7 Selecng Locaon When Using Masonry Walls (Brick or Cement-based Building Blocks): All of the same
notes and suggesons apply to locang Habitat1 in a room built using masonry. However, you are no longer
limited by stud locaons resulng in far more choices in placement. Use the same voicing technique
described above, and note that front wall placement sll generally results in the best overall performance.
8 Selecng Locaon When Using Plaster Walls: Plaster walls represent special challenges since the
plaster itself is exceponally brile. Unless you have extensive experience working with plaster walls,
it is recommended that installaon of Habitat1 be performed by an experience professional. Use the
same voicing technique described above, and note that front wall placement sll generally results in the
best overall performance.
Part II will discuss how to determine the proper sengs for Habitat1. You will revisit this secon aer
9 Crossover and Level Sengs: To determine the crossover point, take the volume of the REL (using the
HI/LOW Level control) all the way down, and put the crossover to 25 Hz. At this point bring the REL’s
volume back up slowly to the point where you have achieved a subtle balance, i.e. the point at which
you can hear the REL even with the main speakers playing. Now, bring the crossover point up unl it
is obviously too high; at this point bring it down to the appropriate lower seng. For all intents and
purposes, this is the correct crossover point. Once this stage has been reached, subtle changes to
volume and crossover can be made to provide the last bit of complete and seamless integraon.
Hint: There may be a tendency to set the crossover point too high and the volume of the Sub-Bass system
too low when rst learning how to integrate a REL with the system, the fear being one of overwhelming the
main speakers with bass. But in doing so, the resulng set-up will be lacking in bass depth and dynamics.
The proper crossover point and volume seng will increase overall dynamics, allow for extended bass
frequencies, and improve soundstage properes. Note that volume must be adjusted in conjuncon with
crossover changes. In general, when selecng a lower crossover point, more volume may need to be applied.
10 Final Checks: Now that your Habitat1 has the proper sengs conrm that you are sased with the
wall locaon you previously chose by holding it in place. If you are sased, you are now ready to install
the Habitat1. Be sure to revisit step 9 aer you have properly installed the Habitat1 to make subtle
changes to the crossover and gain sengs.