Pagina terug
Pagina verder
r a g o n fly
Installation and operation
Date: 08-2014
Document number: 81345-4-EN
© 2014 Raymarine UK Limited
elease 10
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Document and software changes
The following tables describe the main changes that have been made since the last release of both the
product software and this document.
Applicable software version: LightHouse II Release 10.xx
Applicable documents: 81345–4.
Applicable products: Dragony
6 / Dragony
Document and Software changes
Description Applicable application
Applicable chapter(s) or
Added support for Navionics Navionics
. Chart application 8.11 Sonar logging
Changed internal GPS refresh rate to 5 Hz. Tools & Settings GPS specication
Document changes
Description Applicable application
Applicable chapter(s) or
List of learning resources added to Getting Started and Technical
Support chapters.
6.10 Learning resources
Added full details for GPS and Sonar Set-up to Tools & Settings
Tools & Settings Chapter 12 Tools &
Updated Chart application overview to include commonly used
Chart application 8.1 Chart application
Updated Sonar application overview to include commonly used
Sonar application 10.1 Sonar application
Updated DownVision™ application overview to include
commonly used features.
application 11.1 DownVision
application overview
Added Document and Software changes table (this table) to
beginning of manual.
Software changes
Description Applicable application
Applicable chapter(s) or
Added support for encrypted LightHouse Charts. Chart application N/A
Trademark and patents notice
Raymarine, Tacktick, Clear Pulse, Truzoom, HSB, SeaTalk, SeaTalk
, SeaTalk
, Micronet, Raytech,
Gear Up, Marine Shield, Seahawk, Autohelm, Automagic, and Visionality are registered or claimed
trademarks of Raymarine Belgium.
FLIR, DownVision, SideVision, Dragony, Instalert, Infrared Everywhere, and The World’s Sixth
Sense are registered or claimed trademarks of FLIR Systems, Inc.
All other trademarks, trade names, or company names referenced herein are used for identication only
and are the property of their respective owners.
This product is protected by patents, design patents, patents pending, or design patents pending.
Fair Use Statement
You may print no more than three copies of this manual for your own use. You may not make any further
copies or distribute or use the manual in any other way including without limitation exploiting the manual
commercially or giving or selling copies to third parties.
Software updates
Check the website www.raymarine.com for the latest software releases for your product.
Document number: 81345-4
Date: 08-2014
Product handbooks
The latest versions of all English and translated handbooks are available to download in PDF format from the website
Please check the website to ensure you have the latest handbooks.
Copyright ©2014 Raymarine UK Ltd. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 Important information.......................... 7
TFT Displays ............................................................... 8
Water ingress .............................................................. 8
Disclaimers ................................................................. 8
Memory cards and chart cards ..................................... 8
EMC installation guidelines .......................................... 8
Third party software license agreements ....................... 9
Declaration of conformity.............................................. 9
Pixel defect policy........................................................ 9
Warranty policy............................................................ 9
Warranty registration.................................................... 9
Product disposal .......................................................... 9
IMO and SOLAS.......................................................... 9
Technical accuracy ...................................................... 9
Chapter 2 Document and product
information........................................................... 11
2.1 Document information .......................................... 12
2.2 Product overview ................................................. 13
Chapter 3 Planning the installation ................... 15
3.1 Installation checklist ............................................. 16
3.2 Parts supplied...................................................... 17
3.3 Compatible DownVision
transducers.................. 18
3.4 Tools required for installation................................. 18
3.5 Software updates ................................................. 19
3.6 Warnings and cautions ......................................... 19
3.7 Selecting a location for the transducer ................... 20
3.8 Cable routing ....................................................... 21
3.9 Selecting a location for the display ........................ 21
3.10 Installation process............................................. 23
Chapter 4 Mounting............................................. 25
4.1 Mounting the transducer ....................................... 26
4.2 Cradle mounting .................................................. 27
4.3 Fitting the display in the cradle .............................. 28
4.4 Fitting the 7 inch display in the cradle Cradle
down......................................................................... 28
4.5 Security ............................................................... 29
4.6 Removing the display from the bracket .................. 30
4.7 Surface mounting................................................. 31
4.8 Testing the transducer .......................................... 32
4.9 Finishing the transducer mounting......................... 32
Chapter 5 Cables and connections.................... 33
5.1 General cabling guidance ..................................... 34
5.2 Cable connection ................................................. 34
Chapter 6 Getting started ................................... 37
6.1 Display power ...................................................... 38
6.2 Controls............................................................... 38
6.3 Initial set up procedures........................................ 39
6.4 Satellite-based navigation..................................... 40
6.5 Sonar check ........................................................ 42
6.6 DownVision check................................................ 42
6.7 Shortcuts page..................................................... 43
6.8 Applications ......................................................... 44
6.9 View switcher....................................................... 44
6.10 Learning resources............................................. 45
Chapter 7 Managing display data ...................... 47
7.1 Memory cards and chart cards .............................. 48
7.2 Saving user data and user settings........................ 49
7.3 Resetting your system .......................................... 50
Chapter 8 Chart application................................ 51
8.1 Chart application overview.................................... 52
8.2 Electronic charts overview .................................... 53
8.3 Chart application controls ..................................... 56
8.4 Chart context menu.............................................. 57
8.5 Navigation ........................................................... 57
8.6 Chart selection..................................................... 58
8.7 Chart orientation .................................................. 58
8.8 Chart Detail ......................................................... 59
8.9 Boat position........................................................ 60
8.10 Community layer ................................................ 60
8.11 Sonar logging..................................................... 61
8.12 COG Vector ....................................................... 61
8.13 Deep Water ....................................................... 62
8.14 Chart objects ..................................................... 62
Chapter 9 Waypoints and Tracks ....................... 63
9.1 Waypoints overview ............................................. 64
9.2 Tracks ................................................................. 70
9.3 Import and Export ................................................ 72
9.4 Waypoints and tracks storage capacity .................. 72
Chapter 10 Sonar application............................. 73
10.1 Sonar application overview ................................. 74
10.2 Sonar application controls................................... 75
10.3 Range ............................................................... 76
10.4 Display options .................................................. 77
10.5 Sensitivity adjustments ....................................... 79
Chapter 11 DownVision application................... 81
11.1 DownVision
application overview ..................... 82
11.2 DownVision
application controls...................... 83
11.3 Range................................................................ 84
11.4 Display options................................................... 85
11.5 Sensitivity adjustments ....................................... 86
Chapter 12 Tools & Settings............................... 89
12.1 Alarms............................................................... 90
12.2 System Settings menu........................................ 92
12.3 Backup and reset ............................................... 97
Chapter 13 Maintenance ..................................... 99
13.1 Service and maintenance ................................. 100
13.2 Cleaning .......................................................... 100
13.3 Transducer cleaning ......................................... 101
Chapter 14 Troubleshooting............................. 103
14.1 Troubleshooting ............................................... 104
14.2 Power up troubleshooting ................................. 105
14.3 GPS troubleshooting ........................................ 106
14.4 Sonar / DownVision troubleshooting .................. 107
14.5 Miscellaneous troubleshooting .......................... 108
Chapter 15 Technical support .......................... 109
15.1 Raymarine customer support .............................110
15.2 Learning resources............................................110
Chapter 16 Technical specication...................111
16.1 Technical specication .......................................112
Chapter 17 Spares and accessories................ 115
17.1 Accessories ......................................................116
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 1: Important information
Warning: Product installation and
This product must be installed and
operated in accordance with the
instructions provided. Failure to do so
could result in personal injury, damage
to your vessel and/or poor product
Warning: Ensure safe navigation
This product is intended only as an aid
to navigation and must never be used
in preference to sound navigational
judgment. Only ofcial government
charts and notices to mariners contain all
the current information needed for safe
navigation, and the captain is responsible
for their prudent use. It is the user’s
responsibility to use ofcial government
charts, notices to mariners, caution and
proper navigational skill when operating
this or any other Raymarine product.
Warning: Potential ignition source
This product is NOT approved for use in
hazardous/ammable atmospheres. Do
NOT install in a hazardous/ammable
atmosphere (such as in an engine room
or near fuel tanks).
Warning: High voltages
This product contains high voltages. Do
NOT remove any covers or otherwise
attempt to access internal components,
unless specically instructed in this
Warning: Power supply voltage
Connecting this product to a voltage
supply greater than the specied
maximum rating may cause permanent
damage to the unit. Refer to the Technical
specication section for voltage rating.
Warning: Product grounding
Before applying power to this product,
ensure it has been correctly grounded, in
accordance with the instructions in this
Warning: Switch off power supply
Ensure the vessel’s power supply is
switched OFF before starting to install this
product. Do NOT connect or disconnect
equipment with the power switched on,
unless instructed in this document.
Caution: Service and maintenance
This product contains no user serviceable
components. Please refer all maintenance
and repair to authorized Raymarine
dealers. Unauthorized repair may affect
your warranty.
Caution: Transducer cable
Do NOT cut, shorten, or splice the
transducer cable.
Do NOT remove the connector.
If the cable is cut, it cannot be repaired.
Cutting the cable will also void the
Caution: Power supply protection
When installing this product ensure the
power source is adequately protected
by means of a suitably-rated fuse or
automatic circuit breaker.
Caution: Care of chart and memory
To avoid irreparable damage to and / or
loss of data from chart and memory cards:
DO NOT save data or les to a card
containing cartography as the charts
may be overwritten.
Ensure that chart and memory cards
are tted the correct way around. DO
NOT try to force a card into position.
DO NOT use a metallic instrument such
as a screwdriver or pliers to insert or
remove a chart or memory card.
Caution: Ensure card reader door
is securely closed
To prevent water ingress and consequent
damage to the product, ensure that the
card reader door is rmly closed.
Caution: Cleaning
When cleaning this product:
Do NOT wipe the display screen with
a dry cloth, as this could scratch the
screen coating.
Do NOT use abrasive, or acid or
ammonia based products.
Do NOT use a jet wash.
Important information
TFT Displays
The colors of the display may seem to vary when
viewed against a colored background or in colored
light. This is a perfectly normal effect that can
be seen with all color Thin Film Transistor (TFT)
Water ingress
Water ingress disclaimer
Although the waterproof rating capacity of this
product meets the stated IPX standard (refer to the
product’s Technical Specication), water intrusion
and subsequent equipment failure may occur if the
product is subjected to commercial high-pressure
washing. Raymarine will not warrant products
subjected to high-pressure washing.
This product (including the electronic charts) is
intended to be used only as an aid to navigation. It
is designed to facilitate use of ofcial government
charts, not replace them. Only ofcial government
charts and notices to mariners contain all the current
information needed for safe navigation, and the
captain is responsible for their prudent use. It is
the user’s responsibility to use ofcial government
charts, notices to mariners, caution and proper
navigational skill when operating this or any other
Raymarine product. This product supports electronic
charts provided by third party data suppliers which
may be embedded or stored on memory card. Use
of such charts is subject to the supplier’s End-User
Licence Agreement included in the documentation
for this product or supplied with the memory card
(as applicable).
Raymarine does not warrant that this product is
error-free or that it is compatible with products
manufactured by any person or entity other than
This product uses digital chart data, and electronic
information from the Global Positioning System
(GPS) which may contain errors. Raymarine does
not warrant the accuracy of such information and
you are advised that errors in such information may
cause the product to malfunction. Raymarine is not
responsible for damages or injuries caused by your
use or inability to use the product, by the interaction
of the product with products manufactured by others,
or by errors in chart data or information utilized by
the product and supplied by third parties.
Memory cards and chart cards
MicroSD memory cards can be used to back up /
archive data (e.g. Waypoint, and Tracks). Once
data is backed up to a memory card old data can
be deleted from the system, creating capacity for
new data. The archived data can be retrieved at any
time. Chart cards provide additional or upgraded
It is recommended that your data is backed up to a
memory card on a regular basis. Do NOT save data
to a memory card containing cartography.
Compatible cards
The following types of MicroSD cards are compatible
with your display:
Micro Secure Digital Standard-Capacity
Micro Secure Digital High-Capacity (MicroSDHC)
The maximum supported memory card capacity
is 32 GB.
MicroSD cards must be formatted to use either
the FAT or FAT 32 le system format to enable
use with your MFD.
Speed class rating
For best performance it is recommended that you
use Class 10 or UHS (Ultra High Speed) class
memory cards.
Chart cards
Your product is pre-loaded with electronic charts
(worldwide base map). If you wish to use different
chart data, you can insert compatible chart cards into
the unit's memory card reader.
Use branded chart cards and memory cards
When archiving data or creating an electronic chart
card, Raymarine recommends the use of quality
branded memory cards. Some brands of memory
card may not work in your unit. Please contact
customer support for a list of recommended cards.
EMC installation guidelines
Raymarine equipment and accessories conform to
the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
regulations, to minimize electromagnetic interference
between equipment and minimize the effect such
interference could have on the performance of your
Correct installation is required to ensure that EMC
performance is not compromised.
Note: In areas of extreme EMC interference,
some slight interference may be noticed on the
product. Where this occurs the product and the
source of the interference should be separated by
a greater distance.
For optimum EMC performance we recommend
that wherever possible:
Raymarine equipment and cables connected to
it are:
At least 1 m (3 ft) from any equipment
transmitting or cables carrying radio signals e.g.
VHF radios, cables and antennas. In the case
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
of SSB radios, the distance should be increased
to 7 ft (2 m).
More than 2 m (7 ft) from the path of a radar
beam. A radar beam can normally be assumed
to spread 20 degrees above and below the
radiating element.
The product is supplied from a separate battery
from that used for engine start. This is important to
prevent erratic behavior and data loss which can
occur if the engine start does not have a separate
Raymarine specied cables are used.
Cables are not cut or extended, unless doing so is
detailed in the installation manual.
Note: Where constraints on the installation
prevent any of the above recommendations,
always ensure the maximum possible separation
between different items of electrical equipment, to
provide the best conditions for EMC performance
throughout the installation
Third party software license
This product is subject to certain third party software
license agreements as listed below:
JPEG libraries
The license agreements for the above can be found
on the website www.raymarine.com and on the
accompanying documentation CD if supplied.
Declaration of conformity
Raymarine UK Ltd. declares that this product is
compliant with the essential requirements of EMC
directive 2004/108/EC.
The original Declaration of Conformity certicate
may be viewed on the relevant product page at
Pixel defect policy
In common with all TFT units, the screen may exhibit
a few wrongly-illuminated (“dead”) pixels. These
may appear as black pixels in a light area of the
screen or as colored pixels in black areas.
If your display exhibits MORE than the number
of wrongly-illuminated pixels allowed (refer to the
product technical specication for details), please
contact your local Raymarine service center for
further advice.
Warranty policy
Your product is warranted to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of 1 year
from the date of rst purchase of the product or, if
installed on a new boat, the date of rst boat delivery
to the Original Customer (please retain proof of
purchase in case you need to claim).
The full details of the Limited Warranty Policy
and registration process are available online at:
If you do not have access to the Internet, please
phone the relevant number below to obtain warranty
policy information:
In the USA:
Tel: +1 603 324 7900
Toll Free: +1 800 539 5539
In the UK, Europe, the Middle East, or Far East:
Tel: +44 (0)13 2924 6777
Warranty registration
To register your Raymarine product ownership,
please visit www.raymarine.com and register online.
It is important that you register your product to
receive full warranty benets. Your unit package
includes a bar code label indicating the serial number
of the unit. You will need this serial number when
registering your product online. You should retain
the label for future reference.
Product disposal
Dispose of this product in accordance with the
WEEE Directive.
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) Directive requires the recycling of waste
electrical and electronic equipment. Whilst the
WEEE Directive does not apply to some Raymarine
products, we support its policy and ask you to be
aware of how to dispose of this product.
The equipment described within this document
is intended for use on leisure marine boats and
workboats NOT covered by International Maritime
Organization (IMO) and Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS) Carriage Regulations.
Technical accuracy
To the best of our knowledge, the information in this
document was correct at the time it was produced.
However, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any
inaccuracies or omissions it may contain. In addition,
our policy of continuous product improvement may
change specications without notice. As a result,
Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differences
Important information
between the product and this document. Please
check the Raymarine website (www.raymarine.com)
to ensure you have the most up-to-date version(s) of
the documentation for your product.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 2: Document and product information
Chapter contents
2.1 Document information on page 12
2.2 Product overview on page 13
Document and product information
2.1 Document information
This document contains important information
related to the installation of your Raymarine product.
The document includes information to help you:
plan your installation and ensure you have all the
necessary equipment;
install and connect your product as part of a wider
system of connected marine electronics;
troubleshoot problems and obtain technical
support if required.
This and other Raymarine product documents
are available to download in PDF format from
Applicable products
This document is applicable to the following products:
number Description
5.7 inch display
transom mount
5.7 inch display
7 inch display
transom mount
7 inch display
Software revision
Raymarine regularly updates product software to
add new features and improve existing functionality.
Release 10
This handbook covers multifunction display
software version LightHouse II Release 10.
Please refer to the Software Releases section
for details on software releases.
Check the Raymarine website to ensure you
have the latest software and user manuals.
Product documentation
The following documentation is applicable to your
Description Part number
6 mounting and getting
started guide
Installation and “Quick start guide” for
the Dragony
6 display and CPT-60
transom mount transducer
7 mounting and getting
started guide
Installation and “Quick start guide” for
the Dragony
7 display and CPT-60
transom mount transducer
installation and operation
Installation and operational instructions
for the Dragony
6 and Dragony
displays and CPT-60 transom mount
6 surface mounting
6 display surface mount
adaptor cut out template
7 surface mounting
7display surface mount
adaptor cut out template
CPT-60 Transom mount transducer
mounting template
CPT-60 transducer cut out template
Thru-hull transducers
CPT-70 / CPT-80 / CPT-110 / CPT-120
Installation instructions
Installation of Dragony
Thru-Hull transducers CPT-70 and
Document conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this
The term ‘Select’ is used throughout this document
to describe the action of using the Rotary control or
Joystick to highlight an object, icon, or menu item
and then Pressing the Joystick OK button to conrm
the selection.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Document illustrations
Your product may differ slightly from that shown
in the illustrations in this document, depending on
product variant and date of manufacture.
All images are provided for illustration purposes only.
User manuals Print Shop
Raymarine provides a Print Shop service, enabling
you to purchase a high-quality, professionally-printed
manual for your Raymarine product.
Printed manuals are ideal for keeping onboard your
vessel, as a useful source of reference whenever
you need assistance with your Raymarine product.
Visit http://www.raymarine.co.uk/view/?id=5175 to
order a printed manual, delivered directly to your
For further information about the Print Shop,
please visit the Print Shop FAQ pages:
Accepted methods of payment for printed
manuals are credit cards and PayPal.
Printed manuals can be shipped worldwide.
