W el co me
Dang er , batt le , glo r y , and w ealt h! Welcome t o the m agical
r e al m of Ta l i s m a n .
Th e Fir elands expansion fo r T alisman : T he M agical Quest
Game feat ures new characters t o quest with, Adventure c ards
to ex pl ore, and Spells t o comma nd. This r ulesheet explai ns
how to use the new componen ts provided by T he F ireland s
to en hance your Tal i s m a n ex per ience.
Co mp onents
Below is a list of al l the componen t s y ou wi ll find in your
c opy of T he F ireland s ex pan sion:
• Thi s Rulesheet
• 8 1 A dvent ure C ards
• 1 9 Spell C ards
• 1 9 Te r rain C ards
• 3 A lt er nat ive Endi ng C a rds
• 4 Char acter C ards
• 4 Plast ic Charac ter Fig ures (note that due to p ack aging/
sh ippin g the figu res ar e placed und e rneath t he box inl ay )
• 34 Fireland To k ens
Co mp onent O ver vi e w
Below is a brief desc ription of eve r y game component.
A d v en t u re
Ca r d s
Thi s deck of 8 1 c ards contain s the
many creat ures, eve nts, and items
that charact ers can di scover on
thei r quest .
S pe l l C a r d s
Thi s deck of 1 9 cards provides a
var iet y of n e w S p ells th a t may be
ca st d ur ing the game.
T erra in C ards
Players use thi s deck of 1 9 cards
to cha ng e one space i n t o another
t y pe of space.
A l ter n a tive
E nding C ar ds
The 3 A lternati v e Ending C ards
included in th is expan si on
replace the base game’ s v ictor y
condit ions, offer ing pl ayers new
ways to w in the game.
Chara ct er
Ca r d s
The 4 charact er cards each det ail
a dif fer ent charact er and his
speci al abilities.
C ha ra ct er F ig u res
Each charact er card cor responds to a plastic fig ure that
repr esents t hat c haract er on the game board.
F i re land T ok ens
These t okens represent areas of Ifr it
in fl uence that are dangero u s to even
the most stoic adve nturer .
T he F ire la nd s S y mbo l
Ca rds in thi s expansion are marke d with an If rit flame s ym bol
so you can di sting uish them from the cards in t he base game.
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fireland tok ens in the game is not
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
other tok ens or counters to represent additional
fireland tok ens.
When revealed, each character , starting
with the character to your left and proceeding
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
a character . Then, each character must place 1
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
Characters cannot leave the Outer and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
tok en on his space, instead of losing just 1 life.
The last character alive wins the game!
Spreading Flames
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fireland tok ens in the game is not
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
other tok ens or counters to represent additional
When revealed, each character , starting
with the character to your left and proceeding
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
a character . Then, each character must place 1
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
Characters cannot leave the Outer and
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
tok en on his space, instead of losing just 1 life.
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fireland tok ens in the game is not
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
other tok ens or counters to represent additional
When revealed, each character , starting
with the character to your left and proceeding
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
a character . Then, each character must place 1
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
Characters cannot leave the Outer and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
tok en on his space, instead of losing just 1 life.
The last character alive wins the game!
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fireland tok ens in the game is not
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak e n,
use other tok ens or counters to represent
additional fate.
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Whenever a character loses a battle or
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
any other penalties.
If a character would replenish fate, and
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
gains 1 fate instead.
The first character to reach the Crown of
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
A Hero Rises
While this alternative ending is in play , the
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fireland tok ens in the game is not
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
other tok ens or counters to represent additional
When revealed, each character , starting
with the character to your left and proceeding
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
a character . Then, each character must place 1
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
Characters cannot leave the Outer and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
tok en on his space, instead of losing just 1 life.
The last character alive wins the game!
