274 Index
Gallery tab, 83
Layers tab, 129
Line tab, 141
Pressure tab, 255
Storyboard tab, 214
Swatches tab, 137, 146, 149, 152,
Transform tab, 114, 118, 121
Transparency tab, 157
STV format, 232
Swatch tab, 137, 146, 149, 152, 154
SWF export, 231
Synchronize defaults, 51
system requirements, 15
Actions, 212, 225
Align, 126
Brushes, 87
Colour, 14, 137, 147
Easing, 212, 229
Effects, 192
Frames, 207
Gallery, 83
Layers, 129
Line, 141
Pressure, 255
Storyboard, 214
Swatch, 137, 146, 149, 152, 154
Transform, 114, 118, 121
Transparency, 157
tablet, 259
templates, 20
artistic, 95
entering, 96
blending, 184
combining, cropping, and
joining, 124
converting to editable curves, 73
defaults, 51
editing, 97
entering, 95
fitting, to path, 12, 101
formatting, 98
frame, 95
entering, 96
overflow, 99
positioning in frames and
shapes, 100
resizing, 100
retyping, 98
setting defaults, 51
shape, 95
entering, 96
spell checking, 102
Unicode, 97
paper, 195
three colour fills, 149
three points transparency, 158
Bitmap and Plasma fills, 153
printing, 239, 241
tint, 139
adjusting, 139
Artistic Text, 96
Blend, 184
Colour Picker, 144
Connector, 77
Crop, 110
Dimension, 81
Envelope, 75
Erase, 117