Further manuals will be added to the Print Shop
over the coming months for both new and legacy
Raymarine user manuals are also available to
download free-of-charge from the Raymarine
website, in the popular PDF format. These PDF
les can be viewed on a PC / laptop, tablet,
smartphone, or on the latest generation of
Raymarine multifunction displays.
2.2 Product overview
The unit connects directly to a Raymarine
transducer and a vessel’s power
multifunction displays are standalone
Fishnder and Chartplotter combo displays.
The product includes the following features:
Internal GPS receiver.
Internal 2 Channel CHIRP sonar module:
ultra high resolution channel
providing photo like clarity.
CHIRP Sonar high resolution sh targeting
Raymarine’s LightHouse user interface.
Tilt and swivel quick release base with optional
locking core.
Surface mountable using the optional surface
mount adaptor kit.
CHIRP DownVision
produces a wide–angle side-to-side
beam and a thin fore-to-aft beam. The coverage of
the DownVision
beam is a water column directly
beneath and to the sides of the vessel.
is effective at lower vessel speeds. In
deeper waters the CHIRP bandwidth is automatically
optimized to improve bottom lock and the detection of
moving objects (e.g. sh) in the wider water column.
The wide, thin beam produces clear target returns.
The use of CHIRP processing and a higher operating
frequency provide a more detailed image, making
it easier to identify bottom structures around which
sh may reside.
Document and product information
CHIRP DownVision
screen example
CHIRP Sonar overview
CHIRP sonar produces a conical shaped beam, the
coverage of the conical beam is the water column
directly beneath the vessel
Conical beam
Sonar is effective at a range of speeds. In deeper
waters the CHIRP bandwidth is automatically
optimized to improve bottom lock and the detection
of moving objects (e.g. sh) in the wider water
CHIRP sonar screen example
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 3: Planning the installation
Chapter contents
3.1 Installation checklist on page 16
3.2 Parts supplied on page 17
3.3 Compatible DownVision
transducers on page 18
3.4 Tools required for installation on page 18
3.5 Software updates on page 19
3.6 Warnings and cautions on page 19
3.7 Selecting a location for the transducer on page 20
3.8 Cable routing on page 21
3.9 Selecting a location for the display on page 21
3.10 Installation process on page 23
Planning the installation
3.1 Installation checklist
Installation includes the following activities:
Installation Task
1 Plan your system.
Obtain all required equipment and tools.
Site all equipment.
4 Route all cables.
Drill cable and mounting holes.
6 Make all connections into equipment.
Secure all equipment in place.
8 Power on and test the system.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
3.2 Parts supplied
The parts supplied with your product are shown
Supplied with: E70085, E70226, E70230 and
Item Description Qty
Display 1
Display cradle. 1
Display cradle base 1
Cradle securing bolt
Cradle mounting xings
Documentation pack 1
Supplied with: E70085 and E70231
Item Description Qty
CPT-60 DownVision
mount transducer (including
tted 6 m (19.7 ft.) transducer
cable and 2 m (6.6 ft.) power
cable not shown.)
Escutcheon (for through transom
cable installation.)
Escutcheon mounting screws 2
Item Description Qty
Transducer bracket mounting
P-clips and screws 3
Planning the installation
3.3 Compatible DownVision
This product is compatible with the following
transducers include both Depth and
Temperature sensor elements.
Part number Description Type
3.4 Tools required for installation
1. Power drill.
2. Pozidrive screwdriver.
3. 3 mm (5/32) Allen key.
4. Marine grade sealant.
5. Suitable sized drill bit.
6. Adhesive tape.
7. 18 mm (23/32”) Hole saw (only required if you
are routing the cable through the transom.
Additional tools required
When surface mounting the display the following
additional tools are required.
1 2
1. Jigsaw.
2. 32 mm (1 1/4”) hole saw.
3. 7 mm (9/32”) spanner.
4. File.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
3.5 Software updates
The software running on the product can be updated.
Raymarine periodically releases software updates
to improve product performance and add new
You can update the software for your product using
a connected and compatible multifunction display.
Refer to www.raymarine.com/software/ for the
latest software updates and the software update
procedure for your product.
If in doubt as to the correct procedure for updating
your product software, refer to your dealer or
Raymarine technical support.
Caution: Downloading software
The software update process is carried
out at your own risk. Before initiating the
update process ensure you have backed
up any important les.
Ensure that the unit has a reliable power
supply and that the update process is not
Damage caused by incomplete updates
are not covered by Raymarine warranty.
By downloading the software update
package, you agree to these terms.
3.6 Warnings and cautions
Important: Before proceeding, ensure that you
have read and understood the warnings and
cautions provided in the Chapter 1 Important
information section of this document.
Planning the installation
3.7 Selecting a location for the
This product is supplied with a transom mount
transducer. The guidelines below should be followed
when selecting a location for the transducer.
Note: The transducer is not suitable for mounting
on vessels where the transom is aft of the
For best performance the transducer must be
installed in a location with the least turbulence and
aeration. The most effective way to determine this
is by checking the water ow around the transom
whilst underway.
The transducer should be mounted close to
the keel (centreline) of the vessel, so that the
transducer remains fully submerged when the
vessel is turning.
The transducer must be mounted a suitable
distance from the propeller(s) to avoid wake.
For clockwise rotating propellers the transducer
should be mounted on the starboard side, for
anti-clockwise rotating propellers the transducer
should be mounted on the port side.
D12 640-1
On a twin engine vessel the transducer should be
mounted between the engines.
D12 641-1
Turbulence can also be caused by a number of
other factors such as steps, ribs, strakes, and
rows of rivets. The turbulence appears aft of these
D12 636-1
2 Rib
Row of rivets
Air trapped under the front of the vessel can travel
under the hull and appear as aeration aft.
If installing on the step of a stepped transom,
allow sufcient room above the transducer for
transducer kick-up.
D12 644-1
Note: Optimum transducer location will
vary depending on vessel type. Optimum
transducer height and angle should be obtained
by testing the transducer with the vessel in the
water before locking the transducer’s position.
Transducer dimensions
The transducer’s dimensions including the mounting
bracket are shown below.
D12 638 -1
202.6 mm (8 in)
117.4 mm (4.6 in)
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
3.8 Cable routing
Cable routing requirements for the transducer cable.
Important: To avoid interference, the cable must
be routed as far away from VHF radio antenna
cables as possible.
The cable can be routed through or over the
Check that the cable is long enough to reach
the equipment that it will be connected to. An
optional 4 m (13.1 ft) extension cable is available
if required.
Ensure there is enough slack in the transducer
cable, at the transducer end, to allow the
transducer to pivot up and down.
Secure the cable at regular intervals using the
supplied cable clips.
Fill all transom mounting holes with marine-grade
sealant prior to tightening securing screws.
Fill the transom cable hole with marine-grade
sealant after routing the cable (if routing through
the transom).
Use the supplied escutcheon to cover over
the transom cable hole (if routing through the
Any excess cable can be coiled up at a convenient
3.9 Selecting a location for the display
General location requirements
When selecting a location for the unit it is important
to consider a number of factors.
Ventilation requirements
To provide adequate airow:
Ensure that equipment is mounted in a
compartment of suitable size.
Ensure that ventilation holes are not obstructed.
Ensure adequate separation of equipment.
Mounting surface requirements
Ensure units are adequately supported on a secure
surface. Do NOT mount units or cut holes in places
which may damage the structure of the vessel.
Cable routing requirements
Ensure the unit is mounted in a location which allows
proper routing and connection of cables:
Minimum cable bend radius of 100 mm (3.94 in) is
required unless otherwise stated.
Use cable supports to prevent stress on
Electrical interference
Select a location that is far enough away from
devices that may cause interference, such as
motors, generators and radio transmitters/receivers.
GPS location requirements
In addition to general guidelines concerning the
location of marine electronics, there are a number
of environmental factors to consider when installing
equipment with an internal GPS antenna.
Mounting location
Above Decks mounting:
It is recommended that the display is mounted
above decks as this provides optimal GPS
Below Decks mounting:
GPS performance may be less effective when
mounted below decks.
Vessel construction
The construction of your vessel can have an impact
on GPS performance. For example, the proximity
of heavy structures such as a structural bulkhead,
or the interior of larger vessels may result in a
reduced GPS signal. Before locating equipment
with an internal GPS antenna below decks, seek
professional assistance.
Prevailing conditions
The weather and location of the vessel can affect the
GPS performance. Typically calm clear conditions
provide for a more accurate GPS x. Vessels at
extreme northerly or southerly latitudes may also
receive a weaker GPS signal. GPS antenna mounted
below decks will be more susceptible to performance
issues related to the prevailing conditions.
Planning the installation
Compass safe distance
To prevent potential interference with the vessel's
magnetic compasses, ensure an adequate distance
is maintained from the display.
When choosing a suitable location for the display
you should aim to maintain the maximum possible
distance between the display and any compasses.
Typically this distance should be at least 1 m (3 ft)
in all directions. However for some smaller vessels
it may not be possible to locate the display this far
away from a compass. In this situation, the following
gures provide the minimum safe distance that
should be maintained between the display and any
D12 650 -1
200 mm
(7.87 in)
350 mm
(13.8 in)
700 mm
(27.5 in)
500 mm
(19.7 in)
250 mm
(9.84 in)
300 mm
1.8 in)
position in
relation to
Minimum safe
distance from
1 Top
200 mm (7.87 in.)
2 Rear
500 mm (19.7 in.)
3 Right-hand side
350 mm (13.8 in.)
4 Underside
300 mm (11.8 in.)
700 mm (27.5 in.)
Left-hand side 250 mm (9.84 in.)
Viewing angle considerations
As display contrast and color are affected by the
viewing angle, If you intend to surface mount the
display, it is recommended that you temporarily
power up the display when planning the installation,
to enable you to identify which location gives the
optimum viewing angle.
5.7 inch display product dimensions
148 mm (5.8 in)
56 mm (2.2 in)
83.7 mm (3.3 in)
148 mm (5.8 in)
203 mm (8 in)
90 mm (3.5 in)17 mm (0.7 in)
7 inch product dimensions
191 mm (7.52 in)
61 mm (2.4 in)
84 mm (3.3 in)
156 mm (6.1 in)
208 mm (8.2 in)
90 mm (3.5 in)17 mm (0.7 in)
7 inch display cradle orientation
The 7 inch display can be mounted in ‘cradle up’ or
‘cradle down’ orientation.
Cradle Up Cradle Down
The cradle mounting steps are the same regardless
of orientation.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
3.10 Installation process
The steps listed below are required to successfully
install your product and ensure optimum
1. Mounting the transducer.
2. Mounting the display.
3. Testing the transducer.
4. Finishing the transducer mounting.
Planning the installation
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 4: Mounting
Chapter contents
4.1 Mounting the transducer on page 26
4.2 Cradle mounting on page 27
4.3 Fitting the display in the cradle on page 28
4.4 Fitting the 7 inch display in the cradle Cradle down on page 28
4.5 Security on page 29
4.6 Removing the display from the bracket on page 30
4.7 Surface mounting on page 31
4.8 Testing the transducer on page 32
4.9 Finishing the transducer mounting on page 32
4.1 Mounting the transducer
The transducer must be mounted on the transom
using the mounting bracket provided. The steps
below describe the initial mounting steps required
in order to test your transducers performance.
After testing the transducer you must nish the
mounting following the instructions in the Finishing
the transducer mounting section.
1. Fix the transducer mounting template to the
selected location, using masking or self-adhesive
1 Transducer mounting template
2 Waterline
Mounting away from propeller
2. Ensure the template is parallel to the waterline.
3. Drill 2 x holes for the adjustment slot screws as
indicated on the template.
Note: Do NOT drill the third mounting hole at this
4. Fill the 2 holes with marine grade sealant.
5. The kick-up adjustment screw may need to be
loosened to gain access to the mounting holes.
D12 65 3-1
1 Kick-up adjustment screw
6. Ensure the transducer and bracket pivot arm are
hooked over the mounting bracket back plate as
shown below.
D12 65 1-1
7. Lift up the transducer and pivot arm to access
the mounting holes.
D12 65 2-1
8. Using the screws provided, temporarily secure
the mounting bracket using the adjustment slots
on the back plate.
D12 63 3-1
1 Locking hole
2 Adjustment slots
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
9. Push the transducer and pivot arm down until the
bracket clicks into place.
10.Loosen the transducer pivot bolt approximately 3
turns to enable adjustment.
D12 64 3-1
1 Pivot bolt location
11. Adjust the angle of the transducer using the
ratchet mechanism, one click at a time until the
transducer face is parallel with the waterline.
The transducer position will be adjusted further
during testing (see Testing the transducer).
D12 63 9-1
12.Tighten the transducer pivot bolt.
13.Tighten the kick-up adjustment screw to achieve
the desired kick-up force.
The kick-up force needs to be adequate to
prevent the transducer from kicking-up during
testing but also needs to be loose enough so that
it can kick-up should the transducer be struck by
an object when underway.
Note: The third locking screw is not used until the
transducer has been successfully tested.
4.2 Cradle mounting
Follow the steps below to mount the display’s cradle.
Before mounting ensure that you have:
selected a suitable location.
installed the transducer and routed the
power/transducer cable to the selected display
1. Mark the location of the cradle base’s screw
holes on the chosen mounting surface.
2. Drill holes for the screws using a suitable drill,
ensuring there is nothing behind the surface that
may be damaged.
3. Use the 3 screws supplied to attach the cradle
base securely to the mounting surface.
4. Attach the display cradle to the base.
5. Tighten the centre screw to secure the display
cradle to the base.
Note: The appropriate torque to use when drilling
depends on the thickness of the mounting surface
and the type of material.
4.3 Fitting the display in the cradle
Follow the steps below to t the display into the
4 5
2 3
1. Ensure the cradle is securely mounted.
2. Position the display so that the guide on the left
hand side of the display lines up with the guide
on the left hand side of the cradle.
3. Pivot the display so that the guide on the right
hand side of the display lines up with the guide
on the right hand side of the cradle.
4. Place your thumb on the front of the display and
your ngers behind the tab.
5. Push the display into the cradle until it clicks into
place securely.
4.4 Fitting the 7 inch display in the
cradle Cradle down
Follow the steps below to t the 7 inch display into
the cradle in the cradle down orientation.
Note: When mounting the cradle in the cradle
down orientation the display must still be tted the
correct way up.
4 5
2 3
1. Ensure the cradle is securely mounted.
2. Position the display so that the guide on the right
hand side of the display lines up with the guide
on the right hand side of the cradle.
3. Pivot the display so that the guide on the left
hand side of the display lines up with the guide
on the left hand side of the cradle.
4. Place your thumb on the front of the display and
your ngers behind the locking tab.
5. Push the display into the cradle until it clicks into
place securely.
Engaging the safety latch
The cradle supplied with the 7 inch display includes
a Safety Latch that should be used to help secure
the display to the cradle.
Note: The Safety Latch MUST be used when
mounting in the cradle down orientation,
alternatively you can use a compatible third party
security lock.
1 2
1. Safety Latch in unlocked position.
2. Safety Latch in locked position.
Follow the steps below to engage the safety latch:
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
1. Remove the blanking plug from the hole on the
rear of the display that lines up with the cradle’s
safety latch.
2. Insert the blanking plug into the hole that will be
left exposed.
3. Ensure the Safety Latch is in the unlocked
4. Fit the display to the cradle following the relevant
5. Push the Safety Latch in and turn clockwise to
the locked position.
Removing the safety latch
If you want to use a third party security lock to secure
the display to the cradle then the Safety Latch must
be removed.
1 2
1. Releasing safety latch retaining ring.
2. Removing safety latch and retaining ring.
With the Safety Latch in the unlocked position:
1. Remove the display from the cradle.
2. Insert the end of a small at blade screwdriver
between the gap in the retaining ring.
3. Gently lever the retaining ring apart and over the
safety latch.
The safety latch and retaining ring should be kept in
case required for future use.
4.5 Security
The display can be locked into the bracket using a
proprietary lock i.e. the Thule 544 lock (not supplied).
The Thule 544 lock is available from retail outlets.
It is strongly recommended that the lock is
adequately maintained to prevent the lock from
corrosion and seizure.
Raymarine does not guarantee the security of
your display when using a lock.
Raymarine will not be held liable for any damage
caused to the display or cradle due to the use
of a lock.
Locking hole location
If a lock is to be tted to the display to secure it to the
cradle then the blanking plug must be removed.
2 2
1. Cradle Down locking hole location.
2. Cradle Up locking hole location.
Depending on display variant the unit may be tted
in the cradle in the cradle down orientation. When
mounting in the cradle down orientation, the blanking
plug should be moved to cover the exposed hole as
shown below.
1. Cradle Up position.
2. Cradle Down position.
Fitting the lock
With the display mounted in the cradle:
1. Remove the plastic cap that covers the cradles
locking hole.
2. For tting follow the instructions supplied with the
4.6 Removing the display from the
The display can be easily removed from its mounting
1. If a lock has been tted, ensure it is in the
unlocked position.
2. Disconnect the cable from the back of the display.
3. Push the cradle release clip away from the
display as shown.
When the display releases you will hear a click.
4. Remove the display from the cradle.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
4.7 Surface mounting
The display can be surface mounted using the
optional surface mounting kit.
Before mounting the unit ensure that you have:
selected a suitable location (a clear, at area with
suitable clearance behind the panel is required).
installed the transducer and routed the power /
transducer cable to the selected location.
1. Fix the surface mount adaptor template to the
selected location, using masking or self-adhesive
2. Using a suitable hole saw (the size is indicated
on the template), make a hole in each corner of
the cut-out area.
3. Using a suitable saw, cut along the inside edge
of the cut-out line.
4. Ensure that the surface mount adaptor ts into
the removed area and then le around the rough
edge until smooth.
5. Drill 4 holes as indicated on the template to
accept the surface mount adaptor’s securing
6. Place the rear gasket onto the surface mount
adaptor and press rmly onto the ange.
7. Place the surface mount adaptor into the
prepared hole and secure using the nuts,
washers, and bolts provided.
D12 64 6-1
8. Attach the front gasket to the surface mount
9. Place the display into the surface mount adaptor.
10.Secure the mounting studs to the rear of the
11. Place the O-rings over the mounting studs
and position in the recess around the adaptors
mounting holes.
12.Secure the display to the surface mount adaptor
from the rear using the thumb nuts provided.
13.Connect the power / transducer cable to the
Note: The appropriate torque to use when drilling
depends on the thickness of the mounting surface
and the type of material.
Note: The supplied gasket provides a seal
between the unit and a suitably at and stiff
mounting surface or binnacle. The gasket should
be used in all installations. It may also be
necessary to use a marine-grade sealant if the
mounting surface or binnacle is not entirely at and
stiff or has a rough surface nish.
4.8 Testing the transducer
Once the initial mounting procedures have been
carried out, the transducer must be tested prior to
nishing the mounting.
