SAM4S NR-500 Series Manual Service Mode Programming • 107
Load/Save Receipt Images
You can load a preamble and postamble image on your receipt or soft guest check. Before
loading, the images must be converted by the SAM4s PC Utility to .img format. After
conversion, they can be loaded directly by connecting a PC to the NR-500 Series or by
copying the images to a SD card and loading (or saving the image) using the SD utility
program described here.
Note that after loading the images, you must set “LOGO (Print preamble image / Print
postamble image)” of the “Options Programming” in the “Program Mode
Programming” to activate the image printing.
Use the SAM4s PC Utility(eSpresso) to Convert the Image
1. Install the eSpresso on your PC and run it.
2. If you start the eSpresso for the first time, you must define the store and register,
or if the store and register is already defined, you can select the store from the
register list. The eSpresso program starts.
3. At the eSpresso, choose Image Logo from the Edit Program menu.
4. Click the FILE OPEN ( ) button. Select the image file that you wish to use
from the Open dialog and click the Open command button.
5. You can view the original and the converted image of a seleted image.
6. You can change the properties of the image. (Sharpness and Brightness)
7. You can select the PREAMBLE IMAGE or POSTAMBLE IMAGE.
8. Click the DOWN ( ) button. “Download completed” message is displayed.
※ If you want to save the converted image, Click the SAVE ( ) button. (Saved images
are stored in My Documents folder.)