253
printing, 258
books, 177
PDF files, 261
previewing the page, 253
saving print profiles, 259
thumbnails, 256
tiled, 256
saving print, 259
workspace, 20
proofing tools
Auto-Correct, 154
automatic spelling as you type,
previewing the printed page,
Proof Reader, 157
Spell Checker, 156
public holidays (calendar), 161
Publication Setup, 29
closing, 26
custom, 30
displaying, 50
from design templates, 20
guides, 58
master pages, 36
opening existing, 24
saving, 26
setting dimensions, 29
sharing by email, 275
starting from scratch, 23
swapping between, 25
working with more than one, 25
publish ing
books, 172
eBooks, 266
PDF files, 261
to HTML, 270
QuickShape Tool, 204
Radial fills, 230
Radial transparency, 236
readability, checking with Proof
Reader, 157
reapply styles, 138
reflection maps (filter effect), 213