210 Index
applying settings, 109
closed (shapes), 34
connectors, 50
curved, 31
defining colours, 116
dimension lines, 54
drawing, 29
editing, 43
extending, 31
filling unclosed, 34
reshaping, 45
setting defaults, 109
smoothing, 30
styles for, 110
measurement units, 20
Mesh Fill Tool, 121
mesh fills, 121
metafiles, 133
modes (colour), 14
morphing (blends), 155
movies (Keyframe animation), 173
moving, 81
multiple pages
exporting, 195
printing, 187
multiple selections, 28
New Drawing, 12
new features, 3
Node Tool, 27, 36, 45
nodes, 45
editing, 43
Nudge Distance (arrow keys), 81
adding to, 88
aligning with each other, 94
augmenting, 87
cloning, 78
combining, 88
converting shapes to editable
curves, 49
copying formatting, 80
copying, cutting, and pasting, 77
cutting, 85
deleting, 77
distributing, 94
editing bitmap and plasma fills
on, 120
editing gradient fills on, 117
editing lines, 43
editing mesh fills on, 121
editing shapes, 43
erasing, 87
exporting, 191
fills, 103
grouping and ungrouping, 93
joining, 88
key (Keyframe animation), 169
line settings, 109
measuring, 20, 54
moving, 81
obstructive, 53
on layers, 98
ordering, 95
outlines, 110
QuickShapes, 35
replicating, 78
resizing, 81
rotating and shearing, 83
scale, 20
selecting one or more, 27, 93
selecting, in groups, 93
splitting, 85
storing in Gallery, 58
tracing, 136
transparency, 127
tweened (Keyframe animation),