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▪ To prevent injuries to yourself and bystanders, refer to tool use, maintenance and
troubleshooting sections for additional information (fig 1)
▪ To prevent eye injuries, always wear safety glasses with hard plastic side shields. Be
sure everyone in your work area is wearing the same type of safety glasses (fig 2)
▪ Always wear hearing protection and hard hat. (fig 3)
▪ Never use hydrogen oxygen, carbon dioxide or any other bottled gas as a power
source for this tool, the tool will explode and cause serious injury. (fig4)
▪ Remove finger from trigger when not driving fasteners. Never carry tool with finger on
trigger, tool will eject fastener If safety is bumped. (fig5)
▪ Never conned tool to an air hose with pressure exceeds 200 psi or 13.7 BAR (fig6)
▪ Air compressors must comply with requirement ANSI B19.3 1981 (U.S.), "Safety
Standard For Compressors For Process Industries." (fig 7)
▪ Air hose minimum working pressure rating of 150 psi (10.3 BAR) or 150% of the
maximum pressure produced in the system is absolutely necessary. (fig 8)
▪ The tool and air supply hose must have a hose coupling such that all pressure is
removed from the tool when the coupling Joint is disconnected. (fig 9)
▪ Use only compressed air coming through 3 pieces set. (fig 10)
▪ Never load fastener before tool connected to air supply (fig 11)
▪ Never use tool if safety element, trigger or springs have become inoperative, missing or
damaged, It is hazardous to remove safety element, trigger or spring. (fig 12)
▪ Before using this tool, make sure trigger, screw and cap are securely tightened. (fig 13)
▪ Do not modify tool without authorization. (fig 14)
▪ Disconnect tool from air whenever the tool stops working (fig15)
▪ Keep the tool pointed away from yourself and others. (fig 16)
▪ Fire fasteners into work surface only, never into materials too hard to penetrate. (fig 17)
▪ Do not drive fasteners on top of other fasteners. Tool fired in an inclined angle is also
forbidden. (fig 18)
▪ Do not push safety element on work surface until a second fastener is desired (fig 19)
▪ Do not drive fasteners close to the edge of the work surface. The work piece is likely to
split and the fastener could fly free and hit someone. (fig 20)
▪ Do not load fasteners with trigger or safety element depressed. (fig 21)
▪ Do not use tool without Danger label on tool. (fig 22)
▪ Never use a tool that leaks air or needs repair. (fig 23)
▪ Be sure you are in a balanced position when using or handling the tool (fig 24)
▪ Operate tool at recommended pressure of 4-8 bar