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User Manual
Segway Personal Transporter (PT)
i2 SE
x2 SE
x2 SE Turf
• WheneveryouridetheSegway
• Alwayswearahelmetwhenriding.Useanapprovedbicycleorskateboardhelmetthattsproperlywiththechinstrapinplace,andprovidesprotectionfor
• NeverplaceanythingontheMatsexceptyourfeet.DoingsocouldinterferewiththeRiderDetectionsystemandallowthePTtotravelonitsown,risking
• Avoidobstaclesandslipperysurfacesthatcouldresultinalossofbalanceortractionandcauseafall.
• PayattentiontoallSafetyWarningsandAlertsfromthePT.Theyindicateunsafeoperatingconditions.YoumustlearnaboutandunderstandthePTSafety
• DonotgetbackonthePTafteraSafetyShutdownuntiltheconditionthatcausedtheSafetyShutdownhasbeenidentiedandcorrected.
• NeverletgoofthePTwhenitisinBalanceModebecauseitwilltravelsomedistanceonitsown,givetheStickShakeWarning,thencutpowertothewheels.
• NeverrestartandrideyourPTafterithasindicatedanemptybatteryconditionorperformedaSafetyShutdownduetolowbattery.ThePTmaynot
• WhilethePTisdesignedtokeepyouuprightunderavarietyofconditions,youcanoverpowerthebalancingcapabilityofyourPTbyaggressivelyleaninginto
• DonotinsertthepowercordifthePTChargePortiswet.
• UseasurgeprotectorwhenchargingthePTtohelpprotectitfromdamageduetopowersurgesandvoltagespikes.
• AlwaysshutdownyourPTandunplugtheACPowerCordbeforeperforminganymaintenanceorinstallinganypartoraccessory.
• AllPTpartsmustbeproperlyinstalled.NeverattempttouseyourPTwithouttheLeanSteer™Frameattachedandsecured.UsingyourPTwithoutallparts
• UseonlySegwayapprovedpartsandaccessories.DonotmodifythePT.ModicationstothePTcouldinterferewiththeoperationofthePT,couldresultin
• Theftdetectionsystems,suchasthetypeusedinsomelibrariesandretailstores,caninterferewiththePT’sabilitytobalanceand/orcausethePTto
User Manual
Segway Personal Transporter (PT)
i2 SE
x2 SE
x2 SE Turf
24010-00001 aa
Copyright, Trademarks, Patent, and Contact Information
Copyright © 2014 Segway Inc. All rights reserved.
Segway Inc. ("Segway") owns a number of trademarks including, but not limited to, Segway and the Segway "Rider Design" logo that have
been registered in the United States and in other countries. Those trademarks followed by ® are registered trademarks of Segway. All other
marks are trademarks or common law marks of Segway. Failure of a mark to appear in this manual does not mean that Segway does not use
the mark, nor does it mean that the product is not actively marketed or is not significant within its relevant market. Segway reserves all rights
in its trademarks. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
Segway Inc. Patent Information
The Segway Personal Transporter (PT) is covered by U.S. and foreign patents. For more information go to http://www.segway.com/patents.pdf
Contact Information
For support, please contact the company from which you bought the products. For a listing of Authorized Segway Dealers and Distributors, visit
the Segway website at: http://www.segway.com.
Segway Customer Care: 1-866-4SEGWAY (1-866-473-4929)
Fax: 1-603-222-6001
E-mail: technicalsupport@segway.com
Website: http://www.segway.com
Table of Contents
Copyright, Trademarks, Patent, and Contact Information 2
Table of Contents 3
Preface 7
About This Manual 7
The Risk of Injury 7
Before You Begin 7
Related User Materials 8
Safety Messaging 8
Introduction 9
Recording Serial Numbers 9
Segway PT Model Descriptions 11
Segway PT Specifications 12
Operating Limits 14
Maximizing Range 16
Setting Up Your Segway PT 17
Unpacking Your Segway PT 17
Assembling Your Segway PT 17
The Segway PT 25
How the Segway PT Works 25
Segway PT Components and Subsystems 27
The InfoKey Controller 39
InfoKey Controller 39
Safety Alerts 51
Speed Limiter 52
Stick Shake Warning 54
Safety Shutdown 57
Riding Your Segway PT 61
Riding Form 61
Avoiding Hazards 62
Step 1: Preparing for Your Ride 65
Step 2: Powering On the Segway PT 66
Step 3: Confirming the Beginner Setting 67
Step 4: Before Stepping On 68
Step 5: Stepping On 69
Step 6: Moving Forward and Backward 71
Step 7: Stopping 72
Step 8: Turning 73
Step 9: Stepping Off 74
Step 10: Securing Your Segway PT 75
Step 11: Powering Off the Segway PT 76
Practice Riding 77
Riding Etiquette 79
Riding Tips and Safety Guidelines Recap 80
Report All Incidents 84
Segway PT Batteries 85
Battery Safety 85
Charging Your Batteries 87
Replacing Batteries 94
Battery Transportation, Shipping, and Disposal 95
Maintaining Your Segway PT 97
Lifting Your Segway PT 97
Maintaining Tires and Wheels 98
Table of Contents (cont.)
Cleaning Your Segway PT 99
Storing Your Segway PT 100
Servicing Your Segway PT 101
General Information 101
Service Procedures 104
Troubleshooting the Segway PT 119
Troubleshooting Procedures 119
InfoKey Controller Error Icons 127
Contact and Legal Information 133
Report All Incidents 133
How to Reach Us 133
California Warning 133
Obey All Laws and Regulations 133
Limited Warranty 134
Radio Frequency Interference 134
Miscellaneous Regulatory Compliance Information 135
Product Life and Recycling 138
Patent Information 138
Index 139
Notes: 141
Recommended Maintenance Schedule–i2 SE, x2 SE, x2 SE Turf 142
Your Segway PT 144
Table of Contents
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Segway Personal Transporter (PT)! The Segway PT is the standard term used to refer to the self-
balancing Segway products described in this manual. Each PT model (i2 SE or x2 SE) is different, but the fundamentals found in this manual
apply to both models.
About This Manual
To learn to ride your PT, you must read and follow all instructions and warnings in the User Manual and watch the Safety Video. It is important
that you follow all safety warnings and cautions that appear throughout the User Manual and that you use good judgment when riding your
PT. Remember to pass on this User Manual and the Safety Video if you ever resell your PT. If you have questions, or need another copy of the
User Manual or Safety Video, contact an Authorized Segway Dealer or Distributor, or Segway Inc. before you attempt to use your PT. For a list
of Authorized Segway Dealers and Distributors, call 1-866-473-4929 or visit http://www.segway.com.
Check our website regularly for updates to PT User Materials: http://www.segway.com
The Risk of Injury
The PT is a self-balancing, personal transporter that uses patented balancing technology. Balancing technology cannot prevent injury if you do
not ride the PT safely.
Whenever you ride the Segway PT, you risk death or serious injury from loss of control, collisions, and falls. To reduce risk of injury, you must read
and follow all instructions and warnings in the user materials.
Before You Begin
Before you begin, it may be necessary to assemble your PT. The Batteries should be charged for 12 hours. To assemble the PT and charge the
Batteries for the first time, refer to the instructions in this manual.
Related User Materials
USB drive that contains:
• PDFleofthismanual. Segway provides an electronic copy of this User Manual on a USB drive for your convenience. The content
of the electronic copy is the same as the printed book. You will need Adobe Reader® to access the PDF files. If you prefer a printed
book, please contact your Segway dealer.
• Safety Video. A Safety Video is included on the same USB drive as the User Manual. It provides important information on how to use
your Segway PT. To reduce the risk of injury, you must watch and follow all instructions and warnings in the Safety Video before you
If you have any problems reading the User Manual or viewing the Safety Video, contact your Segway dealer as soon as possible.
Safety Messaging
Segway takes all aspects of safety very seriously. Our publications and documentation provide clear, consistent safety messaging designed
to offer instructions and procedural information that help avoid physical injury or damage to your PT.
Of course, it is impossible to predict and warn against every possible harm or hazard that exists. Thus, users must also use their own intuition
and common sense to help avoid physical injury or damage to your PT.
The following safety messaging conventions are used throughout this guide:
Warns you about actions that could result in death or serious injury.
Warns you about actions that could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates information considered important, but not related to personal injury. Examples
include messages regarding possible damage to the PT or other property, or usage tips.
This section introduces the Segway PT. It includes:
• Instructions on how to locate and record the serial number of your PT and the wireless InfoKey™ Controller.
• PT model descriptions and specifications.
• Operating limits of the PT.
Recording Serial Numbers
Record the unique serial numbers for both the PT and the InfoKey Controller. Store this information in a secure location, separate from your
PT, in case you need to order a replacement InfoKey Controller.
The PT and InfoKey Controller serial numbers are unique to your machine and InfoKey Controller. These numbers can provide helpful
information in the future for asset and warranty tracking, InfoKey Controller replacement, insurance claims, and in case of loss or theft. Store
the serial numbers in a secure location, separate from your PT.
Segway PT Serial Number
To record the PT Serial Number:
1. Stand behind the PT and lift the back edge of the right Mat to expose the bar code label.
2. Locate the serial number on the left side of the label. The serial number is a 12-digit number beginning with "1" (see Figure 1).
3. Record the PT serial number in the "Your Segway PT" section of this User
Manual (p. 144).
4. Re-secure the Mat in place after you record the serial number.
For more information, see "Remove/Install the Mats" (p. 114).
012345678901 SER MOD 1680400011
Figure 1: Location of Segway PT Serial Number
InfoKey Controller Serial Number
To record the InfoKey Controller serial number:
1. Locate the serial number beginning with S/N, on the back of your
InfoKey Controller (located under the trim ring, see Figure 2).
2. Record the InfoKey Controller serial number in the "Your Segway
PT" section of this User Manual (p. 144).
3. Locate the InfoKey Controller Identification Codes card/sticker
that came with your PT and store it in a safe location.
PT Battery Serial Numbers
To record the PT Battery serial numbers:
1. Remove the PT Batteries from the Powerbase (see "Remove the
Batteries," p. 106).
2. Record the PT Battery serial numbers in the "Your Segway PT"
section of this User Manual (p. 144).
Figure 2: Location of InfoKey Controller Serial Number
Serial number location
Figure 3: Location of PT Battery Serial Number
Segway PT Model Descriptions
Table 1 lists the Segway PT models described in this manual.
For more information about how the Segway PT works, and the name and
location of PT components, see "The Segway PT" (p. 25).
Model Name Description
i2 SE The i2 SE model is optimized for
indoor/outdoor use in a wide variety
of environments.
x2 SE The x2 SE model is optimized for
outdoor use and has larger wheels
and wider tires with knobby treads.
The x2’s wider stance and low-
pressure tires provide increased
stability and traction on more varied
and rough terrain. The x2 is not
intended for use on sidewalks.
Table 1: Segway PT Model Descriptions
Segway PT Specifications
Table 2 shows the specifications for the Segway PT models described in this manual.
ModelSpecication i2 SE x2 SE
Rider Weight and Cargo Limits*
Maximum Payload (Rider plus all Cargo) 260 lbs (117 kg) 260 lbs (117 kg)
Minimum Rider Weight 100 lbs (45 kg) 100 lbs (45 kg)
Maximum Handlebar Cargo Weight 10 lbs (4.5 kg) 10 lbs (4.5 kg)
Maximum Speed 12.5 mph (20 km/h) 12.5 mph (20 km/h)
Energy (Rechargeable Batteries) Lithium Ion (Li-ion) Lithium Ion (Li-ion)
Range on a Full Charge** 16 - 24 mi (26 - 39 km) 9 - 12 mi (14 - 19 km)
Turning Radius Zero. The wheels can rotate in opposite directions, enabling the Segway PT to turn in place.
Tire Inflation Pressure 15 psi (1.03 bar) 4 psi (.275 bar)
Power Requirements (Worldwide) 100 - 240 V~; 50 or 60 Hz 100 - 240 V~; 50 or 60 Hz
ModelSpecication i2 SE x2 SE
Machine Weight Without Batteries 82 lbs (37 kg)
96 lbs (44 kg)
Battery Weight
See Table 11 on page 86.
Ground Clearance (Unloaded) 3.4 in (8.5 cm) 4.4 in (11.2 cm)
Machine Length and Width 25.5 x 25 in (65 x 63 cm) 26.5 x 33 in (67 x 84 cm)
Handlebar Height from Mat 38 - 43 in (97 - 109 cm) 38 - 43 in (97 - 109 cm)
Handlebar Height from Ground (Unloaded) 46 - 51 in (117 - 130 cm) 47 - 52 in (119 - 132 cm)
Powerbase Height (Unloaded) 8 in (20 cm) 9 in (22.9 cm)
Tire Diameter 19 in (48.3 cm) 21 in (53.3 cm)
Tire Type Standard All-terrain
InfoKey Controller
Battery CR2430 replacement batteries are available at electronics stores.
* See "Weight Limits for Riders and Cargo" (p. 14) for more information on weight limits.
** See "Maximizing Range" (p. 16) for more information on maximizing the distance you can travel on your Segway PT, and factors that
can increase or reduce your range.
Operating Limits
It is important that you familiarize yourself with the operating limits of the Segway PT. These limits are set to maximize rider safety while reduc-
ing the risk of damage to the Segway PT. The Segway PT will perform better when you observe these limits.
Weight Limits for Riders and Cargo
Segway sets weight limits for two reasons:
• Rider safety
• To reduce the risk of damage to the Segway PT
Dynamic Weight Limits
To keep the Segway PT and rider upright, the Segway PT must always have enough power to be able to drive its wheels forward and backward.
Exceeding the weight limits, especially when combined with other variables that require more power, will increase your risk of falling or damag-
ing the Segway PT.
Variables that require more power include:
• Higher payloads (weight of rider and all cargo)
• Steeper slopes
• Bumpier surface conditions
• Higher speeds
• Abrupt maneuvers
The Segway PT monitors the amount of power being used and will activate safety alerts when it senses excessive power demands. It is important
that you learn to anticipate and recognize when the Segway PT is reaching the limits of performance.
For more information on recognizing and responding to Safety Alerts, see "Speed Limiter" (p. 52), "Stick Shake Warning" (p. 54), and "Safety
Shutdown" (p. 57).
Minimum Rider Weight
The rider’s weight must not be less than 100 lbs (45 kg). If the rider is below the minimum rider weight, he/she may not be able to ride safely
because he/she cannot shift his/her weight far enough back (behind the centerline of the wheels) to safely slow down and stop. This is
especially true when riding downhill. Also, riders below the minimum weight may not sufficiently activate the rider detect system, failing to
properly interact with the Segway PT’s balancing system.
Handlebar Cargo
The total weight of any handlebar payload plus any other attachments hanging from the handlebar must not exceed 10 lbs (4.5 kg).
Exceeding the handlebar cargo limit interferes with the Segway PT's balancing ability and could cause the Segway PT to accelerate forward,
risking injury and/or damage to the Segway PT.
The maximum payload (rider plus all cargo) is 260 lbs (117 kg). Exceeding the maximum weight limit increases the risk of damage to the
Segway PT. Heavier payloads place greater stress on the Segway PT. Several factors affect the loads transmitted to the Segway PT:
• Skill level of the rider
• Payload (weight of the rider and all cargo)
• Surface condition (obstacle height, etc.)
Exceeding the rider or cargo weight limits, especially when riding on uneven terrain, could damage the Segway PT.
Maximizing Range
Maximum range distances are provided in Table 2 (p. 12). The range of your Segway PT is affected by many variables, including:
• Terrain: Riding on smooth, flat terrain improves range, and riding on hilly terrain and unpaved surfaces reduces range.
• Speed and Riding Style: Riding at a consistent, moderate speed will increase range. Frequent starting, stopping, acceleration, and
deceleration reduces range.
• TireInationPressure: Riding with tire pressures below the specified limit reduces range and can result in premature tire wear.
• Rider Weight and Cargo: Lighter riders with less cargo experience better range than heavier riders with more cargo.
• Temperature: Storing, charging, and riding in temperatures close to the median of the recommended temperature range improves
range. Riding in colder temperatures reduces range significantly.
• Battery Condition: Properly charged and maintained batteries provide greater range. Old, cold, heavily used, or poorly maintained
batteries provide less range (see Table 11, p. 86).
• Wind: Riding with a tailwind increases range. Riding against a headwind reduces range.
Setting Up Your Segway PT
This section describes what is included with your Segway PT and gives assembly instructions.
Unpacking Your Segway PT
The following items/parts ship with your Segway PT:
Assembling Your Segway PT
Always shut down your Segway PT and unplug the AC Power Cord before performing any maintenance or installing any part or accessory.
Adhere to torque specifications when tightening fasteners. Over tightened or under tightened fasteners could malfunction, leading to damage
or serious injury.
If your PT is already assembled, you may skip this section and go to "Adjust the Handlebar Height" (p. 21).
• Handlebar
• LeanSteer Frame
• LeanSteer Frame Fasteners
• Segway PT Powerbase
• Mats
• InfoKey: Controller, Dock, Fastener
• PT Batteries (2, in separate box)
• Power cord (for charging the PT Batteries)
• Wrench set (3 mm and 5 mm hex)
• User Materials & Safety Video (USB drive)
• Segway PT Limited Warranty/Guarantee
Assembling Your Segway PT (cont.)
