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Connecting your equipment
Placing the speakers
By connecting the left and right front speakers (L/R), the center speaker (C), the left and right
surround speakers (SL/SR), and the subwoofer (SW), a 5.1 ch surround system can be
To achieve the best possible surround sound, install your speakers as shown below.
Hints on the speaker placement
Where you put your speakers in the room has a big effect on the quality of the sound. The
following guidelines should help you to get the best sound from your system.
The subwoofer can be placed on the floor. Ideally, the other speakers should be at about
ear-level when you’re listening to them. Putting the speakers on the floor (except the
subwoofer), or mounting them very high on a wall is not recommended.
For the best stereo effect, place the front speakers 2 m to 3 m apart, at equal distance from
the TV.
If you’re going to place speakers around your CRT TV, use shielded speakers or place the
speakers at a sufficient distance from your CRT TV.
If you’re using a center speaker, place the front speakers at a wider angle. If not, place
them at a narrower angle.
Place the center speaker above or below the TV so that the sound of the center channel is
localized at the TV screen. Also, make sure the center speaker does not cross the line
formed by the leading edge of the front left and right speakers.
It is best to angle the speakers towards the listening position. The angle depends on the
size of the room. Use less of an angle for bigger rooms.
The optimal positioning for surround speakers is just above ear height. Make sure the
speakers don’t face each other. For DVD-Audio, the speakers should be more directly
behind the listener than for home theater playback.
Try not to place the surround speakers farther away from the listening position than the
front and center speakers. Doing so can weaken the surround sound effect.
Make sure that all speakers are securely installed. This not only improves sound quality,
but also reduces the risk of damage or injury resulting from speakers being knocked over
or falling in the event of external shocks such as earthquakes.
5.1 channel surround system:
Connecting your equipment
Placing the speakers
By connecting the left and right front speakers (L/R), the center speaker (C), the left and right
surround speakers (SL/SR), and the subwoofer (SW), a 5.1 ch surround system can be
To achieve the best possible surround sound, install your speakers as shown below.
Hints on the speaker placement
Where you put your speakers in the room has a big effect on the quality of the sound. The
following guidelines should help you to get the best sound from your system.
The subwoofer can be placed on the floor. Ideally, the other speakers should be at about
ear-level when you’re listening to them. Putting the speakers on the floor (except the
subwoofer), or mounting them very high on a wall is not recommended.
For the best stereo effect, place the front speakers 2 m to 3 m apart, at equal distance from
the TV.
If you’re going to place speakers around your CRT TV, use shielded speakers or place the
speakers at a sufficient distance from your CRT TV.
If you’re using a center speaker, place the front speakers at a wider angle. If not, place
them at a narrower angle.
Place the center speaker above or below the TV so that the sound of the center channel is
localized at the TV screen. Also, make sure the center speaker does not cross the line
formed by the leading edge of the front left and right speakers.
It is best to angle the speakers towards the listening position. The angle depends on the
size of the room. Use less of an angle for bigger rooms.
The optimal positioning for surround speakers is just above ear height. Make sure the
speakers don’t face each other. For DVD-Audio, the speakers should be more directly
behind the listener than for home theater playback.
Try not to place the surround speakers farther away from the listening position than the
front and center speakers. Doing so can weaken the surround sound effect.
Make sure that all speakers are securely installed. This not only improves sound quality,
but also reduces the risk of damage or injury resulting from speakers being knocked over
or falling in the event of external shocks such as earthquakes.
5.1 channel surround system:
Connecting your equipment
Placing the speakers
By connecting the left and right front speakers (L/R), the center speaker (C), the left and right
surround speakers (SL/SR), and the subwoofer (SW), a 5.1 ch surround system can be
To achieve the best possible surround sound, install your speakers as shown below.
Hints on the speaker placement
Where you put your speakers in the room has a big effect on the quality of the sound. The
following guidelines should help you to get the best sound from your system.
The subwoofer can be placed on the floor. Ideally, the other speakers should be at about
ear-level when you’re listening to them. Putting the speakers on the floor (except the
subwoofer), or mounting them very high on a wall is not recommended.
For the best stereo effect, place the front speakers 2 m to 3 m apart, at equal distance from
