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(note that due to packaging/shipping the
figures are placed underneath the box insert)
When you encounter an
Event, put 1 fate token on
this card. You may complete
this quest at the end of
your turn if you have 2 or
more fate tokens on it.
You are young and
inexperienced in the ways
of the world. Return to me
once you have seen true
wonders and marvels.”
Witness the
When you encounter an
Event, put 1 fate token on
this card. You may complete
your turn if you have 2 or
more fate tokens on it.
You are young and
inexperienced in the ways
of the world. Return to me
once you have seen true
wonders and marvels.”
Witness the
When you visit a Stranger
or encounter a Denizen,
put 1 fate token on this
card. You may complete
this quest at the end of
your turn if you have 2 or
more fate tokens on it.
“If you are to be a true hero,
you must win the hearts of
those you claim to protect.
Go out and meet with
them, talk with them, and
show that you are worthy
to be their champion.”
Champion of
the People
When you visit a Stranger
or encounter a Denizen,
put 1 fate token on this
card. You may complete
this quest at the end of
your turn if you have 2 or
more fate tokens on it.
“If you are to be a true hero,
you must win the hearts of
those you claim to protect.
Go out and meet with
them, talk with them, and
show that you are worthy
to be their champion.”
Champion of
the People
When you attack another
character, place 1 fate token
on this card. You may
complete this quest at the
end of your turn if you have
2 or more fate tokens on it.
Only by challenging your
greatest rivals can you
prove yourself worthy of the
treasures I hold in trust.”
Face Thy Rivals
When you attack another
character, place 1 fate token
on this card. You may
complete this quest at the
end of your turn if you have
2 or more fate tokens on it.
Only by challenging your
greatest rivals can you
prove yourself worthy of the
treasures I hold in trust.”
Face Thy Rivals
When you attack another
character, place 1 fate token
on this card. You may
Face Thy Rivals
When you lose 1 or more life,
you may roll 1 die. If you roll
a 6, prevent all loss of life. If
you roll a 1, discard this card.
Healer’s Kit
When you lose 1 or more life,
you may roll 1 die. If you roll
a 6, prevent all loss of life. If
you roll a 1, discard this card.
Healer’s Kit
Healer’s Kit
Magic Object
Add 1 to your Craft during
psychic combat.
Psychic Crystal
Magic Object
Add 1 to your Craft during
psychic combat.
Psychic Crystal
You may discard the Scroll
at any time to gain 1 Spell,
if your Craft allows.
You may discard the Scroll
at any time to gain 1 Spell,
if your Craft allows.
While exploring the ruins of
the past, you are suddenly
overcome by a mysterious
and powerful force. Gain
2 Strength or 2 Craft.
Hidden Power
While exploring the ruins of
the past, you are suddenly
overcome by a mysterious
and powerful force. Gain
2 Strength or 2 Craft.
Hidden Power
While exploring the ruins of
the past, you are suddenly
overcome by a mysterious
and powerful force. Gain
2 Strength or 2 Craft.
Hidden Power
While exploring the ruins of
While exploring the ruins of
the past, you are suddenly
the past, you are suddenly
overcome by a mysterious
overcome by a mysterious
and powerful force. Gain
and powerful force. Gain
2 Strength or 2 Craft.
2 Strength or 2 Craft.
Reveal the top 10 cards of
the Adventure deck. Take all
revealed Objects and discard
the rest. If you reveal no
Objects, gain 3 gold
Ancient Vault
Reveal the top 10 cards of
Reveal the top 10 cards of
the Adventure deck. Take all
the Adventure deck. Take all
revealed Objects and discard
the rest. If you reveal no
Objects, gain 3 gold
Ancient Vault
Ancient Vault
Reveal the top 10 cards of
Reveal the top 10 cards of
the Adventure deck. Take all
the Adventure deck. Take all
revealed Objects and discard
revealed Objects and discard
revealed Objects and discard
the rest. If you reveal no
the rest. If you reveal no
the rest. If you reveal no
Objects, gain 3 gold
Objects, gain 3 gold
Objects, gain 3 gold
Ancient Vault
Reveal the top 10 cards of
the Adventure deck. Take all
Reveal the top 10 cards of
the Adventure deck. Take all
revealed Objects and discard
revealed Objects and discard
the rest. If you reveal no
the rest. If you reveal no
You discover an ancient
library, lled with the lore
of lost ages. Roll 1 die:
1) Lose 1 Craft.
2) Lose 1 turn.
3-4) Gain 1 Spell.
5-6) Gain 1 Craft.
Lost Knowledge
You discover an ancient
You discover an ancient
library, lled with the lore
library, lled with the lore
of lost ages. Roll 1 die:
1) Lose 1 Craft.
2) Lose 1 turn.
3-4) Gain 1 Spell.
5-6) Gain 1 Craft.