To Set Up your Segway PT, follow the procedures below in the order listed.
For the name and location of specific PT components, see "Segway PT
Components and Subsystems" (p. 27).
Prepare the LeanSteer Frame
Tool Required: None
The LeanSteer Frame is collapsed to its shortest length for shipping.
Assembly is required before adjusting the Handlebar height for the first time.
To extend and assemble the LeanSteer Frame:
1. Remove the Height Adjustment knob (see Figure 9, page 21) by
turning the knob counterclockwise.
2. Extend the upper bar of the LeanSteer Frame by sliding it up from
its storage position until the slot for the Height Adjustment fastener
is visible.
3. Reinstall the Height Adjustment knob by turning and tightening the
knob clockwise.
Attach the Handlebar
Tool Required: Torque wrench with 3 mm bit
To attach the Handlebar to the LeanSteer Frame:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Align the Handlebar in place against the LeanSteer Frame using the
alignment guides.
Figure 4: Attach the Handlebar
Handlebar clamp
Alignment guide
3. Position the Handlebar Clamp against the Handlebar.
4. Insert the 3 fasteners through the Handlebar Clamp into the
LeanSteer Frame.
5. Using the 3 mm hex wrench, alternate between the 3 fasteners,
evenly tightening in small increments.
6. Check to ensure that the gap between the Handlebar Clamp and
the LeanSteer Frame is even, and the same between the top and
bottom. Tighten to 2.0N-m(18in-lbf).
Attach the LeanSteer Frame
Tool Required: Torque wrench with 5 mm bit
The LeanSteer Frame must be properly attached and secured. Failure to
properly assemble the LeanSteer Frame and/or maintain torque on the
fasteners could lead to an unexpected change in steering and result in
serious injury and/or damage to your Segway PT from loss of control,
collisions, and falls.
To attach the LeanSteer Frame to the Powerbase:
1. Make sure the PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Place the LeanSteer Frame onto the stem.
3. Install the two fasteners; do not tighten.
4. Make sure the LeanSteer Frame is standing straight vertically, then
torque the fasteners to 11.0N-m(8.1ft-lbf).
Figure 5: Attach LeanSteer Frame to Stem
Assembling Your Segway PT (cont.)
5. With the Segway PT powered down (OFF), lean the LeanSteer Frame
fully left and right, until it touches each fender (see Figure 6).
6. Ensure the LeanSteer Frame returns to a straight, upright position.
7. Check the fasteners to be sure they are tight.
Check the fasteners at least monthly to be sure they remain tight. If they are
loose, tighten the fasteners to 11.0N-m(8.1ft-lbf).
Install the InfoKey Controller Dock
Tool Required: 3 mm hex wrench, torque wrench with 3 mm bit
To install the InfoKey Controller Dock:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Place the InfoKey Controller Dock against the upper LeanSteer
Frame with the Release Tab oriented at the bottom.
3. Thread the 3 mm fastener through the hole in the top of the InfoKey
Controller Dock and into the upper LeanSteer Frame.
4. Tighten the fastener to 2.0N-m(18in-lbf).
Install/Remove the Dock Adapter
Tool Required: None
To install the InfoKey Controller Dock Adapter, screw the adapter to the
underside of the InfoKey Controller. When installed properly, the Dock
Figure 6: Check LeanSteer Frame
Figure 7: Install the InfoKey Controller Dock
Adapter should snap into place when screwed on.
To remove the InfoKey Controller Dock Adapter, unscrew the adapter from
the underside of the InfoKey Controller.
Dock the InfoKey Controller
Tool Required: None
To dock the InfoKey Controller:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Ensure the InfoKey Controller Dock Adapter is installed (see "Install
the InfoKey Controller Dock," p. 20).
3. Slide the InfoKey Controller up into the InfoKey Controller Dock.
Adjust the Handlebar Height
Tool Required: None
To adjust the Handlebar height:
1. Loosen the Height Adjustment knob.
2. Adjust the height of the upper LeanSteer Frame by pulling up on the
Handlebar until the Handlebar is just above your elbow or higher
while you are standing on the floor and the Powerbase is level. You
can adjust as necessary for comfort.
3. Tighten the Height Adjustment knob.
The handlebar should be adjusted for each rider. Adjusting the Handlebar to
the correct height is important for both safety and comfort.
Figure 8: Dock the InfoKey Controller
Figure 9: Adjust the Handlebar Height
Assembling Your Segway PT (cont.)
Install the Batteries
Refer to "Segway PT Batteries" (p. 85) for battery-related safety precautions
and handling instructions.
To avoid risk of damage, do not use power tools. Use only Segway approved
Tool Required: Torque wrench with 3 mm bit
To install the Batteries:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Install one of the Batteries to the Powerbase, with the curved edge
of the Battery to the outside of the Powerbase.
3. Ensure the Battery is aligned straight against the Powerbase edge
trim, and there are no uneven gaps.
4. Install the two center fasteners first; do not tighten.
5. Install the two outer fasteners; do not tighten.
6. Torque the center fasteners first, then the outer fasteners to
7. Verify the Battery is aligned straight against the Powerbase edge
trim, and there are no uneven gaps.
8. Repeat Steps 1-7 for the second Battery.
Figure 10: Torque the two center fasteners first.
Charge the Batteries
The PT Batteries should be charged for at least 12 hours prior to first use.
For detailed instructions on charging the PT Batteries, see "Charging Your
Batteries" (p. 87).
The Segway PT
This chapter describes how the PT works. It includes:
• Information about PT components and subsystems
How the Segway PT Works
The PT works like the human body, using technology called dynamic
stabilization to maintain its balance and move forward or backward. When
walking, if you lean forward, you take a step forward to keep your balance.
If you lean back, you step back. On a PT when you lean forward or back the
machine powers the Wheels in the direction that you lean.
When you lean, your center of gravity moves beyond the contact patch (the
place where the tire contacts the ground) causing the PT to tilt. The PT’s
systems sense this change, powering the Wheels to keep them underneath
When you pivot the LeanSteer Frame left, the PT turns left. When you pivot
the LeanSteer Frame right, the PT turns right. To turn the PT, point the
LeanSteer Frame in the direction you want to go, keeping the Handlebar in
line with your body. When the LeanSteer Frame is centered, the PT travels
straight ahead.
The PT’s dynamic stabilization technology balances forward and backward
but not side-to-side. If you tip the PT onto one Wheel, it will not dynamically
bring itself underneath you and it could fall over. You are responsible for
maintaining side-to-side stability while riding the PT. To do this, keep your
body aligned with the LeanSteer Frame. Lean into turns and lean uphill when
riding across a slope to maintain side-to-side balance.
Figure 11: Leaning Forward and Back
Figure 12: Turning
How the Segway PT Works (cont.)
Slow Speed Roll Compensation Feature
The PT utilizes a feature called Roll Compensation that separates steering
input from terrain changes. This allows the rider to ride in a straight line
over uneven terrain by keeping the LeanSteer Frame oriented straight up
and down. When riding at low speeds and on slopes, Roll Compensation
is reduced, allowing for more precise control at slow speeds as well as
reducing steering drift during power on. As the rider's speed increases, Roll
Compensation increases, as well.
Beginner Setting Mount/Dismount Feature
The Segway PT LeanSteer technology was designed to provide responsive
steering. The software includes a feature to help new riders easily learn
how to mount and dismount the PT without unintentionally initiating a turn.
When the PT is in Beginner Setting and the rider has less than two of the
four Rider Detect Sensors (see "Rider Detect Sensors," p. 33) engaged, and
the PT is moving neither forward or backward, the sensitivity of the LeanSteer frame is 15% of normal operation. When the PT is in Beginner
Setting and the rider has two feet on the PT, and the PT is moving neither forward or backward, the sensitivity of the LeanSteer frame is 55%
of normal operation. As the PT's speed increases, the sensitivity of the LeanSteer frame is gradually increased.
The Beginner Setting Mount/Dismount Feature is only activated when the PT is in Beginner Setting (turtle icon displayed on Infokey Controller).
For more information on switching between Beginner Setting and Standard Setting, see "Beginner Button Functions," p. 43.
Figure 13: Riding Across a Slope
Segway PT Components and Subsystems
All Segway PT parts must be approved by Segway, and properly installed.
Never attempt to stand on a PT without the LeanSteer Frame attached and
secured. Using your PT without all parts properly installed could damage your
PT and result in serious injury from loss of control, collisions, and falls.
Do not modify the Segway PT. Modifications to the PT could interfere with the
operation of the PT, could result in serious injury and/or damage, and could
void the Segway PT Limited Warranty.
The Segway PT includes the following components and subsystems (see
• InfoKey Controller
• InfoKey Controller Dock
• LeanSteer Frame/Handlebar
• Tire/Wheel Assembly and Fenders
• Console with Charge/Balance Indicator Lights
• Mats
• Powerbase
• Batteries
Figure 14: Segway PT Components
InfoKey Controller in Dock
LeanSteer Frame
Powerbase with Batteries
Indicator Lights
Segway PT Components and Subsystems (cont.)
The PT has been designed with concern for the safety of the rider and those who may be nearby. Redundant subsystems maintain controlled
operation of the PT in the unlikely event of a component failure. If one component in a subsystem fails, the other component continues to
operate, allowing you to come to a complete and safe stop before stepping off. The PT has five redundant subsystems: Controller Boards,
Motors, Batteries, the Balance Sensor Assembly, and LeanSteer Sensors.
LeanSteer Frame/Handlebar
Ensure the following:
• The Handlebar is attached to the LeanSteer Frame.
• The LeanSteer Frame is attached to the Powerbase.
• The Handlebar is adjusted to the appropriate height.
See "Attach the LeanSteer Frame" (p. 19) for detailed installation instructions.
The LeanSteer Frame pivots at the base to control left/right direction of the PT. If you lean to the left while holding the Handlebar, the LeanSteer
Frame pivots and the PT turns left. If you lean to the right while holding the handlebar, the LeanSteer Frame pivots and the PT turns right.
Always lean left or right in coordination with the LeanSteer Frame.
Tire/Wheel Assembly and Fenders
Ensure that Tires are inflated to the proper tire inflation pressure as specified in "Segway PT Specifications" (p. 12).
Tires and Wheels are shipped as an assembly. Do not remove the Tire from the Wheel.
The Fenders on the PT are designed to protect the rider from debris and to safeguard the rider while leaning into turns.
Do not remove fenders or ride a Segway PT that has its fenders removed. Doing so could result in loss of control and/or serious personal injury.
The Powerbase consists of the following parts:
• Mats/Console
• Rider Detect Sensors
• Controller Boards
• Motors
• Balance Sensor Assembly
• Running Lights
Your PT comes with two Mats installed. These Mats protect the Rider Detect
Sensors located beneath them, as well as provide a comfortable surface on
which to stand. Mats should be secured in place prior to riding.
For more information, see "Remove/Install the Mats" (p. 114).
The Console is located behind the LeanSteer Frame and between the two
There are two sets of Indicator lights on the Console (see Figure 15):
• Balance Indicator lights provide visual feedback about whether or
not the PT is ready for you to step on.
• Charge Indicator lights provide Battery charge status information
for the PT Batteries when the Segway PT is plugged into AC power.
Figure 15: Console Indicator Lights
Indicator lights
Charge Indicator lights
Front Running lights
Rear Running lights
Segway PT Components and Subsystems (cont.)
Balance Indicator Lights
Five Balance Indicator lights are located on the Console. These lights provide
visual feedback about the balancing status of the PT, and help the rider de-
termine when it is safe to step onto the Mats (see Figure 16).
Table 3 describes the Balance Indicator light patterns, and the correspond-
ing balance status of the PT.
Red Balance Indicator lights indicate that the Powerbase or LeanSteer Frame
are tilted, and the PT is not ready to be stepped on:
• One red left or right Balance Indicator light
Pivot the LeanSteer Frame in the opposite direction of the red light,
until the LeanSteer Frame is vertical, and the red Balance Indicator
lights are replaced by one green Balance Indicator light in the center.
• One red front or rear Balance Indicator light
Tilt the Powerbase in the opposite direction of the red light, until the
Powerbase is level, and the red Balance Indicator lights are replaced
by one green Balance Indicator light in the center.
• Two adjacent red Balance Indicator lights
Move both the LeanSteer Frame and the Powerbase in the opposite
direction of the lights until the red Balance Indicator lights are re-
placed by one green Balance Indicator light in the center.
• Five red Balance Indicator lights
Ensure LeanSteer Frame is vertical, Powerbase is level, Wheels
are not moving, and wait until the red Balance Indicator lights are
replaced by one green Balance Indicator light in the center.
Figure 16: Balance Indicator Lights
Green Balance Indicator lights indicate that the PT is ready to be stepped on,
or that a rider is already on:
• One green Balance Indicator light in the center
The PT is in Standby Mode, ready for the rider to step on.
• Five green Balance Indicator lights pulsing
The PT is in Riderless Balance Mode, ready for the rider to step on.
• Four green Balance Indicator lights rotating
The PT is in Balance Mode with a rider on.
Balance Mode/Riderless Balance Mode
You ride your PT in Balance Mode. In this mode, the PT detects when you lean
forward or backward, or tilt the LeanSteer Frame left or right, and it moves its
Wheels in response to your movements. The PT also has a Riderless Balance
Mode, which allows you to slowly move the PT when you are not riding it. Step
down off the PT, and walk with your PT in Riderless Balance Mode to move
around obstacles, stairs, or terrain that is difficult to navigate or dangerous
to rider over. When the PT is in Riderless Balance Mode, it is important to
hold onto the Handlebar to prevent the PT from moving on its own.
You know your PT is in Balance Mode or Riderless Balance Mode when the
Balance Indicator lights on the forward part of the Console are pulsing
or rotating green and your InfoKey Controller displays a happy face. For
information on how to put your PT into Balance Mode, see “Riding Your
Segway PT, p. 61.
Segway PT Status Light Pattern
Not Ready.
Do not step on.
Off: No Balance Indicator lights
are illuminated.
Red: One or more Balance
Indicator lights are red.
Step on.
(Riderless Balance
Green: Only the center Balance
Indicator light is green. All four
other lights are not illuminated.
Green: All five Balance Indicator
lights are pulsing green.
Table 3: Balance Indicator Light Patterns
Segway PT Components and Subsystems (cont.)
Battery Charge Indicator Lights
Two Battery Charge Indicator lights on the Console indicate the charge
status of the Batteries when the PT is plugged in. The front Battery Charge
Indicator light corresponds to the front Battery and the rear Battery Charge
Indicator light corresponds to the rear Battery (see Figure 17).
For more information, see "Battery Charge Indicator Lights" (p. 89).
Figure 17: Battery Charge Indicator Lights
Rider Detect Sensors
To prevent a riderless PT from traveling on its own, never let go of it while it is
in Balance Mode. It will travel some distance on its own before shutting down,
risking injury to others and damage to the PT.
Never place anything on the Mats, except your feet. Doing so could interfere
with the Rider Detect Sensors and allow the PT to travel on its own, risking
running into a person or property, and causing injury or damage.
The PT has four sensors located beneath the Mats. Rider Detect Sensors
detect the presence or absence of a rider while the PT is powered on.
When your feet are properly positioned on the Mats, all four Rider Detect sen-
sors depress, allowing the PT to operate normally in Balance Mode.
If fewer than three Rider Detect sensors are depressed while riding, the PT
reduces the top speed limit regardless of whether Beginner Setting is enabled
or not. Once your feet are properly positioned again, the PT regains full per-
If the PT is moved too quickly while in Balance Mode and none of the Rider
Detect Sensors are depressed, the PT will give the Stick Shake Warning before
exiting Balance Mode and transitioning to Standby Mode.
Figure 18: Rider Detect Sensors
Rider Detect Sensors
Segway PT Components and Subsystems (cont.)
Controller Boards
The two Controller Boards receive input from the PT’s Batteries, Motors, Rider
Detect Sensors, LeanSteer Sensors, rate, and tilt sensors. Based on this input,
the Controller Boards send commands to the Motors that turn the Wheels.
If the system senses a malfunction in a critical component or a Battery that is
depleted beyond its safe limit, the PT will perform a Safety Shutdown.
For more information on Safety Shutdown, see "Safety Shutdown" (p. 57).
Figure 19: Controller Board Location
Each Wheel is independently driven by redundant, high-speed electric Motors
that are quiet and efficient. Each Motor is computer controlled to precisely
regulate the PT’s motion.
Each Motor is wound as two separate electrical circuits, capable of indepen-
dent operation, acting as one mechanical entity. If either winding in a Motor
fails, the PT will perform a Safety Shutdown.
For more information on Safety Shutdown, see "Safety Shutdown" (p. 57).
Figure 20: Motor Location
Segway PT Components and Subsystems (cont.)
Balance Sensor Assembly
The Balance Sensor Assembly contains five angular rate sensors (solid state
gyroscopes) and two tilt sensors. The Balance Sensor Assembly sends infor-
mation about the PT’s orientation to the Controller Boards. All sensors are
constantly monitored by the PT to ensure each is operating correctly. If one
of these sensors fails, the PT will perform a Safety Shutdown.