the TV.
If you’re going to place speakers around your CRT TV, use shielded speakers or place the
speakers at a sufficient distance from your CRT TV.
If you’re using a center speaker, place the front speakers at a wider angle. If not, place
them at a narrower angle.
Place the center speaker above or below the TV so that the sound of the center channel is
localized at the TV screen. Also, make sure the center speaker does not cross the line
formed by the leading edge of the front left and right speakers.
It is best to angle the speakers towards the listening position. The angle depends on the
size of the room. Use less of an angle for bigger rooms.
The optimal positioning for surround speakers is just above ear height. Make sure the
speakers don’t face each other. For DVD-Audio, the speakers should be more directly
behind the listener than for home theater playback.
Try not to place the surround speakers farther away from the listening position than the
front and center speakers. Doing so can weaken the surround sound effect.
Make sure that all speakers are securely installed. This not only improves sound quality,
but also reduces the risk of damage or injury resulting from speakers being knocked over
or falling in the event of external shocks such as earthquakes.
5.1 channel surround system:
Basic Setup
Wait for the test tones to finish.
A progress report is displayed on-screen while the
receiver outputs test tones to determine the speakers
present in your setup. Try to be as quiet as possible
while it’s doing this.
For correct speaker settings, do not adjust the volume
during the test tones.
Confirm the speaker configuration.
The configuration shown on-screen should reflect the
actual speakers you have.
With error messages (such as Too much ambient
noise) select RETRY after checking for ambient
noise (see Other problems when using the Full Auto
MCACC setup below).
If the speaker configuration displayed isn’t correct, use
to select the speaker and
to change the setting. When
you’re finished, go to the next step.
If you see an error message (ERR) in the right side column,
there may be a problem with the speaker connection. If
selecting RETRY doesn’t fix the problem, turn off the power
and check the speaker connections.
Make sure “OK” is selected, then press
If the screen in step 10 is left untouched for 10 seconds
is not pressed in step 11, the Full Auto
MCACC setup will start automatically as shown.
A progress report is displayed on-screen while the
receiver outputs more test tones to determine the
optimum receiver settings for channel level, speaker
distance and Acoustic Calibration EQ.
Again, try to be as quiet as possible while this is
happening. It may take 1 to 3 minutes.
The Full Auto MCACC setup has finished, then the Home
Menu screen is automatically displayed.
The settings made in the Full Auto MCACC setup should
give you excellent surround sound from your system, but
it is also possible to adjust these settings manually using
the Home Menu (starting on page 30
Depending on the characteristics of your room, sometimes
identical speakers with cone sizes of around 12 cm (5
inches) will end up with different size settings. You can
correct the setting manually using the Speaker Setting
page 30.
The subwoofer distance setting may be farther than the
actual distance from the listening position. This setting
should be accurate (taking delay and room characteristics
into account) and generally does not need to be changed.
Other problems when using the Full Auto
MCACC setup
If the room environment is not optimal for the Full Auto
MCACC setup (too much background noise, echo off the
walls, obstacles blocking the speakers from the microphone)
the final settings may be incorrect. Check for household
appliances (air conditioner, fridge, fan, etc.), that may be
affecting the environment and switch them off if necessary. If
there are any instructions showing in the front panel display,
please follow them.
Some older TVs may interfere with the operation of the
microphone. If this seems to be happening, switch off the
TV when doing the Full Auto MCACC setup.
1.Full Auto MCACC
Now Analyzing
Environment Check
Ambient Noise
Speaker YES/NO
1.Full Auto MCACC
[ YES ]
[ YES ]
[ YES ]
[ YES ]
1.Full Auto MCACC
Now Analyzing
Surround Analyzing
Speaker System
Speaker Distance
Channel Level
Acoustic Cal EQ
Basic Setup
Wait for the test tones to finish.
A progress report is displayed on-screen while the
receiver outputs test tones to determine the speakers
present in your setup. Try to be as quiet as possible
while it’s doing this.
For correct speaker settings, do not adjust the volume
during the test tones.
Confirm the speaker configuration.
The configuration shown on-screen should reflect the
actual speakers you have.
With error messages (such as Too much ambient
noise) select RETRY after checking for ambient
noise (see Other problems when using the Full Auto
MCACC setup below).
If the speaker configuration displayed isn’t correct, use
to select the speaker and
to change the setting. When
you’re finished, go to the next step.
If you see an error message (ERR) in the right side column,