Lost Knowledge
Lost Knowledge
You discover an ancient
You discover an ancient
library, lled with the lore
library, lled with the lore
library, lled with the lore
of lost ages. Roll 1 die:
of lost ages. Roll 1 die:
of lost ages. Roll 1 die:
1) Lose 1 Craft.
1) Lose 1 Craft.
1) Lose 1 Craft.
2) Lose 1 turn.
2) Lose 1 turn.
2) Lose 1 turn.
3-4) Gain 1 Spell.
3-4) Gain 1 Spell.
3-4) Gain 1 Spell.
5-6) Gain 1 Craft.
5-6) Gain 1 Craft.
5-6) Gain 1 Craft.
Lost Knowledge
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
Add 2 to your Strength
while in the Middle
or Inner Region.
Talisman of Power
Magic Object
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
Add 2 to your Strength
while in the Middle
or Inner Region.
Talisman of Power
Magic Object
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
Add 2 to your Strength
while in the Middle
or Inner Region.
Talisman of Power
Magic Object
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
of the fabled Talismans.
Add 2 to your Strength
while in the Middle
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
Other characters must roll
2 additional dice when
passing through the
Portal of Power.
Talisman of Censure
Magic Object
You may only enter the
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
Other characters must roll
2 additional dice when
passing through the
Portal of Power.
Talisman of Censure
Talisman of Censure
Magic Object
Magic Object
You may only enter the
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
Valley of Fire if you have one
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
of the fabled Talismans.
of the fabled Talismans.
Other characters must roll
Other characters must roll
Other characters must roll
2 additional dice when
2 additional dice when
2 additional dice when
passing through the
passing through the
passing through the
Portal of Power.
Portal of Power.
Portal of Power.
Talisman of Censure
Magic Object
Magic Object
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
Other characters must roll
2 additional dice when
Other characters must roll
2 additional dice when
passing through the
passing through the
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
Spells will not affect you
while you are in the Inner
Region, other than the
Command Spell.
Magic Object
You may only enter the
You may only enter the
You may only enter the
Valley of Fire if you have one
Valley of Fire if you have one
Valley of Fire if you have one
of the fabled Talismans.
of the fabled Talismans.
of the fabled Talismans.
Spells will not affect you
Spells will not affect you
Spells will not affect you
while you are in the Inner
while you are in the Inner
while you are in the Inner
Region, other than the
Region, other than the
Region, other than the
Command Spell.
Command Spell.
Command Spell.
Magic Object
Magic Object
Magic Object
When revealed, place 1 Denizen card on the
City, Tavern, Forest, Village, Graveyard, and Chapel.
Then remove the Denizen deck from the game (no
new Denizen cards may be drawn for the rest of
the game.) Then the character who first reached the
Crown of Command may teleport to any space not
in the Inner Region.
For the rest of the game, each Denizen counts as
an Enemy-Cultist Adventure card with a Strength
of 4 and an encounter number of 2, instead of its
normal text. If a Denizen is killed, it is removed
from the game and cannot be taken as a trophy.
At the start of each characters turn, he must
move a number of Cultists equal to the number of
players 1 space closer to the Plain of Peril. Cultists
move to the Middle Region from the Sentinel space
and to the Inner Region from the Portal of Power
If a Cultist reaches the Plain of Peril, the game is
over and all characters lose the game.
If there are no Cultists remaining on the board,
all characters win the game!
Cult of the Damned
When revealed, place 1 Denizen card on the
City, Tavern, Forest, Village, Graveyard, and Chapel.
Then remove the Denizen deck from the game (no
new Denizen cards may be drawn for the rest of
the game.) Then the character who first reached the
Crown of Command may teleport to any space not
in the Inner Region.
Cult of the Damned
When revealed, place 1 Denizen card on the
City, Tavern, Forest, Village, Graveyard, and Chapel.
Then remove the Denizen deck from the game (no
new Denizen cards may be drawn for the rest of
the game.) Then the character who first reached the
Crown of Command may teleport to any space not
in the Inner Region.
For the rest of the game, each Denizen counts as
an Enemy-Cultist Adventure card with a Strength
of 4 and an encounter number of 2, instead of its
normal text. If a Denizen is killed, it is removed
from the game and cannot be taken as a trophy.
move a number of Cultists equal to the number of
players 1 space closer to the Plain of Peril. Cultists
If there are no Cultists remaining on the board,
all characters win the game!
Cult of the Damned
After a character encounters a space with
instructions to draw one or more Adventure Cards
and has drawn the required number of cards, he
draws one additional card and adds it to his space.
Once per turn, after a character encounters
an Enemy, Object, or Place, he may roll 2 dice. If
he gets equal to or under his Strength, he takes
that card and places it facedown in his play area
instead of keeping it, discarding it, or leaving it in
its space as normal.