For more information on Safety Shutdown, see "Safety Shutdown" (p. 57).
Figure 21: Balance Sensor Assembly Location
Running Lights
The PT Running Lights, located at the front and rear of the Powerbase (see
Figure 22), are intended to make the PT and rider more visible to others in
low-light conditions. The Running Lights turn on automatically and stay on
until the PT is powered down.
PT Running Lights are not user-serviceable; if there are any problems with
the Running Lights, contact your Segway dealer.
To ride safely, you must be able to clearly see what is in front of you and you
must be clearly visible to others.
Figure 22: Running Lights
The two PT Batteries are sealed units (when properly installed) that require
no maintenance other than proper charging and storage. The Batteries are
interchangeable and can each be installed in either the front or rear of the
Powerbase. For the PT to operate, both Batteries must be installed, and both
must be of the same chemistry/manufacture type. If one Battery fails or is
depleted beyond its safe limit, the PT will perform a Safety Shutdown.
For more information on Safety Shutdown, see "Safety Shutdown" (p. 57).
Figure 23: Battery Location
The InfoKey Controller
This chapter describes how the InfoKey Controller works. It includes:
• A description of the InfoKey Controller and its display, buttons and
icons, and functionality.
InfoKey Controller
Use the InfoKey Controller to operate and monitor your PT. The InfoKey Con-
troller has four buttons around the outer edge and a display in the center.
The InfoKey Controller must be within 15 ft. (5 m) in order to communicate
with your PT.
InfoKey Controller Buttons
The InfoKey buttons allow you to select PT functions and scroll through vari-
ous information.
Power/Standby Button
Information Display ButtonBeginner Button
Security Button
Figure 24: InfoKey Controller Buttons
Button Description
Allows you to power the PT on and off and switch from Balance Mode to Standby Mode. (p. 42)
Allows you to toggle the Beginner Setting on and off and illuminate the Backlight. (p. 43)
Allows you to scroll through information including time, date, speed, average speed, trip distance, and odometer.
Allows you to set time, speed/distance format, date, and reset the average speed and trip distances. (p. 44)
Allows you to activate the security function (alarm). (p. 47)
Table4:InfoKeyControllerButtons (refer to Figure24)
InfoKey Controller (cont.)
InfoKey Controller Display
The InfoKey Controller display provides status information such as messages
and warnings, through various icons (see Figure 25 and Table 5).
Figure 25: InfoKey Controller Display/Icons
Warning Icon
Information Display
(time, distance, speed, etc.)
Wrench Icon
Rider Detect Error Icon
Face Icons
InfoKey Controller
Link Signal Icon
AC Power Icon
Low Battery
Segway PT
Battery Gauge
Security Icon
Beginner Icon
Icon Description
Information Display
Displays time, date, speed, average speed, trip distance, and odometer. (p. 44)
Indicates a system fault that requires service; also displayed during a Safety Shutdown. (p. 132)
A series of face icons display to indicate status. You may see a happy, sad, or neutral face depending on
the current status of the PT.
Indicates the security function is activated. (p. 47)
Indicates Beginner Setting is enabled (top speed and turning sensitivity set at lower rates). (p. 43)
InfoKey Controller
Link Signal
Indicates the InfoKey Controller has detected the PT. The InfoKey Controller must be within 15 ft. (5 m)
in order to communicate with the PT.
Rider Detect Error
Displays if any two of the four Rider Detect Sensors (two located beneath each Mat) are not depressed
while you are riding. Displays in Standby Mode if you attempt to step onto a PT that is not ready to ride,
and displays at startup if there is any weight on the Mats. (p. 33)
AC Power
Indicates the PT is plugged in to AC power. (p. 87)
InfoKey Controller
Low Battery
Indicates the InfoKey Controller battery must be replaced. (p. 115)
Segway PT
Battery Gauge
Indicates the amount of power remaining in the PT Batteries. (p. 90)
Indicates a warning condition caused by factors such as aggressive riding, system operating outside of
temperature range, rider lifting foot off of Mat, etc.
Table 5: InfoKey Controller Icons
InfoKey Controller (cont.)
Power/Standby Button Functions
The following functions can be performed using the Power/Standby button.
Powering On and Off
To power on the PT:
1. Stand no more than 15 ft. (5 m) from your PT.
2. To power on, tap the Power/Standby button.
3. To power off, press the Power/Standby button for 2 seconds.
The PT will only power off when no Rider Detect Sensors are depressed (when there is no weight on the Mats).
Switching to Standby Mode from Balance Mode
1. Ensure the PT is powered on and in Balance Mode.
2. To switch to Standby Mode, tap the Power/Standby button.
3. Confirm that there is no face in the Display and that no Balance Indicator Lights are flashing.
If all four Balance Indicator lights are green and flashing, the PT is still in Balance Mode. The PT will only switch to Standby mode when no Rider
Detect Sensors are depressed (when there is no weight on the Mats).
See "Balance Mode/Riderless Balance Mode" for more information (p. 31).
NOTE: If the InfoKey Controller display becomes blank while the PT is being ridden, simply tap the Power/Standby button to refresh the
display. The PT will stay in Balance Mode, allowing full and proper operation.
Beginner Button Functions
The following functions can be performed using the Beginner button.
Enabling and Disabling the Beginner Setting
1. To disable the Beginner Setting, confirm that the Beginner icon (turtle) is displayed, then tap the Beginner button. The Beginner icon
will no longer show in the Display.
2. To enable the Beginner Setting, confirm that the Beginner icon is not displayed, then tap the Beginner button. The Beginner icon will
show in the Display.
See "Unlocking and Locking the Beginner Setting" (p. 48) for more information.
The PT will only accept these commands when no Rider Detect Sensors are depressed (when there is no weight on the Mats).
Illuminating the Backlight
1. Press and hold the Beginner button to illuminate the Backlight.
2. Release the Beginner button to turn off the Backlight.
InfoKey Controller (cont.)
Information Display Button Functions
The following functions can be performed using the Information Display Button.
Scrolling Through Information
Tap the Information Display button to scroll through the following information:
• Time
• Date
• Current speed
The speed/distance format flashes.
• Average speed
The speed/distance format does not flash; all trips are averaged until you reset the average speed function.
• Trip distance
The speed/distance format flashes, and shows distance traveled.
• Odometer
The speed/distance format does not flash, and shows total distance traveled on the Segway PT.
After replacing the InfoKey Battery, all information will revert to default. Trip distance/average speed will reset to "0." Odometer will not reset.
Setting and Resetting Information
The following procedures are covered in this section:
• Setting time format, hour and minute
• Setting speed/distance format, date format, year, month, and day
• Resetting average speed
• Resetting trip distance
Setting Time Format, Hour, and Minute
1. Set Time Format (12- or 24-hour Clock)
Tap the Information Display button until the time displays. Press and hold the Information Display button until the time format
segment flashes either "12" or "24." Select the 12- or 24-hour format by tapping the Security button until the desired format is
displayed. Release the Information Display button. Tap the Information Display button to confirm and advance to the hour setting.
2. Set Hour
Select the hour by tapping the Security button until the desired hour is displayed. Press and hold the Security button to fast-advance
hours. Tap the Information Display button to confirm and advance to the minute setting.
3. Set Minute
Select the minute by tapping the Security button until the desired minute is displayed. Press and hold the Security button to fast-
advance minutes. Tap the Information Display button to confirm the time setting. The time is now set.
Setting Speed/Distance Format, Date Format, Year, Month, and Day
1. Set Speed/Distance Format (MI or KM)
Tap the Information Display button until you see the month/day or day/month alternating with the year. Press and hold the
Information Display button until the MI/h or KM/h shows in the display. Release the Information Display button. Select the MI/h or
KM/h format by tapping the Security button until the desired format is displayed. Tap the Information Display button to confirm and
advance to the date format setting.
InfoKey Controller (cont.)
Setting Speed/Distance Format, Date Format, Year, Month, and Day (cont.)
2. Set Date Format (MO.DA or DA.MO)
Select the MO.DA (Month.Day) or DA.MO (Day.Month) format by tapping the Security button until the desired format is displayed.
Tap the Information Display button to confirm and advance to the year setting.
3. Set Year
Select the year by tapping the Security button until the desired year is displayed. Press and hold the Security button to fast-advance
years. Tap the Information Display button to confirm and advance to the month setting.
4. Set Month
Select the month by tapping the Security button until the desired month is displayed. Press and hold the Security button to fast-
advance months. Tap the Information Display button to confirm and advance to the day setting.
5. Set Day
Select the day by tapping the Security button until the desired day is displayed. Press and hold the Security button to fast-advance
days. Tap the Information Display button to confirm speed/distance format, date format, year, month, and day. These are now set.
Setting Speed Limits and Shutdown Timeout
Speed Limit:
Press and hold the Information Display button until the odometer is shown on the screen. Then, hold the Information Display button for about
two (2) seconds, until you see the Beginner ("SPD1") speed limit. The InfoKey controller screen will alternate between "SPD1" and the current
Beginner speed limit setting. Tapping the Security button will show the next available speed limit. Beginner Setting speed limit options range
from 4.0 mph to 8.0 mph in 0.5 mph increments. Once your preferred Beginner Setting speed limit is shown on the screen, press the Informa-
tion Display button again to save the Beginner Setting speed limit. The Infokey controller screen will now alternate between "SPD2" (Standard
Setting) and the current Standard speed limit. Tapping the Security button will show the next available speed limit. Standard Setting speed
limit options range from 4.0 mph to 12.5 mph in 0.5 mph increments. Once your Standard Setting speed limit is shown on the screen, press the
Information Display button again to save the Standard Setting speed limit. The Infokey controller screen will now alternate between the current
Shutdown Timeout setting and "-OFF".
Shutdown Timeout:
Shutdown timeout is the period of time the PT will remain powered on in standby mode. Tapping the Security button will cycle through the
available shutdown timeouts: 4 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes. Pressing the Information Display button will save your
selected timout setting and return the InfoKey controller to normal operation. Your Speed Limit and Shutdown timeout settings will now be
activated the next time you power on your PT.
Resetting Average Speed
Tap the Information Display button until you see the average speed ("MI/h" or "KM/h" does not flash). Press and hold the Information Display
button until average speed resets to "0.0."
Resetting Trip Distance
Tap the Information Display button until you see your trip distance ("MI" or "KM" flashes). Press and hold the Information Display button until
the trip odometer resets to "0.0."
Security Button Functions
The following functions can be performed using the Security Button.
Enabling and Disabling the Security Function
1. To enable the Security Function, tap the Security button. The Security icon (lock) will show in the Display.
2. To disable the Security Function, tap the Security button. The Security icon (lock) will no longer show in the Display.
The PT will only accept these commands when no Rider Detect Sensors are depressed (when there is no weight on the Mats).
The Security Function includes an alarm and a mechanism that makes it difficult to move your PT and discourages tampering. The best way to
deter theft of your PT is to keep it in a secure indoor location with the InfoKey Controller stored separately. If you must leave your PT unattended
in a location that is not secure, enable the Security Function and remain within audible range so you can respond, should the alarm sound.
InfoKey Controller (cont.)
Button Combination Functions
The following functions require you to simultaneously push a combination of InfoKey Controller buttons.
Unlocking and Locking the Beginner Setting
For your first ride, the PT is set to operate exclusively with the Beginner Setting enabled. If the Beginner icon (turtle) does not display, do NOT
ride the PT until you enable the Beginner Setting. The PT ships from the factory with the Beginner Setting locked, to encourage new riders to
learn using the Beginner Setting.
To unlock the Beginner Setting:
1. Power on the PT.
2. Press and hold the Beginner Button and the Information Display Button simultaneously for more than 10 seconds. The Information
Display button will flash.
3. Make sure the PT has not entered Balance Mode.
4. Confirm that the Beginner icon (turtle) toggles when the Beginner button is tapped.
Once the Beginner Setting is unlocked, you can toggle the Beginner Setting on or off by tapping the Beginner button.
To lock the Beginner Setting:
1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 above.
2. Confirm that the Beginner icon (turtle) is showing on the InfoKey Display.
3. Test the lock by tapping the Beginner button and confirming that the Beginner icon remains showing in the InfoKey Display.
Activating the Training Safety Shutdown
Before you demonstrate a Safety Shutdown for training purposes, you must
read "Safety Shutdown" (p. 57) and watch the Safety Video.
The purpose of demonstrating a Safety Shutdown is to introduce the rider to
the experience while in a predictable, controlled environment with a spotter.
1. Make sure the PT is in Balance Mode.
2. The rider should stand on the Mats with the PT remaining stationary.
3. The spotter should firmly hold the PT, ready to keep it steady and
stationary when the Safety Shutdown begins.
4. A third person should hold the InfoKey Controller, and confirm that
both the rider and the spotter are ready.
5. The third person may then press and hold both the Information Dis-
play button and the Power/Standby button simultaneously until the
Safety Shutdown initiates. Figure 26 shows the InfoKey Controller
display during a training Safety Shutdown.
6. The spotter must continue holding the PT so it does not move.
7. The rider must step off the PT before 10 seconds elapse.
In a non-training Safety Shutdown, the rider has approximately 10 seconds
from the start of the Safety Shutdown to come to a controlled stop and step
off. After 10 seconds, the PT will immediately shut down when the Wheels
reach zero speed.
Figure 26: InfoKey Controller Display During Training Safety Shutdown
Information Display button
Power/Standby button
Safety Alerts
This chapter describes the Segway PT’s safety alerts. The safety alerts include:
• Speed Limiter
• Stick Shake Warning
• Safety Shutdown
It is important that you recognize these alerts and know how to respond appropriately before you ride your PT.
Read and follow all the instructions in the User Manual and watch the Safety Video for important safety information about the Speed Limiter,
Stick Shake, and Safety Shutdown safety alerts.
Not every safety issue triggers an alert. For additional safety tips and guidelines, see "Avoiding Hazards" (p. 62).
Speed Limiter
When you approach the maximum allowed speed, the PT’s Speed Limiter will
push the Handlebar back to slow you down (see Figure 27).
Riding against the Handlebar can cause loss of control, collisions, falls, and
The PT’s Speed Limiter is an alert that you are moving too fast! When the
Speed Limiter pushes the Handlebar back, stop leaning forward and slow
down. Always leave a gap between yourself and the Handlebar as shown in
Figure28. Once you slow to a speed that the PT determines is safe, it will
resume normal operation and riding position.
The speed at which the Speed Limiter pushes the Handlebar back depends
on a variety of factors including riding style, terrain, payload, whether or not
the Beginner Setting is enabled, Battery condition, foot positioning, and other
Figure 27: Speed Limiter
Figure 28: Gap Between Rider and Handlebar
Conditions that may cause the Speed Limiter to activate when you are travel-
ing at less than the maximum speed allowed for your operating mode include:
• Riding up or down a steep hill
• Riding on bumpy terrain
• Riding with fewer than three Rider Detect Sensors depressed
• The first few seconds after you power on and step on the Powerbase
• Low Battery charge
• Batteries that are too hot or too cold
• Riding down a hill with fully charged Batteries
Because of regenerative charging, if the Batteries are fully charged, the PT will
activate the Speed Limiter to avoid overcharging.
Table 6 shows the icons that display on the InfoKey Controller when the
Speed Limiter is engaged at a speed lower than the top speed set by the In-
foKey Controller. This table also describes the error that has occurred and the
recommended action you should take.
Table 6: Speed Limiter
Display Icon Description Recommended
The PT is
at reduced
levels due to
a temporary
The speed
limit has been
lowered until
the condition
When the Speed
Limiter pushes
the Handlebar
back, stop
leaning forward
and slow down.
Always leave a
gap between
yourself and the
Stick Shake Warning
One of the ways that the PT notifies you when you are at risk of falling is by
shaking the Handlebar and making growling noises. This is called the Stick
Shake Warning. The Stick Shake Warning can occur in conjunction with, or
independent of the Speed Limiter and Safety Shutdown alert, depending on
your riding situation (see Figure 29).
Rider On
If the Stick Shake Warning occurs while riding, slow down. If the Stick Shake
Warning persists, come to a stop and safely step off the PT. Do not attempt to
ride again until the condition that caused the persistent Stick Shake Warning
has been identified and corrected. If the Stick Shake Warning occurs while
you are stopped or stuck, step off immediately and do not attempt to ride
again until:
• You are clear of all obstacles and slopes.
• You are certain that you did not experience a Safety Shutdown.
For additional information, see "Safety Shutdown" (page 57).
Figure 29: Stick Shake Warning
When riding, the Stick Shake Warning occurs if you demand too much
power from the PT. The Stick Shake Warning can happen when riding on a
steep slope, over rough terrain, against an obstacle, or when accelerating
or decelerating abruptly. The Stick Shake Warning also occurs if you ride
backward too fast or if you try to step on the PT when it is not ready to
balance. The Stick Shake Warning is more likely to occur when your Batteries
are low, cold, heavily used, or poorly maintained because there is less energy
available to keep you balanced.