The testing should be carried out with your vessel in
the water, with a depth greater than 0.7 m (2.3 ft) but
less than the maximum depth limit of the system.
The Sonar application will be able to maintain
readings at depths greater than the DownVision
Note: It may not always be possible to obtain
depth readings at higher speeds due to air bubbles
passing under the transducer.
1. Press and hold the Power button until a beep is
2. Complete the Start-up wizard settings.
3. Use the View switcher to open a view which
contains the Sonar or DownVision application.
If the unit is operating correctly the bottom should
be visible on-screen and the depth reading
4. Start moving your vessel at a low speed and
ensure the depth reading and bottom are shown
and that you have a clear image on-screen.
5. Gradually increase the vessel speed up to your
usual cruising speed, whilst checking the display
if the image becomes poor, starts skipping or
missing the bottom then the transducer needs
to be adjusted.
6. Height and angle adjustments should be made in
small increments, and re-tested each time until
you obtain optimum performance.
7. To adjust the angle of the transducer loosen the
pivot bolt approximately 3 turns and then pivot
the transducer either up or down.
8. Re-tighten the pivot bolt before re-testing.
9. When you achieve optimum performance at
the desired vessel speeds you can nish the
transducer mounting.
Note: It may be necessary to make several
adjustments to the transducer before obtaining
optimum performance.
4.9 Finishing the transducer mounting
Once you have achieved optimum performance at
the desired vessel speeds the transducer must be
locked into position to nish the installation.
Note: If the transducer requires repositioning
ensure all old holes are lled with marine grade
1. Loosen the kick-up adjustment screw.
2. Lift up the transducer and bracket pivot arm to
gain access to the mounting holes.
3. Drill the locking hole location taking care not to
damage the mounting bracket.
4. Fill the locking hole with marine grade sealant.
5. Secure the transducer and bracket by fully
tightening all 3 mounting screws.
6. Push the transducer and pivot arm down until it
clicks into position.
7. Re-tighten the kick-up adjustment screw to the
desired level.
Note: The Kick-up adjustment screw needs to be
tight enough to prevent kick-up during high speeds
but loose enough to enable the kick-up feature
to activate if an object hits the transducer when
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 5: Cables and connections
Chapter contents
5.1 General cabling guidance on page 34
5.2 Cable connection on page 34
Cables and connections 33
5.1 General cabling guidance
Cable types and length
It is important to use cables of the appropriate type
and length
Unless otherwise stated use only standard cables
of the correct type, supplied by Raymarine.
Ensure that any non-Raymarine cables are of the
correct quality and gauge. For example, longer
power cable runs may require larger wire gauges
to minimize voltage drop along the run.
Routing cables
Cables must be routed correctly, to maximize
performance and prolong cable life.
Do NOT bend cables excessively. Wherever
possible, ensure a minimum bend diameter of 200
mm (8 in) / minimum bend radius of 100 mm (4 in).
100 mm (4 in)
200 mm (8 in)
Protect all cables from physical damage and
exposure to heat. Use trunking or conduit where
possible. Do NOT run cables through bilges or
doorways, or close to moving or hot objects.
Secure cables in place using tie-wraps or lacing
twine. Coil any extra cable and tie it out of the way.
Where a cable passes through an exposed
bulkhead or deckhead, use a suitable watertight
Do NOT run cables near to engines or uorescent
Always route data cables as far away as possible
other equipment and cables,
high current carrying ac and dc power lines,
Strain relief
Ensure adequate strain relief is provided. Protect
connectors from strain and ensure they will not pull
out under extreme sea conditions.
Cable shielding
Ensure that the cable is properly shielded that the
cable shielding is intact (e.g. hasn’t been scraped off
by being squeezed through a tight area).
5.2 Cable connection
The display has a combined power and transducer
cable that is attached to the transducer.
D12 642 -1
1. Display rear panel connection.
2. Transducer with cable attached.
3. Drain wire (The drain wire is the wire with a
4. Black wire (12 V dc negative).
5. Red wire (12 V dc positive).
Power distribution
Raymarine recommends that all power connections
are made via a distribution panel.
All equipment must be powered from a breaker or
switch, with appropriate circuit protection.
All equipment should be wired to individual
breakers if possible.
Warning: Power supply voltage
Connecting this product to a voltage
supply greater than the specied
maximum rating may cause permanent
damage to the unit. Refer to the Technical
specication section for voltage rating.
Warning: Product grounding
Before applying power to this product,
ensure it has been correctly grounded, in
accordance with the instructions in this
Grounding Dedicated drain wire
The power cable supplied with this product includes
a dedicated shield (drain) wire for connection to a
vessel's RF ground point.
It is important that an effective RF ground is
connected to the system. A single ground point
should be used for all equipment. The unit can be
grounded by connecting the shield (drain) wire of
the power cable to the vessel's RF ground point.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
On vessels without an RF ground system the shield
(drain) wire should be connected directly to the
negative battery terminal.
The dc power system should be either:
Negative grounded, with the negative battery
terminal connected to the vessel's ground.
Floating, with neither battery terminal connected
to the vessel's ground
Warning: Positive ground systems
Do not connect this unit to a system which
has positive grounding.
Breakers, fuses and circuit protection
The information below is provided as guidance
to help protect your product. The example
illustrations provided are for common vessel power
arrangements, if you are unsure how to provide the
correct level of protection then please consult a
Raymarine authorized dealer for support.
Distribution panel connection
It is recommended that your product is wired through
your vessel’s distribution panel via a thermal breaker
or fuse.
2 31
4 5
6 7
1. Vessel power supply positive (+)
2. In-line fuse. (If your products power cable does
not have an in-line fuse then an one fuse should
be tted.)
3. Product power cable
4. Vessel power supply negative (-)
5. * Drain wire
6. Vessel distribution panel
7. Vessel RF ground point connection
Battery connection with RF ground
If your vessel does not have a distribution panel then
your product may be wired directly to the battery with
the drain wire connected to the vessel’s RF ground
2 4 51 3
6 7
1. Vessel power supply positive (+)
2. Vessel power supply negative (-)
3. In-line fuse (If your products power cable does
not have a built in fuse then an in-line fuse
should be tted.)
4. * Drain wire
5. Product power cable
6. Vessel battery
7. Vessel RF ground point connection
Battery connection with no RF ground
If your vessel does not have a distribution panel
or an RF ground point then your product may be
wired directly to the battery with the drain wire also
connected to the battery’s negative terminal.
2 4 51 3
1. Vessel power supply positive (+)
2. Vessel power supply negative (-)
3. In-line fuse (If your products power cable does
not have a built in fuse then an in-line fuse
should be tted.)
4. Drain wire connected to vessel negative power
5. Product power cable
6. Vessel battery
In-line fuse and thermal breaker ratings
The following in-line fuse and thermal breaker ratings
apply to your product:
In-line fuse rating Thermal breaker rating
5 A
3 A (if only connecting one
The suitable fuse rating for the thermal breaker
is dependent on the number of devices you are
connecting. If in doubt consult an authorized
Raymarine dealer.
Your product’s power cable may have tted
in-line fuse, if not then you can add an in-line
fuse to the positive wire of your products power
Connecting the cable to the display
Cables and connections 35
1. Unlocked
2. Locked
1. Ensure the locking collar is in the unlocked
2. Ensure that the cable connector is orientated
so that the notch lines up with the guide in the
3. Push the cable connector all the way into the
display connector.
4. Rotate the locking collar clockwise until in the
locked position (2 clicks).
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 6: Getting started
Chapter contents
6.1 Display power on page 38
6.2 Controls on page 38
6.3 Initial set up procedures on page 39
6.4 Satellite-based navigation on page 40
6.5 Sonar check on page 42
6.6 DownVision check on page 42
6.7 Shortcuts page on page 43
6.8 Applications on page 44
6.9 View switcher on page 44
6.10 Learning resources on page 45
Getting started
6.1 Display power
Powering the display on
1. Press and hold the POWER button until a beep
is heard.
After approximately 5 seconds the splash screen
is displayed.
2. Press OK to acknowledge the Limitations of Use
disclaimer when it appears.
Powering the display off
1. Press and hold the POWER button until the
countdown reaches zero.
Note: If the POWER button is released before
the countdown reaches zero, the power off is
6.2 Controls
D12631 -2
MicroSD card reader open the card door to insert
or remove a MicroSD card. The card reader is used
for electronic charts, archiving waypoint and track
data and user settings.
UniControl provides a rotary control, joystick
and an OK push button for navigating menus and
applications and selecting items.
Back / View switcher button
Press once to return to a previous menu or
application state.
Press in the Chart application to exit cursor mode
and centre the vessel on-screen.
Press in the Sonar or DownVision applications to
resume scrolling from a paused state.
From the top level application state (Motion mode
or Scrolling mode) press once to open the View
Power / Shortcuts button
Press once to power the unit on.
When turned on, pressing the power button will
display the Shortcuts page.
Press and hold to turn the display off.
The UniControl consists of Rotary, Joystick and push
button controls.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
D12 180-1
1. Rotary use this to navigate through menu
options and adjust the range in the Chart
application and the Sonar / DownVision
applications if set to manual range, or to cycle
through the View switcher options.
2. Joystick use this to move the cursor position
in applications, pan up, down, left and right in
the chart applications, navigate up and down
through menu options or to cycle through the
View switcher options.
3. OK button push the end of the joystick to open
menus, or context menus whilst in an application
or to conrm a selection.
6.3 Initial set up procedures
Once your display has been installed and
commissioned, it is recommended that you go
through the initial startup wizard and tutorial.
Startup wizard
When you power-up the display for the rst time or
after a system reset, the Startup Wizard is displayed
after you have accepted the Limitations On Use
disclaimer. The Startup Wizard guides you through
the following initial settings:
1. Language selection.
2. Congure units.
3. Finish / Tutorial.
Note: These settings can also be set at any time
using the System Settings menu accessible from
the Tools & Settings page.
Additional tasks
In addition to the settings covered by the Wizard, it
is also recommended that the following tasks are
Set your date and time preferences.
Set your transducer depth offset.
Familiarize yourself with the product using
Simulator Mode.
Setting time and date preferences
1. Select Tools & Settings from the View switcher.
2. Select System Settings.
3. Select Time and Date Set-up.
4. Use the Date Format, Time Format, and Local
Time: menu items to set your time and date
Simulator mode
The Simulator mode enables you to practice
operating your display without data from the GPS
receiver or transducer.
The simulator mode is switched on / off in the
System Settings menu.
Note: Raymarine recommends that you do NOT
use the simulator mode whilst navigating.
Note: The simulator will NOT display any real
data. This includes safety messages.
Enabling and disabling simulator mode
You can enable and disable simulator mode by
following the steps below.
1. Select Tools & Settings from the View switcher.
2. Select System Settings.
3. Select Simulator:.
4. Select On to turn simulator mode on, or
5. Select Off to turn simulator mode off.
Note: The Demo movie option is for retail
demonstration purposes only.
Getting started
Depth Offset
Depths are measured from the transducer to the sea
bed, but you can apply an offset value to the depth
data, so that the displayed depth reading represents
the depth to the sea bed from either the keel or the
Before attempting to set a waterline or keel
offset, nd out the vertical separation between the
transducer and either the waterline or the bottom of
the keel on your vessel, as appropriate. Then set the
appropriate depth offset value.
1 2 3
Waterline offset
Transducer / Zero offset
Keel offset
If an offset is not applied, displayed depth readings
represent the distance from the transducer to the
sea bed.
Setting the depth offset
From the Tools & Setting page:
1. Select System Settings.
2. Select Sonar Set-up.
3. Select Depth Offset.
The depth offset numeric adjust control is
4. Adjust the offset to the required value.
5. Select Ok to conrm the new value and close the
numeric adjust control.
6.4 Satellite-based navigation
GPS Check
GPS Status
The GPS status page enables you to view the status
of the available satellites that are compatible with
your receiver.
The satellite constellations are used to position your
boat in the Chart application. You can set up your
receiver and check its status from the GPS Set-up
menu. For each satellite, the screen provides the
following information:
1. Sky view
2. Satellite status
3. Position and x information
Sky view
Sky view is a visual representation that shows
the position of navigation satellites and their type.
Satellite types are:
Circle A circle identies a satellite from the
GPS constellation.
Square A square identies an (SBAS)
differential satellite.
* Diamond A diamond identies a satellite from
the GLONASS constellation.
Note: Not applicable to Dragony
Satellite status area
The Satellite status area displays the following
information about each satellite:
Type Identies which constellation the satellite
belongs to.
ID Displays the satellites identication number.
CNO (Carrier-to-noise ratio) Displays the signal
strength of each satellite shown in the Sky view:
Grey = searching for satellite
Green = satellite in use
Orange = tracking satellite
Azimuth and Elevation Provides the angle of
elevation and azimuth between the location of the
receiver and the satellite.
Position and x information
The following positional and x information is
Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP)
HDOP is a measure of satellite navigation
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
accuracy, calculated from a number of factors
including satellite geometry, system errors in
the data transmission and system errors in the
receiver. A higher gure signies a greater
positional error. A typical receiver has an accuracy
of between 5 and 15 m. As an example, assuming
a receiver error of 5 m, an HDOP of 2 would
represent an error of approximately 15 m. Please
remember that even a very low HDOP gure is
NO guarantee that your receiver is providing an
accurate position. If in doubt, check the displayed
vessel position in the Chart application against
your actual proximity to a known charted object.
Estimated Horizontal Position Error (EHPE)
EHPE is a measure of the estimated error of
a position x in the horizontal plane. The value
displayed indicates that your position is within a
circle radius of the stated size 50% of the time.
Fix status indicates the actual mode the
receiver is reporting:
Fix Satellite x has been acquired.
No Fix No satellite x can be acquired.
D Fix A differential beacon x has been
SD Fix A differential satellite x has been
Position Displays the latitude and longitude
position of your receiver.
Date / Time Displays the current date and time
generated by the position x in UTC format .
Mode Identies wether the receiver is working
in differential mode or non-differential mode.
Datum The receiver's datum setting affects
the accuracy of the vessel position information
displayed in the Chart application. In order for your
receiver and MFD to correlate accurately with your
paper charts, they must be using the same datum.
Checking GPS operation
You can check that the GPS is functioning correctly
using the Chart application.
1. Select a view from the View switcher which
includes the Chart application.
2. Check the screen.
You should see:
Your vessel position (indicates a GPS x).
Your current position is represented by a vessel
symbol or solid circle. Your position is also
displayed in the data cell on the bottom right of
the display.
A solid circle on the chart indicates that the vessel
speed is to low (i.e. less than 0.15 kts) to provide
Course Over Ground (COG) data.
Note: It is recommended that you check the
displayed vessel position in the Chart application
against your actual proximity to a known charted
object. GPS receivers typically have an accuracy
of between 5 m and 15 m.
Note: A GPS Status screen is available from the
Tools & Settings page. This provides satellite
signal strength and other relevant information.
Getting started
6.5 Sonar check
Checking the sonar application
From the sonar application:
1. Check the display.
With the transducer active you should see a
depth reading in the data cell in the top left of the
6.6 DownVision check
Checking the DownVision application
From the DownVision application:
1. Check the display.
With the DownVision active you should see a
depth reading in the data cell in the top left of the
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
6.7 Shortcuts page
The shortcuts page provides access to the following
1 Brightness control.
PowerSave mode selecting will activate
PowerSave mode.
Enable / Disable Sonar selecting will enable or
disable the internal sonar and DownVision.
Eject SD card select to safely remove the
memory card.
Screen capture selecting saves a screenshot to
memory card.
Opening the shortcuts page
With the display powered on:
1. Press the Power button once.
The shortcuts page is displayed.
2. Use the Joystick to highlight a control.
3. Press the OK button to select the control.
Adjusting the display brightness
1. Press the POWER button once.
The Shortcuts menu is displayed.
2. Adjust the brightness to the required level using
the Rotary control.
Note: The brightness level can also be increased
by pressing the Power button multiple times.
PowerSave mode
In PowerSave mode all functions of the product
remain active, but the display is placed into a low
power state. PowerSave mode is cancelled by
pressing a physical button or when an alarm event
Enabling PowerSave mode
To enable PowerSave mode follow the steps below.
1. Press the POWER button.
The shortcuts menu is displayed.
2. Select PowerSave Mode.
The display is now in PowerSave mode.
3. You can wake the display from PowerSave mode
at anytime by pressing a physical button.
Note: PowerSave mode is automatically cancelled
if an alarm event occurs.
Disabling and enabling the Sonar
The Sonar / DownVision ping can be disabled and
enabled from the shortcuts page.
1. If the Sonar and DownVision are active then
select Disable Sonar.
2. If the Sonar and DownVision are inactive then
select Enable Sonar.
When enabled, the Sonar will ping only if the
view displayed contains the Sonar application or
if the Chart application is displayed fullscreen.
When enabled, the DownVision will ping only
if the view displayed includes the DownVision
You can take a screenshot of what is currently
displayed on the screen.
Screenshots are saved to a MicroSD card in .bmp
(bitmap) format. The saved image can be viewed
from any device capable of viewing bitmap images.
Taking a screenshot
You can take a screenshot by following the steps
1. Insert a MicroSD card with suitable free space
available into the card reader.
2. Press the Power button.
The Shortcuts page is displayed:
3. Select the Camera icon.
A conrmation message is displayed.
4. Select Ok.
The screenshot is now saved to the MicroSD
Tip If your multifunction display has a Back button
you can also take a screenshot by pressing and
holding the Back button until the conrmation
message appears.
Getting started
6.8 Applications
Applications available on the display are shown
Chart application provides a 2D graphical view
of your charts to help you navigate. Waypoint and
track functions enable you to navigate to a specic
location or record where you've been. Chart cards
provide higher levels of detail.
Sonar application this application helps you
identify the presence of sh and bottom structure.
You can also view water depth, water temperature
and mark points of interest such as shing spots
or wrecks.
DownVision application this application gives
increased coverage either side of the vessel in high
denition. CHIRP processing and higher operating
frequency allows greater depth resolution, making
it easier to identify bottom structures around which
sh may reside. You can also view water depth,
water temperature and mark points of interest
such as shing spots or wrecks.
Tools & Settings provides access to alarms,
system settings, backup and reset features.
6.9 View switcher
The view switcher allows selection of pre-dened
views on the display.
Full screen and split screen application views are
1 View thumbnails
2 Active application
3 View switcher
4 View switcher titlebar
The views available are:
Chart application
Sonar application
DownVision application
DownVision / Sonar application splitscreen
Chart application / Sonar application splitscreen
Chart application / DownVision application
Tools & Settings
Opening the View switcher
From the top level application state (Motion mode
or Scrolling mode):
1. Press the Back button.
Using the View switcher
To select a view follow the steps below.
