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Phonak Virto Q
User Guide
1. Welcome 5
2. Important safety information:
Please read before operating your hearing
aid for the first time 6
Hazard warnings 6
Information on product safety 9
3. Hearing aid description 11
4. Step-by-step instructions for using
the hearing aid 14
Step 1. Getting to know your hearing aid 14
Step 2. Battery preparation 17
Step 3. Inserting the battery 17
Step 4. Turning on the hearing aid 18
Step 5. Inserting the hearing aid 19
Step 6. Adjusting the volume control
in the ear 21
Step 7. Selecting the hearing program
in the ear 23
Step 8. Adjusting nano 24
Step 9. Removing the hearing aid 28
Step 10. Turning off the hearing aid 30
Step 11. Changing the battery 30
5. Care and maintenance 32
6. Troubleshooting 35
7. Wireless Accessories 37
8. Service and warranty 38
9. Compliance information 40
10. Information and explanation of symbols 43
This user guide is valid for:
Wireless models
Phonak Virto Q90-312
Phonak Virto Q90-13
Phonak Virto Q70-312
Phonak Virto Q70-13
Phonak Virto Q50-312
Phonak Virto Q50-13
Non wireless models
Phonak Virto Q90-nano NW O
Phonak Virto Q90-10 NW O
Phonak Virto Q90-312 NW
Phonak Virto Q70-nano NW O
Phonak Virto Q70-10 NW O
Phonak Virto Q70-312 NW
Phonak Virto Q50-nano NW O
Phonak Virto Q50-10 NW O
Phonak Virto Q50-312 NW
Your new hearing aid is a premium Swiss quality
product. It was developed by Phonak, one of the world‘s
leading companies in hearing technology. Your hearing
aid offers the most modern digital hearing technology
currently available on the market.
Please read these user instructions thoroughly in order to
benefit from all the possibilities your new hearing aid has
to offer. With proper use and care, you will be able enjoy
your hearing aid for many years to come.
If you have any questions, please consult your hearing
care professional.
Phonak – life is on www.phonak.com
1. Welcome
Please read the information on the following pages
before using your hearing aid.
A hearing aid will not restore normal hearing and will not
prevent or improve a hearing impairment resulting from
organic conditions. Infrequent use of a hearing aid does
not permit a user to attain full benefit from it. The use of
a hearing aid is only part of hearing habilitation and may
need to be supplemented by auditory training and
instruction in lipreading.
2.1 Hazard warnings
! The intended use of hearing aids is to amplify and
transmit sound to the ears and hereby compensate
for impaired hearing. The hearing aids (specially
programmed for each hearing loss) must only be used
by the intended person. They should not be used by
any other person as they could damage hearing.
! Changes or modifications to the hearing aid that
were not explicitly approved by Phonak are not
permitted. Such changes may damage your ear or the
hearing aid.
2. Important safety information
! Do not use the hearing aids in explosive areas
(mines or industrial areas with danger of explosions).
! Hearing aid batteries are toxic if they are swallowed!
Keep out of reach of children, mentally challenged
people and pets. If batteries are swallowed, consult
your physician immediately!
! If you feel pain in or behind your ear, if it is inflamed,
if skin irritation or accelerated accumulations of ear
wax occur, please check with your hearing care
professional or physician.
! Hearing programs in the directional microphone mode
reduce background noises. Please be aware that
warning signals or noises coming from behind, e. g.
cars, are partially or entirely suppressed.
! The hearing aid contains small parts that can cause
choking, if swallowed by children. Keep out of reach
of children, mentally challenged people and pets.
If swallowed, consult a physician or hospital
2. Important safety information
! External devices may only be connected if they have
been tested in accordance with corresponding
IECXXXXX standards. Only use accessories approved
by Phonak AG, to avoid any electrical shock.
2.2 Information on product safety
I Never immerse your hearing aid in water! Protect
it from excessive moisture. Always remove your
hearing aid before showering, bathing, or swimming,
as the hearing aid contains sensitive electronic parts.