Table 7 lists possible causes of the Stick Shake Warning and recommended
actions to take when the Stick Shake Warning occurs with a Rider on the
Possible Causes Recommended Action
Riding aggressively,
accelerating or
stopping abruptly.
Ride more smoothly and slowly.
Riding against the
Leave a gap between you and the
Handlebar (p. 52).
Riding on rough
terrain or steep
Ride on smoother, flatter, less
demanding terrain. If on a slope,
turn perpendicular to the slope,
step off, and walk the PT in
Riderless Balance Mode (p. 31).
Riding against an
obstruction such as
a door frame or curb
that stops the Wheel.
Stop pushing against the
obstruction, stop the PT, step off,
and proceed by walking around
the obstruction with the PT in
Riderless Balance Mode (p. 78).
Riding backwards too
Stop, turn in place, and proceed
Safety Shutdown has
Come to a controlled stop and
safely step off the PT within 10
seconds (p. 57).
Table 7: Stick Shake Warning With a Rider on Mats
Stick Shake Warning (cont.)
Rider Off
You do not have to be riding the PT for the Stick Shake Warning to occur. The
Stick Shake Warning occurs if the PT is moved too quickly while in Riderless
Balance Mode. Riderless Balance Mode is when the PT is in Balance mode
without a rider standing on the Powerbase. The Stick Shake Warning also
occurs if the Wheels spin as you pull the PT over a curb or up stairs.
Table8 lists possible causes of the Stick Shake Warning and recommended
actions to take when the Stick Shake Warning occurs with no Rider on the
Possible Causes Recommended Action
Moving a PT too
quickly with no rider
on the Powerbase
while in Riderless
Balance Mode.
When moving your PT in Rider-
less Balance Mode, you must
move slowly and carefully. Always
keep the PT below you (lead it up
stairs or slopes and keep it below
you when descending stairs or
slopes) (p. 78).
Stepping on the PT
when it is powered
on, but not ready for
you to step on.
Step off, center the LeanSteer
Frame, and level the Powerbase.
Once the center Balance Indica-
tor light turns green (p. 69), step
on again.
Safety Shutdown
Do not get back on the Segway PT after a Safety Shutdown until the condition
that caused the Safety Shutdown has been identified and corrected.
Never restart and ride your Segway PT after it has indicated an empty Battery
condition or performed Safety Shutdown due to low Battery. The PT may not
have enough power to keep you balanced, especially if you demand a lot of
power at once. If you restart and continue riding, you risk falling. Also, you
risk damaging your Batteries, resulting in reduced Battery life and capacity.
If the PT detects a fault in any of its redundant systems or a Battery is
depleted beyond its safe limit, it performs a Safety Shutdown (Figure 30).
When a Safety Shutdown occurs, the PT automatically reduces its speed,
gives the Stick Shake Warning (shakes the Handlebar and makes growling
noises), flashes the Balance Indicator lights, emits a warning tone, and the
InfoKey Controller displays an unhappy face.
You have approximately 10 seconds from the start of a Safety Shutdown
to come to a controlled stop and step off. After 10 seconds, the PT will
immediately shut down when the Wheels reach zero speed.
If a Safety Shutdown occurs:
1. Immediately come to a controlled stop.
2. Carefully step off one foot at a time.
Figure 30: Safety Shutdown
Safety Shutdown (cont.)
Theft detection systems, such as the type used in some libraries and retail
stores can interfere with the Segway PT’s ability to balance and/or cause the
PT to perform a Safety Shutdown. Do not ride within 5 feet (1.5 meters) of
any theft detection system.
Table 9 shows the InfoKey Controller icon that displays when a Safety
Shutdown occurs. The table also describes the recommended action you
should take.
Figure 31: Security Systems
Display Icon Description Recommended Action
The system has detected a fault
and is slowing to zero speed
before shutdown (full PT Battery
charge level shown).
If a Safety Shutdown occurs:
1. Immediately come to a controlled stop.
2. Carefully step off one foot at a time. You have approximately
10 seconds from the start of the Safety Shutdown to come to a
controlled stop and step off the Powerbase.
Do not resume use of your PT after a Safety Shutdown has occurred
until you have identified and corrected the condition that caused it.
See "Troubleshooting the Segway PT" (p. 119).
Table 9: Safety Shutdown
Empty Battery Condition
The PT notifies you of a pending empty Battery condition before starting a Safety Shutdown. An unhappy face icon displays on the InfoKey
Controller, the PT’s speed is limited, and the PT emits a warning tone.
Whenever the PT notifies you of a pending empty Battery condition, come to a controlled stop and safely step off of the PT before the Safety
Shutdown begins.
Table 10 shows the InfoKey Controller icon that displays when a pending empty Battery notification occurs. The table also describes the
recommended action you should take.
In some cases, old, cold, heavily used, or poorly maintained Batteries may develop a high resistance condition. This can cause a pending
empty Battery condition to occur even if the Batteries were recently charged.
Display Icon Description Recommended Action
The system has detected and
notified you of a pending empty
Battery condition (empty PT
Battery charge level shown).
Come to a controlled stop and safely step off of the PT before the
Safety Shutdown begins. Do not resume use of your PT until you have
charged the Batteries.
Table 10: Empty Battery Condition
Riding Your Segway PT
This section describes how to ride the Segway PT. It discusses riding for the first time and gives guidelines and helpful hints for all rides. Follow
these steps to learn to ride your PT. It is important that you practice riding in a controlled, familiar environment until you are comfortable using
your PT and InfoKey Controller.
Before riding, make sure your PT is assembled and charged. See "Assembling Your Segway PT" (p. 17), and "Charging Your Batteries" (p. 87).
Inspect your PT before each use (see "Pre-Ride Checklist" on the inside back cover of this manual). Do not ride if any part is loose, damaged,
or if the Tires are not properly inflated. See "Maintaining Your Segway PT" (p. 97). Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry that could get caught
in the PT.
Riding Form
Your posture and stance affect your ability to ride safely:
• Be alert. Scan both far ahead and in front of the Wheels—your eyes are your best tool for safely avoiding obstacles and slippery sur-
• Keep a firm grip on the Handlebar, your legs loose, and knees and elbows bent. This helps you maintain your balance over rough terrain.
• Leave a gap between yourself and the Handlebar. Do not lean over or into the Handlebar. Leaning over or into the Handlebar dramati-
cally increases the risk of collisions, falls, and loss of control.
• Keep your feet centered on the Mats.
• Practice controlled stopping.
• Keep your body aligned with the LeanSteer Frame and lean into turns.
• Point the LeanSteer Frame in the direction you want to travel.
• Make sure the Handlebar is set to the correct height. See "Adjust the Handlebar Height" (p. 21).
Avoiding Hazards
The PT is highly maneuverable and allows you to easily navigate around ob-
stacles. However, to prevent the loss of traction, you must always be care-
ful when riding and learn to identify and avoid slippery, icy, or wet surfaces,
loose materials (sand/gravel), steep slopes, and obstacles. Stop and step off
your PT and use Riderless Balance Mode (p. 79) to move your PT over unsafe
surfaces or terrain.
Avoiding Slips
The PT Tires must be able to grip the ground for the machine to stay upright!
Slips occur when the tires lose traction, potentially causing loss of control and
a fall. Abrupt maneuvers, and riding over slippery surfaces, loose objects and
materials, or steep slopes can cause the tires to lose traction.
• Avoid abrupt maneuvers, such as fast stopping or starting.
• Avoid riding on slippery surfaces such as snow, ice, wet floors, wet
grass, or any other surface that might cause slipping.
• Avoid riding over loose objects or materials such as small branches,
litter, or small stones.
• Use caution when riding over any terrain change such as pavement
to grass, or over a threshold or speed bump.
• Avoid riding on steep slopes. Maintain Tire contact with the ground.
Figure 32: Navigate Around Obstacles
Figure 33: Avoid Slips
Avoiding Trips
Trips occur when the PT’s Wheels or Powerbase encounter an obstacle or ter-
rain change that prevents the PT from moving, bringing it to an abrupt stop
and potentially causing a fall.
• Avoid holes, curbs, steps, and other obstacles.
• Avoid riding over any surface where the bottom of the PT may strike
any object.
• Use caution when riding over any terrain change such as pavement
to grass, or over a threshold or speed bump.
Avoiding Tips
The PT balances front to back but not side-to-side. You are responsible for
maintaining side-to-side balance by leaning into turns. If you fail to actively
maintain this side-to-side balance, the PT can tip sideways and fall.
• Avoid riding across steep slopes.
• Lean into turns and lean uphill when riding across gentle slopes.
• Keep the LeanSteer Frame vertical when riding across a slope.
• Avoid turning on slopes or ramps.
• Never let go of the Handlebar when riding across a slope. The PT will
turn downhill and you could lose your balance.
Figure 34: Avoid Trips
Figure 35: Lean Uphill on Slopes
• Stay centered on narrow sidewalks or elevated paths.
• Avoid turning when maneuvering backward.
• Make sure that one Wheel does not drop off a curb.
Figure 36: Do Not Drop a Wheel off a Curb
Step 1: Preparing for Your Ride
To prepare for your first ride:
1. Select an appropriate area for your first ride. This area may be
indoors or outdoors and should measure at least 12 feet by 12 feet
(4 meters by 4 meters). It must have a level, smooth riding surface
with good traction and should be free of obstructions and away
from vehicles, bicycles, pets, small children, and other distractions.
2. You will need a spotter who has studied all the instructions and
warnings in this manual and the Safety Video to help you and assist
you with the instructions.
3. Put on your helmet and fasten and adjust the chin strap in
accordance with the helmet manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Move the PT to the center of the riding area.
5. Adjust the Handlebar height. See "Adjust the Handlebar Height"
(p. 21).
6. Familiarize yourself with the icons that may be displayed on the
InfoKey Controller. See "Using the InfoKey Controller" (p. 41).
Figure 37: First Ride Requires a Spotter
Figure 38: ALWAYS Wear a Helmet!
Step 2: Powering On the Segway PT
Using the InfoKey Controller, power on your PT by pressing the Power/
Standby button. The Power/Standby button is located on the bottom left-
hand side of the InfoKey Controller.
You will hear a tone from the PT and the Balance Indicator lights will illuminate
to indicate the power is ON and the PT is in Standby Mode.
Do not step onto the PT yet! The PT is powered on, but is not balancing.
Figure 40: Balance Indicator Lights
Balance Indicator lights
Figure 39: Powering On the PT
Power/Standby button
Step 3: Confirming the Beginner Setting
Ensure the Beginner Setting is enabled by confirming the Turtle icon is dis-
played on the InfoKey Controller.
For your first ride, the Segway PT is set to operate exclusively with the
Beginner Setting enabled. If the Turtle icon does not display, DO NOT ride the
PT until you enable the Beginner Setting. See "InfoKey Controller Buttons
and Display" (p. 39).
For additional information on what to do if you do not see the Turtle icon
on the InfoKey Controller, see "Unlocking and Locking the Beginner Setting"
(p. 48).
Do not step onto the PT yet! The PT is powered on, but is not balancing.
Figure 41: Confirm the Beginner Setting
Beginner button
Turtle icon
Step 4: Before Stepping On
The Segway PT is on, but it is not balancing. While standing behind the PT,
center the Handlebar and level the Powerbase. Use the Balance Indicator
lights to help you. If any of the four outer Balance Indicator lights are red, tilt
the Powerbase or Handlebar in the opposite direction of the light(s). When
the PT is ready to enter Balance Mode, the center Balance Indicator light
will light up green. Make sure your InfoKey Controller is installed in the Dock
prior to stepping on.
When the center Balance Indicator light is green, the PT is in Riderless
Balance Mode, ready for you to step onto the Mats (see Table 3: Balance
Indicator Light Patterns, p. 31).
Figure 42: Ensure Balance Indicator is Green
Step 5: Stepping On
Before you attempt to step on for the first time:
• Have your spotter stand in front of the PT, face you, and hold the
Handlebar securely with both hands. Your spotter should be pre-
pared to firmly hold the PT to keep it from moving.
• Remember, the PT will move forward, backward or turn if you move
the Handlebar. Avoid pushing, pulling, or leaning the Handlebar as
you step on.
• Confirm the center Balance Indicator light is green.
To step onto the PT:
1. Hold the Handlebar with both hands.
2. Place just one foot on the Mat.
3. Slowly transfer your weight to your foot on the Mat. As you step up,
look forward and not down.
4. Slowly, while not moving the Handlebar, raise your back foot off the
ground and place it on the Mat. Stay calm and relaxed. Look forward.
Some people rock back and forth involuntarily when they step on.
5. If you feel unstable, step off the PT, one foot at a time, and pause
before stepping back on. The spotter should continue holding firmly
the entire time, and be prepared to keep the PT from moving as you
step on or off.
Figure 43: Stepping On
Step 5: Stepping On (cont.)
Figure44 shows the displays that appear on the Console and the InfoKey
Controller as you step onto the PT.
Keep the Powerbase level to remain stationary. The correct position for stand-
ing in place is shown in Figure45.
Figure 45: Keep the Powerbase Level to Remain Stationary
Figure 44: Stepping On
Ready for rider to step on the PT Rider on PT in Balance Mode
Step 6: Moving Forward and Backward
The Segway PT moves forward and backward in response to changes in your
position. When standing on the Powerbase, to move forward or backward:
1. With your spotter available to assist you, slowly lean forward and
feel the PT move forward. Then stop leaning forward and feel it slow
down and stop. Do this a few times.
Avoid rocking back and forth or shifting your weight abruptly, as this could
result in a loss of traction and cause a fall.
2. Look behind you and then slowly lean back and feel the PT move
backward. Then stop leaning back and feel it slow down and stop. Do
this a few times.
You should not ride backward except to maneuver a few feet. In-
stead, turn in place, then ride forward.
3. With your spotter standing close by, practice going forward and
backward a short distance in each direction. Be careful not to run
the Wheels into any wall or object. This could cause you to fall.
Do not turn or go fast when maneuvering backward.
Figure 46: Moving Forward and Backward
Step 7: Stopping
Stop the Segway PT by shifting your weight away from the direction you are
moving. To stop the PT:
1. When you are moving forward, gently shift your hips back (as if you
are preparing to sit down) to bring the PT to a stop.
2. Once stopped, center your weight over the Powerbase to remain sta-
tionary. If you continue to lean back, you will move backward.
3. Practice choosing a spot on the ground, and coming to a smooth
controlled stop at that spot. Then remain stationary.
Use a sit-down motion to stop, by keeping your shoulders aligned over your
hips and shifting your weight backward.
Always perform a controlled stop. Avoid abrupt stops. Come to a controlled
stop by gently shifting your weight away from the direction of movement.
Avoid abrupt stops and slippery surfaces. Stopping abruptly, especially on
slippery surfaces, can cause the Segway PT's Tires to lose traction, causing
you to fall.
Figure 47: Stopping
Step 8: Turning
The Segway PT turns in the direction that you lean the Handlebar. You turn
the PT by leaning the Handlebar left or right.
Turning In Place
First, practice turning in place. To turn in place, slowly pivot the Handlebar
to the side in the direction that you want to turn. The PT will rotate in that
direction, turning in place. Practice turning to the right and to the left using
this technique.
Turning While Moving
After you are comfortable going forward and backward and turning in place,
try slowly riding forward and turning at the same time. Keep your knees
slightly bent and lean in the direction of the turn in coordination with the angle
of the LeanSteer Frame. Keep your body aligned with the LeanSteer Frame
while turning. Because abrupt turns may have unintended consequences,
always lean into turns slowly and smoothly.
Figure 48: Turning In Place
Figure 49: Turning While Moving
Step 9: Stepping Off
When you are ready to step off the Segway PT for the first time, your spotter
should hold the Handlebar.
Remain stationary by keeping your weight centered over the Wheels and
Powerbase and keep the Handlebar vertical. To step off the PT:
1. Without leaning backward or to the side, step off the PT, one foot
at a time.
Be careful not to pull back or turn the Handlebar while you are stepping off
the Segway PT.
2. After you have stepped off, continue to hold the Handlebar in place.
If you let go, the PT will roll forward and can potentially cause injury
or damage.
3. When you step off, the PT enters Riderless Balance Mode. In
Riderless Balance Mode, the PT moves forward, backward and turns
in response to how you move the Handlebar. Use Riderless Balance
Mode to move the PT over curbs or terrain where it is unsafe or
undesirable to ride.
Figure 51 shows the Balance Indicator lights and the InfoKey Controller
display as you step off the PT.
If you move too fast in Riderless Balance Mode, the PT will give the Stick
Shake Warning and transition to Standby Mode.
Figure 50: Stepping Off
Figure 51: Transitioning to Riderless Balance Mode (Stepping Off)
Rider ON PT in Balance Mode Rider OFF PT (Riderless Balance Mode)
Step 10: Securing Your Segway PT
The Segway PT provides a Security function in case you need to leave your PT
unattended. The Security function includes an alarm and uses the motors to
make it difficult to move your PT.
