68 Editing in Timeline mode
The Overlay Track, shown on a new project's timeline, is used to host text
captions such as movie titles as well as video overlays. Titles will be
superimposed over underlying movie content. These are dragged from the
Galleries pane (Titles tab).
Video Groups
Groups are not only a way of keeping complex compositions tidy—you can also
restrict editing to selected tracks by placing them inside a Video Group. Effect
Groups, for both Video and Audio, work in an identical way for global effect
control. The View menu also has an option to Show Master Groups, a top-level
group to allow you to mute, apply effects to, or adjust envelopes for all video or
all audio at once.
Keyframe View
When you add an envelope or effect to a clip, track, or group, or when you want
to edit an existing envelope, effect or transition, the Keyframe View is displayed
directly underneath the clip, track, or group.
Keyframes are points along a strip associated with a clip, track, or group's
attributes (envelope, effect, or transition). The keyframe stores your chosen
settings for use at a specific point of time along your timeline. Using more than
one keyframe along a strip, MoviePlus automatically (and gradually) changes
from one keyframe's settings to the next keyframe's settings as time passes
between them. For example, on an opacity envelope, a keyframe at time zero
with a setting of 0% opacity followed by another keyframe two seconds later with
a setting of 100% would cause a gradual "fade in" effect over a period of two
seconds. The keyframes can have their properties modified in the Properties
pane when selected, and can be moved along the timeline to different points.
Envelopes, Effects and Transitions
Any time a clip, track, or group's keyframe View is displayed via a common
Attributes menu, the strips that show belong to one or more attributes of that
object. Each attribute can be of type envelope, effect, or transition, and are
grouped together for easy management. Normally you'll see envelopes, effects or
transitions, but not all three attribute types all at once (this saves valuable
timeline space). Each clip, track, or group cannot possess more than one
envelope of the same type; only two transitions can be set on any single clip (you
can't set a transition on a track). There is no restriction on the number of effects
a clip, track, or group can have.