I Protect your hearing aid from heat (never leave it
near a window or in the car). Never use a microwave
or other heating devices to dry your hearing aid. Ask
your hearing care professional about suitable drying
I When you are not using your hearing aid, leave the
battery compartment open so that any moisture
can evaporate. Make sure that you always completely
dry your hearing aid after use. Store the hearing aid
in a safe, dry and clean place.
I Do not drop your hearing aid! Dropping onto a hard
surface can damage your hearing aid.
2. Important safety information
I Always use new batteries for your hearing aid. In case
a battery is leaking, replace it immediately with a
new one to avoid skin irritations. You can return used
batteries to your hearing care professional.
I Remove the battery if you are not using your hearing
aid for a long period of time.
I X-ray radiation (e. g. CT scans, MRI scans) may
adversely affect the correct functioning of your
hearing aids. We recommend that you remove
them before undergoing X-ray procedures and keep
them outside the room.
I Do not use your hearing aid in areas where electronic
equipment is prohibited.
3. Hearing aid description
The following user instructions describe different hearing
aid models. Use the labeled drawings to identify the
hearing aid that you use.
Please note: specific functions described on the
following pages may not be included in your model
because some features are optional or model specific.
The following table shows what battery you need for your
hearing aid model.
Model Zinc air battery size IEC ANSI
(marking on package) code code
Q-nano 10A (yellow) PR70 7005ZD
Q-10 10A (yellow) PR70 7005ZD
Q-312 312 (brown) PR41 7002ZD
Q-13 13 (orange) PR48 7000ZD
3. Hearing aid description
nano and 10 models
a Custom made shell
b Receiver (sound outlet) and wax protection system
c Battery compartment with ON/OFF switch
d Program button (optional)*
e Protected microphone inlet
f Removal handle
g Right or left indicator (right=red, left=blue)
h Vent
* A volume control is also optional; shown on page 13.
f f
312 and 13 models
a Custom made shell
b Receiver (sound outlet) and wax protection system
c Battery compartment with ON/OFF switch
d Protected microphone inlets
e Program button (optional)
f Right or left indicator (right=red, left=blue)
g Volume control (optional)
h Vent
4. Step-by-step instructions for using
the hearing aid
The following chapter provides step-by-step instructions
on how to use your hearing aid. Please follow these steps
carefully. In the drawings, the parts that are particularly
important for each step are shown in green.
Step 1. Getting to know your hearing aid
Take the hearing aid in your hand and try out the hearing
aid controls, if so equipped. This will make it easier for
you to feel for and operate the controls later on when
wearing the hearing aid.
Fig. 1a
Left ear
Right ear
Turn the volume control to change the volume (Fig. 1a).
The direction you have to turn the volume control when
wearing the hearing aid in the ear is shown in step 6 in
this section.
Fig. 1b
Decrease volume
Left hearing aid
Increase volume
Right hearing aid
Fig. 1c
Your hearing care professional can configure the push
button as either a volume control or a program selector.
In order to change a hearing program or the volume,
press the push button (Fig. 1b).
To increase the volume, press the button on your right
hearing aid. To decrease the volume, press the button on
your left hearing aid* (Fig. 1c).
* Only available for a pair of wireless products
4. Using the hearing aid
Fig. 3a Fig. 3b
Fig. 2
Step 2. Battery preparation
Remove the protective foil from the new battery (Fig. 2).
Wait for two minutes before inserting to activate the
Step 3. Inserting the battery
Take the hearing aid in your hand (Fig. 3a) and open
the battery door. Insert the battery so that you see the
+symbol on the battery (Fig. 3b).
Fig. 4
4. Using the hearing aid
Step 4. Turning on the hearing aid
Switch on the hearing aid by closing the battery
compartment (Fig. 4).
I Open and close the battery compartment gently
and carefully.