The best way to discourage tampering with your PT is to keep it in a secure
indoor location with the InfoKey Controller stored separately. The Security
function is intended for use when you remain in the general area of the PT,
and are able to respond to an alarm. If you must leave your PT unattended in
a location that is not secure, activate the Security function with your InfoKey
Controller and use a lock. To set the Security function:
1. Step off your PT.
2. Press the Security button on the InfoKey Controller.
3. The PT provides an audio indication that the Security function is ac-
tivated and a lock icon displays on the InfoKey Controller:
Be sure to take your InfoKey Controller with you (do not leave it with
the PT).
4. To deactivate the Security function, press the Security button on the
InfoKey Controller. The Lock icon on the InfoKey Controller disap-
pears and the Security function is no longer activated.
Figure 52: Securing Your Segway PT
Security button
Step 11: Powering Off the Segway PT
1. Power off the Segway PT by pressing and holding the Power/Stand-
by button on the InfoKey Controller for two seconds.
2. The display on the InfoKey Controller will show a sleepy face and the
PT will emit a tone as it powers off.
Figure 53: Powering Off The Segway PT
Power/Standby button
Practice Riding
You will need to become very familiar with your Segway PT before you
attempt to ride outside of your controlled practice environment. The more
you practice, the safer you will be when you move into new places. Remember
the following as you practice:
• Use the Beginner Setting and ride in areas free of obstacles and
distractions until you are comfortable on your PT. Practice at the
Beginner level until you can step on, ride forward and backward,
turn, stop, and step off with the same precision and confidence as
you walk.
• With practice, you should be able to ride in narrow areas. You
should also be able to ride, turn, and stop on a narrow, curving,
paved walkway.
• Until you can ride with this precision, do not attempt to ride in
any area where you might encounter children, pedestrians, pets,
vehicles, bicycles, or other obstacles and potential hazards.
• Your first rides without the Beginner Setting should be in the same
secure areas where you learned to ride with the Beginner Setting.
• Use caution when riding in new environments.
• Be careful when riding through a doorway.
• Make sure you leave enough Wheel clearance.
• Watch out for terrain transitions such as pavement and grass.
Figure 54: Riding Hazards
Practice Riding (cont.)
Navigating Terrain
With practice, you can learn to ride over many different types of terrain,
provided you avoid slippery surfaces, loose materials, steep slopes, and ob-
stacles. Always proceed slowly over unfamiliar terrain. Never allow the PT to
become airborne, even for short periods of time, because the PT has no trac-
tion when airborne, and you could lose control upon landing.
Terrain Compensation
The PT is designed to compensate for uneven terrain. When riding straight
on uneven terrain, keep the LeanSteer Frame vertical. Point the LeanSteer
Frame in the direction you want to move and allow the Powerbase to follow
the contour of the ground.
Navigating Stairs and Curbs
If the Wheels slip while guiding the Segway PT up or down stairs or curbs, the
PT may exit Riderless Balance Mode and enter Standby Mode. The PT will not
"assist" you in moving up or down the stairs while in Standby Mode. Slowly
and carefully guide your PT down the stairs. Re-enter Riderless Balance Mode
before you try again.
Keep the Segway PT below you at all times. Lead it up the stairs, curbs, and
slopes and keep it below you when descending stairs, curbs, and slopes.
Figure 55: Keep the LeanSteer Frame Vertical on Slopes
Figure 56: Navigating Stairs and Curbs
1. Step off of the Mats.
2. Check the Console and verify the PT is in Riderless Balance Mode
(see Table 3, p. 31).
3. Walk around so you are in front of the PT.
4. Carefully guide the PT to the stairs and align the Wheels perpendicu-
lar to the stairs or curb.
5. Always stand above the PT, facing the Handlebar. Gently guide the
PT up or down, one step at a time.
Riding Etiquette
User proper etiquette when riding your PT.
• Be careful and considerate of others.
• Always ride under control at a speed that is safe for you and those
around you.
• Always be prepared to stop.
• Respect pedestrians by always yielding the right of way.
• Avoid startling pedestrians. When approaching from behind, an-
nounce yourself and slow down to walking speed when passing. Pass
on the left whenever possible. When approaching a pedestrian from
the front, stay to the right and slow down.
• In heavy pedestrian traffic, slow down and proceed at the pace of
pedestrian traffic. Pass only if there is ample space to do so safely.
Do not weave in and out of pedestrian traffic.
Riding Etiquette (cont.)
• When riding with other PT riders, maintain a safe distance, identify hazards and obstacles, and do not ride side-by-side unless there is
plenty of room left for pedestrians.
• Do not park your PT in a way that blocks pedestrian traffic.
• Cross roads at designated crosswalks or signaled intersections. Do not jaywalk/ride.
• Only travel on a road when a pedestrian way is not available or when sidewalk use is not allowed. Do not ride your PT on private property
(inside or outside) unless you have obtained permission to do so.
• Learn about and obey applicable laws and regulations.
Riding Tips and Safety Guidelines Recap
The Segway PT's unique balancing ability and ease of use may lead you to become overconfident. If you exceed the ability of the PT to balance,
such as by riding over obstacles, uneven terrain, slippery surfaces, loose materials, or steep slopes, you can very quickly lose control, leading
to collisions, falls, and injury. As with any other transportation device, using a PT exposes you to risk of injury. You can reduce the risk by
following all the instructions and warnings in this Manual, but you cannot eliminate the risk.
• Read this Manual and watch the Safety Video.
• Pre-ride inspection. Inspect your PT before each use (see "Pre-Ride Checklist" on the inside back cover of this manual). Do not use if
any part is loose or damaged. If you discover any loose or damaged part, see "Troubleshooting Procedures" (p. 119).
• Do not place any objects on the Mats. This could cause the PT to move on its own when in Balance Mode, possibly damaging your PT
and rendering it unsafe for use.
• Do not allow any person to use your PT unless that person has carefully read this Manual and watched the Safety Video.
• Do not use the PT in hazardous atmospheres. The PT has not been certified for use in hazardous atmospheres as defined in NFPA
70, National Electric Code. Hazardous atmospheres are locations where fire or explosion hazards may exist due to flammable gases,
vapors, liquids, dust, or fibers.
• Wear a helmet. Whenever you ride your PT wear a helmet that fits properly with the chin strap in place. Use
an approved bicycle or skateboard helmet that provides protection for the back of your head. Depending on
riding conditions and your riding experience, consider using additional protective equipment such as gloves, eye
protection, wrist guards, and knee pads. Wear footwear that protects your feet and provides adequate support
and comfort.
• Spot new riders until they are comfortable with the basic operation of the PT. All new riders should
use the Beginner Setting. The safety of new riders is your responsibility. Do not allow anyone to
step onto the PT for the first time unless you are there to hold the Handlebar. Do not let new riders
operate the PT outside of your direct supervision unless they have read this Manual and watched
the Safety Video.
• Avoid slippery surfaces, loose materials, steep slopes, and obstacles. If you cannot avoid a slippery
surface, loose material, steep slope, or obstacle, then you must step off and use Riderless Balance
Mode to move across it. Be especially careful when riding in confined spaces or near obstructions.
• Use caution on slopes. Use caution when ascending, descending, or crossing slopes. Do not attempt
to ride across any slopes with loose material or slippery surfaces. Instead, step off and use Riderless
Balance Mode, walking with the PT held downhill from you. When riding across any slope, lean uphill to
maintain balance.
• Watch those turns! Always turn slowly and with caution. Fast turns can lead to loss of control and falls.
Lean into turns.
• Do not take risks. When you encounter a slope, uneven terrain, or other terrain
feature with which you are not experienced or that makes you at all concerned about your safety, do not
risk riding over it. Instead, step off and use Riderless Balance Mode.
• You are taller than you think. Be aware of the added height that the PT (and your helmet) gives you and
use caution when riding indoors or in the vicinity of doorways, archways, branches, signs, or other low
overhead obstacles.
Riding Tips and Safety Guidelines Recap (cont.)
• Do not wear loose clothing that can catch in the Tires and prevent proper steering.
• No passengers. The PT is for one rider. Do not ride double or carry any passengers. Do not carry a child
in your arms or in a child carrier while riding. Expectant mothers should not ride the PT.
• Do not exceed the maximum weight limit (rider and all cargo) specified in this Manual. If you exceed the
maximum weight limit, you are at greater risk of falling and injury, and damage to the PT could result.
Also, the rider's weight must not be less than the minimum rider weight limit specified in this Manual. If
you are below the minimum rider weight limit, you may not be able to ride safely because you cannot shift your weight far enough
back (behind the center line of the Wheels) to safely slow down and stop, especially when riding downhill. Riders
below the minimum weight limit might also fail to properly activate the PT's Rider Detect Sensors. For additional
information on weight limits, see "Operating Limits" (p. 14).
• Never ride on stairs or through revolving doors. Riding on stairs is extremely dangerous, as is riding on
escalators and through revolving doors.
• Do not step off a moving PT. Always come to a stop before stepping off.
• Do not ride in the dark. Do not ride the PT in low visibility conditions without a light. To ride safely, you must be able to clearly see
what is in front of you and you must be clearly visible to others.
• Be alert. As with any other transportation device, you must be mentally alert to safely ride a PT. Do not attempt to ride if you are ill
or if you cannot comply fully with the instructions and warnings in this Manual. Do not ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Avoid distractions. Do not use a mobile phone, listen to headphones, or engage in any other activity that might distract you or
interfere with your ability to monitor your surroundings while riding.
• Be prepared to stop. Be especially careful when approaching or crossing intersections, driveways, corners, doorways, and other
areas where you may need to slow down or stop to avoid motor vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians.
• When riding, keep both hands on the Handlebar and both feet on the Mats. Be relaxed. Ride in a relaxed
position with your knees and elbows slightly bent and head up. Do not attempt to carry any object in
your hand(s). If you need to carry any object, use a cargo accessory that is recommended by Segway or
a securely attached backpack with both shoulder straps in place.
• Never restart and ride your PT after it has indicated an empty Battery condition or performed a low
Battery Safety Shutdown. The PT may not have enough power to keep you balanced, especially if you demand a lot of power at once.
If you restart and continue riding, you risk falling. Also, you may damage your Batteries, resulting in reduced Battery life and capacity.
• Do not ride backward, except to maneuver a few feet. Instead, turn and ride forward. There is a difference
between maneuvering backward and riding backward, similar to the difference between stepping back and
walking backward. Maneuver backward only when necessary to open a door or back away from an obstacle.
Avoid turning while maneuvering backward.
• Riding on the road. The PT is not intended or recommended for primary use on roads. If you must ride on
the road, or must cross the road, be extremely careful. Ride as far away from traffic as possible. Allow plenty
of time for crossing roads. Remember, the Speed Limiter or an unexpected obstacle could slow your crossing. Check to make sure
that riding on the road is allowed by law.
• Never let go of a balancing PT. Never let go of your PT when in Balance Mode, because the PT will travel
some distance on its own before transitioning to Standby Mode. The PT will not travel very far if you let
go of it when it is stopped. But, if you let go of it when it is moving at any speed, it could travel much
farther, risking injury to others and damage to the PT.
• Carrying cargo. To carry cargo, use a cargo accessory that is recommended by Segway or a securely
attached backpack with both shoulder straps in place. Do not place cargo (or any object) on the Powerbase. The total weight of any
Handlebar payload plus any other attachments hanging from the Handlebar should not exceed 10 lbs. (4.5 kg). Exceeding this limit
interferes with the PT’s balancing ability and could cause the PT to accelerate on its own, risking injury and damage.
Riding Tips and Safety Guidelines Recap (cont.)
• Leave a gap! Leave a gap between yourself and the Handlebar. Do not lean over or into the Handlebar.
Leaning over or into the Handlebar dramatically increases the risk of loss of control, collisions, and falls.
• Do not ride the PT if you suffer any impairment to balance.
• The PT has not been designed, tested, or approved as a medical device. You must be able to step on
and off the PT unassisted, which requires physical abilities similar to ascending and descending stairs
without assistance and without holding the handrail.
• Segway recommends that you not allow children to ride your PT unless: (a) you have first learned to ride, so that you understand the
care and skill required to ride safely; (b) the child has read this entire Manual and watched the entire Safety Video; and (c) you are
satisfied that the child has the knowledge, maturity, and physical ability to ride safely without endangering him/herself or others.
As a general rule, Segway recommends that riders be at least 16 years of age. Keep in mind, all Segway PT riders must weigh at least
100 lbs in order to activate the rider detect system.
Report All Incidents
If you or any other user of your PT is involved in an accident, or if your PT performs in a way that you do not intend or in a way that it is not
supposed to, contact Segway Technical Support.
Phone: 1-866-4SEGWAY (1-866-473-4929)
Fax: 1-603-222-6001
Email: technicalsupport@segway.com
Website: www.segway.com
Segway PT Batteries
This chapter describes:
• Battery Safety
Battery Safety
• Do not use a Battery if the Battery casing is broken or if the Battery emits an unusual odor, smoke, or excessive heat or leaks any
substance. Avoid contact with any substance seeping from the Batteries.
• Keep out of reach of children and pets. Exposure to Battery voltage could result in death or serious injury.
• Unplug or disconnect the PT from AC power before removing or attaching Batteries or performing any service. Never work on any part of
the PT when it is plugged into AC power. You risk serious bodily injury from electric shock as well as damage to the PT.
• The cells within the Batteries contain toxic substances. Do not attempt to open the Batteries. Do not insert any object into the Batteries or
use any device to pry at the Battery casing. If you insert an object into any of the Battery ports or openings you could suffer electric shock,
injury, burns, or cause a fire. Attempting to open the Battery casing will damage the casing and could release toxic and harmful substances,
and will render the pack unusable.
• Observe and follow all safety information on the warning label found on the Batteries.
• Failure to charge the Batteries could result in permanent damage to them. Left unplugged, the Batteries could fully discharge over time,
causing permanent damage.
• Use only charging devices approved by Segway and never attempt to bypass or override their charging protection circuits.
• Do not wash the Segway PT with a power washer or high pressure hose. Avoid getting water into the Charge Port. Always close the Charge
Port Cover after charging. Avoid exposure to heavy downpours or extended periods of heavy rain (including during riding, storage, or
while being transported). Clean with soap and water and a soft cloth. Make sure that the Charge Port is dry before you plug in the Power
Cord. Failure to follow these instructions could expose you to electric shock, injury, burns, or cause a fire.
• Battery Specifications • Charging the Segway PT Batteries
Battery Safety (cont.)
• Do not submerge the Batteries or powerbase in water. If you suspect the Batteries or powerbase have been submerged or experienced
water intrusion, call Segway Technical Support immediately at 1-866-473-4929, prompt #2. Until you receive further instructions, store
the PT upright, outdoors, and away from flammable objects. Do not attempt to remove the batteries. Do not plug the Power Cord into the
PT. Failure to follow these instructions could expose you to electric shock, injury, burns, or cause a fire.
• As with all rechargeable batteries, do not charge near flammable materials.
Charging Time
before first use: 12 hours
recharge from empty ~8 hours
Temperature Ranges
32° F – 122° F (0° C – 50° C)
50° F – 122° F (10° C – 50° C)
storage and transport: -4° F – 122° F (-20° C – 50° C)
capacity (Ah) and voltage: 5.2 Ah, 73.6 volts
dimensions: 14 x 7.5 x 3.2 in (35.7 x 19 x 8.2 cm)
battery weight (pair): 22.7 lbs (10.3 kg)
If you use, charge, or store your PT Batteries outside the limits
specified, you may void the limited warranty, damage your Bat-
teries, and/or experience reduced range and ineffective Battery
Charging Your Batteries
In order to maintain the best performance from your Segway PT Batteries, fully charge the Batteries for at least 12 hours once a month, or
once every 12 hours of operation—whichever comes first. Charge your Batteries only when they are within the specified charging temperature
range (see "Battery Specifications," p. 86).
Failure to charge the Batteries could result in damage to the Batteries. Left unplugged, the Batteries could fully discharge over time, causing
permanent damage. Use only charging devices approved by Segway.
Charging times vary depending on the following:
• Amount of charge already stored in the Batteries—The lower the Battery Charge Level is, the longer it will take to complete the charging
• Temperature of the Batteries—Batteries that are too hot or too cold may not charge or may take much longer to charge. Batteries
charge most efficiently when they are close to the center of the recommended charging temperature range. See "Battery Specifica-
tions" (p. 86).
• If storage temperature is below 32° F/0° C, do not charge your batteries. Instead, bring them into a warm (above 50° F/10° C) environ-
ment for charging. Doing so will ensure optimal battery life and performance.
Charging Your Batteries (cont.)
Do not insert the Power Cord plug if the Charge Port, Power Cord, or AC Power
outlet is wet.
To charge the Batteries:
1. Put your PT in a clean, dry place, within the recommended charging
temperature range.
2. Open the Charge Port on the back of your PT’s Console (see Figure
3. Verify that the Charge Port, Power Cord, and AC Power outlet are
clean, dry, and free of debris.
4. Plug one end of the Power Cord (provided with your PT) into a
grounded AC outlet (100V–240V; 50Hz–60Hz). The Power Cord
should be properly grounded (see Figure 57).
5. Plug the other end of the Power Cord into the Charge Port.
6. Verify that the two Charge Indicator lights on the Console illuminate
green to confirm the Batteries are charging (see Figure58). For
more information on the Charge Indicator lights, see "Battery
Charge Indicator Lights," p. 89.
