200 Index
in audio (timeline), 145
established, 8
new, 4
unlocking, 10
filter effects, 128, 130
freeze-frame, 115
Galleries pane, 21, 22
getting started, 24
groups (timeline), 68, 70, 86
audio, 88
master, 88
video, 86
header (timeline), 68, 69
How To pane, 21, 22
installation, 11
iPod export, 189
keyframes (timeline), 68, 70, 96
adding, 98
affecting change over time
with, 101
mode for, 102
scaling, 102
selecting, 99
view, 68, 70
levels (audio), 147
looping (timeline), 113
markers (timeline), 68, 71, 109
chapter points as, 111
navigating, 110
selection, 71, 112
cropping with, 91
master groups (timeline), 88
to project, 27
to storyboard, 50
to timeline, 74
capturing, 28, 31
downloading, 28
importing, 27
rotating, 29
Media pane, 21, 22, 29
Menu bar, 21
Menu Designer (for DVD/VCD),
Welcome to, 3
muting, 148
muting (timeline), 68, 72
narration, 149
on storyboard, 49
on timeline, 70
recording, 150
NTSC, 25, 177
opacity envelope (timeline), 92
overlays (timeline), 116
PAL, 25, 177
pan (audio), 147
pan and zoom, 58
pan envelope (timeline), 92
Galleries, 21, 22
How To, 21, 22
Media, 21, 22, 29
Properties, 21, 22
Video Preview, 21, 22
panning, 148
playback, 39
pre-rendering, 6
preview, 39
Print to Tape, 193
settings, 25
customizing, 26
starting a new, 24
Properties pane, 21, 22
PSP export, 190
QuickShapes (CG clip), 60
ripping (of audio CDs), 152
rippling (timeline), 84
rotating (media files), 29