I If you feel resistance when closing the battery
compartment, check to make sure the battery
is correctly inserted and in the correct direction.
If the battery is inserted the wrong way, the
hearing aid will not work and the battery
compartment can be damaged.
The hearing aid is now switched on. It can take up to
15seconds before it starts. (When you wear the hearing
aid, you will hear an acoustic signal).
Fig. 5a
Step 5. Inserting the hearing aid
This step shows you how to correctly insert the hearing
I Each hearing aid is individually programmed for
your right or left ear. For the first step identify
right and left so you will be able to insert your
hearing aid in the correct ear.
Step 5.1 Identifying the hearing aids for the right and
left ear
The color mark is located on the shell (the text is printed
in red or blue, or the shell is colored red or blue):
right = red
left = blue
Fig. 5b
4. Using the hearing aid
Step 5.2 Inserting the hearing aid (all models)
With your right hand, take your hearing aid for the right
ear (marked in red, see step 5.1) between your thumb and
forefinger (Fig. 5b). For nano or 10 models the removal
handle should be toward the bottom of your ear.
Insert the tip of the hearing aid into the ear canal (see
the part circled in green in Fig. 5b). Carefully pull on your
earlobe and push the hearing aid into the correct
position. Ensure that it is positioned securely. In the
beginning, please use a mirror to check.
Fig. 6a
Left ear Right ear
You have now successfully inserted the right hearing aid.
Now insert your left hearing aid in the same way (marked
in blue, see step 5.1)
Step 6. Adjusting the volume control in the ear
(to adjust nano, see Step 8)
To increase the volume (possible only on models with
an optional volume control), turn the volume control
forward. To decrease it, turn the volume control backward
using your forefinger (Fig. 6a).
Fig. 6b
Left hearing aid Right hearing aid
Decrease volume Increase volume
4. Using the hearing aid
Your hearing care professional can configure the push
button as either a volume control or a program selector.
To increase the volume, press the button on your right
hearing aid. To decrease the volume, press the button on
your left hearing aid* (Fig 6b).
* Only available for a pair of wireless products
Fig. 7
Step 7. Selecting the hearing program in the ear
(to adjust nano, see Step 8)
To change a hearing program (possible only in models
with an optional program button), press the program
button shown (Fig. 7).
If you press it again, you change to the next program.
A signal indicates the change.
A signal tone can only be easily heard if you have turned
on the hearing aid and you are wearing it correctly in the
4. Using the hearing aid
Step 8. Adjusting nano
The following chapter provides instructions on how to use
and adjust your nano. Please read it carefully.
Step 8.1 Using the Phonak MiniControl
! The MiniControl contains a magnet. If you use a
medical device like a pacemaker or ICD device
(implantable cardioverter defibrillator), please read
the specific user guide to clarify possible impact of
magnetic fields to your medical device.
! Do not place the MiniControl (neither open nor
closed) in your breast pocket. Keep a distance of at
least 15 cm (6 inches) between the MiniControl and
your medical device.
The MiniControl contains a magnet that functions like a
remote control to change the settings of your nano.
Fig. 8a MiniControl magnet
Keychain housing
Fig. 8b
Note: Your nano in combination with MiniControl can be
configured as:
S Program switch, or
S Volume control (increase or decrease the volume), or
S Deactivated (no changes with the MiniControl)
To use the MiniControl, unscrew the magnet from the
keychain housing and hold it inside the ear canal without
touching the hearing aid (Fig. 8b).
4. Using the hearing aid
Step 8.2 Change the nano hearing program
(configured by the hearing care professional)
While the hearing aid is on, hold the magnet inside the
ear canal without touching the hearing aid. The change
of the program will be confirmed by beep signals (Fig.8b).
The combination of the individual program and the
amount of beeps (sound pattern) can be configured by
your hearing care professional.
I Information about your individual setting (position
and number of programs) will be provided by your
hearing care professional.
I Changes from one program to another is sequential.
