Safety SMA Solar Technology AG
6 WBSetup-BEN100411 User Manual
2 Safety
2.1 Appropriate Usage
Windy Boy Setup Tool is a software which creates an interface between the wind power inverter and
the wind turbine system and offers the installer the possibility to enter all wind parameters. The
recorded parameters can be transferred to the wind power inverter via this software.
Additionally the Windy Boy Setup Tool features graphical representation of the power curve. You can
set and transfer the desired power curve for an inverter. For this, the inverter must be in operation and
detected by the software. In addition you have the possibility of setting the power curve without an
inverter being in operation and detected by the software. You can set the power curve in the so-called
"offline operation" and save it locally onto your computer and transfer it to the inverter later.
2.2 Licensing agreements
With the installation of the Windy Boy Setup Tool
software, you express your approval of the
following licensing agreements.
The Windy Boy Setup Tool
software has been developed by SMA Solar Technology AG and is
copyright protected. It is provided to the user free of charge and for an unlimited period.
Windy Boy Setup Tool
is freeware and may be freely copied and used and may only be passed
completely and unmodified on to third parties when maintaining all legal property right notes. The
commercial passing on to third parties (e.g. within shareware and/or freeware distributions) is not
permitted. The user is not allowed to change in any way the original code and the original data. SMA
reserves the right to improve and/or modify the product described here at any time. You can obtain
the current version on the Internet at or from the usual sales channels.
The software is provided to the user free of charge. SMA cannot accept responsibility for its proper
operation, for its suitability for certain purposes and for the non-violation of any rights of third parties.
The software is exclusively used at the user's risk and responsibility. SMA does not accept liability for
defects and consequential damage, for incorrect profit calculations, loss of profit, loss of feed-in tariff,
damage to user hardware, loss of data, loss of use, interruptions in operation or other damage,
especially not for those damages resulting from changes of the inverter's configuration.