Once per turn, after a character encounters an
Event, Stranger, or Follower, he may roll 2 dice.
If he gets equal to or under his Craft, he takes
that card and places it facedown in his play area
instead of keeping it, discarding it, or leaving it in
its space as normal.
The first character to reach the Crown of
Command with 12 or more facedown cards in his
play area wins the game!
Lands of Wonder
After a character encounters a space with
After a character encounters a space with
instructions to draw one or more Adventure Cards
instructions to draw one or more Adventure Cards
and has drawn the required number of cards, he
and has drawn the required number of cards, he
draws one additional card and adds it to his space.
draws one additional card and adds it to his space.
Once per turn, after a character encounters
Once per turn, after a character encounters
an Enemy, Object, or Place, he may roll 2 dice. If
an Enemy, Object, or Place, he may roll 2 dice. If
he gets equal to or under his Strength, he takes
he gets equal to or under his Strength, he takes
that card and places it facedown in his play area
that card and places it facedown in his play area
instead of keeping it, discarding it, or leaving it in
instead of keeping it, discarding it, or leaving it in
its space as normal.
its space as normal.
Once per turn, after a character encounters an
Once per turn, after a character encounters an
Event, Stranger, or Follower, he may roll 2 dice.
Event, Stranger, or Follower, he may roll 2 dice.
Event, Stranger, or Follower, he may roll 2 dice.
If he gets equal to or under his Craft, he takes
If he gets equal to or under his Craft, he takes
If he gets equal to or under his Craft, he takes
that card and places it facedown in his play area
that card and places it facedown in his play area
that card and places it facedown in his play area
instead of keeping it, discarding it, or leaving it in
instead of keeping it, discarding it, or leaving it in
instead of keeping it, discarding it, or leaving it in
its space as normal.
its space as normal.
its space as normal.
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
The first character to reach the Crown of
Command with 12 or more facedown cards in his
Command with 12 or more facedown cards in his
Command with 12 or more facedown cards in his
play area wins the game!
play area wins the game!
play area wins the game!
Lands of Wonder
Lands of Wonder
Lands of Wonder
Objects Followers
Special Abilities
Life:5 Fate:3
Start: Forest Alignment: Evil
Strength: 2
When you begin the game, roll 1 die to
determine your starting bonus:
1) Gain 1 Strength, 1 Craft, 1 life, and 1 fate.
2) Gain 2 Strength and 2 life.
3) Gain 2 Craft and 2 fate.
4) Gain 2 Craft and 2 Spells.
5) Gain 2 Strength and 1 Craft.
6) Gain 2 Craft and 1 Strength.
At the start of your turn, if you have 2 or
more life, you may lose 1 life to mutate. If
you do, roll 2 dice:
2) Lose 1 Strength and 1 Craft.
3) Lose 1 Strength or 1 Craft.
4) Lose 1 life.
5) Lose 1 fate.
6-7) Heal 1 life and replenish 1 fate.
8) Gain 2 fate.
9) Gain 2 life.
10) Gain 1 Strength.
11) Gain 1 Craft.
12) Gain 1 Strength and 1 Craft.
If you would be turned into a slimy little
Toad, you may cancel the effect and lose
1 life instead.
When you begin the game, roll 1 die to
determine your starting bonus:
1) Gain 1 Strength, 1 Craft, 1 life, and 1 fate.
Objects Followers
Special Abilities
Start: Castle Alignment: Evil
Strength: 4
You begin the game with a Spiked
Shield from the Purchase deck.
When you land on a space with
another character, or another character
lands on your space, you may threaten
that character. If you do, he must either
pay you 1 gold or lose 1 life.
When you visit the Castle, you may
heal up to your life value instead of
encountering the space normally.
Black Knight
Special Abilities
Start: Castle
Alignment: Evil
You begin the game with a Spiked
Shield from the Purchase deck.
When you land on a space with
another character, or another character
lands on your space, you may
that character. If you do, he must either
pay you 1 gold or lose 1 life.
When you visit the Castle, you may
heal up to your life value instead of
encountering the space normally.
Black Knight
City Tavern
1) Bet more than you have.
Place 1 of your Objects on
this card.
2) Get dealt a bad hand.
Lose 1 gold.
3) Break even.
4-5) Get a winning hand.
Gain 1 gold.
6) Royal Flush! Gain 3 gold
and take all Objects on this
card. Then discard
this card.
After visiting the Gambler,
you may pay 1 gold
to visit him again.
1) Bet more than you have.
Place 1 of your Objects on
this card.
2) Get dealt a bad hand.
Lose 1 gold.
3) Break even.
4-5) Get a winning hand.
Gain 1 gold.
6) Royal Flush! Gain 3 gold
and take all Objects on this
card. Then discard
After visiting the Gambler,
you may pay 1 gold
to visit him again.