While this alternative ending is in play , the
While this alternative ending is in play , the
While this alternative ending is in play , the
While this alternative ending is in play , the
While this alternative ending is in play , the
While this alternative ending is in play , the
While this alternative ending is in play , the
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fireland tok ens in the game is not
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
amount of fireland tok ens in the game is not
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
amount of fireland tok ens in the game is not
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
amount of fireland tok ens in the game is not
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
use other tok ens or counters to represent
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
use other tok ens or counters to represent
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
other tok ens or counters to represent additional
use other tok ens or counters to represent
other tok ens or counters to represent additional
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
When revealed, each character , starting
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
When revealed, each character , starting
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
When revealed, each character , starting
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
When revealed, each character , starting
with the character to your left and proceeding
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
with the character to your left and proceeding
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
with the character to your left and proceeding
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
with the character to your left and proceeding
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
Whenever a character loses a battle or
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
Whenever a character loses a battle or
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
a character . Then, each character must place 1
Whenever a character loses a battle or
a character . Then, each character must place 1
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
a character . Then, each character must place 1
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
a character . Then, each character must place 1
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
If a character would replenish fate, and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
If a character would replenish fate, and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
other tok ens or counters to represent additional
When revealed, each character , starting
with the character to your left and proceeding
with the character to your left and proceeding
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
a character . Then, each character must place 1
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
tok en on his space, instead of losing just 1 life.
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
limited. If all the fireland tok ens are tak en, use
use other tok ens or counters to represent
use other tok ens or counters to represent
other tok ens or counters to represent additional
use other tok ens or counters to represent
other tok ens or counters to represent additional
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
When revealed, each character , starting
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
When revealed, each character , starting
with the character to your left and proceeding
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
with the character to your left and proceeding
with the character to your left and proceeding
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
with the character to your left and proceeding
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
with the character to your left and proceeding
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
with the character to your left and proceeding
with the character to your left and proceeding
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
with the character to your left and proceeding
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
clockwise, must teleport to any space in the
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
a character . Then, each character must place 1
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
Characters cannot leave the Outer and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
Characters cannot leave the Outer and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
Whenever a character loses a battle or
a character . Then, each character must place 1
Whenever a character loses a battle or
a character . Then, each character must place 1
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
Whenever a character loses a battle or
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
If a character would replenish fate, and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
If a character would replenish fate, and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
If a character would replenish fate, and
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
The first character to reach the Crown of
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
If a character would replenish fate, and
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
When revealed, place a fireland tok en
on your character sheet. This is the Crown
of Flame. Then, each character in the Inner
Region, starting with the character to your left
and proceeding clockwise, must teleport to
any space in the Outer or Middle Region not
containing a character . Characters cannot enter
the Inner Region for the rest of the game.
When the character with the Crown of
Flame enters a space with another character he
may end his movement and give the Crown of
Flame to another character in his space.
At the start of his turn the character with
the Crown of Flame must lose 1 life and burn
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
When a character with the Crown of Flame
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
The last character alive wins the game!
Crown of Flame
The last character alive wins the game!
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
a character . Then, each character must place 1
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
tok en on his space, instead of losing just 1 life.
The last character alive wins the game!
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
use other tok ens or counters to represent
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Outer or Middle Region that does not contain
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
Characters cannot leave the Outer and
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
Whenever a character loses a battle or
Whenever a character loses a battle or
Whenever a character loses a battle or
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
Whenever a character loses a battle or
fireland tok en on each space adjacent to him.
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
If a character would replenish fate, and
If a character would replenish fate, and
If a character would replenish fate, and
If a character would replenish fate, and
If a character would replenish fate, and
If a character would replenish fate, and
If a character would replenish fate, and
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
gains 1 fate instead.
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
The first character to reach the Crown of
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
The first character to reach the Crown of
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
The first character to reach the Crown of
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
Spreading Flames
A Hero Rises
Spreading Flames
When revealed, place a fireland tok en
When revealed, place a fireland tok en
A Hero Rises
When revealed, place a fireland tok en
A Hero Rises
A Hero Rises
When revealed, place a fireland tok en
A Hero Rises
on your character sheet. This is the Crown
on your character sheet. This is the Crown
A Hero Rises
on your character sheet. This is the Crown
A Hero Rises
of Flame. Then, each character in the Inner
of Flame. Then, each character in the Inner
While this alternative ending is in play , the
of Flame. Then, each character in the Inner
While this alternative ending is in play , the
Region, starting with the character to your left
Region, starting with the character to your left
While this alternative ending is in play , the
Region, starting with the character to your left
While this alternative ending is in play , the
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
Region, starting with the character to your left
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
and proceeding clockwise, must teleport to
and proceeding clockwise, must teleport to
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
and proceeding clockwise, must teleport to
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
and proceeding clockwise, must teleport to
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
any space in the Outer or Middle Region not
any space in the Outer or Middle Region not
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
any space in the Outer or Middle Region not
amount of fate in the game is not limited. If all
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
any space in the Outer or Middle Region not
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
use other tok ens or counters to represent
any space in the Outer or Middle Region not
use other tok ens or counters to represent
containing a character . Characters cannot enter
containing a character . Characters cannot enter
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
containing a character . Characters cannot enter
the fate tok ens provide by the game are tak en,
use other tok ens or counters to represent
containing a character . Characters cannot enter
use other tok ens or counters to represent
additional fate.
containing a character . Characters cannot enter
additional fate.
the Inner Region for the rest of the game.
additional fate.
the Inner Region for the rest of the game.
additional fate.
