4:3 PAN SCAN (PS=Pan and Scan)
You may select if you have a normal aspect ratio (4:3) TV, although the
NORMAL/LB (letter box) is a more common (letter box) choice. In PS mode,
widescreen material will fill the screen, but at the expense of chopping off
extreme left and right edges of the original film picture. For this feature to
work, the disc must be specially coded. Such discs are uncommon.
4:3 LETTER BOX (LB=Letter Box)
You may select this if you have a normal aspect ratio (4:3) TV. Widescreen
material will be shown in pure unaltered form, allowing the entire picture area
of the original film to be viewed without any side cropping. Black bars will
appear above and below the picture,
You may select this if you have a widescreen (16:9)TV, back bars may still
appear above and below the picture even if using a widescreen TV, this is
because some film directors prefer to use ultra widescreen aspect ratios e.. g .
2.35:1. This will normally be indicated on the DVD packaging.
General Setup Process
1. press the DVD-SETUP button,
the general setup page,
preference page will be displayed
in turn,
2. press or to select, the item,
then press to enter the
3. press or to select, then
to confirm.
4. press DVD SETUP repeatedly to
exit the set-up menus.
General setup page
When using the DVD with the
internal TV, select 4:3/LB.
The following information applies
only when the DVD output is
connected to an external TV.