How exact does the GPS watch show?
The exactness depends on the reception of the satellites. The indication of
exactness is based on the so-called CEP 50% (Circular Error Probability). This
means that, in case of a very good reception from the satellites 50% of all
measurements will be in a circle with the indicated half-line of 3 m. It also
means that half of the measurement points are outside this half-line. Further,
however, 95% of all the measurement points are in a circle with double half-
line. Almost all the points are inside a circle with a half-line of 6 m, in case of
a good reception of the satellite.
Charge of the accumulator of the GPS wa
tch does not work, why?
Make sure the USB port in which the GPS watch is inserted is power carrier.
The installation of a driver for charging the accumulator is not necessary.
If problems appear when charging the GPS watch, check the contact pins on
the back of the watch. If these were soiled with sweat deposits and skin
scales, clean them with a sharp metallic object (e.g. tweezers).
Why when riding the bike, a different speed in comparison to the computer
without bike cable is shown?
Do not use the computer without bike cable and the GPS watch
simultaneously. The signals of the sensor from the bike computer may
disturb the GPS watch. Thus, false displays can be shown.
Can the cell phone and the GPS watch
be mounted together on the handle
bar of the bike?
It is not recommended because disturbances (radio) may appear.
For which types of sports is the GPS watch adequate?
or outdoor sports like jogging, cycling, hikes, sailing, skiing etc.