When the character with the Crown of
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
When the character with the Crown of
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
When the character with the Crown of
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
Flame enters a space with another character he
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
Flame enters a space with another character he
Whenever a character defeats an Enemy
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
Flame enters a space with another character he
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Flame enters a space with another character he
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
may end his movement and give the Crown of
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
may end his movement and give the Crown of
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
may end his movement and give the Crown of
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Flame to another character in his space.
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Flame to another character in his space.
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Flame to another character in his space.
Whenever a character loses a battle or
Flame to another character in his space.
Whenever a character loses a battle or
At the start of his turn the character with
Whenever a character loses a battle or
At the start of his turn the character with
Whenever a character loses a battle or
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
At the start of his turn the character with
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
the Crown of Flame must lose 1 life and
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
the Crown of Flame must lose 1 life and
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
any other penalties.
the Crown of Flame must lose 1 life and
any other penalties.
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
any other penalties.
any other penalties.
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
any other penalties.
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
any other penalties.
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
When a character with the Crown of Flame
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
When a character with the Crown of Flame
Middle Regions for the rest of the game.
When a character with the Crown of Flame
If a character would replenish fate, and
When a character with the Crown of Flame
If a character would replenish fate, and
If a character would replenish fate, and
When a character with the Crown of Flame
If a character would replenish fate, and
If a character would replenish fate, and
When a character with the Crown of Flame
If a character would replenish fate, and
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
When a character with the Crown of Flame
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
If a character would replenish fate, and
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
If a character would replenish fate, and
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
At the start of each character ’s turn, he must
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
gains 1 fate instead.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
gains 1 fate instead.
gains 1 fate instead.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
gains 1 fate instead.
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
gains 1 fate instead.
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
gains 1 fate instead.
place 1 fireland tok en on his space.
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
The last character alive wins the game!
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
The first character to reach the Crown of
The last character alive wins the game!
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
The last character alive wins the game!
The first character to reach the Crown of
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
The first character to reach the Crown of
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
The last character alive wins the game!
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
The first character to reach the Crown of
Spaces can contain multiple fireland tok ens.
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
Whenever a character loses a battle or
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
If a character would replenish fate, and
If a character would replenish fate, and
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
The first character to reach the Crown of
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
The first character to reach the Crown of
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
fi r e l a n d t o k e n , h e m u s t l o s e 1 l i f e f o r e a c h fi r e l a n d
When revealed, place a fireland tok en
on your character sheet. This is the Crown
of Flame. Then, each character in the Inner
Region, starting with the character to your left
and proceeding clockwise, must teleport to
any space in the Outer or Middle Region not
containing a character . Characters cannot enter
containing a character . Characters cannot enter
the Inner Region for the rest of the game.
the Inner Region for the rest of the game.
When the character with the Crown of
When the character with the Crown of
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
When the character with the Crown of
or character in battle or psychic combat, he
Flame enters a space with another character he
Flame enters a space with another character he
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Flame enters a space with another character he
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
may end his movement and give the Crown of
may end his movement and give the Crown of
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
may end his movement and give the Crown of
gains 1 fate, in addition to any other rewards.
Flame to another character in his space.
Flame to another character in his space.
Flame to another character in his space.
Flame to another character in his space.
Whenever a character loses a battle or
Flame to another character in his space.
Whenever a character loses a battle or
At the start of his turn the character with
At the start of his turn the character with
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
At the start of his turn the character with
psychic combat, he loses 1 fate, in addition to
any other penalties.
At the start of his turn the character with
any other penalties.
the Crown of Flame must lose 1 life and
the Crown of Flame must lose 1 life and
any other penalties.
the Crown of Flame must lose 1 life and
any other penalties.