The PT’s charging system automatically prevents overcharging. Plug your PT
into a grounded AC power outlet when it is not in use. If you do not plan to use
it for an extended period of time, visit your PT every month and remove and
reinsert the power cord to ensure the charging system is working properly.
Figure 57: Plug Power Cord into Charge Port
Charge Port
Figure 58: Battery Charge Indicator Lights
Unplugging the Segway PT
When you are ready to use your PT, remove the Power Cord, then close the Charge Port Cover as follows:
1. Disconnect the Power Cord from the Charge Port on the PT.
2. Disconnect the Power Cord from the grounded AC outlet.
3. Store the Power Cord.
4. Close the Charge Port Cover.
Always keep the Charge Port Cover closed, except when you are charging the Segway PT. Closing the Charge Port Cover prevents water, dirt,
dust, and other contaminates from entering the Charge Port and causing damage to your PT.
Battery Charge Indicator Lights
Two Battery Charge Indicator lights on the Console indicate the charge status of the Batteries when the PT is plugged in. The front Battery
Charge Indicator light corresponds to the front Battery and the rear Battery Charge Indicator light corresponds to the rear Battery (see Figure
58). The Battery Charge Indicator lights provide independent information regarding whether each Battery is charging. When the PT is plugged
in and charging, both Battery Charge Indicator lights will be flashing or solid green. If one or both Battery Charge Indicator lights is red or fails
to illuminate, there is a charging problem with the corresponding Battery. For more information, see "Charging Failures" below.
Charging Failures
If a failure is detected during charging, all charging will stop. Depending on the nature of the failure, a solid red Charge Indicator light displays
or the Charge Indicator light will be off. If either or both Charge Indicator lights are red or off, check the following:
1. If the Charge Indicator lights are off, check that AC power is present, and ensure the Power Cord is fully seated in the Charge Port.
2. If AC power is present and the Charge Indicator lights are either red or off, unplug the power cord, then remove and reseat the
Batteries. For instructions, see "Remove the Batteries" (p. 106) and "Install the Batteries" (p. 22).
3. If these actions fail to resolve the problem, contact an Authorized Segway Dealer or Distributor.
Regenerative Braking
The Segway PT has a regenerative braking system that charges the Batteries when descending a hill or slowing down. When you ride down a
hill, you may notice an increase in the Battery charge level. If your Batteries are already completely full at the top of a hill, when you descend,
you may feel the Speed Limiter engage to keep the PT from overcharging its Batteries. For more information on the Speed Limiter, see "Safety
Shutdown" (p. 57).
Reading the Battery Charge Level Display
The horizontal bars on the left side of the InfoKey Controller display indicate the levels of the charge in the PT Batteries. Figure 59 shows how
the PT Battery Gauge on the InfoKey Controller changes as the Battery is depleted.
The more charge the Batteries contain, the more horizontal bars are shown. If the Battery charge level is very low, the PT will notify you of a
pending empty Battery condition prior to initiating Safety Shutdown. For more information, see "Safety Shutdown" (p. 57).Do not ride your
PT if there is inadequate charge in the Batteries (indicated by the unhappy face icon on the InfoKey Controller and no dark horizontal lines on
the Battery Charge display). Carefully monitor your PT Battery Gauge and be prepared to step off if your Battery charge becomes completely
Figure 59: InfoKey Controller Display with Battery Charge Being Depleted
Full Charge Low Charge
Whenever you do not fully charge the PT’s Batteries, surface charge or partial charge may affect the accuracy of the Battery charge level display,
causing it to show a higher charge level than actually exists.
After you power on, check the Battery charge level display and then ride for at least three or four minutes and check the Battery charge level
display again. If the Battery charge level display shows rapid charge depletion during this time, the Batteries have received only a surface charge.
If necessary, plug the PT back in and recharge.
Recalibrating the Battery Charge Level Display
Do not ride your Segway PT to full Battery depletion. To safely discharge
Batteries below the bottom bar, you should leave your PT powered on in
Balance Mode leaning against a wall in a secure location.
To avoid injury, damage, and to deter theft, be sure your Segway PT
discharges in a safe, secure location, powered on in Riderless Balance Mode.
The PT shows the Battery charge level in the InfoKey Controller, as described
in "Reading the Battery Charge Level Display" (p. 90). The display may be
inaccurate after long periods of storage, or during initial use.
To recalibrate the display:
1. Fully charge the Batteries for 12 hours.
2. Discharge the Batteries (through normal use of the PT) until the
bottom bar in the Display is blinking, representing approximately 10
percent Battery charge remaining (see Figure60).
3. Leave your PT in a safe, secure location, powered on, until the Bat-
tery charge is fully depleted, and your PT powers down.
Depleting your PT Batteries from the bottom bar to empty could
take several hours.
4. Fully recharge the Batteries for a minimum of 12 hours, after which
the Battery Charge Level Display will be recalibrated.
Figure 60: InfoKey Showing Approximately 10% PT Charge Left
How Temperature Affects Performance
The Batteries are usually significantly warmer than the air temperature due to
heating that occurs as electricity is delivered from them (while riding) and to
them (while charging).
Riding in Hot or Cold Temperatures
The Batteries will run at the highest efficiency when you operate them near-
est the center of the recommended operating temperature range. As with all
batteries, less energy is available at low battery temperatures. You may not
be able to travel the same distance when the Batteries are cold as when the
Batteries are nearer to room temperature.
If the batteries on your Segway PT become too hot or too cold while riding,
the PT may activate a safety alert (see "Safety Alerts," p. 51). If you get a
safety alert soon after you begin riding in cold weather (below 32° F/0° C),
try warming your PT up by bringing it into a warm environment for at least 30
minutes. Table 12 shows the InfoKey Controller icons that display when your
PT Batteries become too hot or too cold.
Charging in Hot or Cold Temperatures
Your Batteries should be within the recommended charging temperature
range prior to and during charging. For the recommended Battery charging
temperature range, see "Temperature Ranges" (p. 86).
The Batteries will charge most efficiently when they are nearest the center of
the recommended charging temperature range. If your Batteries are too hot
or too cold, they may take longer to charge, or they may not charge at all.
If you are concerned that the Batteries may be too cold or overheated during
charging, see "Charging Failures" (p. 89).
Table 12: Riding in Hot and Cold Temperatures
Display Icon Description Recommended
Speed Limiter
or Stick Shake
Respond as
instructed in
"Safety Alerts"
(p. 51). Allow
your Batteries
to warm or cool
to within the
range prior to
riding. For more
information, see
Ranges" (p. 86).
Replacing Batteries
Your Segway PT is powered by two rechargeable Li-ion Batteries. With normal usage and proper maintenance, Batteries should last the
equivalent of 600 to 1000 full charges. As your Batteries near the end of their useful life, they need more frequent charging and your PT’s
range will be reduced. To order replacement Batteries, contact an Authorized Segway Dealer or Distributor.
Replacing Batteries in Pairs
Whenever you need to replace a Battery, consider replacing both Batteries, and always use pairs of Batteries with the same chemistry.
Replacing only one Battery will not necessarily increase the performance or range of your PT, because the PT is designed to operate only
at the level allowed by the lower-energy Battery. Redundancy is a critical safety feature built into the PT that also applies to the Batteries.
Therefore, you should replace Batteries in pairs (except for the unusual situation where a Battery is replaced because of damage or defect
and the other Battery is relatively new).
For information on removing and attaching Batteries, see "Remove the Batteries" (p. 106) and "Install the Batteries" (p. 22).
Battery Transportation, Shipping, and Disposal
If you are transporting your Segway PT, protect the Batteries to avoid damage. Do not expose the Batteries to direct heat or moisture, and avoid
heavy vibration during transportation.
Do not use or transport a Battery if the casing breaks open, leaks any substance, becomes excessively hot, or if you detect an unusual odor.
Do not handle a damaged or leaking Battery unless you are wearing disposable rubber gloves, eye protection, and are in a well-ventilated area.
Dispose of the rubber gloves and damaged Battery properly in accordance with regulations governing disposal of toxic materials.
Shipping Li-ion Batteries
Li-ion Batteries are regulated as "Hazardous Materials" by the U.S. Department of Transportation. For information on shipping Li-ion Batteries,
contact the U.S. Department of Transportation at www.phmsa.dot.gov/hazmat/regs or call 1-800-467-4922.
If you need to arrange air shipment of your Segway PT and/or Li-ion Batteries, contact an authorized Segway Dealer or Distributor for assistance.
You must comply with all local, federal, and individual country laws when transporting Segway PT Li-ion Batteries.
Battery Disposal
The Li-ion Batteries used in the Segway PT can be recycled. Recycle or dispose of Batteries in accordance with local environmental regulations.
Do no place in fire or incinerate. For more information, contact Segway at 1-866-4SEGWAY (1-866-473-4929) or visit our website at
Maintaining Your Segway PT
The Segway PT is designed to be virtually maintenance free. Make sure it is clean, all parts are installed and functioning properly, Batteries are
charged, and Tires are properly inflated prior to riding. Never open the Console, Powerbase, or Gearboxes. These are not user-serviceable parts.
This chapter describes:
• General maintenance procedures related to your PT
• Important operating tips
Before you perform any of the following procedures, verify that the Segway PT is powered off and unplugged. It is not safe to perform these
procedures while the Segway PT is powered on or charging.
Lifting Your Segway PT
Watch your fingers! Never lift the Segway PT by its Tires, Fenders, or wheels
because your hands or fingers could become caught, resulting in injury.
Use proper techniques to safely lift and load your Segway PT. Segway
recommends that two people work together to lift the PT.
To lift the Segway PT:
1. Make sure the PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Select firm, non-moving lifting points such as the Powerbase or
lower cargo frames if equipped.
3. Lift the PT with your legs, not your back (see Figure 61).
Figure 61: Lifting the Segway PT
Lifting the i2 SE Lifting the x2 SE
Maintaining Tires and Wheels
The tire pressure stated on affixed Wheel labels supersedes any recommended pressure stated on the Tires. Higher pressure reduces suspen-
sion performance and traction, and increases risk of loss of control, collisions, and falls. Lower pressure reduces range and increases risk of
damage to the Tire/ Wheel Assembly. Unequal pressure causes the Segway PT to turn in the direction of the lower pressure tire.
To ensure safe and efficient operation of your Segway PT, be sure to check Tires and Wheels regularly, especially if you have recently performed
service on a Tire/Wheel Assembly.
Checking the Tire/Wheel Assembly
To check the Tires and Wheels:
1. Make sure the PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Check for Wheel wobble by grasping the Tire/Wheel Assembly and attempt to move it side-to-side. The Tire/Wheel Assembly should
not move laterally. If you detect Wheel wobble, check the Wheel nut and tighten if necessary.
For additional information regarding service procedures for the Tire/Wheel Assembly, see "Install the Tire/Wheel Assembly" (p. 109, 111).
The Tires on the PT provide suspension and traction. Both functions are affected by tire inflation pressure. Be sure to:
1. Make sure the PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Check tire inflation pressure regularly (see "Checking Tire Inflation Pressure," p. 107). Improperly inflated Tires will result in less than
optimal range.
3. If tire inflation pressure in either Tire is not at the level stated in the "Segway PT Specifications" (p. 12) for your PT model, inflate the
Tire to the specified pressure.
4. Check that both Tires are inflated equally and are free of debris or contaminates.
Cleaning Your Segway PT
Do not clean the Mat or Tires with any specialized cleaners. Use of such products may reduce traction, increasing the risk of a fall.
To clean your Segway PT:
1. Make sure the PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Always close the Charge Port Cover after charging and prior to cleaning.
3. Gently clean your Segway PT with soap and water and a soft cloth.
Avoid Submerging Your Segway PT
Do not wash the Segway PT with a power washer or high pressure hose. Avoid
getting water into the Charge Port. Always close the Charge Port Cover after
charging. Avoid exposure to heavy downpours or extended periods of heavy
rain (including during riding, storage, or when transporting). Clean with soap
and water and a soft cloth. Make sure that the Charge Port is dry before you
plug in the Power Cord. Failure to follow these instructions could expose you
to electric shock, injury, burns, or cause a fire.
Do not submerge the Batteries or powerbase in water. If you suspect the Bat-
teries or powerbase have been submerged or experienced water intrusion,
call Segway Technical Support immediately at 1-866-473-4929, prompt #2.
Until you receive further instructions, store the PT upright, outdoors, and
away from flammable objects. Do not attempt to remove the batteries. Do
not plug the Power Cord into the PT. Failure to follow these instructions could
expose you to electric shock, injury, burns, or cause a fire.
Figure 62: Avoid Submersion
Storing Your Segway PT
To store your Segway PT for the Winter or long periods of time, do the following to ensure it will always be ready to supply you with maximum
Segway PT
• Store your PT (and its Batteries) indoors, in a place that is free of moisture and humidity, with an ambient temperature of
-4° F – 122° F (-20° C – 50° C).
• Clean your PT.
• Remove the InfoKey battery.
• Inflate your tires to the proper pressure (p. 12).
• You may want to cover your PT to prevent dust accumulation.
• Do not store your PT on its side.
PT Batteries
• Fully charge your Batteries for at least 12 hours once a month, or after every 12 hours of operation—whichever comes first. Charge
your Batteries only when they are within the specified charging temperature range.
• Even if you will not be using your PT for an extended period of time, you should leave it plugged into AC power. Otherwise the
Batteries could fully discharge over time, causing permanent damage.
• If storing your PT longer than 1 month, remove the batteries—but be sure to charge them at least every 3 months.
• If storage temperature is below 32° F/0° C, do not charge your batteries. Instead, bring them into a warm (above 50° F/10° C)
environment for charging. Doing so will ensure optimal battery life and performance.
Failure to charge the Batteries could result in permanent damage to them. Left unplugged, the Batteries could fully discharge over time,
causing permanent damage. Use only charging devices approved by Segway.
Servicing Your Segway PT
This chapter describes how to service your Segway PT.
General Information
• Always shut down your Segway PT and unplug the AC Power Cord before performing any maintenance or installing any part or accessory.
• Do not attempt to open the Powerbase or Console. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. By opening the Powerbase or Console you
risk electric shock injury. Also, you could void your limited warranty, damage your PT, and render it unsafe to use.
• Do not open the Gearboxes. There are no user-serviceable parts inside the Gearboxes. You could damage your PT and render it unsafe
to use.
• Use only Segway-approved parts, fasteners, and accessories.
• Wear safety glasses. Failure to do so could result in serious injury.
Parts Diagram
Figure 63: i2 SE/x2 SE Replacement Parts Diagram
Front Fascia/Trim
x2 SE Fender
Console Cover
Rear Fascia
i2 SE Fender
i2 SE Tire/Wheel/Cap
x2 SE Tire/Wheel/Cap
x2 SE Fender Frame
Replacing Parts
If a part breaks or needs replacement, or if you have a question about PT replacement parts, contact an Authorized Segway Dealer or
Distributor. For a list of Dealers and Distributors, visit www.segway.com. See your Segway PT Limited Warranty/Guarantee for a list of owner-
replaceable parts.
Use only Segway-provided replacement parts and fasteners.
Adhere to torque specifications when tightening fasteners. Over-tightening or under-tightening fasteners can result in damage or malfunction.
If you are interested in adding accessories to your PT, please contact an Authorized Segway Dealer or Distributor or visit www.segway.com to
learn what accessories are available for your model.
Use only Segway-approved accessories.
Service Procedures
Use the following procedures when instructed to do so in "Troubleshoot-
ing the Segway PT" (p. 119). The tools provided with your PT are intended
to assist with these procedures. However, additional tools, such as a torque
wrench, will be necessary to perform some of these procedures correctly.
Remove the LeanSteer Frame
Tool Required: 5 mm hex wrench.
To remove the LeanSteer Frame from the stem:
1. Make sure the PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Using a 5 mm hex wrench, remove the two fasteners holding the
LeanSteer Frame to the stem (see Figure64), while supporting the
LeanSteer Frame.
3. Remove the LeanSteer Frame from the stem (see Figure 65).
Attach the LeanSteer Frame
To attach the LeanSteer Frame to the Powerbase see "Attach the LeanSteer
Frame" (p. 19).
Figure 64: Remove LeanSteer Frame Fasteners
Remove the Handlebar
Tool Required: 3 mm hex wrench
To remove the Handlebar from the LeanSteer Frame:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Using the 3 mm hex wrench, remove the three fasteners that se-
cure the Handlebar Clamp to the LeanSteer Frame.
3. When you remove these fasteners and the Handlebar Clamp, the
Handlebar is released from the LeanSteer Frame.
Attach the Handlebar
To attach the Handlebar see "Attach the Handlebar" (p. 18).
Figure 65: Remove the Handlebar
Service Procedures (cont.)
Remove the Batteries
Refer to "Segway PT Batteries" (p. 85) for battery-related safety precautions
and handling instructions.
Tool Required: 3 mm hex wrench
To remove the Batteries:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Tip the PT onto its side so the Wheel lies flat against a smooth,
clean surface.
