• This appears _ _ is compliant to the standards in vigor re l at i ve to this guy of product.
Check that the tension from network matches well _ _ _ to 230V.
• Always connect the device _ _ _ on a socket connected to there _ Earth.
• In the case where a extension is nece s sa i re, use a extension with socket of Earth, in taking all
the _ precautions required to that person not gets in the way inside.
Use a stable work surface dry.
not not r- place the device Where the cord on a surface hot.
not not To do function the device under a furniture wall, line shelf, neither directly plate against a
wall, Where Well to proximity of materials flammable _ such that of the drapes, t en t u res , and
c . _
not never cover the device with a napkin Where equiv al ent. The smoke and the heat have to to be
able to escape easily of the device during use _ _ _ to avoid everything risk of fire.
WARNING: cooking is only done in the removable cooking bowl (2). Do not cook
anything directly in the heating cavity.
Do not use the appliance other than for baking bread. Do
not use for frying .
Use uniquely them accessories provided with the device . _ _
Do not use the appliance without the removable bowl or if it is _ empty.
not not move the device during the operation , _ so i only after use to to avoid everything risk of
not not to touch them parts hot : always man i could l er the device, the tank removable Where the
lid by the handles planned to this effect _ Where use a glove i so l ant.
Do not use the device at the outside.
not not move the device during of sound use .
Do not leave the appliance in operation without surveillance.
Unplug the device if he not works not standard , _ _ _ if he _ should the move Where during of his in t
ret i e n.
The elements of the device not are not compatible _ _ with the oven conventional Where the oven
microwave . _
This device is not not a toy, not not the let to p rox i mi ty of the children.
not not use the device _ _ if this one Where the cord supply _ _ _ _ _ _ electric _ are defective.
In this case, not not replace the acer the cord feeding oneself, but the To do replace by a person
• This device has summer designed to a use domestic only , _ _ _ _ _ _ all use professional, not
appropriate _ Where Nope compliant to fashion employment, does not engage neither the
responsibility, neither the guarantee from maker.
This device bears the WEEE symbol (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) signifying
end of life, he not must not to be thrown to the waste household, but deposit to center of
sorting of the
locality. The valuation of the waste allow of contribute to to preserve our environment.
To do function the device _ _ _ to empty during 10 minutes in fashion 5 - COOKING.
The device can produce of the smells, small noises Where a little of smoke. This is normal
during of the first use.
Let cool , then clean . _
Dry all parts separately and assemble them. The device is ready for operation.