andcrossovercan bemadeto providethe lastbitof completeand seamlessintegraon.Withthat,
set-upis complete.
Hint: There may be a tendency to set the crossover point too high and the volume of the Sub-Bass System
too low when first learning how to integrate a REL with the system, the fear being one of overwhelming the
main speakers with bass. But in doing so, the resulng set-up will be lacking in bass depth and dynamics. The
proper crossover point and volume se ng will increase overall dynamics, allow for extended bass frequencies,
and improve soundstage properes. Note, volume must be adjusted in conjuncon with crossover changes.
In general, when selecng a lower crossover point, more volume may need to be applied.
An Alternave Method to Seng up Gibraltar
WhereaslesserREL designsmakevirtually exclusiveuse ofcornerposioning,Gibraltarmaybe set-up in
1 Tradionalcornerloading—thismethodconnuestoworkwell,especiallyinsmallerandmedium-sizedrooms.
2 Forlargeroomsandespeciallywhenusedinlargeroomswithstateoftheartmainspeakers,experimenng
withcouplingthe Gibraltar(s)in closeproximitytothe mains,yetslightlybehind andtothe outsideof
themains canresultinperfect integraonwith ones’main speakers.
Ifmethod 2isselected,the listeningcues involveusing thesametype ofrepeve,bass transientsas are
customarilyusedforallRELset-upwork(Sneakers).First,experiment withcornerplacement,ifforanyreason
thisposion seemsproblemacproceedas follows.CarefullydrawGibraltaroutfromthe cornerbringingit
closerand closertothe mainspeaker,listencarefullyforanchor points—thosepointsofroomboundary
reinforcementthatinformyouthatthe RELisworking efficientlywith theroom.An opmallocaonwithin
approximately 18”-36”ofthe locaonof themain speakershouldresultin perfect, seamlesscoupling.
Essenally,Gibraltarisso powerfulthat room boundaryreinforcement becomesless ofa concernandthe
listener/opmizeris freetofocusvirtually exclusively onspeed,integraonand airwithGibraltartaking
careof allthe slamandoutput necessarytoobtainthe desiredRELeffect.