Welcome 3
Welcome to PagePlus Essentials, the affordable and easy way to design and
print high quality calendars, stationery, newsletters, signs, notices, invites,
and cards. Share as hardcopy print or by electronic PDF—the choice is yours!
Instead of starting from scratch, PagePlus comes with an impressive selection of
design templates, creative gallery content, and styles for you to use. You'll also
be able to reuse existing content by importing word processing documents.
PagePlus Essentials doesn't just stop at that. Its range of design studios makes
PagePlus stand out from the crowd—Image Cutout Studio for cutting pictures
out from their backgrounds, LogoStudio for custom logo design, and PhotoLab
for powerful image adjustment and effect combinations. You simply cannot
afford to miss them!
For a more detailed summary of what PagePlus can offer, see Key features
(p. 4).
Don't forget to register your new copy, using the Registration Wizard, on the
Help menu. That way, we can keep you informed of new developments and
future upgrades!