With the View switcher displayed:
1. Use the Joystick or the Rotary control to
highlight a view.
2. Press the OK button to display the chosen view.
Selecting the active pane in splitscreen
When a splitscreen view is displayed you can
change the active pane (the pane that you want to
control) using the View switcher.
With a splitscreen view displayed.
1. If required press the Back button to change the
Chart application to Motion mode, or the Sonar or
DownVision applications to Scrolling mode.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
2. Press the Back button again.
The View switcher is displayed.
3. Use the Joystick or Rotary control to highlight
the pane you want to be active.
4. Press the OK button to conrm.
The selected view is displayed and a border is
placed around the active pane.
6.10 Learning resources
Raymarine has produced a range of learning
resources to help you get the most out of your
Video tutorials
Raymarine ofcial channel on
Video Gallery:
Product Support videos:
Viewing the videos requires a device with an
Internet connection.
Some videos are only available in English.
Training courses
Raymarine regularly runs a range of in-depth training
courses to help you make the most of your products.
Visit the Training section of the Raymarine website
for more information:
FAQs and Knowledge Base
Raymarine has produced an extensive set of FAQs
and a Knowledge Base to help you nd more
information and troubleshoot any issues.
Technical support forum
You can use the Technical support forum to ask
a technical question about a Raymarine product
or to nd out how other customers are using
their Raymarine equipment. The resource is
regularly updated with contributions from Raymarine
customers and staff:
Getting started
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 7: Managing display data
Chapter contents
7.1 Memory cards and chart cards on page 48
7.2 Saving user data and user settings on page 49
7.3 Resetting your system on page 50
Managing display data
7.1 Memory cards and chart cards
MicroSD memory cards can be used to back up /
archive data (e.g. Waypoint, and Tracks). Once
data is backed up to a memory card old data can
be deleted from the system, creating capacity for
new data. The archived data can be retrieved at any
time. Chart cards provide additional or upgraded
It is recommended that your data is backed up to a
memory card on a regular basis. Do NOT save data
to a memory card containing cartography.
Compatible cards
The following types of MicroSD cards are compatible
with your display:
Micro Secure Digital Standard-Capacity
Micro Secure Digital High-Capacity (MicroSDHC)
The maximum supported memory card capacity
is 32 GB.
MicroSD cards must be formatted to use either
the FAT or FAT 32 le system format to enable
use with your MFD.
Speed class rating
For best performance it is recommended that you
use Class 10 or UHS (Ultra High Speed) class
memory cards.
Chart cards
Your product is pre-loaded with electronic charts
(worldwide base map). If you wish to use different
chart data, you can insert compatible chart cards into
the unit's memory card reader.
Use branded chart cards and memory cards
When archiving data or creating an electronic chart
card, Raymarine recommends the use of quality
branded memory cards. Some brands of memory
card may not work in your unit. Please contact
customer support for a list of recommended cards.
Caution: Care of chart and memory
To avoid irreparable damage to and / or
loss of data from chart and memory cards:
DO NOT save data or les to a card
containing cartography as the charts
may be overwritten.
Ensure that chart and memory cards
are tted the correct way around. DO
NOT try to force a card into position.
DO NOT use a metallic instrument such
as a screwdriver or pliers to insert or
remove a chart or memory card.
Inserting a memory card or chart card
1. Open the card door, located on the front left of
the display.
2. Insert the card with the contacts facing down.
3. Gently press the card all the way in to the card
slot. The card is secure when an audible click
is heard.
4. To prevent water ingress and damage to the
display, ensure the card door is closed.
Removing a memory card or chart card
1. Select Eject Card from the shortcuts page.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
2. Open the card door.
3. Push the edge of the card towards the unit, until
an audible click is heard.
The card is released from the card slot
4. Use your ngers to pull the card clear of the card
slot, using the edge of the card.
5. To prevent water ingress and damage to the
display, ensure the card door is closed.
6. Press the OK button to close the conrmation
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
7.2 Saving user data and user settings
You can save user data (waypoints and tracks) and
user settings to a memory card for later retrieval.
Type of data Description Notes
Saves all waypoints
to a single archive
Only 1 waypoints
archive le can be
saved per memory
Saves all tracks to a
single archive le.
Only 1 tracks archive
le can be saved per
memory card.
User settings
Saves settings
you've made in the
set-up menus to a
single archive le.
Only 1 user settings
archive le can be
saved per memory
Note: It is recommended that you save your user
data and user settings to a memory card on a
regular basis.
Note: It is strongly recommended that you save
user data and settings to a separate memory card,
and NOT to a chart card containing cartography.
Saving waypoints and tracks to a memory
Ensure a memory card (NOT a chart card) is inserted
into the card reader.
From the Chart application:
1. If required press the Back button to enter motion
2. Press the OK button to display the Chart
application menu.
3. Select Waypoints or Tracks as required.
The Waypoints or Track list is displayed.
4. Select Import/Export.
5. Select Save Waypoints to Card or Save Tracks
to Card as required.
6. Select the Waypoints or Tracks that you want to
save, or select Select All.
7. Select Save.
The on-screen keyboard is displayed.
8. Enter a Filename.
The default lenames are Waypoints and
9. Select Save.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
10.Select OK to acknowledge and return to normal
operation, or
11. Select Eject device if you want to remove the
memory card from the card reader.
The Save Waypoints to Card and Save Tracks to
Card options are also available from the Tools &
Settings page:
Tools & Setting > Backup & Reset > Save Data
to Card > Save Waypoints to Card.
Tools & Setting > Backup & Reset > Save Data
to Card > Save Tracks to Card.
Importing waypoints or tracks from a
memory card
Ensure a memory card with your saved waypoints
and / or tracks is inserted into the card reader.
From the Chart application:
1. If required press the Back button to enter motion
2. Press the OK button.
The Chart menu is displayed.
3. Select Waypoints or Tracks.
The Waypoints or Track list is displayed.
4. Select Import/Export.
5. Select Retrieve from Card.
The le browser is displayed.
6. Navigate to the gpx le you want to import.
7. Select the le.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
8. If there is a naming conict between waypoints or
tracks already on your system and the waypoints
or tracks you are trying to import you will be
prompted to either:
i. Copy as new Waypoint The waypoint or
track will be imported and be assigned the
next default name.
ii. Copy & Replace The waypoint or track
on your system will be overwritten with the
imported waypoint or track with the same
name .
iii. Don’t Copy The waypoint or track with the
naming conict will not be imported.
When completed a Retrieving complete dialog
box is displayed.
9. Select OK.
The Retrieve from Card option is also available
from the Tools & Settings page: Tools & Setting >
Backup & Reset > Retrieve from Card
Erasing waypoints and tracks from a memory
Ensure a memory card with the saved waypoints
and / or tracks that you want to delete is inserted
into the card reader.
From the Tools & Settings page:
1. Select Backup & Reset.
2. Select Erase from Card.
The le browser is displayed.
3. Navigate to the le you want to delete.
4. Select the le you want to delete.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
5. Select Yes to delete the le.
Erasing all waypoints from the system
Note: The following procedure permanently
deletes all Waypoints from the display. BEFORE
proceeding, ensure that you backup any data that
you want to keep on to a memory card.
From the Tools & Settings page:
1. Select Backup & Reset.
Managing display data
2. Select Erase from System.
3. Select Erase Waypoints from System.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
4. Select Yes to conrm.
Erasing tracks from the system
Note: The following procedure permanently
deletes the selected Tracks from the display.
BEFORE proceeding, ensure that you backup any
data that you want to keep on to a memory card.
From the Tools & Settings page:
1. Select Backup & Reset.
2. Select Erase from System.
3. Select Erase Tracks from System.
The Track list is displayed.
4. Select the Track that you want to delete, or
5. Select Erase All.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
6. Select Yes to conrm.
Saving user settings to a memory card
Ensure a memory card (NOT a chart card) is inserted
into the card reader.
From the Tools & Settings page.
1. Select Backup & Reset.
2. Select User Settings.
3. Select Back-up Settings.
When complete a saving complete dialog box is
4. Select OK to acknowledge and return to normal
operation, or
5. Select Eject device if you want to remove the
memory card from the card reader.
Retrieving user settings from a memory card
Ensure the memory card with your user settings
saved on it is inserted into the card reader.
From the Tools & Settings page.
1. Select Backup & Reset.
2. Select User Settings.
3. Select Restore Settings.
When complete a Restoring complete dialog box
is displayed.
4. Select OK to acknowledge and return to normal
operation, or
5. Select Eject device if you want to remove the
memory card from the card reader.
7.3 Resetting your system
Your system may be reset to its factory default
settings if required.
There are 3 types of reset operation.
Settings reset.
Settings and data reset.
Sonar reset.
Settings reset
This option resets your setup menus to factory
default. It will NOT affect your waypoints or tracks.
Settings and data reset
In addition to the settings reset detailed above,
performing a settings and data reset will also remove
ALL waypoints and tracks from the system.
Sonar reset
This option resets the sonar to default settings.
Resetting system settings
From the Tools & Settings page:
1. Select Backup & Reset.
2. Select User Settings.
3. Select Settings Reset.
A message is displayed prompting you to conrm
the action.
4. Select Yes to proceed with the settings reset, or
No to cancel.
If Yes is selected the system will reboot and the
settings will be reset to factory defaults.
Resetting system settings and data
Note: Performing a settings and data reset erases
ALL waypoints and tracks from your system.
BEFORE proceeding with a settings and data
reset, ensure that you backup any data that you
want to keep on to a memory card.
From the Tools & Settings page:
1. Select Backup & Reset.
2. Select User Settings.
3. Select Settings & Data Reset.
A message is displayed prompting you to conrm
the action.
4. Select Yes to proceed with the settings and data
reset, or No to cancel.
If Yes is selected the system will reboot and the
settings will be reset to factory defaults and all
use data is deleted.
Resetting the sonar
The sonar setting can be reset to factory defaults.
From the Tools & Settings page:
1. Select System Settings.
2. Select Sonar Set-up.
3. Select Sonar Reset.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
4. Select Yes to reset the sonar settings.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 8: Chart application
Chapter contents
8.1 Chart application overview on page 52
8.2 Electronic charts overview on page 53
8.3 Chart application controls on page 56
8.4 Chart context menu on page 57
8.5 Navigation on page 57
8.6 Chart selection on page 58
8.7 Chart orientation on page 58
8.8 Chart Detail on page 59
8.9 Boat position on page 60
8.10 Community layer on page 60
8.11 Sonar logging on page 61
8.12 COG Vector on page 61
8.13 Deep Water on page 62
8.14 Chart objects on page 62
Chart application
8.1 Chart application overview
The Chart application provides an electronic chart
with navigation features. It uses 2D perspective
and provides a variety of cartographic information
regarding your surroundings and charted objects.
The Chart application is pre-loaded with a
LightHouse Charts and Navionics
world base
maps. Compatible electronic charts can be used to
expand the information and detail regarding your
surroundings and charted objects.
11 12 13 14
1 2 3
Depth Current water depth below vessel (shown
in selected system units).
2 Navigation origin line During navigation, shows
a solid line from the starting point to the target
Speed Current vessel speed (shown in selected
system units).
Orientation States the orientation mode that the
chart is using (North-up, or Course-up).
Range Chart scale indicator (shown in selected
system units).
Vessel symbol Shows your current position.
Vessel position line During navigation, shows
a dotted line from the vessel’s current position to
the target waypoint.
8 Waypoint Inactive.
9 Bearing and distance to Waypoint During
active navigation displays the distance and bearing
to the target waypoint (shown in selected system
Water temperature When not in active navigation
current water temperature is displayed (shown in
selected system units).
10 Bearing In motion mode the vessel’s current
COG bearing is displayed.
Bearing and distance In cursor mode the
distance and bearing to the cursor’s location is
displayed (shown in selected system units).
Waypoint TTG During active navigation the
estimated ‘time to go’ to the target waypoint based
on your current speed is displayed.
Water temperature When not in active navigation
current water temperature is displayed (shown in
selected system units).
Cursor Used to select chart objects and move
around the chart area.
Target waypoint Current target waypoint.
14 Vessel coordinates In motion mode the current
vessel coordinates are displayed.
Cursor coordinates In cursor mode the
coordinates of the cursors location is displayed.
The Chart application includes the following
features to help you navigate your vessel safely and
Using satellite-based
6.4 Satellite-based
Planning with waypoints and
9.1 Waypoints overview
9.2 Tracks
Navigating using waypoints
and tracks.
8.5 Navigation
Choosing electronic 2D
8.6 Chart selection
8.2 Electronic charts
LightHouse charts
Navionics charts
Backing up and transferring
Waypoints and Tracks.
7.2 Saving user data and
user settings
Displaying COG vectors 8.12 COG Vector
Viewing information for
charted objects.
8.14 Chart objects
Controlling the level of
information displayed on the
Chart application
8.8 Chart Detail
Altering the Chart
application’s orientation
to better suit your needs.
8.7 Chart orientation
Changing the boat symbol
position in the Chart
8.9 Boat position
Changing the Depth at which
the Deep Water contour
changes color.
8.13 Deep Water
Note: To obtain full chart details, you must have
a cartography chart card for the appropriate
geographic area inserted into the card reader.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
8.2 Electronic charts overview
Your multifunction display includes basic world
base maps. Electronic charts provide additional
cartographic information.
The level of cartographic detail shown varies for
different chart types, geographic locations and chart
scales. The chart scale in use is indicated by the
on-screen scale indicator, the value displayed is the
distance that the line represents across the screen.
You can remove and insert chart cards at any time.
The chart screen is automatically redrawn when the
system detects that a compatible chart card has
been inserted or removed.
Using a dual view page it is possible to display
different cartography types simultaneously.
Caution: Care of chart and memory
To avoid irreparable damage to and / or
loss of data from chart and memory cards:
DO NOT save data or les to a card
containing cartography as the charts
may be overwritten.
Ensure that chart and memory cards
are tted the correct way around. DO
NOT try to force a card into position.
DO NOT use a metallic instrument such
as a screwdriver or pliers to insert or
remove a chart or memory card.
LightHous e
LightHouse charts
With the introduction of the LightHouse II software,
Raymarine multifunction displays now support the
use of Raymarine’s new LightHouse charts.
LightHouse charts are derived from vector and raster
based charts, the LightHouse chart engine enables
Raymarine to offer new chart types and regions from
around the globe.
Refer to the Raymarine website: for the latest
information on available LightHouse charts.
Raster charts
Raster charts are an exact copy / scan of an existing
paper chart. All information is embedded directly in
the chart. Ranging in and out of raster charts will
make everything appear larger or smaller on the
screen, including text. When changing the Chart
application’s orientation everything on the chart will
rotate, including the text. As raster charts are a
scanned image the le size is normally bigger when
compared to the vector equivalent.
Vector charts
Vector charts are computer generated, consisting
of a series of points and lines that make up the
chart. Chart objects and overlays on vector charts
can be switched on and off and chart objects can
be selected to provide further information. Ranging
in and out of vector charts will make geographical
features appear larger or smaller on the screen,
however text and chart objects will remain the same
size regardless of range. When changing the Chart
application’s orientation geographical features will
rotate but text and chart objects will remain in the
correct orientation for the display. As vector charts
are generated rather than a scanned image the le
size is normally smaller when compared to the raster
Downloading LightHouse
charts can be downloaded through
the Raymarine website.
Important: You must read and agree to
the LightHouse
charts End User License
Agreement (EULA) before downloading and using
Chart application
1. Go to the LightHouse charts page of the
Raymarine website: http://www.rayma-
2. Select either the Raster or Vector charts.
The Chart regions page is displayed.
3. Select your region.
The chart region download page is displayed.
4. Click ‘View the terms of use’.
5. Read and ensure you FULLY understand the End
User License Agreement (EULA).
You should only proceed to the next step if you
agree to the terms of the EULA.
6. Enter your details in the relevant elds.
7. Click the check box against ‘I have read and
agree to the LightHouse Charts terms of use.
8. Click Download Chart.
The download should start automatically. A link is
provided if the download does not commence.
Due to the le size the download may take some
Download times will differ depending on
connection speed.
As the les are large it is recommended that you
use a download manager / accelerator which
can speed up your download time and ensure
that if the download fails the download can be
resumed rather than downloading the entire le
9. Wait for the download to nish.
The downloaded le can now be unzipped / extracted
to memory card for use with your multifunction
Unzipping les to memory card
The LightHouse charts download le must be
unzipped / extracted to memory card for use on your
multifunction display.
Note: The instructions below are provided for
guidance only. Depending on your PC’s operating
system and the archiving (zip) software in use the
steps required may differ slightly from those shown
below. If you are unsure please consult your
operating system’s and or archiving software’s
help les.
To unzip / extract charts with a lesize over 4GB you
may need to install 3rd-party archiving (zip) software
such as 7zip: http://www.7–zip.org/.
Ensure you have a memory card with sufcient space
for the charts you want to download. The File size is
displayed on each chart region’s download page.
For best performance it is recommended that you
use Class 10 or UHS (Ultra High Speed) class
memory cards.
1. Locate the downloaded le.
The le will be stored in the folder you selected
or in your normal downloads folder.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
2. Right click on the le and select the Extract Here
option from the zip options.
3. Once all les have been extracted select the
chart les.
4. Right click and choose Send to > Removable
The Chart les will now be copied to your memory
5. Check that the les have been successfully
placed on your memory card by viewing its
contents in your le browser.
6. Safely remove your memory card from your PC’s
card reader.
7. Insert your memory card into the card reader of
your multifunction display.
8. Open the Chart application on your multifunction
9. Select the new chart from the Chart selection
menu: Menu > Presentation > Chart Selection.
The Chart screen will be redrawn to display the
newly selected chart type.
Navionics charts
Your display is supplied with a base map and
depending on unit a Navionics chart card. You may
also purchase Navionics chart cards to get enhanced
chart details and additional chart features.
Your display is compatible with the following
Navionics chart cards:
Note: Refer to the Raymarine website
(www.raymarine.com) for the latest list of
supported chart cards.
Chart application
8.3 Chart application controls
The Chart application consists of 2 modes: Motion
mode and Cursor mode. The behavior of some
controls are dependent upon mode. Options and
settings can also be accessed from the Chart context
Motion mode
Motion mode is the default Chart application mode.
In Motion mode the boat symbol remains centered
on-screen and the Chart area moves around the
boat symbol.
In Motion mode the controls behave as follows:
turning the Rotary control clockwise and
anti-clockwise ranges in and out.
pressing the Joystick’s Ok button opens the Chart
application menu.
pressing the Back button opens the View
moving the Joystick in any direction enters
Cursor mode.
Cursor mode
In Cursor mode the Joystick is used to move
around the Chart area. When the cursor reaches
the edge of the screen the Chart area will pan in
that direction.