3. Using a 3 mm hex wrench, remove the battery fasteners (4 per
4. Pull the Batteries straight off the Powerbase.
Install the Batteries
To install the Batteries, see "Install the Batteries" (p. 22).
Figure 66: Remove the Batteries
Figure 67: i2 SE Valve Stem Location
Inflate Tires to the correct pressure (see "Segway Specifications," p. 12).
Overinflating or under inflating Tires can increase your risk of traction loss,
possibly resulting in injury or falls.
The valve stem is visible on the x2 SE. You do not need to tip the x2 SE on its
side to check or adjust Tire inflation pressure.
Tool Required: Low pressure tire gauge
To check Tire inflation pressure for the i2 SE:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Tip the PT onto its side on a smooth, clean surface. Make sure the
Tire to be checked is on the ground.
3. Rotate the Powerbase until the valve stem on the inside of the
Wheel becomes visible (see Figure 67).
4. Check the Tire inflation pressure.
Service Procedures (cont.)
Remove the i2 SE Tire/Wheel Assembly
Tools Required: 13 mm socket wrench
To remove the i2 SE Tire/Wheel assembly:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Tip the PT on its side so the Wheel you want to remove is facing up,
and the bottom wheel rests against a smooth, clean surface.
3. Remove the Wheel Cap by pressing down on the outside edge and
lifting the opposite edge with a plastic wedge or screwdriver.
4. Remove the three Wheel Nuts with a 13 mm socket wrench. Hold
the Wheel to keep it from rotating.
5. Lift off the Wheel.
6. Clean all debris from the Wheel's mounting surfaces.
Wheel Cap
Figure 68: Remove the Tire/Wheel Assembly
Install the i2 SE Tire/Wheel Assembly
Tools Required: 13 mm socket, torque wrench
To install the i2 SE Tire/Wheel assembly:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Ensure the PT is on its side, and the Wheel mounting surfaces are
clean of debris.
3. Place the Tire/Wheel assembly over the three threaded posts.
4. Hold the Wheel to prevent it from rotating.
5. Install the three Wheel Nuts to the threaded posts and tighten to
6. Replace the Wheel Cap by aligning the three plastic fittings on the
underside of the Wheel Cap with the three holes in the Wheel.
7. Press down on the Wheel Cap until it snaps into place.
Wheel Cap
Figure 69: Install the Tire/Wheel Assembly
Service Procedures (cont.)
Remove/Install the i2 SE Fenders
Tools Required: T20 six-lobe wrench, torque wrench with T20 six-lobe bit
To remove the i2 SE Fenders:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Remove the Tire/Wheel Assembly (see "Remove the i2 SE Tire/
Wheel Assembly," p. 108).
3. Remove the four fasteners that attach the Fender to the Gearbox.
4. Remove the Fender.
To install the i2 SE Fenders:
1. Position the Fender so it aligns with the four holes in the Gearbox.
2. Thread the four fasteners through the Fender to the Gearbox and
tighten to 1.5N-m(13in-lbs).
3. Install the Tire/Wheel Assembly (see "Install the i2 SE Tire/Wheel
Assembly," p. 109).
Figure 70: Remove/Install the Fenders
Remove the x2 SE Tire/Wheel Assembly
Tools Required: 13 mm socket wrench
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Tip the PT on its side so the Wheel you want to remove is facing up,
and the bottom wheel rests against a smooth, clean surface.
3. Using a 13 mm socket wrench, remove the three wheel nuts and
discard (see Figure 71).
4. Remove the tire/wheel assembly.
Install the x2 SE Tire/Wheel Assembly
Tools Required: 13 mm socket, torque wrench
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Ensure the PT is on its side, and the gearbox flange is clean and free
of debris.
3. Place the Tire/Wheel assembly onto the gearbox flange (see
Figure 71).
4. Holding the wheel to prevent rotation, use a 13 mm socket wrench
to tighten the three wheel nuts included with the kit and torque to
Figure 71: Remove/Install the x2 SE Tire/Wheel Assembly
Wheel Nuts
Tire/Wheel Assembly
Gearbox Flange
Service Procedures (cont.)
Remove/Install the x2 SE Fenders and Fender Frames
Tools Required: 4 mm hex bit, torque wrench
To remove the x2 SE Fender and Frame assembly from the PT:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Remove the three 28 mm fasteners using a 4 mm hex wrench (see
Figure 72).
3. Lift off the Fender and Frame assembly and clean all debris from
the mounting surfaces.
4. To remove the Fender from the Fender Frame, remove the four
18 mm fasteners using a 4 mm hex wrench (see Figure 73).
To install the x2 SE Fender and Frame assembly to the PT:
1. Thread the three 28mm long fasteners through the Fender and
Frame assembly into the gearbox cover.
2. Using a 4mm hex wrench, torque to 6.0N-m(4.4ft-lbf).
Fender and Fender Frame assembly
28 mm Fasteners
Figure 72: Remove/Install the x2 SE Fender/Fender Frame Assembly
Figure 73: Remove the Fender from the Fender Frame
Fender Frame Fender
18 mm Fasteners
Remove/Install x2 SE Turf Tire/Wheel/Spacer/Hub Adapter
Tools Required: 8 mm hex bit, 13 mm socket wrench, torque wrench
Remove the x2 SE Turf Tire/Wheel/Spacer/Hub Adapter
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Tip the PT on its side so the Wheel you want to remove is facing up,
and the bottom wheel rests against a smooth, clean surface.
3. Holding the wheel to prevent rotation, remove the four 8 mm
fasteners, (see Figure74).
4. Remove the tire/wheel assembly, then the spacer.
5. Remove the three hub adapter nuts using a 13 mm socket wrench,
then remove the hub adapter.
Install the x2 SE Turf Tire/Wheel/Spacer/Hub Adapter
1. Ensure the PT is unplugged, powered off, is on its side, and the
gearbox flange is clean and free of debris.
2. Install the hub adapter; torque the three nuts to 30N-m(22ft-lbf).
3. Place the spacer onto the hub adapter.
4. Place the Tire/Wheel assembly onto the spacer (see Figure74).
5. Holding the wheel to prevent rotation, torque the four 8 mm
fasteners to 30N-m(22ft-lbf).
Figure 74: x2 SE Turf Tire/Wheel/Spacer/Hub Adapter
8 mm fasteners
Hub adapter nuts
Hub adapter
Service Procedures (cont.)
Remove/Install the Mats
Tools Required: None
To remove a Mat:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Lift the Mat off the Powerbase.
To install a Mat:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Verify the top of the Powerbase and bottom of the Mat are clean, dry,
and free of debris.
3. Place a Mat on the Powerbase.
4. Fit the Mat's rubber tabs into the Powerbase grooves.
5. Tuck the tabs in place around the entire perimeter of the Mat,
begining with the side of the Mat nearest the console. Press down
on the Mat while you tuck in the tabs.
6. Visually confirm the Mat is properly aligned and all rubber tabs are
tucked in prior to riding.
Figure 75: Install the Mats
Replacing the InfoKey Controller Battery
Tool Required: Coin or flathead screwdriver
To replace or reseat the InfoKey Controller battery:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Remove the InfoKey Controller from the Dock and unscrew
the InfoKey Controller Dock Adapter (see "Undock the InfoKey
Controller," p. 117).
3. Using a coin or Flathead screwdriver, unscrew the back cover of the
InfoKey Controller.
4. Remove the InfoKey Controller battery.
5. If you are replacing the battery, verify the new battery is type
CR2430. These batteries are available at electronics stores.
Dispose of used batteries properly in accordance with local
regulations governing disposal of toxic materials.
6. Insert the InfoKey Controller battery with the positive (+) side
facing up.
7. Screw on the InfoKey Controller back cover.
8. Screw on the InfoKey Controller Dock Adapter.
Figure 76: Replacing the InfoKey Controller Battery
Service Procedures (cont.)
Remove the InfoKey Controller Dock
Tool Required: 3 mm hex wrench, torque wrench with 3 mm bit
To remove the InfoKey Controller Dock:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Using a 3 mm hex wrench, remove the fastener holding the InfoKey
Controller Dock to the LeanSteer Frame.
3. Remove the InfoKey Controller Dock.
Install/Remove the Dock Adapter
Tool Required: None
To install the InfoKey Controller Dock Adapter, screw the adapter to the
underside of the InfoKey Controller. When installed properly, the Dock
Adapter should snap into place when screwed on.
To remove the InfoKey Controller Dock Adapter, unscrew the adapter from
the underside of the InfoKey Controller.
Figure 77: Remove the InfoKey Controller Dock
Dock the InfoKey Controller
To dock the InfoKey Controller see "Dock the InfoKey Controller" (p. 21).
Undock the InfoKey Controller
Tool Required: None
To undock the InfoKey Controller:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Press the Release Tab at the bottom of the InfoKey Controller Dock.
3. Slide the InfoKey Controller out of the InfoKey Controller Dock.
Figure 78: Undock the InfoKey Controller
Troubleshooting the Segway PT
This chapter describes:
• Troubleshooting techniques
• Using InfoKey Controller icons to help diagnose an error or failure
Troubleshooting Procedures
You can troubleshoot certain problems with your Segway PT before
contacting an Authorized Segway Dealer or Distributor, or Segway Customer
Care. This chapter provides lists of problems and recommended actions.
Always shut down your Segway PT and unplug the AC Power Cord before
performing any maintenance or installing any part or accessory.
Table 13 lists potential problems. This table directs you to the page in this
chapter where you can find more information on resolving the problem.
If you are unable to solve the problem, look through the section showing
the InfoKey Controller icons that display during error or failure conditions
in “InfoKey Controller Error Icons” on page 127. That section shows the
icons and recommended actions to take when you see certain icons. If, after
reviewing the troubleshooting procedures and the InfoKey Controller icons,
you are still unable to resolve the problem, contact an Authorized Segway
Dealer or Distributor, or Segway Customer Care. For a list of Authorized
Dealers and Distributors, visit www.segway.com.
Problem: See:
Segway PT will not power on. page 120
Segway PT will not enter Balance Mode. page 121
Tire/Wheel assembly is loose and/or
page 122
Segway PT pulls to one side when riding. page 123
Tire is flat or will not maintain inflation
page 124
Safety Shutdown occurs when you are
entering or leaving a store, library, or
other building.
page 125
Segway PT will not power down. page 126
Table 13: Segway PT Troubleshooting Procedures
Troubleshooting Procedures (cont.)
Segway PT Will Not Power On
Your Segway PT will not power on when you press the InfoKey Controller Power/Standby button.
Review the following service procedures prior to troubleshooting this problem:
• “Remove the Batteries” (p. 106)
• “Install the Batteries” (p. 22)
• “Replace the InfoKey Controller Battery” (p. 115)
Recommended Action:
1. Make sure your PT's Batteries are charged.
2. Make sure you are standing with the InfoKey Controller no further than 15 ft. (5 m) from your PT.
3. Tap the InfoKey Controller Power/Standby button and verify that the Link Signal icon appears in the InfoKey display (see "InfoKey
Controller," p. 127).
4. If no Link Signal icon is displayed or the display is blank (no information displayed), remove and reseat the InfoKey Battery.
5. Tap the InfoKey Controller Power/Standby button. If the InfoKey display is blank, replace the InfoKey Controller Battery.
6. If the Warning icon appears in the InfoKey Display when attempting to power on, see “Startup Error Conditions," (p. 127).
7. If your PT will still not power on, remove both PT Batteries and then reattach them.
Segway PT Will Not Enter Balance Mode
Your Segway PT will not enter Balance Mode.
Review the following information prior to troubleshooting this problem:
• “Balance Mode/Riderless Balance Mode” (p. 31)
• “Riding Your Segway PT” (p. 61)
Recommended Action:
1. Confirm power has been turned on.
2. Confirm the LeanSteer Frame/Handlebar Assembly is centered and the Powerbase is level. (If you are positioned on a gentle slope, the
LeanSteer Frame/Handlebar Assembly must be vertical in relation to the Powerbase.)
3. Confirm there is no weight on the Mats.
4. Check that the center Balance Indicator light is green and all four other Balance Indicator lights are not illuminated.
5. Tap the Mat with your foot without stepping on, then remove your foot. Confirm that all five Balance Indicator lights are pulsing green,
and a smiling face icon shows in the InfoKey Controller display.
6. If the PT still will not enter Balance Mode, identify the error icon on the InfoKey Controller, and attempt to clear the fault following the
recommended actions in “Startup Error Conditions, p. 127.
Troubleshooting Procedures (cont.)
Tire/Wheel Assembly is Loose and/or Wobbles
The Tire/Wheel assembly is not secure. It appears to be loose and wobbles.
Review the following service procedures prior to troubleshooting this problem:
• “Remove the Tire/Wheel Assembly” (i2 SE, p. 108; x2 SE, p. 111; x2 SE Turf, p. 113)
• “Install the Tire/Wheel Assembly” (i2 SE, p. 109; x2 SE p. 111; x2 SE Turf, p. 113)
Recommended Action:
1. Make sure the Segway PT is unplugged and powered off.
2. Remove the Wheel Cap (i2 SE only) by pressing down on the outside edge, and lifting the opposite outside edge with your fingers or
a plastic wedge.
3. Tighten the Wheel Nuts.
4. If the Tire/Wheel Assembly is still loose or wobbles, remove, clean, and reseat the Tire/Wheel Assembly to the flange on which the
Tire/Wheel Assembly mounts.
Segway PT Pulls to One Side When Riding
Your Segway PT pulls to one side when you are riding.
Review the following service procedures prior to troubleshooting this problem:
• “Checking Tire Inflation Pressure” (p. 107)
Recommended Action:
1. Check to make sure tire inflation pressure is equal, and set to recommended specifications in both Tires (see “Tire Inflation Pres-
sure, p. 98).
2. If either Tire is not set at the proper tire inflation pressure, inflate the Tire or Tires until both are at equal and correct pressure.
3. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet. If you put more weight on one foot, the Segway PT will pull in that direction.
Troubleshooting Procedures (cont.)
Tire is Flat or Will Not Hold Air
One of the Tires on your Segway PT is flat or will not hold air.
Review the following service procedure prior to troubleshooting this problem.
• "Checking Tire Inflation Pressure" (p. 107)
Recommended Action:
1. Check for Tire damage. If the Tire is damaged, contact an Authorized Segway Dealer or Distributor to order a replacement Tire/
Wheel Assembly.
2. If there is no visible Tire damage, check to make sure the Tire valve stem core is tight. Tighten the valve stem if necessary.
3. Inflate the Tire and check for leaks. If the Tire goes flat or will not maintain inflation pressure, contact your Segway Dealer.
Safety Shutdown at Building Entrance
Theft detection systems, such as the type used in some libraries and retail stores can interfere with the Segway PT’s ability to balance and/
or cause the PT to perform a Safety Shutdown. Do not ride within 5 feet (1.5 m) of any theft detection system. These systems may not always
be visible.
Recommended Action:
1. Step off at least 5 feet (1.5 m) away from theft detection systems and walk through the theft detection system in Standby Mode or
with the PT powered off.
2. Once you are at least 5 feet (1.5 m) away from the theft detection system, return to Balance Mode and step on the PT.
Troubleshooting Procedures (cont.)
The Segway PT Will Not Power Down
Your Segway PT will not power down when you press and hold the Power/Standby button on the InfoKey Controller.
Review the following service procedure prior to troubleshooting this problem.
• "Remove/Install the Mats" (p. 114)
• "Replace the InfoKey Controller Battery" (p. 115)
Recommended Action:
1. Check that your Mats are not sticking to the Powerbase.
2. If a Mat is sticking, lift the Mat to release it, being careful not to move your PT forward or backward or move the LeanSteer Frame.
3. Press and hold the Power/Standby button on the InfoKey Controller for two seconds to confirm the problem is resolved.
4. If your PT still will not power down, check that your InfoKey Controller Battery is not fully depleted and that the InfoKey Controller is
not damaged. If necessary, replace or reseat the InfoKey Controller Battery.
5. If reseating the InfoKey Controller Battery did not resolve the problem, and you do not have a replacement InfoKey Controller Battery:
Switch your PT to Standby Mode by walking beside it while holding the Handlebar until you hear the Stick Shake Warning and feel the
PT switch out of Balance Mode, into Standby Mode.
Leave your PT in a secure location for 15 minutes until it automatically powers down.
Install a new InfoKey Controller Battery.
6. Reinstall the Mat after your PT is powered down.
7. Tap the Power/Standby button on the InfoKey Controller to power on your PT, then press and hold Power/Standby button for two
seconds to confirm the problem is resolved.
InfoKey Controller Error Icons
InfoKey Controller icons assist you in diagnosing certain errors. Match the
icon shown in your InfoKey Controller display to those in the tables in this
section to identify and attempt to correct the fault.
Do not step onto the Segway PT Mats until you have cleared all error
conditions and have confirmed the PT is in Balance Mode.
Startup Error Conditions
If you attempt to power on the PT and an error condition occurs that prevents
the PT from powering on and entering Standby Mode, the icons shown in
Table14 will appear on the InfoKey Controller.
To clear these conditions, follow the instructions in the Recommended
Action column in Table14.