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
If a character would replenish fate, and
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
If a character would replenish fate, and
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
1 F ollower , 1 Object, and 1 Spell, if able.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
When a character with the Crown of Flame
When a character with the Crown of Flame
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
When a character with the Crown of Flame
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
gains 1 fate instead.
When a character with the Crown of Flame
gains 1 fate instead.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
is already at or above his maximum fate, he
gains 1 fate instead.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
gains 1 fate instead.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
The first character to reach the Crown of
dies, he must pass it to the character to his left.
The first character to reach the Crown of
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
The first character to reach the Crown of
The last character alive wins the game!
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
The last character alive wins the game!
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
The last character alive wins the game!
The first character to reach the Crown of
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
The first character to reach the Crown of
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
The last character alive wins the game!
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
The first character to reach the Crown of
If a character ends his turn in a space with a
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
The last character alive wins the game!
Command with 13 or more fate wins the game!
Objects F ollowers
Special Abilities
Craft: 3
Str ength: 4
Life: 4 Fate:2
Start: R uins • Alignment: Evil
When you encounter a F ollower you
may immediately conscript it. T ak e that
F ollower as a conscripted F ollower , even
if you normally could not tak e it. Ignore
all the card te xt on your conscripted
F ollowers and instead treat them as if
they said “ Add 1 to your Strength during
When you defeat another character in
battle you may tak e one of his F ollowers
as a conscripted F ollower , in addition to
the normal reward.
When you would lose a life you may
discard one of your conscripted F ollowers
to prevent the lose of that life.
When you encounter a F ollower you
if you normally could not tak e it. Ignore
all the card te xt on your conscripted
F ollowers and instead treat them as if
they said “ Add 1 to your Strength during
When you defeat another character in
battle you may tak e one of his F ollowers
When you would lose a life you may
discard one of your conscripted F ollowers
Objects F ollowers
Special Abilities
Craft: 2
Str ength: 3
Life:4 Fate:4
Start: Oasis • Alignment: Good
Y ou begin the game with a Sword and a
W ater Bottle from the P urchase deck.
One W eapon you are carr ying does not
count towards your carr ying capacity .
Y ou may use two W eapons at the same
time in battle.
When you defeat an Enemy in battle and
tak e it as a trophy , you may immediately
move a number of spaces equal to the
defeated Enemy ’s Strength. Y ou then
encounter the space you land on.
Y ou begin the game with a Sword and a
W ater Bottle from the P urchase deck.
you are carr ying does not
count towards your carr ying capacity .
When you defeat an Enemy in battle and
tak e it as a trophy , you may immediately
move a number of spaces equal to the
defeated Enemy ’s Strength. Y ou then
Objects F ollowers
Special Abilities
Craft: 4
Str ength: 2
Life:4 Fate: 4
Start: City • Alignment: Neutral
Y ou begin the game with 2 Spells.
At the start of your turn, you may discard
1 of your Spells to gain 1 fate.
When your turn ends, you may spend 1
fate to draw 1 Spell, if your Craft allows.
Whenever another character casts a Spell
on you, your space, or one of your cards,
you may either gain 1 fate or spend 2 fate
to bind that Spell. If you bind the Spell it
has no effect and you may immediately
cast it on a new target, ignoring Region
and timing restrictions. If you do not use
the Spell, it is discarded.
Jin Blooded
T h e 4 c h a r a c t e r c a r d s e a c h d e t a i l
Y ou begin the game with 2 Spells.
At the start of your turn, you may discard
1 of your Spells to gain 1 fate.
When your turn ends, you may spend 1
fate to draw 1 Spell, if your Craft allows.
Whenever another character casts a Spell
on you, your space, or one of your cards,
you may either gain 1 fate or spend 2 fate
that Spell. If you bind the Spell it
has no effect and you may immediately
cast it on a new target, ignoring Region
and timing restrictions. If you do not use
Y ou begin the game with 2 Spells.
At the start of your turn, you may discard
1 of your Spells to gain 1 fate.
When your turn ends, you may spend 1
fate to draw 1 Spell, if your Craft allows.
Whenever another character casts a Spell
on you, your space, or one of your cards,
you may either gain 1 fate or spend 2 fate
that Spell. If you bind the Spell it
bind that Spell. If you bind the Spell it
has no effect and you may immediately
cast it on a new target, ignoring Region
and timing restrictions. If you do not use
the Spell, it is discarded.