After the sequence of beeps is completed, your
hearing aid will return to the original program.
I Promptly remove the magnet as soon your nano is
in the desired program.
Step 8.3 Adjusting the nano volume
(configured by the hearing care professional)
I Depending on the setting you can either increase or
decrease the volume
While the hearing aid is on, hold the magnet inside the
ear canal without touching the hearing aid. Each volume
step change will be confirmed by a beep. The lowest or
highest possible volume will be confirmed by two beeps.
I Promptly remove the magnet as soon as the volume
is ideal for you.
Step 9. Removing the hearing aid
The following steps describe how to easily remove the
hearing aid either with or without the removal handle.
Step 9.1 Removing the hearing aid with a removal handle
Hold the removal handle between the thumb and index
finger, and carefully pull the hearing aid up and out of
the ear (Fig. 9a).
Fig. 9a
4. Using the hearing aid
Fig. 9b
Fig. 9c
Step 9.2 Removing the hearing aid without a removal
Put your thumb behind your
lobe (directly behind the
hard cartilage, Fig.9b) and
gently press your ear upward
to push the hearing aid out
of the canal. In order to help
it along, make chewing
movements with your jaw.
Grasp the protruding hearing aid and remove it (Fig.9c).
Fig. 10
4. Using the hearing aid
Step 10. Turning off the hearing aid
You can turn off your hearing aid by opening the battery
compartment (Fig. 10).
Step 11. Changing the battery
Your hearing aid will indicate with a double beep, that
the battery soon needs to be changed. You typically have
up to 30 minutes to change the battery, however this can
differ and might be considerably shorter. We recommend
that you always keep a spare battery on hand.
5. Care and maintenance
Diligent and routine care of your hearing aid contributes
to outstanding performance and a long service life.
Please use the following specifications as a guideline:
General information
Before using hair spray or applying cosmetics, you should
remove your hearing aid from your ear, because these
products may damage it.
Daily cleaning and the use of a drying system is highly
recommended. “C&C line” from Phonak is a complete
set of cleaning products. Your hearing care professional
will be glad to advise you. Never use household cleaning
products (washing powder, soap, etc.) to clean your
hearing aids.
If your hearing aid is performing weakly or fails to
operate, clean or replace the wax guard system. If your
hearing aid fails to operate after you have correctly
cleaned or replaced your wax protection system and
inserted new batteries, contact your hearing care
professional for advice.
For more in depth maintenance instructions or for
more than basic cleaning, please see your hearing care
Fig. 11
5. Care and maintenance
Wax protection
SmartGuard (Fig. 11) is a unique wax protection system
developed by Phonak. The unique membrane design
completely protects your hearing aid from wax
and moisture.
C-Stop wax guards are also commonly used as an
alternative protection system. Your hearing care
professional will provide you with detailed information
on the use of the wax protection system on your
hearing aid.
Please ask your hearing care professional for further
6. Troubleshooting
Hearing aids sound softer than usual / no sound
Clean the wax protection system or replace it. Check
whether the battery is correctly inserted and properly
fitted, adjust the fit if necessary. If there is no
improvement, change the battery. If the problem
persists, contact your hearing care professional.
Battery discharges too quickly
Insert a new battery and make note of exactly how long
it lasts. Contact your hearing care professional with this
information, they will be able to help and advise you.
Crackling or buzzing noises
Check for residue due to ear wax. Then try a new
battery. If the problem persists, contact your hearing
care professional.
6. Troubleshooting
Check whether the hearing aid is correctly and firmly
fitted. If this is the case, but the problem persists, please
consult with your hearing care professional.
Pain or inflammation in your ear
Remove the hearing aid and consult with your hearing
care professional. If the problem is serious, please contact
your physician.
Remote controls
Wireless audio
streaming device
Cell phone
MP3 Player/
Audio source*
7. Wireless Accessories
Phonak has developed a broad range of wireless
accessories for a convenient control of your hearing aid.