there may be a problem with the speaker connection. If
selecting RETRY doesn’t fix the problem, turn off the power
and check the speaker connections.
Make sure “OK” is selected, then press
If the screen in step 10 is left untouched for 10 seconds
is not pressed in step 11, the Full Auto
MCACC setup will start automatically as shown.
A progress report is displayed on-screen while the
receiver outputs more test tones to determine the
optimum receiver settings for channel level, speaker
distance and Acoustic Calibration EQ.
Again, try to be as quiet as possible while this is
happening. It may take 1 to 3 minutes.
The Full Auto MCACC setup has finished, then the Home
Menu screen is automatically displayed.
The settings made in the Full Auto MCACC setup should
give you excellent surround sound from your system, but
it is also possible to adjust these settings manually using
the Home Menu (starting on page 30
Depending on the characteristics of your room, sometimes
identical speakers with cone sizes of around 12 cm (5
inches) will end up with different size settings. You can
correct the setting manually using the Speaker Setting
page 30.
The subwoofer distance setting may be farther than the
actual distance from the listening position. This setting
should be accurate (taking delay and room characteristics
into account) and generally does not need to be changed.
Other problems when using the Full Auto
MCACC setup
If the room environment is not optimal for the Full Auto
MCACC setup (too much background noise, echo off the
walls, obstacles blocking the speakers from the microphone)
the final settings may be incorrect. Check for household
appliances (air conditioner, fridge, fan, etc.), that may be
affecting the environment and switch them off if necessary. If
there are any instructions showing in the front panel display,
please follow them.
Some older TVs may interfere with the operation of the
microphone. If this seems to be happening, switch off the
TV when doing the Full Auto MCACC setup.
1.Full Auto MCACC
Now Analyzing
Environment Check
Ambient Noise
Speaker YES/NO
1.Full Auto MCACC
[ YES ]
[ YES ]
[ YES ]
[ YES ]
1.Full Auto MCACC
Now Analyzing
Surround Analyzing
Speaker System
Speaker Distance
Channel Level
Acoustic Cal EQ
9 Odota testiäänien loppumista
Näytössä näkyy tilanneraportti vastaanottimen
lähettäessä testiääntä kaiuttimien määrittelemiseksi.
Tässä vaiheessa ole mahdollisimman hiljaa.
Älä muuta kaiuttimien volyymeja testin aikana.
Ruudussa näkyvän konguraation tulee olla sama
kuin todellinen tilanne.
Virheilmoituksen (kuten Too much ambient noise)
jälkeen valitse RETRY (katso jäljempänä: Muita
ongelmia Full Auto MCACC -asennuksen aikana).
Jos näytössä näkyvä kaiuttimien konguraatio ei ole
oikein, valitse kaiutin näppäimillä ja muuta asetus
näppäimillä . Kun olet valmis, siirry seuraavaan
Jos oikeanpuoleisessa sarakkeessa on virheilmoitus
ERR, kaiuttimen kytkennässä voi olla ongelma. Jos
ongelma ei korjaannu valitsemalla RETRY, sammuta virta
ja tarkista kaiuttimien kytkennät.
Varmista, että valitset ’OK’ ja paina
Jos kohta 10 jää odottamaan 10 sekunniksi eikä
iä paineta, Full Auto MCACC -asennus
käynnistyy automaattisesti.
Näytössä näkyy tilanneraportti vastaanottimen
lähettäessä lisää testiääniä kanavatasojen,
kaiuttimien etäisyyksien ja akustisen kalibroinnin
ekvalisaation optimiasetusten määrittämiseksi.
Tämän aikana ole mahdollisimman hiljaa. Tämä
kestää 1–3 minuttia.
Full Auto MCACC -asennuksen pääteeksi
kotivalikko tulee automaattisesti näyttöön.
Full Auto MCACC -asennuksen tekemien asetusten
pitäisi antaa järjestelmästäsi erinomainen
surroundääni, mutta silti voit muuttaa asetuksia
kotivalikosta (alkaen sivu 30).
Huonetilan ominaisuuksista johtuen, samanlaisille
12 cm kaiuttimille voi mittauksessa tulla erilaiset
kokoasetukset. Voit korjata nämä manuaalisesti
(Kaiuttimien asetukset, sivu 30).
Alataajuuskaiuttimen asetus voi osoittaa kauemmas
kuuntelukohdasta kuin todellinen etäisyys. Tämä asetus
ottaa huomioon viiveen ja huoneen ominaisuudet, eikä
sitä yleensä tarvitse muuttaa.
Muita ongelmia Full Auto MCACC-asennuksen
Jos huoneympäristö ei ole optimaalinen Full Auto MCACC
-asennukselle (liikaa taustahäiriöitä tai esteitä kaiuttimien
ja mikrofonin välillä), mitatut asetukset eivät ehkä ole
oikein. Tarkista, vaikuttavatko kodinkoneet (ilmastointi,
jääkaappi, tuuletin ym) ympäristöön ja tarvittaessa kytke
nämä pois päältä. Jos etulevyn näyttöruudussa on
ohjeita, noudata niitä.
Jotkut vanhat TV:t saattavat häiritä mikrofonin toimintaa.
Sellaisessa tapauksessa, sammuta TV Full Auto
MCACC -asennuksen aikana.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer VSX-531D

Pioneer VSX-531D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 41 pagina's

Pioneer VSX-531D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 41 pagina's

Pioneer VSX-531D Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 41 pagina's

Pioneer VSX-531D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 41 pagina's

Pioneer VSX-531D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 41 pagina's

Pioneer VSX-531D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 41 pagina's

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