Display Icon Description Recommended
The Segway
PT is plugged
Unplug the Power
Cord. If the Segway
PT has powered off,
power on again.
The Charge in
the Segway
PT batteries
is too low
to operate
Charge the
batteries, then
attempt to power
A Rider
sensor is on
at startup.
Ensure your foot
is not on the Mat
and the Mat is free
of foreign objects
and not sticking
to the Powerbase.
Remove, inspect,
and reinstall the
InfoKey Controller Error Icons (cont.)
Balance Mode Error Conditions
If you unsuccessfully attempt to enter Balance Mode and step onto the Mat,
the icon shown in Table 15 will appear on the InfoKey Controller.
To clear this condition, follow the instructions in the Recommended Action
column in Table 15.
Table 15: Icon for Balance Mode Errors
Display Icon Description Recommended
is not level,
or LeanSteer
Frame is
tilted when
to enter
Mode. This
icon will
display when
you place
your foot on
the Mat.
Remove your foot
from the Mat. Level
the Powerbase
and center the
LeanSteer Frame
until the center
Balance Indicator
light is green and
no other Balance
Indicator lights are
Reduced Performance Levels
When the Segway PT is operating at reduced performance levels due to
an error condition, the icon shown in Table 16 will appear on the InfoKey
Controller. (See "Speed Limiter," p. 52, for a list of the conditions that cause
reduced performance.)
To clear this condition, follow the instructions in the Recommended Action
column in Table 16.
Table 16: Icon for Reduced Performance Level
Display Icon Description Recommended
The Segway
PT is
at reduced
levels, with
the speed
limit lowered,
due to a
The Segway PT’s
Speed Limiter is an
alert that you are
moving too fast.
When the Speed
Limiter pushes
the Handlebar
back, stop leaning
forward and slow
down. Always leave
a gap between
yourself and the
Once you slow to
a speed that the
PT determines is
safe, it will resume
normal operation
and riding position.
InfoKey Controller Error Icons (cont.)
System Faults While Riding
During normal riding, if the Segway PT detects a fault in any of its redundant
subsystems, the icon shown in Table 17 will appear on the InfoKey Controller.
When such a fault is detected, the PT performs a Safety Shutdown. When a
Safety Shutdown occurs, the PT automatically reduces its speed, gives the
Stick Shake Warning (shakes the Handlebar and makes a growling sound),
flashes the Balance Indicator lights, and displays the wrench icon on the
InfoKey. As the PT slows, it emits an audio alert.
Follow the instructions in the Recommended Action column in Table 17.
Table 17: Icon for System Faults While Riding
Display Icon Description Recommended
The system
has detected
an error in its
and performs
a Safety
The rider has
approximately 10
seconds from the
start of a Safety
Shutdown to come
to a controlled stop
and step off. After
10 seconds, the PT
will immediately
shut down when
the Wheels reach
zero speed.
Pitch or Roll Angle Exceeded
If the Segway PT shuts down because a forward/backward (pitch) or side
(roll) tilt limit was exceeded, or no Rider Detect sensors were depressed
while the PT was moving at speed, the icon shown in Table18 will appear on
the InfoKey Controller.
The PT is programmed to shut down in these situations because the rider is
not in control of the PT.
To clear this condition, follow the instructions in the Recommended Action
column in Table18.
Display Icon Description Recommended
The Segway
PT shut down
because a
or side tilt
limit was
or no Rider
sensors were
while the PT
was moving
at speed.
Check the Segway
PT for damage. If
there is no damage,
turn the power
on by tapping the
button on the
InfoKey Controller.
InfoKey Controller Error Icons (cont.)
System Faults
If the Segway PT detects a system fault, the icon shown in Table 19 will appear
on the InfoKey Controller.
The PT cannot be used until the fault is cleared. To attempt to clear system
faults, follow the instructions in the Recommended Action column in Table 19.
Table 19: Icon for System Faults
Display Icon Description Recommended
There is a
fault in the
Powerbase or
1. Power on the
Segway PT.
2. If the same
icon appears,
confirm both
PT Batteries
are installed
3. If the Batteries
are installed
remove and
reseat both
4. If the same
icon appears,
plug in the PT
and verify both
Battery Charge
Indicator lights
are green.
Charge the PT
Contact and Legal Information
Report All Incidents
If you or any other user of your Segway PT is involved in an accident, or if your PT performs in a way that you do not intend or in a way that it
is not supposed to, contact Segway Customer Care.
How to Reach Us
Telephone: (English-language only) 1-866-4SEGWAY (1-866-473-4929)
E-mail: (English-language only) technicalsupport@segway.com
An Authorized Segway Dealer or Distributor can answer questions about your Segway PT via the web, email, or phone. For a list of Dealers and
Distributors, visit www.segway.com.
California Warning
This product contains chemicals, including lead, known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Obey All Laws and Regulations
Many governmental authorities regulate use of Segway PTs on public roads and sidewalks. In addition to other requirements, these laws
and regulations may prescribe minimum ages for Segway PT users and may set speed limits and mandate protective gear for riders. Some
governmental authorities prohibit use of Segway PTs on public roads and sidewalks. You should consult local authorities to become familiar
with applicable laws and regulations. (In the USA, many of these laws use the term “Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device” or “Personal
Motorized Mobility Device, which are specifically defined to include Segway PTs.)
Limited Warranty
(United States Only)
Segway provides with each Segway PT a “Segway® Personal Transporter Limited Warranty. This is the only warranty applicable to the Segway
PT. Consult the “Segway® Personal Transporter Limited Warranty” delivered with your Segway PT for the specific terms of limited warranty
Radio Frequency Interference
The Segway PT has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital devices pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential environment. The Segway PT generates, uses, and
can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if not installed and used in accordance with the User Materials may cause harmful interference to
radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If the Segway PT does cause harmful interference
to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the Segway PT off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the distance between the Segway PT and the receiver.
• Connect the Segway PT into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
• Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation
This product complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
Modications: Modifications not expressly approved by Segway may void the user's authority to operate this device under FCC regulations
and must not be made.
FCC ID: T2Z-23444
IC: 6395A-23444
The Segway PT is a Class B digital apparatus that complies with Canadian ICES-3/NMB-3B. Cet appareil numérique de la classe b est conforme
à la norme ICES-3/NMB-3B du Canada. The Segway PT complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,
et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le
Miscellaneous Regulatory Compliance Information
European Directives
The Segway PT complies with the requirements of the following European Directives:
• 2004/108/EC, Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
• 2006/95/EC, Low Voltage Directive
• 2006/42/EC, Machinery Directive
• 1999/5/EC, Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive
• 2011/65/EC, Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS)
• 2012/19/EC, Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
• 2006/1907/EC, Directive on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances (REACH)
Miscellaneous Regulatory Compliance Information (cont.)
Other Standards
The Segway PT also complies under the applicable sections of the following:
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1-03 Safety of Information Technology Equipment
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 68-09 Motor-operated appliances (household and commercial)
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 94-M91 Special purpose enclosures
• UL 60950-1 Information Technology Equipment – Safety – General Requirements
• UL 73 (9th Edition) Motor-operated Appliances
• UL 50 (11th edition) Enclosure for electrical equipment
• IEC/EN 60335-1 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances – General requirements
• IEC/EN 60950-1 Information technology equipment – Safety – General requirements
• EN ISO 14121-1 Safety of machinery – Risk assessment – Principles
• IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)
• ISO 121001-1 Safety of Machinery – Basic Concepts, General Principles for Design – Part 1: Basic Terminology
• ISO 121001-1 Safety of Machinery – Basic Concepts, General Principles for design – Part 2: Technical Principles
• ETSI EN 301 489-1 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio
equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical requirements
• ETSI EN 301 489-3 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio
equipment and services; Part 3: Specific conditions for Short-Range Devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 kHz and 40 GHz
• ETSI EN 301 489-17 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio
equipment; Part 17: Specific conditions for Broadband Data Transmission Systems
• ETSI EN 300 328 Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Wideband transmission systems; Data transmission
equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques; Harmonized EN covering the essential requirements
of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive
• CENELEC EN 50371 Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions
related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz–300 GHz) – General public
• FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart A (General), B (Unintentional Radiators), C (Intentional Radiators), Class B
• ICES-003 Interference-Causing Equipment Standard – Digital Apparatus, Class B
• EN 55011 Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment – Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics, Group I Class B
• EN 55022 Information technology equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics, Class B
• EN 61000-3-2 Harmonic current emissions
• EN 61000-3-3 Voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker
• EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic discharge immunity
• EN 61000-4-3 Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity
• EN 61000-4-4 Electrical fast transient/burst immunity
• EN 61000-4-5 Surge immunity
• EN 61000-4-6 Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
• EN 61000-4-8 Power frequency magnetic field immunity
• EN 61000-4-11 Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity
• EN 61000-6-1 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments
• EN 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Immunity for industrial environments
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.2/UL 1012 – Battery Chargers/Power Supplies Other than Class 2
• UL 2575 Lithium Ion Battery Systems for Use in Electric Power Tool and Motor Operated, Heating and Lighting Appliances
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 0.8-12 – Safety functions incorporating electronic technology
• EN13489 Safety of machinery, Safety-related parts of control systems, Part 1: General principles for design
• EN60335-2-29 Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety Particular requirements for battery chargers
• UL1642 Lithium Batteries
• UL2054 Household and Commercial Batteries
• IEC62133 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary
cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications
Product Life and Recycling
This product should be recycled at the end of its useful life. All Segway PT
models can be returned to the location at which they were purchased, or to
Segway Inc. at:
Segway Inc.
Attn: Product Recycling
14 Technology Dr.
Bedford, NH 03110 USA
To find the nearest Segway dealer or distributor go to http://www.segway.com/dealer-locator/.
Segway PT Li-ion Batteries
Transportation and Shipping
Lithium-ion Batteries are regulated as “Hazardous Materials” by the U.S. Department of Transportation. For more information, contact the
U.S. Department of Transportation at www.phmsa.dot.gov/hazmat/regs or call 1-800-467-4922.
The Li-ion Batteries used in the Segway PT can be recycled. Recycle or dispose of Batteries in accordance with local environmental regulations.
Do not place in fire or incinerate. For more information, contact Segway at 1-866-4SEGWAY (1-866-473-4929), or visit our website at
Patent Information
The Segway PT is covered by US and foreign patents.
For patent information go to http://www.segway.com/patents.pdf
Segway Inc. manufactures and sells Segway PTs under a license from DEKA Products Limited Partnership.
Accessories 103
Balance Indicator lights 30
Balance Mode/Riderless
Balance Mode 31
Balance Sensor Assembly 36
Batteries 38, 85
disposal 95
install 22
remove 106
replace 94
shipping/transporting 95
specifications 86
InfoKey Controller 115
Battery Charge Indicator
lights 32, 89
Battery charge level display 90
Battery safety 85
button, functions 43
icon 41
Mount/dismount 26
Carrying cargo 83
Center of gravity, rider 25
Charge Port 88
Charging Your Batteries 87
Charging failures 89
Checking the Tire/Wheel
Assembly 98
Checking Tire inflation
pressure 107
Cleaning your Segway PT 99
Console 29
Controller Boards 34
System faults when riding 130
Dynamic stabilization 25
Empty Battery condition 59
Balance mode 128
System faults 130, 131
Reduced Performance 129
Startup 127
System faults 132
Face icons 40, 41
Fenders 110, 112
Foreign patents 138
attach 18
cargo weight, maximum 12
remove 105
i2 SE description 11
Indicator lights
Balance 30
Battery Charge 32, 89
InfoKey Controller
battery replacement 115
buttons 39
display 40
Dock Adapter installation
Dock installation 20
error icons 127
serial number 10
Information Display button 39
Batteries 22
Fenders 110, 112
Handlebar 18
InfoKey Controller Dock 20
InfoKey Controller Dock
Adapter 20
LeanSteer Frame 19
Mats 114
Tire/Wheel 109, 111, 113
Laws and regulations 133
LeanSteer Frame
attaching 19
removing 104
LeanSteer Frame Preparation 18
Lifting Your Segway PT 97
Maintaining Tires and Wheels 98
Maintenance schedule 142
Mats, install/remove 114
Maximum speed 12
Maximum payload 12
Minimum rider weight 15
Model descriptions 11
Motors 35
Operating limits 14
Parts diagram 102
Patent information 138
Performance and temperature
Pitch or roll angle exceeded 131
Power requirements 12
Power/Standby button 39
Powerbase height 13
Pre-ride checklist IBC
Product Life 138
Range on a full charge 12
Recalibrating the battery charge
level display 92
Recycling 138
Reduced performance levels
Redundant subsystems 28
Regenerative braking 90
Regulatory information 135
Batteries 106
Fenders 110, 112
Handlebar 105
LeanSteer Frame 104
Mats 114
Tire/Wheel 108, 111, 113
Replacing parts 103
Replacing the InfoKey Controller
Battery 115
Rider Detect Sensors 33
Running Lights 37
Safety Alerts 51
Safety messaging 8
Safety Shutdown 49, 57
Security button 39, 47
Security icon 41, 47
Segway PT
components, subsystems 27
how it works 25
serial number 9
specifications 12
Service procedures 104
Servicing your Segway PT 101
Shipping Li-ion Batteries 138
Shutdown timeout 47
Slow speed roll compensation
Specifications 12
Speed Limiter 52
Speed limits, setting 46
Startup error conditions 127
Stick Shake Warning
description 54
system error 130
rider off 56
rider on 54
Storing your Segway PT 100
Structural weight limits 15
System faults 132
effect on performance 16
operating ranges 86
Tire inflation pressure 98
checking 107
Tire Wear 147
install 109, 111, 113
remove 108, 111, 113
Torque specifications 103
Traction 62, 107
Transporting and shipping
Batteries 95, 138
Your PT 99
Troubleshooting 119
flat tire 124
pulls to one side 123
Safety Shutdown 125, 130
will not enter balance mode
will not power down 126
will not power on 120
Turning radius 12
US patent numbers 138
Warranty 134
Weight limits 12
Wrench icon 41, 132
x2 SE description 11
Index (cont.)
Maintenance procedure: 1x/month 1x/4months 1x/6 months 1x/12 months
Check LeanSteer installation and torque: 11 N-m
Check tire wear and pressure: i2 SE = 15 PSI; x2 SE = 4 PSI
Ensure rider mats are intact, secure, and free of debris
Inspect handle bar grips for proper installation/excessive wear
Inspect docking station for condition/functionality
Inspect fenders for cracks/obstructions/debris
Check operation of height adjustment knob
Power on PT. Ensure operability and document hours/miles
Check fastener torque: Handle bar clamp = 6 N-m
Check fastener torque: InfoKey dock = 2 N-m
Check fastener torque: Batteries = 1.6 N-m
Check fastener torque: Wheel = 30 N-m
Check fastener torque: Fascia/Parking stand = 1.5 N-m
Check fastener torque: Gearbox Trim = 6 N-m
Check fastener torque: Fender = 1.5 N-m
Function check: InfoKey operation
Function check: InfoKey battery level
Function check: Inspect LeanSteer for damage
Recommended Maintenance Schedule–i2 SE, x2 SE, x2 SE Turf
Key: = required,
= Performed by Level 2 trained Segway Certified Technician only,
= Performed by Level 3 trained Segway Certified Technician only
Recommended Maintenance Schedule–i2 SE, x2 SE, x2 SE Turf (cont.)
Maintenance procedure: 1x/month 1x/4months 1x/6 months 1x/12 months
Replace tires (see "Tire Wear" below), handle bar grips as necessary
Test ride PT, note wheel alignment, drift, or performance issues
Inspect elastomer and coupling (see SB 10-001)
Replace components and update software as necessary
Tire Wear
Excess tire wear is determined as follows:
• Model i2 SE – center rib is worn flush with tire surface
• Model x2 SE – diamond pattern on center rib is no longer visible
• Model x2 SE Turf – tire tread depth is less than 3/32" (2.38 mm)
Key: = required;
= Performed by Level 2 trained Segway Certified Technician only;
= Performed by Level 3 trained Segway Certified Technician only
Your Segway PT
PT Serial Number
PT Battery Serial Number 1: 2:
InfoKey Controller Serial Number
Dealer Name
Dealer Contact
Dealer Address
Dealer Web/Email/Phone
Owner Name
Owner Address
Owner Email/Phone
Write down the important information below for quick access if needed.
Pre-Ride Checklist – i2 SE, x2 SE, x2 SE Turf
Perform the following checks on your PT before each ride:
ProTIP: Copy and post this page near your PT “parking spot” – check the boxes off as you go down the list.
Check tire pressure
15 PSI – i2
4 PSI – x2, x2 Turf
Check for tire wear
i2 – center rib is worn flush with tire surface
x2 – diamond pattern on center rib no longer visible
x2 Turf – tire tread depth is less than 3/32” (2.38 mm)
Power on PT, confirm battery level displayed on InfoKey is at 4 bars minimum
Ensure there is no visible damage to the PT
Check the LeanSteer Frame stands straight and upright as shown
Check the LeanSteer Frame for tightness
Torque: 11 N-m
Ensure rider mats are intact, secure, and free of debris
24010-00001 aa

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