In Cursor mode the controls behave as follows:
turning the Rotary control clockwise and
anti-clockwise ranges in and out.
moving the Joystick in any direction pans the
chart area in that direction.
pressing the Joystick’s Ok button opens the
context menu.
pressing the Back button returns the application
to Motion mode.
Menus and dialogs
With a menu or dialog open the controls behave as
the Rotary control or the Joystick can be used
to scroll through the menu’s available options.
pressing the Joystick’s Ok button selects the
highlighted option, or conrms and dismisses pop
up messages.
pressing the Back button returns to the previous
menu or closes the menu.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
8.4 Chart context menu
Placing the cursor over an area in the chart
application and pressing the OK button displays a
context menu showing the cursor’s positional data
and menu items.
The context menu provides the following positional
data for the cursor position in relation to your vessel:
The following menu items are available:
Goto Cursor / Stop Goto
Place Waypoint
Photo (only available from a photo icon.)
Tide Station (only available if a tide station is
Current Station (only available if a current station
is selected.)
Pilot Book (only available at certain ports.)
Chart Objects
8.5 Navigation
Navigating to the cursor's location
In Cursor mode you can set the Chart application to
guide you to the cursors location.
1. Use the Joystick to move the cursor to the
desired location.
2. Press the OK button.
The context menu is displayed.
3. Select Goto Cursor.
Navigating to a waypoint
You can set the Chart application to guide you to a
1. Use the Joystick to highlight a waypoint.
2. Press the OK button.
The context menu is displayed and Goto waypoint
is highlighted
3. Press the OK button.
Navigating to a waypoint from the waypoints
From the Chart application:
1. If required, press the Back button to enter motion
2. Press the OK button to open the menu.
3. Select Waypoints.
The Waypoints list is displayed.
4. Select the waypoint you want to navigate to.
The Waypoint information page is displayed.
5. Select Goto.
Cancelling navigation to a waypoint
1. Select any position anywhere on-screen.
The waypoint context menu is displayed.
2. Select Stop Goto.
3. Alternatively, in the chart application, go to: Menu
> Navigate > Stop Goto.
Note: Once navigation is no longer active, the
waypoint symbol returns to its normal state, and
the dashed line between your vessel and the
waypoint is removed.
Arriving at a waypoint
As your vessel approaches the target waypoint, the
waypoint arrival alarm provides a warning.
1. Select Ok on the waypoint arrival alarm pop up
Note: You can set the approach distance (radius)
at which the waypoint arrival alarm will sound using
the Alarms menu from the Tools & Settings page:
Tools & Settings > Alarms > Waypoint Arrival.
Chart application
8.6 Chart selection
You can select the cartography type to be used in
the Chart application. The Chart selection applies
to the active Chart instance. You must have the
necessary cartography chart cards inserted into your
multifunction display in order to display different
cartography type.
Selecting the Cartography type
You can select the cartography type you want to
display in the Chart application.
Ensure you have inserted the chart card that
contains the cartography type you want to display.
From the Chart application menu:
1. Select Chart Settings.
2. Select Chart Selection.
A list of available cartography is displayed.
3. Select the cartography type you want to display
The Chart window is re-drawn to show the select
cartography type.
8.7 Chart orientation
The orientation of a chart refers to the relationship
between the chart and the direction that you are
travelling in.
The mode you choose applies to all chart views, and
is restored at power up.
The following options are available:
North Up
In North Up mode, the Chart Orientation is
xed with true north pointing up (this is the usual
orientation for nautical charts). As your heading
changes the vessel symbol rotates accordingly. This
is the default orientation for the Chart application.
Course Up
In Course Up mode, during active navigation,
the Chart application displays the vessel’s current
destination waypoint directly up. As your COG
changes, the boat symbol moves accordingly. If you
select a new course, the picture will reset to display
the new course upwards.
If COG data becomes unavailable Course Up mode
is suspended and the Chart application will set COG
to 0°.
Setting the chart orientation
From the chart application menu:
1. Select Chart settings.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
2. Select Chart Orientation.
Selecting Chart Orientation switches between
North Up and Course Up.
8.8 Chart Detail
The chart detail setting determines the amount of
detail shown in the Chart application.
Selecting the Low option for the Chart Detail
disables the following objects:
Community Layer
Chart Text
Chart Boundaries
Light Sectors
Routing Systems
Caution Areas
Marine Features
Land Features
Additional Wrecks
Color Seabed Areas
Depth Contours
Changing the level of chart detail
You can change the level of detail, displayed in the
Chart application.
In Motion mode:
1. Press the OK button.
The Chart application menu is displayed.
2. Select Chart Settings.
3. Select Chart Detail.
Selecting Chart Detail switched the detail
between High and Low.
Chart application
8.9 Boat position
The Boat position function determines the position
of the boat symbol on-screen.
With Boat position set to Center the boat symbol
remains in the center of the screen.
With Boat position set to Offset the boat symbol
is offset from the center of the screen so that more
Chart area is visible in front of the boat symbol.
Changing the boat position
You can change the position the vessel icon is
displayed on-screen.
From the Chart application menu:
1. Select Chart Settings.
2. Select Boat Position.
Selecting Boat Position switches the boat position
between Center and Offset.
8.10 Community layer
If supported by your cartography type, you can
display User Generated Content (UGC) on the Chart
1. Community feature On.
2. Community feature Off.
To check if your Navionics cartography supports
community edits downloads please refer the
Navionics website: for information and instructions
on downloading the updates to your chart card.
Switching the community layer on and off
If supported by your cartography type, the User
Generated Content (UGC) overlay can be switched
on and off by following the steps below.
From the Chart application menu:
1. Select Chart Setting.
2. Select Community Layer: so that On is selected
to display UGC, or
3. Select Community Layer: so that Off is selected
to turn off UGC.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
8.11 Sonar logging
When using compatible Navionics
you can share sonar information using Navionics
The Sonar Logging function allows logging of depth
and position data to a compatible Navionics
card. The saved data can then be uploaded to the
website to help improve the contour
detail of Sonar Charts on your MFD. Refer to the
website for instructions on how to
upload your sonar logs.
Enabling and disabling Sonar logs
Sonar logging can be enabled or disabled at any
From the Chart application menu:
1. Select Chart Setting.
2. Select Sonar Logs: so that On is selected to
enable sonar logging, or
3. Select Sonar Logs: so that Off is selected to
disable sonar logging.
8.12 COG Vector
The chart application can be set to display a green
line to represent Course Over Ground (COG).
The green line indicates the vessel’s actual course.
Enabling and disabling the COG vector
You can enable and disable the COG vector.
From the Chart application menu:
1. Select Chart Settings.
2. Select COG Vector to switch between On and
Chart application
8.13 Deep Water
Water depth can be represented using blue shading
with white used to represent deep water.
The depth at which water color turns from blue
shading to white can be changed to suit user
Example 1 Deep water from: 60 ft
Example 2 Deep water from: 6 ft
The deep water feature can also be turned off so that
all water appears as white.
Note: The Deep Water function is restricted to the
depth data available on your chart card.
Changing the Deep Water From setting
You can choose the depth that water changes color
to white.
From the Chart application menu:
1. Select Chart Settings.
2. Select Deep Water From:.
3. Select the relevant depth, or select Off.
Selecting Off will display all water as white regardless
of depth.
8.14 Chart objects
If supported by your cartography type, you can
display additional information in the chart application
for cartographic objects, ports, or marinas.
Depending on the chart card you are using, you
can view some or all of the following additional
Details of each cartographic object that is marked
on the chart, including source data for structures,
lines, open sea areas, and so on.
Details of ports, port features, and business
Pilot book information (similar to what you would
see in a marine almanac). Pilot book information
is available at certain ports.
Panoramic photos of ports and marinas. The
availability of photos is indicated by a camera
symbol on the chart display.
This information can be accessed using the chart
context menu options.
Note: The amount of object information available
depends upon the electronic charts that you are
using for your system. For full details of the
features available for your chart cards contact your
chart card supplier.
Displaying pilot book information
From the chart application, when a port symbol is
displayed for a port which has a pilot book:
1. Select the port symbol.
The chart context menu will be displayed.
2. Select Pilot Book.
3. Select the relevant chapter.
Displaying panoramic photos
From the chart application, when a camera symbol is
displayed, indicating the availability of a photo:
1. Select the camera symbol.
The chart context menu is displayed.
2. Select Photo.
The photo is displayed on screen.
Note: Not all cartography types are capable of
displaying panoramic photos.
Displaying chart object information
From the chart application:
1. Select an object.
The chart context menu is displayed.
2. Select Chart Objects.
The Chart Object Dialog is displayed.
3. Selecting available options will display detailed
information about that item.
4. Selecting the position in the dialog will close the
information dialog and position the cursor over
the object.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 9: Waypoints and Tracks
Chapter contents
9.1 Waypoints overview on page 64
9.2 Tracks on page 70
9.3 Import and Export on page 72
9.4 Waypoints and tracks storage capacity on page 72
Waypoints and Tracks
9.1 Waypoints overview
Waypoints are position markers used for the
purposes of navigation. Your multifunction display
can create waypoints, which can then be selected
for active navigation.
There are a range of features for placing, navigating
and managing waypoints, these can be accessed
from the Waypoints menu and Waypoint context
menu. Waypoints are represented on-screen using
customizable waypoint symbols. Waypoint can be
created, moved, deleted, exported to memory card
or imported from a memory card.
Waypoint display examples
Waypoints in the chart application
In the chart application both active and inactive
waypoints are shown. An active waypoint is the one
that you are navigating to.
D117 61 -3
1 2
Item Description
1 Inactive waypoint
2 Active waypoint
3 Alternative waypoint symbols
The default waypoint symbol is a red ‘X’. Alternative
symbols can be used if required.
Waypoints in the sonar and DownVision
Waypoints can be placed in the Sonar and
DownVision applications.
Waypoints in the sonar and DownVision applications
are represented by a vertical line labelled WPT.
Example 1 Sonar application
Example 2 DownVision application
Waypoint context menu
The waypoint context menu shows the waypoint's
positional data and related menu items.
The context menu provides the following positional
data for the waypoint in relation to your vessel:
The following menu items are available:
Goto Waypoint / Stop Goto
Erase Waypoint
Edit Waypoint
Move Waypoint
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Accessing the context menu
You can access the context menu by following the
steps below.
1. Use the Joystick to highlight the waypoint.
The cursor changes to the WPT cursor.
2. Press the OK button.
The Waypoint context menu is displayed.
Waypoint placement
Placing a waypoint
To place a waypoint follow the steps below.
1. Use the Joystick to highlight the desired location
with the cursor.
2. Press the OK button.
The context menu is displayed.
3. Select Place Waypoint.
A conrmation pop up message is displayed.
4. Select Ok to place the waypoint, or Edit to edit
the waypoint details.
A waypoint is placed at the cursor’s location.
Placing a waypoint at your vessel's position
From the Chart application:
1. If required press the Back button to enter motion
2. Press the OK button again to open the menu.
3. Select Place Waypoint.
A conrmation pop up message is displayed.
4. Select Ok to place the waypoint, or Edit to edit
the waypoint details.
Waypoint groups
Waypoints are organized into groups. By default all
waypoints are placed in the “UNSORTED” group.
New waypoint groups can be created and each
waypoint can be assigned to a waypoint group. For
example; you could create a waypoint group called
“Fishing” and place all of your waypoints where you
caught sh into that group.
Waypoint groups can be managed from the Waypoint
groups list.
5 6 7
1. All waypoints Displays a list of all waypoints
saved on your system.
2. Today’s Waypoints Displays a list of all
waypoints created or modied today.
3. Unsorted By default new waypoints are
added to the UNSORTED waypoint group.
Selecting the group will display a list of all
waypoints that have not been assigned to a
specic group.
4. Waypoint Groups All waypoint groups are
displayed in the list.
5. Search You can search for waypoints using
keywords by selecting Search.
6. New Group A new waypoint group can be
added by selecting New Group.
7. Import/Export Waypoints can be exported to
or imported from a microSD card by selecting
Import/Export. Refer to 7.2 Saving user data
and user settings for details.
Selecting a waypoints group from the list displays a
list of all waypoints in that group. Additional functions
are available to help manage your waypoints.
5 6 7 8
1 2 3
1. Sort By: Sort waypoints by Name, Range,
Symbol or Date.
2. Search Search for waypoints using keywords.
3. Export Exports the waypoint group currently
displayed to a memory card.
4. Waypoint group This is the currently selected
waypoint group.
5. Rename Group Rename the current group.
6. Erase Wpts Erase all waypoints in the group.
7. Move Wpts Move all waypoints in the group.
8. Assign Symbol Assign a new symbol to all
waypoints in the group.
Displaying the waypoints group list
From the Chart application:
1. If required, Press the Back button to enter motion
2. Press the Ok button to open the Chart application
3. Select Waypoints.
The waypoints group list is displayed.
Making a new waypoint group
With the Waypoint Group List displayed:
1. Select New Group.
The on-screen keyboard is displayed.
2. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the required
name for the new group.
3. select SAVE .
Waypoints and Tracks
Renaming a waypoint group
With the Waypoint group list displayed:
1. Select the group you want to rename.
Group details are displayed.
2. Select Rename Group.
The on-screen keyboard is displayed.
3. Using the on-screen keyboard change the group
name as required.
4. Select SAVE.
Assigning a new symbol to a waypoint group
You can assign a new waypoint symbol to all the
waypoints in a group.
From the Waypoint group list:
1. Select the group that you want to assign a new
waypoint symbol to.
A group details list is displayed showing all
waypoints in the selected group.
2. Select Assign Symbol.
A list of all available symbols is displayed.
3. Select the symbol that you want to use for the
waypoints in the selected group.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
4. Select Yes to apply the new symbols to the
waypoints, or select No to cancel.
Moving a waypoint to a different group
With the Waypoints group list displayed:
A list of all waypoints currently on your system is
2. Select the waypoint you want to move.
The waypoint details page is displayed.
3. Select the Group eld
A list of all groups is displayed.
4. Select the Group that you want to move the
waypoint to, or
5. Select Create New Group to move the waypoint
to a new group.
The waypoint is moved to the selected group.
Moving all waypoints in a group to a different
You can move all waypoints in a group to a different
With the Waypoints group list displayed:
1. Select the Group that contains the waypoints you
want to move.
2. Select Move Wpts.
A list of all groups is displayed.
3. Select the group from the list that you want to
move the waypoints too.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
4. Select Yes to move the waypoints or No to
The waypoints have now been moved to the new
Erasing all waypoints in a group
You can erase all waypoints in a selected group.
With the waypoint groups list displayed:
1. Select the group that contain the waypoints you
want to erase.
A list is displayed showing all waypoints in the
selected group.
2. Select Erase Wpts.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
3. Select Yes to erase all waypoints in the group, or
No to cancel.
All of the waypoints in the selected group are erased
from the system and the group will now be empty.
Erasing a waypoint group
Before you can erase a waypoint group you must
move or erase all the waypoints assigned to that
With the Waypoint Group displayed:
1. Select the waypoint group that you want to erase.
2. Select Erase Group.
The group is deleted from the system.
Waypoint information
When you create a waypoint, the system assigns
information regarding the location marked. You can
view and edit the details of any waypoint that has
been created and stored.
The following information is assigned or captured
for each waypoint:
Symbol (a default symbol is assigned, or you can
select an alternative.)
Name (a default name is assigned, or you can
select an alternative.)
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Position (Latitude and Longitude of the waypoint.)
Bearing and Range (Bearing and range from
Temperature (requires appropriate sensor, only
for waypoints captured at the vessel position.)
Depth (requires appropriate sensor, only for
waypoints captured at the vessel position.)
Date and time
Comment (you can add your own text comments
to a waypoint.)
From the waypoint information page you can also
perform the following actions:
Goto (Start active navigation to the waypoint.)
Show on Chart (Show the waypoint location in
the chart application.)
Delete (Delete the waypoint from the waypoints
Editing waypoint details
With the Waypoint List displayed:
1. Select the waypoint you want to edit.
The waypoint information page is displayed.
2. Select the eld you want to edit.
3. Use the on-screen keyboard to make the
changes, then select the on-screen keyboard's
SAVE button.
Editing a waypoint using the context menu
With the application page displayed:
1. Select the waypoint symbol on-screen.
The waypoint context menu is displayed.
2. Select Edit Waypoint.
The edit waypoint dialog is displayed.
3. Select the eld you want to edit.
4. Use the on-screen keyboard to make the
changes, and then select the on-screen
keyboard's SAVE key.
Moving waypoints
Moving a waypoint using the context menu
With the application page displayed:
1. Select the waypoint symbol on-screen.
The waypoint context menu is displayed.
2. Select Move Waypoint.
3. Select the new position for the waypoint.
Moving a waypoint by entering new coordinates
With the Waypoint List displayed:
1. Select All Waypoints.
2. Select the relevant waypoint.
The waypoint information page is displayed.
3. Select the Position eld.
4. Use the on-screen keyboard to make the
changes, and then select the on-screen
keyboard's SAVE key.
Erasing waypoints
Erasing a waypoint using the context menu
With the application page displayed:
1. Select the waypoint symbol on-screen.
The waypoint context menu is displayed.
2. Select Erase Waypoint.
The erase waypoint pop up message is displayed.
3. Select Yes to conrm, or No to cancel.
Erasing a waypoint using the waypoint list
With the Waypoint List displayed:
1. Select All Waypoints.
2. Select the waypoint you want to erase.
The waypoint information page is displayed.
3. Select Erase.
The erase waypoint pop up message is displayed.
4. Select Yes to conrm, or No to cancel.
Erasing all waypoints from the system
Note: The following procedure permanently
deletes all Waypoints from the display. BEFORE
proceeding, ensure that you backup any data that
you want to keep on to a memory card.
From the Tools & Settings page:
1. Select Backup & Reset.
2. Select Erase from System.
3. Select Erase Waypoints from System.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
4. Select Yes to conrm.
Waypoint search
The waypoint search feature allows you to search for
waypoints on your system.
The search feature is available by selecting Search
from the Waypoints list.
Waypoints can be searched for by:
Name or keyword
From the search results you can erase all the
waypoints in the search list, move them to an existing
or new waypoint group or assign all of the waypoints
the same waypoint symbol.
Waypoints and Tracks
Searching for waypoints by name or keyword
Waypoints can be searched for by name or keyword.
From the Waypoints list:
1. Select Search.
The search page is displayed.
2. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the waypoint
name or keyword.
3. Select Search.
The search results are displayed.
4. Select Erase Wpts to erase the list of waypoints
from your system, or
5. Select Move Wpts to move the waypoints to a
new or existing group, or
6. Select Assign Symbol to assign a new symbol
to all the waypoints in the search results list.
You can also select a waypoint from the list to view
its details, or if accessed from the Chart application
set a goto or display the waypoint in the Chart
Searching for waypoints by symbol
Waypoints can be searched for by waypoint symbol.
