FUNCTIONS OF MODEL MENU ................. 69
●Common Functions ........................................ 69
Servo Monitor (Linkage Menu)
Condition Select (Glid/Heli only) .................. 70
Dual Rate ........................................................ 72
Program Mix ................................................... 74
Fuel Mix (Air/Heli only) ................................ 76
●Airplane/Glider Functions ............................. 78
Model Menu functions list ............................. 78
Throttle Curve (Air only) .............................. 80
Throttle Delay (Air only) ............................... 81
AIL Differential (Except 1-AIL) ................... 82
Flap Setting (2-FLP and up) .......................... 83
AIL to Camber FLP (2-AIL+2-FLP and up) 84
AIL to Brake FLP (Glid only, 4-FLP) .......... 85
AIL to RUD ..................................................... 86
RUD to AIL ..................................................... 87
Camber Mix (Except 1-AIL) ......................... 88
ELE to Camber (Except 1-AIL) .................... 90
Camber FLP to ELE (2-AIL+1-FLP and up) 91
Buttery (Glid only, normal wing 2-AIL and
up, ying wing 2-AIL+1FLP and up) ........ 92
Trim Mix (Glid only, 2-AIL and up) ............. 94
Airbrake (Air only, 2-AIL and up) ............... 96
Gyro (Air only, for GYA type gyro) .............. 98
V-tail .............................................................. 100
Ailevator ........................................................ 101
Winglet (Flying wing only) .......................... 102
Motor ............................................................. 103
RUD to ELE (Air only) ................................ 105
Snap Roll (Air only) ..................................... 106
●Helicopter Functions .................................... 108
Model Menu functions list ........................... 108
PIT Curve/Pit trim ....................................... 109
THR Curve/Throttle hover trim ................. 112
Throttle Hold ................................................ 114
Swash Mix ..................................................... 115
Throttle Mix .................................................. 116
PIT to RUD (Revolution mix) ..................... 117
Gyro (for GY type gyro) .............................. 118
Governor ....................................................... 119
APPENDIX ...................................................... 120
Timer ST1/ST2 ............................................. 120
Switch Setting Method ................................. 121