It includes remote controls, wireless audio streaming
devices for connection to TV (via TVLink), cell phones etc.
refer to schematic below:
* Non wireless audio sources can be connected by
wiring directly to the wireless audio streaming device
8. Service and warranty
8.1 Local warranty
Please ask the hearing care professional, where you
purchased your hearing aid, about the terms of the local
8.2 International warranty
Phonak offers a one year limited international warranty,
valid starting from the date of purchase. This limited
warranty covers manufacturing and material defects
in the hearing aid itself, but not accessories such as
batteries, tubes, earmolds, external receivers. The
warranty only comes into force if a proof of purchase is
The international warranty does not affect any legal
rights that you might have under applicable national
legislation governing sale of consumer goods.
8.3 Warranty limitation
This warranty does not cover damage from improper
handling or care, exposure to chemicals or undue stress.
Damage caused by third parties or non-authorized service
centers renders the warranty null and void. This warranty
does not include any services performed by a hearing care
professional in their office.
Serial number (left side):
Serial number (right side):
Date of purchase:
Authorized hearing care
9. Compliance information
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby Phonak AG declares that this Phonak product
meets the requirements of the Medical Devices Directive
93/42/EEC as well as the Radio and Telecommunications
Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC. The full text of
the Declaration of Conformity can be obtained from the
manufacturer or the local Phonak representative whose
address can be taken from the list on www.phonak.com
(Phonak worldwide locations).
Supplier Code Number E N15398
New Zealand:
Supplier Code Number Z1285
The wireless models listed in chapter 1 are certified
Canada IC: 2262A-WHSITE1
Notice 1:
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and
with RSS-210 of Industry Canada. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions:
1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired
Notice 2:
Changes or modifications made to this device not
expressly approved by Phonak may void the FCC
authorization to operate this device.
Notice 3:
This device has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC Rules and ICES-003 of Industry Canada.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This device generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this device does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
S Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
S Increase the separation between the device and
S Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected.
S Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
9. Compliance information
10. Information and explanation of
With the CE symbol, Phonak AG
confirms that this Phonak product
– including accessories – meets the
requirements of the Medical Devices
Directive 93/42/EEC as well as the
R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC on radio
and telecommunications equipment.
The numbers after the CE symbol
correspond to the code of certified
institutions that were consulted under
the above-mentioned directives.
This symbol indicates that the
products described in these
user instructions adhere to the
requirements for an applied part of
Type B of EN 60601-1. The surface
of the hearing aid is specified as an
applied part of Type B.
10. Information and explanation of symbols
This symbol indicates that it is
important for the user to read and
take into account the relevant
information in these user guides.
This symbol indicates that it is
important for the user to pay
attention to the relevant warning
notices in these user guides.
Important information for handling
and product safety.
The product is designed such that
it functions without problems or
restrictions if used as intended, unless
otherwise noted in these user guides.
EMC and Radio communications
compliance label Australia.
Temperature: -20° to +60° Celsius
(-4° to +140° Fahrenheit)
Humidity transportation: Up to 90%
(non condensing)
Humidity storage: 0% to 70%, if not
in use
See instruction in chapter 2.2
regarding drying the hearing aid
after use.
Atmospheric pressure: 200 hPa to
1500 hPa
The symbol with the crossed-out
garbage bin is to make you aware
that this hearing aid may not be
thrown away as normal household
waste. Please dispose of old or unused
hearing aids, at waste disposal sites
intended for electronic waste, or
give your hearing aid to your hearing
care professional for disposal. Proper
disposal protects the environment and
and storage
Phonak AG
Laubisrütistrasse 28
CH-8712 Stäfa
EU Representative:
Phonak GmbH
D-70736 Fellbach-Oeffingen
029-0236-02/V1.00/2012-09/misyst Printed in Switzerland © Phonak AG All rights reserved

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Phonak Virto Q Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 24 pagina's

Phonak Virto Q Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 52 pagina's

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