From the Waypoints list:
1. Select Search.
The search page is displayed.
2. Select Symbol.
The waypoints symbol list is displayed.
3. Select the symbol that is assigned to the
waypoint(s) you want to search for.
A list of all waypoints using the selected symbol
is displayed.
4. Select Erase Wpts to erase the list of waypoints
from your system, or
5. Select Move Wpts to move the waypoints to a
new or existing group, or
6. Select Assign Symbol to assign a new symbol
to all the waypoints in the search results list.
You can also select a waypoint from the list to view
its details, or if accessed from the Chart application
set a goto or display the waypoint in the Chart
Searching for waypoints by area
Waypoints can be searched for by selecting an area
in the Chart application.
From the Chart application:
1. Select Menu.
2. Select My Data.
3. Select Waypoints.
The waypoints list is displayed.
4. Select Search.
The search page is displayed.
5. Select Area.
The Chart application is displayed with the area
search menu open.
6. Select the location for the rst corner point of the
search area.
7. Select the location for the opposite corner of the
search area.
A box is drawn on the screen which covers the
selected area.
If the box is drawn in the wrong place you can
draw a new area by selecting 2 new corner points.
8. Select Search from the menu.
A list of all waypoints in the selected area is
9. Select Erase Wpts to erase the list of waypoints
from your system, or
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
10.Select Move Wpts to move the waypoints to a
new or existing group, or
11. Select Assign Symbol to assign a new symbol
to all the waypoints in the search results list.
You can also select a waypoint from the list to view
its details, set a goto or display the waypoint in the
Chart application.
Waypoint symbols
A Range of waypoint symbols are available that can
be used to represent different waypoint types.
Black Cross Red Cross
Black Circle Red Circle
Black Square Red Square
Black Triangle Red Triangle
Blue Cross Green Cross
Blue Circle Green Circle
Blue Square Green Square
Blue Triangle
Green Triangle
Anchor Wreck
Buoy Fuel
Toilets Restaurant
Green racemark
Green Racemark
Yellow racemark
Yellow Racemark
Red racemark
Red Racemark
Marker Restriction
Bottom Mark Top Mark
Route Start
Route End
Diver Down Diver Down 2
Oil Rig Filled Circle
FAD (Fish
Concrete Rubble
Seaweed Oyster
Green Can Green Nun
Red Can
Red Nun
Yellow Can
Yellow Nun
Fish Trap Brushpile
Preferred Marks
Ledge Fish
Fish 1 Star Fish 2 Star
Fish 3 Star School Fish
Small Fish
Waypoints and Tracks
Private Reef Public Reef
Reef Ball Sailboat
Tree Tower
Hill or Peak Bridge
Diamond T
Filled Triangle
9.2 Tracks
A track is an on-screen trail that shows the passage
you have taken. This trail is made up of a series of
track points which are created automatically. You
can save the track to create a permanent record of
where you have been.
D117 54 -2
Creating a track
From the chart application menu:
1. Select Navigate.
2. Select Start Track.
The start track pop up message is displayed.
3. Select Ok.
As you navigate your vessel, your journey is
automatically recorded as a track.
Note: If the power fails whilst a track is being
recorded or the position x is lost, a break will
occur in the track.
Note: If the maximum number of tracking points
is reached, you will be warned. The track will
continue to be recorded with the earlier tracking
points being overwritten.
4. To complete your track select Stop Track from
the Navigate menu: Menu > Navigate > Stop
The track stopped pop up message is displayed.
5. Select Save, Erase or Cancel.
Save Will save the track and open the Edit
track Properties dialog where you can name
the track and choose a color for the track line.
Erase Will erase the track.
Cancel Will cancel the Stop Track action.
Track context menu
The Track context menu shows the track length,
number of points and menu items.
The context menu provides the following menu items:
Stop Track (only available during track creation.)
Stop Goto (only available during active
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Erase Track (not available during track creation.)
Edit Track
Accessing the context menu
You can access the context menu by following the
steps below.
1. Use the Joystick to highlight the Track.
The cursor changes to the Track cursor.
2. Press the OK button.
The Track context menu is displayed.
Track editing
You can edit aspects of the stored tracks.
You can:
Erase a track.
Change the name of a track.
Change the color of a track.
Displaying the track list
To display the track list follow the steps below.
From the Chart application menu:
1. Select Tracks.
The track list is displayed.
Renaming a track
You can change the name of a saved track.
With the track list displayed.
1. Select the track you want to edit.
The track options page is displayed.
2. Select Edit Name.
The on-screen keyboard is displayed.
3. Use the on-screen keyboard to change the track
4. When nished Select SAVE.
You can also edit track details by selecting Edit
Track from the track context menu.
Changing the color of a track
You can change the color of a saved track.
With the track list displayed.
1. Select the track you want to edit.
The track options page is displayed.
2. Select Edit Colour.
A list of colors is displayed.
3. Select the color you want to use.
You can also edit track details by selecting Edit
Track from the track context menu.
Erasing tracks
Erasing a track
You can erase tracks from the system.
From the Chart application:
1. Select the Track on-screen
The track context menu is displayed.
2. Select Erase Track.
A conrmation pop-up dialog is displayed.
3. Select Yes to erase the track, or
4. Select No to keep the track.
You can also erase a track by selecting the relevant
track from the Track list and selecting Erase Track.
Erasing all waypoints from the system
Note: The following procedure permanently
deletes all Waypoints from the display. BEFORE
proceeding, ensure that you backup any data that
you want to keep on to a memory card.
From the Tools & Settings page:
1. Select Backup & Reset.
2. Select Erase from System.
3. Select Erase Waypoints from System.
A conrmation dialog is displayed.
4. Select Yes to conrm.
Waypoints and Tracks
9.3 Import and Export
Waypoints and Tracks can be imported and exported
using a memory card.
For details on importing and exporting waypoints
and tracks refer to: 7.2 Saving user data and user
9.4 Waypoints and tracks storage
The display can store the following quantities of
waypoints and tracks.
Waypoints 3000 Waypoints
100 waypoint groups, each group can contain
up to 3000 waypoints
Tracks 15 tracks, each track can contain up to
10,000 points
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 10: Sonar application
Chapter contents
10.1 Sonar application overview on page 74
10.2 Sonar application controls on page 75
10.3 Range on page 76
10.4 Display options on page 77
10.5 Sensitivity adjustments on page 79
Sonar application
10.1 Sonar application overview
The Sonar application uses the internal sonar
module and a DownVision™ transducer to produce
a detailed view of sh and the bottom under your
vessel, enabling you to accurately distinguish
between different sizes of sh, bottom structure, and
underwater obstacles. The Sonar application uses
CHIRP processing with a centered 200 KHz ping
frequency, which provides less detail but greater
depth range than the DownVision™ application.
The Sonar application displays a scrolling image
which scrolls from right to left across the screen.
The Sonar application uses different colors to
differentiate between target strengths. Colors used
are dependent upon the color palette in use (for
example the classic blue color palette uses blue to
identify the weakest and red for the strongest).
8 9
Depth reading Current bottom depth.
Scrolling paused Scrolling pauses when the
Joystick is used to move the cursor around the screen).
3 Depth lines Horizontal dashed lines drawn at regular
intervals to indicate the depth from the surface.
Cursor Displayed in cursor mode.
Bottom line Displays a thick line to identify the
6 Depth markers These numbers indicate depth.
Speed Current vessel Speed Over Ground (SOG).
Water temperature Current water temperature.
9 Depth Target ID Depths are displayed against
recognized targets. The sensitivity of these IDs is
directly linked to the Fish Alarm sensitivity; the greater
the sh alarm sensitivity, the greater the number of
labelled returns.
Sonar technology
CHIRP technology CHIRP Sonar overview
Pausing and adjusting the
speed of the scrolling image.
10.4 Display options
Using waypoints to mark
shing spots or target
10.2 Sonar application
Placing a waypoint
Determining target depths. 10.4 Display options
Enabling / Disabling
Target Depth ID
Enabling / Disabling
Depth Lines
Setting alarms (sh, depth or
water temperature).
12.1 Alarms
Changing display mode
(Zoom or A-Scope).
10.4 Display options
Changing the display
Changing the on-screen
depth range.
10.3 Range
Adjusting Sensitivity Settings
to help optimize and simplify
the displayed image.
10.5 Sensitivity
The sonar image
Interpreting the bottom using sonar
It is important to understand how to correctly interpret
the bottom structure represented on-screen.
The bottom usually produces a strong echo.
The following images show how different bottom
conditions are represented on-screen:
Item Description
A hard bottom (sand) produces a thin line.
A soft bottom (mud or seaweed cover) produces
a wide line.
3 A rocky or uneven bottom or a wreck produces
an irregular image with peaks and troughs.
The dark layers indicate a good echo; the lighter
areas indicate weaker echoes. This could mean that
the upper layer is soft and therefore allowing sound
waves to pass to the more solid layer below.
It is also possible that the sound waves are making
two complete trips hitting the bottom, bouncing off
the vessel, then reecting off the bottom again. This
can happen if the water is shallow or the bottom is
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Factors inuencing the sonar image
The quality and accuracy of the display can be
inuenced by a number of factors including vessel
speed, depth, object size and background noise.
Vessel speed
The shape of the target changes along with your
speed. Slower speeds return atter, more horizontal
marks. Higher speeds cause the target to thicken
and arch slightly, at fast speeds the mark resembles
a double vertical line.
Target depth
The closer the target to the surface, the larger the
mark on screen.
The depth of individual targets can be displayed by
switching on the Target Depth ID in the sonar menu
Menu > Display Options. The number of target
depths displayed is inuenced by the sh alarm
sensitivity level.
Water depth
As water depth increases signal strength decreases,
resulting in a lighter on-screen image of the bottom.
Size of the target
The larger the target, the larger the return on-screen.
The size of a sh target is also dependent upon the
size of the sh’s swim bladder rather than its overall
size. The swim bladder varies in size between
different breeds of sh.
Clutter / Background noise
The sonar image may be impaired by echoes
received from oating or submerged debris,
particulate matter (such as plankton, phytoplankton,
or silt etc.), air bubbles or even the vessel's
movement. This is known as ‘background noise’ or
‘clutter and is controlled by the Sensitivity settings.
If required you can adjust the setting manually.
10.2 Sonar application controls
The Sonar applications consists of 2 modes:
Scrolling mode and Cursor mode. The behavior of
some controls are dependent upon mode. Options
and settings can also be accessed from the Sonar
context menu.
Scrolling mode
Scrolling mode is the default mode for the Sonar
application. In Scrolling mode a rolling image is
displayed which scrolls from right to left across the
In Scrolling mode the controls behave as follows:
with Range set to Manual, turning the Rotary
control clockwise and anti-clockwise ranges in
and out.
pressing the Joystick’s Ok button opens the
application menu.
pressing the Back button opens the View
moving the Joystick in any direction enters
Cursor mode.
Cursor mode
In Cursor mode the scrolling image is paused and
the cursor can be moved around the screen.
In Cursor mode the controls behave as follows:
with Range set to Manual, turning the Rotary
control clockwise and anti-clockwise ranges in
and out.
moving the Joystick in any direction moves the
cursor around the screen.
pressing the Joystick’s Ok button opens the
context menu.
pressing the Back button returns the application
to Scrolling mode.
Sonar application
Menus and dialogs
With a menu or dialog open the controls behave as
The Rotary control or the Joystick can be used
to scroll through the menu available options.
Pressing the Joystick’s Ok button selects the
highlighted option or conrms and dismisses pop
up messages.
pressing the Back button returns to the previous
menu or closes the menu.
Placing a waypoint
To place a waypoint follow the steps below.
1. Use the Joystick to highlight the desired location
with the cursor.
2. Press the OK button.
The context menu is displayed.
3. Select Place Waypoint.
A conrmation pop up message is displayed.
4. Select Ok to place the waypoint, or Edit to edit
the waypoint details.
A waypoint is placed at the cursor’s location.
Sonar context menu
The Sonar application includes a context menu
which provides data and shortcuts to menu items.
The context menu provides the data for the position
of the cursor:
The context menu also provides the following menu
Place Waypoint
Adjust Sonar (opens the Adjust Sonar menu.)
Accessing the context menu
You can access the context menu by following the
steps below.
1. Use the Joystick to highlight an object or area.
2. Press the OK button.
The context menu is displayed.
10.3 Range
The Range and Range Shift functions enable you
to change the range of depth displayed on-screen.
Changes to the Range and Range shift will apply to
both the Sonar and DownVision applications.
The Range function enables you to dene the range
of depth that you see on-screen.
By default, the range is set to automatic, this adjusts
the range to ensure the bottom is always displayed
on-screen. This is useful for locating bigger sh and
other objects located closer to the bottom such as
There may be circumstances in which you want
to see a more detailed image showing less depth
beneath your vessel. This is useful for nding
smaller sh that feed nearer the surface
Range Shift
The Range Shift function enables you to dene
which area of the overall depth you want to be able
to see on-screen. For example, if your range is 250
feet and the display is showing the surface (0 feet)
at the very top of the display, and 250 feet at the
bottom of the display, you can use the Range Shift
function to focus on a different 250 feet range. For
example, 20 feet at the very top of the screen, and
270 feet at the very bottom of the screen.
Changing the depth range
You can choose from either:
Automatic adjustment whereby the display
automatically shows the shallowest required
Manual adjustment of the depth range, up to
the maximum depth allowed by the Fishnder
From the Fishnder application menu:
1. Select Range.
2. Select Range to switch between Auto and Man.
3. With manual mode selected you can now adjust
the depth range shown on-screen.
Note: With the Range menu displayed you cannot
use the Rotary Control to range in and out. To
use the Rotary control to range in and out, rst
close the Range menu.
Using range shift
The default setting adjusts the display to keep the
bottom in the lower half of the screen. Alternatively
you can shift the image within the current range.
From the application menu, with Range set to
1. Select Range.
2. Select Range Shift.
The range shift dialog is displayed.
3. Adjust the setting to the required value.
You will see the range changing on the screen as
you adjust the setting.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
4. Select Back or press the Ok button to conrm
the setting and close the range shift dialog.
10.4 Display options
The application can be customized using the display
options menu.
The display options menu allows you to change the
current display mode and to select other features
which can be adjusted or turned on and off as
Changing the display mode
In full screen views you can change the display
mode of the Sonar and DownVision applications.
Note: Display modes are NOT available in
splitscreen views.
When in scrolling mode:
1. Press the OK button.
The main menu is displayed.
2. Select Display Options.
3. Select Display Mode.
4. Select Zoom, or A-Scope.
Note: A-Scope mode is only available in the Sonar
Zoom mode
Zoom mode magnies a region of the screen to
display more detail.
This zoom option enables you to:
Replace the standard image with a zoomed image
alongside the standard image.
Set the zoom factor to a predened level, or adjust
it manually.
Reposition the zoomed portion of the image to a
different point in the display.
When the range increases, the area shown in the
zoom window also increases.
In Zoom mode the screen is split and displays the
zoomed image alongside the standard image. The
zoomed section is indicated on the standard screen
by a zoom box.
Adjusting the zoom factor
When zoom mode is active you can either select a
predened zoom factor or adjust it manually.
In Zoom mode, from the application menu:
Sonar application
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Zoom Factor.
3. Select a preset Zoom Factor (x2, x3, x4) or
select Manual
Once selection is made you will be returned to
the Display Options menu.
4. If Manual is chosen select Manual Zoom
The manual zoom factor dialog is displayed.
5. Adjust the setting to the required value.
6. Select Back or use the Ok button to conrm the
Adjusting the position of the zoomed area
In Zoom mode the system automatically selects
the zoom position so that the bottom is always in
the lower half of the display. If required you can
reposition the portion of the image that is zoomed so
that an alternative area is displayed.
In Zoom mode, from the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Zoom Position so that Man is highlighted.
The Manual Zoom Pos: menu item is now
displayed in the Display Options menu.
3. Select Manual Zoom Pos:.
Selecting the zoom position displays the zoom
position control dialog.
4. Adjust the setting to the required value.
5. Press the Back button or the OK button to
conrm the settings and return to the Display
Options menu.
A-Scope mode
The standard image shows a historical record of
target echoes. If required, you can display a live
image of the bottom structure and the sh directly
below the transducer by using A-Scope mode. The
width of the bottom covered by the A-Scope is
indicated at the bottom of the window. A-Scope
provides a more precise and easier to interpret
indication of the target strength.
Enabling / Disabling Target Depth ID
You can display the depth of targets on-screen.
From the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Target Depth ID.
Selecting Target Depth ID will switch the target
depth indicator On and Off.
Note: The strength of targets which display a
depth ID is related to the Fish sensitivity setting,
accessible from the Alarms menu.
Enabling / Disabling Depth Lines
You can display horizontal depth lines on-screen.
From the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Depth Lines.
Selecting Depth Lines will switch the horizontal
depth lines On and Off.
Enabling / Disabling the White Line
You can display a thick line on-screen to represent
the bottom, this line is primarily white in color
(depending upon color palette chosen).
From the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select White Line.
Selecting White Line will switch the bottom line
On and Off.
The image scrolls from right to left. You can pause
the scrolling or adjust the scroll speed, to ease
placing of waypoints and target identication.
Scroll speed
You can adjust the speed at which the image scrolls.
A faster speed provides more detail which may be
useful when you are looking for sh. If you select a
slower speed the information remains on the display
for longer.
Scroll pause
You can pause the display to see a ‘snapshot’ of the
image. When the image is paused scrolling stops
but the depth indication continues to be updated.
Adjusting the scroll speed
From the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Scroll Speed.
The Scroll speed numeric adjust control is
3. Use the Rotary control to adjust the scroll speed
between 0% to 100%.
4. Press the Ok or Back button to conrm and close
the numeric adjust control.
Pausing the scrolling image
With the display scrolling from right to left:
1. Move the Joystick directional controls in any
The Scrolling will pause.
2. Press the Back button to resume scrolling.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
10.5 Sensitivity adjustments
Settings can be adjusted using the application menu
to enhance the image that is displayed on-screen.
Sensitivity options are:
Noise Filter
Color Palette
The Sensitivity setting alters the way background
noise (also called clutter) is processed. Adjusting the
setting can improve the image, however for optimum
performance in most conditions, it is recommended
that you use the auto setting.
The Sensitivity setting adjusts the return threshold
(echo strength) at which an object will be displayed
The Sensitivity setting can be set to automatic or
adjusted manually:
Automatic In Auto mode, the setting is
automatically adjusted to suit current conditions.
Any adjustments made apply to all views using
that application.
Manual If necessary you can set the sensitivity
setting manually, between a value of 0% to 100%.
The higher the setting the more detail will appear
on-screen. This value should be set high enough
to see sh and bottom detail but without too much
background noise. Generally a higher setting is
used in deep and/or clear water; a low setting in
shallow and/or murky water.
