QardioArm measures your blood pressure. Blood pressure is the
pressure of the blood flowing in the arteries generated by the
pumping of the heart. Two values, the systolic (upper) value and
the diastolic (lower) value, are always measured.
QardioArm also measures your pulse rate. Pulse rate is the
number of times the heart beats in a minute.
High blood pressure, especially when permanent or recurrent,
can negatively affect your health and must be treated by
your doctor.
Always discuss your measurement readings with your doctor and
tell him/her if you have noticed anything unusual or if you feel
unwell. Never rely on a single blood pressure reading.
There are several potential causes of high blood pressure. Your
doctor will explain them in more detail and offer treatment where
appropriate. Besides medication, weight loss and exercise can
also help to lower your blood pressure.
You should never alter the dosage of any medications prescribed
by your doctor.
Blood pressure is subject to wide fluctuations throughout the
day, depending on various potential factors, including physical
exertion and physical condition. You should routinely take your
measurements in quiet conditions when you feel relaxed. Ideally,
you should take two readings every time (both in the morning
and in the evening) or as prescribed by your doctor.
Deviations between measurements taken by your doctor or in
the pharmacy and those taken at home are quite normal, as these
situations are completely different.
It is recommended to have at least 30 seconds in between
If you are pregnant, consult your healthcare provider before use.
Monitor your blood pressure regularly throughout pregnancy as it
can change drastically during this time.