1. lncluded in de|ivery.........................
2. Intended use........................... . . ....... .. ..
3. Gertirg To k'ow your device
4. Slgns and symb01s............
5. Warnings and safety notes
9. Evaluating measurement resu|ts................ 30
1 0. Maintenance/ciean nq ............................... 32
1 1. Storage......................................................32
12. Disposa.....................................................32
'13. What if there are problems?...................... 34
1 4. Technical Data........................................... gs
1 5. Watranty/Service centre...................,....... 07
6. U^it description...
7. Init al use
8. Operation
Please read these lnstructions carefully and keep them for later use. Be sure to make them ac-
cessibie to other users anci observe the lnformation thev contain.
l.lncluded in delivery
'1x SPO ?5 pulse oximeter
2x 1 .5 V AAA batteries
1 x These instructions for use
2. lntended use
Only use the SPO 25 pulse oximeter on humans to measure the arteral oxygen saturation
(SpOr) of haemoglobin and the heart rate (pulse rate). The pulse oxlmeter isiuitabie for private
use (at home, on the go) as well as for use in the medical sector (hospitals, rnedical establish-