The new values remain set even when you switch off
the display and are applied to all views.
Adjusting sensitivity
From the application menu:
1. Select Adjust Sonar or Adjust DownVision.
2. Select Sensitivity.
3. Use the Rotary control to adjust the sensitivity
to the required value, or
4. Press the OK button to switch to Auto mode.
A tick is displayed in the Auto box to signify auto
is enabled.
You can adjust the Contrast to change the signal
strength threshold for the strongest color / shading.
Contrast sets the lower limit for the strongest echo
color / shade. All echoes with a signal strength
above this value are displayed in the strongest color
/ shade. Those with a weaker value are divided
equally between the remaining colors / shades.
Setting a low value produces a wide band for the
weakest color / shade, but a small signal band for
the other colors / shades.
Setting a high value gives a wide band for the
strongest color / shade, but a small signal band for
the other colors / shades.
The Contrast setting can be set to automatic or
adjusted manually:
Automatic In Auto mode the contrast setting is
automatically adjusted to suit current conditions.
Any adjustments made apply to all views.
Manual You can set the contrast manually,
between a value of 0% to 100%.
The new values remain set even when you switch off
the display, they are applied to both the active view
and any other views containing the same application.
Adjusting the Contrast
From the application menu:
1. Select Adjust Sonar or Adjust DownVision.
2. Select Contrast.
3. Use the Rotary control to adjust the Contrast
to the required value, or
4. Press the OK button to switch to Auto mode.
A tick is displayed in the Auto box to signify auto
is enabled.
Noise Filter
The Noise Filter is available on DownVision
modules. The Noise Filter reduces the amount of
clutter displayed on-screen by varying the gain
throughout the column of water.
The Noise Filter can be set to automatic or adjusted
Automatic In Auto mode the Noise Filter is set
to 20%.
Manual You can adjust the Noise Filter
manually, between a value of 0% to 100%.
A low value decreases the depth at which the
lter is applied.
A high value increases the depth at which the
lter is applied.
The new values remain set even when you switch
off the display.
Adjusting the Noise Filter
From the application menu:
1. Select Adjust Sonar or Adjust DownVision.
2. Select Noise Filter.
3. Use the Rotary control to adjust the Noise Filter
to the required value, or
4. Press the OK button to switch to Auto mode.
A tick is displayed in the Auto box to signify auto
is enabled.
Color Palette
Various color palettes are available to suit different
conditions and your personal preference.
Classic Blue
Classic Black
Classic White
Night Vision
Sonar application
The new values remain set even when you switch off
the display, they are applied to both the active view
and any other views containing the same application.
Selecting a Color Palette
From the application menu:
1. Select Adjust Sonar or Adjust DownVision.
2. Select Color Palette.
3. Use the Rotary control to highlight the Color
Palette you want to use.
4. Press the OK button to conrm the selection.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 11: DownVision application
Chapter contents
11.1 DownVision
application overview on page 82
11.2 DownVision
application controls on page 83
11.3 Range on page 84
11.4 Display options on page 85
11.5 Sensitivity adjustments on page 86
DownVision application
11.1 DownVision
The DownVision
application uses the internal
sonar module and a DownVision
transducer to
produce a detailed structure view of the bottom
under your vessel, enabling you to accurately
distinguish bottom structure, and underwater
obstacles. DownVision
uses CHIRP processing
with a centered 350 KHz ping frequency, which
provides greater detail than the Sonar application.
The DownVision
application displays a scrolling
image which scrolls from right to left across the
The DownVision
application uses monochrome
color palettes with shading to differentiate between
target strengths which provides a pictorial view.
Depth reading Current depth of the bottom.
Scrolling paused Scrolling pauses when the
Joystick is used to move the cursor around the screen).
3 Depth lines Horizontal dashed lines drawn at regular
intervals to indicate the depth from the surface.
Cursor Displayed in cursor mode.
Depth markers These numbers indicate depth.
Speed Current vessel Speed Over Ground (SOG).
Water temperature Current water temperature.
Sonar technology
CHIRP DownVision
application features
Pausing and adjusting the
speed of the scrolling image.
11.4 Display options
Using waypoints to mark
shing spots or target
11.2 DownVision
application controls
Placing a waypoint
Determining target depths. 11.4 Display options
Enabling / Disabling
Depth Lines
Setting alarms (sh, depth or
water temperature).
12.1 Alarms
Changing display mode
(Zoom mode).
11.4 Display options
Zoom mode
Changing the on-screen
depth range.
11.3 Range
Adjusting Sensitivity Settings
to help optimize and simplify
the displayed image.
11.5 Sensitivity
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
11.2 DownVision
The DownVision
applications consists of 2
modes: Scrolling mode and Cursor mode. The
behavior of some controls are dependent upon
mode. Options and settings can also be accessed
from the DownVision
context menu.
Scrolling mode
Scrolling mode is the default mode for the
application. In Scrolling mode a
rolling image is displayed which scrolls from right
to left across the screen.
In Scrolling mode the controls behave as follows:
with Range set to Manual, turning the Rotary
control clockwise and anti-clockwise ranges in
and out.
pressing the Joystick’s Ok button opens the
application menu.
pressing the Back button opens the View
moving the Joystick in any direction enters
Cursor mode.
Cursor mode
In Cursor mode the scrolling image is paused and
the cursor can be moved around the screen.
In Cursor mode the controls behave as follows:
with Range set to Manual, turning the Rotary
control clockwise and anti-clockwise ranges in
and out.
moving the Joystick in any direction moves the
cursor around the screen.
pressing the Joystick’s Ok button opens the
context menu.
pressing the Back button returns the application
to Scrolling mode.
Menus and dialogs
With a menu or dialog open the controls behave as
The Rotary control or the Joystick can be used
to scroll through the menu available options.
Pressing the Joystick’s Ok button selects the
highlighted option or conrms and dismisses pop
up messages.
pressing the Back button returns to the previous
menu or closes the menu.
Placing a waypoint
To place a waypoint follow the steps below.
1. Use the Joystick to highlight the desired location
with the cursor.
2. Press the OK button.
The context menu is displayed.
3. Select Place Waypoint.
A conrmation pop up message is displayed.
4. Select Ok to place the waypoint, or Edit to edit
the waypoint details.
A waypoint is placed at the cursor’s location.
DownVision context menu
The DownVision application includes a context menu
which provides data and shortcuts to menu items.
The context menu provides the data for the position
of the cursor:
The context menu also provides the following menu
Place Waypoint
Adjust DVision (opens the Adjust DownVision
Accessing the context menu
You can access the context menu by following the
steps below.
1. Use the Joystick to highlight an object or area.
2. Press the OK button.
The context menu is displayed.
DownVision application
11.3 Range
The Range and Range Shift functions enable you
to change the range of depth displayed on-screen.
Changes to the Range and Range shift will apply to
both the Sonar and DownVision applications.
The Range function enables you to dene the range
of depth that you see on-screen.
By default, the range is set to automatic, this adjusts
the range to ensure the bottom is always displayed
on-screen. This is useful for locating bigger sh and
other objects located closer to the bottom such as
There may be circumstances in which you want
to see a more detailed image showing less depth
beneath your vessel. This is useful for nding
smaller sh that feed nearer the surface
Range Shift
The Range Shift function enables you to dene
which area of the overall depth you want to be able
to see on-screen. For example, if your range is 250
feet and the display is showing the surface (0 feet)
at the very top of the display, and 250 feet at the
bottom of the display, you can use the Range Shift
function to focus on a different 250 feet range. For
example, 20 feet at the very top of the screen, and
270 feet at the very bottom of the screen.
Changing the depth range
You can choose from either:
Automatic adjustment whereby the display
automatically shows the shallowest required
Manual adjustment of the depth range, up to
the maximum depth allowed by the Fishnder
From the Fishnder application menu:
1. Select Range.
2. Select Range to switch between Auto and Man.
3. With manual mode selected you can now adjust
the depth range shown on-screen.
Note: With the Range menu displayed you cannot
use the Rotary Control to range in and out. To
use the Rotary control to range in and out, rst
close the Range menu.
Using range shift
The default setting adjusts the display to keep the
bottom in the lower half of the screen. Alternatively
you can shift the image within the current range.
From the application menu, with Range set to
1. Select Range.
2. Select Range Shift.
The range shift dialog is displayed.
3. Adjust the setting to the required value.
You will see the range changing on the screen as
you adjust the setting.
4. Select Back or press the Ok button to conrm
the setting and close the range shift dialog.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
11.4 Display options
The application can be customized using the display
options menu.
The display options menu allows you to change the
current display mode and to select other features
which can be adjusted or turned on and off as
Zoom mode
Zoom mode magnies a region of the screen to
display more detail.
This zoom option enables you to:
Replace the standard image with a zoomed image
alongside the standard image.
Set the zoom factor to a predened level, or adjust
it manually.
Reposition the zoomed portion of the image to a
different point in the display.
When the range increases, the area shown in the
zoom window also increases.
In Zoom mode the screen is split and displays the
zoomed image alongside the standard image. The
zoomed section is indicated on the standard screen
by a zoom box.
Selecting Zoom mode
From the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Display Mode: so that Zoom is selected.
The Zoom options are displayed in the Display
Options menu.
Adjusting the zoom factor
When zoom mode is active you can either select a
predened zoom factor or adjust it manually.
In Zoom mode, from the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Zoom Factor.
3. Select a preset Zoom Factor (x2, x3, x4) or
select Manual
Once selection is made you will be returned to
the Display Options menu.
4. If Manual is chosen select Manual Zoom
The manual zoom factor dialog is displayed.
5. Adjust the setting to the required value.
6. Select Back or use the Ok button to conrm the
Adjusting the position of the zoomed area
In Zoom mode the system automatically selects
the zoom position so that the bottom is always in
the lower half of the display. If required you can
reposition the portion of the image that is zoomed so
that an alternative area is displayed.
In Zoom mode, from the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Zoom Position so that Man is highlighted.
The Manual Zoom Pos: menu item is now
displayed in the Display Options menu.
3. Select Manual Zoom Pos:.
Selecting the zoom position displays the zoom
position control dialog.
4. Adjust the setting to the required value.
5. Press the Back button or the OK button to
conrm the settings and return to the Display
Options menu.
Enabling / Disabling Depth Lines
You can display horizontal depth lines on-screen.
From the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Depth Lines.
Selecting Depth Lines will switch the horizontal
depth lines On and Off.
The image scrolls from right to left. You can pause
the scrolling or adjust the scroll speed, to ease
placing of waypoints and target identication.
Scroll speed
You can adjust the speed at which the image scrolls.
A faster speed provides more detail which may be
useful when you are looking for sh. If you select a
slower speed the information remains on the display
for longer.
Scroll pause
You can pause the display to see a ‘snapshot’ of the
image. When the image is paused scrolling stops
but the depth indication continues to be updated.
Adjusting the scroll speed
From the application menu:
1. Select Display Options.
2. Select Scroll Speed.
The Scroll speed numeric adjust control is
3. Use the Rotary control to adjust the scroll speed
between 0% to 100%.
4. Press the Ok or Back button to conrm and close
the numeric adjust control.
Pausing the scrolling image
With the display scrolling from right to left:
DownVision application
1. Move the Joystick directional controls in any
The Scrolling will pause.
2. Press the Back button to resume scrolling.
11.5 Sensitivity adjustments
Settings can be adjusted using the application menu
to enhance the image that is displayed on-screen.
Sensitivity options are:
Noise Filter
Color Palette
The Sensitivity setting alters the way background
noise (also called clutter) is processed. Adjusting the
setting can improve the image, however for optimum
performance in most conditions, it is recommended
that you use the auto setting.
The Sensitivity setting adjusts the return threshold
(echo strength) at which an object will be displayed
The Sensitivity setting can be set to automatic or
adjusted manually:
Automatic In Auto mode, the setting is
automatically adjusted to suit current conditions.
Any adjustments made apply to all views using
that application.
Manual If necessary you can set the sensitivity
setting manually, between a value of 0% to 100%.
The higher the setting the more detail will appear
on-screen. This value should be set high enough
to see sh and bottom detail but without too much
background noise. Generally a higher setting is
used in deep and/or clear water; a low setting in
shallow and/or murky water.
The new values remain set even when you switch off
the display and are applied to all views.
Adjusting sensitivity
From the application menu:
1. Select Adjust Sonar or Adjust DownVision.
2. Select Sensitivity.
3. Use the Rotary control to adjust the sensitivity
to the required value, or
4. Press the OK button to switch to Auto mode.
A tick is displayed in the Auto box to signify auto
is enabled.
You can adjust the Contrast to change the signal
strength threshold for the strongest color / shading.
Contrast sets the lower limit for the strongest echo
color / shade. All echoes with a signal strength
above this value are displayed in the strongest color
/ shade. Those with a weaker value are divided
equally between the remaining colors / shades.
Setting a low value produces a wide band for the
weakest color / shade, but a small signal band for
the other colors / shades.
Setting a high value gives a wide band for the
strongest color / shade, but a small signal band for
the other colors / shades.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
The Contrast setting can be set to automatic or
adjusted manually:
Automatic In Auto mode the contrast setting is
automatically adjusted to suit current conditions.
Any adjustments made apply to all views.
Manual You can set the contrast manually,
between a value of 0% to 100%.
The new values remain set even when you switch off
the display, they are applied to both the active view
and any other views containing the same application.
Adjusting the Contrast
From the application menu:
1. Select Adjust Sonar or Adjust DownVision.
2. Select Contrast.
3. Use the Rotary control to adjust the Contrast
to the required value, or
4. Press the OK button to switch to Auto mode.
A tick is displayed in the Auto box to signify auto
is enabled.
Noise Filter
The Noise Filter is available on DownVision
modules. The Noise Filter reduces the amount of
clutter displayed on-screen by varying the gain
throughout the column of water.
The Noise Filter can be set to automatic or adjusted
Automatic In Auto mode the Noise Filter is set
to 20%.
Manual You can adjust the Noise Filter
manually, between a value of 0% to 100%.
A low value decreases the depth at which the
lter is applied.
A high value increases the depth at which the
lter is applied.
The new values remain set even when you switch
off the display.
Adjusting the Noise Filter
From the application menu:
1. Select Adjust Sonar or Adjust DownVision.
2. Select Noise Filter.
3. Use the Rotary control to adjust the Noise Filter
to the required value, or
4. Press the OK button to switch to Auto mode.
A tick is displayed in the Auto box to signify auto
is enabled.
Color Palette
Various color palettes are available to suit different
conditions and your personal preference.
Inv. Copper
Slate Grey
Inv. Slate Grey
The new values remain set even when you switch off
the display, they are applied to both the active view
and any other views containing the same application.
Selecting a Color Palette
From the application menu:
1. Select Adjust Sonar or Adjust DownVision.
2. Select Color Palette.
3. Use the Rotary control to highlight the Color
Palette you want to use.
4. Press the OK button to conrm the selection.
DownVision application
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 12: Tools & Settings
Chapter contents
12.1 Alarms on page 90
12.2 System Settings menu on page 92
12.3 Backup and reset on page 97
Tools & Settings
12.1 Alarms
Alarms alert you to a situation or hazard requiring your attention.
You can congure the behavior of certain alarms by
selecting the relevant menu option from the Alarms
Accessing the alarms menu
The Alarms menu can be accessed at any time by
following the steps below.
From any application:
1. Press Back to open the View switcher
If the application is currently in Cursor mode
then press the Back button twice.
2. Select Tools and Settings.
The Tools & Settings page is displayed.
3. Select Alarms.
The Alarms menu is displayed.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Alarms menu
The table below show the alarms available and related settings.
Deep Water
If this option is set to On, an alarm is triggered when
the depth exceeds the value that you specify. This
option is only available when the sonar is enabled.
Note: The Deep limit cannot be set to a value
less than the Shallow Limit.
Off (default)
Deep Limit:
2 ft (or equivalent units) to the maximum of the
transducer range
Shallow Water If this option is set to On, an alarm is triggered
when the depth drops below the value that you
specify. This option is only available when the
sonar is enabled.
Note: The Shallow limit cannot be set to a
value greater than the Deep Limit.
Off (default)
Shallow Limit:
2 ft (or equivalent units) to the maximum of the
transducer range
If the Fish alarm and sh depth limits alarm are set
to On, a warning sound is triggered if any target
meets the sensitivity level and is within the Shallow
Fish Limit and Deep Fish Limit that you specify.
The following items are available in the sub-menu:
Fish Switches sh alarm On and Off.
Fish Sensitivity If the Fish alarm is set to
On, an alarm is triggered when the sh return
strength reaches the sensitivity that you specify.
Fish Depth Limits Switches depth limits On
and Off.
Shallow Fish Limit Species the lower value
for the Fish Alarm Depth Limit.
Deep Fish Limit Species the upper value
for the Fish Alarm Depth Limit.
Off (default)
Fish Sensitivity
1 to 10
Fish Depth Limits
Off (default)
Shallow Fish Limit
2 ft (or equivalent units) to the maximum of the
transducer range
Deep Fish Limit
2 ft (or equivalent units) to the maximum of the
transducer range
Water Temperature
When set to On, an alarm and pop-up message is
triggered when the water temperature is equal to
or lower than the Lower Temp Limit, or equal to or
greater than the Upper Temp Limit.
Water Temperature
Off (default)
Lower Temp Limit
60 degrees fahrenheit (or equivalent units)
–09.9 to +99.7 degrees fahrenheit (or equivalent
Upper Temp Limit
75 degrees fahrenheit (or equivalent units)
–09.7 to 99.9 degrees fahrenheit (or equivalent
Waypoint Arrival When you arrive at a waypoint, an alarm is
triggered. This setting allows you to specify the
distance from the target waypoint at which the
alarm is triggered.
0.01 to 9.99 nm (or equivalent units)
Tools & Settings
12.2 System Settings menu
The following options are available from the System
Settings menu.
Key Beep An audible sound
can be made each
time a button is
On (default)
Allows selection
of the system
See Languages
section below.
Units Set-up
Allows selection
of units of
measurement that
will be used in all
Distance Units
Speed Units
Depth Units
GPS Set-up Provides GPS
setting options.
View Satellite
Restart GPS
Sonar Set-up
Provides sonar
setting options.
Depth Offset
Sonar Reset
Time and Date
Allows selection
of date and time
Date Format:
Time Format:
Local Time:
Simulator Switches simulator
mode On or Off.
Off (default)
On (Demo
Maintenance Provides
information. Also
enables you to
reset the display to
factory settings.
See Maintenance
section below.
