Welcome 5
Ease of Use
• Feed-based Startup Assistant (see p. 10)
The new-look starting point for new drawings provides a wealth of
constantly updating cross-product news and DrawPlus-specific
learning resources (video tutorials, written tutorials, help, and
Tips & Tricks). The assistant keeps track of unread articles so you
won't miss a thing! An Open option also gives you access to all
your existing publications, based on document history.
• Restore Last Session (see p. 16)
On DrawPlus restart, optionally enable this feature to
automatically reopen previously opened drawings (view settings
and current page display are preserved too!) and start from where
you finished your last session.
• Smart sizing and rotating (see p. 68)
Multiple objects can be scaled or rotated proportionally with a
transformed selected object in your selection; individual objects
always retain their relative position on the page—great for charts
and plans! Shearing operations are also supported.
• New photo editing tools and effects (see p. 118)
Vibrance, Split Tone, Tilt Shift, and Clarity are new PhotoLab
filters that add fantastic effects to enhance pictures. Now control
vignette positioning and sizing. Blend effects smoothly across an
area using gradient masks, and remove unwanted blemishes,
clutter or imperfections with a clone brush.