Symbol 4 on this card is non standard. It has open line on the top of the symbol. Ace has serif on the top
of the symbol. These particular symbols were added to the software (Ace in version 2.16, four in version
2.24) but similar example may exist in another decks.
In such cases if dealing such card is required please send couple of decks to the Service Centre and
support for the new symbols will be added. Because of the software developing and testing process it
can takes up to a couple of months.
6. There are lines or other card pictures too close to the card symbol or suit.
Example of such cases is shown below:
The first example (Queen of Diamond) is already support in the software (only in specific cases it can
these causes a Recognition Error). Second example (4 of Hearts) is not supported yet and can create
Recognize Errors.
In such cases rotating card by 180 deg usually solve the problem. If the problem persists please send
couple of decks to the Service Centre and support for such cases will be added if possible. Because of the
software developing and testing process it can takes up to a couple of months.
7. Symbols or suits on the card are too small or too big or positions of the symbol are non standards.
Camera used in the Dealer4 has limited view window and resolution so too small or big symbols cannot
be recognized. If symbols are bigger or smaller then normal – some ORS parameters can be adjusted (see