1) Bet more than you have.
Place 1 of your Objects on
Tavern Village
1) He convinces you to help
him at his farm. Move to
a Fields of your choice
and miss 2 turns.
2) The Farmer attacks you
with a Strength of 3.
3) Have a nice chat about
the weather.
4-5) He offers to sell you his
best produce for 1 gold.
If you accept, heal 1 life.
6) You win his only Mule in
a bet. Take a Mule from
the Purchase deck and
discard this card.
1) He convinces you to help
him at his farm. Move to
a Fields of your choice
and miss 2 turns.
2) The Farmer attacks you
with a Strength of 3.
3) Have a nice chat about
the weather.
4-5) He offers to sell you his
best produce for 1 gold.
If you accept, heal 1 life.
6) You win his only Mule in
a bet. Take a Mule from
the Purchase deck and
discard this card.
City Tavern Village
1) Get drunk and collapse in
a corner. Miss 1 turn.
2) Tip her. Lose 1 gold.
3) Have a good time!
4-5) Hearty meal. Gain 1 life.
6) Strange brews. Gain
1 Strength or 1 Craft.
After visiting the Barmaid,
you may spend 1 gold
to visit her again.
1) Get drunk and collapse in
a corner. Miss 1 turn.
2) Tip her. Lose 1 gold.
3) Have a good time!
4-5) Hearty meal. Gain 1 life.
6) Strange brews. Gain
1 Strength or 1 Craft.
After visiting the Barmaid,
you may spend 1 gold
to visit her again.
Divine Blessings
Holy power radiates from the
realms above, granting boons
to the worthy. Gain 1 Strength
or 1 Craft. Then choose another
character to gain 1 Strength
and 1 Craft.
Divine Blessings
Holy power radiates from the
realms above, granting boons
to the worthy. Gain 1 Strength
or 1 Craft. Then choose another
character to gain 1 Strength
and 1 Craft.
Mystic light shines down
from the heavens, restoring
the world where it touches.
Each character heals up to
his life value and replenishes
fate up to his fate value.
Mystic light shines down
from the heavens, restoring
the world where it touches.
Each character heals up to
his life value and replenishes
fate up to his fate value.
It’s Market Day across the
land! Clockwise, starting
with yourself, all characters
may buy available Objects
at these prices:
Market Day
Scroll (1G)
Haversack (1G)
Shovel (2G)
Crystal Sceptre (3G)
Healer’s Kit (1G)
Whetstone (2G)
Map (2G)
It’s Market Day across the
land! Clockwise, starting
with yourself, all characters
with yourself, all characters
may buy available Objects
at these prices:
Market Day
Market Day
Scroll (1G)
Haversack (1G)
Shovel (2G)
Crystal Sceptre (3G)
Healers Kit (1G)
Whetstone (2G)
Map (2G)
Cast on yourself at any time.
Add 5 to your Strength or
Craft until the end of the turn.
Cast on yourself at any time.
Add 5 to your Strength or
Craft until the end of the turn.
Cast after a character
completes his move, on
any character. Teleport
that character 1 space
in any direction.
Cast after a character
completes his move, on
any character. Teleport
that character 1 space
in any direction.
Cast on a space in your
Region where a character has
just ended his move. Place a
Settlement, Outpost, Highway,
Monastery, or Bonefield
Terrain card on that space.
Arcane Construction
Cast on a space in your
Region where a character has
just ended his move. Place a
Settlement, Outpost, Highway,
Monastery, or Bonefield
Terrain card on that space.
Arcane Construction
Draw 2 Cards
If there are any cards already in this space, draw only
enough to take the total to two cards. If you fight any
creatures here, add 2 to your attack roll.
Draw 2 Cards
If there are any cards already in this space, draw only
enough to take the total to two cards. If you fight any
creatures here, add 2 to your attack roll.
Draw 2 Cards
If there are any cards already in this space, draw only
enough to take the total to two cards. If you fight any
Draw 2 Cards
If there are any cards already in this space, draw only
enough to take the total to two cards. If you fight any
creatures here, add 2 to your attack roll.
Based on Alignment
If you are good, gain 1 fate. If you are evil, lose 1 life.
If you are neutral, you may pay 1 gold to gain 1 fate.
Based on Alignment
If you are good, gain 1 fate. If you are evil, lose 1 life.
If you are neutral, you may pay 1 gold to gain 1 fate.
Based on Alignment
If you are evil, gain 1 life. If you are good, lose 1 life.
If you are neutral, you may pay 1 gold to gain 1 life.
Based on Alignment
If you are evil, gain 1 life. If you are good, lose 1 life.
If you are neutral, you may pay 1 gold to gain 1 life.
Based on Alignment
If you are evil, gain 1 life. If you are good, lose 1 life.
If you are neutral, you may pay 1 gold to gain 1 life.

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