Starting a Workout 61
Interval Key
Interval workouts help exercisers improve strength,
endurance, aerobic and anaerobic fitness. They alternate
short bursts of high intensity activity with recovery periods.
Pressing the Interval key repeatedly scrolls through the
available interval workouts.
1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 Interval
The 1-1 Interval workout is designed to raise and lower your
heart rate in a repeating fashion for a user-defined period of
time by alternating rest and work intervals of two minutes
each. Likewise, the 1-2 Interval and 1-3 Interval workouts
alternate two minutes of rest with four or six minutes of work.
Training tip: You can tailor your rest and work period
intensity further by adjusting either of the intensity settings at
any time. The equipment remembers these preferences for
each upcoming interval. (On EFX models, different work and
rest intensity levels are not defined, so you must define them
during the first work and rest stages.) For an additional
degree of control, use the Custom Interval workout to adjust
the duration of the intervals as well.
Custom Interval
The Custom Interval workout is similar to the Interval
workout. However, before you begin, you must specify the
length of the rest and work intervals. Use either the arrow
keys or the keypad to select a duration between 1 and 30
minutes, then press OK to enter your selection. After you
have entered both durations, your workout begins.
Training tip: Depending on your fitness level and workout
goals, you can set your recovery period as low as one minute
between work intervals. For the work intervals themselves,
you can set any duration between 1 and 30 minutes.
Customizing the proportions of your work and rest intervals
based on your unique training objectives will speed your
progress toward your performance goals.