Bearing Mode Determines how
bearing data is
Magnetic (de-
System Languages
The system can operate in the following languages:
English (US) English (UK)
Chinese Croatian
Danish Dutch
Finnish French
Icelandic Italian
Japanese Korean Norwegian
Polish Portuguese
Slovenian Spanish Swedish
Selecting a language
From the Tools & Settings menu:
1. Select System Settings.
2. Select Language:
3. Select the relevant language from the list.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Units set-up
You can specify your preference for the units of measurement that will be used in all applications.
Menu item Description Options
Distance Units
The units of measure that will be used in all
applications for the display of all values related
to distance.
Nautical Miles
NM & m (Nautical miles and meters)
Statute Miles
Speed Units The units of measure that will be used in all
applications for the display of all values related
to speed.
MPH (Miles Per Hour)
KPH (Kilometers Per Hour)
Depth Units
The units of measure that will be used in all
applications for the display of all values related
to depth.
Temperature Units
The units of measure that will be used in all
applications for the display of all values related
to temperature.
GPS Set-up menu
The options available from the GPS set-up menu are
shown below.
Menu item Description Options
View Satellite
Displays the GPS
status page.
Refer to the
COG/SOG Filter
section for details.
Medium (default)
Restart GPS Selecting Restart
GPS will reboot the
internal GPS.
GPS Status
The GPS status page enables you to view the status
of the available satellites that are compatible with
your receiver.
The satellite constellations are used to position your
boat in the Chart application. You can set up your
receiver and check its status from the GPS Set-up
menu. For each satellite, the screen provides the
following information:
1. Sky view
2. Satellite status
3. Position and x information
Sky view
Sky view is a visual representation that shows
the position of navigation satellites and their type.
Satellite types are:
Circle A circle identies a satellite from the
GPS constellation.
Square A square identies an (SBAS)
differential satellite.
* Diamond A diamond identies a satellite from
the GLONASS constellation.
Note: Not applicable to Dragony
Satellite status area
The Satellite status area displays the following
information about each satellite:
Type Identies which constellation the satellite
belongs to.
ID Displays the satellites identication number.
CNO (Carrier-to-noise ratio) Displays the signal
strength of each satellite shown in the Sky view:
Grey = searching for satellite
Green = satellite in use
Orange = tracking satellite
Azimuth and Elevation Provides the angle of
elevation and azimuth between the location of the
receiver and the satellite.
Position and x information
The following positional and x information is
Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP)
HDOP is a measure of satellite navigation
accuracy, calculated from a number of factors
including satellite geometry, system errors in
the data transmission and system errors in the
receiver. A higher gure signies a greater
positional error. A typical receiver has an accuracy
of between 5 and 15 m. As an example, assuming
a receiver error of 5 m, an HDOP of 2 would
Tools & Settings
represent an error of approximately 15 m. Please
remember that even a very low HDOP gure is
NO guarantee that your receiver is providing an
accurate position. If in doubt, check the displayed
vessel position in the Chart application against
your actual proximity to a known charted object.
Estimated Horizontal Position Error (EHPE)
EHPE is a measure of the estimated error of
a position x in the horizontal plane. The value
displayed indicates that your position is within a
circle radius of the stated size 50% of the time.
Fix status indicates the actual mode the
receiver is reporting:
Fix Satellite x has been acquired.
No Fix No satellite x can be acquired.
D Fix A differential beacon x has been
SD Fix A differential satellite x has been
Position Displays the latitude and longitude
position of your receiver.
Date / Time Displays the current date and time
generated by the position x in UTC format .
Mode Identies wether the receiver is working
in differential mode or non-differential mode.
Datum The receiver's datum setting affects
the accuracy of the vessel position information
displayed in the Chart application. In order for your
receiver and MFD to correlate accurately with your
paper charts, they must be using the same datum.
COG/SOG Filter
The COG/SOG lter averages the velocity vectors to
compensate for the oscillating motion of the vessel,
giving a clearer indication of the vessel’s course and
The lter does not affect the calculation of your
receiver’s reported position. The velocity vectors
calculated from the signal provide an instantaneous
measure of speed and direction of the receiver. The
COG and SOG can therefor seem erratic under
certain conditions. For example, when a vessel is
moving slowly through rough seas, the receiver
moves from side to side as well as in the direction
of travel.
Slow moving vessels, or vessels sailing in rough
seas will benet from a high setting, whereas a
power boat that can quickly change speed and
direction will benet from a low setting.
Sonar Set-up menu
The Sonar Set-up menu provides the following
Offset represents
the depth of the
transducer relative to:
Waterline = 0.0 ft
and above.
Keel = 0.1 ft and
–9.8 to +9.8 feet
or equivalent units
Sonar Reset
Restore all settings
on the sonar module
to factory default.
When performing a
Sonar Reset, it is
normal to briey lose
connection with the
sonar module.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Time and Date set-up
You can specify your preference for the way that time and date will appear in all applications.
Menu item Description Options
Date Format
Allows you to specify the preferred format for the
display of date information in all applications.
MM:DD:YY (Month, Day, Year)
DD:MM:YY (Day, Month, Year)
Time Format
Allows you to specify the preferred format for the
display of time information in all applications.
Local Time: UTC Allows you to specify the local time zone that will
be used, in terms of an offset from UTC (Universal
Coordinated Time), in 0.5 hour increments.
–13 to +13 hours (in 0.5 hour
Simulator mode
The Simulator mode enables you to practice
operating your display without data from the GPS
receiver or transducer.
The simulator mode is switched on / off in the
System Settings menu.
Note: Raymarine recommends that you do NOT
use the simulator mode whilst navigating.
Note: The simulator will NOT display any real
data. This includes safety messages.
Enabling and disabling simulator mode
You can enable and disable simulator mode by
following the steps below.
1. Select Tools & Settings from the View switcher.
2. Select System Settings.
3. Select Simulator:.
4. Select On to turn simulator mode on, or
5. Select Off to turn simulator mode off.
Note: The Demo movie option is for retail
demonstration purposes only.
Tools & Settings
Maintenance menu
This menu provides access to systems settings reset and diagnostics.
Menu item Description Options
About This Unit
Displays a list of details about your unit.
Serial No.
Settings Reset This option resets your menu options to factory
default. It will NOT affect your waypoints or tracks.
Settings and Data Reset
In addition to the settings reset detailed above,
performing a settings and data reset will also
remove ALL waypoint and track data.
Back-up Settings
Back-up settings to a memory card.
Restore Settings Restore saved settings from a memory card.
Save Logs Allows you to save error logs to SD card for
troubleshooting purposes.
Erase Logs
Selecting this option will erase any crash logs on
the device.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
12.3 Backup and reset
The backup and reset menu provides the following functions:
Save Data to Card Save waypoints and tracks to memory card.
Retrieve from Card Retrieve / import waypoints and tracks from
a memory card.
Erase from Card Erase les from a memory card.
Erase from System Erase waypoints and tracks from the system.
User Settings
Backup, Reset and restore user settings,
Reset settings and data.
For details on performing these procedures
please refer to 7.2 Saving user data and user
Restart GPS Restart the internal GPS receiver.
Sonar Reset
Reset the internal sonar module.
For details on performing a sonar reset
please refer to 7.3 Resetting your system
Tools & Settings
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 13: Maintenance
Chapter contents
13.1 Service and maintenance on page 100
13.2 Cleaning on page 100
13.3 Transducer cleaning on page 101
Maintenance 99
13.1 Service and maintenance
This product contains no user serviceable
components. Please refer all maintenance
and repair to authorized Raymarine dealers.
Unauthorized repair may affect your warranty.
Routine equipment checks
Raymarine strongly recommends that you complete
a number of routine checks to ensure the correct and
reliable operation of your equipment.
Complete the following checks on a regular basis:
Examine all cables for signs of damage or wear
and tear.
Check that all cables are securely connected.
13.2 Cleaning
Best cleaning practices.
When cleaning this product:
Do NOT wipe the display screen with a dry cloth,
as this could scratch the screen coating.
Do NOT use abrasive, or acid or ammonia based
Do NOT use a jet wash.
Cleaning the display case
The display unit is a sealed unit and does not require
regular cleaning. If it is necessary to clean the unit,
follow this basic procedure:
1. Switch off the power to the display.
2. Wipe the display with a clean, soft cloth (a
microbre cloth is ideal).
3. If necessary, use a mild detergent to remove
grease marks.
Note: Do NOT use solvents or detergents on the
screen itself.
Note: In certain conditions, condensation may
appear inside the display screen. This will not
harm the unit, and can be cleared by powering on
the display for a short time.
Cleaning the display screen
A coating is applied to the display screen. This
makes it water repellent, and prevents glare. To
avoid damaging this coating, follow this procedure:
1. Switch off the power to the display.
2. Rinse the screen with fresh water to remove all
dirt particles and salt deposits.
3. Allow the screen to dry naturally.
4. If any smears remain, very gently wipe the screen
with a clean microbre cleaning cloth (available
from an opticians).
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
13.3 Transducer cleaning
Growth can collect on the bottom of the transducer,
this can reduce performance. To prevent the build
up of sea growth, coat the transducer with a thin
layer of water based antifouling paint, available from
your local marine dealer. Reapply paint every 6
months or at the beginning of each boating season.
Certain smart transducers have restrictions on where
antifouling paint is applied. Please consult your
Note: Transducers with a temperature sensor may
not work properly if painted.
Note: Never use ketone based paint. Ketones
can attack many plastics possibly damaging the
Note: Never use spray paint on your transducer.
Spraying incorporates tiny air bubbles, and a
marine transducer cannot transmit properly
through air.
Use a soft cloth and mild household detergent to
clean the transducer. If the fouling is severe, remove
the growth with a green scotch brite
pad. Be
careful to avoid scratching the transducers face.
If your transducer has a paddlewheel you can wet
sand with ne grade wet/dry paper.
Note: Harsh cleaning solvents such as acetone
may damage the transducer.
Maintenance 101
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 14: Troubleshooting
Chapter contents
14.1 Troubleshooting on page 104
14.2 Power up troubleshooting on page 105
14.3 GPS troubleshooting on page 106
14.4 Sonar / DownVision troubleshooting on page 107
14.5 Miscellaneous troubleshooting on page 108
14.1 Troubleshooting
The troubleshooting information provides possible
causes and corrective action required for common
problems associated with marine electronics
All Raymarine products are, prior to packing and
shipping, subjected to comprehensive test and
quality assurance programs. However, if you
experience problems with the operation of your
product this section will help you to diagnose
and correct problems in order to restore normal
If after referring to this section you are still having
problems with your unit, please contact Raymarine
Technical Support for further advice.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
14.2 Power up troubleshooting
Problems at power up and their possible causes and solutions are described here.
Problem Possible causes Possible solutions
Check relevant fuses and breakers.
Check that the power supply cable is sound and that all
connections are tight and free from corrosion.
The system (or part of it) does
not start up.
Power supply problem.
Check that the power source is of the correct voltage and
sufcient current.
14.3 GPS troubleshooting
Problems with the GPS and their possible causes and solutions are described here.
Problem Possible causes Possible solutions
Geographic location or prevailing
conditions preventing satellite
Check periodically to see if a x is obtained in better
conditions or another geographic location.
No GPS position.
Location of unit For optimum performance the unit should be mounted
above decks and not be in close proximity to any structural
bulkheads or other electrical equipment or cables which
may cause interference.
Note: A GPS Status screen is available within the unit. This provides satellite signal strength and other relevant information.
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
14.4 Sonar / DownVision troubleshooting
Problems with the Sonar or DownVision and their possible causes and solutions are described here.
Problem Possible causes Possible solutions
Unit power supply fault. Check the unit power supply and cables.Sonar / DownVision data not
Sonar disabled. Select Enable Sonar from the Shortcuts page.
Sensitivity settings may be
inappropriate for present
Check the Sensitivity settings.
Unit power supply fault Check the voltage from the power supply, if this is too low
it can affect the transmitting power of the unit.
Unit cable fault. Ensure that the power / transducer cable is properly
connected and free from damage.
Check that the transducer has been installed in accordance
with the transducer location requirements (refer to the
Location and Mounting section of the manual).
Transducer location
The presence of thin lines at a constant depth may be a
reection of structures on the bottom of the vessel check
that the transducer has been installed in accordance with
the transducer location requirements (refer to the Location
and Mounting section of the manual).
Check that the transducer is mounted correctly and is
Transducer fault
Check that the transducer hasn't kicked up due to hitting
an object.
High vessel speed
Turbulence around the transducer may be confusing the
Problematic depth readings or
on-screen image.
Scroll speed set to zero
Adjust scroll speed
14.5 Miscellaneous troubleshooting
Miscellaneous problems and their possible causes and solutions are described here.
Problem Possible causes Possible solutions
Check relevant fuses and breakers.
Check that the power supply cable is sound and that all
connections are tight and free from corrosion.
Intermittent problem with power
to the display.
Check that the power source is of the correct voltage and
sufcient current.
Ensure you have the latest
Check the Raymarine website regularly for software
updates for your product www.raymarine.com.
Display behaves erratically:
Frequent unexpected resets.
System crashes or other
erratic behavior.
Corrupt data / other unknown
Perform a Settings and Data Reset.
Important: This will result in the loss of any settings
and data (such as waypoints) stored on the product.
Save any important data to a memory card before
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 15: Technical support
Chapter contents
15.1 Raymarine customer support on page 110
15.2 Learning resources on page 110
Technical support
15.1 Raymarine customer support
Raymarine provides a comprehensive customer
support service. You can contact customer support
through the Raymarine website, telephone and
e-mail. If you are unable to resolve a problem, please
use any of these facilities to obtain additional help.
Web support
Please visit the customer support area of our website
This contains Frequently Asked Questions, servicing
information, e-mail access to the Raymarine
Technical Support Department and details of
worldwide Raymarine agents.
Telephone and e-mail support
In the USA:
Tel: +1 603 324 7900
Toll Free: +1 800 539 5539
E-mail: support@raymarine.com
In the UK, Europe, and the Middle East:
Tel: +44 (0)13 2924 6777
E-mail: ukproduct.support@raymarine.com
In Southeast Asia and Australia:
Tel: +61 (0)29479 4800
E-mail: aus.support@raymarine.com
Product information
If you need to request service, please have the
following information to hand:
Product name.
Product identity.
Serial number.
Software application version.
System diagrams.
You can obtain this product information using the
menus within your product.
15.2 Learning resources
Raymarine has produced a range of learning
resources to help you get the most out of your
Video tutorials
Raymarine ofcial channel on
Video Gallery:
Product Support videos:
Viewing the videos requires a device with an
Internet connection.
Some videos are only available in English.
Training courses
Raymarine regularly runs a range of in-depth training
courses to help you make the most of your products.
Visit the Training section of the Raymarine website
for more information:
FAQs and Knowledge Base
Raymarine has produced an extensive set of FAQs
and a Knowledge Base to help you nd more
information and troubleshoot any issues.
Technical support forum
You can use the Technical support forum to ask
a technical question about a Raymarine product
or to nd out how other customers are using
their Raymarine equipment. The resource is
regularly updated with contributions from Raymarine
customers and staff:
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 16: Technical specication
Chapter contents
16.1 Technical specication on page 112
Technical specication
16.1 Technical specication
Display physical specication
5.7” display 7” display
Dimensions Width: 148 mm
(5.8 in)
Height (NOT
bracket): 148.3
mm (5.8 in)
bracket): 203
mm (8 in)
Display depth
(NOT including
cables): 73 mm
(2.9 in)
Display depth
cables): 163
mm (6.4 in)
Width: 191 mm
(7.5 in)
Height (NOT
bracket): 156
mm (6.1 in)
bracket): 208
mm (8.2 in)
Display depth
(NOT including
cables): 78 mm
(3 in)
Display depth
cables): 168
mm (6.6 in)
Weight (unit
including cradle)
0.64 kg (1.4 lbs) 0.76 kg (1.68 lbs)
Viewing angle
12 625 -1
6 Dragony
70º 75º
70º 75º
C 70º 75º
45º 70º
Note: The viewing angles stated above were
taken using internationally agreed standards and
should be used for comparison purposes only.
Do NOT install the product before testing the
viewability in the desired location.
Physical specication CPT-60 Transducer
Length: 202.6 mm (8 in)
Height: 117.4 mm (4.6 in)
Cable length 6 m (19.7 ft)
Weight (unit including
0.60 kg (1.3 lbs)
Display power specication
6 Dragony
Nominal supply
12 V dc 12 V dc
voltage range
10.8 V dc to 15.6
V dc
10.8 V dc to 15.6
V dc
8 W Max at full
4.5 W Max in
9.4 W Max at
full brightness.
4.8 W Max in
Fuse and thermal
breaker ratings
3 A In-line
fuse (not
5 A Thermal
3 A In-line
fuse (not
5 A Thermal
Display environmental specication
Environmental specications below apply to all
display variants
0 ºC to +55 ºC (32 ºF to 131 ºF)
-30 ºC to +70 ºC (-22 ºF to 158 ºF)
Relative humidity
Maximum 75%
Waterproof rating
IPX6 and IPX7
Transducer environmental specication
0 ºC to + 40 ºC (32 ºF to 104 ºF)
–20 ºC to + 70 ºC (23 ºF to 158 ºF)
Waterproof rating
IPX6 and IPX7
Display LCD specication
5.7” display 7” display
5.7 in 7 in
Type TFT backlit LED TFT backlit LED
24–bit 24–bit
640 x 480 VGA 800 x 480 WVGA
Aspect 4:3 16:9
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
5.7” display 7” display
Left / Right: 70
Top / Bottom: 70 / 45
Left / Right: 75
Top / Bottom: 75 / 70
mum al-
Sonar / DownVision specication
Channels 2 x CHIRP (1 x sonar and 1 x DownVision)
Sonar conical beam.
DownVision Wide (port / starboard)
and thin (fore / aft) fan beam.
Typical depth performance of 189 m (600
ft). Applies to both Sonar and DownVision
GPS specication
Cold start
Approximately 35 seconds in optimum
Receiver IC
–159 dBm Tracking
Satellite Based
Aiding System
Special features
Active Jamming Reduction
Signal Acquisition
Almanac Update Automatic
Geodetic Datum WGS-84, alternatives available
through Raymarine displays.
Refresh Rate
5 Hz
Ceramic chip
Without SBAS: <= 15 metres 95%
of the time
With SBAS: <= 5 metres 95% of
the time
Technical specication
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
Chapter 17: Spares and accessories
Chapter contents
17.1 Accessories on page 116
Spares and accessories
17.1 Accessories
part numbers
part numbers
Carrying case
Trolling Motor Mount A80207 A80207
4 m (13.1 ft) extension
A80224 A80224
Surface mount adaptor
A80223 A80287
Sun cover
R70134 A80285
Mounting bracket /
R70135 R70302
Dragony® 6/ Dragony® 7
www.rayma rine .c o m

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Andere handleiding(en) van Raymarine Dragonfly

Raymarine Dragonfly Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 96 pagina's

Raymarine Dragonfly Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 96 pagina's

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