44..66.. TTeelleetteexxtt LLaanngguuaaggee::
You can set the teletext
language depending on the teletext received by your
TV set.
For U.K. the setting is Pan European. This is the
44..77.. TTeelleetteexxtt EE//WW::
This selects the characters peculiar to
Eastern Europe and Western Europe countries for
44..88.. RRTT CClloocckk::
The clock is adjusted as "24 hours, 12
hours or closed". In the lower line, the current time is
RT clock menu may not appear in the initial.
Main menu list when menu is first pressed. P- must be
pressed to navigate down the menu and make RT clock
menu appear.
44..99.. OOuutt RRFF:: ((AAtt ssoommee mmooddeellss))
If “OUT RF” option is set
to “ON” RF signal can be taken through AV Out of
Scart Socket to use for second TV or a recorder. When it
is set to OFF you will get from the scart out what you
are watching on the screen (AV modes).
In the program settings menu are the options "Prog.
No., Channel Name, System, Sound System, Auto
Prog., Frequency, Fine Tuning, AFC, Skip and Lock".
PPrrooggrraamm nnrr..::
Shows the number of the current channel.
The Prog. No. can be changed using V± and numbers.
PPrrooggrraamm nnaammee::
The name of the current channel
appears. Press V± to enter the channel name. You can
change the character using P± buttons. You can access